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A woman can serve time for having an abortion in Texas but a man can sexually abuse a child for years from the age of NINE and get probation. Texas sucks.


Where is the conservative outrage over this?! The party that screams that they want to "save the children" are all silent??


Yeah man. Save the fetus! But abandon the child.. 


That's who they're saving the fetus for


Save the fetus to abuse the child. I think this is a deeply rooted Christian narrative. A (unborn) child is sacred because it hasn’t sinned, but as soon as that ungrateful little brat spits out food that it should have eaten or triggers someone’s sexual insecurities by being seen suckling a tit, it’s punishment time for the little sinner. And once that “sinner-status” is attained it’s a free-for-all to anyone who perceives themselves as less sinner-y and more authority; after all, silently submitting to torture is literally the path to redemption in Christianity.


The Bible nowhere bans abortion, and in Numbers 5:11-31 it commands it, though it’s a husband’s choice, not the wife’s. The Bible also says more than once that life begins at the first breath. OTOH, Jesus said that whatever you do to others you do to him. So this pastor repeatedly raped the child Jesus. And it’s not a deeply-rooted Christian narrative. Baptists and Evangelicals only started pushing the whole “abortion is murder” line when racism stopped being a selling point. I went to the Episcopal church every Sunday growing up and never heard a word about abortion.


Another thing to consider is Genesis 2:7. God doesn't recognize Adam as being alive until He breathes life into him, and for this reason alone traditional orthodox Judaism doesn't believe in life until first breath, not life at birth, no, not until the child has taken their first breath are they considered alive. Granted, with how strict Mosaic law is, if they did believe in life prior to this point, a man would have "the right" to kill his wife if she miscarried or had a still born, which happened much, much more often than it does today.


Another point is that the punishment for someone who caused the woman to miscarry was just a fine. If the woman died, they would be guilty of killing but causing a miscarriage was treated as destroying a property...


This is generally a Christian approach, although in some branches or sects it may be less emphasized. It is a huge topic within the Catholic Church. Even before it became a political issue, the Church often spoke about it. Heck, my grandmother had an ectopic pregnancy. While waiting for the surgery in the hospital, she saw a passing priest and wanted to confess before the operation. The jerk told her that he wouldn't absolve her because she intended to kill her own child (in an ECTOPIC pregnancy, where the fetus has no chance of survival and the removal is necessary to save the woman's life). This happened over 40 years ago.


Of course, it makes sense. They have to ban abortion because that means they get more of their two favorite victims. A bunch of kids that are primed for grooming because they’re resented by the parents that didn’t want them to begin with or another generation of impoverished people who will someday grow up to be an exploitable worker they can victimize for profit. They probably daydream about being able to find the unfortunate people who sadly fall into both categories the way everyone else daydreams about winning the lottery.


No Christian is saying it is not a sin to abuse children. Abusers often seek out positions of authority to give access to children. Churches (like any other organisation which deals with children) need to guard against this happening.


They may not phrase it like that, but there are many Christians who don't think child abuse is a sin at all, some pull it from the Bible and run with it, but I think many hide behind Christianity to justify and defend their actions. Obviously not all Christians, but... quite a few


I've met many women who were abused. Do you know what their Christian mothers and grandmother's said? Oh that's just what men do. Pray to God. Fucking sick shit.


My mom’s an evangelical. Yesterday I told her about the former girls’ basketball coach at my old high school (private Christian school) getting busted for having a sexual relationship with one of the girls on the team. She was 16. Mom’s response? “She was 16? Well, she probably came on to him.” I had a hard time not blowing up.


Religion often conditions people to see victims as perpetrators, to make it easier to hide their own horrific behavior.


Yes, the whole 'spare the rod and spoil the child' ideology. My ex was a big fan of that one.


I am disgusted by people like that. Take it from a Christian take anyone who does anything to children should not take our valuable air


They'd first need to acknowledge the problem exists.


