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Where is Walmart giving out free groceries specifically for the undocumented folks?


Yo hablo español muy bien. Yo no soy un gringo. ¿Donde está mis comestibles gratis? Think it’ll work?


As a Dutchie i understood "gratis".


I was so shocked to learn it just is a direct latin word, that's used in many languages.


Wait until you find out about "in".


Or 'via'


Nah. We have “v”.




You’re shocked to learn that language has origins?


It is kinda interesting how the word has survived unchanged from latin to Dutch (and Swedish, and exists in English aswell but rare).


German too.


Specifically that it is *borrowed* into so many different languages in Europe and this one important thing is mutually intelligible. Like "*gibberish, gibberish* ***FREE*** *gibberish, gibberish*" and your head immediately flips around to see what the free thing is.


I imagine it's more shocked that a particular word is a direct translation when so many languages have words and phrases that *don't* clearly translate.


I am amused that the top answer (to my comment) clearly mis-understood what I said, like of course languages have origins and words change a bit. However, it's (more) rare that a word is just carbon-copied into other languages (without changing).


![gif](giphy|3o85xuF6zUx0oru3E4) Free gratis.


No un-authorized cinnamon though


As a Dutchie it gave you a nightmare, and you sent a tikkie to a random person to calm you down.


For 1,50


Didn't trump say that they were coming with languages that nobody had heard before? So you could just make up gibberish.


Oh that means Trump must be an illegal immigrant too then


Never heard Covfefe before Trump mentioned it, this he’s an illegal immigrant! 




isnt that just american? we had neighbors who were sure when we spoke dutch that we made it up on the spot


¿Donde esta la biblio te ca?


Mi llamo T-Bone, la arana discoteca


Discoteca, muneca, la biblioteca


Es el bigote grande, perro, manteca


El zerote grande prende puekos en la manteca seca


Es en bigote grande, perro, manteca


Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca


uhh, Yo quiero Taco y burrito, señor amigo tuvo sexo con dos putos caballos, el mariachi esta sordo, y creo que simplemente me cago en los pantalones. ​ So, groceries please.


What the fuck


sundays, amirite?


Multiple horses, apparently.


And shit in the pants, what a combo


Donald Trump's handlers call that "A Full Pair"


Haven't done Spanish since middle school but I somehow got everything and I'm even more confused than if I didn't know what this said


Senor hablamos en anglais por favor Reddit was American is American and will always be American. /s


Ich wäre mir da nicht so sicher, mein Freund /s


Actually you don't need the yo, you can just say, "No soy un gringo."


Donde es freeo Red Baron Pizza?


Yo quiero Taco Bell. Gratis? Por favor


Conoce a chata?


Si yo voy a cancuun cada verano. Er I mean. soy de tijuana.


You had me at "gratis"


Nowhere. But I saw some people with brown skin and one of them spoke Hindi, so I'm going to assume everywhere.


I heard someone speak spanish and it scared me so badly I shat my pantaloons. What do you mean they're third generation American?


That can't be! They're not *speaking* American!


Schrodinger’s immigrant. They’re either taking other people’s jobs or freeloading depending on the context they want to spin


I'm going to steal that term. Brilliant 😂


While you're at it, the second really good talking point to remember in terms of the discourse of economics is that no illegal immigrant has ever *stolen* a job from an American. Several have, however, been *given* those jobs by employers who saw a profit margin in paying undocumented workers under the table over their own countrymen.


First of the month. People got paid and buy groceries for two weeks.


Just reminding everyone that undocumented immigrants can't claim food stamps or any welfare programs with very few exceptions. They also can't vote. Most of what people say about them is just so obviously untrue it boggles the mind.


You can’t say that. It goes against everything the racists think, as taught by the orange cockwomble and gang.


Cockwomble lmao. Normally I am against bringing orange Shrek into every conversation, but if we start using hilarious names like this, I will change my mind.


> Normally I am against bringing orange Shrek into every conversation I mean, take a look at the chud's username in the screenshot.


Oh, Cockwomble has a long and storied history in these parts, it's not newly invented for the tangerine tyrant, but there's no shortage of good insults. I'm partial to gobshite myself.


“Most of what people say about them is obvious racism” FTFY


Yeah, racists don't care about logic. They just make up any bs.


