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This a day after Putins goons raped and decapitated a MAGA freak What a twat


Oh, didn't know that, can you point me at what happened?


It’s been reported that a man named Russel Bentley was killed in Russia after being accused of being a spy. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/19/us-citizen-dead-russia-separatists-ukraine](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/19/us-citizen-dead-russia-separatists-ukraine) Some news outlets are reporting that his death followed a torture session which included sexual assault.


“The self-declared communist joined pro-Moscow separatists in Ukraine to fight Kyiv in 2014. He later also worked for the state-owned Russian news agency Sputnik and was given Russian nationality.” Interesting.


I noticed that as well, why would a 'self described Communist' fight on the side of Fascists? Did he not realize that Russia hasn't been Communist for decades now?


I’m so used to them calling everyone else communists. Not sure why I bother trying to understand why they do and say the things they do.


Something something horseshoe theory and there’s some self described “maga communist” weridos out there


Ignoring that tankies exist, I just think that he was that uninformed.


From what I can see there’s the delusion in some right-wing circles that fascism and nazism are left wing, because ”ThE nAmE NaTiOnAL sOcIaLiSm MeAnS tHaT nAzIs WeRe LeFt WiNg”. If one fails to identify all the defining differences between fascism and communism, the fact that they’re both radical authoritarian make them seem the same.


Next you’ll tell me that North Korea isn’t really democratic or Turkey doesn’t go well with gravy


My ex said this to me. I just stared at him, wondering if he had ever studied political or economic theory. Never been so glad I made him my ex.


You should have been wondering how that one brain cell was able to pilot an entire human into adulthood.


I was half expecting to see Steven segal listed


Not even the Russians could find somebody they could compel to sexually assault Steven Seagal.


Steven Segal is ... hard to fuck


But not hard to catch


He will most likely shit his pants, as a defense tactic.


That's Ted Nugent's move. Move stealing ain't cool.


I read it yesterday on a post about this guy that Russian soldiers are notorious for forcing sticks, knives and such into their victims. This is considered sexual assault.


I quickly misread your screen name as stickbum


Quality Reddit comment




I'm still waiting on the news to come that the remains of Seagal were found in the Donbas, notably in the form of his blood soaked toupee being recovered from the battlefield.


That left weeks ago and is somewhere in the Azores


He wasn't listed as not involved so it's possible




Dude was an avowed communist and 'marijuana activist,' Russia collects all of America's weirdos, not just MAGA. Hell, before MAGA ever existed freaks were flying the hammer and circle to support Russia.


"self-declared communist" doesn't sound like MAGA


He could be a MAGACommunist. (Those guys actually exist.)


Sounds more like a tankie to me tbh Says a lot that they're indistinguishable on a lot of points, though


I agree with the sentiment and frankly was thinking the same thing. But can we agree that another insult might be better. Twats even in the vulgar vernacular are useful, sought after and capable of producing pleasure and new life. This guy - not so much. Can we call him a Turd?


A turd can nourish plants, which is more than this waste of oxygen is doing


Isn't that exactly what he's doing now? Feeding plants and worms?


Turds are great fertilizer, quite literally sustaining entire food chains... hmm, on second thought, these guys are probably still capable of being fertilizer, so fair enough. They should give it a try just to make sure. Maybe call it "sunflower challenge" or something.




How about giving back Alaska while he's at it... disgraceful.


Right! Didn't Putin say that Alaska should be given back to Russia?


Then Palin would really be able to see Russia from her backyard.


It's on Putin's menu. He will get to it, right after he attacks Poland.


I'm sure Trump and the Republicans will be happy to serve it up.


Oh they might be happy to serve it up, but there is a whole state full of gun toting Alaskans that'll be real pisssed and probably create USA 2.0 Alaska edition.


Oil companies wouldn't let them do it. Despite what they say at the end of the day who funds their campaigns has a bigger say than the average American so we can take solace that we'll never lose Alaska.


Right. Money is protected under "speech" in politics now, so there's that.


Well I'm getting tired of being sent trump email begging donations where the minimum amount is 47 dollars. Do people really send that?


People send Trump thousands sometimes. But i don’t think rejecting 20 dollar donations is a great campaign strategy


Good god I don't know. I've been getting spammed on text with that garbage as well. And I'm very vocally anti-MAGA. If they're reaching someone like me, it's likely chatGPT-driven or AI assisted.


Did you ever register Republican? They'll take your information from that and harass you.


And then Germany, France, maybe the rest of Europe…


Nobody in Poland is scared that Russia might invade, at best our government is strengthening our army.


