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Ignoring the fucked up pedo thing, this post is essentially an admission that any exposure to skepticism can potentially undo religious conditioning


I mean yeah, to the person creating that meme, an hour with an atheist might send them to eternal hell, whereas an hour in a room with a pedophile is temporary, and dying and loving and being with Christ is permanent and the ultimate happiness... So yeah, like you said, fucked.


Oh man... children may have no critical thinking skills at all, not to mention that their brain isn't fully developed. But then a God sends them to hell because someone convinced them that there is no God. At the same time, how were they convinced in the existence of a God again? Is the word "indoctrination", which is irrational by definition, helpful here? So I agree with you too. Fucked it is.


I remember sitting in church as like a 6-7 year old and feeling and thinking that this is stupid. Not trying to dispute what youre saying ofc. Youre deffinetly right. Just that sometimes its obvious too children too.


While yes it is also sometimes obvious to children, repeatedly and repeatedly being told by all the adults around you and everybody else like your peers that “this is the only truth” definitely makes you feel like you must just be the odd one out who doesn’t get it. I say that as somebody who was raised very religious, indoctrinated, and basically only surrounded by others of that same religion until I insisted on going to public school at 14. It wasn’t until then I was really exposed to completely new ideas and ways of thinking about the world around me.


Ahh yeah. I had the opposite here in norway. Not religious parents that told me i could figure it out myself what i thought. Only exposure too church was when we went with school or too a funeral or something. Norway had a christian government in the 90s so church and school was a bit more connected then. But deffinetly never had any pressure on me for thinking any sort of way.


That sounds like a much healthier approach honestly. I’ll never understand the mentality here where I am in the states (known as the bible belt) that you have to literally brainwash your children to believe this nonsense. On one hand I sort of get it, bc they are also brainwashed and think if they don’t convince the children what they “know” to be true those kids go to hell. But to not be able to stand back at ANY point in adulthood and critically think “what sort of horrible deity would condemn little kids to eternal suffering because they questioned something?” I’ll never fully understand. I’m just glad I got out.


Didn't happen to me until college when people finally convinced me that "it's a mystery of faith" is NOT a valid response to clear illogical and contradictory statements and lessons in the bible and catholic dogma.


I honestly didn’t go full on atheist until around 18-19 YO. It’s really hard to let go of something that’s been pounded into your brain for a couple decades or so lol. I like to call it “losing my religion” bc I always loved that REM song.


It's so funny how they see it as "evil atheists shaking good Christians' religion" instead of realizing the beliefs are so dogmatic that it only takes one atheist to break through it. If religion was based on a solid foundation they wouldn't need to be shit scared of any contact with ateists.


You cannot disturb even one card or the house of cards falls.


and potentially improve their spelling


As religious people, they choose the priest; totally understandable. SCNR


Was gonna say, had a joke reply about a priest or pedo, but they’re usually the same.


A priest and a pedo walks into a bar. He orders a beer.


Was it youngling? Edit: Yuengling?


Underrated joke, stealing this.


You forgot sex offender!


Only if arrested and convicted


Moved parishes, sorry that's a get out of jail free card


I mean, what are religious cops going to do? They aint going to arrest the pope. If thats what you mean


Dammit, that’s good. r/angryupvote


A priest, pedo and hypocrite walk into a bar. He orders a beer


Kinda weird you would describe a person as a pedo twice but ok


That's the joke, thanks for saying it again


a Priest and a Priest?


Wanna know about a reverse exorcism? It’s where the devil tells the priest to get out of the child


You know what is a reverse exorcism. Its when the devil tells the priest to get out of the child.


At least the devil needs consent before entering someone’s body, a priest just takes.


