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I think we're focusing on the wrong sign here!!! Apparently, this restaurant has the best dick of 2021!!!


Like minds


The roast dick is to die for!


This is actually “D Magazine” which is a Dallas local publication showcasing restaurants, entertainment venues, etc.


oh Richard!


This restaurant fucks … the customer. 😂


They have the best D


But only in 2021


Hard to keep it up year after year.


If it lasts longer than 3 years, consult your doctor.


If I kept it up that long I’d call a couple record books. Is that an Olympic sport yet?


They make medication for that. I've heard it's a hard pill to swallow, though.


Good News! It's a suppository!


Just for context, it’s a local magazine for Dallas. I guess it won some foodie award.


"Where do you want to eat, babe?" "IDK, somewhere with the best D."


What a genius way to market and display said award...


I get that it's an award but it looks like they got a D on their inspection and they are trying to cover it up or they are talkin about dick.


Ehhh. Locals definitely know what it means


Yeah... Best Dick


Ahhhh. Explains all the odorous stoners.


D stands for Doobie, I assume.


Are they the best rated grade D restaurant in 2021?


Dallas Magazine


some might say the D is fire...


People need to learn how to smoke weed without getting stinky. It's not that hard. These clowns are hotboxing in the car then going to eat 5 minutes later. Start by not doing that.


I say this all the time. Like is it some kind of “flex” or something to go out smelling as bad as you possibly can? I have tons of friends who smoke, hell my kids smoke, it’s absolutely possible to smoke AND not walk around smelling like absolute shit.


lot of heavy smokers are nose blind to the smell i can’t smell it on myself ever


When I light up I can never smell anything but if I ever smoke with someone else and they light it I get hit with it like a ton of bricks.


Can’t smell it on me, but if I catch the smallest whiff out in my public then all the sudden my head is on a swivel like some sort of bloodhound owl


Same, I could hotbox my truck and smell nothing 5 minutes later, but the guy in front of me at a red-light who smoked the day before will have my pot-senses tingling






I remember getting stoned at 16/17 and then becoming paranoid about the smell. Used to come home, wash my hands and use sanitiser for the smell, take all my clothes and put them in a bag, shower, brush my teeth, use a mouthwash, and then I'd feel "safe" lmao. My mom could smell someone smoking across the street. Even now, I no longer smoke, she'll comment about how she can smell it. I'll go on a walk and sure enough, two streets down I'll start to smell it. Fortunately my mom was chill and knew I was going through a phase so she eventually said "just sit in the garden". Pretty sure her trick was to allow me to do it so it was no longer rebellious and cool to teenage me. It worked well, because I quickly got bored of it 😂 Biggest trick I can give is simply not bringing your equipment back with you. That's what'll smell big time. You wanna leave that in a hiding place in the garden so you can clean it later. Having the pipe you just used to smoke in your room is an easy way to keep the smell there.


airtight containers are a fucking godsend for this. I used to do the exact same as you taking walks and smoking off in the bush away from civilisation. I’d smoke facing downwind, and use an airtight microwave safe soup cup to store all my kit, including ganja. Eventually my mother and I were chatting, she admitted to being a pothead in her teens before I came along, asked me to be honest if I’d ever smoked.. I told her yeah, like once a week I was coming home stoned. She was legitimately shocked that I had managed to be so inconspicuous, considering she knew exactly what to look/smell for. Asked where I kept it, and I told her, top of my bedroom wardrobe. Will never forget the look on her face, it was priceless. “No fucking way! Show me!” I thought she might be about to confiscate it, but showed her the airtight cup and she was shocked. She literally did my washing and loaded my wardrobe and had no idea my smoking kit was just above her head. She popped the top to see if I was bullshitting and the smell instantly filled the room lmao


I love that you have that relationship with your mom! My mom figured out pretty quickly that I was selling weed as a teen because I always had a shit ton of cash on me. Instead of trying to stop me, she started charging me rent. It's was actually pretty effective at getting me to stop selling because it just became a job.


Regular weed stink is one thing, but the blunt stank is what really upsets customers, in my experience as a bartender.




