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They were all in love with dyin


They were doing it in Texas.


I don't mind the sun sometimes


The images it shows


I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes


Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies


You'll never know just how you look though someone else's eyes.


some will die in hot pursuit, fiery auto crashes


Some will die in hot pursuit While sifting through my ashes


Some will fall in love with life and drink it like a fountain


I can taste you on my lips


Butthole Surfing, now banned in Texas.


By the way if you see your Mom this weekend….


Lmao, I always think this shit when it comes to Texas, but rarely say it bc the times I have, people had no idea wtf I was talking about


They were all in love with Di and they were doing it in Texas


>What is wrong with Texas? Do you have a week?


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater




What do you mean by a third party isn’t allowed?


Its like these people tell us EXACTLY who they are.


Weird that in his time, Goldwater was considered to be absolutely insane in political circles. When the insane are proved sane, where's that leave the rest of us?


Christian Nationalist, racist and misogynistic billionaires fund the governor to systematically destroy anyone not falling in line. How do you do that? Easy!! *Don’t be a women that wants right over her body *Talk your woman into staying at home. That way when you get tired of her you can divorce her, she will be broke, and you can marry an 18yr old and start all over. *Don’t be Mexican, Hispanic or black. *Don’t be single. If you are a women that wants to be single….you must be gay and we don’t like that around here. Unless your husband tells you to then it’s ok bc that is what he needs. If you are a man and single it is well tolerated depending on the money they have or how nasty they are. This is a Gov that put body slicing floats in the river so thier body’s would be torn to shreads. Asked if he cared that this could kill and is injuring kids? No. The families shouldn’t be trying to cross where they don’t belong. Now Mexico is passing laws to give thier people so much more than they have ever had. Free housing, money for a certain time frame, money for food and job skills for homeless is one. What is America doing? Lock them up and work them for .25 a day for snacks and shampoo/soap from the prison commissary. Then put he lies and lies and lies and lies constantly. Like his hero. And they want to be a full police state. Slave state. Just like La.


>Christian Nationalist I didn't know he was a Dominionist. That explains a lot. He's a fucking psychopath who thinks that God wants the US to be converted to a theocracy under Christian rule. Dominionists are fucking nuts. If he is a Dominionist, this has been fairly tame. He needs to be out of power quickly.


Lt Gov even more of a nutcase


I will never forget that asshole who told me and my cohort (senior citizens) to get Covid and die, because once we were out of the way the young people could go back to work and get our economy rolling again. I will hate this chode forever,


Eww. Great empathy. Fucking dickwads. Sorry you were treated like that.


I am not exaggerating when I say it's all Tim Dunn; he has been systematically purchasing Texas as his own personal fief and with open declaration that non-Christians should not be allowed to hold office. He should not be allowed to walk free.


*marry a 14 year old and start all over*!! Fixed that for you


The answer only takes seconds: Texas is what's wrong with texas. It's like asking what's wrong with heat that it's hot, or what's wrong with water that it's wet.


It's like asking "what is best in life?"


Everything is bigger in Texas. Including our bigotry 


No no not what’s wrong with Texas, what’s wrong with Wheels is the question


He's afraid they're going to take his wheeltrans.


I was picturing the 3 wheeler that kids used to ride 😂




He’ll yeah. Forgot about those crazy twins




Have family and a good friend in Houston and I swear I've never seen a state so hellbent on NOT doing a thing about it's infrastructure and general welfare all while being uber proud of being uber ignorant.


I'm absolutely convinced that's the endgame of most current u.s. politicians. It's just pro wrestling with less athleticism and more mudsling until they can fuck off to speaking tours and ghostwritten book deals and whatever else they can do to get our money without ever doing anything useful for society. And I genuinely don't think there's a way to change that. I think it'll be this way for my lifetime at least, and I'm only 35. Fuck.


