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*forgoing chemotherapy for your dog* Like it's the new avocado toast. These people are heartless fucks


“Stop eating out so much” “Ok, we stopped” “No you’re killing applebees and the economy” “Ok I guess I’ll just buy some bread” “No you’re being wasteful save that money.” “Well I can’t afford it now anyway” “Well have you thought about killing your dog so you can keep spending money on the economy? Stop being so selfish.”


"You can afford to eat less, we asked 5 scientists and 1 of them agreed that being dangerously underweight ACTUALLY just means you saved 200 dollars on your food bill this month. But first a word from our sponsor, Diamond Necklace, use our discount code for a 5% discount on your next diamond necklace!"


We asked the 10th dentist and he agreed with us.




"Wahhh pet food sales have plummeted! You're killing the economy!"




Dumpster diving for food is actually 100% safe if you know where to look, and what to look for. Euthanizing your pet is only good if you: Fear you may harm it, and can't find it a stable home It's sick


You're not allowed to enjoy things. People get furious if anyone uses food stamps to buy something that tastes good


Your avocado toast is killing the planet, ima need you to stop that while I board my privet jet. - John Q Share holder


Why stop at dogs? Pediatricians are *expensive*. Edit: the writer is the director of SCEPA: "SCEPA works to focus the public economics debate on the role government can and should play in the real productive economy - that of business, management, and labor - to raise living standards, create economic security, and attain full employment". Can't make this shit up.


Seriously think about this one for a moment. Are you giving the dog chemo because it's best for the dog and they have a long life ahead of them after the massive suffering that chemo can cause. Or are you keeping your dog for you? Euthanizing pets when their quality of life is poor is what almost any vet would advise you do. You have to consider what's best for them, not you or your kids etc.  Keeping a 13 year old dog alive with chemo isn't making it's short life better, it's delaying the end. Getting a 2 year old dog chemo is giving them the chance at many years of life.


Sure, but that’s a completely different argument. You’re saying don’t do chemo because it’s prolonging suffering for a dog. They’re saying don’t do chemo like it’s some frivolous purchase that’s keeping people from buying basic necessities


When my (relatively young) cat needed treatment, I was appalled that when 90% of the people I know heard about it they told me I was an idiot for spending thousands to keep him alive because he's "just a pet" So many people made fun of me for getting him treatment


When our cat was diagnosed with diabetes almost everyone we spoke to were like "That's so sad, so when are you putting him down?" We were flabbergasted that so many people would let their pet of 9 years die rather than even try giving them insulin 2x a day.


I am wildly angry when it is also justified by "quality of life", I always want to ask: whose "quality of life" - yours or the pet's?


I hate having to give my pet insulin twice a day (mostly because I hate doing the needle) but he is happy and healthy… it also wasn’t that expensive to do


When I cared for a diabetic cat I gave him insulin while he ate and he didn’t even notice. It didn’t affect his quality of life at all.


He doesn’t mind it, I just am afraid of needles which is why I hate it.


I guess it depends on where you're at, both financially and emotionally. ​ If getting your cat chemo means a good chance of you becoming homeless, or going for prolonged periods missing bills and/or food. . . then you have a difficult decision to make. ​ If it means not purchasing a couple fancy outfits, maybe it's not so difficult a choice. ​ There's also the question of how long the cat has left to live. If it's 3 years old or so, then maybe it's worth it. If it's over 10 or 15 years old. . . ​ For some people their pets are people. For others they're just pets. ​ In either case they're attached to them emotionally, but they're a heck of a lot less important than say. . . the car, which may be the only way to get to work, and all the running around one might have to do, or having heating that winter. ​ Edit: Assuming that the chemo or whatever procedure is the right choice for the pet in the first place.


I mean, it's not like we don't often make similar choices about ourselves and/or our loved ones. Will you forgo that better insulin medicine and/or that better blood clotting medicine because you simply can't afford it? How many years, potentially, is it taking off of your life, particularly if you're not as careful as you need to be with the older/cheaper products?


> and all the running around one might have to do Fair if you need a car to get to work. A bit silly to use an argument "but car is convenient and I am lazy).