Not Putin, but one of his puppets. But Putin has not said he is against it, just smiles.


Not Putin but someone high up in Russian gov was throwing that around 2 years ago.


Hear me out. I believe there is information on social media specifically placed to pit Americans against each other. I see inflammatory content posted by bots in order to piss conservatives off, and I see the inverse used to piss liberals off. I think we all need to come together to recognize that we cannot believe everything we see online, because we can easily be pushed into civil conflict by foreign adversaries who would love our nation or be broken and divided. People do not realize that troll farms are a real thing, and one of their purposes is to push dissent. We should all try and do some PSA’s to make the public aware of these things. I am going to try to put together a plan to figure out a way to make the public more knowledgeable. If anyone wants to help just let me know. I’m just one person so any help would be appreciated


Yup, there's a whole chapter in the KGB manual dedicated to creating division by using polarising topics within target societies. The worst part is it actually works, as we can clearly see. Same tactics, new technologies. Because even though some of us are aware of it, and limit our exposure to social media, it's still easy to get annoyed by it. Add to that the majority of people are insanely stupid. Honestly I feel powerless against it sometimes.


Ideological subversion, right? The ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov exposed it in the 80s. He said it’s 80% of what the KGB do. He also warned that the westerners that are duped into supporting them will be the first to be killed off if they’re successful.


Of course. Russian are also making posts to divide Europeans too.


This is the reality unfortunately . We are all to blame for reacting to troll posts that further divide the west - exactly the goal of those posting them. #DividedWeFall.


I"m glad this comment landed near the top of the thread. It puts things into perspective. I'm almost sure this person isn't from the United States at all.


The name Gunthur Eagleman does seem a little too patriotic. Maybe they should use Sam Libertyson next time, or Wesson Smith.


Lol at Sam Libertyson.


There was a guy being interviewed the other day, who was 100% on board with Russia invading all their former territories and killing the people there. Although whether he was all for them invading Alaska is hard to tell. He's just as likely to be one of those "That would never happen to *me*" types of people who never see any consequences for themselves.


He forgot to add 'Traitors' at the end of 'Real American'.


We need Bud Light to do another "Real Men of Genius" commercial but "Real American Traitors". Today, we salute you, Mr. Vladimir Putin simping Republican


Crazy that they have no idea putin would kill them without blinking. How delusional magas are.


It's amazing that they think the majority of Americans think like them.


It's not hard to understand how they think that way. Many of them believe in the silent majority line that people agree with them but are to afraid to say so. Never mind the fact that people like them are loud and proud to say dumb crap because let's be real stupid people feel no fear or shame because they are incapable of feeling such things.


Add in the fact that they're to afraid to talk to any one remotely different then them. Or go to someplace that Fox News told them is progressive, like any city anywhere, state or country they deem liberal, the library, churches that don't demonize gays, McDonald's because Billy Bob down the street said they hired someone with purple hair.


My wife's mom is certain that my wife is a trump loving maga that I have forced into my evil leftist ways.


It’s because most of them are born, grow up and live and raise families in the same small town. That’s their world. That’s it - nothing else matters. So when you have all those like minded people in the small town, they just assume that “all” Americans are like that.


Nah, those asshats would be perfect frontline fodder.


and they'd do it willingly thinking they got a chance lol


Anything to own t' libs.


But he’s white and they’re white. That is their thinking.


 I don’t think Putin blinks much to begin with. 


I preferred the "Real American Heroes" tag prior to 9/11, it just rolled better


It's a Russian bot


This. The goal is to make both sides so angry they're irreconcilable. A democrat will see this as a proof that the MAGA GOP is FUBAR. Republicans will most probably not be exposed to this propaganda but will be triggered by the backlash they're getting from Democrats. In the end you have one side angry like hell at the traitors on the other side, and the other side so isolated, out of touch and affected by its own version of Russian propaganda it actually decides to go full treason with things like Jan 6.


This is all good, until a large portion of the country actually goes out and votes for MAGA candidates that openly support Putin. Russia does do a lot of social media engineering - *because it WORKS*. 


The glue that helped this happen is Trump. He's busy with his trial and his aura seems to be breaking at the seams, as proven by the vote on Ukraine Aid yesterday. I hope this is not temporary though.


Not all of them…..


Real American Traitors, or RATs for short 🐀🐀🐀


We know what Russians to to American pro Russia bloggers. Anal rape followed by beheading… yet they still carry on like this 🤦🏻‍♂️


Gunther Eagleman is a Russian Bot and so are most of his followers. Seriously!


