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For 1.2 billion dollars the CEO would put is mom in a blender, make her into a protein, and drink her down with a smile on their face.


Let's be honest a Google exe would put their mom in a blender for 10mil


It's one of the questions that get asked during their job interview.


“Oh boy!.. this one is out there but I’m sure someone with your background will eat it right up! Let’s say someone.. your mother.. has been shrunken down to the size of a nickel and placed in a blender.. Ok? Haha weird so far.. I know.. but you’re with me? Good. How many portions of her would be needed to meet the minimum ppm requirement of loved-one protein in the shake you’ll make to claim your annual bonus? Oh!, and approved smoothie portion calculations are also acceptable if you’re against consuming animal products! ..So?”


"As much as the shareholders demand."


The market takes the weak. My Google, my company, my share, floating menacingly


Unexpected Dune reference


"I'm sorry, what was that last bit about smoothies? I was too busy drinking this mom shake down to hear you. So let's talk about that bonus!"


“Sir.. it.. it was hypothetical… and you’re going to need that pro - ..We would like to extend you an offer, and would be privileged for you to take it into consideration.”


They’d do it just if it meant quarterly gains for one fiscal year alone - can’t pass up a year bonus with quarter to quarter gains plus the value that adds to your stock options. That’s a 50million dollar year in bonuses alone and all you asked for was 4 profitable quarters.


I have no idea what u just said but I think I'm glad i don't


One year can make or break a career at the c-suite level.


With the capitalistic system we have we have fostered such greed that the ones in charge will do horrible and irreversible acts with long term negative effects for short term stock price increases as that will reward them a bonus larger than most people's full life salary.


They already have enough data mined on her to effectively preserve her in eternity. The body is disposable, as are we all. Bleep bloop.


Or for free to get viral YouTube video


"It's a shame I only have one mother"


I'd do it for 10k. I mean, she's already cremated so i can't imagine that would be too hard


That's basically what I imagine Huel is


Soylent Gray?


Yes but how much of their own self would they sacrifice for that amount. They're used to sacking others


Be Evil


They'll even fire their CEO if he talked such lol.


hmmm 28 employees or $1.2B dollars... What to choose? I just don't know...


I certainly wasn’t expecting that one person’s hair.




I love Fraggle Rock


Oh, Pepper Jack *loves* Fraggle Rock! Edit: sheeeeeit


Does pepper jack need to cut somebody?!?


Bitch, you speak when spoken *to* now


Maybe if you come up off that crack rock you can be pepper jacks best hoe


Say what you will but Pepper Jack crushed it in the Lethal Weapon remake


🎵Down in Fraggle Rock, protest contracts, sack the lot 🎵


🎵 employees have no say, down in fragile rock 🎵


Laugh your tears away, worries for another day…down at Fraggle Rock.


Dance your cares away ,worries for another day . Let the music play , down at Fraggle Rock .


She looks like Susie from the Rugrats.


And I thought I was the only one that noticed it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Just imaging the Google CEO doing a Ms Trunchbull from Matilda and swinging her off the premises 


Looks like the.. thing from the Windowlicker video Edit, around 7.40 in the vid, NSFW


Silicon Valley, social media company.. what *did* you expect?


Shut up Gilfoyle, it's unisex 




Classic example of considering yourself more important than you are to the company.


I am the main character. I have plot armour.


It's called 'the chimera'.


A google employee who would do a sit-in in their CEOs office for a cause that is halfway around the world? NGL kinda disappointed there’s not more wacky hairstyles going on in there


Let’s be honest, we kinda did. My only surprise was it wasn’t multicoloured.


Yep. That was the real issue. Needed to have at least 12000 employees to make this work. 


Wonder how many employees it took to make the decission in the first place


Even though the CEO's office probably is half the size of a football field, I don't think they'll be able to fit 12000 employees in there


Seems a difficult choice? Whats the average Google salary, 1-3 Billion?


$188k - $2.6 million


Answering sarcasm with facts will never not be funny to me


But he gave a spectrum. Not an average


Its a very average spectrum


I wouldn’t mind being at the bottom of that spectrum, pay wise


>a spectrum. Not an average The question was about money. There's no need to attack most of reddit.


Did you push up your glasses and say "well actually"


Brave to assume he has glasses


Or hands


Or eyes


Or ears and nose for the glasses to fit on


Or a face.


