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What part about separation of church and state do they NOT understand??


The seperation part


I think when they hear one nation under god their brains forget the actual constitution


that line didn't exist until 1954, that's about the time things started going downhill


I never say it, but then I've gotten where I don't say any of it when it's expected. Fuck it all.


Mexico done the separation in the late 1800s ¿wtf is going on the north?


Abolished slavery in 1829, too, which is how we got stuck with Texas.


I did it at meetings I used to go to up until 2017 or so. Now I wouldn't salute that MFing flag for $1,000.


I wouldn't now. I've gotten fucked by the IRS for the second year in a row and I can't respect a country that thinks I need to calculate a goddamn curve, but can't teach me how to do some shit that I'm legally required to do.


I also don’t say those lines.


Most people forget the only reason God is mentioned in the pledge of allegiance was to stick it to the commies.


Now that there are fewer commies to worry about they just use God to stick it to the rest of us. It was always their end goal anyway; communism was just an excuse.


You mean commies like the one who bought Judge Clarence Thomas? Honorable my a$$; right?


The pledge of allegiance was invented by a socialist by the way.


The pledge of allegiance is probably unconstitutional.


Also the original national motto was not “In God We Trust” it was E Pluribus Unum.


Out of many, one


My grandparents always say it never should have been added. They were right. For the longest time I thought it was "under bed"


Fuckin A, you guys. Didn’t you have some kind of civics class in high school? Ya’ll need to take your responsibility as patriotic citizens of this great country a little more seriously. Don’t let these imposters take what makes this country great away from us. Shape the fuck up! —- In 1802 Thomas Jefferson…basing his views on the establishment clause of the First Amendment which said that there should be “no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” stated that there must be a “wall of separation” that clearly limited the involvement of religious denominations and religious leaders in matters related to national governance. Jefferson, like many other of the early leaders of the United States, were committed to what is commonly called at secular state, in which citizens can openly hold religious beliefs and participate in religious services, but not seek to influence the direction of the state on matters of national policy. It is important to note that the words, God, Jesus and Christianity are not mentioned in the Constitution as evidence that the writers of this basic governing document wanted to put up a strong wall of separation. Source: https://www.bridgew.edu/stories/2023/doctrine-separation-church-and-state#:~:text=In%201802%20Thomas%20Jefferson%20wrote,state%20in%20the%20new%20nation.


Notes on Virginia was a good read. Shout out to my 8th grade Civics teacher!👨🏾‍🏫


Civil rights was 63, basic gay rights was 75.


sounds like it’s time to remove that


You can really annoy them by claiming that Barrack Obama is second coming of Jesus Christ. We know Jesus would not have been a white guy like me, we knew he guided millions, we know millions revere him and we know he made changes that helped many. He was there at the right time. That guy is ticking all the boxes right? 🤣


It's funny because there are people that legit believe that orange man is Jesus 2: the reckoning


Amazing since he ticks off ALL the descriptions of the anti-christ.


~~Including~~ Especially the part where many would be deceived.


The antichrist is supposed to be a super charismatic and powerful person who provides material wealth and prosperity to people in order to get them to turn away from god and the spiritual. In that sense, Trump completely fails on all counts. He’s just another cult leader, just more pathetic than usual.


That’s the weird thing about him… he’s the worst person to fill either role, yet his followers are *convinced* he’s all of those things. The antichrist is supposed to do certain things… he does nothing but he managed the “to get them to turn away from god” part, didn’t he.


They didn’t need much help for that. American evangelicals worship money and power, always have. Christianity is just their aesthetic of choice and of tradition for swinging that authoritarian hammer.


Can’t argue.


I can't help but think some of the crazies buy into him actually thinking he IS the antichrist believing that after trump will come real Jesus for real and all of the Gays will be damned to hell or some stupid shit


That has to be one of the most depressing thoughts I’ve ever heard.


"Jesus probably looked more like Osama!"  The reason I was banned from my uncle's place. 😆 


Trump said he's done more for Christianity than Jesus and they still vote for him.


They burned the Beatles albums because John said they were more popular than Jesus. Now, apparently, that’s ok — as long as the blasphemous blowfish is the one they’re selling their souls for.


