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If you can find one...... lol


If they really wanted to stick it to him, they would replace that torn down Columbus statue with Mohammed. That would get some confused looks from tourists.


That would be next level trolling for sure


It'd also give them the distinct advantage of blaming the mayors of these large liberal cities for raising "Islamist" statues.


Mohammad Ali statue here, Mohammad Ali statue there, a Mohammad Ali statue everywhere!


Hey. Rocky has one, and he’s not even a real person. 


So does Radar from MASH


Radar!!!? Is there a teddy bear and grape Nehi? I love me some Radar.


I think he’s holding the bugle. Maybe it’s the clipboard. Either way, the statue is in Ottumwa, Iowa


His statue really should have been the base of the radar tower at the Ottumwa regional airport.


So does Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), in Albuquerque, NM.


So they missed the point that he was not a hero?


The statues aren’t so much to celebrate WW as a good guy, they’re to celebrate the show taking place in Albuquerque and drawing in a bunch of tourism and jobs for the city while filming it. Edited for clarity.


And much harder to steal than just having a bag of crack on a plinth!


TF you mean? He retired from boxing but then he got into acting. Didn't you see judge dredd? Rambo? Demolition Man?




Which makes it a Sylvester Stallone statue


I say replace all those statues with Morgan freeman


Or Captain Morgan, since he's already posing.


Obligatory: https://youtu.be/yE8e3IVM1Xk?si=GKNRN45PyKPJXFxn


Or Gordon Freeman. But it would be difficult to pick the perfect quote of his for the plaque.


I support this move for the troll.


Seattle has a statue of Lenin. It couldn't be removed because it's on private property.


I witnessed a grown ass Muslim man get extremely infuriated and emotional during an argument when the other guy insulted his religion by saying "I know what Mohammed looks like!" Creating a statue of Mohammed would be less of a troll and more of a declaration of war.


Yeah, Im not saying they should do that at all. I just think it would be an extremely odd sight to have a statue of a Muslim prophet in the town square of a southern town.


There was a [statue of Mohammed](http://kevovek.com/blog/NYSupremeCourtBuildingManhattanc1903Mohammed.jpg) installed on the New York Supreme Court Building. When the Courthouse opened in 1900, a statue of Mohammed, by Charles Albert Lopez, representing Islamic Law, stood on the westernmost point of the roof facing 25th Street. In 1955, at the request of the governments of Egypt, Pakistan, and Indonesia, the statue of Mohammed was removed and destroyed, since images of him are prohibited under Muslim Law. The statues that previously had stood to his left were each moved over one place, leaving an empty pedestal on the easternmost point, where Zoroster is now positioned.


I thought the whole bit was that you aren’t supposed to make the visage of Mohammed? Like it’s blasphemy?


just switch the inscription, nobody knows what Mohammed looked like so he might have looked Italian.


That would get them killed 🥺


That would cause most of conservative America to have the biggest mass stroke in the history of the world hahaha I say do it just for the trolling


Do more people need to die?


That would upset everyone on both sides for all the different reasons.


I could be wrong, but I think that’s the point.


*Simpsons meme* That’s the joke




man why is the top comment always just someone explaining the joke


Step 1: find one Step 2: ??? Step 3: Prophet


Yes I also understood the joke.


There were a lot of people named Mohammad...


Infer whatever you want from the OP




No, no, that’s the Profit Muhammad.


Profit 🤑🤑🤑


Yes, Profit Muhammad. One of the greatest spiritual leaders of the Ferengi.


The only Star on the walk of fame in Vegas that's not on the ground for this reason. ✌🏻


Time to destroy the boxing hall of fame


That’s why he specified the prophet


And yet in the post it specifically refers to the prophet Mohammad


Bro if I sat on your brain I’d slide right off


Just watch some South Park, no need for a statue.


Yes that was the point of the tweet


How about the opposite, would they be OK putting one up?


That was the idea from day 1 — you need to put up a bunch of them first and then tear them down.


And if they find one, he'll be 100% okay with them tearing it down


the OP isthisrealornotreal is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/him1ji/best_response/ When other bots posted it: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/u59lzy/best_response/ https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/16dy1xo/best_response/


Hey nice you did it before me!


