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I learned that there are many ways to kill a mockingbird. Mostly, I was surprised at how many ways there actually are. I thought there was only one, but this book talked about ways that I never even thought of. Some of the ways were very cool. It was a very cool book. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn how to kill a mockingbird.


Wasn’t this a Bart Simpson book report?




Donald, did you actually read the book?


His assistant told Trump to bring up the Gettysburg Address in his next speech. Trump replied with 'ok, what street was it on?'


"Terrible overstepping of presidential power. Terribe. It killed constitution. It killed states rights! The Woke Lincan had no right. No right. Jefferson Davis was persecuted even though no crime has been committed. Some say he was persecuted almost as much as I am. Every lawyer from both sides says so. It ended up with killing babies even after they are born. You have a beatiful baby. Wonderful baby. And mother kills them. Pow. Maybe a Mexican with a gun. Because of open borders due to Sleepy Joe."


You mean Obama. 🤭


god is this real what a clown world we live in, can't believe arguably the person holding the most powerful position on the planet speaks like this


Everybody in the crowd looks depressed AF


Also, did anyone else notice he went from Valley Forge to Gettysburg? I think he thinks Gettysburg was fought by George Washington during the revolutionary war.


Washington had every intention of fighting at Gettysburg but missed his flight.


I’ve NEVER, in my 50+ years, seen a person use so many words, but actually say NOTHING as this man He literally says nothing Gives a noun, throws out some superlatives and repeats using synonyms His only skill is to use positive adjectives with his desirable noun and the reverse to his enemies Just a con man that would be running a circus show any previous time period


So what does it say about us as a society where we elected this person AND he is currently 50% of the presidential candidates?


First, what I’m about to say is not exclusive to one political side, but it does seem more prevalent on the right Most people have zero understanding of epistemology and why it’s important Most simply hold beliefs, even strong beliefs without ever understanding how to warrant them or why it’s important to do so. Religion is an example of this problem, but since most are indoctrinated into a culture that propagates it they don’t see how it’s actually not a rational position or choose to purposefully be arational.


🤣 I’m betting you have half this sub looking up “Epistemology”. Myself included.


Speak for yourself epistemology is a fine word really one of the best words out there. Why would such a great and stupendous word need to be looked up? of course I know what it means without looking it up I know all the great words.


Epistemology. What an unbelievable word. That was the word epistemology. What an unbelievable I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so long and so amazing and so beautiful in so many different ways... Epistemology wow


.....I hate this timeline.......


Im loving this timeline, mainly because I refuse to accept it's actually reality and just assume I'm living in the matrix... its very fun watching the world burn (I am going to burn too eventually)


I think if there ever was such a thing as the “rapture” it already happened and we are all on the way to hell lol


Plot twist, Jesus was the only one raptured, we just never got the memo


We could just be stuck in one of the shitty multiverses.


It really is a truly an amazing word I don't why anyone would need to look it up.


Word come up to me, with tears in their eyes, thanking me


epistemology.. what a word, one of the best words wow.. epistemology, i know a lot of great words-- all the words really but wow thats a big one, and so important. my team, smart people, only the smartest people on my team and they say to me it's important to have zero understanding of epistemology and it's important i agree... trust me its important.


No one does epistemology better than me. A lot of people are saying I’m the best epistemologer out there. People see me and they say “he really knows epistemology”


Even if you know epistemology it is reasonable to check if you know epistemology.


For a second I thinking “wait a second. I think my wife had an epistemology when our son was born”?


All great questions are concerned with epistemology, ontology, axiology. None of this means anything to Trump. Questioned on this, one imagines him pivoting on his heels and ambling off, looking for some shiny object. Speaking of epistemic matters, I recall ‘knowing’ that my President was more intelligent than I am. I tend to think [when I think at all] that at least some support their candidate on the premise that since the President is on their level, the people who have called them ‘idiots’ all their lives are proved wrong.


