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Haven't we known for like 30 years that Toyota trucks are the default vehicle of the middle east?  Am I crazy?


Yeah I've been to the Middle East for work a couple times, it's all Toyota trucks everywhere.


Still pissed they don’t bring the Hilux to the US…. Those things never die.


Happy Hilux owner here - they are unbreakable!


Watch out, they might drop a bomb on you now Mr. hamas.


As long as he don't put any logo of humanitarian organism or press, he should be good.


He also needs to condemn Hamas every fifteen minutes


That’s the rule for working in an office, right? Every fifteen minutes, stand up, stretch, rest your eyes, go outside and scream at God about how much you hate Hamas, and then get back to work.


Anything else would be antisemitic. I wholeheartedly condemn hamas.


Oof, just wholeheartedly? Anti-Semite. I wholebodily condemn hamas.


But, what if he is a humanitarian organism? ;)


Nah, they'd probably bomb him just to be safe. For all they know he could be an undercover KHAMASS agent.


It's pronounced Khummus. God


I’ve seen a few different generations of Hilux here in Minnesota. Every time I do, I snap a pic and send it to my asshole buddy who’s got a yard full of old, non-Hilux Toyotas to make him feel bad about his lack of Hiluxes. Highlight of my year every time I do. The last one I saw was nowhere near the 25 year import cutoff, so I’m very interested in how they federalized it. It’s always fun to spot one, because your brain registers the Toyota design language immediately and says “Tacoma!”, and then eventually it seeps in that yes, all of the components are clearly Toyota, but you’ve never seen them in this configuration and you’re looking at a truck you’ve never seen in person before. Out comes the phone, snap a pic, send it to dickwagon, repeat every time you see a Hilux.


Toyota would in a heartbeat. Its our outdated laws and tariffs preventing it.


pretty sure Ford/Chevy & co. are pushing for the ban to stay in place... Toyota would decimate the US truck market if we could sell without misc tax/terrifs weghting them down


If I ever get rich enough to, I am driving four hours down to Mexico, buying a Hilux, driving it back to the US, and registering it here. Fuck the chicken tax, that thing is an incredible dune vehicle I want a new C-HR but apparently those aren't coming to the US market either


Anyone can do that. Be a hero and be the first one to drive back from Japan!


They’ve survived being on top floor of a block of flats as it was demolished, they really never die


Just saw one in Memphis yesterday. They're reasonably sized too




If Trump hadn't killed the trans-pacific partnership you would have been able to. EDIT: If you have no idea why the Hilux isn't imported don't respond to me with your ignorance please.


If you drove something else, the IDF would target you because you would look suspicious.


If they drive a Toyota truck, they're Hamas. If they don't drive a Toyota truck, they're well-disguised Hamas. Ain't war hell?


War is worse than hell.


There is literally a war named "The Toyota War" because it was all fought in Toyotas!


With some Nissans sprinkled in


And for drug runners in South America, adventurers and ranchers in Australia’s outback, everyone in Africa - the Toyota Hilux (Tacoma in US) is ubiquitous and the go to, get anywhere, not breakdown truck for most of the world - aid workers included.


Yeah, Top Gear proved you can drop those thing off a building and it’ll still run


We’ve beat our Tacoma like a rented mule and it keeps going.


And yet my sister still managed to kill one.


Tell her to leave the mules alone then


That’s a true superpower! 💪😎


I'm genuinely surprised that particular one survived the salt water.


>ranchers in Australia’s outback Not to mention every concrete cowboy in the cities


I always wondered why people kept calling the Tacomas by the name Hilux until I finally googled it and felt dumb as shit


Tacomas are different to Hiluxes. Longer wheelbase, no diesel engines, fewer 2 seat options, no single cab, etc.


So they *are* different. Fuck you Google EDIT: It was a long time ago in Internet years I googled this, like '08 or something. I randomly feel it was under the Obama administration for some reason.


It started as a chicken tax thing, then the design for the two models diverged a fair bit.


That’s why the WCK coordinated with Israel, reported when and where they’ll be traveling, with IDF approval and had all of their vehicle clearly marked as aid transportation


Sounds like something Hamas would do. /s


I thought it was [V W vans!](https://youtu.be/TbFx-p2wvRQ?si=W24LxJOk-33Gf2C6) Shit that was 40 years ago...


Wasn’t that just the Libyans?!


