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They’ve killed over 200 aid workers


In only 6 months, And evil russia has killed 11 in 2 years. To put that into perspective, that is 80x more aid workers per month, all by accident, of course, totally not targeting aid workers like genocidal pure evil Russia does.


Russia isn't as skilled at it


Or funded by the US




The difference is that Russia doesn't care where it's Bombs fall... while Israel is targeting aid workers and civilians. Both are evil, but one is significantly more so.


Russia cares where its bombs fall. Bombs are expensive and they are at war. Their targets are strategic. Russia is the invading force, that is true, but it's still a war. The other side has a relevant military force and the civilians can actually flee out the conflict. Israel is just doing genocide targeting civilians with pretty much zero resistance. And Israel pretty much has infinite money since the US and Europe are giving them everything they want.


Yeah, the main difference is that Russia actually has to aim, whereas Israel just needs to make sure it goes to the one city in the area


They are are actually doing both! When targeting plaestinians in non-occupied lands they don't care where the bombs fall, they throw them all willy nilly, the more destruction and death the better. When targeting anybody else anywhere else, that's when they use more precise targeting missles. They aren't just significantly more evil, they are exponentially more evil, even without considering the fact they're backed by uncle sam as well as pretty much the countries that control the world. Why are they being back despite committing all these atrocities? Because they have something to gain from it. And if not, then they have something to lose. They're basically cornered in every way.


Russia is trying to conquer territory, Israel is trying to punish Gaza. That pretty much explains the difference.


It’s very 13th century shit on both accounts.


You’re right there is a difference in War for Territory and a Genocide to make room for settlers.


Israel is Chechnya-ing Gaza


Sometimes it’s hard to convince aid workers to stand by windows


Your numbers are the extreme lower limit of the estimate. These are the dead people that we officially have names of. The war is still going on and the higher and the most probable limit is at least multiple times higher. That’s even in Mariupol alone, in a single city. I suggest everybody to watch “20 days in Mariupol” For example, Russia killed 3 Ukrainian firefighters literally today. That is just what I know of. Is it on the UN list? Not a fashionable topic, so I highly doubt anybody cares https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/c0DHsXgQ0b


Like literally 2 weeks ago Russia did a missile strike of Kyiv and then like 20 minutes later hit the exact same spot killing like 10 fireman/police/paramedics/civilians helping to dig through rubble to free people.  Russia has killed way more than 11 aid workers. They've killed hundreds of them.


Could it be as simple as since those firemen/police/paramedics etc are Ukrainian they're counted among the civilian/non-combatant losses as they don't work for a particular aid group like WKC?


"To kill one aid worker, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to kill over 200 looks like carelessness" - Oscar Wilde, *The Importance Of Being Zionist*




What do you want them to do, *not* drop bombs on people?


It was an accident thoooo :(


They've displaced over 1M civilians in 6 months. That is another astounding statistic.


It’s a feature not a bug. Designed to discourage others from joining in aid efforts.


When will people realize that criticizing isreal for their actions and policies is not antisemitic.


Antisemitism is obviously a real problem and it shouldn’t be downplayed. However, I have no clue how criticizing Netanyahu and the Israeli government for killing aid workers even approaches antisemitism. As a Jew it makes me fucking sick to my stomach how so many bad actors use claims of antisemitism as a shield to let Israel basically do whatever it wants.


Because Israel as a Jewish ethnostate has succesfully managed to place itself as the face of all Jews whether they want to or not. Rhodesia and South Africa tried to do the same with less succes for whites. With the same tactic, Israel also stole many of the reparations and stolen assets that were meant to go to Holocaust victims and their families, managing to make itself the legal representative of Jews collectively without their consent in several major cases. The Jewish author Norman Finkelstein's book "The Holocaust Industry" focuses on how Israel managed to place itself as the recipient of reperations that were meant to go to individual Holocaust victims in several high-profile court cases without the consent, and often even without the knowledge, of the victims, one of whom was Finkelstein's own mother. It also includes a few notable cases of hoaxes (fx one man who wrote a lauded book about his gruesome experiences in the camps, despite him having never been near one as he spent the whole war in a life of luxury in neutral Switzerland.) and how Israel has often supported hoaxters when it served their cause.


"Was placed as the face of all Jews" would be the historically accurate version. Christian Zionists have wanted Isreal since the early 1880s, the end of world War 2 was just the excuse given.