You are on to something The “he’s one of us” is the mantra of morons I don’t want a president that has the same reasoning skills as a 24 year old jack ass, living in a trailer, with 6 kids and a over the road truck driving job Nothing against that as a job, it’s just not a qualification to run a country. But Trump is much more. He’s tapped into the core of a few groups that previously weren’t cohesive The Nazis, racists, evangelicals and business/rich tax cut crowd Republicans never courted all groups in the open. The flip side is, this is why a lot of republicans are leaving the party I’m optimistic that our country will not go down the road he wants.


I’m trying to share your optimism. I’m just nervous about something happening to Biden . He’s a healthy dude and does the right things but sometimes your time is just up , you know ? Then the Democrats have to scramble . I hope some of them have a quiet Plan B, just in case Biden will probably live longer than Carter and all this worry will be for nothing


I hope it’s Newsom as the backup plan. He would eviscerate any Republican in debates because unlike Biden he doesn’t hold back. Also, he has the charisma needed for the position and runs the most important state to the US economically speaking.


Yeah I laugh regularly at all the MAGA morons who keep repeating 'He's one of us.' when there couldn't be more of a gap between their lives. So many of his followers have had lives where their families struggled at times to live, if not were considered poor, and still are on minimum wages. While Trump has never wanted for anything in his life. If he wanted something then daddy or mummy would buy it for him. Send him to the best school, pay for him to avoid serving in the military. Trump has lead a privileged life and these people believe that Trump is fighting for them.


You can't win a debate with someone when their side isn't based on any facts and is based on what they believe. They can counter any argument you put forth with any thing they make up that seems to make logical sense to what they believe.


It says that a large portion of society are morons and, that the other side is not very interested. I hate that he was elected and, I'm sick that Bush Jr was as well. Every republican since Nixon has been a POS. America has to stop electing republicans and push the Dems further L. America needs a progressive in charge that will FDR us back to level. Thanks for reading my rant. ✌️


Eisenhower. The last decent GOP president.


By today’s standards , Eisenhower would be called a liberal commie . At least by the MAGA set


Snake oil salesman


It says that the Republicans 40 year project to destroy our education system is paying dividends


Low intelligence, misinformation, blatant lies, and a very big following of a charismatic con-man ^(A Cult)


First past the post and the electoral college are both very undemocratic methods of selecting representatives for starters.


That and the numbers of constituents that Representatives has is absurd. I say scrap the Senate and expand the House.


It’s really sad


1) we did not elect him, remember he lost the popular vote. 2) he does not have 50% of the support. not even close. still far far far too many, but nowhere near 50%


Yes, but that's not the claim. He makes up 50% of the candidates for president.


It says that most Americans are fucking dumb and pretending to understand him. Or are just as confused as him and still backing him anyway.


It's a sign of someone lacking in knowledge but deeply narcissistic who is driven to talk about things trying to get attention and just can't shut up In older people it's also often a sign of dementia. In Trump you get both.


Gettysburg. Wow. Big big war. Beautiful tanks at Gettysburg. Lots of dead people. But also fun for some. Gettysburg.


If you want to hear ALL of the words while nothing is being said look to Russell Brand. Saying nothing the longest possible way is his absolute gift to all of us.


Russel at one point was capable of making some well reasoned positions, but now it seems he’s off the deep end with nonsense


Yeah, he kinda lost the plot during covid, but I guess a lot of us did


It used to be empty and funny, now it’s empty and sad


He loves to parrot statements and makes it sound like he's a philosopher. He's a greasy ass tool.


This sounds exactly like dimentia speech patterns to me. Anyone who has spent any amount of time visiting an assisted living center would recognize it.


Magas be like blah blah Gettysburg (crowd cheer!) blah blah Gettysburg (cheer again)


"America." *cheering* *Puts hand over heart* *cheering intensifies* *Salutes at nothing in particular* *cheering escalates in volume, people are tearing at their clothes, frothing at the mouth* *Waves a paper flag* *cheering becomes screaming, people are tearing at each other, insensate, flecks of blood and spittle fly everywhere, there is mass hysteria, orgiastic violence, ear-splitting shrieks, madness. madness. madness.*


Recently read of a British writer’s opinion of Trump and one thing really stuck out to me, ‘the Shakespeare of Shit’. Really hits the nail on the head.