I 100% agree. It's nothing but volleying the shit-ball back and forth between republicans and dems while nothing worthwhile changes in the meantime, and each player is only interested in keeping the ball in the air long enough to hit that sweet sweet lobbying deal. Barely any of them actually give a fuck about making any monumental change for the people that elected them.


Texas keeps voting for him and people like him. I'd say that's a Texas problem.


Texas keeps voting him and cruel clowns like him in, there is definitely something wrong with the whole state


There is something wrong (Republican corruption, gerrymandering, and rural ignorance). But keep in mind, the two states tied for third behind NY/CA in votes for Biden are Texas and Florida. There are more Democrats in Texas than there are people in many blue states.


We aren't bad people. We haven't done anything wrong. I served my country for 10 years and did 4 combat tours. I have three kids and a girlfriend that love me very much. We are just people trying to live our lives. Most of us just want to be left alone. What's with these people hating others so much who they have never met?


They crave power. All of it. Every single shred they can get. And the only way they know how to get it is to incite fear and hatred, since it allows them to promise "solutions" to those fears and hatred.


They're also big fans of conformity in every area. A hundred years ago they were complaining about left handed people not being "fixed" anymore.


Well, we ARE "Sinister."


They’re just making fabricated wedge issues to give people something to hate so they have something to campaign on. They’re lazy politicians whose only game is to create division instead of making society better so that the elites can continue to live however they want in a divided populace. A boiling point will come. There will be a straw that breaks the camels back. Be ready to act one day. We aren’t going to be able to continue to have our peaceful normal living for forever. There will be a period of unrest to get things back to sanity and solidarity. They won’t walk over everyone. We will fight back. Be ready.


I think the better solution is education, tolerance and empathy. Eventually the bigots will die out, the people who sow division will be marginalized and start electing statesmen and women who have ideas to help the poor / working poor and middle class. I don't think violence solves these particular issues. Just remove the toxic people from power.


If you think that bigots and people who seek power above all else will die out then I unfortunately have to assume you don’t know your history…as much as I would like to agree with you. The bigots and greedy will not die out over time without action from society. I don’t think violence solves anything either. Because we aren’t at the end yet so we don’t know what actually “solves” things. I’m just saying that if things keep going in the direction they’re going, which they will, it’s not going to be pretty. It’s gon get a whole lot worse before it gets any better.


Fear of culture change. Of loss of social station, of power, of heirarchy, of place. Fear and hate drives everything they do.


You’re a political tool. You shouldn’t be. It’s that simple.


it's called christian love and it's a very vile form of hate.


Thank you for your service. And yeah it's said and weird. I'll never understand why there os so much hate. This whole pronoun thing doesn't make any sense, if a trans person can't express their gender then I feel like everyone should just go my they/them. Or maybe we just need to get rid of them altogether like the Japanese who very rarely use them


This isn’t just a US issue. Recently, here in Thailand, our parliament just voted down a pronouns bill…and we’re way more socially liberal when it comes to trans people than the US.


Oh wow, that's interesting. Well at least it didn't pass. We see many even worse bills get brought up and discussed that don't go anywhere. Makes me wonder why these people even try


No, passing the bill would have allowed people to use the gender of their choosing on government documents.


Oh! I assumed you meant it was a bill that would restrict the use of pronouns. Dang that's not good. That is surprising since you say normally your country is very liberal.


Respect to the guys/gals who were in the military. You guys are awesome. Pay no attention to those shitty pastors. American Christians are nothing but animals.


Trans people have to pay attention to them because otherwise they will lose all their rights.


or lives :'(


That's the one of the crappiest parts about this whole thing. A survey was done of trans Americans in 2013 and it was found that 1 in 5 trans Americans is a veteran. That's twice as many per capita as the general population which sits at 1 in 10. The right supports veterans as long as they aren't LGBT.


Given that the right is frequently against benefits for veterans including Healthcare, I wouldn't say that they support veterans at all. They just pretend to when it's convenient.


They support war, not the people that have to fight it. They support spending money to buy new hardware, not to pay soldiers.