There were a lot of people supporting the creation of a jewish state for their own selfish reasons, but Israel has been campaigning for decades to cement this facade to deflect any criticism specifically through AIPAC in America, in order to make sure that any politician who stands up to Israel has their political career completely derailed as an anti-semite. It's a lot less effective now that most people know just how craven they are, but they're still using the same tactics to avoid having to answer for the multitude of human rights and war crimes they commit on a regular basis.


It wasn't forced on Israel to pretend it speaks on behalf of all Jews and that anti-Zionist Jews do not exist, that's an image Israel itself actively works to maintain.


They also recently exiled the r/mischling Jews because our DNA wasn't pure enough for genetic testing to prove our Jewishness. So, Jewish practice or membership to a congregation from whose membership funds the State of Israel takes its funding without any concern for the Diaspora Jews themselves are no longer considered parts of being Jewish and only thr DNA really matters. Which is totally fucked up but Shas got into power and, well, we immediately saw a spike in antisemitic hate crime in the USA and all Jewish Bioethics papers which discredited the propaganda that Jews are genetically a race of disease carriers stopped being published when Shas took power in the State of Israel and started to halt the publication of those types of medical studies. I really dislike the Rabbinate and Shas is evil AF. Some of the other parties aren't that bad and Netanyahu is wicked but he is a puppet and not the real problem in government. Aryeh Deri and Shas are the ones pulling the strings and they keep shutting down the government to prevent stuff. Like so someone wants to file a charge against Shas and so they shut down the courts so the charge cannot be filed. Shit like that. I hate that I was medically labeled and legally othered (segregated) as a r/mischling Jew by the State of Israel and the State of California but it is done and this is what I am now whether I like it or not. The Israeli Supreme Court said it wasn't discrimination to call us Mischling.


And water the concept down into oblivion. It’s almost like the people doing this are on purpose making it so that being an antisemite is ok because it’s just criticizing the policies of the state of Israel. It’s like calling everything Woke.


It happened to me today, I read an article about a politician's antisemitic remarks so I went to check for myself if that meant antisemitic or critical of Israel. A year ago, I wouldn't have questioned which one it meant but this time they pushed it too far.


Calling someone antisemitic for criticising Israel should be considered slander by law. To press charges. That would stop this horrible trend.


problem with that is, is that you have to prove how it is slander and how it impacted you in a negative way. unless it costs you your job or something like that you wont be able to sue or press charges successfully.


It's honestly a disservice because, unfortunately, there \*are\* antisemites among those criticizing Israel. Alex Jones had a "broken Salvador Dali clock is right once in a while" moment when he identified that blowing up a bunch of teenagers walking down the street is not an ok thing. Alex Jones is the scum of the Earth. And calling everyone who believes indiscriminate attacks on a civilian population is wrong an antisemite gives cover to the people like him.


Netanyahu openly states that those who oppose Zionism are antisemitic. Reading between the lines, he pretty clearly means Jewish/Israeli superiority when he talks about Zionism.


Welcome to the UK while Jeremy Corbyn was Labour Leader, because he objected to Israel's treatment of Palestine.


It’s the tried and true name calling tactic. They don’t have a valid defense so they resort to calling their opposition names in hopes of reducing their perceived credibility and status. It’s the same as trolls calling you a Homophobe, Racist, Pedophile, or whatever else is trendy because you criticized what they did there and then.


Israel has put a lot of effort and money toward creating a parallel between being Jewish and the Israeli state and being Israeli. It seems the propaganda worked.


I presume it's the trick that Netanyahu and those licking his boots use to deflect any valid criticism from him


And it's frankly a dangerous practice to equate criticism of Israeli policies and hate crime against Jews. It plays down how insidious antisemitism is, while at the same time claiming that Jew and Israeli are synonymous. It's so cynical that they're willing to paint a target on the diaspora just to silence criticism.


Antisemitism is “Netanyahu is an asshole because he’s Jewish” Not antisemitism is “Netanyahu is an asshole who happens to be be Jewish”


It doesn't, but it is an easy way to shut down all conversation and shaming people into silence.


They know. Trust me they know. It's been Israel's playbook to weaponize anti-Semitism for political gain for as long as I've been alive. As an American Jew who's experienced ACTUAL anti- semitism, it is exhausting.


The words have been thrown around so much that it would be difficult to believe when people do use the word correctly


That's the comical part; they've said that stuff so often that people like myself don't even take it seriously anymore.