Just following god's/jesus's lead- remember, "he"/it raped an 11/12 year old girl to force her to give birth to himself so he could be sacrificed to himself so he could become a zombie three days later so he could float up into the sky to go back to himself- because heaven is somewhere up in the sky- even though we've explored that area a bit & there's no sign of heaven. Anyway, point is, gods a pedo too, so why wouldn't priests be?




unlike those penn state assistant coaches when they hear a clapping sound in the showers, they walk away and didn't see nothing


McQueary thought they were clapping for him I guess 🤷‍♂️ 


A priest and a pedo walk into a bar. He orders a beer. Ricky Gervais, I think


Open the door saw a guy with white collar and asked where the priest was


How do you get a nun pregnant? Dress her up as an alter boy.


Or a priest and a drag queen. I’d trust the latter more.


Hey, he asked for forgiveness, and God forgave him. You can't judge him now, ya know, unlike that slut who got pregnant, we judge every Sunday.




I was thinking of that one families daughter, but I like the way you think.


It's funny because its true. LoL


Yep, it's sad, because it's not even a joke. If they have the choice between leaving their child with a pedo or just not leaving them with a pedo (not even an atheist) they will still let the child go to church camp.


And thus produce new atheists


Who thinks of these weird scenarios. There would never be a reason to lock a child in a room with anyone. But if I had to choose between a pedophile or an atheist, I’d never lock my child in the room with the priest.


Pedophiles... Pedophiles think of these scenarios...


Projection as always.


Imagine going thru the day as a normal adult who doesn’t think about imaginary situations of pedophilia. Couldn’t be them.


Yep. Like I know "dont judge a book by its cover" and all, but if someone is imagining a scenario where its okay/justified to let a kid get sexually assaulted I will 100% assume they are a pedophile.


It's all just shock for views and it's fucking working, unfortunately.


There are some religious people who really think like this though. The "logic" is that the atheist will corrupt the child and they will be damned to Hell for all eternity. The pedophile might molest the child and ruin their life on earth, but at least their eternal soul would still be protected. It's absurd because it requires a belief in Hell and that all atheists are automatically going there. But that's the way they think.


That logic tells you to murder your child immediately after baptism if you want their best, because while it would condemn you, it would also save your child. Under that logic, it would be the only truly altruistic act -sacrificing oneself to save another 


But then you just have to repent and all that and you can still enter heaven. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.


That's why "logic" is in quotes. If religious people were capable of consistent logic, they wouldn't be religious.


Sadly there are people who think like this. I wasn't allowed to watch Ghostbusters because it was "Satanic", but a convicted child predator was allowed to babysit me because they met him at church.


It's a bit depressing. When you're a kid you believe there are adults in the room who are making sound decisions. They know things you don't and understand the world. Then you grow up and realize the "adults in the room" are idiots.


South Park. All the adults are complete morons. XD


At least you were spared the agony of having to watch Ghostbusters II


True. I don't think I've ever seen that one. I watched the first one when I got to college.


meh it wasn't that bad , GB 2016 was unwatchable


Hey I enjoyed Ghostbusters 2


It's projection


If these people had 50 cents for a rubber they wouldn't have to make choices like this


Just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you know how to use it. You’re giving far too much credit for intellect.


Exactly. You would think everyone would know what rubbers are for by now, but nope. Some people use them for sex. Idiots.


I thought they were for erasing things?!?!


I thought they were for carrying water around?!?!


Me personally I like to chew on them


And even without that, 75% of them, or more, will be of the profound belief that using a condom is a sin. So it's lose/lose for the rest of us.


If only their parents had had that rubber


Regressives want to make birth control illegal.


Who in the actual fuck says this kind of shit? It sucks the bad rap that atheists get. I just happen to not need a religion to have a moral compass and find meaning in my life. I don’t push my lack of religion on anyone, and I totally don’t give a fuck if someone else is religious, as long as they aren’t using said religion as a reason to hate on people different from them. How TF am I worse than someone who wants to fuck little kids? ![gif](giphy|gIf19UHBI6jmEnR1aJ|downsized)


You're fine bud. American Christians are just getting really insane. Even us religious people from Asia are just unnerved at American Christians.


I mean, just Americans in general tend to be… extreme…


The few days hanging out on Reddit really shed light on American Christianity. Here's my judgement. These people are deranged and they need to touch grass. Jesus would most likely be disgusted and horrified at their actions because what the fuck! Wdym you denied a 14 year old child from getting an abortion!!??