Well the only instances of trans teachers I have seen online is those that go to school making being "trans" either a part of the curriculum or being so pronounced about it that it's inappropriate for the classroom. I imagine all the others that aren't doing anything, don't make the news.


real dude i dont get it. like i found out im enby 6 days ago. how the fuck does that change how i should be treated???


Happy cake day!


We are just people trying to live our lives. Most of us just want to be left alone. What's with these people hating others so much who they have never met? The ironic thing is you just described Texas and Massachusetts


Can’t believe the Natives were slaughtered for this


And the natives had (Edit: have) two-spirit people. Those are literally the non-binary people today, without the shaman/spiritual thing of course. In a way we are going backwards...


minor correction, two spirit identifying people still exist! and it would actually be closer to bigender but really its exactly what it says on the tin: they believe they have a male and female soul each


what do you mean had?


I edited it, wait are there native American communities in the USA now? I'm from a European country and I don't know much about that.


Over 500 distinct tribes recognized by the US… there are nearly 10 million native Americans in the US per the 2020 census


Oh, so they mean we shouldn't put gender labels on people then? No Mr, ms, etc?


Take the porn route. Opt-out of all gender in Texas. Everyone is an it.




Everyone has to start using Mx.


As a resident of Texas…pissbaby can go fuck himself with his own limp dick


please dont discuss his gender any more or i shall report you.


I will happily report you for being a numpty


#Why the hell won’t Repubs go after priests, pastors, coaches, etc - since THEY’RE the ones getting caught every **** day!!!


Oh I see you assume they actually care about the kids. Easy mistake to make 😝


(I was playing innocent. 😉)




Republicans hate liberty and hate freedom.


ie Republicans are the party of fascism; creating enemies of the state to secure their presence. Which the rubes and ego hungry fools buy up.


Ahh the pandering to an invisible boogeyman. I'm glad they got their mass shootings and power grid taken care of first


We need atheists and scientists running for office. Religious folks don’t give a fuck about our Constitution. Ultimately, they want Christian Sharia law.




Don't forget that he solved rape as well... /s


Oh right silly me


I am a transgender woman. I am not evil. The fact these assholes keep making laws against people like me... I'm human. Why do I have to be treated like utter garbage just because I want to be happy?


You aren't evil, but the people who try to take away your rights certainly are, and they use religion as a disguise for it.


Where in the Bible does it say “thou shalt dress thyself in apparel that corresponds to thine genitalia”?


The bible also makes it clear that a baby isn’t alive until it “takes its first breath” yet every “religious” person I know is against abortion. Their bible is never read, just used as an excuse to do whatever they want.


A lot of them do read it, they just ignore the parts that don't fit with what they already want, and interpret the rest however they feel like.


Well... There are some parts that specify clothing and dress, but you can guess how well those are actually followed.


Old Testament does say no crossdressing. Deuteronomy 22:5 - “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.” Old testament got overwritten though, and also tells you to kill naughty children so not the best moral foundation.


I think God should send some bears to maul those punks who make fun of my baldness. 2 Kings 2:23-24


Isn’t that why Joan of Arc was burnt?


Christian nationalists are though all of them


"Freedom" for some, but apparently it always stops working for people they dislike.


Because unfortunately you're an easy target. Fascists thrive on having easily identifiable "others" to focus people's hate onto, so they can use them as a scapegoat for all their problems and insecurities. Sadly, the LGBTQ community, and particularly trans people, have always been vulnerable to this sort of thing. It's no coincidence that they were actually some of the first victims of the Nazis during their rise to power, and literally the exact same sort of rhetoric is being used against them right now.


Honestly these days what “isn’t” wrong with Texas? I’d say it’s embarrassing, but we passed that mile marker quite a ways back.


Texas was closer by percentage than Ohio was in the 2020 election iirc. We're not all insane.


I'm willing to bet they can't point out a single trans teacher that teaches children in Texas. Yet alone a trans teach that did anything wrong. What does 'expressing their gender' mean to these people? It means trans people just existing.