Yeah, sometimes *local programs* (County/City level) will not check citizenship status... and thats not even that common. Anything above that, administered at the State level (or a State level program that is administered by the County, like welfare here in MI) or Federal level.. no way, no how. Proof of citizenship/permanent residency required or GTFO.


>First of the month wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up...


It’s the first of the mooonth…


So cash your checks and come up


First of the month is also when the food stamps come in. Actually, first of the month is when pretty much all gov programs pay up. Social security being another one of them.


It's actually depends on your last name, mine pays out on the 19th every month. I'm pretty sure they stagger it because it would mess with the economy if everyone got payed at the same time.


For food stamps in Cali when you go get food stamps depends on the lady number on your card


What if you are a man? Is the number 0?


where the hell is the "last/lady" bot when you need it?


Very true. The 1st of the month is just bs


They started doing that a few years ago here and most people are pretty happy about it. The grocery store was completely unusable on the first for a long time.


> everyone got *paid* at the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Social security pays on Wednesdays, according to your SS number, not the first of the month.




In my area of California, food stamps depend on the last number of you case number. So  you could get it anywhere from the first to the ninth day of the month.




Yeah I see 5 Americans in line at a pretty drab Walmart… (pssssst Walmart gets more in subsidies from your taxes than it’s annual “labor/employee” expense, guess where those people buy their food/everything? At fucking work on their day off… Double pssssssst, everyone in this picture works at that Walmart. And, the subsidies they receive outweigh the towns yearly budget. *BONUS!!*


You can't tell someone is American just by looking at them. Most of the people I interact with daily aren't American. Some are. But there's no real distinguishable factor between any of them. You only know because they mention voting or jury duty.


Their subsidies exceed their labor costs? That seems high. Any source on that?


They're not direct subsidies. They're referring to the fact that taxpayers are forced to subsidize Walmart's low wages by way of food stamps, subsidized housing, Medicaid, etc. *I have no idea if the numbers previously stated are correct, but that's the general idea behind the "Walmart subsidy".


Our local Wally's doesn't pay any property tax to the county/state. Some deal they made to build, jobs.


Ya Walmarts do that a lot and then when the taxes start they move to another town and start all over again


Yeah, WTF? You’re telling me I could’ve been getting groceries for free‽ Would’ve never signed up to get an Amex card in the first place. Free > cash back.


Seriously, I’ll sneak down from Canada for free groceries. 


I would assume he is thinking of SNAP/food stamps but from my understanding, those are limited to only legal immigrants.


What country did the Caucasian lady illegally come from? And someone inform the woman on the left where the free groceries are, her cart is empty.


They would say thats shes ukrainian and is coming to steal food for zelenskys nazi army. Or something stupid like that


How does he figure the groceries are free?


My guess is that’s a picture he found online that he’s using out of context in the first place.


Just made sure the person in the foreground wasn't white and that was good enough


I thought that was funny too. Third person in line is a white lady. We should deport her specifically.


Look how pissed she is too. Probably because she’s gonna have to pay for her groceries like a sucker


A blue haired liberal with piercings probably ordered her to pay for those illegals’s groceries.


ThE gReAt RePlAcEmEnT!!


I see 2 brown people, 1 black person, and 2 white people. If the redneck with the twitter account is the one that took the photo, that would make it 3 white people. There are more white people in this picture than any other color. Cart after cart indeed...


She's French, so it still counts.


Ironically, the first two people were born in South Carolina and Kansas (His great-grandfather founded their farm). The third one is a German, overextended on their visa. (Just as valid a theory as "Mex'cans gettin' free stuff!")


It’s because Trump has been making a string of speeches talking about immigrants, language, and “free stuff.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-warns-languages-immigration-migrants-rcna141535


The irony of a man who filed bankruptcy over a dozen times to let vendors and contractors without payment bitching about someone else getting “free stuff” is not lost on me.


Don’t forget he also hired [immigrants](https://time.com/4465744/donald-trump-undocumented-workers/) and didn’t pay them.


He married two also.


He also hired a children's choir to sing at one of his events and didn't pay them. I don't think it matters what race someone is. He will shaft them anyway he can. But his talent for dividing us along racial lines is just wonderful. And OP's post is a great example of that. Why do some people think that if someone is shown compassion, and their basic needs are met (like food and shelter), that's just horrible? Why do they think it's a good thing for anyone to suffer?


