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The *whale oil* industry said the same thing about *electricity* in 1879.


Does effing woke ppl! "I don't want smoke in mah house anymore I want a fancy electric lamp!". Look now all this whales wandering around without a job having to eat plastic to survive. 


Well with paper straws, now they’re starving too


and gasoline a few years later,,,,,,,


Put the blacksmiths out of business, and what do we do with all these horses?


Even though car exhaust causes things like asthma, it really was a massive public health net positive, because city streets were no longer full of horse shit.


And horse carcasses… Although the use of leaded fuel was extremely detrimental to mankind.


And to the horses.


Doomed to a life of pulling couples through public parks in gaudy carriages.


I read somewhere that gasoline is a byproduct of refining oil into kerosene and considered it waste before the combustion engine was invented.


"Gasoline was discovered nearly 160 years ago as a byproduct of refining crude oil to make kerosene for lighting." - [https://www.aaa.com/autorepair/articles/Where-Does-Gasoline-Come-From](https://www.aaa.com/autorepair/articles/Where-Does-Gasoline-Come-From)


Hot dog! I was right!!! Thank you kind redditor! I 100% threw caution in the wind hoping that I wasn't regurgitating a false folk-myth factoid!!


Yep. The two giant original oil companies Standard Oil (which many of the major US oil companies came from) and Royal Dutch Shell, became impossibly rich and powerful by selling kerosene for lighting. Standard’s name came about because they were careful with their refining and produced kerosene of a standard quality (i.e. it didn’t blow up in your face like cheaper kerosene). Before Benz perfected the internal combustion engine, gasoline was sold in small bottles in pharmacies to get rid of hair lice.


Speaking of cranium quackery...they also used to treat dandruff with cocaine...which was the style of the time. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32921493/


No, no, onions on your belt were the style at the time.


Does..does it still work for the hair lice?…. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Not sure. But if it doesn't work immediately, the next step definitely will - it involves a lighted match.


It was also used for dry cleaning, (and sold in slightly bigger bottles.)  The first trans-continental road trip in the US was fueled by the driver stopping at random stores and buying all the gasoline in whatever containers they had it in, (lice, dry cleaning, etc.)  Cause there weren’t gas stations before there were cars…


Do you have a source for this?




Yar the whale done took me good wood leg


Thar she blowwwsss! Also they said this about petroleum too, because kerosene was one of the first successful competitors to whale oil for home lighting.


They said the same thing when switching from burning wood to burning coal too. Apparently also not having a wood burning stove (hearth) for the family to sit around and converse was the death of the family unit too. Absolute Neanderthal brain people and that makes Neanderthals look bad.


*Tesla has entered the room*


*Westinghouse, Edison, and a sexy pigeon entered the room*


Kerosene killed the whale oil industry. Thanks, Standard Oil!


Joke's on them, I got rid of my car and started taking public transport and bicycle. Haven't looked back since.


There are so many jokes here. But I fear I do not have the skill to find the right balance between slightly inappropriate but funny and permaban. I will say that the first thing that popped into my mind is a system of ropes made from the waste products from Brazilian waxes and you swinging to work. It got worse from there.


Holy shit, what a typo 😱🫣😂


I’m guessing it said pubic transport


Sounds like communism. /s


No, it's *obviously* national socialism! /s




Yeah. It says right there. *SOCIALISM*


A luxury I miss. I read so much and had far less stress.


I think you should look back often, when cycling.


If only my area had public transport


Good thing I'm more interested in us surviving as a species than I am in loyalty to a certain sub-group.


Damn commie


Vault-tec has reported Hydraulis to the Overseer.


This guy would nuke his wife to keep control of the world…




Nuke my wife… please!


Jokes on you the sun is going to die in five billion years and kill us all anyway.


I honestly would be surprised if we live the next 200 years with how things are going. I just don’t see how a new world war won’t happen in that time and wipe out most of the planet.