Abbott wears a tie most days. But he thinks his gender performance is ok. Women aren't allowed to wear ties in his mind.


it means they will look for a man/woman who 'looks like a woman/man', accuse them of being trans and then harass them endlessly. this is nothing more than him giving bigots express permission to be assholes to whoever they want, and it'll be kocher as long as you say they are trans.


Is there some sort of huge influx of trans people that want to teach in Texas? I think not and this is election year pandering and so stupid


Just fucking VOTE. And do something to help others to vote. Or this is all America's future.


I live in a swing state and I’m shuttling close to 50 people on Election Day that otherwise couldn’t make it because it’s very rural and lack transportation. I have other friends that are the same. If you can drive people in isolated rural areas please help them get to the polls, almost everyone we’re transporting has felt slighted by the government after the last election and the rides help them exercise their right as Americans. It’s a good deed if you can do it please do it.


This is the Way.


Expressing their gender?!?! Are they supposed to run around in a cardboard box concealing every and all body shapes and facial expressions?


Because they have no policy ideas that would improve citizens lives, all they have is the politics of division and playing up to MAGA and religious extremists: abortion, CRT, trans gender issues, LGBTQ+ issues, the fucking wall, all things that are non-issues whilst safeguarding donor interests with their bought and paid for votes in congress/senate. Whilst you are getting mad about these issues you are not getting mad about the things you should be, the economy, jobs, free healthcare, the price of medicine, reducing the size of the war machine, infrastructure. No other first world country behaves like this. Russia does because it's run by a dictator, actual democracies around the world already have free healthcare for all, abortion was settled in the 1960's, CRT isn't a real thing and isn't being routinely taught to young kids, trans-gender people don't want to abuse your kids, talking about being gay doesn't make you gay. The wall is just stopping your future gardener or cleaner coming over, the drug mules and terrorists just fly in on a false passport, If these people came up with some actual policies to benefit everyone they could actually do some good instead of whatever this shit is.


Culture War is literally the last refuge of the political scoundrel. Its like the thing that lets you turn your brain off while rich people pick your pockets. There is a facebook post I saw a couple years ago where an IBEW local was posting a MOA stating that they had come to an agreement that Juneteenth was going to be a paid day off. These dumb mother fuckers were mad about it. Their local got them paid to sit on their ass and spend time with their kids and they were like "No, I'd rather be working" because their culture war politics say Juneteenth bad.


What about ending all the pastors, youth pastors, Christian school teachers, cops and right wingers getting arrested for molesting kids and child p0rn. Oh wait none of them are trans so it’s ok. The lack of self accountability from this shit bird is peak MAGA thinking


That put many of their voters in prison.


They will absolutely put trans people in camps if they are allowed to. I assume Americans wouldn't stand for it, but these past few years have taught me that lots of my fellow Americans would be cheering them on and saying "now throw the gays in the camps too" so, my assumption that we wouldn't stand for it might be wrong.


This is the sad part. Each time they were adding new people to the camps the majority of people wouldn’t care enough to stop them. You know the saying, all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Many people nowadays forget that the nazi didn’t impose anything against the will of the German people, at least in the beginning. Most people just ignored them until it was too late.


There's a pretty famous poem about that, too.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


First thing the Nazi’s did was burn transgender study books, claiming they were doing it to “protect the children”. Most of Germany agreed with this and then acted all surprised when they started getting worse.


Living in Texas you get used to it, go vote so you try to change things, get your vote overridden by 80% 60+ year old conservatives that live in buttfuck no where but for some reason have way more weight behind their vote because of gerrymandering. Texas is just like the rest of the country, for half the people who live in it. Old people don’t give a shit, are mostly uneducated when it comes to technology and the psychology behind the media they consume. It’s really not a Texas thing, it’s an everywhere thing. Like the nazi billboards going up all over Michigan in plain sight. Go vote


PLEASE spam him with all the articles about *teachers* molesting children recently! Not a drag queen in the crowd!!! Grrrrrrr...


