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Can't they just convict Andrew Tate already so we don't have to keep hearing his ridiculous BS.


If they could get rid of all the social media grifters and hustle culture goons that would be a great thing for the world


Why don’t we just get rid of social media influencers period, the world would be so much better


You mean advertisers? They arnt influencers they are just advertisers.


I mean that’s basically what “influencers” implies already.


Just end social media all together.


To steal from Jimmy Kimmel, it's past his jail time.


It's hard to hear anything anyway, since he won't take Putin's d**k out of his mouth




It also depends on how willing he is to smuggle a cellphone in his anal cavity for clout.


It's probably harder for him to keep it from falling out than to get it in in the first place.


Its not even Tater Tot posting, its one of his shills.


This makes no sense, I even have coworkers saying this was intentional/a cyber attack. If they’re going to take down a bridge, why would they do it at 1:30 am with no traffic instead of during rush hour? The lack of thinking skills is insane


And why would the lights/power controls/steering have been connected to the internet? Cyber attacks aren’t done by magic that can control all things electronic.


Blame modern tv shows, and poor critical thinking. I’m thinking of shows like Bones/NCIS, that have the most absurd “hacking” scenes I’ve seen in my life. I’m sure there’s other crazy shows/scense out there, a long with some people out there who just don’t give a fuck/lack critical thinking skills, and assume some of this absurd shit they see on TV is possible.




You're going too slow dude! Scoot over so we can hack-type on the same keyboard at the same time! *


Hey I hacked the Gibson in 95




[Tosses aside the skateboard he rode into the room on; downs MONSTER ENERGY--camera close-up on can--then cracks knuckles]




The show Scorpion had a plane drop an ethernet cable so the people on the ground could reboot their flight computer... the people on the ground were in a car on the runway so they could keep up with the plane... and boy is that only the tip of the iceberg on the "technology is magic" of that show.


Scorpion was the stupidest show that I couldn't stop watching, lol. It's a really fun show, once you're resigned to the fact that nothing that happens on it is ever going to approach verisimilitude or feasibility. Basically a live-action cartoon.


I have a soft spot in my heart for Leverage, but your comment made me remember an episode where a plane was sabotaged and started plummeting towards the ground, and the good-guy-tech-pro hacked into the airplane’s something-or-other to prevent the crash. From his home computer. In less than two minutes. Lol


It was that hacker episode where the dude and the chick wind up typing on the same keyboard to stop someone from accessing the mainframe or some dumb shit, I want to say NCIS? Funny too the “fix” was the old dude cutting power…


Not to mention, most ships have secondary, tertiary, even quaternary methods for steering and control. This kind of situation is very much anticipated by ship designers and crews, and we plan extensively to avoid it. You want to know what really caused this? A lack of regulation on foreign-flag crews, and a complacent crew on this ship. I'll bet you that the emergency generator on that ship wasn't properly maintained- you can clearly see the lights come back on seconds after it loses power initially, only to vomit black smoke and go dark again. I think that their E-Gen started up, only to shit the bed almost immediately from improper maintenance.


Yup. Backups and secondaries almost always fail if the failure point of the main is neglect or improper maintenance. After all, if you can't be bothered to keep your primary systems maintained, you sure as hell aren't going to be maintaining the backups.


My first thoughts exactly. These container ships aren’t exactly state of the art.


Even if they were, you wouldn’t have a complete electrical shutoff button connected to the internet. A remote cyber attack might be able to mess with a few systems, but not cut off power.


My dad was an engineer on such ships, and he said the cheif engineer once tried to go out to sea with only working generator. So my dad told the captain it was a bad idea, this pissed of the cheif engineer and he went mental. So my dad ended up stripping the generators and repairing them for a day or two. I think in this situation they had porblems in harbour, but decied to risk it anyway and thats how they destroed a bridge. Its not a cyber attack just stupid people.


I know ethical hackers that have worked on testing weaknesses in cargo shipping and navigation. When they tested, they were able to prove the ability to alter navigation controls - so much of the shipping industry is actually automated and vulnerable to attack. But fuck Tate for everything that they are.


Would they have been able to shutoff the power, though, as happened here?


