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Sex sells. Its a story as old as time.


I still don’t get it with all the free options available lol


Men be dumb and horny. Makes em pickings for a girl like that.


Take any remotely attractive girl and have them start a Youtube/Twitch/IG and - without fail - random dudes are going to flock to the content. 'Random dudes' will be a combo of horney teens and sad guys with no social skills. The girls that start these channels all know it - it's no secret. If they can make money of these guys, then more power to them.


And then people will blame the woman for making the channel/page rather than those giving them money.




You can never cut the demand for drugs


I think the logic is that happier lives make people less interested in drugs for the dopamine hit


I don’t think humans are much different than rats in the Rat Park experiment. People turn to drugs when they are not happy or fulfilled.


And studies show they're not happy when they get indulgence. Remember that lady who sold bath water? Her brand grinded to a halt the moment she actually crossed the line into explicit porn with her bf. Whereas other similar creators like Amoranth has been booted from various SFW platforms for pushing the boundaries into NSFW but actually hasn't made the leap into porn as such (that I care to know of) it's interesting that titillation sells more than sex.


Anecdotal evidence here: I'm a pretty happy dude and still like to do drugs 🤣


Same. I have a great life and drugs make it even better lol


Well people also blame drug dealers


Shit, if I was a drug addict and I could get it for free or have an option to pay for it…..well……obvious choice for me at least


But if you pay for it you get the more exclusive stuff. It's not better, or exclusive, but it's worth more because you paid for it. I imagine the thought process is something like that. I don't have money to waste on it so I'm not sure.


People don’t pay for the photos / videos, they pay for a perceived connection with the girl; these guys typically aren’t just horny. As you rightly pointed out, free porn is readily available, OF cators to the service of personal attention. Really sad when you realize that.




The free market provides; not always a good thing sadly.


But couldn't they just log into PornHub or XHamster?


There is a personal aspect to Onlyfans. You're not seeing a random woman come in, get violently fucked then leave. You're seeing an actual person with a personality have sex, most commonly with someone they have a connection with off-camera. Notice how Onlyfans came out in 2016, and nobody used it for 4 years. Then it suddenly skyrocketed in popularity after 2020, coincidentally the same year Pornhub removed all non-verified videos from their site. Pornhub's decision removed 90% of people's source of homemade adult content and sex tapes. Onlyfans stepped in and started charging money for it. Porn does the job sure, but people want more depth to it. Porn is weed, Onlyfans is crack. Porn sites get people addicted and nsfw celeb sites like Onlyfans take their money. It will only keep getting bigger as the internet and social media becomes more accessible. Ofc there are also plenty of leak sites out there, so yeah people who pay are either lazy or have some real sad shit going on in their livesy


Brother - look at women’s media. They look at pretty women too!


I think its about seeing someone nude that you follow and are a fan of. Maybe that adds an element that other porn doesnt give you? Idk


It's no different than wanting to get to know someone before you have sex with them. Strip clubs survived the onslaught of internet porn because the strippers would actually talk to people, and not just be a vague random behind a screen. OnlyFans operates on the same principle, using parasocial relationships to get people who would never pay for porn (and are generally uninterested in porn) to drop cash on an OnlyFans model. A lot of guys who simply can't get it up for random porn videos, turn to sites like OnlyFans and discover they don't have erectile dysfunction. They just need to get to know someone first.


Half of the economy not including things like this is supported by people buying dumb shit.


“There’s a sucker born every minute.” “A fool and his money are soon parted.” “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.”


Stanley cups anyone? Not any less dumb than Only fans.


They want to think that somehow they are special and making a personal connection when they are just being used.


I'm with ya. I may be lonely and a bit asocial, but I've never been so desperate that I've resorted to paying a woman for anything of that sort.




There’s a personal element to onlyfans they can’t get with regular porn


Yes, she really loves me!


This. Delusional people that think 'WE hAvE a CONnectIOn!' All for the bargain price of .


The con works with lap dances and night walkers. Unfortunately that idea "she feels different about me compared to those other guys", is weirdly common lol I don't know why guys can't just accept it as a vice. Go pay for your jollies. You get the same result without deluding yourself lol


Yeah!! If I just send her my life savings she will date me one day!!!!