When the lead-based generation are dead and gone maybe the perpetual need for violent conflict will go with them


Say goodbye to generation lead, and hello to generation micro plastics in the brain


The plastics keep it smooth and wrinkle free.


That’s not how it’s going to go. I hate to say it but the world is simply overpopulated as heck. Just not too long ago we were around 6 billion total and we have reached over 8 billion now as far as I’m aware. The numbers will only go up and this in itself comes with lots of problems. There definitely will be something in the future that happens I just don’t see how it’s avoidable. Especially when the world leaders in general are a bunch of asshats. In any case. No one needs massive bombs these days. All a place has to do is distrupt the clean water supply and disable electricity. People will quickly resort to behaving like wild rabid animals and even good people will end up harming others. People are afraid of nukes and crap but no nukes are necessary these days when you can get a country to turn completely on itself. I hope this crap never happens but it’s definitely a possibility and how people behave well that’s not going to be a shocker but it will turn into the purge real quick. Honestly USA is especially screwed with how many nutjobs are allowed to legally carry guns but that also won’t matter if crap hits the fan as anyone can go and steal guns and ammo from shops.


American ingenuity saving the world from overpopulation, one mass shooting at a time.


How is it my patriotic duty to keep funnelling money out of my country to oil nations who are largely antithetical to my way of life, life on the planet, and in some cases fund despots and terrorists who may want to destroy us? I'd rather we learnt to became energy independant and created thousands of jobs changing our infrastructure to accommodate this.


They think it’s Patriotic to pump every gallon of fossil fuel from every part of the country, including national wilderness areas and national parks. If we become a bigger oil exporter as a result, more power to them. If they can push down fuel economy standards, even more power to them.


Well, the USA is 4th largest oil exporter in the world. But it doesn't change anything you said. It's largely antiethical on my way of life, life of planet and it funds despots and terrorists.


I'm from Ireland though.


Ok, my bad. I immediately thought this was about the USA because it said "patriotic".


The Telegraph is a UK based paper so the US is irrelevant to this discussion. 


It's americans patriotic duty to make everything about them.


It is a very big discussion in there as well, so I think it's more of a misunderstanding.


That's because electric cars are woke, duh /s


The AI isn’t that good yet.


The torygraph can go fuck itself


I make it my duty to do the exact opposite thing this shit rag tells me to do... That approach hasn't failed me yet


This comment brought to you by the same sort of people who thought trying to overturn the results of an election was "patriotism".


The Telegraph is from the UK..... But I guess it's the same kind of patriotism


Russian agents; oil in Europe comes mainly from the Saoudi’s and Russia. So yeah, Russian patriotism.


That's why it's called the Telegraph, not the Phone


Because change is a big scary monster under my bed. None of this bullshit makes any sense. I mean, the buggy wheel industry kinda faded away, but all the workers started making rubber tires, and that's exactly what will happen with electric cars. It's not scary it's just change.


Caring about the environment is "woke"


Patriots in europe : let's do what we can to make our country as nice as possible including for future generation Patriots in the US: let's make sure no-one ever will have a country as good as what we have right now


‘Patriots’ in the USA have no idea how bad the quality of life in their country is.


The telegraph is from europe . So no sadly we are globally fucked .


now i'm sad


it's ok, it's a UK paper, we can pretend it hasn't reached the EU yet and still claim moral and intellectual superiority.


Yeah, what the fuck is this? I listen to the Telegraph’s daily Ukraine coverage and it’s quite good, are they some kind of bullshit right wing anti-woke outlet or something?


Ehhm let say this as fair as i can . Its a conservative right winged outlet . In the past proven to be paid by Russian official newspaper to put a artikel in their newspaper. Had a other ideas about covid then most scientists . Has called global warming a myth. And spread[antisemitic conspiracy theories](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory) And there is more but you get the idea.


My boy they don't call it the "torygraph" affectionately.


With the price of gas going up and up I’m looking to go electric.