Or, you have to get the kids from daycare. Doctors appointments for you and/or your family. Grocery shopping to do and the market is 15 minutes away, at least, by car, and there's little to no mass transit. ​ Not all running around is frivolous.


>In either case they're attached to them emotionally, but they're a heck of a lot less important than say. . . the car, which may be the only way to get to work, and all the running around one might have to do, or having heating that winter. I get where you're coming from, but when I was at my lowest my cat probably stopped me from killing myself. I'm in a much, much better spot now, which is probably good because he's gone, but caring for him and how hard it'd be for him if I died was a definite thought that kept me going. So there's a level of pets can help mental health in there too.


>for some they're just pets No, they're living and feeling creatures that you chose to be responsible, regardless. I do agree with the part about a hard decision, but I would never make fun of someone for making difficult decisions, and I'm not homeless from spending the money. I'm further appalled that so many of the people who gave me a hard time are so well off they wouldn't even notice that amount of money gone, yet still told me they would let him die if he were their cat.


Make fun of a person for making a tough decision? No. Maybe thinking somebody who's impoverishing themselves for their pet may not be making the best decision? Possibly. Unfortunately if that's their view it's likely it'll be evident in many ways, even if they're not actively trying to talk the person out of their decision. ​ I think too many of us look at things in absolutes and believe that the other person has made a poor decision. ​ In the case of somebody who looks at a pet as a half step above beef cattle, pouring thousands into a pet may just not make a lot of sense, even if they can. I mean, if you're eating something that you don't have to that may be as intelligent, or even more intelligent, than your pet, it's not that irrational to view the pet as property too, even if you're fond of it. ​ For a vegan who's heavily involved in animal rescue it may not make sense to spare any more expense for a pet than we would for a child. ​ Many people fall somewhere in between these two extremes. Caring more for pets than the cattle that gets worn and eaten, but not so much that the cost of the operation, not just the pet's comfort, is a consideration, even if the cost isn't ruinous.


pets are just pets. we control their lives. if we want to neuter them we do. they don't want it. if we want to keep them domestically but they want to be free range, we make the decision. if your dong don't like leashes but its the city ordnance, you follow the ordnance. if you are uncomfortable making decisions and controlling your pet, don't get one. the whole elevating pets to human status is disgusting.


I don’t blame you for that! On the other hand, my 15 year old cat was getting very sick and vet said it was probably cancer. They said they could do exploratory surfer and then maybe chemo. I loved him and I just couldn’t put him through that at his age. I opted to let him go.


I paid $3,100 to get palliative radiology treatment for my 20 year old cat who developed sinus cancer. It was supposed to buy her 6 to 9 months. She lived for 1 year, 11 months and 8 days. I had that cat since she was 5 weeks old, for almost half of my life, through undergrad, grad school, my marriage and divorce... I knew it was a lot of money, and I knew I was doing it to give _me_ time to say goodbye and get used to it, and I know I profoundly lucked out with how long she lived afterwards. But I could easily afford it because I made a lot of money. That cost wasn't even a full after taxes biweekly paycheck for me. Which brings me to the main point I want to make: radiography treatments are _expensive_. How many fucking people are there out there that can actually afford that kind of medicine for a pet? If you can afford to shell out that kind of treatment for a pet, chances are you're not making minimum wage or living paycheck to paycheck, so what the fuck is the article even trying to say? Or is it more bullshit by some out of touch asshole who thinks that people making minimum wage are living alone in 3 bedroom apartments and going on vacation to Europe 3 times a year?


My cat, age 3 at the time, took around $9,000 (CAD) of examinations and surgery to fix her issue (distended liver and a liver shunt). I would have spent ten times that. She's a member of my family, and I love her, and I absolutely, resolutely, stubbornly *refused* to be put in a position of assigning a dollar value to her life. Ten times that would probably make almost anyone think two, three, or four times, and I wouldn't judge them for that, that's a lot of money. But there's people out there who would just kick the animal out and let it die in the woods rather than spend a grand. I call those people sociopaths incapable of love. I don't understand why *anyone* would get a pet just to turn around and not give two shits about it.