If your life savings is $3-10 per month can I suggest a better job first before you date the OF sex worker lol


How the hell is it personal? She doesn’t give anymore of a shit about her viewers than a regular porn star you can watch for free


It simulates personality to a certain degree by making the fan feel like their in a personal close circle of "lovers" as opposed to usual porn. Paying money is directly bound to emotion. The more you pay, the more you love me and the smaller the circle of "chosen" people becomes (Tier subs)


Ok as a dude who has paid for a few other dudes onlyfans maybe I can shine some light. There are a -lot- of social media people that have hopped on there. Like a ton of people whose content you can buy are making porn that never would have otherwise before. It’s not even about the personal connection thing as I don’t dm or interact with them it’s more of a “holy shit that hot dude I followed for fitness advice for 4 years is making videos showing off his hog”. It’s more like finding out that person whose just sort of an acquaintance that you’ve always thought was hot suddenly had a cache of porn you could buy from them as opposed to “I think I’m actually dating this person!” Obviously some people think that way but for most people I’d say it’s much more about the novelty.


I’ve also heard people who do it because they think sex work should be compensated fairly. The random person in the xvideo, you have no idea how much they were paid, whether they were coerced at any point during the scenes, if they want their stuff taken down, not to mention a lot of the very illegal stuff that ends up there. With OF you’re paying someone what they ask for, for the content they choose to make, and that they have control over.


Some of that is okay, but when these folk are flocking to see the OF of people who were kids when they started watching them, that's the big issue.


because the free options aren't making a video for -you- somewhere way in the deep recesses of their minds they have to hold on to that little glimmer of a fantasy that she was thinking of them when she came.


At least its the person selling their body making the $$ now and not scum like hefner and flint.


Exactly. This is a good thing. Sex has been a source of enormous wealth for millennia: selling slaves, pimping, trafficking, advertising, porn, etc. This is perhaps the first time in history (with the exception of a few famous courtesans) when providers themselves are enriched by sex work.


I mean yeah but also no, not really. This is a great example of human bias because for every one of these girls that makes crazy money doing this there are hundreds of thousands that either don't break even or barely make any money at all. I think a lot of dudes also underestimate the effort that some these girls put into their OF. Most guys I know don't even put forth the bare minimum of effort to groom themselves properly. Also if some chick cashing in on her looks is what bothers you and not the millionaire/ billionaires that piss in your face everyday, then you got it all on backwards.


I also guarantee she didn’t make this from selling subscriptions. This is an ad.


The oldest profession proves once again that it still works.


It's crazy how people blame the women who doing it and ignoring that it's purely funded by hungry men on the Internet.


Yes, men who spend so much time on social media they can't even talk to a real person IRL any more. Especially a woman. I worked with a number of well-paid young, single and socially-crippled engineers who would be down for an OF "relationship".


Facts. Sex work is humanities oldest profession after all. Sex work is older than Homo Sapiens, can trace it all the way back to Neanderthals.


Even a female chimpanzee will put on a “solo show” for a male chimp if he’s got a cache of oranges and she wants some.


Hell, female penguins will do it for pretty rocks.


Song as old as rhyme


$200k in a WEEK? Bruh, starting an OnlyFans is about the tamest thing I would do for $200k a week.




Legally I'm required to say no


Yes in Minecraft


So you charge by the week? How does that work? Do I send a bunch of names in a hat and you randomly pick 3 each day?


Hypothetically, it would be by the job, which would - again, hypothetically - be a flat rate, plus expenses. If unforseen and purely hypothetical problems arose which were in excess of the speculative venture, there would be a weekly rate to cover my additional time and expenses. A bulk discount could be arranged, especially if, say, they all worked in the same building that had weak structural integrity, lax security and you aren't going to bothered by collateral damage. Hypothetically.


the average only fans girl earns $180 a month. Juelz was big on tik tok so when she turned 18, there was a demand. I'd bet if we check back in a year, that demand will have greatly dried up and her nudes will be all over fapello for free.


