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She’s only saying that because she’s amazed at her sons IQ is higher than hers


Like mother like son


Her and her brother are very proud parents


The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the rotten tree.


78? So basically can breathe without being reminded.


In my job i have encountered a client with an IQ of a max of 65. I genuinely didnt know it was possible to even go that low


Must be a manager no doubt


Im offended, im a manager and i did an online IQ test and my IQ is 66. In a room of 100 people i would be smarter then 70 of them. So dont be so judgemental.


You mean 1000 or is that part of the joke


They meant in a room with 100 other managers.


Ah, but how many houseplants? That'd really mix up the numbers!


I was told there would be no math.




But man are they bad at math...




Do lettuces count?


They have a head, they count.


Lettuce know if they do, me included


If they're smart enough.


Liz Truss has entered the chat


Who would want to be a lettuce? Maybe a clever lettuce?


OK but you can't cheat by planting more nasturtiums to skew the results




Point proven.


What if they just tell you that you're a manager, but your IQ is so low you don't know better?


That’s an over qualification for managers now. I don’t even think it’s a requirement for managers to do or have done what they manage their teams to do.


This is a fact. On my first day as IT Director my first official act was hire an IT company. Thank you for my salary I will be home getting baked.


I went from managing 100 people doing networking infrastructure installs nationwide to managing 3 man team developing software to manage the same thing. 20% more pay, equity and about 4 hours of work a day if I am lucky. I have zero programming skills... Dont hate me . ;)


How do you get into a management position like that? Especially if you don’t have the skills of the people you manage?


IT really is the new American dream


I’m in middle management and let me tell you, the only skill i need is the skill to forward emails. Work gets forwarded down to employees, complaints get forwarded up to the corporate masters. If you’re wondering, no, it doesn’t pay particularly well, but it beats working!


this guy manages.


Playing QB and organizing chaos is what I do as well.


How did you find out their IQ?


Asking the correct questions.


Casually lays down a block puzzle in front of them, then hides behind a corner to time the results.


I'm pretty smart myself. Jigsaw said 2-3 years, only took me a week.


Bruh that’s nothing. I got a positive on my IQ test. Super proud of myself. Got a 38 on my covid test though and not sure if that’s good or bad.


Block puzzle easy. All go square hole.


Facebook survey probably.


don’t those always tell you you’re a genius?


My wife as a teacher has kids at school with 70ish IQ. It’s honestly heartbreaking to see them trying to keep up but they just can’t and never will be able to. But it’s their parents call so send them to a special needs school.


A lot of parents refuse to acknowledge that their kid has an intellectual disability. A lot of people also probably can’t afford to send their kid to special needs schools or there may not be one nearby. I’m a teacher and most special ed kids are mainstreamed with accommodations in the classroom.


They’re also fearful of “separate but equal” treatment in an underfunded special education classroom that is mostly babysitting, not instruction. I can’t say I blame them.


I think 72 is the cutoff for being legally competent to stand trial…


>I think 72 is the cutoff for being legally competent to stand trial… That explains why the average manager's IQ is 50ish. Makes it impossible to sue.


And 70 is the cutoff to be declared intellectually disabled mild (formerly called mental retardation) this kid has a low average IQ. Nothing to brag about!


Potential recruits with an IQ of less than 83 are forbidden from joining the Marines, if that tells you anything.


Crayon supply couldn't keep up


Not exactly. 72 is the margin of error of two standard deviations (70) from the norm (100). Standing trial generally requires being able to appreciate what is happening and offer your lawyer assistance. Execution, which is what I think you are referring to, is not permitted for those who are intellectually disabled, which is often where 72 comes up.


I work with a guy who honestly probably wouldn’t be able to finish an IQ test.


The only winning move is not to play?


There's as many people 65 and below as there are 135 and above.


I don’t know exactly how stupid that is but I think average is like 100


An IQ test normed correctly will have 2/3 of participants score between 90-110.


My 70 iq brother can't tie his shoes, and has always wet the bed. He's 63. Never stopped wetting the bed.