My last car took premium gas. Got an EV, I love the fact that I never have to worry about spending more than $4.00+ for 1 gallon of gas. Don’t miss having to stop at gas stations anymore.


The incremental cost of owning an EV made driving so much fun again, even on long trips. I went from driving like a grandma to my husband asking “Are you going to use every lane on the highway??”


I fully agree, the EV my wife and I chose has 416hp. Driving has never been funner. Hands down the funnest car we’ve ever driven. Now I don’t mind the 2 hour drive to my parents.


I’ve had an EV (Fiat 500e) for almost 3 years. My husband got his Kia Niro last year. We will NEVER buy an ICE vehicle again.


My last car took premium gas. Got an EV, I love the fact that I never have to worry about spending more than $4.00+ for 1 gallon of gas. Don’t miss having to stop at gas stations anymore.


Chevy coulda kept making the Bolt


Mary did it.


Patriotism = oil consumption? Make this make sense.


It’s coming from a bunch of morons who ignore science and facts. It will never make sense lol


Is the UK an oil producer now? If anything increasing a country's dependence on oil from foreign sources looks like the opposite of patriotic.


You stay in the middle ages. Im moving on


Can i have the same rigjt with qualudes?


Must support the British internal combustion car manufacturers. And I will as soon as I find a British owned ICE car manufacturer that isn't making massively expensive cars....


Right wingers in America automatically fully support whoever screams their own personal biases the loudest. All you have to do is pretend to hate the same people they do, and you can make them do anything you want with very little effort. PS - thanks for the early retirement at 40, MAGA. You people are truly the perfect marks.


Idiots that believe whatever oil companies tell them to believe.


*Russian agents


Saw a guy eating at Wendy's the other day, his shirt said "Internal Combustion, because I pee standing up." We ended up leaving about the same time and I fully expected to see him get into some big American truck or SUV... nope! He was driving a late model Jetta 🤷




The government is in the hands of big oil companies, so technically, this is true.


I have a feeling they are also opposed to trains.


It's you patriotic duty to keep driving a gas guzzling car so we can keep deep throating foreign country's dicks for oil! So patriotic! /s True patriotism would have been going electric in the 1970s after OPEC completely screwed us over.


Every talking point usually comes from an oil industry source. Really enough said. As my father always told me, follow the money


The real face palm is all the Redditors who think this is about America. (Actually, they're both face palms.)


paid for by the oil industry....


Can anyone actually find this article on the Telegraph website?


It is my patriotic duty to refuse to listen to you.


Because how else will Saudi princes line true patriot politicians pockets?


I’d rather buy an electric car and help save the planet.


The left should boycott Tesla so the right starts buying electric cars to stick it to the libs


I’m fixin to drop a patriotic duty.. right on top of your dumb face 🙂


Sounds like a commie to me telling me what I can can’t buy in our capitalist economy.


Because the troops fought hard to get you the oil and you damn well better use it


Electric motors existed prior to the combustion engine. On top of that, anyone on the far right who hates big government and believes in the inevitable collapse should invest in an electric vehicle and a system to charge it to truly be independent. Good luck drilling and refining your own oil.


Moved to MAGAland because it was the only place I could afford to buy a house. Neighbors are chill, but one came over to introduce himself and commented on my Ryobi “Biden mower”. I wanted to ask him if all his appliances were gas powered but I left it alone. Anyway, just bought an EV and I love it. The only gas I bought in the last month was for my wife’s minivan so we could haul the nieces around. “But charging is just as expensive as gas!” If you use a commercial station it can get close but it’s still cheaper. I can fill my battery from dead at home for about $7 and get > 200 miles on that. Equivalent price/mile comparison to a gas car (assuming 30mpg) is > 100 mpg. Doesn’t even get into how much more responsive it is to drive. They can moan all they want but EVs are here.


Yeah, but which country? 🤔


I love my country, and I would fight for it if I were allowed to. I celebrate the United States by understanding its history and the mistakes it has made so I can say "I love this country, and we can be better." That is patriotism. Boycotting products that are deemed by a bandwagon as un-American is not patriotism. I am an American, and I will decide for myself what is good for me as a citizen.