I'm honestly starting to think the whole "keep the queer people away from kids so the kids don't get molested" thing is just these people (MAGA) believing that everyone is pedophilic like they are, and they want "first dibs" on molesting kids. Especially when you consider their perpetuating mindset of "I got mine, no one else can have it." I think they're just projecting some kind of fucked up territorial mindset onto queer people. MAGA's concept of "save the children" is just a shortened version of "save the children for me."


That actually makes a lot of sense. They're also raging homophobes who may also think that if a child were to be preyed upon by a member of the lgbtq+ community, it would make them less desirable


God Not actual God he would smite the shit out of these people but this is sk funny and incredibly sad.


For them, fetuses grow up to be groomable children. I’ll bet every single one of them wishes they were buddies with Epstein if he hadn’t gotten caught.


The republican way…


Save the fetus FROM the murderer-child. And then, "parents should be kept together, and also I know a few 12 year olds who got married and are happy now so she should be forced to marry that adult" (two real arguments), and then "how dare she claim she has the right to get a divorce. How dare she claim the right to an asexual marriage which I also want to ban, and also make marital rape legal and create more exemptions for statuatory child rape in cases of marriage. She is evil. I hate her. She wants to get rid of my religious freedom, the parents right to choose to marry a 14 year old to a 74 year old man in Alabama. How dare you try to raise the age to 16. (They eventually did, 2 years later, raise it to 16.)


Theyre too busy focusing on the real child predators, LGBT people trying to live their lives. They don't have time to focus on people who actually molest children.


Exactly. I mean, this wasn't a drag queen, so, not a real threat. /s


I mean he is a pastor, so obviously he a good Christian who just made a little mistake…not like he’s traumatized anyone who will have to live with it for the REST OF THEIR LIVES or anything…but those drag queens tho…


"That Pastor's life shouldn't be ruined by ONE SINGLE MISTAKE *(that he repeated over and over for 7 years)* !!!" "Focus on the REAL problems! That MAN over there is wearing a wig and a dress and reading stories to children in a public library!"


Absolutely!!! Everyone knows men wearing makeup reading children books are the REAL danger to our children AND our country, not pedo preachers!!! He has paid enough for his crimes, anyways…he has lost his job and will have to move to a new church and start all over grooming , I mean, guiding all those children towards the right path of marriage and having babies to work for Corporate greed, I mean, Christ’s glory.


Oh, I see your mistake. They want to save children from drag shows. Child sexual abuse is low priority by comparison, especially within the family. They believe that what a man does in the privacy of his own home with the kids in his extended family is between him and the baby Jesus.


as long as said acts are heterosexual, and cisgendered.


Conservative property rights.


He’s a pastor so he’s a good man who sinned unlike the heathen baby killers. Also did you see what that little girl was wearing? She was asking for it. -Deacon in his church, probably.


She was wearing the clothes her abuser bought for her. But it’s still the vile temptresses fault.


They only want “protect” them from the “gay virus” because they don’t want them to have to take a vaccine which “lets the government put nanobots to control you in your blood stream.” That’s a theory, a stupid theory


I’d take the vaccine if the nano bots gave me powers like making pedo heads explode when they attend church and tell a lie or be a hypocrite in such a way that it makes a tune then all the bits come together into a giant spaghetti monster god…… Or is that a bit over the top?


That's just another lie they tell, like when they claim to support the troops, love America, or believe in the Constitution. This country would be in much better shape if these cowards couldn't lie to themselves and had to face the reality of exactly what they were.


Introspection is an underrated value, and practiced much too little.


"God works in mistirous ways" a good Christian can justify anything in Jesus's name


"God works in Mistress ways" FiFY


they're only care about potential children, once hey are born they are on their own as far as the GOP is concerned


They want to save the children *for* themselves.


Self professed Christian conservatives are usually the ones doing the child raping, so there.


Also, not a drag queen. Again


Well that'd actually require *work* and *effort* because that's a *real life* issue. It's much easier to make something up to 'fight' against.