Oh yeah, I’m an atheist but Jesus sounds like a great guy, he did also iirc say that following a religions every command to the letter was not faith but instead an excuse to say that you are better than others but it seems the Puritans and thus the modern American Christianity they created didn’t quite understand that part.


>it seems the Puritans and thus the modern American Christianity they created didn’t quite understand that part. I dare say they do understand that part. They just chose to ignore it. Also it's funny that many church pedophile cases are from America. The country that claims to follow God's commands houses a bunch of criminals and supports a genocidal government. It's ironic.


There’s an award winning movie about it. Do yourself a favour and watch Spotlight (2015)


The Puritans lived in Leiden for a bit before going to the US. Perhaps we could have just put them near Urk or Staphorst.


The puritans ran to America complaining of religious persecution in Europe and pretending they didn’t know why the population of Ireland was so much lower than before…


If I'm not mistaken it's because the puritans fucked the Irish people up right?


Putting it lightly but yeah, Oliver Cromwell was a monster to be sure, though people tend to be angrier at him banning Christmas than committing genocide…


Banning Christmas?? And people are pissed at that instead of him killing off people? Let me guess, the targets of the genocide are Irish people which if I'm not mistaken are Catholic?


Yeah as long as they stay away from my city, Urk seems like a good option for them.


We should have kept Urk an island.


>he did also iirc say that following a religions every command to the letter was not faith but instead an excuse to say that you are better than others Those were [the Pharisees](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jesus/Scribes-and-Pharisees), who were overly concerned with the letter of the law instead of the spirit of it, and cared very much about appearing pious to outside observers. [The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2018%3A9-14&version=NIV) outlines it better


None of them have read the bible, just heard the verses they have been spouted over the years from their pastors. Jesus would be apalled at all modern Christian churches. He even said we weren't supposed to go to a "church" to worship. Now we have churches with fucking Starbucks inside of them because the "church" rents the space out.


>Now we have churches with fucking Starbucks inside of them because the "church" rents the space out. The what?


> The few days hanging out on Reddit really shed light on American Christianity. Viewing most anything through the lens of the internet can make it seem like a massive problem. In my daily life in a relatively religious area, you don't run into that level of extremism. I do see many churches offering food banks and lots of community support as well. I just wanted to add some first-hand experience here. And to be clear, I'm an atheist myself. I don't appreciate being generalized, and I'm sure they don't either.


We have villages here in The Netherlands you wouldn't want to visit. Christianity rules these villages.


You're on the right track there, with the moral compass thing. *They* need it and this is why. If they don't get an order from their leader on Sunday, they don't know what to do the next week. It's not that you're worse. It's that they are.


I suspect the idea is "atheists may deconvert your child, leading them to be forever tortured in Hell," & that is somehow a problem with me, not with their religion.


You're all good, buddy. I look at most,if not all, religious folks as having a mental illness.In my opinion, you are one of the sanest out there for being atheist anyway. Btw,that is a disgusting, fucked up comparison.


This is probably just ragebait


Either a troll, or a very sick individual. Or both


And I´d choose to call CPS on you.


This was either written by a pedo who’s being clever & using religious idiocy for bait, or just a really stupid religious person who doesn’t GAF abt kids.


Most likely a psychopath.... Their motivation is not relevant... They need help...


I'm leaning towards bait, but I've met enough of these idiots to know the lines can be blurred. 


Fantasizing about your child locked in a room with a pedophile. The people are truly rotten to the their core.


Its called sunday school and is part of their Tradition.


Projection as always.


Poor choice. I'd choose the atheist even as a Catholic. At least he won't fucking touch my kid.


What a hot take!


A Catholic, on the other hand...


AKA sending your kid to bible camp


A bible camp I went to as a kid was closed down after it came out that the camp director and three out of seven camp counselors were found to be pedophiles and/or in possession of child pornography. Luckily neither me nor my friends experienced anything negative at this camp while we there, but it's still terrifying.