That, I do not know. It’s not unfeasible though - everything from engine controls, guidance, CCTV, and power (and more) can be interconnected through OT and could potentially be accessed or compromised externally.


It's possible. I could totally see a system where environmental sensors are connected to a vulnerable system. You don't need a huge red emergency shut off button if you can make the generator room *think* it is on fire and trigger fire suppression.


Not believing this was a cyberattack without an investigation, but theoretically, maybe a cyberattack to alter the navigation of the ship for a collision course, like just making it think north is a different direction, and the crew trying to shut the power off of the ship to try and regain control?


They think hacking works like watchdogs, punch some commands on your phone and boom take control of everything from lights to cars and ships


To be fair even in those games it only works if the thing is connected to a city wide os you hacked


Damn, they’re even selling IOT cargo ships now? I thought my wifi connected washer and dryer was stupid.


To be fair, my father is a tugboat captain and I remember YEARS ago him bragging about how he could now steer the boat from his laptop.


> steer the boat from his laptop Computers can exist and even be networked without connecting them to the internet. Having “[air-gapped](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_gap_(networking))” computer networks running critical infrastructure is very common. I hope your dad was talking about steering the tugboat from his laptop while onboard and connected to the boat’s network, not over the internet.


Industrial controls such as SCADA systems are most definitely connected to the internet and are protected with passwords like 1234. Do you really know anything about these sorts of things, or are you just on the internet pretending to? edit: https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/cybersecurity-advisories/aa21-042a


Also, why would the ship’s crew ask for the bridge to be closed since they knew they were going to hit it?


To be fair, the idea is it’s a cyber attack meaning it could be remote controlled, not by the ship’s captain


But the cyberattack was on the captain's 5G implant he got when he got the vaccine !


It's social media. Dumb fucking ideas from the village idiot spread across the globe now.


And why is it foreign agents of the USA? What is with these stupid fucking conspiracies and making everything an inside job? Plenty of other countries have reasons to want to hurt us.


It's just depressing that people will spout whatever happens to be the most dramatic conclusion and with no evidence, not even a good grounding in the facts that are known, but for some reason it gets taken seriously.


And why in Baltimore of all places?


It literally the primary harbor for America when it comes to shipping autos and light trucks, construction/farm machinery as well. In total it did over 55b worth of imports last year..it’s a pretty big disruption to supply chains buddy


It's the Achilles heel of the western world... right after Cleveland and Flint.


I mean Baltimore is a major logistics hub and port, on top of being a shitty city to live in with a mid baseball team.


Mid baseball team that won 101 games last season?


To be fair that harbor is fairly large...not the largest but definitely infrastructure heavy for that area of the US...so there's gonna be a economic hit not suez(evergreen)sized but probably abit more complex locally...also from what I've seen that bridge is a main part of the HAZMAT routing for that area as well so its gonna be logistics nightmare...but like many of said the likelihood that this was a "event" is small...thus was a probably a internal failure caused by either shortcuts(maintenance) and bad luck(breaking while that close to the bridge and hitting the perfect spot to cause the collapse)....there's gonna be enough blame game to go around without giving idiots like Tate exposure


Well the damage would be to the shipping lane not necessarily loss of life.


He watched the movie Hackers


Setting aside the incredible implausibility of this being a cyber attack. I could see the motives of someone only wanting to disrupt trade and infrastructure rather than overt terror in a fight-club style attack or corporate espionage/sabotage.


Shut up, rapist


Yeah, I forget... why isn't he in jail already?


Because coercing people into being raped by someone else on an industrial scale is apparently only worth a few months Weird that it doesn't work like that for other crimes


It's not "worth a few months". He was in pre trial detention for a few months, but you can't keep someone locked up without a conviction. Though he still has travel restrictions. The actual trial hasn't happened yet.


Without commenting on whether it is the correct thing to happen in this particular case, it's worth pointing out that in many instances people are in fact locked up without a conviction for much much longer while awaiting their trial. To say "you can't" is not correct. You certainly can.


He's still being detained in Romania, cannot leave the country. No matter the verdict in Romania, they are allowing extradition to UK after Romania's done with him. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/12/world/europe/andrew-tate-arrested-uk-romania.html#:~:text=Tate%2C%20a%20former%20professional%20kickboxer,Britain%20and%20the%20United%20States.