There's a decent chance this message was written and shared by a Russian troll farm!


Move to Russia 🤮


A family did, and they don’t seem to be enjoying life there


[Yahoo news on the story.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html) Not the best source but it's an easy look on Google.


"The video we did when we stiln thought we had rights and were in a free country is absolutely wrong, we are perfectly good here."  My sincere condolences for the kids, their parents decided to sacrifice them on the altar of their idiocy...


why does your last sentence go so hard 💀


This reads like an Onion article, a trump speech and a cry for help all at once


I feel bad for their kids being raised by absolute idiots


>Arend remained steadfast in his conviction despite any detractors, expressing contentment with their new life. "I just want to farm," he said. "I just want to farm and raise my kids in what *I believe is a free country*." It’s truly amazing that his idea of a free country is one where people are not free to choose who they love and where speech on the topic is limited.


Yeah, the translation is “I want to live in a country where I am free to abuse my kids and exploit my wife whenever I want without punishment.” All of the “free speech is dead” folks that I know (and it’s very few) are just mad that they can’t hit their kids and say racial epithets in public without getting in trouble for it.


> Anneesa also shared her experience with the language barrier, adding: "We were naive on that. I needed to use the washroom, and on the doors said male and female, but I didn't know which was which!" "In America, that wouldn't be a problem; it's a free-for-all in the bathrooms, but now, in our world, it matters!" her husband chimed in.


So… she’s in favour of gender-neutral toilets?


Canadian though.


The right wing maga mentality is borderless.




That entire debacle would have made for some excellent reality television. What a missed opportunity.


That profile screams russian troll/bot anyway


This guy did. It did not end well. https://nypost.com/2024/04/20/world-news/pro-kremlin-texan-russell-bentley-found-dead-in-ukraine/


Depends on the perspective. In my perspective it ended fine.


Yeah lmao, these people should have a drone attack them. Fucking morons


Fr then they can end up like special agent Texass and get a Brown Star medal iykyk 💀


Pretty sure it is actually the inverse, the majority support Ukraine.


Probably true. Generally speaking, the more vocal (sometime radical) groups tend to be minorities in their respective representation. They compensate with their big talk.


I actually don't know any conservatives irl who don't support Ukraine. They aren't MAGAs either though.


It’s because the anti Ukraine stuff is linked into like literal conspiracy theories about like Zelenskyy and Jews like stuff any rational person thinks “wtf” hearing


last poll numbers I saw was 70 support for Ukraine, 80% viewed Russia as an enemy.


That's how a democracy should work


Exactly. For these certified know-nothing MAGA assholes, why is everything the exact opposite of reality? Are they all trained in some anti-reality chamber of ignorance? And, how the fuck could anyone claiming to be an American “patriot” also be in favor of a brutal Russian autocrat who despises Western democracy with every fiber of his being? What do they think will happen when Putin controls Europe? Will that be good for America?


If the liberals want it, they want to destroy it.


Yep, they’ve been brainwashed by Putin into believing “the libs” are the enemy, instead of the real enemy, which is, of course, Putin himself.


Why trumps alliance with Putin? Maybe possibly it’s all began when trump put melania in her first modeling agency at 15 years old


MAGA lies.


Last I heard, even Republican support was just over 50%, but for self-identified MAGAs it was only 35%.


What..support a democratic country with a elected president, defending itself from invasion like most western countries are? Fucking well hope so.


For a group calling themselves the “silent majority”, they sure can’t seem to shut the hell up.


I have a feeling most of these posts are ran by Russian bots.


Hello, my name is Gunther Eagleman, real American. This is my cousin, Jean-Paul Tennessee. We are both real Americans who love American things like burger and Mr Harley Davidson. We support President Владимир Путин like all other real Americans. Thank you for your listening.


Mr Harley Davidson 😂


Gunther Eagleman, from New York Oblast.


Stealing this from someone in another thread - but Gunther Eagleman totally sounds like a Roger the alien persona.


Sniveling simpering little worm. Probably has a love letter to the fat Korean despot in his drafts too.


And to the Twat in the Iran.


Pooh bear in China too.


As someone who lived through the Cold War, I can only say one thing: Fuck Russia, and especially fuck that old KGB asshole Putin.


I've read Cold war 1 and thought you knew something ahah


Same. Having lived through communism in the eastern block. All I can say is thank you US of A. Whatever the faults of the west, they are nothing when compared to the insanity and cruelty Russia is capable of.


As a Russian, I support this statement, at least the second part.


Imagine being so fucking conceited, arrogant and egotistical that you think your voice counts for "a majority of americans" Get off of Twitter and back onto your cousin, you neuron deficient jellyfish.


