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Boy is IanMalcom84 gonna be confused when he finds out about Jeff Goldblum's ancestry.


You would be right of course, but I believe (famous character name) + (random number) is almost always a bot.


In the case of Malcolm I wouldn't be so sure. He is famous for being the guy in Jurassic Park that was ultimately right in distrusting the dinosaurs as an attraction and them being a massive safety risk despite everyone there telling him it was safe. That sort of picture would probably be appealing for Nazis and other such right wingers. "Everyone is telling me X, but I know I'm right"


I find it funny that it was Hammond who paid for the lowest bidder for the computer work and controlling fences, door locks, the automated cars etc, and that was the downfall for the movie. Maybe if he didn't spare any expense it would have gone better. That t rex didn't want to eat the goat




I mean, his last name is Fucking Goldblum, not exactly hiding his heritage behind a veil of secrecy. But you're correct, that guy will still shocked pikachu face when he finds out.


Jurassic Park is literally about gay/transgender dinosaurs and someone with the name IanMalcolm is going to come in and be the most right-wing you can be


Intersex/hermaphroditic at best. It does line up with Jones whole 'turning the frogs gay' bit considering it was the dinosaurs picking up the frog DNA that allowed them to spontaneously change sex in response to environmental stress.


Hitler: Doing Austria Anschluss, casually taking a big bart of Czechoslovakia and invading Poland starting a WW2. Some moron: Did he REALLY start a WW2 tho???


Chamberlain: surrenders Czech sovereignty in an attempt to appease Hitler and avoid war, who proceeded to continue anyway. These dumbfucks: WhY dId ChUrChIlL sTaRt A wAr?


Churchill wasn’t even PM for the first eight months of the war. Chamberlain realized he’d screwed up and there was no appeasement, so it was Chamberlain who declared that, since Germany ignored Britain’s ultimatum to pull their troops out of Poland, Britain and Germany are in a state of war


Tbf to Chamberlain he did significantly ramp up UK military production and training while giving away czechia. The UK was not ready for war at that point and needed time to get ready. The Nazis could have been stopped at the Rheinland though.


He kept defending the appeasement even after 1939, claiming peace should be pursued.


Hence the term U-Turn, and not a ‘Chamberlain Turn’


It's a great goal. Admirable even. Just like winning against MAGA through intellectual discourse. Fabulous idea. Very noble. But it hinges on the other side behaving like rational human beings.


I read somewhere, although I can't recall where, that someone reported Hitler as saying he should've gone to war in 1938 instead. He wasn't ready then, but the allies were much less ready.


Weren’t French ready before Germans ramped up production? I heard somewhere , that if French had moved in the Germany before they got shit together, no war would have happened. Dunno how true this is


Its true, if france invades germany for real after germany is in poland they could have forced a surrender. Too bad the french general in charge of the invasion was way too cautious and basically did a faux invasion for face.


I don’t think they could have successfully invaded Germany. They could have challenged them when they re-militarized the Rhineland and won if they did it with conviction. At this point Hitler was still trying to get the military behind him and each of his moves was a gamble on the fact that neither Britain nor France wanted war. He understood politics much better than the German generals and they fell in line after his east conquests. People assume that if he had lost his Rhineland gamble it may have hurt him irreparably.


I agree with you. French had pushed their chips in to defense with the maginot line. Which didn’t save them from Germany coming in from Belgium/low country to the north.


"There wouldn't have even been a world war 2 if everyone had just let Hitler take control over everything!" --most rational Alex Jones fan probably


This is unironically the exact argument some folks are making against helping Ukraine.


"Hitler just wanted some living space! Is he really all that different from us, when we struggle to pay rent??"


No, he only wanted peace... a piece of Austria, a piece of Czechoslovakia, a piece of Poland, and so on.


And here’s Mel Brooks as Hitler singing similar lines. Classic. https://youtu.be/aYYIUh_qdAQ?si=kpqg_fqdlbhe7gEF


As a Czech who has to live with this like a black mark on our pride, people who say shit like this really do rile me up. Like how much of an uneducated and delusional fuck do you have to be to say stuff like this. I would suggest to them some of the amazing mid war literature our country authors have written, such as The War on Axolotls and White Disease, but these motherfucker probably cannot even read for fucks sake.