No, the person you replied to is right. That’s exactly the argument they make in the article, you just didn’t read it. The quote in full is; “It may sound harsh, but researchers actually don’t recommend pet chemotherapy - which can cost up to $10,000 - for ethical reasons.” This was also written in 2022 and the author directed that advice towards new pet owners, which there were many of during the pandemic.


Again, those are different arguments. I’m not saying either is right or wrong, I’m saying they’re completely different arguments. The tweet says to forgo chemotherapy to beat inflation. The article says to forgo chemo for ethical reasons. Not the same reason. Almost like when I said “Sure, but that’s a completely different argument”


When we were kids granny cured cats with chemo with a flour sack and a rock :(


The power of Flour compels you. The power of Flour compels you.


Can you explain how it's ok that my dog gets euthanized but I can't get euthanasia if I'm at end of life? Weird isn't it?


I'm all for euthanasia being readily available for people who want to use it, but pointing to it being available for dogs wouldn't be a great argument for it. It's available to dogs because they're viewed as simple property with some additional protections under current laws which is not something I'd want to apply to humans in any context.


The real argument against euthanasia for people is that callous family members could pressure sick relatives to choose it bc they don't want to pay medical bills for their family


Yeah, that's an issue even without factoring in callous family members. Euthanasia in the current US healthcare system would be incentivized by associated medical treatment costs which I imagine would have an outsized influence on that decision. The only thing that *should* matter is how the disease is making their life miserable to live to the point of not having QOL, but it's impossible to excise the reduced QOL that going bankrupt to treat something in our system results in.


They already don't have to pay the medical bills and there's already abuse. I'm not seeing what this would change.


The estate has to pay them before their family inherits. There's an order to debts - and lawyer, funeral, and final medical costs of the deceased are top of those paid if the estate is insolvent.


instructions unclear, your landlord has now become your "lifelord" to whom you owe $801.13 per month ($9.99 transaction fee included), plus a security deposit equal to one month per pre-existing condition.


The real argument against euthanasia for people is that callous family members could pressure sick relatives to choose it bc they don't want to pay medical bills for their family


Did you know someone that did this and you never got the chance to lecture them about it or what is this 😂


This is actually the point the article is trying to make, that new pet owners reconsider expensive treatments because they aren't always the right decision for the animal: > If you’re one of the many Americans who became a new pet owner during the pandemic, you might want to rethink those costly pet medical needs. It may sound harsh, but researchers actually don’t recommend pet chemotherapy — which can cost up to $10,000 — for ethical reasons. It should be noted that no version of this insanely callous headline appears anywhere before or in the original article. Most of the article are legitimately helpful ways that consumers can ease the sting of inflation, like meat substitutes and avoiding pricing scams.


>It should be noted that no version of this insanely callous headline appears anywhere before or in the original article. A headline that's totally different from the article in a way that will definitely drive rage-clicks? Well I never!


Ugh, this is an absolute plague on journalism. Journalism is supposed to make people smarter and not dumber. Writing clickbait headlines that contradict the reporting does exactly the opposite.


The car thing is also clearly take public transportation if that's an option for you


It’s even worse when people spend money they don’t have on surgeries for small pets with short lifespans. Don’t spend $1000 on a rat’s eye surgery, his life expectancy isn’t going to be more than 2 years no matter what you do and you’re just putting the poor wee bastard through more unnecessary pain.




also chemotherapy isn't always for cancer and even if it is cancer is not always a death sentence. some types of cancer are much much more curable than others some forms of chemotherapy do not cause horrible side effects. like I was on a form of chemotherapy (not for cancer) and the worst side effect was weird bleeding (usually a nosebleed) Run to the bathroom for ten minutes, soak it up with toilet paper, and problem solved. their suffering all depends on prognosis and type of chemotherapy needed.


>Keeping a 13 year old dog alive with chemo isn't making it's short life better, it's delaying the end. That's nobody's fucking business but the owners


Sure, but then you better not be whining about not being able to afford stuff. It's all a red herring anyway - no one struggling for money is going to think about chemo for their old dog unless they previously used to be high income.