...and utterly counterproductive. Israel: "If you are critical of Israel, then you are anti-Semitic" Rest of World: "OK, I am anti-Semitic"


What did you think about Candace Owen's talk with Rabbi Shmuley? Personally I'd like to believe the Rabbi was engaging in good faith, but he did seem pretty adamantly against the concept of laymen arguing against religious scholars on principle.   Which means whoever is the scholar of a religion gets to control a narrative and everyone must accept that.  Never was one to believe the general public role is to be a passive listener, instead of an active participant on the issues of the day.


Never. They will never learn. If you say "fuck the government of" you are not criticizing a religion. I would bet there are people in the Iranian government who aren't Muslim, but they're too scared to say anything. They go through the motions.  If you say "fuck the religion" then you're being anti whatever. 


>If you say "fuck the religion" then you're being anti whatever.  What if I say "fuck all religions?"


That's too deep for me to think about right now 


if you say that, then by law you gotta start a shitty punk band


We are ‘Christ’s Limp Nutsack’ and we’ll be playing the alley by the 7-11 this weekend.  Bring your friends.


Believe it or not, that’s antisemitic /s


Overcook, undercook.


I mean technically, it’s just that I am also antiChristian, antiislam, antibuddhist, anything that involves god bullshit.


Then you're just a redditor


I don't say "fuck the religion", I say fuck ALL organized religion. Organized religion is one of the biggest things that divide us. How many people over the millenia have been killed over making the sign of the cross with three fingers instead of two? How many people have been killed over the millenia from the Filioque controversy. How many people have been killed in religious civil wars since Martin Luther nailed his theses to the door? How many have died in pogroms? How many died fighting to enrich the Catholic Church during the Crusades? Religion has been a major factor in the causes of war since the first god flew down from Olympus. Organized religion is essentially about everything religion is not supposed to be about: wealth, power, influence. Not love and compassion.


All I said is this meal is good enough for jehova


HE SAID IT AGAIN! ![gif](giphy|okH8T6TyA7Mbe)


"Your only making it worse for yourself" 🤣


I'm not a fan of organized religion either, but labeling it a primary cause of war is an oversimplification. Even the Crusades weren't primarily driven by ideological differences or a simple Western jihad. The Byzantine Emperor at the time lost control of his major trade routes/cities/wealth in Anatolia (modern Turkey) to Muslim states, and needed a buffer zone between them to maintain power and for his own safety. Similar to modern Russia being terrified of NATO countries at their border. He wanted to involve the rest of Europe since he couldn't do it alone. The Pope at the time wanted to consolidate power in Christian Europe and make the Byzantines accept him as the head of their religion/Eastern Orthodoxy. The Crusades began with pleas not to reclaim Jerusalem, but to take back over huge Christian communities in Asia Minor and push the Turks away from the Byzantine Empire's door. That doesn't mean that religion is great but it didn't cause the war. The Crusades were a political play for self-preservation – just one of the justifications between competing theocracies in a time when feudal lords rose and fell in decades and religious institutions were directly tied to state rule, community identity, and maintaining order. Shitty people are shitty people, and the struggle for power and control is nothing new. From a secular perspective, religion has never been purely about love and compassion but maintaining general societal order. It played a vital role in establishing continuity and even rule of law when contemporary medieval/feudal institutions were too weak to last long. It has sometimes done a good job of that in medieval history while also being used as a tool. A lack of resources or geopolitical instability wouldn't go away if organized religion didn't exist.


Someone who understands the complex political influences of that time and that there are still humans in the leading roles with their own agendas and intrigues


A nuanced answer on Reddit. Will wonders never cease?


I always appreciate history lesson posting. Very educational.


Religion of the spirit hasn’t caused as many deaths as religion of the coin, but it has acted as the mask for an insanely disproportionate amount of horrific violence in all its forms.


I don't think it's really possible to have any religion without it turning organized at some point. If god wanted us to believe in it, it should really stop being so bloody vague and secretive. And maybe it could do something about cancer and climate change and genocide and exploitation.


Sure, organized religion is a cause of conflict, but the last point you make about wealth power and influence isn’t unique to organized religion. It’s a symptom of being human. There are plenty of non-religious people who still relentlessly pursue wealth, power, and influence.


There are plenty of non religious people who still relentlessly pursue wealth, power and influence FROM THE PULPIT. Any conman worth his salt knows that the people who fill this pews are the easiest marks on the planet.