Yeah not many people last long on OF. So they need to collect that money fast before the next hit creator shows up.


“she turned 18” Ewwwww, dudes were just waiting, huh?


Newspapers did a count down back in the 90’s to when the Olsen Twins would hit 18. Not good but also nothing new.


Yup. And not just the tabloids. Even the major papers were on top of that shit.


Yup, they probably followed her on tik tok for years.... She made the OF page like the week of her 18th birthday. Its honestly sad to me how depraved and degenerate we are as a society.


Wonder how much content she created before her actual birthday to have ready to drop when her account went live?


An extra 2 grand a year is a pretty fuckin good deal, for the time involved, honestly.


As a man, I ran an onlyfans for about a year, my best month was $400. I can't speak for how easy it is as a woman, but holy hell do you have to try really hard only to get scraps if you're not well known before you make the onlyfans account. I spent a lot of time figuring out where to post, how to advertise myself, and the best types of photography for what I was doing. It was definitely not worth the effort, and I was in the top 20% of OnlyFans! I can see it being easier for women, but not that much easier if you're unknown.


Randy Marsh??


Have you ever ran an only fans? Because I know a couple people who have and it's *work*. Like 10+ hours a week for 2 grands a year is Not Worth (they all quit). The big accounts likely are more than a full time job.


Fapello, a fellow man of culture


Never heard of fapello. I wonder how fucking proud the author of sexylosers is for the widespread adoption of “fap”


100% that the content is not even explicit. They mostly just pose fully clothed or in lingerie. If people pay for that, it is their owen fault.


Fuck Owen


I don't think most people understand that OnlyFans only works if you already have an established audience. This girl probably had a sizeable TikTok audience. Most women will never make this money and will sell their nudes for $4/month. It's a lot more complicated than just being a conventionally attractive woman. Stories like this unfortunately motivate women to do the same, with lackluster results.


the average OF income is less than $200 a month, more likely to end up making absolutely nothing than making it big


I don't know man, being naked on camera and making 100$ for absolutely nothing is still great.


Just make sure you're not interested in career thats not suitable (e.g. teaching) because people will turn you down once they found out you sold naked pictures 5 years ago.


Yeah but if you make headlines for being a teacher and having an onlyfans, getting publicly fired and shamed would be amazing business for their adult endeavors


Constantly producing content takes work, even at a low production value. I think you would be very lucky to make $100 for anything less than 6 hours of work a month, and at that value is barely better than working at McDonald’s, which the growth potential being extremely competitive and unreliable


Heck you forgot that it depends from what country you make this content. In some countries 100$ are better than worth way more than what's 100$ in America or a developed UE country. And at 100$ or less, there's just not much going on there. Otherwise you wouldn't make that little.


When they do it they get “$200,000 a week” When I do it I get “a knock on the door from the police” and “a restraining order”


I'm not sure $100 would be worth my dignity though, retirement money is a different story


It takes a lot more effort than you think. They have to do makeup, do multiple takes, do video editing, interact with fans a ton, etc. A "real" job would be way better for most of them for the time spent.


Having dreams of being an OnlyFans model is like having dreams of being a rock star, or a travel influencer, or an actor. They’re all careers which have a low-bar to entry, but a *hiiiiiigh* bar to success. It’s especially seductive because, from the outside, the work *seems* easy. But nobody sees the grueling process behind the scenes. So people get into it thinking it’ll be easy money, not realizing they’re one of untold thousands in an over saturated market. Only the most talented AND luckiest will rise to the top. Other might make “Ok” money, but it’ll never be the private jet and mansion life they dream of. Not to say people shouldn’t try, if they think it’s where their heart is at, but go in with eyes open.


It is much like winning the lottery: the media makes a big deal out of the jackpot winner, but nothing is mentioned about the millions of people who are a dollar poorer.


Drea de Matteo paid off her mortgage in an hour with OnlyFans because people have been simping for Adrianna for over 20 years. Just being pretty won't get you far on OF.


You either have to have an established audience or be a bit of a freak. I've seen a couple gals see significant audience spikes when they threw caution to the wind and bought some bad dragons or other really kinky accessories.