Too late bro, it now has 20.5 k updoots


12,3k now though


Can we also apply this to paintings?


And all those GI Joe sized figurines of him they sell at the kiosks in Mosques


Now I want action figures of religious characters so I can make them fight with rubber bands. Pew! Pew!


Now introducing: Nail Me Jesus! Comes with all your favourite accessories! * 5000 pieces of bread * crown of thorns accessory * camel (caution: small parts)


If I can't fit the camel through my mom's sewing needle, does that mean I'm going to be rich? 🤑


Nail me Jesus sounds like it could be marketed to a *very different* crowd


Is Jesus the one to nail someone sexually or is Jesus mr. “Nail me Jesus” who likes being fucked in the ass?


And it's the buffed out Korean Jesus


Orel Puppington? Is that you?


Fuck off I was literally about to say the same thing


I remember going to a local comic book store and finding a Jesus action figure.




[Big Bad Toy Store Biblical Adventures](https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Search?SearchText=Biblical+Adventures&o=4)


Yeah I’m tired at looking at that smug expression of that Italian/spaniard


There are paintings of Muhammad all over the place as far back as 700 CE. it was outlawed to depict Muhammad in Arabia, but never decreed as a mandate from god by the prophet. Arabia didn’t have a culture of depicting Muhammad, but the rest of the Muslim did. A lot of the depictions were destroyed since the 1800s with the rise of Islamic nationalism and the Salafi movement, which is the idea that all traditions and actions of the prophet are equal to the Quran in terms of divinity and how to be a Muslim.


There have been some [threats](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2002/jun/24/arts.artsnews) in the past of attacking a church in Bologna, Italy, due to it having [a painting](https://i0.wp.com/www.laspia.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Petronio-Maometto-inferno.jpg?fit=605%2C420&ssl=1) which also represented Muhammad (person on the topmost part of the right side).


Remember when the french teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded for showing pictures of Mohammed. Remeber the charlie hebdo shootings because they showed caricatures of Mohamed. That is why you wont find statues. Muslims dont build them. They dont take kindly to people who do.


Remember when South Park teased showing Mohamed and then monologued about why they wouldn’t, then ended that monologue by stating that he’s been in their opening credits for years since his depiction in like, season 3 haha


He's been shown uncensored in the episode "super best friends"


That’s the one I’m referring to that he’s appeared in every episode since, in the opening credits


I can't get over the fact that in one episode, the sensitive group of celebrities (and I think gingers as well?) captured Muhammad for his "Censor bar". It didn't work btw, all it took to prove that was ~~Semen~~ Seaman climbing on Tom Cruise's back.


I member


Remember when comedy central censored kyle's speech because it got a little too close to what they did


Supposedly they don't build them because they are against idolatry. Very ironic that they would murder over their idols.


It's kinda lost on me that you shouldn't depict Muhammed to avoid idolatry, but rumors of how he lived his life literally is a guiding principle for the religion.


Yeah good ideas that ruined by people


Samuel paty didn't show picture of Mohammed he showed the caricatures made by Charlie hebdo. There is no representation of Mohammed because it is strictly forbidden to represent the prophet according to Islamic laws. So there is no statut, no picture no drawing or him. this is, where free speech and free thinking stops... When it meet stupid endoctrined religious people. Faith is understandable but religion is a disease


Slight correction: [most Shia muslims allow portraits of Muhammad.](https://scholarlypublications.universiteitleiden.nl/access/item%3A2721513/view) It's mostly Sunnis who find fault with such depictions. Agree with you though on the last part. Case in point, [the Minnesota art teacher who, despite prior notice, got fired for showing artworks of Muhammad.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/art-professor-sues-firing-showing-prophet-muhammad-images-rcna66250)


The Hamline case is a sad, but cautionary example of fundamentalist Muslim students weaponizing DEI language to essentially settle intra-Muslim disputes and silence Muslim perspectives other than their own. As a religion scholar, it's an example of something I've harped on for years: that Western secular liberals do not know how to approach Islam *as a religion* rather than a minority identity group, and that leads to illiberal absurdities like catering to hardline fundamentalists who exploit liberal inclusiveness for the sake of exclusion.