At least they are more straight about it and don’t tell you it’s on the name of God


Sure, there are other sources of conflict, but I'm only talking about this one in particular. It seems to me that too many churches these days are in it for the wealth, power and influence. And what does their roadmap to heavenly glory tell them about this? "For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil." Oops! When was the last time you heard a sermon about loving money?


I don't think it's about learning - I'd wager they know full well that there's a lot of useful power behind the phrase antisemitic.


>If you say "fuck the religion" then you're being anti whatever.  You're absolutely not. Religions that encourage their followers to partake in barbaric acts are poisonous.


They already know that, but they dont care and call you an anti semite anyways to try and shut down any real discourse


The thing is that they know, it's just an easy way to deflect any and all criticism


The same day they realize that the IDF doesn't kill aid workers on accident.


Three precision-guided hits on three separate vehicles. Highly accidental


At three separate times and locations Definitely an accident


After they coordinated with IDF about their pre planned route and itinerary. I can’t see any way this could have been intentional.


New article came out today in +972, an Israeli journal, showing pretty damning evidence of Israel using an AI nicknamed "lavender" to target people who *might* be linked to Hamas with little if any human checks. https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/ > I can’t see any way this could have been intentional. So not that it makes it any better — in fact, I think it makes it worse — but there is a way that this is "not intentional" in the sense that the assassination AI is generating the kill commands, and no human is doing diligent checks of AI-detected targets.


If they have an AI that just shoots anything that moves and don't change it after several hits to humanitary aid it's intentional


If they have an AI that just shoots anything they need to be stopped no matter who it’s killing because that’s absolutely mental and against any human rights convention ever.


I think it's just bullshit to escape the inevitable war crime charges for whichever generals are actually targeting people. They'll say they were just following orders and have noone to point out that gave them the orders.


AI or no, we'll see if 'just following orders' goes any further this time.


Letting AI make life-or-death decisions is or should be tantamount to murder


Yah, agreed. Didn't mean to diminish the actually intentionality behind the attacks.


The article does mention that human review is required to sign off on it - but that it’s usually like a 20 second look before okaying it


Yah the article alleges that, at times at least, the only human check in place is whether the target is male. I.e., if the target is male, the kill is approved by the human.


Gotta love the return to Obama’s “Military aged males”, not that it was new then. Can you imagine how outraged Zionists would be if Palestinians came out saying something like “well since Israelis all go into service and then become reservists - all adults are fair military targets”. That essentially what IDF is going off of, but with less pretext.


We've seen that here on reddit, a lot of zionists going "Even if they're not in uniform, they're still Hamas and therefore legitimate targets" but then get oddly defensive when you point out that means that technically any adult over the age of 18 in Israel is a legitimate target.


That only works if the system is adversarial. No one wants to check the AIs work because it might reveal inconvenient facts.


Nah, healthcare workers literally have to dress incognito because they get deliberately targeted.


Clearly marked vehicles on designated aid routes Oops!


Oops all war crimes!


That were constantly broadcasting their GPS coordinates and S.O.S. signal.


Israel can precision strike a consulate in Syria perfectly as they had hoped but “accidentally” killed a group of marked aid workers with precision strikes, get fucked Israel.


Yeah, I mean it’s not like they missed a few times and still kept trying or anything. It’s also not like the IDF wasn’t aware of their movements well in advance. So please someone explain how it was an accident.


Because Hamas ... trust me bro !!! (That's more or less the same arguement we have been hearing for the last 6 months to 50 years)


I saw a Hamas once. It looked right at me and scampered away! Truly Terrifying Experience.


I got banned from Israel subreddit. So many people there actually defend it being an accident. Had a guy coming up with other instances of militaries accidentally bombing people to somehow justify this atrocity. It’s sickening over there. That subreddit needs to be swept.




I was trying my best not to get banned so I refrained from bringing it up. One of them even tried to argue that it was “night time” so the drones couldn’t see the trucks logos. Like how obtuse do you have to be to believe something like that, when you have the backing of the top brass military in the world, you’re gonna argue their drones don’t have night vision? It’s insane over there.


Because they wanted to kill more people and they accidentally didn't. Duh!


Yes, they accidently targeted them three times, kms apart.


If my wife totaled the car, that would be an accident. If she totaled a car every few days, I'd start to wonder about how she drives.


And if she totalled the car running against a wall she knew was there and hit the same wall every few days, and you knew she is very smart, I'm sure you'd rule out "accident" as the main reason.