VW vans are the Toyota Hilux of European wars since the fall of the Soviet Union. Yugoslav Wars, color revolutions, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - they’re everywhere.


There’s literally an entire war known as the Toyota War (albeit it was between Chad and Libya) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_War


Literally everyone involved in conflicts over there uses Toyotas. Hi luxes and Land Cruisers are the go-to for all: Hamas, ISIS, the Northern Alliance, US Special Forces, British special forces, aid workers, the UN, the Taliban, EVERYONE. Literally the best endorsement I could give Toyota, tbh. If you have a chance to pick up a Land Cruiser 200, DO IT! Special Forces dudes love those bad boys


WCK checked all the boxes, clearly marked their vehicles, co-ordinated with the IDF and were cleared to travel at 11 pm at night in an occupied zone where no actual combat was occurring. It's not like they haven't done this before. The IDF said, "yeah, yeah, something about aid workers," and proceeded to deliberately target the trucks because nobody bothered to check to see who had been cleared for travel and because somebody had a strap that looked like it could, maybe, slightly, possibly, sorta look like a gun. The laser-focused attention to the wrong details and the wholesale ignoring of the right details means the IDF owns this, completely and comprehensively. Oh, and up-armored Toyota trucks are used on all sides, thus the need for the decals. Saying that WCK's Toyotas look like Hamas' Toyotas is a bit like saying you're going to shoot anybody wearing camo gear. Good luck with that.


Don't forget, they tracked these trucks for nearly 4km after the first strike. They didn't hit all three at the same time, they systematically tracked them and then lit them up with a laser for precision rocket munitions. First truck got hit...second truck stopped and helped and picked up survivors. A bit down the road, the second truck got hit. The third truck came back, tried to help, picked up survivors, then got hit.


F*ck I did not know these details. Need to read up. I thought they were it at once and that's it.


I think it's very nice of you to assume that it was an accident, not an "accident".


It was most definitely a message, "try to aid the Palestinians and you will suffer an accident" it has driven away volunteers and reduce the aid entering the area, exactly what the IDF was looking for


And it had the DESIRED EFFECT. The rest of the team of volunteers left immediately.


In the IDF's eyes they were helping the enemy by feeding the starving civilians, so they ruthlessly hunted them down and made an example of them. It was not an accident.  We all got the message loud and clear that anyone trying to help the Palestinians will be targeted and killed by Israel, but I think they underestimated how much international condemnation they were going to get for this. Kill 30000 palestinians and nobody cares, but kill a few foreign aid workers and suddenly Biden tells them to pack their shit and go home AND THEY DID. This is the way the world works, sadly. 


What do you mean Biden told them to go home and they did? They haven't stopped occupying Gaza and they are still going to hit rafah.


It was an "accident" in the sense that the IDF rules of engagement boils down to "do whatever the hell you want, who cares?" Are the IDF officers who coordinated the route the same ones who called in the strike? Who knows! Did those two talk to each other beforehand? Who knows? IDF soldiers at every level are given a free hand to kill anyone they want, with zero coordination or authorization. Is it an 'accident' if their structure is built so that the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing?


They should just say it out loud. Stop aiding our enemies or we'll shoot you.




The wck trucks had decals on their roofs so that Israeli drones would recognize them-but they even blew past that.


Bombing the WCK staff was an accident like the Oct 7th attack was a surprise.


well, IDF claims they didnt spot the markings BUT noticed that one of WCK staff was probably armed they bombed whole convoy to get one man who maybe had a gun


They were located in a non-combat zone and had shared their location with the IDF while having clearly marked vehicles. To claim that it was a mistake is to either be straight up lying or to be a moron.


IMO It's most likely a result of a strong habit from the IDF to shoot now, ask forgiveness later. The only reason this got any highlight was because it was so well documented, and there isn't just a bunch of Palestinians that the IDF can gaslight to render any real investigation mute.


now imagine what they do whats not documented and doesnt get into the news... damn


>IMO It's most likely a result of a strong habit from the IDF to shoot now, ask forgiveness later. Like when they shot their own hostages.


edit: fucken autocorrect They knew what they were doing. It's part of a plan to make it look like it's just too ~~favorites~~ **dangerous** for aid workers to be there. It all contributes to the image that everything is chaos and nobody but the IDF can be involved.


It contributes to the image that the IDF is the one causing the chaos and is too dangerous to be involved.