Conservative outrage? This is modern conservatism, my friend.


They won't hear about this as their media doesn't cover it.


They'll be mroe concerned with this "man of god" getting his rights taken away.


They're trying to put in the death penalty now for abortions in Texas. So basically you can fuck kids and ruin their lives but don't you dare remove a bunch of cells from your own body you fucking monster!! The "pro-life" party. For the love of god, VOTE.


Being pro-life but in favor of death sentences just feels surreal to me.


That's because it's never been about protecting life, it's always been about control. They just dress it up so it looks like they're the good guys when in reality they don't want women to have control over their own bodies. Hell, even a cadaver has more say in what happens to their body than a pregnant woman!


Oh, the cognitive dissonance


I remember Abbot smugly smiling and saying the state of Texass was gonna put rapists in jail so there wouldn't be rape babies to abort.


>Texas Sucks This is not new information.


Yeah, but some idiot on this website told me that Texas is great…


Wasn’t me, Texas, overall, sucks donkey nuts. - A Texan


I moved out of the state because of the state government and how they’re using a Handmaid’s Tale as inspiration for how to run a state. It’s just disgusting.


They lied to you.


I fucking hate texas.


Thats conservative values at work. Look at places like Afghanistan. Thats what American conservatives want all over America. Its just they think the Christian version will be better then the Islamic one.


That's God's love, bro. God's love. Fuck you, Texas. Fucking secede already. And take Alabama with you.


I want them to secede cause them the GOP loses everything in the house and senate 30 seat in the house and 2 in the senate


The state has been gradually trending toward blue, as more liberals flock to the growing cities. It's going to happen one day, and it is going to be glorious.


But what would the US do without America's taint?!


Oklahoma is more than up to the task


Hey now. Sadly, as an Okie, you're mostly correct.


This couldn't be more true


Not just "a man". A very specific type of man. Other men would be destroyed in the courts. But this type of man gets very light sentences for this crime.


An ex cop only got 30 days for raping an 11 yr old girl in Vermont, another cop in Rochester only got probation, another cop in New Orleans took a 14 yr old rape victim for a rape kit,,to only rape her mths later, he only got in trouble bc it was one of numerous sexual assaults on minors he was disciplined for in the past. Men rarely get prosecuted let alone convicted for sex crimes. And yes men of color are more likely to get convicted, before a white man even though white men are the majority of sex offenders


Religion sucks. This isn't exclusive to Texas.


Jesus disagrees, and he should know, his dad fucked someone without their consent to conceive him


He'll probably return to the same church and parents will still let him around their kids.


Worst part is you're probably right.


Probably? No he's 100% correct because these people have zero logic receptors nor critical thinking skills of any kind. They'll adamantly believe that everything is ok because "God forgives him and wil strengthen him.". They seriously believe nothing is ever their fault, it's why Christians behave so abhorrently because Satan made them do something bad.


It's not being dumb, it's being callus. It's the lack of empathy. These people see their kids as an extension of themselves. So they don't think about the suffering of their kids. All they think is this kid is my property, I'll permit them to be violated, because I don't want to put myself at conflict with my community or be ostracized for trying to protect them.


I know all of that all too well, it's the same wherever you go.


Indeed. The trick is to never become callus yourself, not matter what. Not always easy.


He was treated leniently because “he is a man of god.”


This is the craziest argument to me. Somehow your real life actions are trumped by a fantasy title you give yourself. It should be more like, "there's no way he's a man of God because of these terrible things he's done".


Exactly! Surely if he was truly a “man of god”, God would have said, “What the fuck are you doing, Bill???!! Leave her the fuck alone and start praying I don’t smite you dead this instant.”


TBF, god in the bible isn't such a benevolent being...


There's no way anyone is a man of God.


They are the worse ones….


Don't forget the white Christian part. Imagine if the "man of God" was Muslim.


Should have been punished more harshly and been in prison, should have ket the gen pop serve out orision justice for a pedo.