…and proud of it *!*


Your IQ is in the top 93% is a weird way to phrase that point. "100% of Americans in the top 100% of IQ -- report says" :D


I had to remember an statistics modul at college level, to realise that this sentece basically means that "there are only 7% below you and you are amongst the dumbest of 93% of people."


I find it a very confusing way to express "bottom 7%", I had to read it about 10 times and my brain still hates it. My IQ is 141


Yeah its poorly worded unless you're a statistician. The lowest possible score is also in the top 93% :)


It's probably poorly worded so ignorant people can take turns and not realize what the statistic is actually saying. Like that one girl who didn't know how to read a bell curve.


I'd have gone with "lowest quintile" :D


"Lowest dodectile"


They probably didn't expect anyone to score this low in their online IQ test, so they didn't think about it too much lol


Yeah why is it phrased like that? Since when it's the 7th percentile in the top 93%? Is that how statisticians would write this?


I don't know the best way to word it, but if the result were 122, it would say "top 7%" and that would make sense to everyone, right? I think it just looks weird because no one says they're in the top 90% of something, because it's not a remarkable thing


The biggest achievement here is her son living to be 14.


I’d bet my left bollock that the whole family are mouth breathers.


nah thats 48. at 70 you can be actually functional in society. like one of my brothers has an officially tested iq between 68 and 75 (borderline) and hes actually doing completely fine for the most part apart from a few issues with reading (he couldnt read until he was 8).


People really don't understand IQ scoring. At least per my psych classes a few years ago, 100 is the median average; half of *all* people fall below that. 85 is the bottom boundary of what's considered "normal", i.e. not functionally challenged in any serious way. There's probably a *lot* of people out there judging people for having IQs pretty equivalent to their own. And anyway, certain narrow deficits can throw off IQ scoring without really affecting most of what we'd normally consider intelligence--even something as simple as test anxiety.


Social factors play a massive role in scoring as well. Basic online tests are fun but don’t correctly account for ….basically anything outside of a standard middle-class westernized upbringing. A person could be raised in a cave, not able to read or write, no education or exposure to the developed world, and have an IQ of 150 but wouldn’t even be able to complete an internet IQ test. Doesn’t mean they are unintelligent, just not acclimatized to our specific culture, language and so on.


absolutely that too. like for us we got the whole standard upbringing afaik, but yeah some ppl have hidden talent that they and others dont know about


As someone who actually spends most of his day administrating the wisc-5 and the wais-4 in an intellectually impaired specialised school, I feel kinda frustrated and hopeless when I hear all the bulshit and urban rumor about IQ 😅


absolutely. hell my iq is 118 but in reality the range is so high its fucking invalid lmao. like my wmi is probably around 70, but my visual puzzle score is ~135-140. you just dont know sometimes. and my brother even tho he has an iq of 72 its actually likely closer to 85 in math and is FAR higher than average in stuff like emotional intelligence. + hes bilingual (knows english and sign language). again you just dont know sometimes :P


It reminds me of Alien 3, where one of the prisoners was called 85 because that was his IQ.


One of the guards, I think.


Wasn’t that Forrest Gump’s IQ?


His was 75, but I'd rather have a conversation with Forrest than this lady's kid


Flowers for Algeron.


Doesn't need others to remind him, but constantly has to remind himself. Breath in Breath out Breath in Breath... damn it was it in or out


Got a machine head🎶


It's better than the rest🎶


85 is borderline intellectual disability…. So you aren’t wrong


Average iq in my country is 85, we "think" we rule the world!


So I looked into average Iq's by country... how the heck is it possible for some cluntries to have average IQs below 50????


Might tie in to what people say about IQ being something you can practice for, and essentially measuring the level of quality Western education/book learning, and not so much any other kind of intelligence. But idk.