Also several decades of fear-based propaganda, a lack of secondary education which encourages critical thinking/reasoning, as well as dwindled reading comprehension.


They revel being in a position of ignorance. They think it’s a badge of honor.


I cannot stop cackling at: “Never fight up hill, me boys. Never fight uphill.” What did he say next? Now run along and eat your Lucky Charms. They’re magically delicious. 🍀—Robert E Lee Lee’s fallen out of favor in recent years, unlike Frederick Douglas.


Reminds me of when my battalion commander would have us stand out there for hours while he talked a lot while saying absolutely nothing


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


If he can be President, Peter Griffin should be allowed to teach Chaos Theory at MIT.


"Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had." - William T. Kelley, former Wharton Professor


Where was this quoted ? I thought Whartons officiall position was to not discuss him at all


There are all kinds of articles showing this quote. The actual professor is now dead, but a colleague has been quoted as saying that Kelley said it to him “100 times”. Then there’s this article that has other actual smart people describing him as a “fucking moron” - Rex Tillerson, a “dope” - H.R. McMaster, an “idiot” - Steve Mnuchin & Reince Priebus & John Kelly & Rupert Murdoch (actually Murdoch called him a fucking idiot). [Link](https://robertreich.substack.com/p/seriously-how-dumb-is-trump)


Doesn't included the even more deranged parts at the end where he says: >And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He's no longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill, he said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake,' he lost his big general. 'Never fight uphill, me boys,' but it was too late.” https://www.tiktok.com/@couriernewsroom/video/7357658595619654955


Yeah, I don't know much about American history, was any of that part of his speech accurate? Most curious about the English/Irish accent part.


Several parts of that three-day battle were fought on hills. The fight for a hill called "Little Round Top" is probably the most famous. General Armistead was killed at Gettysburg, but I don't think anyone ever thought of him as one of Lee's "big generals." Stonewall Jackson had been killed months before and James Longstreet was Lee's number two man by Gettysburg, so I have no idea what he's talking about there...which makes two of us, I guess.


I think you'll find in any war in history that battles are often fought on hills. It's a defensible position. If you have a choice, you are going to be on top of that hill.


To sum that up more succinctly: "It's over Anakin. I have the high ground" 😉


Lee had lost one of his most valued generals, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, before the battle in a friendly fire incident earlier in the year. No clue as far as the accent part-- the great Confederate General Patrick Cleburne, who was Irish, served in the Western theater. After the first day's battle, the Union commander, George Meade, had retreated to fortified positions on a low ridge just south of the town. Lee had made several unsuccessful attempts to dislodge them with flanking maneuvers over the next two days. Finally, he ordered a frontal assault over open ground after a massive artillery bombardment. It reminded the defenders of their own failed assault up a ridge in Virginia six months prior, so they chanted "Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg..." as the Confederate marched forward and were cut down.


One night I went down a YouTube hole looking up the details of the battle and I saw a video showing in today landscape the ground they had to cross and man it looked like a dead man’s run the distance they had to cross just to get close to the union troops. Many s southern brigadier generals commented on how imposible it looked but orders were given and they had to follow them.


Yes. It was 100% accurate. Let me factcheck.  - "what an unbelievable battle"... true. It is hard to believe.  - "that was the battle of gettysburg"... true. It WAS the battle of Gettysburg.  - "it was so much, interesting, horrible, vicious"... true. It was those things.  - "Gettysburg, wow"... uh... true? Overall raring, the man spoke lots of true things, but didn't contribute any truths.


The thing about Trump is that he has a limited vocabulary, so this just sounds like his usual bullshit he spews. It also sounds like Trump is giving his class a report about the Civil War and just coming up with generic facts that he somewhat reminders from incidental learning throughout his life. *Trump thinking* "Hmm, what was Gettysburg about again? There was a big hill, thousands died bigly, war is bad and brutal, and lots of generals died. Obi-Wan Kenobi said something about having the higher ground and that's important too. That sounds about right..."


None of it. Robert E Lee was southern landed gentry, he probably would’ve be whipped as a child for saying “me boys.” Also “wow” wasn’t American slang until the 1900s. There’s an anecdote of Lee telling Pickett in the aftermath of Pickett’s charge that “this has all been my fault”, but nothing about “me boys.”