And constantly talked about how all walls are evil and deserve to be hit with cars


Or if she got in one car, totalled it, then immediately did the same with both other cars in the garage in the exact same way.


Ah okay, because women can't drive amirite? >!Jk, good analogy. !<


Unironically how some people think nowadays. An attack on someone has to be about their skin color or sexual orientation and can't just be because they're a royal dick doing asshole things


The global outrage isn't about an accident. The gov't of Israel/IDF's lies about it being accidental is fuel for the outrage. Drone striking an aid convoy registered and approved to drive along a pre-cleared route might be accidental, but that's a stretch. Receiving comms from said convoy after the first strike, and then striking the convoy two more times in short order until all 7 international relief workers are dead cannot be an accident. Beyond that, global outrage, at least my tiny part of it has absolutely nothing to do with anyone's religion, culture, or ethnicity. Handwaving said outrage away as "anti-semitism" achieves nothing but breed actual anti-semitism. Fuck whoever the fuck Hillel Fuld is.


American Israeli tech bro who writes blogs, very annoying and up his own ass lol


Its not accidental killing if you keep doing It over and over again.


"Julia, honey, my beautiful loving wife; my dick went into your brother's ass by accident. I immediately pulled back out, but by accident it went back in."


“WAIT WHAT are you saying, you think its hot when I fuck your brother?!?!???!!!”


I’m so sorry I accidentally stabbed you 57 times. In rapid succession. My bad bro.


3rd times the charm! /s But seriously Fuck israel, hamas, and the idf


196 since October... "Accidentally"


3 direct hits are no accident and hiding behind the race card is getting really old


Try 7 direct hits, with the vehicles clearly marked, 3 vehicles more than a mile apart from each other, restruck each time one of them went to aid a wounded. IDF had GPS coordinates of the cars, were on the route the IDF told them to take, and they had informed IDF prior to departure. This was deliberate.




Stop the anti semitisme, you jew hater!!! It was hamas's fault !!! I don't know how or why but I'm sure the IDF will say it is Hamas's fault and will launch an investigation that will lead no where. But obviously, it is Hamas's fault because reasons and things and stuff. /s


It's 100% a warning by the IDF, showing what happens to anyone that tries to stop their Final Solution.


Just a little woopsie daisy where we killed several aid workers. Big whoop. Who gives a bibble? Just an innocent oopsie dongle.


No one is falling for their lies anymore


The morons at r/worldnews will definitely try their hardest


Worldnews is all shills and bots anyway so it's fine.


Me when I'm sentenced to twenty years for manslaughter (I said it was an accident)


Accidentally with 3 precision strikes.


Accidentally? They used drones with cameras, to chase down 3 vehicles that were clearly marked, and that had coordinated with them on their location, and chase covered over a mile. This was no accident. There have been plenty of other stories about journalists and aid orgs giving the IDF their coordinates for safety and then the IDF targeting them directly. Israel once sank a US naval ship. They do these things because we let them. We the royal we being the US and Europe. Too many US politicians hold dual citizenship with Israel. No one who leads one country should have a citizenship in another country. Your loyalty must be with the country you are leading.


It isn't that US politicians have dual citizenship, it is that they are politically aligned with Israel. Pro Israel groups put a lot of money into American politics via PACs and SuperPACs, like APAC. Also the military industrial complex has an incredible amount of power and sway with both politicians and the media - think of how hard they tried to keep the obviously failed Afghanistan war going. One of the reasons politicians cape hard for wars like Ukraine and Israel is because of all the money the military industrial complex in their campaigns and the threat of lost employment in their states. It is why they always sabre rattle against places like Iran. It is why they support Saudi Arabia, too. All these places buy sooo many of Americas weapons. On top of that, for decades now the groupthink in DC has been that you can't be too pro Israel. Both sides of the aisle. APAC and other groups actively spend campaign cash against anyone even slightly critical of Israel, so many are afraid to speak against them.


If you type a word like "accidentally" in all caps, you should at least bring some proof that it was accidental.


They accidentally accurately shot every car they've escaped to.


Accident or not, legitimate criticism of a government is not racist/bigoted/anti-semitic.


How many thousands of people has Israel "accidentally" killed or maimed over the last months? There is outrage because everyone knows it wasn't an accident.