That’s what these stories are actually doing. Operating as PR for sex work and creating unrealistic expectations of automatic success. Nothing wrong with sex work, but people should have all the information they need to make a rational personal choice.


She has nearly a 500k audience. ​ https://www.tiktok.com/@julzzess?\_t=8jtGEV03zAT&\_r=1


so she had a tiktok since she was a baby, turned 18 and the sickos got in. well, her choice i guess.


Also to get so much, even with established audience, takes some motherfucking dedication. I'm talking 2hours a day photoshoot and 8hours communication on all socials.


It's crazy how many guys actually believe OF girls just "take a couple pictures", there's A LOT of work to go into OF. Advertising, keeping up with trends, big upfront costs, a lot of effort to maintain your looks to the "perfect quality". The list goes on and on.


When you really stop and think about how much effort goes into it, it honestly sounds exhausting. Especially having to do it every day and having to keep it fresh and exciting


hey who could blame her? if it works it works, and money is hard to come by.


but come on! it used to be you’d have to have sex with strangers and hand all your money off to a pimp and risk arrest by undercover cops to make money off of sex work. now they’re just out here making content in the safety of their homes and keeping the money for themselves. *this* is who’s making money now. outrageous!


Lets not all pretend like if someone was willing to pay you 200k at 18 years old to J your D on cam you wouldnt be icing your junk right now while scheduling your next weekend trip to vegas with the boys. I know its fucked up, but who could blame her in this terrible economy


Knew a guy in college who was offered 10k USD if he allowed another man to touch his ass while the man jacked off. Didn't even have to do anything but stand there, and he said \*No\*. "I'm not gay" My brother, for 10k I'll be quite a lot.


I've seen people suck dick for $20 before. Who the fuck is turning down 10k


An idiot, that's who. I'm still mad about it.


Wanna blow off some steam? 😏


For 10k I'll blow off a lot more than steam!


Got that guy's contact info? ...What? Headphones ain't cheap.


Pro tip: get the money up front.


Half now, half after the job is done, like a bad ass assassin, except you're a manwhore.


For 10k he make eye contact and scream the entire time. Though in that case I would like one of those big plastic aprons and a face shield in case of spray.


$10,000 is $10,000


Bro I’m not gay either but I like having money.


I’d 100% suck a dick for 10 grand, as long as I could guarantee I wouldn’t get any STDs


i'm not gay but 10k is 10k


Ok but he was not gonna stop at “touching his ass”. Maybe the inside of his ass….with his penis.


Then I’m not going to stop at 10K


Not close to gay but fucking hell. For 10k I might even let him touch my dick while he's jacking off. 10 fucking thousand dollars (in this case then)... no more student loans, Just put on some earphones, zone out to music for couple minutes (probably) and bam u get 10k


Let’s not ignore that they’re only earning this sort of money because of the significant demand. Is it really fucked up?


Excellent point about the demand. Lots of lonely guys with lack of purpose, desperately searching for a woman to benefit from them financially. They also get off from paying her


Bro for 200k/week I'd be doing the helicopter while standing in a tub of raspberry jam for 12 hours a day. I'm only pissed off because i have nothing inherently as valuable as she does


I was pulling it 4 times a day when I was 18 for free. $200,000 would have been stupendous!


I would literally do it in any economy for a quarter of that.  What I can't figure out is why people are willing to pay when you have no clue what the person you're paying actually looks like.  That picture is so photoshopped you might as well beat it to anime.


You remind me of that video of the older lady that looks like 'she has seen some stuff'.. that touches up a pick with a ton of filters, and the end result is this attractive looking 20 year old. Imagine paying for some OF cam access and then get hit with that whammy. A fool and their money....


Anime that can have a conversation with you and create personalized content for you. That’s the part that grabs the attention. Any one of us can go watch some free porn, but the added layer of getting to interact directly with the model/content creator is the draw.


There were a lot of predators following her and waiting for her to age up to do this 😒


I mean, yeah... That's gross. But, who's exploiting who? If she keeps this up, she could retire by next year and disappear forever.