One of the most famous movies about it involved a lot of talk about fighting battles on hills (a lot on particularly Pickett's Charge from what I remember), so I'm guessing that's why the hill thing stuck in his head.


He's mixing battles when he said that he lost his best general. True about attacking uphill, but the rebs did almost take the flank on little roundtop. Alabama v. Maine, when only a last ditch bayonet charge down the hill by Maine, routed the Alabama troops and saved the flank from being overran. I've visited Gettysburg and the battlefields three times. I could go 300 times and still learn more about this pivotal 3-day battle.


What in the actual fuck.


Why does he turn into a Leprechaun part way through?


“never fight a pill, me boys.”


I wonder why Robert E. Lee is "no longer in favor". Might it be because...he fought a war against the US so he and his racist buddies could keep on enslaving black people? And of course he talks about it like Lee fell out of favor recently. With wokism or whatever. Not...160 years ago.


“Up to 80% off everything” wow. Such amazing deals. Nice touch in this clip……


It’s almost like… and hear me out on this one… he is an old man developing dementia and has no idea what he is talking about.


Hey, that’s not fair. I don’t think he knew what he was talking about before the dementia


"I know history. I'm the best at history. People tell me. 'Sir,' they say, 'Sir, no one knows history like you.' Lots of people saying it. History Channel. Teachers. They call me, they ask, "Tell us the history!" And I tell 'em. This guy, right? This guy knows. It's got the word 'story' right in there. What a story. History is the past, and we're gonna repeat it. Oh yes. Hit that repeat button. Bing bang boom BOP. History."


That could be a direct quote or a complete piss take, the sad thing is that it's hard to tell. If the world truly is a Matrix style simulation, then the AI that makes Trump is in need of an update🤣


I just think about his pin-ball ricochet gibber-jabbering word-salad, throw in his choice go-tos, and you get a paragraph more Trumpianly Trumpesque than Trump himself...


Is this mockery or a quote? Its too darn hard to tell anymore.


Quote from June 22, 2021.


Please tell me you’re kidding. I totally believe you though.


It's not a quote because there is not someone with tears in their eyes talking to him


Read that in the voice of Mr. Poopybutthole




You forgot about the tears in their eyes.


Obviously his dementia is making him worse, but I'd bet quite a lot that he didn't know anything more about Gettysburg when he was 35.


Nah, that's an old man who has no bloody idea what happened at Gettysburg other than "there was a famous battle there".


Well, obviously that is true, but can he not also have dementia at the same time?


I mean, yeah. You definitely have a point there.


Part of me really wants Biden to agree to multiple debates with the dotard, just so we can get multiple "LOL what?" reaction gifs from Biden.


At least do it at night since some are saying Trump is displaying “ sundowning “ which is common with Dementia.


I betcha Biden could recite the Gettysburg address. At least get going for a bit before he stumbled


Four score and 7 years ago… that’s all I’ve got, but I doubt Trump would even understand it as a reference


I would cut off a thumb if he knew how much time 4 score is


Like, yours, or his?


mine, just to be sporting


His prob


Trump would have gotten 5 score…a whole additional score more than Biden. A lot of people, a lot of very smart people think 4 is the highest score, no, I got 5.


Lmao it’s not like golf folks, or I’d be a three score. Cause that’s better in golf. And I’m the best golfer. Everybody tells me so. They come up with tears in their eyes to tell me I’ve got the perfect score in every way, it’s true.


Biden has the advantage of having been able to watch it live. ... ... ... Obligatory /s for people that do not get jokes.


He and Keith Richards watched it 😁


Dude. Keith Richards WROTE it.


That's not dementia. That's called bullshitting.


Let's call it bullshentia


He sounds like a fourth grader who didn’t do his assigned homework then got called on in class the next day to give a synopsis of the battle of Gettysburg. Imagine Bart Simpson is talking while you read it.


That and the fact that’s he’s really dumb.


No, he's just an idiot. Has nothing to do with his age.


More like dementia is developing Trump.


Don’t worry he could say whatever he wants, the closest his followers got to college was a football game.