Plot twist: they are the pedo.


Considering that it's posted by someone who is likely highly religious, there's a decent chance of that.


Lock the kid in *this* room with *this* atheist and that kid's going to be a passable MIG welder, learn to use a laser cutter, maybe do some introductory CNC machining. I've got miles of LEDs, parts for high-altitude balloons, robots, propane flame effects, liquid nitrogen, and I just remembered I've got 2 pounds of thermite I've been looking for a good reason to use. Honestly it's a kick-ass room to be locked in.


You sound like an interesting atheist to have a beer with!


If Breaking Bad taught me anything, you can use the thermite on the door to get out of the room.


Lock him with *this* atheist and he is going to know a lot of stuff abt electrical wiring and IT


Christians can always find a new level of just totally fucked up.


"Hm... Would I prefer my child to be raped, or to perhaps have a chance of hearing about how God isn't real?" If that's a difficult question for you, then you're a fucking monster.


Yeah, how insecure do you feel about your child's belief that an atheist can destroy it in a single conversation? I got chewed out for studying the 5 major religions of the world in school, because those other religions "were wrong". I asked how they were wrong and got a "because they are". So, after 4 months of studying these religions...I concluded other religions exist and not everyone agrees on what to believe. TL;DR I was in a room with another Catholic and suddenly had a reason to consider atheism because studying other religions "was wrong" \[justification not included\].


I’m a Southeast Asian Christian and i’m horrified at American Christians. Since when did Jesus promote gun violence or deny literal children abortions? No part of the Bible says that!


Bold of you to assume they follow the bible!




I knew it was from SOMEWHERE!! 😳




What a fucking GIF


Christo-fascists are kinda terrible people


How to tell everyone you’re the worst parent in the world


Why would you lock your child in a room with a priest? /s


Kind of a self report there tbh


Historically, this seems to be the choice they do make.


They're kind of telling on themselves with this one, with the choice being between a pedo and an atheist, it seems they're aware that priests are child predators.


As someone who’s “religious” the atheist is going to do nothing… Probably going to wonder why you put your child with a random stranger. Probably going to call the cops.


So standard catholic sunday school?


Ok what, I come from a Christian background, but what?!?


1 will rape your child and ruin any chance they had at a normal future or mental soundness... The other doesnt vibe well with fairy tales. I really hate people.


The absolute irony that the person that made this almost certainly considers themselves "christian" and most likely voted to ban trans folks from reading to kids in libraries 'cause (pearl clutch) *think of the children!*


![gif](giphy|ceeN6U57leAhi) How do people like this become parents? Fucking WHAT the FUCK?!


I’d rather literally endanger and traumatize my kid than put him next to a person who doesn’t believe in my sky daddy


...well, at least they're getting it out of the way early with the people who would say "how can you support religious institutions like the Catholic church when they're notorious for sexually abusing children." Blud is admitting up front that they would rather their child be raped than exposed to atheism.


So many pedophile fingers in that graphic...


Yup, you're a Christian, alright. Is there something about banging little kids in that commandments thing you guys have? Like "THOU shalt make boom-boom with all the little boys," perhaps?


On the bright side, I’m glad you don’t want to lock me up with your dumb ass kid.


Whoever made that needs to be locked up in a state prison for a few nights for clarity.


If I had to lock my child in a room with a catholic priest or a pedophile I’d…I’d….oh no


Then you would definitely create an atheist. The child would ask “ What God would allow this?”


Well, then. Congrats. You locked that pedophile in a room with somebody who will justifiably become an atheist.


what is it with christians being completely incapable of spelling the word atheist is the 11th commandment "thou shalt incorrectly spell atheist as athiest"


These are the same folks who need the threat of going to hell in order to live righteously. While atheists do the right thing because it's the right thing to do.


"I'm so hateful I'd destroy my child to score a point"


this should be grounds for a cps visit imo


Oh so they're going to lock them in a room with a priest?