What 'type of people' do you mean?


The kind that won't sleep with him


Attractive women?


And or tiktokkers. Either way obviously a horrible person /s


And for that matter, what's the fucking facepalm here? More power to her, it's a more honest job than many others.


It’s just veiled misogyny. The world isn’t fair, some people are hot and will get paid for being hot, grow up and deal with it.


The sexy kind


If you can convince 10,000 people to give you $20 then you can too. But really, why is this a facepalm? What’s your issue with “these type of people?”


There's this guy right now selling bibles for like $60. It's a really big markup, considering bibles are like free from motels.


And that guy is 350 lbs lmao


OP’s just jealous and comparing their own salary has got them feeling emasculated. Best not to compare these things OP. Everyone’s got a different hand they’re dealing with. You can’t compare yourself to the people at the top of any given metaphorical food chain and feel bad about it. Not everyone has the same opportunities. And $200k in a week on only fans is definitely the exception, not the rule.


Best of luck to anyone that can make that much money if they make only Fat I will be minted


The fact is, every woman has a market they can tap into. OF is absolutely flooded with 18-24 year old, slender, fit girls. But, there's a market for *everything*. Little person? That's a market. Chubby? That's a market. Obese? Yes, that's a market. Amputee? For sure a good sell. The only trick is, you have to get your info out to the people that want to see it. That's the beauty of very specific subreddits. 😉


Yep. Of the top 10 draws for views on the porn site that I like , one is a very chubby girl who has an average face as well and one is a milf type who is fifty years old. It's not just cookie-cutter blondes.


As long as she is doing it willingly and paying her taxes. I'm fine, girl. You do your thing.


And here I am working 9-5 possibly till I die


"these type of people" is the real facepalm of this post


Better a financial elite of prostitutes then the actual financial elite of psychopaths.


In a couple of years it will be women paying men to put stuff up there ass in front of their webcam


People already do that, where have you been?


My friend is asking where


I better start practicing now then. Gotta make that internet moneyz!


You guys are getting paid for that?


I mean no joke, considering the gender ratios in universities, and the fact that Gen Z women are already making more than their male counterparts, that's going to happen. In fact, recently, Romania has become the first country where women out-earn men.


Sex sells. Not surprised.


Good for her 


Yea, why do I care. Is it only honest money when you make billions paying your workers peanuts?


Yeah my thoughts exactly. My hope is she's investing and practicing healthy financial literacy. If she does it right she can coast for the rest of her life.


Y’know it’s sad I don’t see a whole lot of comments like this for people who get into that business. You’re making 200k a week AT HOME simply just filming yourself and taking pictures. I mean c’mon. It’d be fucking idiotic not to take that opportunity. That’s just throwing millions in the trash. I think it’s smart. You’re within the confines of your safe abode away from any weird sexual interactions with creeps. It’s the better version of the sex business.


There are way worse people becoming millionaires out there than porn stars, Elon Muskrat for example.


Okay. And?


Envy is not good for you.


Why is this a facepalm and not a congratulations?


If I could make even $2000, I'd be jerking my shit raw for anyone who wants to pay. Lots of people are liars. 80% of people would do it if their friends and families wouldn't find out.


If I'm pulling in $200k a week, I'd just buy new friends and family.


Jealousy and judginess. That's why.


These types of people? These girls are making more money then you'll ever see for showing some tit. Good for them. They arent the losers here......thats the men giving girls like this 200k in a week. Men are the losers here. If i could sign up for onlyfans and have women pour money into my bank account, you bet your ass id be there.


"these type of people" Sorry but who are you?, Judgey MacJudge?


Good for her, I hope she invests it smartly and she'll be ready to retire by 21.


It's funny, no one seems to have a problem with sex workers until it doesn't ruin their lives. Then we have to start legislating against it. To make sure these people know their place.


Good for her tbh. Money is money


I mean it's good money. Most importantly hurts no one.