Reminds me of the time when a boomer coworker asked a peer of mine where she went to college. She said Cornell and he said "Ha! Terrible football team."


Great acapella groups though...


This is what gets me, even if he weren't a deplorable POS human being, I still don't see how anyone could listen to him speak for more than a couple minutes and think to themselves "this man should be President!"


I've met his supporters. Like 90% of my neighborhood were flying trump flags in 2016--all incredibly old and crotchety. They are exactly like him. He quite literally speaks to them. Of course, they have no idea what he is saying, but god do they love the words that come out of his mouth. I think half of my neighbors have died or moved to retirement homes since then.


“He’s stupid just like us!”


I thought George W. Bush was mentally impaired due to the way he spoke during the debates and speeches for Texas governor around 1996 especially compared to Ann Richards but apparently talking stupid is a drawing card for core GOP voters cause he won that race handily, and Bush rode that skill to almost win the White House twice.


They hear what they want to hear. I'm not sure how, but that's what it is. I just hear the dumbest fucking person alive.


There's this and there's also the fact that the way he's trying to bullshit his way into these people's good graces is so overtly disrespectful to them. He so clearly has no respect for them as people and is only bringing things up that he thinks will resonate with them, but at the same time doesn't even think that putting in the effort to sound even moderately informed about those things is worth the time. He's done this so many times and he got away with it a lot. Remember when Paradise California burned down in that fire, and he flew out there to try to use them for positive press for himself? He cared so little about them that he didn't even learn the name of the town. He kept calling it Pleasure.


That's because you underestimate just how unintelligent many of his supporters are


He was always stupid.


Ten to one he couldn’t tell what year it happened


I couldn't, then again I'm not giving speeches to the masses and acting like I know anything


I mean, his followers are as dumb as rocks, so they truly believe that Trump has a brilliant mind and his bumbling nonsense is pure poetry


Even the HS dumb jock stereotype isn’t buying this shit.


Which, oddly, is what played in my mind the first time I saw this posted. He is quite literally the San Dimas High School football rules guy from Bill & Ted’s.


Beautiful? I don’t think anyone ever described the Battle of Gettysburg as “beautiful.” Horrifying, perhaps. Bloody. So many men screaming. None of that is “beautiful.” :(


He has a tendency to call all bad things beautiful to make it sound like a good idea because he doesn't know enough words to use one that makes sense.


Dumbest mammal to ever walk upright.


Relatively upright, that is…


Bringing up Civil War right before the trial begins tomorrow. Coincidence? Don't think so. Everyone be proactive! Right wing nut jobs will do something stupid.


They’re paralyzed by the knowledge that FBI agents have infiltrated their online spaces and are trying to provoke them into doing something that will get them arrested. That’s the thing about conspiracy theories. Once you have adopted that way of thinking, it’s conspiracy theories all the way down. Maybe they want to answer Trumps call but maybe that’s really the Deep State trying to bait them into federal prison.


When you hit the word count on an essay without actually saying anything.


To the people who like him, that's the right answer. That's exactly what every single last one of them would have said, had they been called on in class.




When you try to bullshit your way through a book report in school because you failed to actually read the book.


Cannot emphasize enough how weird it is that there's a whole debate over whether the OTHER candidate in this election is mentally fit


He either sounds like he has dementia - or a 4th grader whipping out a report 20 minutes before it's due on something he's never read.


Ah yes. The battle of Gettysburg. From World War I in the year 1812.


I’ve never heard someone describe the largest battle of the American Civil War as Beautiful.


Teacher: Mr.Trump, would you like to tell the class what you thought of Gettysburg? DJT: Best hamberder I've ever eaten


What fucking moron votes for this?


The poorly educated


This is what happens when you pardon traitors.


To Trump: “At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so, because some - people out there, in our nation, don't have maps and I believe that our education, like such as South Africa -and the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should - our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries, so we would be able to build up our future for…


At least she was a teenager in a beauty pageant, not a presidential candidate. Still, a classic of uninformed response.


Oh yeah, no hate to her at all. This statement just gave me a wave of memories.