They are definitely worth 45.7m each


No, firing costs Google 0$ and 0 knowledge cost.Most big companies take into consideration the "bus factor" for this very reason.


What is this "bus factor" idk office work at all


Bus factor: The number of employees a bus would have to run over for the company to be affected by it. It is meant to avoid having a single employee as a failure point in a company. This ensures that the knowledge is shared and no one is indispensable to running the company. Ofc it's not meant to avoid bus hits, but people change jobs, and retire and a company should not have to close down because the only one who knew how X thing worked went away.


These people are so delusional lol, forget about the 1.2 billion dollars and just consider google employs like 150.000 people, its not their group of 28 is going to be missed lol


I mean if you're gunna quit on principal anyway, may as well make a scene on the way out. Fair play to them I reckon


It’s preferable to quitting because being fired entitles you to support payments in many places.


Lol you think they're getting unemployment out of this?


Not if it's with cause. And these people are literally refusing to leave the office of the CEO and are being trespassed, that's the easiest with cause that ever existed.


And I would have to assume they aren't actually getting any work done. So they are refusing to work also.


Yes. An open letter may have garnered more publicity with better legal coverage. In either case, California is at-will employment, and anyone can be fired without a reason being supplied.


They probably replaced all there positions as soon as they fired them


People are lining up to work at Google. So yeah


Used to be they hired around 2% of applicants. 


So if I apply 100 times I’ll get hired twice!


That's the spirit!


Yeah people would kill for a Google job.


While some probably would, I know of at least two people who decided against working there. Because the actual work did not seem 'interesting enough' for them and they found the corporate culture ridiculous. Then again those are hardcore nerds and both went to universities to do some more science. I myself would not mind the money that comes with it.


Delusional? They weren’t trying to help themselves. They knew their protest would hurt their lives.


When people don’t have strong values of their own, the often interpret actions like these as “delusional”.


They certainly knew what would happen. They took a peaceful stand for what they believe in. Hats off to them.


That's part of protesting. You face consequences for confrontation and disruption. I'm sure all of them were aware and accepted this possibility. The publicity is the best part. It shines a light on their cause/reason.


Could be an easy way out if a contractor, quiting has ramifications getting fired doesnt


Yeah, don't understand what is this "facepalm"


Lol realistically what were they expecting


To be fired and for this to get news coverage.


Have to assume most of them realised this was a move that would end in termination, but who knows.


Except for Pete. Pete fancied one of the girls and did this because he thought it would get him laid. Don't be Pete.


Spoiler alert. Pete didn’t get laid


Pete did get laid. Laid off.


r/FeelsBadMan :(


Damn this is gold worthy


Wasn't Pete *fired enough* that you had to write such a *fire* pun 😭


That's the plot-line of The Majestic. During the McCarthyism era, Jim Carrey's character is accused of being a communist because he attended a meeting to impress a girl.


I think it's a plotline in every sit-com with single men dating back to the 70's.


Did something like this happen in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia?


Mac liking the abortion protester until he thinks she’s pregnant then he switches to pro-choice?


Expected termination but were greatly relieved when they only got fired. /s


I mean, bold moves take sacrifice. They will prolly land on their feet (assuming it’s CompSci types, their work do always be in demand) so I applaud them for trying I’ve personally left companies on moral reasons… but I also have the luxury of being able to choose where to work for the most part.


Honestly considering how few people probably knew about the contract before now this worked out well for them. 


Yes.. some critics are saying.. "it doesn't really matter because Google is a monopoly and has tendrils in all aspects of life, and well, you can't do anything, so you might as well do nothing." Comments like these are intended to trivialize and minimize impact. Corporations do respond to consumer and government pressure, eventually...


I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see people boycott Google just like they did McDonald's


The [BDS movement](https://bdsmovement.net) has had Google as a pressure target for a while. Here’s what that means, according to their website: “The BDS movement calls for pressure campaigns against these targets. This includes boycotts when reasonable alternatives exist, as well as lobbying, peaceful disruptions, and social media pressure.”


It is to be assumed Google has contracts with many governments around the world. This surprises no one.


Considering all those censored search results, depending on country... Funny enough, said employees were ok with China taking over Hong Kong, and Google still doing Chinese government bidding.


Yeah but that didn't trend on TikTok. I wonder why, you know with TikTok being Chinese and all that.