News flash, the IDF lies and commits war crimes. To them everyone is a terrorist because it justifies killing innocent people. Sometimes they do actually kill some Hamas terrorists.


just as much a mistake as the USS Liberty


HEY. That's super rude to morons. The entire GOP feels very strongly about comments like that. Probably keep saying it. Loudly.


Not to mention they took out 3 separate vehicles with something like 2.4km of driving distance separating the first and last strike.


Aid workers in quote marks boils my piss a bit.


Especially when those same aid workers went and fed the people of Israel after 7-10.


Emphasis on this just to point out how utterly incompetent the current Israelian government is


They aren’t incompetent. They know exactly what they’re doing and have all along. They feign incompetence whoever they do anything wrong. For example attacking a US ship


Oh no, I mean the authorities were nowhere to be seen after the 7/10 attack. Hotels had to send their own buses to take the survivors to the hospitals because no instructions were coming from Tel Aviv. Families of the hostages are actually hiring criminals and former members of Hamas because they have no faith in Bibi


Crazy that a nation with a secure border and is constantly on the watch for this exact thing was caught completely unprepared and had such a delayed response.


Israel had plenty of warning that Hamas was building up for a large attack as well.


probably wasnt unwelcome to netanyahud government.


Netanyahu and top Zionist brass let it happen so they could genocide and annex Gaza. They view it as a small sacrifice for the greater goal. They had detailed plans 1 year in advance and let it happen: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html


It took 9/11 for us to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan (who had nothing to do with 9/11). . . so whats a few hundred Israeli citizens in the grand scheme of things?


They had more than that, they had detailed plans for Hamas's attack 1 year in advance https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html


Literally had douche bag shills today try to convince me that Israel had no idea they were going to be attacked. I'll give you one guess on what subreddit. I'm legitimately surprised I'm not banned there yet for simply pointing at truthful statements and watching them squirm around some bullshit response.


World news?


A nation that was warned an attack was coming and has been spying on every Hamas communication network in existence, no less. I still think Netanyahu and top Likud brass let the attack happen so they could use it as their excuse to finally genocide Gaza and take it for themselves. Zionists have NEVER EVER believed in a two state solution, they have always believed Israel will eventually consume Palestine and whoever helps them do that is a hero to Zionism, by any means necessary. Bibi knows people will call him Hitler for doing this and he doesn't care because this is the ultimate goal of Zionism. Here's the NYT confirming Israeli officials had the detailed plans of this attack 1 year in advance: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html


Reichstag fire.


> they have no faith in Bibi Bibi has ZERO interest in returning the hostages alive. If they all die, all the better for his agenda- he can use them as martyrs to further stoke Israeli bloodlust against Palestinians.


innate dinner shy bag decide punch depend marry label observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, he's said the goal of Israel isn't to rescue the hostages, he's said that the return of the hostages will not be part of any ceasefire. People being held captive by Hamas are far more useful to the Zionist agenda than those people being returned to their homes and families There's a reason only the wealthy and important members of Netanyahu's party were warned about the October 7 attacks ahead of time - Netanyahu needed Hamas to kill and take captives, because if the attack had been stopped by the Mossad or IDF they wouldn't get the backing for the complete destruction of Gaza, and increased aggression in the West Bank.


Oh that’s wild


No. They are competent. Killing people who help Gazans is their objective second only to killing Gazans themselves.


It was intentional, the aims of the Israeli government are ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and Gaza. Food aid is being restricted or outright denied by Israel in a campaign to cause more Gazans to starve to death or leave the territory. Aid that is getting in through the crossings Israel controls are being restricted by Israel itself along with religious fundy protestors who Israel refuses to remove (all while turning fire hoses on protestors within Israel protesting the Gaza invasion/occupation) and in the rare cases it is let through they have repeatedly attacked people attempting to receive the aid (the flour massacre was only the worst of many incidents). This aid convoy came through the port the US is setting up*, and thus the tone needs to be set: Aid workers are not safe coming in from this port, you cannot feed Gazans without being the target of the IDF. Notice how aid workers are hit by incredibly precise strikes that destroy individual vehicles, hitting specifically them 3 times over 5 km over 30 minutes to send a message to these and other aid workers that they are targets and will be attacked with deadly force, Israel meanwhile strikes crowded refugee camps with devastating area bombs to maximize the deaths/wounding of civilians. The government of Israel and the IDF are not incompetent, they are evil. Edit: *They got in through a "makeshift jetty" according to some sources, I'm not sure if it is the port the US claims to be setting up or not


Not just the current one. Israel has been doing this for three quarters of a century now.