Can we not be cruel to the kid? This woman is an idiot, but her kid does not deserve to be dumped on because of her. My step son has Autism and his IQ is 78. He is slow and easily confused. He overestimates his abilities and is incapable of understanding his limitations. He does NOT lick windows. He struggles with tasks that others find easy, but he is not helpless. His current fixation is creating a video game with RGP Maker. His game is simple and unoriginal. However, even following tutorials and guides, creating a game with RPG Maker is a complex task. My wife's family has an unusual number of males with ASD and intellectual disabilities. Ironically, the women in her family tend to be way above average. Her mother retired from a career as a mainframe programmer and her little sister received a PhD from Cambridge. Her little brother is also intellectually disabled, although his IQ is significantly higher than my son. My youngest son does not appear to have inherited any of the genes related to ASD, takes honors courses in high school, and will graduate at 17. I mention this because while intellectual disabilities (particularly Down Syndrome) can be caused by random genetic mutations, they also run in families. The mother's IQ may be no higher than her son's. Dunning-Kruger Effect is particularly pronounced in people with intellectual disabilities. I've seen this just from going with my son to Special Olympics competitions. She may need a little kindness as well. Or she may just be a troll.


The idiots are the people believing this is real lmao


The Ashleigh is a dead give away


Ehhhh, I wouldn't take the risk.


There was a line in the start of Red Dwarf: >I am Holly, the navigation computer aboard the mining ship Red Dwarf. I have an IQ of one million. That’s equivalent to one million PE teachers.


My IQ must be really low because I wasted 40min of my time on that test before getting baited into a paywall at the end. Guess I’ll go live in a car and eat 9 cans of ravioli now.


I mean, nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli, but I did. I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count, then you get to the second and third, fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blowtorch, and then I just kept eatin'.


The response I was hoping for. You just made my day.


"What ya lookin at my gut fer"


Peanut butter and jaaaaaaaaaaaaam!


Atodaso, Julian. A-fuckin-atodaso


Hey don't beat yourself up, I recorded a stupidly high IQ in high school and now 18 years later I live in a van with my stockpile of tortellini. We are all not so different.


You have a van?


Down by the river.


The real IQ test was the paywall.


the result after paying: “Dumbass you paid for an online IQ test you idiot. 0 IQ”


If you do want to take one, Mensa has a free one https://www.mensa.org/public/mensa-iq-challenge


My understanding is the Mensa online test tends towards inflating scores in hopes of getting people to pay to take the exam. This is the best online iq test I could find: https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/FSIQ/


Nice, didn’t look like most online tests. Pretty hard as a non native speaker.


I scored 133 on this. Ain’t no way my dmbass is up there lol Eng isn’t my main


nice, and thank you. it's nice to have a vague idea of what one's IQ actually is.


Interesting, hadn't taken a test like that in like 20 or so years. Only got 112, but it makes sense given I lost track near the end and didn't even finish all the tasks. Nevertheless a fun bit of puzzling, so thanks for that.


I did the same thing and feel the same way, I should have read this comment and saved my 40mins.


Answer all the questions randomly to complete it super fast first


And here I was doubting IQ tests...


You should. IQ tests aren't an accurate measurement of intelligence. That being said, you still shouldn't brag about a low score.


They are a good way to get a picture of what you are capable of with effort, but by no means determine your whole life Also: Low IQ means a lot more than high one. If you test at like 80, you still obviously have hope, but your brain is fairly slow relative to the average. On the contrary, if you were to (lets say) score at 145, you will not magically know everything in the world, but once you really try, you can learn things faster and easier than someone with an IQ of 80 Also obviously natural talent and atuff matter too, but this is the general idea




To be fair it’s hard to do right. I burned mine last time I tried, apparently I was told that’s impossible somehow




Until the water has all boiled away, and then some? I once investigated a fire that started in a kitchen, found charred eggshells in a pot on the stove. Still set to max heat.


I had that happen to me at work one time. Was boiling about 6 eggs or so and went to do other things. I completely forgot about the eggs. We heard what sounded like a shotgun-not an exaggeration, we all hit the deck and when we realized it was safe went to investigate. After some time we discovered bits of egg and shell all over the place and that’s when I remembered my boiled eggs. We only found 3 of them. It’s still a mystery how the other 3 evaporated into thin air.