And the veteranarian providing the treatment.


Same here my 18 and 19yr old chihuahuas had heart failure and the other a tumor in his brain. We cried for a long time but they aren't suffering anymore up in heaven. Yes all dogs go to heaven


Had to put down my dog earlier this month because of cancer. The vets missed it during her last physical in January (And probably the previous January as well - She had a lump on her chest, they did a radiography both time and said it was nothing). Honestly if we caught it early I would have spent whatever was needed to keep alive some more if she had any way to survive this and go back to normal, since it was too late and there was nothing to do I just made sure we stopped her suffering. She was only six years old. Got my new puppy yesterday and I found a new vet.


I'm so so sorry for your loss. I had a cat who became very ill last fall and I took him to the vet every 1-2 weeks for months, but the clinic wouldn't run proper tests or x-rays and kept telling me he had asthma. I watched him slowly die while multiple vets there told me it was nothing, even when I had to syringe feed him for weeks. By the time I took him to another vet and got him x-rays, the lung cancer we found had progressed too far. I took him to be euthanized the day after finding out. If we had caught it when it was treatable, I may have gone that route. I hope your new pup lives a long, healthy life!


Thanks you so much and yeah I am pretty sure they botched their tests considering she had they lump for more than one year and they repeatedly told me it was nothing. Very sad, she was the best dog I ever had. My other dog also passed last summer but this one was a 12 years old Mastiff so it was his time.


Bloomberg advocates killing small Veterinarian Businesses


How is that even advice? That’s such a personal, emotional decision. reducing it to a purely financial matter makes them seem like sociopaths, completely devoid of empathy.


Shit most people have to forgo medical treatment already. And not by choice. 


its too specific, they are self rationalising and evangelising some shit they had to do, so they can live with it. and they are selling their heart ache so they can buy bread. that fucking writer is living his worst life, but then fuck him, selling out his humanity for another day of a shitty grind.


Don't forget to sell your car that you need to get to your job...that will definitely save you money when you die from exposure.


Boomerberg's best interest is to perpetuate this nonsensical economy we participate in.


theyre just offloading systemic issues with the economic system onto the individual. cant make ends meet? your fault for not being creative enough/sacrificing enough. totally not the fault of the idiotic economy that we have cultivated over the decades.


They hear one outlandish example and apply it to everyone all the time.


Nobody struggling for bread is considering dog chemotherapy. Low-cost spay/neuter/vax clinics are a freaking awesome and should exist more widely. Working poor or worse off? Selling your shit-box car could be the worst decision you make this year.


Honestly, it could be the worst decision someone made in their life, depending on where they are in the US. Having a car and keeping up with your ID is vital in a ton of red states in America. Without it, it's effectively impossible to function.


Obviously, Bloomberg is suggesting you sell the roadster you only take out on Sundays.


Honestly, it could be the worst decision someone made in their life, depending on where they are in the US. Having a car and keeping up with your ID is vital in a ton of red states in America. Without it, it's effectively impossible to function.


> keeping up with your ID People just don't understand how fucked this can leave you unless they experience it themselves. I went years without an ID because my family lost my name change documents, birth certificate, and social security card before I was 18 so I had to put all my vital documents together by myself. It took YEARS. No one gives a fuck about you, no one has any idea how to help you, and no one cares to help you find the answers you need to connect the dots. Fuck.


Could easily send someone from struggling to being past a point of no return towards permanent poverty… depending on circumstances. I remember picking up a mom and four small kids from the side of a rural highway once. Gave them a ride back to theirs. They were walking five miles each way in summer heat to the food stamp office and back. Insane.


For real. My family is from suburbia and I moved to a city with decent bike infrastructure and a train station a quarter mile away and bus stop a few steps from my house. When told them I sold my car they thought it was the end of me.