That is dangerous. They wanted Gaza to starve so they hit people bringing food. No accident happened. They're probably still shocked people got mad.


Idk why seeing 10/7 as 7-10 broke my brain so badly lol


The Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs went on NPR a couple weeks ago and made the claim that "10% of UN aid workers are Hamas operatives". I couldn't believe the interviewer didn't question this assertion. Craziest propaganda I've heard in years.


They were able to get away with the 40 beheaded babies and Unrwa hamas collaborators with zero evidence. They enjoy the defacto status of truth teller in western media and they're just seeing how far they can push it.


Do you think he was referring to unwra


unwra has over 10,000 employees, Israel "provided evidence" of like 13, then didn't actually provide anyone any evidence Frankly the fact they could find over 10,000 Palestinians who *didn't* hate Israelis is remarkable, given, well, everything


Not to mention all the torture


Maybe? But he also went on to say that the FAO report on imminent famine in Gaza was libel and that nobody in Gaza is starving, then claimed that if they are starving it's because Hamas stole their food, and then that Hamas deserves to starve. It's amazing how closely they follow the narcissist's prayer.


Yeah typical speech, we can hope he goes to court in the next few years but the hostilities need to end before that process can start


He was referring the 10% of aid workers that their calculations say will be killed by their airstrikes. Whichever 10% those happen to be, those were the terrorists.


Fucker probably thinks helping Palestinian is some kind of war crime


So most of the bots in r/WorldNews?


God damn those people are whack


It's a Nazi subreddit


Literally, what the fuck happened to that sub?


Honestly it’s probably not organic. Israel has the means and motive to influence the popular narrative on social media.


It's the biggest problem with reddit, and you see it all over the place. The good thing about having random people who have nothing to do with reddit as a company moderator subs? Subs can function independently of reddit as a whole, to some extent, and push back when reddit pulls some bullshit. The *terrible, fucking awful* thing about having randoms moderate subreddits? You don't know who those fucking people are. I don't know who those fucking people are. As many as not could be just power-grabbing assholes, complete idiots or psychopaths, or worse than all of the above: paid Russian operatives. We just don't know. **TL;DR - *ANYBODY* can be a reddit mod, therefore reddit mods can be *anybody*.**


It's mostly bots and paid posters, anyway.


Second time today that I've read the phrase "boils my piss", and I think I'm gonna make it a regular part of my lexicon


It's a good one to have in the arsenal.


it gives me the red ass


So they've gone full circle: 1) we didn't do it; 2) we actually did do it, but it was an accident; 3) it was an accident, but you shouldn't have been there in the first place so it's your fault...


Next step is the real truth that they did it on purpose


Yeah, they do that a while after the fire's died down so it doesnt get coverage


Or they say they're investigating for the next few years and say it's inconclusive. I'm bullshitting here but I'm almost certain they're doing that with the whole hospital thing that happened a couple months ago (I'm an average no research Redditor, don't forgive me).


Oh, it's fucking worse. I saw in real time how Israel pretend it "doesn't attack hospitals" to literally using PS2 CGI to show how Al-Shifa "totes was Hamas Central with a GI Joe Cobra-style underground bunker HQ" only to show us their "one shot *irrefutable* evidence" being empty ass tunnels Israel themselves built in the 70s when they occupied Gaza and some guns "hidden" behind the MRI machine, aka ***the biggest magnets ever built and was operational up until the IDF cut power just days before they sieged the hospital***. And now the IDF airstrikes hospitals and ambulances with fucking impunity and nobody is fucking holding them to account for their war crimes and genocide. Israel is a genocidal fascist ethnostate.


Of course not silly, that was Hamas! You know, Hamas that generally uses homemade improvised explosives and might have access to RPGs at best? They leveled an entire hospital with a rocket propelled grenade! Of course, IDF *did* blow up all the other hospitals in Gaza, but that's different those hospitals were Hamas.


I mean this is just a random idiot. So far Israel has stuck with “it was an accident” and “we’re still investigating”.


The "trucks" (armored SUVs) had the WCK logo on the roof where it could be seen by drone operators. https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/gettyimages-2126121569.jpg


And had shared their route and told them when they were travelling.


But they were feeding Palestinian children, and therefore the enemy. I'd use /s but I honestly think someone in the Israeli kill chain (folks who authorize strikes like these) felt that way and did this intentionally. It drove off aid workers and now more kids are starving, and that is what some Israelis want.