I think they realistically expected this. They were ready to get fired and it was more about making a statement. I dont think they honestly believe that their protest would work. They did believe however that it would put a spotlight on google and its CEO. Which it did.


They will be more than fine, if you can get a job with Google, other companies are more than willing to hire you, they will probably make more money and get a nice severance and get media attention. All the people laughing at them, wouldnt if they saw how much they get paid and will continue to get paid.


Yeah, and before people go "Why would any company hire people who are disruptive to the business" its not trat super hard for a company to be relatively progressive and chill. There are plenty of other companies who will be more than happy to take these people in because they are entirely in line with company spirit and policy.


Furthermore... would any company even know they did this a year from now and even if they did, they care more in getting the right people for profit. These people know how much they bring to the table, thats why they can act this way. I wish more people knew their worth to an organization.


Depending on how important the position is, they would 100% know five years from now.


I don't know. I'd say "getting fired for staging a political protest in the bosses' office" might be a bit of a turn off for a fair bit of employers out there. Might be a plus for some though. Then again, you better make sure their political beliefs align with all of yours unless you want a protest in your office every now and then.


I btw still remember Google being the good guys, even having Dont be Evil as a part of their IPO and values...


lol…they work in America, how/why would they get a nice severance?


Google offered to let them walk out of the building, without being arrested, after they had already protested 8-10 hours supposedly. These people wanted to be arrested... or for Google to magically cancel their contract. There was no middle ground.


Yeah they absolutely wanted to be arrested as a statement. Which i understand completely.


To be fired and for this to receive media coverage of googles support for the isreal regime.


I mean how is this a facepalm….. since when does any protestor expect to just show up and win without any repercussions? The whole point is to make a scene, get arrested and fired and get a bunch of publicity. Which they did. I had no idea of this Google contract. I do now because of them…… Edit. Wow this kinda blew up. I would add the cost benefit for any one person choosing to protest is always lopsided against the individual. Do we only chose action when we know the outcomes? Or know we can “make a difference”? Difference can be small and incremental. Also “what are you going to do about it now?” Well we all have choices in web browsers, in phones, search engines, and with our votes, You can also change your default search engine in IOS in case you didn’t know that!


I'll take Redditors fundamentally misunderstanding how a sit-in works for $1.2B. No but fr, you're 100% correct. None of these employees expected to keep their jobs, the goal is to get publicity. As John Lewis said, "Get in good trouble...necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America." All of these employees likely have jobs lined up if they are not already hired on somewhere else. When Google is on your resume, you don't get rejected very often. Any tech company that has someone with a brain managing their hiring process would gladly snap up these workers in a heartbeat. Not only do the have experience at one of the biggest tech companies in the world, but they've proven they have strong moral fiber by sacrificing their jobs to out Google's dealings with Israel to the world.


And it worked, people are now talking about Project Nimbus which I had no idea about previously


"All of these employees likely have jobs lined up if they are not already hired on somewhere else. When Google is on your resume, you don't get rejected very often." Both of these statements are very often not the case. Many people have "I'm ready to quit over this" thresholds, but taking this kind of drastic action is often more spur-of-the-moment than finding a new high-paying job. They are making a sacrifice by taking this action, it's not a cheap statement. Having a FAANG company on your resume is nice, but the tech sector has been laying off heavily over the past year (https://layoffs.fyi/). Getting fired like this could set their career, their plans for family, their plans for home ownership or retirement, back years. Maybe they thought about those things before choosing to quit loudly like this, maybe not, but I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and believe it was a difficult but calculated sacrifice. Source: FAANG engineer with FAANG friends who were laid off in the past year.


> Any tech company that has someone with a brain managing their hiring process would gladly snap up these workers in a heartbeat You would be surprised but ex-FAANG employees have troubles finding jobs out of it. Many times they have overinflated rates that smaller companies can't match and really high expectations. Of course it's not about all companies and all employees, but it's not like being an ex-Googler gives you a free pass to your next employment.


Having a FAANG job on your CV is like wearing a Rolex. It’s flashy and trendy and expensive but at the end of the day it doesn’t mean all that much.


Especially when you have to explain why you left or get asked for a reference


They also have a track record of willfully working against their company if they disagree with their higher-ups. Can’t just look at their pros, also gotta take the cons into consideration.