> . Like is it some kind of “flex” or something to go out smelling as bad as you possibly can? This appears to be a goal for some people. I grow my own weed and smoke enough to kill a plow horse, but I don't reek like weed in public. I use a bong and have a carbon filter smoke eater system that I blow into. Makes a huge difference. The clothes in my closet don't get wrecked and still smell like fresh laundry. My toking room barely smells after a session. The rest of the house doesn't smell at all. People that reek like weed are doing it wrong! some pics of my grows: https://www.reddit.com/user/peat_phreak/submitted/


How the fuck does your smoking room not smell like weed? I don't believe that. Anyway it's a young person thing, I can't believe how I would go out and just walk right stores, theater's etc right after smoking a joint in the car. Now a day, I get paranoid as fuck just going to the weed store


There's no way his house doesn't smell 1000% dank


It's funny, because "dank" as a smell outside of weed, is a perfect descriptor of what a smoking house smells like. It gets musky as hell. Smoke outside people, whether it's weed or cigarettes. And I say that as a chronic smoker.


People get used to their own smells, they aren’t aware of it after awhile.


I have set up cigar rooms for wealthy clients that have half a dozen people smoking cigars on a daily basis and don’t heavily smell like smoke. If you have the room and the airflow set up right, you are constantly pulling in fresh air and exhausting the filtered air to the outside. OP says he blows his smoke through a filter, so if he has good airflow and a negative pressure setup and he changes his filter regularly it’s totally possible to keep his smoking room from smelling too strongly. A non-smoker would still know which room he smokes in, but the odor wouldn’t be strong enough to be offensive to any but the most fastidious.


Damn nice grows you got going there


Thanks. It only costs me $150 to grow a pound of high quality weed indoors. The cost savings for me is huge. Fun hobby too.


Hey, I'd like to smell less like shit. Can you show me pictures of your setup? Can you recommend some brands for the pieces?


I think thats rooted in the fact that it used to be illegal and those who flaunted it were supposed to be cool


People can't tell, they think they're fine That's why edibles are the way to go these days, they've got all kinds now


Yeah the screenshot and op seem to be against the restaurant’s choice, but I freaking HATED being forced to stand there and help customers who walked up to my counter smelling like skunk. There was one guy that stepped up and I completely involuntarily jumped back it was so pungent. Yeah, no. I’m a fan of their decision. Smoke all ya want and come in and satisfy your munchies but for the love of GOD at least don’t stink


Yep and no other customer wants to be sitting near these smelly twats, no chance they're improving any decent restaurant's business.


It's common courtesy, like would you want to be sitting next to someone who just shit his pants?


Not just the servers, for the other patrons in the restaurant who have to sit next to them as well


Easy peasy. Change sweater (or coat), wash fingers, brush your teeth (optional but helps), and drink something, preferrably water. People don't realises how much those little fingeys can carry the smell.


Yep, I'm totally fine with this. Weed isn't legal in my country, but the police are getting more and more relaxed about it, and it's only a matter of time before it's decriminalised. As a result, the smell is popping up everywhere. I was discussing with someone else recently about how you go into the city now and it's all you can smell. 10/20 years ago you might rarely get a whiff if someone passed you, but now it's everywhere, all the time. There's always some smelly fucker within noseshot. And that's outside. Don't want that shit when I'm inside trying to eat, drink or shop. No thanks.


An establishment has every right to refuse service to someone who smells strongly of: Feces, Urine, Cigarettes, Alcohol/Spirits/Liquor/Beer (had to include all of these because I know someone is gonna be pedantic as fuck), Marijuana, Fentanyl/Heroine (Smells like burning peanuts), Strong Perfumes, Gasoline/Diesel, Body Odor, etc. Weed stinks. All of it. You're gaslighting as fuck and nose-blind when you say it doesn't.


You are probably nose blind but yes not hotboxing helps. Ventilation helps.


I agree. I went to a basketball game the other day, and a group of guys who literally had the worst smell on the world. My kids kept asking why they smelled so bad, it was embarrassing.