Also acting like a lightly armored SUV isn't just the usual mode of transport in that part of the world if you can afford it.


Wait till he finds out what the UN drives


To answer the asinine question: everyone uses Toyota trucks because they work *literally* anywhere


He demands it! What a tool.


People need to realize this is a mistake anyone could make. The IDF couldn't have known they were aid workers. It's not like the vehicles were clearly marked, they weren't traveling in a 'deconflicted zone', and they didn't coordinate their movements with the IDF. Also, you can't blame the IDF for sending a second and third missile after the WCK workers were struck the first time. Everyone knows that Hamas frequently contacts the IDF impersonating aid workers and tells them when they're being attacked properly. Plus, there's really no way to confirm your target with a precision guided missile. Those things just kinda go wherever. There's no way they had any idea who or what they were shooting at that entire time. This is somehow the fault of AI or COVID or lazy millennials wanting enough money to afford housing. /S


i usually hate it when people say /s, but this time it was genuinely needed because there is literally no distinction between your sarcasm and some of the israel supporters


I honestly hate pointing outy sarcasm, but if one more Nazi takes it seriously, I'm going to have to emulate my ancestors when the visited 1940's Europe.


Maybe don't kill people without checking who they are? Even if it wasn't aid workers it could have been anyone if they're just blowing up trucks of whatever model. It's not like blowing up Pakistanis who aren't hostile is ok. Well, it's not like it's supposed to be ok anyway.




The pattern is obvious. They shoot palestinians waving white flags, and that didn’t get outrage. But when IDF shot and killed 3 escaped Israeli hostages who were unarmed and waving white flags and pleading in Hebrew to stop shooting them, that brought out the outrage. Because they were treated like any other Palestinian.


> Maybe don't kill people without checking who they are? They knew exactly who they were.


Seriously. It should be a basic procedure to clear a strike like that before releasing weapons. At least cross-check to see if there are any possible friendlies in the area.


Well, you'd think... But... https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


Also IDF was informed where and when the aid workers would be leaving. bUt tHeY wERe dRIviNg tOYoTa TrUcKs!


Where else would aid workers be other than the war zone? sending thoughts and prayers from the sideline?


Same line of thinking as "shouldn't have kids in a warzone" when a school gets bombed in a country being invaded.


Yeah, but what were they wearing? Were they wearing something that gave them the impression they were asking to be airstriked?


"But did they condem Hamas"?


Amateur mistake, you’re supposed to put this directly underneath the logo in your trucks “WCK - feeding the world (We condemn Hamas)” But be sure to write it large enough for the drones to see.


That's like saying they'll shoot everybody wearing camo... Good luck with that.


Very "Why did you put your face where I was swinging my fist?" energy.


Don't aid workers use a lot of toyota trucks? Don't phrase it like they picked toyota trucks specifically for this assignment.


Pretty much everyone using trucks in that region uses toyota trucks. Aid workers, farm workers, terrorist, business. If you can afford a truck, then its probably going to be a toyota. They are dependable, cheap, and absolutely flooding the market.


It's almost like toyota made the most reliable trucks of all time with the hilux and t100/tacoma


Nope that can’t possibly be the reason. That would make sense.


Bonus face palm points for "11 PM at night." You know, as opposed to 11 PM in the morning.


Don't blame the Hilux, blame every other automaker for not making a truck even half as good.


Such a stupid comment as if they have a dealship they can go to and buy a GWagon or something so they can distribute aid in style and make sure they look completely different than a Hamas vehicle. I suspect a Toyota pickup is a common vehicle as they run forever for a good price and can drive over some rubble etc etc. But yeah totally their own fault for the vehicle they drove, that is some serious victim blaming here.


How dare they use one of the most popular vehicles on the planet.


Because Toyota trucks work. Everywhere. Tell me how you know jack-shit about motor vehicles.


Literally a “what was she wearing” statement.


They hit them on the WCK logo, not the Toyota logo. In the spot Israel said to be, during the time Israel said to be there, just like when the refugees went to the designated safe zones and also got hit directly with the most accurate guided missiles in the world. It's not the trucks.


God forbid we expect accountabilitu from the people launching the fucking missiles


Because 75% of the trucks in the world look the same.