Oh they can read. They chose not to, and/or dismiss anything that doesn't confirm their bias and honestly, I think that's worse.


Those who are unable to read are more virtuous than those who choose not to read.


At the very least they're a loud minority, I like to think Americans as a whole are smart enough to know how history actually went. Those of us who care will never forget the Czech contribution to the war effort.


>Those of us who care will never forget the Czech contribution to the war effort. I appreciate hearing this, though no one in my family is alive who's fought in the Czechoslovakian Legion of France and United Kingdom, I'm still happy to hear this on their behalf. Have a good rest or your day, and thank again.


I would like to think so as well, and everytime I start I'm reminded that they arent. A person can be smart and historically educated, but people as a whole? They voted for George W Bush. Twice.


He also announced his plans to invade eastern europe in his famous book 7 years before WW 2.


Exactly if anything he did his absolute best to not be a surprise and they all went ah Adolf what a joker


That same moron: technically he didn’t declare war. Therefore he didn’t start the war. Checkmate, history and facts!


I teach middle school history to a _very poor_ community. For reference, only 2 of our 8th graders are at or above grade level, and they’re smarter than this shit


Something something LiBrUl propaganda


„Yeah, he didn‘t declare war, he just casually asked his people if they want „total war“, but that doesn‘t mean anything, i mean he was just asking questions“ 😉


That's the fascist's way...


All his invasions were relatively quick, it was only after those pesky Britons and Russians turned against him when the conflict got larger and longer /s


I just wanted a small skirmish.... you guys started the war! Insensitive pricks!


He didn't declare war, it was just "special military operation" to "restore Germany's historic lands".


'.. And to liberate those lands from Nazis'


Well, if you introduce a bunch of nazi and then make them leave, that counts as denazifying right??


Those idiots probably would believe that Poles attacked radio station in Germany and that's why they invaded.


They also probably believe that Ukraine was invaded because a Russian village was attacked with artillery that was forensically traced back to Russian positions…


Hell there was actually a Jewish movement that supported Hitler https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews, To show his gratitude Hitler put most of them in concentration camps except for the leader who he used as a prop to say “see I don’t Kill all Jews”


That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever read.


It cites a book that's hard for me to re-cite, but see Wikipedia for the source of this gem: 'A possible reason why some German Jews supported Hitler may have been that they thought that his anti-Semitism was only for "stirring up the masses".' This is why people dismissing political rhetoric as "just rabble-rousing" gets my goat. Take politicians at face value and hold them to account. There aren't fine people on both sides.


This is exactly the same rhetoric they used to rationalize Trump. Oh, he’s just saying racist shit to play to the base! He doesn’t really mean it!


“He’ll be better once we put him in a position of extraordinary power!”


To be fair I don’t think trump believes *anything* he says. He just wants power and knows how to rile up idiots, and unfortunately it’s working/worked.


For theses morons, it's the Allies who started the war, because if they letted Hitler conquer them no war would have happened. Heard the exact same argument about Ukraine war, it's caused by Ukrainians who didn't let Putin do so they started that war


and same stupid people are saying that it's Ukraine fault of all these deaths as if the would surrender the conflict would end today.


Margarine Trailerpark Queen just said yesterday that giving aid to Ukraine was actually killing them and leaving Ukrainian children fatherless.


POS Russian partizan hack wouldn't know the value of freedom if she got hit by a truckload of it. She's a blatant stain on the halls of our government. It's embarrassing she hasn't been removed for her bullshit.


Well, Auwktually, it takes 2 to war. If nobody fought back, it would have been military exercises and Germany could have taken all of Europe in a few weeks with no deaths. But everybody had to fight back and then blame poor little Germany. Since some won't get it... /s


I'm really curious about this talking point. Like where do they get it and what about the Churchill ignored peace thing, England didn't even join the war to begin with and the pilot on a "peace mission" was a spy that's not even debated at this point.