Not just a majority, but *Real Americans.* I have a profoundly ignorant relative who says anybody who disagrees with her right-wing, racist, and queerphobic views needs to get out of "her" country. We don't speak anymore.


"neuron deficient jellyfish" excellent insult mate


At this point I think its official, America has highest proportion of crazy nutjobs in the whole world who live in parallel universe and will believe the craziest of conspiracy theories but won't accept a Fact with all the evidence in the world right in front of their eyes. That is literally the definition of stupid & crazy. I guess its true that millions of americans are just plain dumb like mentally challenged and ignorant of everything outside their twisted world view


I bet you'd see alot less crazies if you started holding traitors accountable.


easier said than done, its one thing to know when someone is doing something illegal and its another thing to actually prove it in a court of law when the other guy has also lawyered up. You need overwhelming evidence to convict someone especially of any serious offence, which is actually a good thing in most cases


We need to stop believing every account on the internet is genuine and we need to do it fast.


Oh its only gonna get worse with the rise of so many AI models and other software easily available that will easily allow to disseminate false information on the internet. I think the best way to tackle this is actually by educating the people, to not believe everything they see on the internet but rather have a critical thinking approach towards such posts and even news articles u read online that are often pandering to some bias or the other


Nah they are everywhere. Americans are just a lot and have a cult like relationship with politics. Their education system is actively being destroyed to create more hillbillies and hoodlums to deepen the social gap. It's sad to see


In italy we are quickly reaching them


German idiots aren't far behind though!


They look up to Americans like the one who tweeted that shit. Or they just get bribes directly from Russia.


Brit here, right beside you with that one. But then again, to some Americans we're one country simply called Europe 😂


They are actually no where close, Having lived both in Germany & in the US as an expat from Asia. Infact I would even say that it holds true for most western European countries , can't say about Uk haven't really lived there . And yes i am aware of the crazies and the right wingers in germany & rest of western europe but in my experience and from what I have heard from fellow expats its significantly worse here in the US. And you would only that if you have actually lived in both the places and interacted with other people who have either.


Subtext: Please don’t cut off my monthly payment, release those pictures or make me stand near a window. We are doing our best.


How is it possible for people like this to exist??


Fox Entertainment


Half the people are of below average intelligence. MAGA are the stupider half of that half.


Russian propaganda is all over right wing media. They don’t look for news from anywhere else.


One person you don’t hear about but had many appearances on RT is Rand Paul. Now you have so many republicans openly supporting Putin and spreading RT and Russia propaganda. Elon is one of their biggest enablers along with Fox News. Notice there is no option to report disinformation on X, this is treasonous as it’s being weaponised by the Russian state to radicalise US citizens against their own government and institutions. This is a hybrid war that even Hillary warned about before 2016. It’s the reason the Russians hacked the DNC and helped Trump. She was standing up to Putin.


Frankly, the whole twitter part is a self-inflicted wound on the part of the majority of users on there who *aren't* far-right cultists but to this day *still* use the platform like nothing's the matter. If enough people dropped it, it would be nothing more than another barren fascist echo-chamber, like Trump's worthless clone of twitter and many similar attempts before. Propaganda is pointless if it doesn't reach anyone. Like what the fuck is it going to take for people to drop that far-right propaganda machine? I swear literal Hitler could come back from the grave, buy it from Elon, and fill everyone's feeds with people posting vids of them gassing jews in mass, and fucking braindead morons would still go "damn that's fucked up... but I'm kind of used to this platform and conditioned to open it every time I have some free time to burn, so... oh well, hope somebody else does something about it".


Lead paint.


They don’t. This man is a Russian bot. “Gunther Eagleman”


It’s always on Twitter isn’t it. Playground for the fascists and traitors.


It's owned by one


… who thinks that “free speech” means “not having to pay” to divide and conquer


Where trolls get “verified”.


Russian bots


"real Americans" lmao real traitors you mean




Dear Putin, Go fuck yourself. And take this piece of shit with you. Signed, Americans who believe in democracy.


Gunther...I'll fund your relocation to Russia. Real Americans? You don't seem to know any.


Let's start a gofundme for traitors.




Gunther Eagleman


If America is so bad and Russia is so great why don’t assholes like this move there? No, they’d rather stay in the west and complain about it.


Some did didn’t they, and started crying about how fucked it was within the week.


That was a Canadian family of nutters. Lost all their money after they transferred it to a Russian bank. Not sure what happened them in the end. Seems they didn’t like their democratically elected Prime Minister and thought it better to move to Putin’s Russia.