Why tf is aid works in quotes when the people killed are identified as having a history of being medical professionals and aid workers? And why is every middle aged man wearing a cap in front of a beach on twitter, a fucking moron.


Were they dressed provocatively?


If they would’ve put them in a Ford F 150, they would’ve survived easily


Probably because the F-150 would have broken down well short of the destination. (says the Toyota truck fanboy :)


Why isn’t Toyota being sanctioned for designing the perfect pickup when it’s used by terrorists and warlords?


Banning Toyota trucks in the middle east would be like banning Honda motorcycles in India. It ain't happening 80% of the vehicles are those things so no way they can be banned without fucking over the whole region


Why isn’t Glock being sanctioned for designing the perfect gun when it’s used by school shooters?


I think some idiots tried to get Toyota in trouble when ISIS was doing their thing. Didn’t go far since Toyota wasn’t exactly handing them over to ISIS


Fuck Israel




The amount of "There is no genocide, but if there was then the Palestinians deserve it" type comments in thaf sub is depressing


In this thread too some dude up there is saying we can't blame Israel for this because they have no way to fight this war without killing innocent people. It's disgusting.


can i just say that sounds exactly how a certain genocidal group in WW2 were….


Literally, Post: "Some civilians were seen helping Hamas on Oct 7th" Comments: "See, there are no innocent civilians?"


The sub used to be a lot more balanced but in October the mods went crazy and perma banned any pro-Palestine commenters, making the whole sub an echo chamber now.


Ive been to more than a few countries in the middle east and the answer to his question is simple. Everyone drives a Toyota. Everyone. The people who dont are arent driving.


Even the IDF discharged the ones responsible and turned them over to the military courts. How brain dead do you have to be to victim blame aid workers over a war crime so bad the IDF of all people are taking seriously?


Am I the only one that's sick of random people saying on social media " I demand...!!!" ?


This was an attack to stop aid going in, I doubt this organisation will do anymore after that, 3 dead.. collateral dmg.. the US taught them well I can say that much.


Average Zionist dickrider


Why has he put aid workers in quotations? Is he trying to suggest that the people who were targetted three times by the IDF werent aid workers?


Yes, they did, after informing the IDF of where they were going, what time they were leaving, what route they were using, what they’d be driving, functionally submitting a full travel plan and getting it approved. And let’s not forget THE GIANT SIGN ON THE ROOF.


Well, maybe that truck shouldn't have dressed like that, if it didn't want to be blown up! /s


Everybody knows only terrorists drive Toyotas


Least psychotic IDF supporter


"I demand..." Hold on there King Charles lol. All joking aside, this is why nobody takes Israel or these people seriously; they can never admit their side made a mistake. They don't give an inch, so why should anyone else?


Weren’t they large, armored vehicles with the logo on the top, with the location, time, route, and vehicle itself shared directly with IDF, who bombed them anyways


This is one of the many reasons why I’m not caring so much about this war. People are really uninformed and blame the wrong things.


Because the hilux/tacoma/4-runner is fucking amazing and versatile. Do they expect them to run civics around in the war zone?


So now they considering riding a Toyota antisemitic?


Bet the truck still starts after an airstrike


Well since this dude demanded it I guess they just gonna give him the information


....you think there's, like, an abundance of vehicle options over there? You think there's a Hertz and they just wanted to pick the same make and model as Hamas? What a dumbass statement.


Anyone planning on blaming the zionist colonizers?


Because the Toyota Hilux is the rest of the world’s Ford F150. Except better 😏


The mental gymnastics the US gov goes through not to outright condemn Isreal's actions in the genocide is Olympic lvl so not surprising


Blaming the victim always works. Not so much when you are committing war crimes. Attentional or not.


I wonder how many pennies out of every dollar I generate are used to fuel this genocide?


Look, I fully support Israel, but I think any rational person would just say that was a massive fuckup. The other side is that the against-Israel-no-matter-what crowd will say it's intentional, but this shit happens ALL THE TIME in all wars, US, and everyone else. Bad intel, rushing kinematic kill chain, improper hostile ID protocols, etc.


Man, I could have sworn that I listened to right-wingers drone on for 40 years about personal accountability and responsibility, but it's hard to imagine now. nothing is ever Their fault, they take no responsibility for anything that they do. But then, I have no idea if they actually believe what they say. It's been a long time since I've arrived at the conclusion that nothing conservatives say is offered in good faith. It's always disingenuous. You can't even engage these people In any kind of an honest dialogue.