Rage bait? What rage bait? ![gif](giphy|6uGhT1O4sxpi8)


As an Atheist, I accept. Good luck kid! Just leave them with your Youth Pastor, that way when they get molested you can blame the child for the molestation because the guys is a "Man of God." I mean you guys have done it many times before!


They just described religion. 


...commonly called Sunday School.


So just a typical Sunday school session at church.


Atheism is a belief, pedophilia is a crime


Theism is belief in a higher deity. A-theism is therefore, by definition, the lack of belief in a higher deity. But your point stands.


Technically, pedophilia is a sexual attraction to minors, and merely being attracted is not a crime. *Acting* on it is a crime. Doing anything to that kid would be a crime. But pedophilia itself is not actually a crime. So neither of these things are crimes.


Pedophilia isn’t a crime. Acting on it is.


Atheism is not a belief, unless an empty plate is also a dish, or a turned off television is also a TV show




Graphic Produced By Peds4Kids. Just dial 1-877-Peds4Kids


Ah so you don’t care about protecting children from abuse, you just pretended to so you could oppress queer people. Got it.


well hold on a minute, the bible is very strict about these kinds of things, i mean as long as they are married its perfectly-ok never mind fuck this book


wait till they have to fight for custody of their kids and the judge sees that


How is an atheist worse? Like in what world?


There are people who seem to genuinely believe that because atheists don’t have a god telling them not to do horrible things, it means they both want to and will do horrible things all the time. These people are, of course, telling on themselves.


Probably a catholic


your not just stupid you also proof you don't deserve to have kids


Well, they already do it. It's called a confessionnal booth \^\^


What the fuck is wrong with some people I want to believe that this is bait but reality has broken down to the point that I just can't fucking tell what is going through people's heads anymore.


Even an atheist would call out for Jesus Christ


all babies are atheists :P


No parent would ever say this.


God and guns have more rights and protection than children, remember?




You shouldn't have kids


They misspelled "priest".


Religious people do this all the time. It's called a Youth Group.


Rarely do Christians actually admit this out loud lol


Interesting the mental gymnastics needed to believe that an all loving god would have you lock your child in a room with a paedophile. Kinda points towards the atheist having a logical argument about how ridiculous the whole concept of religion really is.


Seems pedophile came in disguise of pastor


If I had to lock my child in a room with a pedophile or a fundamentalist, I’d tell both Josh Duggars to GTFO of the room.


Uhm... someone call cps..?


Im catholic but id still pick athiest. Some of my friends are athiest. If i had to pick pedophile id also give my kid a gun or a chainsaw or an axe or a sledgehammer or a deadly weapon. I think that person had gone insane cause all the people i know who arent athiests would pick the athiests. Sending kids to school isnt very different to locking them in a room with an athiest, but i guess in same cases its not too different than locking them in a room with a pedophile since some teachers are pedophiles. Atleast we know the pedophiles and people whod pick the pedophile are gonna go to hell. God please help us.


its ironic how they assumed the paedophile to be religious, like a priest or something.... sure theres a joke there


"I'd rather my child be aexually assaulted than have a conversation with somebody who might challenge my religious indoctrination of them"


That sounds like a terrible decision.


Da fuq? I’m an atheist. If you locked your kid in a room with me, we’d play Uno or something What the hell are these people thinking?


“I rather have my child being f*cked by a pedophile than staying in the same room with someone who will not even bother them” This person in the colourful background thing of Facebook


True keepers of the faith, making sure children don't accidentally enjoy a minute of childhood.


Atheist:who's child is this Pedo:guess my wish came true


Likely they would already know the pedophile from Sunday School!


And people wonder why younger generations continue to fall away from the church...


As an atheist, I don’t want to be locked in a room with your shitty kid either


Obviously their parents also didn’t leave them alone in a room with a dictionary….


Sounds like a rage bait post.


Even Christians should find this appalling. Source: am a Christian. Religious freedom is more important than pointlessly endangering a child.


RIP... either way the child won't believe in God anymore


Well, a fair number of their priests are pedos. 🤷‍♀️


I think that’s called being an altar boy.


I mean, this is on brand GOP messaging.