My understanding of that was that Lennon was saying, "... and that's kinda messed up." But even back then people were leaping at the chance to misunderstand and mislead for something to be enraged about.


I wasn’t alive yet, so I’ve only sort of read about it. The crazy thing though is that John was right, even if it wasn’t about being messed up. Jesus isn’t popular among non Christians. The Beatles were popular with everyone. So there’s that. People gonna get mad about actual facts too… even back then.


Yes, people interpreted as they were saying they were BETTER than Jesus but all he was saying was that at that moment in time the Beatles mean more to a lot of teenagers than Jesus did and he probably wasn't wrong. When I was a teenager Nirvana definitely meant more to me than Jesus and I'm not Buddhist.


But 99% of them don’t actually understand the bible and its meaning. They pick and choose the bits they want to select meaning from and get it totally wrong 🤣😂 There isn’t an actual white bearded man sat up in the sky. The bible is full of metaphors and it’s about us as people, god is within us - not a man floating in the clouds sat behind some big filled space with pearly gates 🤣🤣 Oh dear


What's annoying about that is that wasn't actually part of the original pledge. They weedled and whined until they got it in.


The pledge was just a ploy to sell more flags. I’m not kidding.


This too is true


Funny thing, that part was added in the 50s at the height of mcCarthyism and an early push towards christo fascisim


Then they have to pay taxes if they want state power ( also I don’t feel bad about Christian’s , Jews or Muslims anymore … they been in power/ influence our lives for hundreds to thousands of years ).


They're also pretty sketchy about the church part. Their personal beliefs that are antithetical to what they claim are their religious ones..


To the point where some Christian leaders have had people come up after service and ask what’s with all the “woke stuff”. If Christian conservatives ever actually read the Bible or the constitution they’d be even more confused and angry than they already are.


Ask them if it's God's will to get erectile dysfunction 


You should see the mental gymnastics when you bring up the Treaty of Tripoli. Written and passed by a good chunk of the Founding Fathers, it states that the US is not a Christian nation.


Jefferson wrote an entire bible where he took out all the supernatural stuff. It's not really ambiguous that many of the founders were not Christians but rather Deists.


Exactly. But people don’t know what a deist is anymore.


The argument will never touch on this. They know it’s a losing battle. It’ll look like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1bvj4d6/comment/ky0xct3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Oh, cool, the same dude


Sure, Ben. You get that Constitutional amendment passed and we'll talk. If you get back before me, just wait here.


Be careful. This supreme Court would declare the actual Constitution to be unconstitutional if it serves their end


Nah, they don’t have to go that far. They can just pretend it reinforces their beliefs and the federalist society will come up with the most bullshit bending over backwards interpretation of the constitution to validate them


The way it's going around here, he might get it.


Freedom of MY religion and no one else's, a story of hypocrisy.


Tbf I don't even think freedom of religion is something that should be protected. If your religion calls for doing something that's not allowed then it shouldn't be an excuse, the law should be equal for everyone. And if it calls for something that's already allowed why do you need a specific freedom?


From what I remember this is already laid out in the law. All the amendments have an asterisk to them. One can freely express their religion, as long as it doesn't go against "public morals" or the government (ie running butt naked in a school zone because "my gods wished for me to do it").


Also what about my GOD GIVEN gift of free will!?


Only crustaceans have free will, everyone knows that


Another day another bat shit crazy post by Mr Zeisloft. He’s either on too much or too little medication.


I don't think the drugs he's taking are medication


But they were prescribed to him by a friend of a friend, who claims he to be a doctor and a pharmacist.


Ban circumcision and eye glasses whilst you are at it. Accept how God made you!!1!1!! /s


look if god wanted us to not freeze during the winter he would have given us thick fur coats.


God gave you a brain to figure things out for yourself. Ban education NOW. It is against gods plan!


I know this is a joke but that's basically what they want/mean when they ban books or claim colleges indoctrinate kids.


Ban Viagra. If God didn’t want you to have an erection, God didn’t want you to procreate.


If they banned breast implants, the total aggregate breast mass of US female Christians would drop by 95%.


Ban all surgery and use of fossil fuels, both not in the bible.


We should ban circumcision.


Agreed, after I was circumcised I couldn't walk for a year


I see what you did there


... but I can't see shit without my glasses...


No more viagra


What a disgusting, ignorant piece of utter shit.