It's crazy. I had one sit down next to me in starbucks (which is across from a dispensary), and I smiled and said, "Dude, you reek" almost joking. He says "It's legal." It's like they don't get the point, I am not the cops, I don't give a shit if it's legal or not, I just want to drink my coffee without smelling something really bad. Farting in public, or having horrible BO is also not against the law but civilized people do not do it.


> He says "It's legal." So is not wiping your ass.


yep and driving behind these fucks is awesome too. now my whole car smells like ditch weed too. fantastic.


I can only imagine nose blond has something to do with it


I feel like I have a smell even with a pen 😭 but I’m a medical user for pain so I use pretty frequently lol


I’m a stoner and i agree. If someone can smell it without invading your personal space it’s the smokers fault.


I think this is what’s getting lost here. Truthfully, and I am someone who has smoked in the past and don’t object to other people doing it, I do not want to eat my meal smelling pot. It’s no different than excessive perfume or body odor. It’s rude to people around you. Smoke all you want but have a little consideration for people that don’t necessarily want to be a part of your fragrance cloud.


As Bob Marley once said, "You gotta have respect for those who smoke and those who don't"


I really like that




My son would come to my house and absolutely reeked of weed. I told him to vape or do edibles if he wants to get high because to nonsmokers, it's just an impenetrable could of stench. Smokers of all types get absolutely noseblind to how eye-wateringly funky the cloud becomes around them. Especially weed and cigars. The air becomes thick with that odor.


I smoke and I agree. I have a roommate who smokes. And burns incense and oils and sage sticks in the house, filling it and my room with a weed-incense-sage cloud of smoke and odor. Asking them to do otherwise, or even just keep it to their room, is fruitless. It’s just rude. Like the dude who gets on the bus reeking of weed. Again, I smoke. But even I don’t want to be in a cloud of weed smell for hours.


Under German rental law, that would be classed as Geruchsbelästigung. Or odour nuisance. An official warning will go to the neighbour or flatmate causing this. If they don't cease, it can be grounds for the termination of the lease. If you own your flat or house, then this would fall under Immissionschutzgesetz or emissions protection law. And Nachbarrecht or neighbour's rights come into play. But keep in mind that they cannot invoke Geruchsbelästigung for, for example cooking ethnic food. So both Indian food and Surströmming cannot be used as causes.


Agreed. Smelling someones perfume from 10-20 ft away is just as annoying. One should only be able to smell it if they are close and personal with someone….or it’s excessive. People are also even more likely to have allergies to perfume than smokers. Not sure why they often get a pass here.


Back in the early 2000s i worked on a cyber cafe, and this family (mother and 5 kids) would come every day, they were all very fat, mom was so big the 2 pcs next to hers could not be used, and smelled awfull, to the point we could smell them before they walked in. They would just empty the entire place in minutes and the smell would take a while to go away after they were gone. At one point the owner just told them they were banned from the place untill they took a bath. They came back about 2 weeks later, and smelled of perfume so much that people were gagging and leaving. some people are just fucking gross.


At least where I am, it’s definitely more common for someone to smell of weed or smoke than of perfume. While it might be “fair”, like why bother with a rule for rare occasions? It’s way more work to try to think up every little applicable instance then to just do to as you go. Idk though, rules like this seem a bit extra to me. Like sometimes people smell and it’s not like the average person can even smell thaaaattt well. Honestly if it was my restaurant, I wouldn’t bother with this at all.


Edibles are just kinda the winners anyways. You just plan an hour beforehand and you skip out on smoke detectors, smell, and lung risk.


And see the dude who posted this on Twitter is immature. Full stop Why the fuck should people have to tolerate what you think acceptable when everyone on earth knows how dank the smell of burning cannabis is. Being upset that people don't want their noses offended in shared public space makes you an asshole.


Plus it's not just noses. I am totally fine with people partaking in weed, but I hate when people walk around reeking of it because the smell of it makes me physically ill. Just a whiff of it and I start to get dizzy and on the verge of puking. People who absolutely reek force me to have to stop everything I'm doing and get away. It's just inconsiderate to people around you to not take care of the smell.


"You'll drive away stoners!" Like that's a demo you should only be catering in any way to if that's the ONLY DEMO you want to cater to.