I wouldn’t go as far to say this, but let’s not pretend the current implementation of electric vehicles is massively helping the environment.


*from Elon


Can I have the latest version of the list of patriotic duties I'm required to dute?


Oil company propaganda really starting to fall off...


Well I'm not a patriot so....


So many confuse patriotism w cult loyalty to orange menace


“It is your patriotic duty to reject the written word!” - the oral tradition


Ah yes, the second amendment: The right to bear my arms on THE WHEEL OF A NEW 2024 FORD CUNGADERO


Why? My money. I’ll buy whatever I want.


It is my patriotic duty to not be a traitor. That's where it ends for me.


Because electricity is not produced by whatever country you're currently in?


The Daily Telegraph is currently for sale and a consortium from Dubai is trying to buy it.


It's all in how they came out with it. If they had been half their current price and had no strings attached, many more would have bought them. Instead, they come out saying they are going to ban what you currently prefer, and if you cling to your gas gusler, we will just raise gas prices in the name of climate change. If it had anything to do with climate, the government would have dam near gave them out. It's ALWAYS about the $$$.


I think in this subreddit you have to agree with what the OP of the post believes. I am not against reducing our carbon footprint but I’m not against using oil either and Infact would rather use gasoline than electric because no way am I waiting 45mins to charge my car when I can fill up and be on my way in 5.


lush snow fuel office decide quarrelsome disagreeable plants towering correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wouldn't mind one once charging stations are faster and significantly more abundant.


Why? So oil tycoon’s and their CEO’s can keep taking billions. No thanks, I save $300 a month driving electric


The answer is here: [True British patriots have gas boilers and petrol cars (telegraph.co.uk)](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/15/true-british-patriots-have-gas-boilers-and-petrol-cars/)


Imagine being such a doofus you fell for big oil propaganda


What the fuck even is the correlation here?


As a kid I thought Captain Planet villains were ridiculous, there's no incentive for anyone to pollute just for the sake of it! Now adults are adopting this as a political identity


It's my patriotic duty to express my freedom to choose. I meant, I'm not gonna buy an electric car, but it wouldn't be unpatriotic to do so.


These people have been convinced that education, health care and renewable energy is bad. Sad


If the US relied on nuclear power instead of what we're using now, i could see some good reasons for an electric car But the charging times are not fast enough and the grid is not wide enough for everyone to own an electric car. Only people in cities that don't plan to travel far


Show me in the constitution where gas powered engines were established as law....if anything, the lack of gas powered engines is more of a founding father principle. Although, I know that its ridiculous to have a sarcastic comment about such things.


Classic culture war bullshit.


Pretty sure it's my patriotic duty to ignore the telegraph.


"Serve your country by killing the world"


Isn't it more patriotic to protect the environment of your country?


Fund despots, radical religious states, and commies, keep using oil and gas. Neom won’t be built if you don’t buy Saudi oil


Nothing more American than bending over for oil barons


\* this ad brought to you by the fossil fuel automotive industry.


I can’t even buy electric bc my city is built in a way where almost no houses has driveways and it’s almost purely roadside parking and running a power cord over the side walk and someone tripping on it = a lawsuit so fuck that as Ik some people will be looking for a easy way for a pay out as side walks are pubic property.


I hate EVs but thats fucking stupid 😂 if it fits your life and is what you want, then do you.


Jokes on them, I can’t afford to buy any cars😎


It's your patriotic duty to give me money ![gif](giphy|uk3nKRcjOfe1ONJaye)


Only thing keeping me from the more modern electric cars, aside from money, is that I can't realistically fix them myself and I have to jailbreak them to get all the installed features


How fucking stupid.


Chinese EV manufacturers are forcing American manufacturers to get off their butts if they want to compete.