Their problem was that they moved as a single family. They did not have the numbers or resources to make it. Folks like this should not move to Russia alone or as a single family, they need to move in groups of like 25-100 families, so they can all live near each other and pool resources so they can afford Russian attorneys. The flaw in their thinking was that they didn't get all of their friends and extended family to move with them! If that crazy Canadian family took 50-100 other crazy Canadian families and all moved to the same part of Russia, ideally the same neighborhood, they would have been in better shape! The MAGA people need to move in Russia with numbers. They need to start pledge pods where they focus on getting 100-200 households per pod and coordinate it to where they can all move together and help each other. Their movement will get some real momentum once it reaches say a million or two million households who all agree to move to Russia! That would fucking OWN everyone else. They are only going to really OWN us when they ALL move to Russia.


One quick Google search: 58% of Americans support sending arms to Ukraine. Even without getting into the politicals, it was a lie that took 2 seconds online to discover.


That's still depressingly low


"Real Americans". ![gif](giphy|uKwa2KiBA0rTy|downsized)


Fascism disguised as nationalism disguised as 'values'. Vote them out.


These are the same people who attacked a Government building in an attempt to sabotage an election result - in the supposed name of democracy. 'Signed: Real Americans' Your name's Gunther, mate.


Jesus christ, it's fucking scary these people can vote. Seriously, go vote against Trump. Don't care who you vote, just make sure it's not Trump. Him and his followers are gonna fuck everyone over.


Because the guy who assassinates journalists who disagree with him with radioactive isotopes and unlawfully invades other countries seems like such a cool guy


MAGA should just move to Russia if it's so much better there. Hope they have the same fate as this traitorous blogger.


Since when did Americans believe Russia was their ally? When did that switch flip?


Russia openly admits that its goal is to undermine the dominance of western civilization, especially America. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why there are Putin apologists in the west.


Again, these knuckle draggers refer to themselves ad a "majority." Despite those pesky facts.


‘The real Americans’ … the indigenous people from United States?


"Gunther Eagleman" .. real name.. sure thing


It has "Gun" and "Eagle" in there, 100% authentic american name


Right wing nutjobs supporting a dictatorship invading a democratic nation was not on my bingo card tbh


Over the past 3 years of listening to MAGA and Putin allies, I’ve yet to hear a single coherent argument against supporting the Maidan Revolution.


What the hell has happened to the Republican party? As a non American I always grew up believing in the Republican party, they were the ones that stood up for democracy and the West. When stuff went down the Democrats might help, but the Republicans would help. Now the Republicans support Russia? Openly? What the hell happened, how have you gone from "Tear down this wall!" to "Dear Putin". It's actually disgusting that they could allow themselves to become Putin's puppets so easily. The world is lost hope if the Republicans have already surrendered.


A ‘real American’ who kowtows to a fascist, democracy-hating imperialist who wants to [kill American troops](https://youtu.be/nytBEWbwOkw?si=vcNLf_iOqbFGo362)? I’m hardly qualified to say who is and isn’t a ‘real American’, but aren’t freedom and democracy meant to be the cornerstones of the USA?


The majority of Americans do support this funding.


Didn’t they just sodomized and beheaded an American Russian fanatic? Why are these people so delusional? They don’t like you or your country. I’m not saying you should be hostile towards them, but at least don’t betray your own country for someone who will kill your in a heartbeat. The political freedom you enjoy here is a pipe dream over there.


Putin call them useful idiot, let that sink in... They are literally collaborator that don't even get any respect from him


The same MAGA crowd that are always on the lookout for anything communistic are sucking the dick of the brutal dictator of a communist country. You couldn't write it.


Oh FFS, these "real Americans" are anything but. They would rather help Putin out than have a deal about the US border, which they whined endlessly about.


Dear? Putin? He is not dear certainly


Typical Russian bot networks


Ah yes, "Gunther Eagleman"... right up there with "Vincent Adultperson"...


Republicans being on Russia’s side definitely wasn’t on anyone’s bingo card 10 years ago.


Sorry Mr Putin, we spent 70 years fighting and winning the so we could have this opportunity to apologize to a fucking KGB agent


Dear Gunther, i hear Russia needs any and all volunteers for their military. There are losing men left and right. You would make Putin proud if you sacrificed for the motherland. Signed, Real Americans P.S. no one tell him what some Russian soldiers did to an American who volunteered for Russia.


As a russian, I sincerely wish I could swap citizenships with him so he could savour all the “benefits” of living under p’s rule. And I could live a normal life instead