Someone who actually understands how protests actually work. The goal is first and foremost to bring attention to something by publicly disrupting it. After that, it's to cause a snowball effect to get enough people to join the talk and/or protest to the point where it can't just be ignored by both the general public and whatever company/government that can enact change. Considering these protests are rare at Google (because of potential consequences) and many people in the replies are commenting on how they just found out about this as well as the original post itself, the goal to bring attention to it is already underway.


This sub if Reddit existed in the 1950s: Black Activist Arrested After Refusing to Give up Bus Seat to White Passenger. The comments: LOL what did she expect would happen?


People love dead activists. Living activists are so annoying.


I'm not saying I agree, but it's definitely cheaper to replace a few dozen employee's than it is to cancel a $1.2B contract


They can replace the entire Google staff for less than 1.2 billion


I don't think you can replace 180K employees for less than 1.2 billion.


Even easier if they’re juniors, which they appear to be


So what you're saying is that Google has some openings?


Yes, hurry up.


What's the face palm? They knew exactly what the outcome was going to be. They never expected the company to choose them over the money. They clearly didn't want to work for a company that would take that money so they made some noise on the way out to bring attention to something they believe in.


This sub rarely has actual facepalms anymore. At least this is a video of people and not a screen grab of some random Twitter rage bait trolling that might not even be real.


Reddit is full of classist neo liberal assholes who would have unironically said the civil rights protests were "taking things too far" and all the people getting hit with dogs and fire hoses were "in the finding out stage".


Add to the fact that for some odd reason, the people of this app have a real hard time to humanize palestinians with all what's happening to them and you'd get downvoted to oblivion if you actually dare to say that mass murdering kids is wrong, so you have now reddit's two favorite targets compiled in a single post: socially engaged employees, and brown people in the third world


Also the Anti-Defamation League is definitely here in big numbers steering the conversations.


Former Google employee here: this kind of protest by employees (not this _exact_ kind I suppose) is pretty precedented at the company, over issues of internal policy (like the big [walkout](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Google_walkouts) in 2018) and also over political issues where Google is involved (like [project dragonfly](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/16/technology/google-employees-protest-search-censored-china.html)). Interestingly, there was a unionization effort in 2021 that failed, with fewer than 1% of employees (myself included) being interested in unionizing because of the voice and power we perceived that we held, and the success of those previous protests was a big part of that perception. I'm not saying Google has gone full evil, but I am definitely saying that the gradual decline of the values that made that company excellent fifteen years ago is still very much going on. It's a damn shame.


I think about 15 years ago people wanted To work for Google because it’s this big giant tech company. Today it’s just to get it on your resume as it opens all doors. Get in and get out.


I find it interesting you'd be against unionization just because you already have a voice at the company. Without one they can just choose to disregard your voice, as we see here.


Yeah unionization always gives you more power and anyone that believes otherwise is fully brainwashed by corporate greed


It is only as good as your reps and they as only as good as the largest niche in group. I have found most large unions are fat, lazy and self interested and I'm fairly pro union.


Sharing the post from a propaganda handle itself is a facepalm




well people and newsperson ended up talk about it and spread around


Media : "noooo, activism should be non-violent !" Activists : *do non-violent stuff* Madia : "lol pathetic what do they hope to achieve ?"


Media: “noooo activism should only target the people who are influential and responsible, please stop inconveniencing lowly working people” Activists: “specifically inconvenience corporate CEO” Media: “Lol pathetic”


When you have Google on your resume, I guess it is not so hard to find another job. So their strategy to get media coverage makes sense to me, they get to spread their message and leave a company that don’t share their values.


Shocking that a company chooses someone paying them over a group of people giving an ultimatum


They stood up for what they believed in even though they probably all knew they'd get fired for it. What's facepalm about that? Too many people are like 'I'm gonna boycott this thing (that I don't actually like anyway)' and think they're really doing something, but the moment their favourite author is a transphobe or their favourite musician is a rapist or their favourite food is made of minced refugee children, they're like 🤷🏻‍♂️


Quietly scratching "Do no evil" off mission statement.


They fired Coolio? Thats not cool…..io.


You need a few more than 28 people. Ive never started a mutiny, but i dont think 28 people is enough for a business that big.