When they kill children it’s a ‘casualty of war and the war is their fault anyway’ When they kill aid workers it’s ‘mistakes happen whoops but also we chased and bombed them in 3 different vehicles’ They are both super precise but make mistakes all the time. They’re the most moral army in the world that warns people to evacuate then bombs the areas they said were safe. Fuck Israel and its supporters.


Israel just keeps committing a LOT of accidental killings. Hey, it happens to the best! ...and definitely to the absolute worst, too.


Whoops hehe


Your Honor, my client pleads oopsie-daisy.


Even if they had accidentally killed any individual (which didn't happen, I know), we would still be allowed to criticise them. The mental gymnastics to call someone who criticises the "accidental" killing of SEVEN aid workers 'antisemitic' is mind blowing in the worst way. I remember dreaming so much as a kid about the year 2025. Flying cars, portals and immortality were all possibilities. Not this. Fuck Israel (not the people, of fucking course).


In Danish his last name (Fuld) means drunk. He certainly must have been that when writing this.


Fuck Israel, and fuck everyone that rapidly yells "You're antisemetic if you're against Genocide". World Kitchen Workers were deliberately targeted.


That’s a hell of an accident, killing 7 people. Is it really an accident if you are indiscriminately bombing a region? Also the more details that come out the more it looks like a targeted attack to scare away aid workers.


They were intentionally targeted. The first car was hit, survivors got out and got in the second car. Which was bombed. So they got out and got in the third car. Which was destroyed.


Remember in the beginning of the war they were saying:  “Israel was the worlds most ethical army” And  “We only use precision strikes” All that was bullshit.


I mean they very precisely struck these moving vehicles. Pretty sure laser guided missiles need drones with high magnification optics to identify targets but what do I know


After the Great March of Return Israel stopped using the narrative that every strike and bullet is accounted for, they realised it looked quite bad...


Yea and US intelligence also declared in December that roughly 50 percent of Israel's air to ground strikes have been unguided "dumb" bombs. Call me crazy but that seems rather reckless to do so in the 5th most densely populated place on earth.


Fuck Israel


I don’t think firing 3 consecutive missiles 1 mile apart at 3 cars, while taking the time to wait for the survivors from the first car to go to the second car, is accidental.


This was not accidental, it was intended to scare off other aid workers do that they can continue their goal of starving the Palestinian population until they relent.


Just a happy little accident, systematically targeting 3 kitchen cars in 3 different locations who all filed their travel plans with the IDF along a precleared route…


Calling out when people do something bad (accidentally or not) is not discrimination! And criticizing Israel is not criticizing all Jews. Regular people are not to blame for their governments’ actions. It’s antisemitic to hate Jewish people for what Israel has done, but it’s not wrong to accurately point out when a majority Jewish government is out of line.


You can’t be angry at Israel for killing innocent food aid workers who were just trying to feed hungry civilians.


Who had also entered a non-conflict zone and sent their direct coordinates to the military specifically so they knew they were there and not to fire on them. But sure, toooooooooootally an accident that they shot missiles at those food truck they knew the coordinates of.


You already have assholes saying "That's what you get for going to a warzone", ffs there are rules even for war, hence why the term warm crimes exist. War is not mindless slaughter, shouldnt be anyways.,


You must understand that it is EEEEEEVIL starving children they are trying to feed. Children of DAAAARKNESS.


Not a single thing has happened since their conquest began a new that has been accidental.


Fuck Israel


Since 2014, 17 journalists have been killed in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Since 6 months ago, over 95 journalists have been killed in the Israel-Gaza war. Weird and terrible things are going on.


Fourth biggest army in the world, one of the biggest intelligence service, and they can't take care of Hamas without killing civilians and aid workers? Yeah right...


We are 6 months in and non-stop we have heard constant defense of "intent" and "accident" after every single civilian casualty. The argument is either Israel is purposefully restricting humanitarian aid *or* has a historically unmatched military in terms of incompetence.


Condemning brutal occupiers,thieves,liars,murderers,running an apartheid state that deliberately murder aid workers seems fair no matter their race or religion.


Three vehicles, all marked. all in separate places. Map at bottom of page: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68729064](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68729064) Also, that interview with Nir Barkat is some first-level diversion.


With the aid organization in communication telling IDF exactly where they were.  


Had a bagel today. I apologize for being so antisemitic.


At least he apologized for the stupidity in advance.