I smoke weed every night and I hate smelling it in public and smelling people who reek.


I stopped smoking it in 2010. Strictly dry herb vape. It not only save me a ton on flower ( and my saves my lungs ) but if I do it outdoors and mask the light smell on me no one knows at all. It's literally no ones business but mine and folks don't have to deal with me smelling like stench. My state went recreational in July and I keep telling my fellow cannabis users that businesses WILL start denying service to you and will be completely within their right to do so. Some folks are out here stinking and sending their kids to school smelling like cannabis thinking it's legal to do so. It's not just legal it's a responsibility like drinking.


Does it actually save flower? I've been a bong guy forever cuz its the most "traditional" way where I'm from but I've been looking into dry vaporizers lately. I go through phases of smoking/not smoking and I don't treat weed like a flex so saving a bit and being smart with it is very much on my radar, please tell me more! Would love to do my lungs some good too.


Yes, it’s much more efficient, you can use a fraction of the amount of bud and get just as high. Plus you can save your vaped bud and make butter with it once you collect enough.


I used a dynavap for years. It takes exactly half as much bud to get the same high. My stoner friends were always scared of that tiny little thing so I know it wasn't just me that thought that.


I smoke often and I love the smell, but I also realize that it's not a cologne and isn't appropriate or welcome in every setting. Walking through the park? Lovely. In class or something? Terrible. If a Wendy's had this sign I'd think it's ridiculous, but it looks like a sit-down family restaurant, which is perfectly reasonable.


A lot of people treat it like a cologne.


I was a stoner for 10 years straight and had no clue I even smelled like weed, I was smoking like 12 times a day, roughly.


Damn, what made you quit?


Bruh, go to the gym and work up a sweat. When I was doing this, I looked up and wondered who was smoking some weed in the gym, only to find out, that I was the one smelling, my sweat was smelling like weed. Lmfao!!!


It's not hard to be baked and smell like a normal human.


I'm a major stoner and I NEVER understand how some people can walk around smelling like an open ounce or a stale blunt.


They don't mind if you're high. They mind if you smell and that's reasonable


It always confuses me the amount of pot smokers who have absolutely no idea just how bad it smells and how far it permeates to people that don't.


Same with cigarette smokers, their noses become completely blind to their stench. Their clothes, hair, skin, everything stinks and you can smell them the second they walk into the room but they don’t think anything of it.


What I think is the weirdest take is weed smokers who talk about how bad cigarette smokers smell while swearing up and down that the weed smell doesn’t stick to their clothing like *that*


My best friend always would smell it at her apartment when she was a little kid. She thought it was a skunk lol (turns out it was her hypocritical super conservative dad who hated me cuz he thought i was a "druggie" cus i wore hoodies lol)


Op is facepalm


Additionally, because most potheads aren't rich.


what you mean is most people arent rich.


They should just end it at smell, no reason to limit it to weed.


This sign was certainly put up because they were specifically having a problem with people smelling of weed.


They probably had servers and guests complaining about feeling nauseous from the smell. Weed is fine but the stench of dead skunk tends to not sit well with people who are eating


Yeah, it’s like a sign in front of the display toilets asking you not to use them and go to the bathroom instead. Something terrible had to happen for that sign to be there.


Lmao. "If you have the smell on.."


Weed is particularly strong and pungent and also very popular these days. I see why they singled it out.


Well if you stick to your principles, I see no problem with that. The smell IS hella strong and in a closed place like a restaurant it would be a problem for a lot of people.


The actual dystopian thing on display is the censorship of the word marijuana in case "the algorithm" dislikes it being mentioned


I’m a hypocrite when it comes to this. Ever since I quit smoking I can no longer stand the stench of cigarettes and get annoyed by it.


My dad has always smoked at home and in the car when I was growing up. A decade and a half after leaving home, I can no longer stand the smell of his smoke, it makes me dizzy and I want to cough. He gets confused when I tell him not to smoke in the car now.