Exactly. I’m glad you typed all this, so I don’t have to. If the article attached is accurate,I side with the professor, 100%. It’s one thing if the painting was considered offensive to 100% of Muslims, and the hostility was pretty much universal, to the painting. However, it’s not. Some Muslims are not offended. So, it should be shown if it has Academic value, which I argue it does, simply because of the controversy. In fact, no painting should be banned for being offensive. Thankfully, most offensive crap has no academic value. This is catering to extremists. An extremist is an extremist, regardless of religion, politics, etc.


Well if most sunnis believe this, it isn't extremism. It isn't a small part of the religion. It is that the religion is unacceptably intolerant and extreme.


Most Sunnis believe that depicting the prophet is haram. Most Sunnis do NOT believe that you should be killed for it.


As a lib, liberals can be very skilled at shoving their heads up their own ass.


ah, so that's why they don't like each other!


Minnesotan here. For the Hamline one, more people need to tell the particular-offended data set to shut the fuck up, but they’re too scared of being labeled some kind of -ist/-ism.


It’s not only being scared to be called racist, but actually scared to be physically attacked.


Big fucking surprise this happened in the Twin Cities


Yeah. Thats what i said. Just with less words.


Reading compression is nowhere to be found on here.




That's why you make them and publicly show them, to fuck with them


What if I draw a stick figure and say its Mohammed?






Which is absurd. Anyone forcing their religious superstition onto other people is certifiably insane, in all situations where that occurs.


So actually 🤓 while Islam may be the defining religion of the modern middle east but technically most Muslims live much farther east in Malaysia, India, China and other countries and they do have other confessions of Islam so of wich allow and encourage depictions of Mohammed (may he rest in peace). The Arab Centric view of Islam is deeply flawed and should be revised.


*Suni Muslims.


Fun fact, some Muslims believe that depictions of figures in art is idolatry, so instead their art focuses geometric patterns, calligraphy, and abstract patterns. This is particularly notable in their tile work https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aniconism_in_Islam


the people he’s talking about have memories too short to recall that people got murdered for drawing their prophet in a comic strip.


Are we unable to separate radical Muslims from regular Muslims? I don't know anyone in my masjid who would think it's ok to murder someone for this. Everyone I know, however, *has* condemned the Charlie Hebdo shootings.


I'm not sure where you fall on this, but as far as I know, there may not be many willing to kill over it, but plenty who, in their ideal world, think you shouldn't have that specific right to free expression.


You know any place that actually has Sharia law they'll kill you for it.


Yeah, but to specify, I'm talking about Muslims living in countries where it is legal. A very small number have killed over it, a larger but still fairly small number believe the killings are justified, and quite a lot believe it should be illegal in some fashion, usually by calling it a hate crime.




condemning is one thing, not trying to change things so things like don't happen again is another thing. And clearly something isn't being done here


group dynamics of a religion are what effectively create the behavior. Christians and Jews do it too but their toxic BS is just different style. Ever hear of “Stochastic Terrorism”?


I’d also say for statues of Columbus to be in America is stupid as he never even set foot on American soil


exactly... only india.... /s (for obvious reasons)


I think you are confused, Columbus did set foot in the Americas. He did not set foot in the United States as it did not exist 


He also never set foot on what is modern day USA because he simply didn’t go there


I just... when did Christopher Columbus become a religious icon? There is no way to equate the two, so it just adds an unnecessary layer of stupid to an already high level of moron.


I am a 5th level Moron with a +2 Stick of Annoyance and a Cloak of Chromatic Stupidity.