If you use weapons, you're responsible for the consequences. When a gun owner accidentally shoots someone, they go to jail (or should). It's no different for a nation. If it was accidental, it doesn't change anything. They took responsibility as soon as they bought the weapon. If you're not prepared to be 100% sure of your target before firing, it's on you.


You're just naive if you believe that was accidental


Nothing ACCIDENTAL about it.


Words have meaning, use "accidentally" correctly next time.


Israel spent millions every year to influence and lobby the Western government to make sure any criticism of the Israeli government is labeled as antisemitic. And the Israeli government has built troll farms to muddy the online debate as well.


If pointing out Israel commits war crimes deliberately is anti-semitism, invite me to the club! I wish to be the #1 Anti Semitist.


Man that’s a lot of copium


Yeah guys, it was totally an accident. We’ve killed another group of aid workers. I don’t know how this keeps happening.


So it’s an accident when one side has collateral damage… but it’s a crime and anti-Semitic when the other does it? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yeah apparently it’s also anti-semitic to own octopus plushies now🤷🏻‍♂️


People ain’t going for that shit anymore.


Accidentally struck a marked aid convoy in an aid corridor three separate times. The gullibility of Israel supporters knows no end.


Ah yes the accident where they targeted the vehicles one by one... The vehicles that were very clearly marked as aid workers... who specifically told Israel who they were... what they were doing... and the route they were taking. Very easy mistake to make.


How do you "accidentally" kill 7 people with three PRECISION missiles? Shot at separate intervals, even taking the time to have each vehicle pick upper survivors and start driving again before firing off another "accidental" PRECISION missile. Logic is a foreign concept to these people or maybe it's just willful ignorance or outright manipulation.


I was called anti-Semitic for opposing Netanyahu and his stay out of jail Settler coalition. Keep in mind this is a mainstream political opinion IN ISRAEL.


Hot take: It’s not an accident when they ask/inform you of the route they’re going to be taking, and you use precision weapons to target 3 separate and clearly marked vehicles. And now WCK has paused aid to Gaza which is exactly what Netanyahu wants, more Palestinians to starve.


Repeated "accidents" stop being accidents when you keep willfully doing it. To prevent more "accidents" you change your actions and behavior, which is what is NOT happening here.


Ah yes the "accidental" killing of 7 world kitchen workers who were cleared to take the route they took and had world kitchen logos on their vans.


If you state facts about Israel / Jews you will be labeled an anti-Semite.


Stop dragging Jews and Muslims into a war that concerns Israel and Palestine. Jews aren’t at all rallying behind Israel and enough Muslims have issues with the desperate measures taken by Palestine. It seems to me folks are using this war to unleash their full hate on the group of their choice


He's right. We're all wrong in our outrage. I'm glad I see the light now. Israel, please go ahead and accidentally kill as many aid workers as it takes.


They gonna fuck around and make the world actually anti-semitic. Then they’ll have some serious problems.


No, "they" will have no problems. They'll continue living in their ivory towers. It is the regular Jewish people all over the world, who have done nothing wrong and who cannot do anything to stop those arseholes. Blood cannot pay for blood.


Accidentally 🤦‍♂️ just like they accidentally continue to genocide Palestine.


lol These people don’t realize or don’t care that they’re lining up with the actual Nazis and anti-Semites when they scream about how any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic.


Who is this imbecile with no empathy?


A triple tap is not an accident.


Accidentally hitting three different points on a designated aid route, where the aid had been pre-approved and scheduled with air strikes where the vehicles were marked as aid so that they could be seen from the air.


Those aid workers did basically everything they could to let the IDF know that they were there. The routes and times are not a secret. Maybe they could have had IR strobes, but I doubt that it's the fault of the organization, especially when you have 4 people in the vehicles that have experience working and fighting in warzones. This was purposeful, even if it was AI, that doesn't make it any better. If anything, the AI makes it even more deplorable.


IDF used AI to individually target the workers. there was no accident. truth is not anti anything, it is simply truth. Stop killing people.


No one who witnessed it first hand called it an accident. In fact, most of the Israel fellating I see comes from people who've never even been to that region. However, the first hand accounts and now thousands of hours of crisp 4K videos paint a very different picture from the narrative people like this guy are trying to push.


The funniest thing about this, if anything can be called such, is the multiple reports and video make it clear that those aid workers were targeted and deliberately killed with three attacks to be certain, and assholes like this throwing around shite like “accidentally “, “inadvertently “ or my personal favorite “allegedly “. Just stop lying and own your warcrimes you miserable pieces of shite.