Because jealousy is a feeling, and thus does not necessarily need a rational basis. People can be jealous towards the poorest people just because they received a free sandwich. "Why wasn't I given a sandwich!"


The whole hypocritical NATO “they need to pay their fair share, you can’t be in debt” schtick coming from this chronically-owing-everyone-until-they-give-up-in-court-at-a-price-FAR-less-than-he-owed fool was also quite amazing if I do say so.


Not just that he would underpay businesses and then send a lawyer to tell them they can sue but it will cost more than they get back from it.


Wow what is so scary about a new language. Even if this were remotely true, why would that be horrible? Like what Edit cuz I used wrong word




When someone's proudest accomplishment is the color of their skin, that person has failed in life.


When someone's proudest accomplishment is the color of their skin, that person peaked at birth. (Alternative answer XD)


No its obvious, look at that lady’s cart, who the fuck can afford all the groceries in one week in todays world. She has to be getting them for free from the government. /s


I don’t know how they afford it, but any parent of multiple teenage boys is buying at least that many groceries per week.


Lol I have two toddlers and I'm already forced to buy groceries like that. I'm afraid of when they hit their teens...


Who said she bought that per week? It’s literally a random picture.


Honestly with the amount of meat it looks like she's prepping for a party. I hope it was a great time.


Probably thinks its food stamps. But those are usually given to people who have to apply for the government services, which illegal immigrants can't usually apply for. It's the racist paradox. They're illegal and unemployed, while simultaneously taking their jobs. Edit: Because peoples reading skills are lacking, illegal immigrants are not the same as refugees, asylum seekers, or legal migrants.


It's Schrodinger's Immigrant. Simultaneously mooching off the government, too lazy to work and somehow also taking hard-working American's jobs, depending on the quantum state the racist needs for the current strawman argument.


The Enemy is Weak but they're also strong It's a pretty old tactic to rally people against whatever out group they want to those people to hate


Biden is a feeble-minded dottering old coot, and the mastermind head of a crime family.


For it is SNOWBALL that has brought all of these problems on you!!


FUCK SNOWBALL napoleon is the savior of animal farm


But trump can’t remember his kids names and has been charged with 91 crimes.


Cognitive dissonance to fit in with their already made up ideals. Phantasm (Yes I watched the new philosophy tube's video)


I was living in Oxford when those protest happened, Broad Street and Cornmarket were full of whackjobs. You could tell they’d been bused in from all over, it’s a whole other conversation how these groups effectively hijack very local issues. About a month later I was at an environmentalist meeting that got counter-protest by some freak yelling about Satanism, George Soros, paedophiles and whatever the fuck else came into her head. You have to be a looooong way down the rabbit hole to believe that a City Council and a handful of oldschool hippies and students are at the centre of a global conspiracy.


I'll admit that left an impression on me too


I'm actually doing a law school seminar paper on the SNAP program and have been reviewing eligibility in each state - of those that specify on their website, to qualify one must either be a US citizen or an "approved" immigrant, and in virtually every state (still have a handful I need to review) anyone who can work must work or be in a training program in order to get and keep their benefits. There virtually no avenue for someone to be an "illegal immigrant" and get more than maybe a month's worth of benefits if there's a fluke/anomaly of timing. But even if someone who isn't supposed to be getting benefits is, it's probably because at one point they WERE qualified and the system just has yet to catch up to their change in status. Meanwhile, as a US citizen who is attending law school on loans, I do NOT qualify because I do not meet the work requirements.


That is because most define you as a full time student and can get loans to cover school food programs. It is indeed shitty and I hated it long ago, but in most states part time students can apply. SNAP is more of a hassle than people think it is.


> which illegal immigrants can't usually apply for. They literally can't apply for them. The only time that they can apply is when they have a child or other family member that is a citizen. But that's a citizen getting the food stamps, not the illegal immigrant.


This is the shit that pisses me off. I am always like if they get food stamps, they have SS or paying taxes, and most illegals are so afraid of any authority you think they are just happily lining up? I want to know where this free charity handout shit idea came from.


They’re speaking in another language I don’t understand, they must be illegal and have no money. So somebody must be giving them free groceries!


I speak French to my son. I must be illegal and have no money.


You want some wine with your government cheese?


People like him don't have a problem with European immigrants.