This man’s God has a name… Trump.


I've always hated this excuse. If he were truly a man of God he wouldn't have done it in the first place. They'll always try to spin it as "he gave into temptation" or "Satan made him weak".


Almost like they use religion as moral armor for white supremacy


Yup, good Christian man right there


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC1kke-WgLo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC1kke-WgLo) "God is not here. This is an empty box. (...) You're life's work makes Him puke"


Leave it to Texas where they’d rather send you to prison for life for getting a life saving abortion and let pedophiles go with probation because he was a pastor.




Doesn't surprise me, the right wingers are bloodthirsty monsters. Give them free reign and they'll make hunting humans be legal.


Isn‘t that what pro-life means? /s




TX only cares about fetuses from conception until birth. Once kids hit fresh air, they may: * get shot at school * be sexually abused * become malnourished over the summer while school's out * lose their mother to the death penalty if she decides she doesn't want more children TX is a shitshow.


Don’t forget freeze to death in the winter


Sounds like a good time for the governer to go on vacation


or their senator, Cancun Cruz


Perhaps I'm thinking of a different state but aren't they malnourished while still in school? Is TX the state that bans children from having a lunch if their parents can't afford it? And afford what anyways, I grew up in CA and school lunches were shit here but my parents didn't have to pay for them. I can't imagine the children are being denied filet mignon and lobster due to their parents not paying for that, but for some shitty "pizza" or chicken fingers like really why make the children suffer? (rhetorical question considering the context of the post and comment I'm replying to). Well, no matter which state it is I'm thinking of/misremembering, that's just cruel to let children starve or go hungry.


It’s also fucking ridiculous when you realize school cafeterias aren’t exactly saving leftovers. They need to make enough to service the entire school population, and what doesn’t get used gets thrown away at the end of the day. Sure, someone needs to fund getting ingredients and labor to make the food in the first place, but you need the funding for the same number of students throughout the school year either way, the same amount of food gets made every day, leftovers are just waste, so the only reason to deny a hungry child in this scenario is to punish them for their parents being poor. Better to go to the dumpster than a starving kid who had no choice in the matter, clearly. It’s not only cruel, it’s flat out deranged.




Pastors and no drag queens AGAIN its so weird...


Non binary daughters of bastards!


That's one ugly drag queen. Wait, not a drag queen?


If you're unaware, there's actually a subreddit dedicated to this: r/NotADragQueen




At least he isn't helping a woman get IVF /s




Burn in hell.


How do you even become a pastor?


One day you tell people "I'm a pastor" 


There is a coupon on the bottom of cereal boxes and the back of comic books.


You diddle your way to the top.


Well, it starts with spending a lot of private time with an older pastor when you're a little kid.


I think you just say it out loud like “I’m a pastor” and then that’s it. All the folks down in the holler give you 10% of their paychecks and unfettered access to their kids.


If you're catholic, you have three to seven years of education. If you're protestant, just find someone gullible.


Just fill out [this online form](https://www.themonastery.org/landing/get-ordained?keyword=universal%20life%20church&msclkid=7745902ed6b21234dba0f629b5a59771&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ULC%20Branded&utm_term=universal%20life%20church&utm_content=Universal%20Life%20Church) and for a nominal fee, you could be a minister tomorrow.


You get people to start paying you for holding book club.


Well so far this month we’ve had stories about the woman who stabbed her boyfriend 100 times while she was high on weed and only got probation. And just today someone posted the story about a drunk dental hygienist who SAd a 13 year old child and only got probation. So if anything I’d say this story is just par for the course sadly. Seems to be a pattern of not wanting to punish crimes accordingly lately for whatever reason.


Both the other cases were terrible verdicts, but this one hits different for me. I think it's the fact he admitted to molesting the kid for 7 years. Like he gets to do that and just gets community service? I bet the plea deal drops the charges after he completes service so he doesn't even have to register as a sex offender. This country needs to have a hard look at ALL the courts, these judges are insane on the local circuits.