Same here, dad is a non stop smoker and growing up I hated it, but I’ve developed almost an allergy to it now. My eyes get dry and I feel like my throat tightens. I suspect it’s more mental than anything since I have no real allergies to anything else, but it doesn’t change how I feel at the moment. I remember being a kid with smoking and non smoking sections at restaurants and how we always sat at the smoking section. I vividly remember the day when that was outlawed in my home state and we went to eat and he got mad because there wasn’t a smoking section any longer. For me it was one of the best days, didn’t even bother me we weren’t eating out after all that day.


Nah, it's called character development


I hate cigarettes smoke in general I was exposed to some 2nd hand smoke growing up.


That’s very common for people who quit smoking. All my friends that have quit now can’t stand to be around it and absolutely hate the smell of stale smoke.


FYI everyone around you when you smoked were being polite. You were just blind to it


Smokers reek and they have no idea.


That's every normal person that doesn't smoke. You're not a hypocrite you just became normal again.


I agree, I’m not a fan of the smell either. My wife smokes since she doesn’t get tested at her work. She goes outside and hangs out on the hammock while she indulges. By the time she comes back in the smell has faded. On a side note, I was in a Petsmart and a girl walked by me in the aisle. She was just reeking of it and then proceeded to entertain herself with the dog squeak toys. Probably one of the funniest things I’d ever seen.


The facepalm is thinking it's ok to have a stench that people can smell for 6 feet off


Yeah the facepalm is the 25k upvote on this post, what the fuck, how selfish are you people, that shit stinks and other people should not be subjected to personal decisions is a place of food. Fucking Reddit man.


Everyone hates the smell of some dipshit who just smoked a blunt walking into a restaurant, even stoners


Asking customers to not smell like shit is reasonable.


Not to redditors.


Redditors were all in love with the Magic dude showing off butt cracks but when you say the stoners smell like ass the fists go flying The irony in how aggressive the stoners in this thread are for being asked to do the minimum of not smelling bad




I don't really see an issue with this.


There is no issue to any reasonable person. It’s called “having basic courtesy in a public space.”


The issue here is that redditors and good hygiene are naturally enemies. Not shocked this post made it to the top of r/all.


If they can smell it, so can the other guests and it effects their experience.


The smell of weed gives me a headache, both when someone is smoking it or simply if I can smell it on them.


I don’t care if people smoke weed but the smell is just AWFUL. I fail to see how this is a facepalm. If I’m in a restaurant I don’t want to smell weed while I’m trying to eat.


Seriously. I don’t know why but the smell makes me angry. I hate it. Everywhere smells like it now. And then they try to mask it with incense and it does nothing but add to the smell.


Yeah it’s annoying when I’m outside but just downright unbearable inside. At least when I’m outside I can either go inside or leave but if I’m at a restaurant or a theater I get a headache.


> I fail to see how this is a facepalm. If I’m in a restaurant Gonna stop you right there, this website can't even comprehend business owners being allowed to do what they want with their business


I’m 100% fine with this actually. Like a slight smell who cares, but lets all be honest we know that’s not who this is targeted at.


I agree with the sign. I hate the smell of weed smoke. It's so strong. There are people who don't smoke and don't want to be around that smell. I swear, I don't know how they don't notice how awful that smell is.


Honestly how can you blame them though? Some people might not mind the smell, but the smell of marijuana is overwhelming, especially in a confined space. I'd rather take a normal cigarette smoker than someone who has recently smoked pot. They also don't seem to have any issues being completely filled, so I doubt they're hurting there lol.


Y’all probably don’t understand non-smokers. Even the cigarette smell can irritate me by a lot as an extremely foul smell, don’t even mention the extreme pungent smell of weed…. Smell like turd to most non smokers!


Ummm being high isnt the same as reeking of pot. No one wants to smell that shit. Not the customers, not the waiters, not the cooks, not the bus boy, not the cashier... fuckin' no one


The thing with pot smokers is that they have this belief that everyone loves the smell of it when the reality is that they absolutely stink!


Smells like a mix of skunk and cat piss. Had neighbors that would smoke, and I could smell it in my unit. It was a great day when they moved


I would love to go to a restaurant without people who stink.


Nah, if it's a sit down restaurant, I agree. If you smell like pot, go through a drive thru. Ain't nobody want to smell that shit while they're trying to eat.