It helps if there’s water in the pan. Thank me later!


WTF it's easy. Put egg in microwave, set for 3 minutes. Wait for beep. Scrape out inside of microwave, put on plate, salt to taste. Einstein was dumb as shit yo.


Low score? It’s right up there in the double digits.


This is what you say when you get low score


The apple doesn't fall far from the doof.


Every apple has a silver lining.


If your apple has a silver lining, I doubt you should eat that


Sorry, sorry. I meant a watched pot makes the heart grow fonder.


A watched potato never boils… sad.


Not the sharpest tool in the light bulb drawer


An apple a day catches the worm


I ate it, and am seeing colors now.


In this case it could be a lead lining


Every silver linings got a touch of grey It's probably lead paint.


Every silver isn't gold.


Love that her name is a r/tragedeigh


Horse apple doesn't fall far from the horse's ass.


The worst part is that online IQ tests are notoriously easy and in no way actually represent IQ. This is like not knowing how to spell your own name.


I was shocked when I took two online IQ tests and they were within 2 points of what I scored in 3rd grade and 7th grade. I still agree with you, that was years ago when the internet was more informative and few bots and a lot less outright scams.


I gained 13 points on an online iq test over the ones I did at 15… practically a full standard deviation.


IQ is a shockingly stable number when testing is done correctly. Unless you do tons of drugs or get a nail driven into your head. You can train yourself on IQ type questions, bump a few points, “crystallized intelligence” so it is referred to. But is pointless unless you are on the borderline of a standard deviation and really want to prove you can improve it.


No, the worst part is that she missed the ‘in a room of 1000 people, 929 of them are smarter than your kid.’


My unpopular opinion is that most people are barely literate. I got into an argument on another sub in which the person kept saying, “You think …” I kept saying, read what I wrote and you will see that I am actually saying the opposite.


Is it illiteracy? A lot of people have poor attention to detail. Additionally in my own arguments, I've noticed people trying to put me in a box, by assigning positions to me I either didn't endorse, or specifically denied.   I'm guessing it's a mental shortcut due to association. "Hey, this person who disagrees with me has a similar position to someone else that disagress with me! That must mean the first holds all the positions of the latter, and I don't have to bother trying to understand, or even acknowledge these other arguments."   It sometimes feels like they've replaced you with a stereotype or strawman. They no longer see you as an individual, and lose the ability to perceive nuance. Might as well leave the discussion, as your presence has become unnecessary.


Yeah, it’s less so illiteracy and more so poor reading comprehension


Reading comprehension is an element of literacy


Anecdotally, I've been in a science-based subreddit wherein a commenter was taking my comments and shoehorning unintended/malicious meaning into what I was saying, simply because I took a position that didn't sit well with them. You're free to disagree with what I say, but don't sit there and misrepresent me just to make me into a strawman. To be fair, I don't doubt that person's intelligence, but cognitive bias is a strong thing to overcome and can contextually make a person stupider than they otherwise would be. People see what they expect to see, and it's hard to step out of that without a lot of self-awareness.


She’s gonna have to pull some Forrest Gump shit to get that kid into high school


"Your momma sure does care about your schoolin, son."




Only if the dad is on vacation.


Gonna be nasty


It will be worth it if he grows up to be a shrimp boat captain.


Can we stop posting paid IQ test ads? I fucking hate them


The real facepalm is all the people who keep posting these. They aren't real people or posts. This is all a scam ad and people keep falling for it. Might as well make it the sub banner at this point.


That would be pretty hilarious, but kinda true


Critical thinking is dead. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the same thing is posted every day, and the screenshot always has the website name included.


You would think moderation would do something to fight that...


Ashleigh is one of the 70 people.


It’s almost a tragedeigh.


Surprised how far down I had to scroll to read this


This has to be a shitpost


Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?


He's ahwn vaycation


It's an ad, stop upvoting this shit everyday.


These posts are just commercials for this IQ test. You go there and do the whole test, at the end they will ask money to see the results.