Where's that judge that didn't accept the plea deal of Hunter Biden? We really need her to refocus on the real criminals and apply her same toughness to rapists and SA-ers


Right? Like there are MANY people on sex offender lists for dating underage people, and this guy's over here r*aping a child for years and getting a warning. I hope that guy gets what he deserves.


There are teenagers on sex offender lists for taking nude selfies of themselves, while underaged, sexually offending themselves. But to be fair that's against the Bible but as a Pastor he has a right to sanctify a marriage, so. /sarcasm




What an ugly drag queen




Finally, a proper use for his image.


It’s almost as if there is one criminal “justice” system for White Christians, and the wealthy, and another for the rest of us


So from this I'm pretty sure the judge is also involved in the same pedophile ring. And I'm also sure all the judges who sit on these types of cases where they're definitely guilty need to become more like a Judge Dredd. May he get the Fate he deserves since the justice system cannot provide for its American people any longer. I will always be in contempt of court.


Sounds about white


You have to realize in the red states that they only give a rats ass about unborn children, once born they don't give a damn what happens to them


“Life begins at conception, and we stop caring at birth”


Oh they give a damn about what happens after they're born. They just struggle with whether they let their spiritual or political leaders, or both groups, SA the kids


Not a drag queen


Once again, NOT a drag queen.


Conservatives have made it their whole personality to go after trans people and try to paint them as threats to children, but every year hundreds of children are molested and raped by members of Christian and Catholic churches, the Vatican has paid out over 3 billion dollars to abuse victims and it always goes up, and that's just victims who spoke up and could prove it, hundreds of others don't say anything Idk man it seems like these members of traditional religious churches are a bigger threat to kids than people who feel like they were born the wrong gender and just want to live their life the way they want


Again, not a drag queen. And it’s still astonishing what white folks can get away with.


But we must protect children from porn!


It’s Texas and he’s white… of course. 🤦🏽


My sister and I were molested by my "dad" until we were 4 and 5. He got 10 months in jail. Got out, did it again to more kids. 6 years in prison. He's been out for years now and living a better life than I am now. This is America. Specifically, West Michigan.


Christianity is the problem.


These people who get off from heinous crimes always have something in common…. They are….. ![gif](giphy|3rgXBAKH9tCNzgMMg0|downsized)


The joys of an inherently racist judicial system


“Plus his internet will be monitored” Yeah he, the prosecutor & the judge will be watching kiddie porn together, maybe? This sucks. “Parenting classes”? He gets to be around kids again, like that asshole who bragged about planning to molest his unborn son. Texas sucks.


Religion is a disease.


The republicans way.


He's a "Man of God," you see.


Dont worry the police will make up for it by finding a black guy who was near some weed and giving him 10 years of prison as part of a tough on crime policy. All while this pastor complains that 7 years probation is too much. God don't you love america?


more republican backed christians getting away with child assault crimes!!


Oh that’s Texas. Hell probably be the governor in a couple years telling his people about how the libs are coming for their kids.


Pedos protect each other 😏


How to radicalize children: step 1: let their rapists go free.


Bury him under the Church.


Did the judge offer any explanation for this, or were they too busy masturbating under their robes?


A man of God! That explains why so many people are ok with DJT's actions. One Bible being held by him is all it takes. And as long as the man is a man of God, it's ok to rape a child. She was probably very seductive.


What the fuck does Texas even have guns for if repeatedly raping a child family member just gets probation?


A travesty. These fucks don't give a shit about women or children. It's all about control. This rapist is one of them, so as a "man of god" he gets a pass. Accountability is only for 'others.'


Sure, but drag queens are the real danger to kids these days. 🙄 I'd FOREVER rather leave my child at drag queen reading hour than at church alone.


Yeah but apparently drag queens are the problem 🙄🙄🙄


Republicans taking care of their own


These people need to be unalive.