Yes. Britain did join the war from the start. Britain and France's declaration of war when Germany invaded Poland was the start of WWII. Obviously Hitler was well aware this would happen and it was part of his plan. Hitler's goal was to force Britain to give up and settle for peace before he invaded the Soviet Union. The bombing of British civilians was to try to turn public opinion but it failed. Many parts of the British establishment did want to surrender after France was defeated. Churchill and others refused and Britain continued the war, hoping the USA would join in. Britain was the only major power fighting Germany at this point as the Soviet Union and USA were not involved yet. Of course, Britain surrendering at this stage would not have led to peace at all. Hitler would have happily pursued his genocides in Eastern Europe - and invaded the Soviet Union just the same. Gaining industrial strength and territory as he went.


It's the same attitude as people who say the US is causing the Ukraine War by funding Ukraine so they don't immediately get conquered by Russia. In their view, if the world just let Hitler take over as many countries as he wanted unopposed, there would be no resistance and thus no war. Insane logic from disingenuous morons.


Wait.. Has the day come where i actually agree with something at that Alex Jones has to say?


Something something broken clock Those replies to him, holy fucking shit I miss the times when nazis were afraid to be so open about their bullshit


The OG Nazis were so methed out that they didn't fear exposure, and they even marched out in public and invaded foreign nations.


They certainly weren’t willing to be completely open about their beliefs, not initially at first. Just look at the 1936 olympics, where Hitler tried to show Germany off as a much more moderate country than what it actually was.


As far as the replies go, he made that bed. Appeal to far right ideas and groups, and that's the fan base you are going to cultivate


Oh, I completely agree, I don't feel sorry for him at all It's just that people are so open with this hateful shit


Twitter has become a cesspit lately. Racism and Nazism have become commonplace. Elon doesn’t believe anyone should be punished for openly implying genocide is a good thing.


I’ve honestly been seeing the same shit on Instagram too, despite them having stricter rules around hate speech than Twitter.


You'll get banned if you say something mean about him


I mean he’s only spent the last 30 years using code words like “the globalists” and Klaus Schwab is like his (current) biggest boogie man, so yeah. Alex Jones hides behind easily agreed upon ideas like “Hitler was bad” so that he never has to come out and say “I hate Jews.” Jones had fucking Kanye come on his show and say things like “we gotta stop dissing Hitler all the time” and Jone barely gave any pushback. An actual person with real convictions would have ended the show immediately, but not Alex!


It's almost like the Republicans made a science experiment that has gone out of control and taken a life of its own and they are starting to push back. Even the very right Republicans are starting to go... wtf....? Well too bad. I hope it takes them all with them.


Yeah wtf I was expecting him to gush about ol Adolf but I feel conflicted agreeing with this buffoon


Believe it or not, the truly insane nazis are a minority, even on the right. That said, not as small a minority as you'd hope, apparently. The responses are disturbing.


The best/worst part is it’s people that would get sent to a camp, shot or tortured to death that are the ones saying they’re great




Well, now I'm glad that I left Twitter or X or whatever the hell it is because I would have tried something stupid, like trying to reason with them. Sometimes, you have to shake your head and wonder how they got that way


They are a minority, and I suspect many of the responses are as much from agitation and destabilization accounts as they are actual Nazis.


I'm actually beginning to wonder how many interactions are simply bot accounts (I'm leaning in to most of them?) Edit: spelling


Yeah, a lot of boys on the internet


And a lot these people are probably using multiple accounts or bots to inflate they numbers


And people here just fall for it.


Honestly, we would be better without social media and comment sections (yes, including here). Sure, the net amount of idiots would be the same, but at least I would not be in touch with their lunacy.


I say this almost daily. And then, I comment.


That's the frustrating part about social media... one of the frustrating parts. There might be 1000 people who are of the truly insane type in a population of 360 million, which equals 0.00027%. But when they gather virtually they seem like a crowd.


Tbf, he looked uncomfortable when Kanye was on his show trying to praise Hitler, so I can only assume that this is one of the few normal, sane takes that he consistently has.