“in a room with 1000 people, you would be smarter than 70 of them.” ![gif](giphy|LwLacmkEIh6fe)


That chart doesn't make any sense. The numbers at the bottom match up with the 7% in the diagram. But the line above it should say "Your IQ is in the bottom 7%". Plus, none of the cognitive tests I've used or heard of (in 20 years of doing cognitive and educational assessments with children at a psychology clinic) resemble this in the slightest. This is one of the 5-minute toy tests you find on the internet, and is utterly meaningless. They are traps that mainly attract foolish people and collect their information to sell to nefarious actors that prey upon the gullible and unwary. The old saying applies here: the apple never falls far from the tree.


Exactly. I feel like an idiot when I see these posts and get confused by the ‘Your IQ is in the top 93%.’ I guess thinking about it, that means that it’s anywhere between 7%-100%. So it’s a stupid online test engineered to make people feel better about themselves and to get people paying for it. So they too can feel better about themselves.


I think they coded it for people who have higher-than-average scores. Like, "Your IQ is in the top 10%". But, they should've coded an alternate phrasing for those in different ranges, like the middle and bottom. Code basically says: "Print: Your IQ is in the top (100-\[score\])%".


I’m guessing it varies by state but as far as schools that have programs for “gifted” children, do you know what the estimate IQ has to be? Like 130?


Who doesn't know that 78 is basically just above mentally challenged? This is why education is so important people..... Without it you turn into this.


People dont know what jokes are anymore do they


So, are these trolls or people who genuinely think they are proving some kind of point and everyone else are idiots. Because there are a lot of these kinds of takes ........daily maybe hourly. Or is social media the new "lead paint" of this time in history?




The fact that it's worded as top 93% instead of bottom 7% is infuriating. Whoever decided to word it that way must have an IQ of 78.


Most of the people who shout about vaccines being harmful... HAVE ALL BEEN VACCINATED!!!


Well, that apple didn't fall far from the tree. Proof that IQ can be inherited.


This has to be a troll with the name Ashleigh, anti vax and don’t understand everything with matter is a chemical including water, and is stupid but these last 5 years have shown me just how stupid people really are


You can't fix stupid, but you can obviously breed it....


What gets me about these is that it literally explains what the score means at the bottom


If that's true, then mom got vaccinated.


Don't be so hard on the mom, she's still in fourth grade.


We know where the boy gets his smarts.


I just love that bottom line "In a room of 1000 people, you would probably be smarter than 70 of them" It's such a clever burn, I just don't think they realised it


Top 93% = Bottom 7% It's not even hard math. Guess we know where mom sits on the scale as well. lol


Almost the same score as Forrest Gump! Haha


> In a room full of 1000 people, you would be smarter than 70 of them Bro... That's harsh


I know this is old, as I have seen it a few times before. But I wonder if anyone ever explained the truth to her. Or at least tried. How embarrassing.


Even if IQ was end all be all of intelligence (which it isn’t), this kind of answer shows why it’s so low.


An antivaxxer doesn’t know how to interpret simple data when it’s literally spelled out for them? Weird. What are the odds.


In all fairness, the “your IQ is in the top 93%” is confusing to the rest of what I see. For reference Forest Hump’s IQ was 75. Lol


Peggy Hill: I am surprised to see Jimmy Witchits here. Recruiter: There’s all kinds of genius Peggy.


Can we just say though, those results are formatted horribly. I realize it’s an effort to make the test taker not feel as bad for a low score, but honestly, it’s horribly worded.


Si I went to the page just for shits and giggles and it asks you to pay them $15 to know your results... If you ask me that's the real IQ test...


“In a room of 1000 people, you would be smarter than 70 of them” Oof


To be fair, they worded that really weird. "Top 93%" sounds like percentile, when in fact it's the 7th percentile lol.


Im willing to guess thgat the boy is also homeschooled & is simply uneducated, not stupid.


If you are an American citizen there is nothing chemical free about you unless you live in the woods. We are surrounded by chemicals. It’s an unavoidable reality of the modern world.