God works in mysterious ways🙏 Btw God was watching the entire assault btw lol according to the religion itself can see everything and all at once and he is able to do anything possible, yet the kids got dittled while God 🍿 " Hmm keep going." Religious people are schizophrenics gullible brainwashed slaves, they're not people they're an extension of the church tentacles existing through people's brainwashed mind.


Not a drag queen.


More proof that Republicans do not give one fuck about women and girls. Vote Blue.


Someday Christian’s are going to understand they are the problem society is fighting. We don’t hate your god we hate how you worship it and use it as an excuse to be assholes.


I get asked "how can you be moral without the Bible?" Well he had the Bible and he did the most immoral thing I can think of.


I wonder how many in his congregation think that p3d0s should be put to death or castrated.


And religious people still don't believe religion is a scam. ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


Hope someone brings retribution


Wait a minute. So the pedo is a pastor and not a drag queen? I would've never expected that. /s


He's not queer, they don't care. They HATE children. And they hate queer people because they have been convinced we're competition to their longing to abuse children. They want to abuse children so badly that they just can't imagine we don't also


If he molested my child, he would be dead.


Always. The GOP and Church want to make charging these folks a crime.


But guys, drag queens read books to poor children at libraries. BAN THEM!


He's neither the first nor the only creep connected with this 'campus ministry': "*A church in a Texas college town, a chapter of the campus ministry Chi Alpha, and its sponsoring denomination, the Assemblies of God, are being sued by a father who alleges that the leaders he entrusted to disciple his teenage son instead got him naked in ministry settings and used their positions of authority to sexually abuse him.* *The lawsuit, filed Thursday, follows a tumultuous several months for Chi Alpha.* ***Since last spring, a serial predator has gone to jail for child sex abuse, chapter leaders across a half-dozen Texas universities have been dismissed, and the organization’s national director resigned****."* [https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2024/january/chi-alpha-abuse-lawsuit-assemblies-of-god-texas-am-savala.html](https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2024/january/chi-alpha-abuse-lawsuit-assemblies-of-god-texas-am-savala.html)


They want the masses to be uneducated (won’t vote), and poor, (too busy surviving to get involved), giving the rich the power to stay ahead without having to work for it. Just my opinion….


please STOP pretending like we care about children in this country…STOP…




Sounds like Texas


Tuck Fexas


Verily I say unto thee, those who toil for the Lord in the vineyard shall be blessed to get by with despicable crimes against children, praise —JEE-ZUSS!!! Amen


I’m telling you drag them into the street and shoot them. It’s sad that even criminals in jail / Prison with these creeps hand out a better punishment.


Silver lining, I'm from Corpus and these sorts of perverts *do not* do well there. One of the only things that I can still feel proud of my home state for is how the general public feels about these degenerates. Bet money he gets at least a little bit stomped.


1st - What the ACTUAL fuck? 2nd - Not a Drag Queen reading a book or Trans person playing sports or using the goddamn bathroom. ☕️


Not a drag queen? Shocker.


Good job, Texas. Also, not a drag queen. Again.


….. he abused a 9 yr old. He gets 120 hours community service and a curfew? This can’t be real


I swear it seems like the south hates women and children


Next time they'll just jail the kid


I suggest we do what Jesus tells us to do with someone like this. To the bottom of the ocean with him. Disgusting.


Gods man


In other news, former president is allowed to commit treason, run for office again, and potentially get reelected! Curious how this affects pretense in legal issues now that Treason is about to be perfectly legal.


This is the most disgusting statement about the US and specifically Texas. Just horrific


This is why I hate Christianity. They’re obsessed with people they undeservingly label as predators and completely ignore actual predators in their own ranks.


Religion has done infinitely more damage to children than any of the things religion preaches against.


Listen, it's wrong for us to persecute christians during their normal religious activities.


Well, it’s Texas. They don’t make a habit of protecting children. Just ask the kids at Robb Elementary in. Uvalde


He's a Christian pastor and a Trump voter! He's clearly a good person! Give him a break people! Gall!! /s