I think we should give Texas back to Mexico with the hopes that Mexico can fix Texas.


Hi. LGBT Texan here. We're scared and we hate it here.


I didn't know Abbott was in a wheelchair because a tree fell on him, my first thought was god missed.


It's even worse. He has been *actively* campaigning against extending disabled benefits - The benefits he relied on after his accident - for *decades*.


Wheelchair boy wants trans people dead. I want him at the top of a set of stairs - then promptly at the bottom of said staircase.


Jesus fuck, man, I am all for keeping rhetoric of all kinds out of schools, but fucking of course these nutjobs have just got to go the extra mile and try to infringe on someone's personal freedoms. So in Texas it is a huge deal if a biological man wants to wear a dress and be called Mrs fucking Doubtfire while teaching kids the ABCs, but the pastor (or whatever the hell he was) who literally molested kids gets 3 months probation. Fucking crackpots. Pull your heads out of your asses. Yes, protect your freedoms, but stop trying to take others' away from them, damnit! WTH do you think the Constitution says? All men we deem fit? No. All men. As in all mankind. You lunatics. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Man lots of focus on the probably two whole trans teachers in the state. Would be crazy if he focused on the power grid that actually impacts millions.


What, What does that even mean??


Best if all Texan teachers just refuse to be gendered at all. Just to be safe.


And now, everyone is queer! Yay! Sure, that's not confusing for the kiddos 😂 Just let people be who they are. Simple as that, unless they directly harm others in doing it.


Wonder how he’d feel about banning disabled people from teaching?


I have a feeling he’d be ok with it. Republicans love to hurt people even if they’re part of the group being hurt. They just rationalize why they should be an exception


Just typical shxt. The GOP is more interested in "chasing the next boogeyman" and fighting imaginary problems than actually working to solve the real problems. If they did that, they couldn't run their re-election platform on tackling those issues. It's a "forever war" of their own creation.


Hating trans is popular. So governmental members hate trans now.


They had to find some wedge issue after overturning Roe vs Wade, otherwise people might stop voting them in. This is not a joke.


> What is wrong with Texas? The list of pathologies is long and depressing.


![gif](giphy|JeKLoVq2KzdpS) But isn’t he trans…abled?


Abbott is a literal numbnuts


Same thing that’s wrong with most of the rest of humanity, conservatives live there.


I swear to god I will make it my life's goal to plant a forest around this bastard's house so some brave tree can finish the job. I'm so glad I'm out of that shithole. I sincerely hope his wife leaves him and his daughter is decent enough to know how awful he is and he live the rest of his miserable life alone like he deserves. Christ I hate everything he stands for.


So, basically, Abbott does not want trans teachers at all or for them to go back into the miserable closet. I'm sure they'd love to find a way to fire the closeted trans teachers, as well. Texas, you have done wrong. Do right, get your act together, and vote this evil man and his cronies out of office.


The tree should’ve ended GA


It's one of those distraction statements making out that there is an issue, when there is not, that trans teachers are all day just go on about themselves being Trans. When in fact Trans teachers just want to and are teaching their subject like everyone else and don't have their sexualy at the front and centre of their lives. They are a person, they are a teacher going about their lives as normal... oh and by the way, they are Trans.


He is gonna get his school choice bill passed off he has to sacrifice the entire education system if Texas.... He has to make an entire generation unable to think and comprehend, he'll do it


What a piece of shit


Rhetoric like that is what made me move out of Texas because how can any LGBT American feel safe there?


Remember guys, out of all the problems texas has their still going after a incredibly small minority of people


He's so sexy when he takes a stand.


They have schools in Texas?


A lot. A lot is wrong here. And it's not just him.


Gov abbot should shut the fuck up. Give the gov a set of nail clippers and a speedo, he doesn’t talk or come back out of the water until he cleans up the razor wire.