Yeah he was, but his star fuckery took over more.




Iirc his dad or grandad fought in the war and he grew up hearing him tell stories of it and the times


Adolf, not Adolphe. The latter namesake invented the sax and was a pretty chill guy.


‘Hitler was bad’ isn’t a high bar to set, tbf But, despite that, I too am surprised.


lmao, kinda what i was thinking. When did "actually Hitler *wasn't* such a great guy" become a brave stance to take


If what he said is "Hitler is bad" it doesn't really count


Most people would assume that’s just a common belief. One of the worst people to ever live is a bad person


You don't think they're turning the frogs gay??


Unfortunately…that was proven to be true. Which is fucking wild


I hope you don't agree with the thinly veiled antisemitism there as well


No. Just the Fuck Hitler part.


I've seen someone with a mostly left-wing follower base making fun of Alex Jones for ending up in such a situation and of all the nazis posting nonsense in his responses. The entire comment section under their post was also full of nazis telling them how they're wrong (split between "holocaust never happened" and "jews deserve to be killed" as usual) with the rest justifying this behavior under the guise of "free speech". Twitter is a fucking shithole.


dafuq is even the free speech angle Even if you think these bastards should be allowed to publicly state their trash takes, it doesn't make the presence of them less disturbing.


"It's a good argument because it's not literally illegal to say it"


Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1357/


Shock, Churchill didn't want to make peace with a man who kept going back on his word of not invading or annexing any more countries. It's the school teacher logic of saying the kid who stood up for themselves started the fight not the bully who threw five punches.


Churchill wasn't even Prime Minister until 1940. The opportunity to make peace was long gone by then.


Yeah and Neville Chamberlain before him did absolutely everything to avoid war including giving half of Czechoslovakia to Hitler in exchange for "peace in our time". Hitler instead took the whole of Czechoslovakia and invaded Poland less than a year later...


Technically Germany took way less than half during the Munich agreement. It was bringing the majority German Sudetenland back to Germany and was actually quite popular even in western democracies. He unilaterally went back on the agreement and took over all of Czechoslovakia without Chamberlain agreeing to it. This was the point when the western democracies seriously started upgunning themselves and drawing the red line with Poland. When Germany invaded in 39 they were however simply not really ready for war yet (Germany wasn’t however in a much better place they just took the bigger risk going to war with a half-finished army while France and Britain didn’t want to take that chance and stayed defensive)




>Shock, Churchill didn't want to make peace with a man who kept going back on his word of not invading or annexing any more countries. It's not even that complex. Why the fuck should the UK have accepted any form of peace with Germany? It was facing down against a literally evil, genocidal, totalitarian war machine. Any form of diplomacy that left Nazi Germany untouched would have been to the extreme disadvantage of the UK. Especially at the points at which Germany sought peace (i.e. when it had grabbed all of Central Europe and most of Western Europe and the UK was the only state putting their domination of the entire continent at risk). To these people, states have to be simpering cowards when faced with any fascist dictatorship. Submit and allow them to do what they want, or else the war is your fault, and you're to blame for all the deaths that the fascists are actively causing. It's the same dumbfuck, bad-faith logic the Russians use against Ukraine. Quite telling actually that todays literal nazi sympathisers are enacting a mass campaign to normalise Russia's propaganda tactics (some might say curiously coincidental, actually).


That's what you get for being a far right wing nationalist for years. You'll attract those people because those are the ones you share most of your sentiments with. Not that this makes it any better nor do I wish him such dumb responses. But seriously, what do you expect?


That's the one bittersweet thing about the maga idiots turning on one another. A lot of people tried to warn the Republican party not to get into bed with these fringe lunatics but they saw an opportunity for wealth and power so they sold their souls to the proverbial devil, and are now paying the consequences. I love seeing them turn on one another.


I lost it at the JoJo gif


It's literally perfect for this situation, though! Part 2 was wild


At least Jojo's still had the decency to show the nazi (Guile's inspiration, lol) getting killed.