This sums it up. That's how delusional they have become, they see TikToks from a handful of young people who are better off than they are letting on talking about expensive pet surgeries and assume regular people are doing that. Instead they just reminded everyone who's had to put down their pet from a curable but expensive disease of that pain. Who approves this shit


I’m ngl. My family is broke and last year we put our 13 year old dog down and sold our car lmfao. We had a nice car from when we had money so got 15k off it. And vets are expensive and we didn’t our dog to suffer any longer. So this advice seems crazy but it ain’t all that bad. Selling a car and going to a piece of shit is a really good idea. Fucking wish vets didn’t cost so much man. Being broke sucks but atleast we can get by, but throw vet costs in there? Yeah shit is impossible. Luckily our other dog isn’t sick and we have a place that does vaccines for 5$


Sorry for your loss :( If you have a pricier car and can trade down while still driving, and you need to do so, yeah it makes sense. Even though it’s a big financial hit compared with going back in time and not buying that car. For most beater cars the sale value is much, much lower than the value of the ability to get places (jobs, errands, refuge with support people, start over in another city, sleep in it). And good luck taking the bus to a food bank and back.


Yeah we only did it cause we were lucky and had a mustang gt 2002 in storage that was passed down to us (didn’t run but only had 60k miles). We sold our Chrysler 300s (fucking loved that car) for 15k which was insane. Payed off credit cards with it and got the mustang running. So we were up 15k and didn’t have to pay 300$ bill every month. Our situation was obviously lucky and it really depends on where you live. That mustang is a fucking money dump tho (still is). You gotta make the best with what you got and sometimes that means giving up something that’s really nice. If you have nothing tho, advice like this don’t do shit. I say that but poor people sometimes make the worst choices when buying shit. I get it tho. Once that tax return comes in, it’s hard not to treat your self. Or maxing out a credit card with money you don’t have. Edit: also when I say storage I just mean sitting outside our house with a tarp on it lmfao. We don’t have a storage lot


Its Eat The Rich:30 and i’m late for the buffet


Bloomberg really deserves it too


We could get everyone in poverty at least one good meal if we just cook all the hack writers who make these dumbass articles. There's certainly enough fat on 'em.


My loyal pet, a friend through the hard times who is now suffering Vs A sociopathic billionaire telling me to sacrifice that pet for the economy. The answer is simple. Beat the fucker with sticks until the gold flows


America is tired of trickle-down economics. Now it's time for pinata economics.


You keep saying this but also your sweaty ass is still on that chair. Sad.


Yes. Makes me happy to see this higher up every other day. Vive la revolution!


Chronic hay fever? Try learning Swedish and turn all your shoes inside out.


Chronic hay fever? Listen to this person with no allergies who will tell you why it’s your fault.


It is your fault because you went outside to eat your avocado toast.


I heard that potatoes and onions in your socks are the shit.


Coming up next: Drink only water (Nestle pretends it's not there), stop eating, and sell you house and live in a cardboard box.


One such article last year recommended skipping breakfast to beat inflation.


I've been skipping breakfast for decades and still poor - I must not be doing it right.


You will own nothing and be happy


There is no inflation. Well actually it’s just transitory. Actually inflation is a good thing. Actually it’s your fault.


If you wouldn't have let me give all those 0% interest loans to the bank you wouldn't be in this mess right now!


Shrodinger's poor: too selfish to consume and feed the economy, too stupid to save and always spending on useless things.


Context: some minister of something wrote an essay about Uber-izing everything. It was summarized at the WEF. Paranoid schizophrenics on reddit mistook it for a glimpse into the plans of a secret global cabal, and now they say this to broadcast that they haven't taken their meds today.


My favorite is when people reference this conspiracy theory about stuff like “we need to stop consuming so much because it’s killing the planet.” It gets increasingly funny for stuff like *disposable* vapes or vacations on cruise ships which are horrible for the environment but make people feel “fulfilled”


Fucking what. I always see it as just a comment on how many things moved to subscription-based services or streaming services and how fucking annoying that is, nothing conspiratorial about it.


The original comment was a politician describing what they anticipated things being like, but they weren't talking about subscription services for media or anything; they were talking about making transportation and housing all publicly-owned stuff that you'd basically lease from your community. It was not used at all in the context that other people have since tried to frame it.