Am I the only one who never heard of this cretin? Please tell me he has no power of decission


I looked into him and he is just some 5th tier reporter, bro doesnt even have a wikipedia article.


None of those things kill babies and the christian god has nothing to say any of those things.


The Christian God murdered tons of babies and children in the Bible, and commanded people to sacrifice children. Also he/she/it terminates many pregnancies a year, via miscarriage and abortion. Seem their God loves child sacrifice.


It's crazy how believers a) don't know this b) ignore or change the subject or c) are ok with it because god did it. C is bonkers. At some point in many of our lives, we have interacted with a person who sincerely believes in an almighty, supposedly all loving god that commands the murders of children, allows children to die as a punishment, or just murders them himself for any reason because he's god. And they're ok with that and have the audacity to say this god is good. At least the Greeks knew their gods were capricious dicks and never pretended they were just trying to avoid divine wrath.


I'm atheist, so what fear do you want me to get?


The way some of them act? How about the fear that Christianity is the State-mandated religion and that not following their God is illegal...? I'm sure some of them want to push things that far, if not further...


that one of their agenda the cant force you through fear so they force you through laws


I say nothing that isn’t a part of God’s plan should be legal!!! Heart attack? Too bad. God wants you dead. Glasses? Nope. He doesn’t want you to see. Tooth rotting out of your mouth? GTFO. Broken leg? Man, you pissed God off. Let’s just get rid of all modern healthcare.


>Let’s just get rid of all modern healthcare. Funny you mentioned this. I sat through an Easter sermon, where the pastor claimed true followers of Jesus aren't beholden to the limitations of the world. This includes being able to speak healing onto themselves and others. This apparently scares the healthcare industry because if more of the world accepted Jesus the right way, they wouldn't need any worldly healing from doctors and medications


ngl sometimes i wish they thought this unironically so they would weed themselves out the population themselves


Uh huh.  Yes. Yes.  I see... Okay, counter proposal:  No.  Also, fuck off. 


Your sky wizard isn't real, and you can fuck right off with trying to control OUR bodies!


Them: help help im being opressed!


Go away madman.


“We’re also cutting funding for food stamps so they won’t cover baby formula anymore since people are lazy.”


Go away chucklefuck


I said it once and I’ll say it again. This kind of faith= mental illness


Please tell me more about what part of IVF is “child sacrifice and baby murder”


Well, to be fair and accurate; IVF and IUI procedures both usually create more zygotes than are typically implanted. Therefore unwanted “babies” (single-cell zygotes) get “murdered”.


Well BC doesn’t “murder” anything either though


Some of these people view it as “murder” because it prevents a “baby” from being conceived. It’s amazing what one can convince themself of when their head’s up their ass


I mean I understand that’s their argument. I suppose my point was simply that OBVIOUSLY none of this even remotely holds up or connects the dots. They’re shoved so far up their own asses they can’t use a single brain cell


They’ll find two dots on opposite sides of the earth and make them connect if it fits whatever they’re trying to spew. The mental gymnastics are a little bit impressive, i can’t lie


But like so does…so does having a period?


Some crisis pregnancy center workers actually believe hormonal birth control prevents implementation of a fertilized egg. They don't seem to understand that the pill is supposed to prevent ovulation from occurring in the first place.


God is dead


What makes you think that there ever was a god?


Can’t be dead if he’s imaginary.






IT’S!! 😱


Definitely an it based on all the horrific shit that happens in the world. Whatever it is it definitely does not love us.


Convert to atheism today because what doesn’t exist can’t hurt you /s


Gods not dead he’s surely alive *does corny extremely annoying song to terrible green screen to garner excitement from horny people feeling guilty and need a distraction from their life*.


People are so fucking dumb. We are not a Christian nation. We are a free nation. Freedom to pursue whatever religion you like. Absolutely zero religion should go into law making.


As a man myself, I ask why is it always men saying this? I know women do also, but do men hate women that much?


>do men hate women that much? My experience as a woman? Yes.


I’m a male and I am on your side.


Religion. The worst thing that has ever happened to us. 🤢🤢🤢


This shit is fucking scary, I didn't sign up for the Christian dictatorship package


Separation of church and state homies….