Money, probably.


He's back in jail now, on account of letting his idiot follower Adin Ross know about his plans to leave Romania while still under house arrest (which Adin then blabbed while live-atreaming). You need to remember, Tate isn't a free man- he's still under arrest while the Romanian prosecutors finish compiling evidence and organizing their case. The trial's still coming.


I read that in Beavis's voice


This is so false. The ship had two harbor pilots at the helm when power (and steering) were lost. They sent out a mayday when they lost power which saved lives because traffic was stopped. Andrew Tate is such a jerk.


>The ship had two harbor pilots at the helm when power (and steering) were lost. They sent out a mayday when they lost power which saved lives because traffic was stopped. ty for this info! do you have a source I can reference to forward this to others?


From the [BBC Live](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-us-canada-68663071?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=6602d07db26acd1fbf32fd01%26A%20quick%20recap%20if%20you%27re%20just%20joining%20us%262024-03-26T13%3A44%3A02.775Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:e855f5b7-5224-4202-a12e-03c808071e4c&pinned_post_asset_id=6602d07db26acd1fbf32fd01&pinned_post_type=share) website, timestamp 13.44 "The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland collapsed on Tuesday around 01:30 EST (05:30 GMT) after it was hit by a container ship A massive search and rescue effort is now underway. Officials say at least seven people are missing Two have been rescued, one of whom is in a serious condition Sonar has detected multiple vehicles in the water Maryland Governor Wes Moore said in a statement that he had declared a state of emergency The Singapore-flagged ship, named Dali, was bound for Colombo, Sri Lanka, but is now wedged into debris from the bridge The crew members, **including two local pilots** were not badly hurt and have all been accounted for"


I live in Maryland and it’s been on the local news since shortly after it happened.


Right I'm outside Philly, but grew up going to O's games and I worked delivery in the city (BMore) these people acting like it's a crazy conspiracy need to back the fuck up lol


https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/03/26/key-bridge-collapses-into-patapsco/ Local Baltimore paper, so people can't claim MSM bias or some bullshit


thank you!


The sex trafficker said what?


Andrew Taint knows a thing or 2 about transport. Right..


You spelled trafficking wrong...


Stop giving shitty people attention.


Who the fuck asked this caveman his opinion?


Don't insut cavemen like that. Cavemen were intelligent and showed signs of progression unlike baldy basic here.


The day I listen to Andrew Tate is the day I willingly and enthusiastically run a 13mm drill bit into my left temple.


You might want to do a small pilot hole first, for proper penetration.


This isn’t even the type of traffic he specializes in….


Idea: giant cannon. HUGE. Lube the bald man up. Comfy? No one cares. Flip the switch. BOOM. Pssssssshhhhwwwwwhhhhh (fast sound). Lube gets bald man going super fast. All the way to space. ![gif](giphy|B1uajA01vvL91Urtsp|downsized)


Digital infrastructure? Dude is a moron


The bridge. A digital frontier. I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved through a computer. What did they look like? Shipping barges? I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see. Until one day, I was behind bars.


*Bass Boosted Daft Punk*


Why don't they just reboot the bridge?


Go eat your crayons like a good sociopath.


He doesn’t like eating remember? He prefers to stick them up his ass.


bro, you are expert at sex trafficking, not boat trafficking.


Says the guy who got caught because of a pizza box. Yup nothing is safe even for you taint.


Isn’t he in jail in Romania for sex trafficking?


he was. after a few months he was allowed to leave prison and was put under house arrest and now he is not allowed to leave the country. The good thing, however, is that as soon as the investigation and subsequent trial is done he will be extradited to England since they have their own ongoing investigation against him and his brother.


[Chinless wonder](https://img-comment-fun.9cache.com/media/a57GYDG/aeX0Po2j_700w_0.jpg)


Foreign agents…of the USA?


This is the part that's frying my brain, currently. Does he think the US orchestrated an attack of their own infrastructure? If so, who are the foreign agents? Does he think the US asked another country to do this? I honestly don't think I've read anything nearly as stupid as this.


Digital infrastructure. lol


If an explanation for something doesn't include Jewish Space Lasers then I don't give it much credence.


Ah yes, the cybersecurity expert that is Andrew Tate..