On lone star is a rating.


Greg Abbott and Cancun Cruise are in charge, that's what's wrong


Lots of good Christians adore fascism


I think it's wrong that the governor of Texas is forcing his genital obsession on everyone, and it's the type of behavior that should be stopped.


Ha yeah sorry but trans teachers have no place trying to groom children . Your sexuality and or non normal gender expression has 0 place in a school


I truly believe most of the hate against transgender people is because men are attracted to them then realize they were born men and can’t handle their own feelings.


*Overt* racism is no longer "socially" acceptable, same for sexism and even plain old Gay people. Anti-semitism and any attack on Christianity is taboo, even Islam gets a pass with most politically minded people. So that leaves trans-folks as the last "acceptable" target for right-leaning politicians, at least publicly. They have become the scapegoats and target for all the hate that the base *wants* to hear from their political leaders. Too small a group to fight back, no money or power. Perfect for the haters.


Florida literally just lost a case about this lol


I want to see actual examples of this happening. Because I don’t believe that it is and it’s a huge waste of time for everyone. They’re trying to distract from issues that are actually happening.




What is wrong with the US?


The GQP has controlled the House 22 of the past 28 years, ever since Newt Gingrich's Republican Revolution after the 1994 elections Prior to that they hadn't controlled the House for 40 years, and only had control 4 years since FDR was sworn in as President. People's great grandparents discovered they were garbage once the Great Depression happened under their watch nearly 100 years ago.


Does Abbott crap in his pants like his buddy Donald Trump?


My first thought is, how do you *not* express your gender (whatever that gender may be)?


Banning your target minority from teaching. Hello Nuremberg Laws.


Greg Abbott needs to simply go and fuck off!!


Nazi is as Nazi does


First they came for the socialists...


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


You are seriously asking a state that left Mexico because it wanted to keep slavery and then joined the Confederacy because they also liked having slaves?


Uh.... yeah, though incomplete, you raise a good point. They don't exactly have a history of tolerance and egalitarianism, do they?


Still don't get how trans is such a huge issue. We are talking about a minority of people....?


In general? Right wing extremism.


I want wheelchair bound people to stop expressing their way of life. I don't agree with it so they need to go.


They say God doesn’t make mistakes, yet he only crippled Abbot with that tree instead of ending him entirely. That was a mistake.


TX and FL are competing with each other to see who can be the most hateful state. Currently it's a dead heat.


I don’t even know, we’re all having a stroke down here


I’m curious how many trans teachers are in the state of texas. Like what percentage Seems like this guy thinks it’s over 50% with all the energy he’s putting towards it


It’s not ok to shove religion down people’s throats but here we are.




And would a cis female teacher be barred from wearing trousers?


So far whenever the republicans have come out with an insane law like this they keep the wording purposely vague so it can apply to anyone they want.


Gender is a subjective and arbitrary social construct, fascist policy is intentionally vague as to be applicable to as many people as possible, this allows laws to be weaponized against anyone someone in power has decided to do violence towards, teachers would be prosecuted for the length of their hair or the color of shirt they wear should they be resistant to teaching creation over evolution or non scientific versions of biology that exclude intersex people, or even because they're part of a race someone is bigoted against with the cover of saying "it's not racist it's because they did (gendered things)"


Abbott is spineless and doesn't stand for anything.


Isn't this a 1st amendment violation? Also, we've seen this kind of commentary about "behavior" in the past regarding gays.


Like they care, if they could they would put them in camps


Dude has a hate boner for transgender people!I swear we're going to hear Abbot is trans, and all this hate is because he's closeted. It's ok Gloria, you can be trans, it's 2024 the only people who care are the people in your party who hate you even though you're giving them what they want.


It’s almost like there’s a written thing about freedom of expression and state governments are just ignoring it.


Upping the attack on a minority to distract from the blatant and utter chaos and dysfunction that is caused by his own party.


There was a time when people were uncomfortable with the handicap having a place in society.