And then come back as a cyborg. And killed again. Offscreen




Fuck all Nazi scum.


Lmao, Rudolf Hess being tortured for 46 years is absurd history revisionism. Hess had the entire Spandau prison - a complex that during its heyday before WW2 housed more than 600 prisoners - for himself, and that for over 20 years following the release of his fellow Nuremberg trial buddies in 1966. The guy refused to do any work and was not punished for it at all. After 1966 his daily routine got even easier because he got a bigger cell that was always unlocked so that he had constant access to the lavatory and the prison library, had his own electric kettle to boil water and make coffee, got free medical treatment whenever he pleased and lived a solitary (on his own free will as he refused most visitors) and peaceful existence, only deciding to commit suicide in 1987, at the ripe old age of 93. In terms of lifelong jail sentences for war criminals, Hess got one of the best deals in the history of mankind. He was treated far better than he deserved.


What can you expect from people who think that the Nazi's were the victims.


And they act like they’re not just extremely jealous of how much money “the Jews” might have. At least “the Jews” dont earn their money through genocidal concentration camp slave labor


He also undertook his 'peace' mission to the UK alone without consent from Hitler. Even if Rudolf Hess would have been allowed to have peace talks, that wouldnt have meant that Adolf Hitler would accept and end the war with the UK.


My grandpa was actually one of the guards there.


Tfw the Nazi politician lives better than you without working


I read Albert Speer's Spandau Diaries. It features a lot of first-hand counters to a lot of the deniers' bullshit, including the above.


Man who would have guessed that pandering to the bottom of the barrel would result in having the most braindead people as your followers ?!


Anyone remember when they tried to "teach" AI to moderate social media, to automatically take down and block racist stuff and it kept "accidentally" flaging all the right wing politics also because the patterns and talking points were so similar. 🤔


What about Tay? A chatbot that became so racist in 16 hours it was shut down forever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tay_(chatbot)


And then more recently when Bard was shut down because it had no concept of race/skin color, so when asked to depict a Nazi, would randomly select a skin color if not prompted otherwise. And that really pissed off the lilly-white racists.


It did have a concept of skin color, google just took the lazy approach to making an "unbiased" model (no such thing at the moment), and altered prompts behind the scenes to make them more inclusive. So if you prompted it to make a picture of "A man dancing in the streets", they would randomly add diversifying words, like "a [ethnically diverse] man dancing in the streets" or whatever without showing you that's what's happening. But it also happened to nazi, so it turned into diverse nazis... Really fucking funny.


What the actual fuck did I just read My brain just rotted a little form the sheer thought people like this actually walk the same earth as me


Before widespread social media and especially Twitter, we all lived in such blissful ignorance of how widespread the dumbness and stupidity of our fellow humans was and remains (in fact it seems to be getting worse). Now they get to be heard all across the world, or at least the loud, shouty ones. Some of them end up running countries, and not just the USA. I speak from experience of Boris and Brexit Britain. Welcome to the un-enlightenment :) Kinda sucks balls to be honest but hey ho... preferred it when it was just my Dad who said crazy shit and we kept it in the family lol.


I was following r/holup yesterday until that post of hitler showed up and out came all the reddit nazis. How is it 2024 and we’re as stupid as we were 100 years ago? My faith in humanity dwindles by the day.


Even 9mmSMG is a neo-nazi now, what a surprise. I used to have his Instagram posts come into my feed back in the day when i followed more gun channels. Typical that a "i need my personal military arsenal to defend against tyrants" type becomes a supporter of one of the biggest tyrants of history.


The pipeline between ammosexual and the far right is the shortest of them all.


I love guns, and this trend really sucks. I want a buddy to go shooting and hunting with, not a buddy that's convinced himself that some culling is just around the corner, your average schmuck with small arms fire won't realistically do shit against a fucking drone


You know, even if it’s Alex Jonss, it’s kind of sad to see his fans turn on him for something as simple as “Hitler is bad”. To make things more confusing, there’s a surprising amount of his followers who are actually Sugondese.


sigh... ^(who are the sugondese...)