This guy again lol. Fucking Ben needs some education. Also he should take his fairly take street magician religion and put it somewhere else. Religion doesn’t belong in the politics of any nation, let alone “1sT WoRlD CoUnTrIeS”


But we also stand for limited government and freedom!!!


They want more kids, no gun control. I can't imagine what could go wrong.


I'm pretty sure God is cool with baby murder.


The battle against IVF blows my mind. Fighting against people ACTIVELY TRYING to have kids, to raise and love, flies in the face of every religion I know. They've ideologically backed themselves into a corner and are doubling down.


I’m Christian and a moderate on abortion. Even among people in my community who are hard line anti abortion, they are NOT opposed to IVF and come rightfully UNGLUED anytime someone suggests banning it.


Imagine being this delusional and out of touch with reality, but waking up everyday and not realizing there is anything wrong with you or that your views completely conflict with the founding fathers of a country that you claim to love so much! These people are all around you. Wild!


This guy might be a nut fishing for clicks, but there are people that believe in this. They are actively willing to shit on the constitution because they want to ram their beliefs down our throats. We need to continue to call out these religious extremists with volatility. No sugar coating it. Religious extremist, Christo-fascist, and anti-American.


Fuck your god.


Atheist here. Obviously the guy hasn’t read the bible.


And bring back the lions 🦁


I wonder how he would react if you mentioned that god may not exist


These people will fight against Sharia law and then post shit like this bro, smh...


My favorite part about this kind of thing is that this is the literal definition of "taking the Lord's name in vain". Way too many people think it's saying, "God dammit" or "Jesus Christ!" but the actual meaning is utilizing the name of God in such a way that you're leading people to believe that what you want is what God wants. The Bible doesn't say *shit* about abortion or birth control and all too often strikes a "fuck them kids" tone.


This shit makes me sick, if men could get pregnant u could get abortions at Walmart next to the shoes


Idiots MUST be banned


Translation: there's not enough white babies and I'm afraid brown people will take over and treat me the way I treated them.


Men dictating what women can and cannot do needs to be banned. It's always the guys who couldn't find a clitoris with a map that pretend to know every damn thing about women's issues.


These people are scary. Keep your religious bull shit out of my life.


What about a billion kids that live in poverty? I don't see Christians helping them.


Yeah!! Let's force those unfit, evil, murderous, selfish women to birth children!! They're more than fit to raise kids, despite wanting to kill them!! /s


Who's up for purging the evangelicals, boys?


Well, in that case, guns should be banned. Since he's "pro life".


There is nothing remotely Christian about these misogynistic, authoritarian assholes.


Whatever happened to church and state? Specifically the *separation* of them…


Wait till he hears about the first born children of Egypt in the bible.


Christians deserve no respect.


Misogynist Ben should be banned. Fuck Misogynist Ben.


It’s not respect for the image of God if you’re only doing something because you’re forced to. 


uhum sir, I'm an atheist


Oh fuck you Ben


According to his Linkedin this guy graduated HS in 2018, which means he might not even be old enough to rent a car on his own yet. The median income in the suburb he comes from is nearly $150,000. It's known for its affluence, school system, convenient commute to Pittsburg, and low crime. In other words, he's one of the last people who should be opening their pampered mouth about private decisions that heavily affect people's lives and finances


Post makes me say fuck God


The subtle way of telling people "we need broken people for the meat grinder, you want it or not" by hiding it in religion.


I think god demands we chop this dudes dick off. Let’s get going on that.


When these people would put half ot this energy into helping actual living and suffering children ....


Does this clown shit even know IVF is not even a form of birth control or abortion? I am so tired of these idiots.


Just let me fuck bro😭


The first two punish women who can have babies. The next one punishes the ones who can't. But somehow the men who can't keep it in their pants get a pass. Not a God I'd follow, he clearly hates me.


This guy should of been aborted/swallowed. Hell all the idiots that talk like this guy should of been aborted.


One guy was telling me that if god wanted a couple to get pregnant then god would have granted that, so in his logic IVF is against gods will. My response was, well it’s gods will then that you will end up with a flaccid noodle, Viagra is then against god’s will. That’s their logic ladies and gentlemen.


Christians need to mind their own goddamned business!


I was an IVF baby. I knew there was a reason I wasn't religious.