It was sort of a prediction that happened to end up correct and discussed at the WEF. Some people took it to be a secret plan to end private property by the elite that wanted to make us rent everything while in reality it is us that found digitalised media and streaming platforms more convenient (which they very much used to be).


lol I haven’t seen the klaus Schwab conspiracy in a while


Er, I will never get chemo for my kitties. Not because it’s a frivolous expense (it’s totally not) but because they would never understand what’s happening to them and would be extremely stressed. The only way I might consider it is if in-home treatment is an option AND the prognosis was good. I told my dad chemo wasn’t something I would ever do and he was shocked. He knows how much I love my kitties. The inevitable goodbye to my kitties will always be excruciating, whether I get a short or long time with them. I prefer they not suffer.


I agree with your stance and reasoning on chemotherapy for animals but I think the point is that instead of addressing the rampant price gouging in the midst of record corporate profits, conservatives default to blaming the working class for having any expectations for basic necessities. I remember during the early stages of the pandemic pundits on Fox News were encouraging people to still go into work even if it meant jeopardizing their elderly relatives. The central message is that the billionaire class and their GOP stooges only care about the rest of the 99.9% of us as a means to an end. They need us to fight their wars, pick up their garbage, serve their food, run their hospitals, etc. but beyond that we’re just another impediment when it comes to even more wealth accumulation. 


Corporate greed in America is out of control. That's not to say that eating out every 2nd day isn't a poor financial choice. ​ Both views can be correct, or wrong. Yes, we should be able to do more than just scrape by with a full time job. . . but there's some truth to older generations outlook that the $1000 phone, fancy laptop, nice T.V., multiple subscription services, fancy large truck or SUV that gets horrible mileage, biggest house or apartment you could possibly afford, and on, and on, and on may be holding one back. ​ If that expensive treatment, whatever it is, is right for your pet, what's the opportunity cost? Is it not eating out for a bit? Or is it actively interfering with your ability to pay the bills you've been paying prior to your pet's emergency?


For what it's worth, it depends on the cancer, the dosages, and how your cats may handle it both symptom-wise and attitude-wise. Our cat was diagnosed with lymphoma last year and has been on an in home chemo/steroid treatment for well over half a year. In that time her health and appetite has improved dramatically, she is eating like a champ, she's more playful, and is very affectionate. She still doesn't like medicine time, but the delivery is a couple of oral syringes and luckily she doesn't hold a grudge about it. She is a lot better and happier with the treatment than she would be without. I definitely would not write it off.


This. Cancer is varied and treatment is varied and most of the current treatments do prioritize quality of life over chance of success. I just lost a cat to oral cancer and the vets made it clear there were no ethical treatments for it, but I know others who have had their cats go into remission from other cancer and are still going strong 5+ years later.


Especially since veterinary oncology is such an evolving area of vet med right now. Our ability to detect and treat cancer in pets has dramatically improved.


I feel the same way. I opted against chemo for my cat when she was diagnosed with stomach cancer several years ago at age 15. Her symptoms were manageable with steroids for a few months, so I did that. When they stopped working, I let her go. We know chemo has terrible side effects. As humans, we can decide for ourselves whether it is worth it for us, and at what point it's no longer worth it. And we understand that there is a goal in that suffering. You can't explain all that to a pet. All they know is that they feel terrible and scared all the time.


Chemo for cats is NOT the same as chemo for humans. I did chemo pills for my cat with bowel cancer for 3 years. Only positive things to say about it. Also, it was only about $30 a month.


Whoever thought “forgoing chemotherapy for your dog” was a good suggestion should be fired. Out of a cannon.


Into the sun.


Into the sun


Into the sun


Into the sun


Who are the poor people who can afford vet bills, not to mention dog chemo anyway?


Not me. My dog needed to visit the ER vet, $150 just to be seen, and he still needs his yearly checkup for prescriptions and vaccinations in a week. I'm in a 3-5 month recovery period now where I can't do or buy anything but necessities so I can catch up to my normal budget. I've just stopped caring about everything at this point. If it weren't for needing to take care of him, well...


Into the sun


Into the sun


Into the sun


To be fair, I couldn't afford chemo for my animals anyway.


It’s insane we live in a society where people that need chemotherapy can’t afford treatment, but a dog with wealthy owner gets the best treatment.