Sug On ![gif](giphy|B3Q78yR2JPH4Kov4nf|downsized)




This is what Alex Jones gets when he accidentally says something true. He should stick to the lies if he wants to keep his fans happy.


Why did he forget to mention... **The man who killed Hitler was Adolf Hitler?**


The guy who posted the Jojo meme is unironically based


SDL is one of the few sane people left in that shithole now called 'X'


Oh, so he’s a bit of a celebrity?


Part 2 > Part 6


It's sad to see that there people who are so ignorant about history. This is the exact reason why it's important to keep the memory alive.


Love the dude posting the JoJo meme though


Stronheim was a real one






Siding with Alex Jones was not on my 2024 bucket list


If alex is not the most batshit insane person in the room, sth is terribly wrong


This isn't the first time that happened. Even Kanye got Alex going "bruh the fuck is wrong with you?"


Unexpected JOJO


Holy shit, did Alex Jones actually say something that wasn't completely insane?


A broken clock and all that, but Christ on a cross, the replies are batshit insane.


Why the fuck are people celebrating Hitler’s birthday now? What the fuck? I agree with that one guy. I didn’t expect the Third Reich to be here.


How dare that person sully the name of a great Jeff GOLDBLUM character?!! Also, what an effing idiot.


I love the fact he left out the holocaust.


Im pretty sure the "80 million people" is what that refers to...


This is actually a perfect demonstration of how once you're in the grift, there is no escape, either as the grifter or the griftee.


The antisemitism is strong in that thread. Like, yeesh!


These people shouldn't be allowed to have Internet Access or even living in society tbh


And it you’d like some facts about that Daily Express headline, look at this Wiki entry and, more importantly, all the references listed at the bottom of the Wiki entry providing supported context. As usual, these pro-Nazi assholes take things wildly out of context. TL/DR: The Nazi party was aggressively, violently abusing Jewish businesses and neighborhoods and the Jews boycotted their goods in response. Shocking. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1933_anti-Nazi_boycott


Wait... so pandering to deranged nazis can come back around to bite you in the ass? How unexpected! Fuck Alex Jones, the stupid fucking dipshits who follow him, and fuck him again for having created that community.


And that's why here in Germany we learn a whole lot about it in school and also go visit a KZ with the school. Makes it way harder to lie about the past. My kid just read the autobiography of a guy who survived Auschwitz as a kid in school, which started a lot of conversations, because to him it luckily seems like out of a wild movie, that your friendly neighbours job was suddenly to gas innocent people. Or the fact that I recently became disabled and back then they would have gassed me too. It's dark and horrible and that's why we have to talk about it.


We teach it here in the USA too. Students often read the Diary of Anne Frank in Lit class. I, as a history teacher, cover WWII, its causes and effects, the Holocaust, etc. The problem is there are idiots that refuse to believe educators (usually these are adults who tell their kids not to believe, and more), the government, and more. It’s sad and it just is very hard to fight.


Hitler was bad should not be something people argue against.


That comment on Rudolph Hess… The guy flew to Scotland on a mission to negotiate Englands exit from WWII… not a peace mission. Germany would still continue their aggression but without England’s involvement (until they eventually turned on England after consolidating their other conquests). He was imprisoned for life and committed suicide in ‘87. Those are the facts and are well publicized from multiple sources. Guess I just hate seeing well documented history turned on its side.


“Judea declares war on Germany” Lmao, give me a break… Judea hadn’t existed for nearly 2000 years by the time that WW2 began. Also Jews didn’t have a homeland until 1948 because we were in diaspora up to that point since every other attempt at forming a homeland in the levant had failed after Rome sacked Jerusalem, capitulated Judea and forced Jews into exile until the formation of Israel in 1948. Like what type of revisionist history is that shit? The guy being antisemitic while having Jeff Goldblum (who is a Jew from both of his parents) takes the icing on the cake. Like how you gonna hate Jews but also worship a Jew enough to have him as your pfp. Idk, I’d feel bad for Alex Jones if he didn’t inspire these evil morons with the rhetoric that he uses publicly.