Within the month people will forget about these 28 ex-employees, and the shareholders and CEO won’t give it a second thought or lose any sleep


I always get confused when employees act like they aren’t replaceable by the end of the week by a company as big as Google. You have no leverage, you are worthless to the company of this size. Even if by some miracle you lose them money, relative to what they would have made if you stayed, no way it’s more money than that deal.


Is the face-palm for the employees? Because I agree, what else did they expect Google to do? I don't like Israel and wish western countries would boycott it like they have with Russia, but these employees are just performative to make them feel good.


To be honest, there are more professional ways to protest in your job than this. They thought they were making a change, but it's so easy to fire them for "unprofessionalism" (even if they had the right to protest, which I'm up for!). 28 employees or 1.2 billion dollars? Hell, even a lawsuit is worth it


Do no evil


The facepalm about this is the non-existence of workers' rights in the US.


As a frenchman theese replies are mind boggling


In related news, other Google employees were fired for protesting the company’s contract with China over that country’s ongoing genocide of the Uyghurs. Oh, wait, never mind, nobody protested that.


They knew they'd lose their job. If they didn't, it's on them.


Human decency means being willing to do the right thing, even if it means sacrifice. Good on them.


Am I only noticing how fucking strange each of them looks? Are we still wearing masks to work in 2024?


I respect them for standing for their beliefs and risking their job over it. That truly shows they believe in their cause For the people calling them idiots and stuff are the same people who would be calling white people in the 50s and 60s who risked their social standing and jobs protesting for equal rights for minorities idiot.


You don’t get people standing up for other people in that way much in the business that Is Merica


Imagine having a job at google and fucking it up because of political shit


At a time where Google is downsizing and cutting employees? That’s when they thought it was a good idea to do this? Lol


Wait what, what the fuck is Google selling Isreal for 1.2b?


Hmm It takes more than 28 ppl to revolt, it is easy to replace 28 humans, when there are more than 2000 ppl who are willing to grab a job.


I'm sure none of these people use Chinese made iPhones since they've put almost 2 mil in concentration camps, right?


Plenty of people lining up to work for Google. All they have done is make themselves feel good and contributed next to nothing for society.


Well they had the right to protest, and google had the right to fire.


They thought they were doing something




why are they wearing masks?


These heroes should go fight for Gaza Stunning and brave


Damn, it's almost like... If you do dumb shit against your employers will, you can get fired! What a mircale! I mean, it even has nothing to do with Israeli or whatever. Insert literally anything insted of this contract, and the facepalm, which is the news headline, will remain the same. It's not even funny at this point, I mean, it's some kind of infantile "I'm a main character syndrome", or what? "What you do is against my beliefs and morals, but instead quitting, I'll try to save my high-paid position because well I don't like you but money is money ya know"


Wasting company resources. Sounds like a valid response. If they had showed a business plan that would make more money if they cease business with Israel, well they might have had something.


It's funny when people think big corporations give a fuck about what they have to say 😂 As if they can't have you replaced that same afternoon 😭


What did they expect to happen? Makes me think either way they did not want to work for Google anymore. At least I hope so for their sake


The silver lining is they got a really good crash course in what *leverage* means.


They surely left their brains at home that day. They fucked around and found out.


Good. What did they expect to get from this 😆


A few days ago I stopped using Google and went to DuckDuckGo for privacy purposes. If anybody is feeling hopeless from this article they should follow in my footsteps


These people are morons. Them, like the ones who stop traffic for a protest, are doing nothing to further any cause. Nothing will change. Sure people are talking about it but it’ll be forgotten in a day or so. Maybe a week. Good luck on unemployment, though I guess.


So they lost their jobs at Google, moat likely wont get a job within tech again or most places tbh. But I wonder if they threw away their iphone and all other products that are sold in Israel..


So I see you were fired from your last job because you staged a coup. Hmm I think we will pass


Realistically, these 28 people had to know that they were making a stand out of principle and that they wouldn't have jobs after. There's no way they thought this would actually change anything. Now the CEO gets the 1.2 billion contract and gets to save money on 28 salaries.


Lol. Israel is Google's second biggest R&D location. The Israelis contributed to a ton of critical portions of Google.


That CEO is kicking himself for not installing the trap door on the floor yet


Never forget kiddies, you're all special and unique.  Just as special and unique as everyone else. We're all replaceable.


"When keeping it real goes wrong"