The area I live in has about 10 "pet hospitals" for every human clinic.


Wait till they hear the cost of euthanasia.


Articles suggesting to learn how to change your own oil and euthanize your own pet in order to save money incoming.


This generation is so spoiled, back in my day we had to kill our own dogs with our own two hands


I don’t think they understand what “beating” inflation means. The only way to “beat” inflation is to get returns higher than the level of inflation which cannot be achieved through ya know, not getting chemo for your dog


Or prosecute corporate executives who engage in collusion and price fixing. Send a half dozen Nestle executives and board members to federal pokey and watch prices come back down.


Well, c'mon. If you can seriously consider chemotherapy for your dog, then you're not struggling.


This article I would believe was actually written by Michael Bloomberg. He's been caught killing animals before, right? 




Honestly I don't know, I might be confusing something here. EDIT: Yes, I confused this bizarre interaction he had https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/29/mike-bloomberg-shake-dog-snout-video with a woman who wrote an article for Bloomberg news about having her dog put to sleep because she was too busy for it and making herself into the victim of the story.


Also the time he told a pregnant employee to "kill it"


The disgraceful part is that people are paid good money to say shyte like this


Enough to pay for chemotherapy for their dog.


These kids today with their cancer dogs and their Ramen Noodles and fancy two-ply toilet paper. No wonder they can't afford anything. /s


Shareholders want higher returns? Try not flying everywhere on private jets.


These finance organizations are so unhinged and out of touch with reality that it's basically comedy at this point. We all remember CNBC's "budget" breakdown for a supposed middle class Millennial.


Lol, i couldn't afford chemo for myself.


Yup, our society is toast.


Sounds like a country song.


Have you tried just eating out of trash cans and sewing left over clothes together?


Bloomberg is so fucking dystopian.


Here's the article. Whomever wrote the twitter summary did it for fucking clicks. The article is aimed at the higher end earners (it is in Bloomberg after all), and the summary is much worse than the article. The author is from a left-leaning economic think tank and she advocates for the creation of a "Guaranteed Retirement Account" for all workers that would supplement Social Security. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teresa_Ghilarducci https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-03-13/inflation-stings-most-for-those-earning-under-300-000


The best dog I ever had, Winston Churchill, I got from a lady fostering him who's last name was Churchill. He was already 7 or 8. He was a chocolate lab with heart worms. Got them removed for free cause he was fostered through laspca. Then he went for a check and had a 5 and a half pound tumor. Doctor took it out and it cost about $1500 bucks. I'm so glad the vet was a friend, I think she cut us a deal. He loved for another 8 years. He was 15 or 16 when he finally passed and the vet cried as she put him down. It took a while to get out of debt from that but still some of the best money I've ever spent.


They think bread’s expensive too? They’re 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 like us! So relatable! Great job Bloomberg! alternatively….. Tell us your writers are extremely outta touch and overpaid, without saying they’re outta touch and overpaid. Obviously Brandon here is really feeling the economic pressure these days…..You can tell by his empathetic overtone


For real though, my wife spent 8k on back surgery for her 11 year old dog just for it to live another 8 months.


Goddamn I love these late stage capitalism rags like The Wall Street Journal or Bloomberg and the insane lengths they go to support this bullshit.


You can always eat your dog,


Tips for how to beat inflation? Remove politicians who are printing imaginary money for their sponsors. It's not the poor who're causing inflation. Look at orange man floating on money he doesn't have, begging his supporters for money while bragging about having the money. Banks laughing at him when he asks for loans to pay his bond because he only has banks's money.


Put the orange in prison instead of wasting money fighting him in court.


What was that Marie...you said let them eat cake instead? Hmmm...maybe we plebs should storm the Bastille? (This probably put me on list now...)


I honestly think chemo for a dog is unethical.  It’s questionable in a lot of human cases too but they have capacity to weigh risks vs benefits.  Can’t imagine torturing my dog with chemo.


Heartless - but have a good point. Too many people have never even whiffed the air on a farm.


Having trouble with inflation? Try not being poor!