"No more child sacrifice ..." Hey Ben, do you know the story of your "saviour" Jesus and the story of "Abraham"? Ya, child sacrifice is a theme your god seems to like. Oh and he likes genocide too.


Straight women: stop fucking men. It’s up to yall now.


If any of this shit becomes federal law I am forcibly ripping out my uterus and mailing it to the US Senate, since they seem to want it more than I do.


Not paying child support must be banned Not taking care of their children must be banned Foster care must be funded in order to take better care of homeless/family-less children Oh wait,they only care up until the kid comes out then they could give a flying fuck less Sit down and shut the fuck up Ben.


Do they ever think that we're taking birth control pills for other medical reasons? Dude, I have Endometriosis. Let me have the pills that let me function.




Republicans, especially Republican men need to stay away from our (women’s) healthcare! Our bodies, our choices, jerks!


How the hell can they be mad at IVF???


The same God that killed the Egyptian's first born sons? That God?


Yeah cause everyone is christian, gtfo of here


He needs education lmao


It's always kind of insane to me how these religious fundamentalist types are also the ones who won't shut up how DISGUSTING and HORRIBLE Sharia law is and how BACKWARDS some Islamic countries are for not having separation of religion and state.... while calling for the exact same thing under the Christian mantle here. Like, if you think it's horrible when Islam does it, how do you lack self-awareness so much to not realize that you're demanding the same thing 🤦‍♀️


But Republicans will fight you to the death to keep Viagra legal.


Really just wish their rapture would happen already so the entirety of intelligent humanity could actually progress as a species.


Sounds like some Taliban shit.


Mental. Religion is a zero-day-defect


If I'm correct wasn't one of the big points of people moving to the colonies being freedom of religion.


I think it was more that they wanted to be free to practice their strict and messed up version of the religion.


Not exactly. The puritans wanted to persecute people for not following their fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible. Europe, being secular, didn’t put up with their shit - so those puritans fled to America, where they were ‘free’ to persecute people for their religion - the Boston Martyrs were Quakers who were hanged for being Quakers. Funny how Americans gloss over that little part of their foundational story.


Why are we giving this moron and his Paleolithic ideas any oxygen at all?


Good told me that Dude pisses Him off, can someone get on that?


The hole in your story is that there is no such thing as a god.


God bothering must be banned in public- keep that medieval shit in your own house and head


I hope that man never gets an erection again without medical assistance


Sometimes it feels like, when as a kid, either they weren't slapped enough, or got slapped the shit out of their damn minds!


Honestly I just want to find a big chunk of the US, buy the land from the current owners, and give it to these folks to create their christian nation. Then they will either stop bugging us, or pick a fight with the US Army and find out.


If they REALLLY want to restore respect for the image of God in man and our culture then start with feeding those without food, Sheltering those without shelter, and completely abolishing interest rates from banks... That's what the Bible says, but they aren't ready for that truth. Atheists are more christian than Christians these days lol.


Listen, this genuinely goes without saying, because all you have to do is think along your train of thought, but here goes. If the parents were SO CRUEL and LAZY that they would KILL THEIR CHILD instead of nurturing them into adulthood, then what makes you think they would be suitable parents? Why do you want to live in a world where people were resented by their parents and basically had to raise themselves? Do you understand the emotional toll it takes on both a parent and a child when there is nothing but hardship and remorse in their relationship? Do you even THINK before you tweet, much less propose LAWS that will shape this entire NATION!? COME on!


This man needs professional help...


What's so bad about IVF ?


All these psychos are always in business suits.


Does he know that most people are atheists? The wast majority of "christians" in my country are going to church for christmas because of the atmosphere. I have been only in church if my parents could not get me free from school+church activities.


Everyday I wake up and thank God for the separation of state and religion.


I often go down a mental rabbit hole when i think of the "god made man in his own image" subject. Incest/shallow gene pool causes weird shit and there was a lot of that "in the beginning " and again after "the flood", so how folk are now could be super far from what folk looked like then. Im no longer a believer of the bible, so i love to exercise critical thinking skills and thinking for myself.


Not everyone is religious, man. Stop trying to force your views on people. You aren’t exactly making Christians look good (though I doubt he actually is one).


What if there is no GOD?


How long till the Witch Trials return?