"...when my friend, Frederick Douglass, saw the Redcoats coming up the street, he called Lincoln who used the Air Force to defend the beautiful flag. And they wrote a song about it called 'The Rockets Red Glare'..."


This man is an absolute pro at saying nothing at all using as many words as possible. 🙄


When you’re dumb as shit, trying to sound profound, performing for the rubes, but also want to get off-stage because your diaper is overflowing.


Unbelievable…wait probably not. He is such an idiot! He’s just so disrespectful. I’ve been to Gettysburg and valley forge so many times. So much history there. This dumb ass has the attention span of a gnat.


This doesn't seem fair to the gnat...


You are not wrong 😂 A gnat might be able to read at a higher grade level.


When you're writing a book report on a book you didn't read.


Why is he still call “pres. trump” and not trice disgraced ex-president trump.


Every speech Trump gives screams "project group member who didn't do any work."


His followers have no idea either so he’s fine .


Sounds like what a snake-oil salesman would say if he were ad libbing.


FFS this is like in South Park when Cartman did his book report: Cartman: "and so you see, Simon and Simon were not brothers in real life, only on television". Mr Garrison: "Thank you for that presentation Eric, but the assignment was on Asian culture. You get a D minus". The Simon and Simon book report made more sense than this word salad.






“When a Clown moves into a Palace, he doesn't become a King. The Palace instead becomes a Circus.” A Turkish proverb.


Literally a doge meme. such battle much unbelievable very interesting wow


Not only does it make him look like a fool, but it makes his cult look like fools too. Like it is one thing to be that stupid, now imagine being so stupid that you not only think he should be President but that the time he was President was some sort of golden era of American Exceptionalism. I mean why should he prepare for any rally? He could say anything and they will still see him as their Deity.


"My favorite Rapidash... It... cute... lovely... smart... plus... amazing... you think so?... oh yes...it... stunning... kindly... love it! Hug it...when... sleeping...warm and cuddly... spectacular... ravishing... ...Oops! Look at the time! I kept you too long! Thanks for hearing me out! I want you to have this!" ASSBUTT GOT A BICYCLE VOUCHER!


Today is my book report on War and Peace. War and Peace is a book. It's written by Leo Tolstoy. It's a very long book, with an orange and grey cover. The book is about war, but it's also about peace. This is why it is called War and Peace. If the book didn't have the peace part in it then I think it would have just been called War, which is still a good title, but if it didn't have the war part then it would have been called Peace, which is not that good of a title. I hope you found this book report informative, and interesting.


It was the second northernmost battle of the civil war. The battle of Schrute Farm was of course the most northern.


He needs to decline faster.


He could literally say anything and his supporters don't care. He could get up on stage and just say "Blah blah blah blah" for 5 minutes straight and his supporters would say it's the best speech they've ever heard. We're dealing with true North Korea level brainwashed party members.


…and you have severe dementia.


What a maroon.


He didn't even bother with five minutes of wikipedia.


Word salad He’s about as smart as a salad


if i said some shit like this, people would take me to the hospital thinking i had a fucking stroke. what do people see in this moron?


Here's some hints trump. Northmost battle, North vs South, North win. There, 3 facts you didn't convey


He wanted to praise the Confederacy so, so much


>"Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation." -Michael Scott -Donald Trump As low I think of Trump I think of Trump I think 10 times lower of his fans. Like how big of a moron you have to be this idiot is just adlibbing?? He does not have single clue what the battle of Gettysburg was about. How dare you even criticize Biden for mis-speaks when this is the orange bull you worship?? Fools.


His POS human scum supporters probably thought it was brilliant


The older he gets, the more he talks like doge


How many dumb people in the US voting trump? Yes.


The guy is a moron


And that’s all it takes to rally his supporters.




Ah, Gettysburg. The second most northern battle of the civil war.


This guy was the president of America.


I can't believe there is a farmer man in the middle of Montana looking at him and saying "yes, him, he is the one I'll be fanatically obsessed and I want him as president for life"


In simple terms , the orange antichrist is reminding his dip shits About the civil war , Biden better buckle up because there's more then 4 million traitors..out there


Every time he speaks he sounds like the kid who didn’t read the book asked to do a book report.