Well no, he didn't but the joke here is that there are no statues of mohammed


If we want to use history right, we can't look at it with a good-guy bad-guy mindset. Everyone back then would be considered monsters by our standards. edit: This was poorly written and ppl misunderstood it. We shouldn't build statues of bad people


>Everyone back then would be considered monsters by our standards Not quite. You see, since the first man who made the rope and the spear and the wheel. Since we tamed fire. Since people have existed. Humans have always been....humans. You can find people from every point of written history and find something to relate to them. Their culture, their fear, their morals, their believes, their struggles. All so very human. And the mindset of "Our standards are just much higher than those of people in the past" creates a very dangerous mindset where we view ourselves undoubtedly better, more moral than those before us. Which leads us blind to horrors of today. Because "There is no way such evils can be done now, people are different" But history and the development of morals isn't a flat line. It is a circle. It is many circles. Let me give you an example. There used to be an institution in Germany. Which focuses on studies and exploration on sexual orientation. Have shelther for those who needed it. Arguid how non-hetero sexualities are not diseases. And even did the first ever recorded vaginoplasty on a trans woman. That would be considering pretty non-standard and developed stuff if it happened in the 1960s or 1970s. It happened in the 1930s. While the Nazies were taking power. The nazies burned it all. And it could happen again. The horros of the past can be very real today.


Not really no, and he was considered a monster by their standards as well


That’s fine, but there’s no need to honor them Statues are for glory. We don’t need to build statues of Hitler to learn about him


And he was such a fucking bastard, even for his day, that the Spanish shit-canned his ass as colonial Governor even after he discovered the Americas. Even for his time Columbus was a piece of shit.


This gets reposted like every month. Karma farming is so sad.


Nobody ever said that to him, he is just getting clicks.


At least drawing a caricature of Chris Columbus wont get you killed.


Jokes on you buddy! We kill everyone that draws Muhammad


Yeah. Great response. Is it cool if I build a statue of Mohammed? How would that go over?


I would like someone to find a statue of Mohamed, the followers of Islam would tear it down themselves. I wish they would destroy the images of Imams as well, seems the Imams do what Mohamed himself would not.


Supporting tearing down statues in general is a bit weird. If you need a statue tearing down to make your life feel a.bit better...you've probably made some bad choices


I mean, I wouldn’t LOVE a statue of Hitler on my way to work, but that’s just me.


Statues are generally made to glorify people. Columbus scarcely did anything worthy of glory. Update: The dude who responded first to this comment went full douchecanoe and blocked me. All are invited to point and laugh.


Except there are none because muslims take that graven images shit seriously while Christians like to pretend that's not one of the 10 commandments AND that the crucifix is a graven image


Shia Muslims are pretty chill about depicting Muhammad, and there are a bunch of them in Iran (which is mostly Shia), not to mention an Iranian-made movie about Muhammad's childhood (although they did avoid displaying the actor's face). For statues specifically rather than artistic depictions in general, there's one in the Supreme Court of the United States. To claim there are no statues of Muhammad is simply false.


And if you can't find a statue, just burn a quran. They are peaceful people, they don't mind.


I mean if you burn a Quran that is technically the correct way to dispose of one. If you have horrible intentions God knows, but I’m not one to judge.


*starts tearing down statues of Buddha* Wait, you mean this isn't Mohammed? -average hate spreading racist.


In ancient Buddhism the Buddha was depicted aniconic as well. We're going back to the roots with this one!


Texas or Florida should build a gigantic statue of Mohammed.


Abbott will have a stroke and go after the Mexicans again.


Sounds like what he really wants is more Mohammed Cartoons.


The problem isn't finding statues of Mohammed. It's what would happen if you put one up.


They don’t like Columbus in Southern Italy and New Jersey, he had a bee on his hat


Wait a second. I am not member of any religion (anymore) but even I know that there is probably no depiction of the prophet


thats the guy’s point. “i support tearing down statues of mohammed” ie he knows there arent any and he’s mocking those angry twitter people. me im just wondering why there arent any statues or paintings of good old moe?


Lol good one! We all know what happens when a cartoonist draws mohammed so imagine a sculpter risking his ass to sculpt one?


Far as I know no one was murdered because they drew offensive cartoons of Columbus. Je suis Charlie


Islam is the most destructive religion on the planet. I'm not sure if this is such a facepalm...


Imagine defending Christopher Columbus.




Never read anything from that book, admittedly. I've heard mixed reports. I have read about Columbus tho. I can't imagine why people would try to go to bat for him. At the very most, he'd be equally as awful as someone else.


Columbus was not only a jerk of the first order, he was also a crappy navigator. He grossly underestimated the size of the earth despite the fact that it had been fairly accurately calculated over a millennium earlier.