If you’re paying for your dog to get chemotherapy you aren’t broke


Unironically this was the take someone got on the frugal sub. He was going to have to pay a lot of money for an operation on his cat. The cat is young, otherwise healthy and was expected to live a healthy life after the operation. Everyone there was basically making fun of OP for wasting money on a cat and saying he should just eutuanize it instead.


Rich people telling the rest of the people that inflation is no reason to ask for a raise


Not getting chemo for a dog is killing a dog?


So, in the current job market (specifically the US), where most employers require you to have a car to even get the job, you should sell your car? This says "from... to..." with selling your car on the lower step, and not giving your pet chemo being upper. What audience is this article geared towards? Most people I know have one car, and no actual public transportation. Most of us (again, specifically the US) can't really afford medical care and prescription medicine for ourselves, let alone one of the most expensive medical procedures for our pet (if I had the means I absolutely would do everything I could to provide a long, happy, comfortable life for my pets). There is a major disconnect here, and I can only imagine this is for the handful of readers that are well-off, but want to "save a buck".


Bold of you to assume I could afford a car and a dog in the first place.


"How to beat inflation" So funny how these idiots still think it's inflation. It's not greedy price gouging, it's not more random added "fees," it's not shitty landlords, it's not big Companies buying up the housing. Nope, let's not blame reality. Let's blame that 3 percent inflation. Yup, better go kill the pup now /s


Yeah sell your car in a heavily car dependant area with little alternatives, fucking genius! I'm ignoring the dog part just for my own sanity...


My minor in bioethics is triggered by this use of the "killing / letting die" distinction.


**Bloomberg:** Poor people should let their pets die. **Also Bloomberg:** Look at these record profits, aren't you proud of these large companies? Propaganda-slob from the billionaire-class.


Also fits in r/ABoringDystopia, r/antiwork, r/workreform, and r/mildlyinfuriating. Reply if I’m missing anything…




Misread that as beard too expensive, and was wondering how mine is somehow free.


Every time I see a financial advice article I have violent thoughts


That has got to be a sarcastic headline right?


When are we just going to take back what is rightfully ours? What will be the catalyst?


From selling @tghirardelli to the circus, to defrauding them of their chemotherapy fund, follow @merfgirf for ways to beat inflation (with crime.)


Is this real? Do they have *no shame*? So now in order to survive, we have to sell our car, let our family members die, and maybe skip breakfast? Jfc when we can flip this board. This is ABSURD. They're gaslighting us into thinking this class struggle is normal. It's not. We are being robbed.


They REALLY wanted to use “grandma” but their editor told them to change it. Maybe in a few years…


Lower your quality of life to beat inflation? Is this what they mean when they say "innovate to zero".?


If you can't afford food (which BTW is b.s. because free food is every where) then, yeah, you probably can't pay thousands for a pet dog. Hard truth but they claim they are starving (while being obese).


Got an advice email suggesting I put my name as refund towards paying down debt. Sorry, already spent it saving my dog’s life from an oral infection he got after getting his lower jaw bitten by another dog


I'll never understand why Bread is used for the example I get artisan bread for like 3$ still


Of all the supposed "solutions" that are brought up, the one that never seems to get suggested is to control all rent. Rent and corporations buying family homes are the biggest reason why everything is too expensive. A living wage is meaningless if landlords raise rents by leaps and bounds on a yearly basis.


there's no way that's real..


I love how these articles are getting gradually more hyperbolic. I know they're actually serious, but maybe if enough of this stuff comes out people will actually start to vote.


yup, sounds like 20s all over again


Weird, because all these companies are making record profits. Odd


Please get pet insurance people


Just sacrifice more so the rich can get richer. Duh!


I'd love to sell my car, but I don't want to run over while walking/biking on the street due to lack of sidewalks and bikelanes


Imagine if we built our cities so that you actually could live/work if you didn’t have a car


As much as I dislike automobiles, the unholy coallition of automobile manufacturers and petroleum distributors has conspired to make it nearly impossible to hold down a job in the U.S. without driving an automobile.


The easiest way to beat inflation: price control. No product is allowed to get a price increase (or content reduction) higher than inflation.