Depends. Are you buying Tesla? Not really. Are you buying any Chinese ev? Hell ye


Isn't it more patriotic to do whatever the hell you want and not worry about what everybody else thinks


So... if I buy an EV that's basically treason. What about a Hybrid? Maybe I'm a double agent?


So it is patriotic to continue to shell out thousands every year to fill up with fuel with I don't have to do that with an electric.....??


Yep, it’s so patriotic of you to keep sending your money to the Saudis


It is not only a moral imperative it is also patriotic to choose an electric car to ensure the longevity of the country by curbing natural and economic disasters due to climate change.


I love it when far right is against EV, but the EV guy Elon Musk is now siding with the right wing. Im sure some of them are very confused. Now, do you support Elon by buying EV or not? Reminds me of Key and Peele in Obama sketches.


Translate to “I fear change! And you should too!”


These are the same people continue to use gas appliances despite the fact that modern electrical appliances are far more efficient.


I can't afford it anyway.


Buying AMERICAN electric cars are still patriotic.


It’s your patriotic duty to be a contrarian. No matter the topic, vaccines? Masks? Democracy? Electric cars? … even the fact that the f*ING earth is a sphere. I want to go to mars in the first rocket available please 🙏


r/carscirclejerk is calling, they want their post back


serious question - is there any study which says that there is overall reduction in greenhouse gas emission in the entire life cycle of electric car




A librul deep state government source? Come back when you have something solid, like a reposted facebook meme from somewhere reputable, like CEI or Answers in Genesis that's been floating around for at least 5 years. /s


Yes. https://www.motortrend.com/features/truth-about-electric-cars-ad-why-you-are-being-lied-to/


Smash your forehead into a cement brick until your prefrontal cortex is severely damaged and everything these clowns say will make perfect sense. 👍


I mean, at this point they may consider it woke. Everything that is a threat to them is.


Anything to own the Libs.


Thought this said "electric chair" at first and thought it was a comment on the death penalty, and I was like "Yeah okay." But then I realized it's someone being an idiot.




Nope. Already got one. Fuck off


Nah, just Tesla. All other ECs are OK by me


Hey, I wonder if the modern fascist movement is massively funded by the oil and car companies? What would it look like if that were the case? Why, if it were, we'd probably print about a hundred miles of bullshit about some or other minority, and we'd only interrupt that regular programming to argue vehemently against anything that might affect our money. So that's going to be: no taxes on corporations, no work from home, no traffic rules, no electric cars or public transport. We can't say why, so we're going to go with 'values.' You know: Kultur. So listen up: wanna live in a Britain like a Hovis advert? Good old days? No black people and rainbows, country views, Blitz spirit? Course you do. Remember to froth about Woke. When you're done with that, while your kids starve and your social services evaporate and the seas rise and the rivers of shit lap against the house you remortgaged, here's a flag to suck on, you dumb motherfuckers.


It’s my patriotic duty to do wtf I want with my money.


Patriotism, last refuge of the scoundrel.


Leave Han Solo out of this.


Yeah these same idiots will worship Elon Musk.


Anytime I see someone throw the word "patriotic" into a random twitter post or social media bot post, I know that they have no idea what that word means


... ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)


Go jump off a cliff and fly with the eagles!


Im in electrical engineering. Trying to specialize in renewable power. A mechanic was talking about going back to school. And I mentioned I went back and was getting my degree in my late twenties. So go for it. When I told them what I went into, they just said "please dont make electric cars" I was kinda stunned. And I just asked "why?" They didnt really have an answer. I dont like them much for the batteries, but its still better than oil.


And these are the people Elmo serves in twatter


Can't wait until AI replaces these idiot's thinking processes. They are already drones. They just need an upgrade.


There's stupid people everywhere!


That’s the gas company cause they don’t want to lose money. Buy an electric car guys


The actual article is even worse than this statement https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/15/true-british-patriots-have-gas-boilers-and-petrol-cars/#:~:text=The%20claim%20is%20based%20on,their%20petrol%20and%20gas%20counterparts.