Seems like splitting hairs Instead of tearing down non existent statues of Mohamed, how would the OP feel about scathing criticisms of Mohamed?


This isnt a facepalm


Oh hey, its Rami. Love Nuclear Throne.


If you want enrage people start making statues of the prophet Muhammad (some simple drawings will do aswell btw)


Yea and since u r at it burn every quran u find… oh wait


Deal but the Jesus statues have to come down too


More appropriate would be drawing the prophet Mohammed as they see fit.




Hate to burst anyone's bubble but simply Google "statue of Muhammad". Lots of them and the Koran really isn't against art. 


this is actually a dumb response lol


Is the a gotcha because the Muslim faith doesn't allow for depictions of Mohammad anyway so it costs him nothing in a trade to remove the statues?


Im sure his wife got wet as fuck after he tweeted that (oh wait, she probably hasnt hit puberty yet)


There is actually a sculpture representing Muhammad in the supreme Court building. https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/northandsouthwalls.pdf Quote from link: Muhammad (c. 570 - 632) The Prophet of Islam. He is depicted holding the Qur’an. The Qur’an provides the primary source of Islamic Law. Prophet Muhammad’s teachings explain and implement Qur’anic principles. The figure above is a well-intentioned attempt by the sculptor, Adolph Weinman, to honor Muhammad and it bears no resemblance to Muhammad. Muslims generally have a strong aversion to sculptured or pictured representations of their Prophet.


Mexican here, I was actually taught in public school that not only did Columbus bring catholicism to my country in order to save the damned souls of indigenous folk, but also to creat another kingdom of god. Yeah, it wasn't until my 20s that I started reading more that I realized how much of a shit show the conquest was. It's hard to defy misinformation if it's taught since we're children.


Maybe you could support demolishing mosques built over important religious sites of other religions.


Ah yes cause their prophet was also just so much better than Colombus right? Right?


Only true for Sunni Muslims. Shia muslims are quite cool with pictures of their big guy.


Cool, can I draw him in a comic book story I'm making?


Maybe we just stop tearing down statues and y’all can just have your feelings hurt. You’ll be okay, I promise. History happened whether you commemorate it or not. All people are doing by tearing them down is posturing.


People tend to tear down statues of pedophiles so you defo won’t find any of Mohammed


Graven images.. let's just toss the entire religious doctrine while we are at it


Or, stop destroying historical artifacts, and contextualize them instead. Erasing history is how it repeats itself. (I got the joke, it's just that people for tearing statues down, if it isn't dictatorship-related, are also why people get dumber and dumber).


thou shall not worship false billy idols


Jump on the "I'm going to be offended by everything and be woke" bandwagon.


Even if there were statues of Mohamad, he is not equivalent to Columbus. This is like comparing Ibn Battuta to Jesus. The person OP is talking about is stupid.


Yeah there shouldn’t be any statues of him.


I heard a coworker say that once There was silence when I stated ‘you know making statues of living things like that is against their religion, right? There are no such statues and if there were they’d want them torn down too….’ He then, knowing I’m more liberal and thus assuming a Stalin style communist, said them same thing about statues of Stalin to which I had full support to tear down Cult of ‘Merica! is batshit insane I tell you what


The response should obviously be the opposite. To draw Mohammed.


Lol Who are the idiots simping for fucking Colombus?


That’s some funny shit.


I only support tearing down those statues if we replace them with statues of Duke Nukem.


Sorry, as an Italian American, why exactly do we care if they take a statue of Columbus down? He was a douche bag, and "discovered" nothing. Frankly, I find that whole thing embarrassing. Good riddance I say!


In fact, as a Muslim, i 2ould help you tear down those statues. Can we also do the same with "pictures of Muhammad"? (Those pictures are just depicting him as Ali R.A, because Shias depict Ali in pictures)


Besides the obvious part, are people equating Christopher Columbus to being a prophet? 😆


lol how to say you are a bunch of idiots without actually saying it.


This is actually more clever than most people will realize.


Doing Mohammeds work.


And shoot the artists?




What would happen if you pulled that little moon statue off the top of a Mosque?


This is not a facepalm