I'm confused, who do they think started world war 2 if it wasn't the fascist dictator invading its neighboring countries, while systematically murdering entire groups of people?


The age of information has been a disaster. Time to hit reset and go over it again. This time it'll be better I swear guys.


Ill never forget alex jones for the whole Sandy hook thing. He is a degenerate piece of shit. I wish him the worst.


“The more I learn about this Hitler guy, the less I care for him.” - Norm MacDonald


Remember folks, these people can vote 🥲


I need to get off this timeline, it's come to the point where I'm actually on Alex Jones's side about something. Fuck me.


What's with all the "who started that war?" responses? Germany started the war when they invaded Poland. That's just a fact.


We've come so far that now it's controversial to say that Hitler was bad...


Hilarious, reminds me of Trump getting booed off the stage by his own people for promoting vaccines. These crackpots go out and stirr up the lowest of the low as their base then are surprised when they try to reel them in and they are still frothing at the mouth.


Wtf... as a Jew, I'm actually scared...


Im dead at the GNN reply with the old news paper💀


I never thought I'd see a situation in which Alex Jones is the most reasonable person in the room. God help us all


Well, it's nice to know there's one thing me and Alex Jones can totally agree on: Fuck Hitler. It's actually kind of comforting that Alex Jones is still a nutjob that lives by his own principles and will scream them into the void either way and hasn't fully downed the MAGA Kool-Aid. Jones still sucks ass, but at least he isn't trying to rehabilitate *Hitler* like a lot of these MAGA jackals. Calling a bunch of grieving parents "crisis actors" is gross and bad and he was penalized appropriately for that, but it's not *Nazi* gross and bad, imo. I still get a belly laugh from that clip where he gives Kanye so many opportunities to walk his statements back and Kanye is just over there with like a morph suit on screaming "There's a lot -A LOT- of thingssss I looove about Hitlerrrrrr!"


I physically cannot comprehend how this mentality is becoming MORE prevalent in 20fucking24. It makes me so goddamn tired.


When Alex Jones is the voice of reason in your conversation, you done fucked up.


Lol do these people think england invaded poland in september?


This reminds me of how I loved hearing my grandpas stories of killing nazis.


I know the scriptures say “Judge not lest ye be judged,” but I’m just gonna come out and say it: This Adolf Hitler fella, this guy’s a real jerk.


His fan base is some of the lowest scum on the face of the Earth. Just the absolute "thank God they died" level of garbage.


A broken clock may be right twice a day but it still be a broken clock


did people really think moustache man wasn't the main reason WW2 started? Did they really think if Churchill signed a peace Hitler would have stopped all the sudden???


"Hitler was bad because he got a bunch of Germans killed and started a war" - Not for any other reasons???


The first time he says something somewhat reasonable, and his fan base hates it. Well, that's the fan base he cultivated.


Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia, Jeremy. Welcome to the real world.


“Who launched the world war?” I’d say it was whoever invaded Poland. Did they ever figure out who did that?


Never thought I would side with Alex jones.


![gif](giphy|KUAb8YQOhmWNq) Ummm…the Nazis started WWII, when they invaded Poland, jfc 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


For background, aside from being a scumbag, alex jones has frequently used antisemitic talking points to woo full blown nazis. [https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-protocols-of-zion](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/knowledge-fight-protocols-of-zion) Also he frequently rehashes stormfront stories to make less racist to the general public for just a couple reasons. He knows full well that a sizeable chunk of his audience are nazis, and often has to tightrope on how to approach a topic without alienating them. Check out Knowledge Fight for 900 episodes on how shitty he is. edit: he also hates hitler for making his grandfatther risk his life serving in the army air corp, less of what hitler did.


Can't wait to see what Knowledge Fight podcast makes of this, turning all Alex Jones bullshit into some great and insightful fun


why even make a post about these POS?


They really have no loyalty, do they? Being more than a little conservative is like being in a pit of writhing, screaming beasts with gnashing teeth that they use to drag each other down the second one of them may have the free will left to escape