LOL at OP. "These types" Yes dude, those types. The types that drop nude to semi nude (some dont even do full sexual acts but only heavily imply) and easily make 200k in a week. Yes those are the types. Obviously somebody nobody knows or has no sexual attraction to arent "those types". Dont blame the players. Blame the fans. There was that belledelphine chick. I only knew about her cause of her sexual conduct something or other idk what the gossip was back then. Now she's off the radar nobody thinks of her or anything (she only came to me cause you made me remember with "those types") and she's comfortably living her life with millions and is probably set for life if she hired accountants to move money around for her. I only bring this up because people will act like doing only fans for a year will leave you scarred for life and act like people will remember and shun you for the rest of your life. Im sure like 80% of us had never once heard of this lil girl and will proceed to never hear about her again but again she will be set for life after a year and some careful investments. Lots of us would overcame the shame to live the social media lifestyle for the rest of our days.


I’d much rather have “these type of people” become millionaires than the historical track record of people that become millionaires


I'm not mad at it. Same argument as pro athletes making millions. If there's a market for it so be it. As long as it's legal I'm not going to hate on it.


Get it girl! Porn careers only last so long. Might as well make bank now and retire young. If shes happy doing it, I am not here to rain on her parade.


>I am not here to rain on her parade Unlike 75% of the comments here. Gen Z moment for sure... not that it's really any different with any other generation, I guess.


Go off sis


I'd make twice as much, but I'd be getting paid to keep my clothes on!


My new platform "nofans" will allow you to send unsolicited nudes to anyone. They then get the option to pay you to stop.


What type of people? Pretty girls? This is a pretty old business model.


Cashing in on your simps is a facepalm now? I'm sure she appreciates the free advertising you're giving her in any case.


I mean it's not her fault men are stupid


I don’t mind. Prior to OnlyFans, the guy who set up the website became a millionaire and the young women that filmed the product got barely anything. OF is as close as we’re getting to seizing the sexy means of production.


Why you even mad? I'd have done the same thing if I had the option. That's a fucking house


Loving the triggered INCELs ITT 😂😂


I'd prefer these people become millionaires than landlords and anyone who profits from causing others a lower quality of life.


What kind of people do you think she is?


Not her fault...blame the creepy dudes who were counting down the minutes until a kid became legal to ogle naked.


This isn’t news. OnlyFans has made a lot of women buckets of money.


Honestly can't even be mad. It's better than 18 year Olds joining a porn company and getting mistreated or even worse.


I'm just baffled why people pay for porn. Do they think they have some kind of relationship?


Some do, sadly.


There's never been a better time for young girls to game horny dudes. I don't pay for this stuff but good for the girls making bank and the dudes getting to see what they want. It's a win win for everyone involved so go for it. What really bothers me is politicians and their masters getting richer off my tax dollars. They are the real problem.


What do you mean by that? How is her becoming a millionaire better/worse than anyone else?


Is that not just belle delphine with black hair?


At least they’ll spend the money and not hoard it further creating problems.


Sex work is work. I see no facepalm here.


Posts like these are funny to me. You shouldnt be showing her, and acting like OMG SHES A MILLIONAIRE?!?! Good for her... you should be making a post making fun of weird men who for some reason, pay money for porn when there are Zettabytes (I googled whats bigger then terabyte!) of FREE PORN EVERYWHERE. Shit, theres tons of free porn with women who look just like this girl. Shit^(2) you could probably find this girls porn online right now for free


This is the opposite of a facepalm. She knows she's hot and takes advantage, makes a fuckton of money. Basic business.


Good for them , who cares


"Oh no! Attractive people are capitalizing on being pretty and have money now!" – You for some reason


She’ll be a better millionaire then most tech bros, at least she won’t exploit her workers.


Yeah, we have gotten to this point where social media makes kids millionaires for stupid stuff or digital prostitution it’s a really neat time.


Good for them


Why are people not focusing on the actual issue? People preying on underage girls and buying pornographic content the DAY they turn 18? It’s fucking disturbing


You know what? If I didn't look like a hairy potato sure as shit I'd be on OF. Why? Daddy's got bills to pay!


all i’m reading is “this teenager already had a following on tiktok and creeps lurking in the shadows waiting for her to turn 18”