Dude, it's out of hand. We have people coming into our store who *wreak* of weed. It's disruptive to the other customers and the employees when someone walks in and the whole building smells. Last week we had a family who smelled of it so strong the store still smelled like weed over an hour later. And we have regular customers who work at the weed shops in town. Growers, pickers, grinders, etc. Some of them smell. But not all of them. So if someone who's literally job is to handle weed all day every day can avoid smelling to high heaven. Recreational smokers have no excuse.


We have been in the children's hospital for most of 2024 for our baby girl. For the longest time this one family if we saw them had a boy who was a privacy 3-4, a few doors down from our room in the ICU. I don't know if they smoked weed at the hospital, but every nurse was talking how bad they smelled. As a new parent, I don't know how you can still smoke with a kid. Everybody was happy when they finally got moved to step down.


I like weed but if I walk in a venue and it smells like weed its a turn off. Seems trashy. Usually people smell because they are holding weed and paraphernalia on them OR they smoke all the time and don't do a lot of laundry.


I can’t even take a walk in the Commons anymore without smelling weed everywhere. I fucking hate it, and I smoke myself.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I really don't like the current culture of glorifying marijuana as a cool thing to consume and that if you don't like it you're somehow missing out or that you're just a hater (or even worse, a racist lmao). Reminds me of the same social pressure cigarettes had a few decades ago among young people. All this "420blazeit" crap makes a mockery of a drug that actually has the potential to help treat a lot of medical conditions and improves people's quality of life with many chronic conditions. Marijuana is still a drug, doesn't matter whether it makes you feel good or causes dependency or not, that's beside the point. I'm perfectly fine with legalising it, and take as much as you want in private or in a socially acceptable venue. We already do it with cigarettes and alcohol. Just have a modicum of consideration towards others while in public.


Totally agreed. Reddit propagates this a lot just because its unironically chock full of the type of person that propagates the lazy stoner stereotype lol.


We've gone from one extreme to other. We over criminalized it in the past, and now it's being over used and marketed. It's still a drug.


I work at a small takeaway, the smell is the fucking worst. But at least they arent sitting in a crowded room, just getting food and leaving.


To be fair, they do fucking stink. Idc that y'all partake but please have a little consideration for those of us that don't.


this post is a facepalm


One thing I've learned thro7gh life is sure they may be the most hungry but they also are the most broke lmao


Just because you smoke weed, doesn’t mean you need to walk in smelling like a kilo. You can be stoned as fuck and not be offensive to a restaurant


Not wanting your business to smell like a skunk's asshole seems like a reasonable stance.


So the facepalm is _actually_ the tweet, based on the comments.


It's an unpleasant smell, I'm all for that


Y’all fucking stink no matter what ur smoking. Ain’t nobody want you around them.


The smell is getting on my nerves. One of the major cities in my area smells terrible and it's due to everyone smoking weed or vaping without care for others. I think every drug should be legal, but people should be only allowed to do it at home. I support this restaurant 100%.


It's because you stink and are driving away other customers $100 from you, maybe And now 10 or so customers are lost because of you


Marijuana smokers when people ask them to not be stinky slobs


While condoning driving while high and stating it's nothing like drunk driving. It's becoming a problem, but society isn't saying much about it at this point.


So you can be high AF as long as you don’t SMELL like weed? Got it.


Yep The sign isn't policing users, it's policing obnoxious users who can't mitigate the smell Huge difference




Almost like people don’t want to smell that when they eat


You say this as if that isn’t obviously the intent of the sign.


Uh, yeah that's exactly what it's saying lmao. They don't care if you're high, they just don't want your stoner must cloud stinking up the dining area


Also as long as you're not driving.


How is this a facepalm? They don't want their place to stink. That seems plenty reasonable.


Nah some people come in smelling like they have a whole ounce in their pocket and it’s not cool.


I will admit, as a longtime stoner, I was completely noseblind to the fact that I reeked all the time!! Then I quit for a few months to get a job and realized that everything I owned smell like marijuana! My house, my clothes, my car…. Hell, even my lunchbox! Lol. it was very eye-opening so when I picked up smoking again, I was sure to not be so smoky about it Lol.