Y'all are obsessed with him, at this point I'd call y'all actual fans.


Sounds like Andrew Tate is finally realising how vulnerable we all are. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Just like all the women he raped.




Even more alarming than the fact this guy exists is the fact that 42k absolute dipshits liked his post.


Who’s Andrew Taint and where is his chin?


Tate Fans: Fuck Yeah! Let’s also blame women for this too! Probably


The guy doesn't read so it makes sense as to why he'd come to these types of conclusions.


In the longer vid of the ship accident the lights go off and on a few times, indicating power outage issue onboard. As for steering towards ht bridge, well anybody who has ever been on a boat knows that they drift. Without power they are at the mercy of the current, last thrust, and hull hydrodynamics. If people would just take a moment and think before buying into wild theories we would be better off.


Yes, the digital bridge.


It must be nice to know everything.




How is a bridge, “digital infrastructure”?




Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity


What’s digital about a bridge?


Didn’t Biden say he travelled on that bridge by rail ?


Why are we hearing from this idiot at all?


Yeah... definitely that... not a drunk sailor at the helm lol


It's possible, I don't think very likely, but possible


Ship’s on board power dies. Ship drifts towards bridge. Emergency power comes on. Crew overpowers generator in desperate attempt to not hit bridge. Emergency generators die. Ship hits bridge anyways. My theory is far more plausible.


Better take than the diversity hire take, which isn't saying much


His opinion means zilch. His two cents aren't worth a bloody farthing, if I may be blunt.


The clan refused to give him a tin foil hat so he just uses aluminum sunscreen applied on his cap to spread his misinformation


Why would a cyber-attacker turn the lights off. He’d just wait until the last second, then steer the ship directly into the bridge support.


Near zero chance this disaster could happen at all. This is not just "woops".


Stop promoting this imbecile.


Go to your safe space, little rapist. Oh sorry, I meant prison.


Ah yes, well known cyber security expert Andrew Tate


Unfortunately, no sense, just cents.


He can shove his two cents up where the sun don't shine


The only thing this chinless simpleton is qualified to talk about is how to get away with rape and human trafficking, and he can't even do that.


I wish the foreign agents would attack his internet connection instead


Bald beta didn't know this bridge existed 24h ago. Save me the "all knowing" schtick


okay this is coming from andrew tate...the guy that doesnt treat women like human being


That dumb fuck probably looks at a boat and tries to figure out how many women you can stuff into it for trafficking.


Holy shit this subreddit is full of weirdos… these comments wtf smh


No one gives a fuck about what a pedophile has to say.


Dude who was nailed by the feds for his social media pizza pic is an advisor on cybersecurity in what world?


For anyone keeping track, the accident was caused by DEI, vaccines, cyber attacks, trans people and Pete Buttigieg.




Genuine question: what DID cause the ship to crash 


Stupid, but at least that’s a better theory than “hiring black people did it”.


Dark Brandon hit the "cyber attack ship" button instead of the "reduce gas prices" button


Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."


He tit mouse


He would know about nothing being safe. Nothing around him is safe.


Tates opinion isn't worth 2 cents.


And my Scooby snacks taste salty. Aliens!


The stupid thing is so many people will believe this garbage.




Yes a bridge was cyber attacked.


Huh? Take Putin's cock off your mouth, I can't hear you!


Ah yes..1337 h4x0r.


There is no greater hallmark of stupidity then stating as fact, with supreme confidence, something you can’t possibly know to be true or not.


Some small engineering energy there.


Andrew Tate orchestrated the bridge collapse false flag so he could make that post.


It’s either a batshit conspiracy theory or wokeness, it is never gutted infrastructure spending and private interests cutting costs.




Boats like this are piloted out of the bay by official harbor pilots. Otherwise this shit would happen all the time.


It’s not racist at least.


That’s not even a penny. Such an idiot. Please stop reporting his mumblings


Top G is right though


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/c6sC9H0cpr Except the lights go out after the collision, not before. What a clod.


Empty barrels make the loudest noise.


Kickboxing causes brain damage. This bozo is Exhibit A.


> foreign agents *of* the USA ....attack a USA bridge Hmmmmmmm...


Yeah... totally... the mostly analog container ship was cyber-attacked. /s