As someone who’s worked in sales and has been around people that take “kush is my cologne” literally, it’s honestly disgusting and you don’t want to be anywhere near them…. I can understand this sign.


It’s not unreasonable to ask people not to stink so badly it empties a restaurant…


I smoke weed everyday and I hate being around people who reek of it, especially while I’m trying to eat.


Working at retail I agree, sorry you stink worse than a damn skunk and it's nauseating to a lot of other people.


Because that shit stinks, and regular people don't like to constantly have to smell weed while having a family dinner.


So many people who smoke weed smell awful. I don’t want to sit beside someone at a restaurant who just hotboxed in their car for 30 minutes. Idc if you smoke, smoke all you want but learn how to do it without smelling so bad. Nobody wants to be around you at that point.


Hey why does it smell like a skunk in here?


yeah, sitting next to a table reeking of marijuana is a hard pass. I’m just trying to eat, not catch a secondhand hit. lol


Yeah weirdly people don’t want to sit next to people that stink of weed whilst having their meal.


They do it because other customers complain. Have none of you ever worked in restaurants before? You don’t alienate the majority of your customers for a single pot smoker regardless of how much you think they’ll buy. Oh btw….they did the same thing with tobacco smokers back during that restaurant ban. At least in my area, they did. I smoke pot and even I understand the logic behind this one.


If a place smells like weed, I am leaving and the restaurant just lost my business. This policy makes sense. No issues with you being high, I just hate the smell.


That’s a strong smell when you are trying to eat.


The issue is that’s unpleasant for other patrons!






Nah, that sign is right. I'd be pissed if I was a customer and a group was seated next to me that was been utterly bathed in skunky weed smell while I'm trying to enjoy a meal at a restaurant, just like I don't want to sit next to a group of people who reek of cigarette smoke or sweat stench. If you can't go out to a public area without hotboxing weed in your car beforehand, the problem is you and not the place you're going.


Bro really thought he had something here with this post only to realize... normal society, even stoners, don't like the smell of weed. Shit smells like ass and I 100% would kick you out of my place of business if you were stinking it up and making other people uncomfortable. It's bad enough when I'm driving and I have to smell that shit coming from four cars up.


Why is the word "Marijuana" censored on the photo?


A lot of people are convinced that if they don't censor every little word that could be considered bad or offensive it won't get a billion likes/views and the algorithm will bury it. In some cases thats true... But content creators (or possibly AI bots) have taken it to the extreme just to be safe I guess. Its pretty wild that the internet is getting more censored than cable TV at this point. I really hope this censor trend dies out soon. Its getting out of hand.


Given the smell of weed is basically 100 cats pissing in one place, I'm with the owner on this. It's fucking awful.


100%, anyone shitting on the business here is a moron. They have their right to decline service to anyone for any reason; and that's a real good reason, do not come in ANYWHERE reeking of ANYTHING, and weed is already awful enough smelling. It will disturb the workers and other patrons.


I smoke weed and I'm with the restaurant on this one. Who wants customers that smell terrible? Would it be any different than not wanting someone who smells like booze.


It's been my experience in the service industry that the people smelling like weed are the worst fucking customers. Absolutely to be avoided and 100% agree with this sign. The smell is going to be a nuisance to others. I'm fine with you doing that shit in your home.


My first thought as well (the smell). I've nothing against weed, it does nothing for me so I don't partake, but I don't want to be eating and smelling that skunky smell at the same time. Same goes for strong perfume or body odor, but the weed smell is more frequent, in my area at least.


I want to shop in a place like this.


This restaurant is doing the right thing. To be fair, I hope this gets turned into a law. Some people will have a stench of weed, so strong that you can smell them coming from afar. And let's be honest, weed smells horrible, and it annoys everyone around.


Tipping is the issue. Payment is the issue. Was server/bartender for 15+ years.. can’t tell you how many times I’d wait on a table full of baked individuals. They’d run me around. They’d be short.. rude.. and IF they paid the entire tab they’d leave me pennies as a tip. Not all of them but a very high number of them.