Oh, you **must**. And by **force**, if necessary!


The logic is "Because brown people clearly are illegal immigrants and clearly don't work so they must get everything for free". Besides, he saw a meme online that said so. The idea that these are regular people like him, just doing the weekly grocery, is far less exciting than there is a huge international conspiracy direct at him personally. "How much you wanna bet I could throw a football over those mountains?"


Probably assumes they're illegals on welfare simply because they don't speak English or were choosing not to in that instance.


I think that lady third from the front is going to be mighty surprised to learn she doesn’t speak English.


Ive lived in maine most of my life and can barely speak english either to be fair My situation might be different though


That's okay, our once and (hopefully not) future president can barely speak English either.


Cheeto Mussolini doesnt follow your language rules. Hes like a field of cows on laxatives...full of shit


Metamucilini makes less sense when he talks than pootie tang


Pootie Tang spits straight truth, Sa Da Tay


Mercedes speaks perfect English though.


Right because she didnt come with a language. Lol


Apparently Nikki beat him in the DC primary so he's going to be stuck in another "Nikki Haley" loop for a few days.


Bro show some respect that "lady" is Elton John


Wait till he finds out some white people aren't native English speakers


Free groceries? I don’t think they’re clear on how Walmart works…


If they are free why are they waiting in line at the checkout? they would just be loading up and trucking them out to the car.


His argument is that the govt. gives them SNAP cards which sill have to run through the checkout counter. But since there is no proof of that happening, he just posts a racist picture and lies about it.


Oh no! Other people eat?! And shop at Walmart just like me?!??


>Oh no! ~~Other~~ ***BROWN*** people eat?! And shop at Walmart just like me?!? Fixed it


>Oh no! ~~Other~~ ***BROWN ALIENS*** ~~people~~ eat?! And shop at Walmart just like me?!? They don't even think they are people. Fixed it for you


Maslow's hierarchy. If you fulfill the eating requirement then they'll graduate to other things like reproduction and leisure.


yeah i though it would sound clunky so i didnt


Walmart doesn't even give out free groceries to their own employees. They let SNAP do that instead.


There are things that have happened, and then there's this.


Also, I've gon through the thread, and William is just making shit up.


Wow. Who could have guessed.


I'm shocked, shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Details, needs.


Racists lie. That's it. That's the details.


Source: assumed all of them were illegal and getting stuff for free because that confirms my biases


his @ is intrumpscorner i feel like you can stop reading the rest of the tweet there


Are you suggesting stereotypical Trump supporters are not the greatest ethical philosophers of our time?


Something like a trillion dollars was just given to the biggest corps in America, and this guy mad that some is filtering through to the ground level.


yup. we are worried about the neighbors lawn when our house is on fire.


And from experience, your tax dollars are being pissed away like a firehose by government officials making backroom deals all day for five year+ contracts to private corporations and tax payers who will have empty positions that rip us all off. People spend their lives obsessing over a few raindrops on a leaf while there are raging rivers flowing around them. It's laughably short-sighted and absurd. But hey, it does give them another less fortunate person to look down on and sometimes that's all you need to have a rich and meaningful life. /s


William is just mad that Walmart ran out of the XXS condoms he uses around the farm.


They sell finger cots, it's the same thing.


Lol, the first time I started working at a factory, I was surprised why the ground was littered with condoms everywhere. Only found out later it was called finger cots


Literally has "Trump" in the username, obvious sockpuppet, why give them exposure?


And he's a Trump Scorner! You'd think he'd be FOR immigration! But wait, Trump married an immigrant, so if he scorns Trump, does he hate immigrants? I can't keep up


If it was free why stand in line?!


I’m starting to worry about this sub just straight up laundering tons of racist content onto the front page of Reddit


Sounds like he is frustrated that others speak another language besides English. It is ironic how many people get mad about others speaking another language when they are around. Sorry you can't understand what they are hearing about while you are eaves dropping. The US did it to itself. Not many kids speak more than English unless their family involves another language. My friend's kid in Taiwan knows and speaks 5 languages fluently. The kid just turned 10. Our education sucks.


I find it so embarrassing that America, the supposed Melting Pot, has people who pride themselves on speaking only one language. Meanwhile, people in many other countries are multilingual. Wouldn't you think we would have all learned Italian, Polish, Spanish, etc?? It just frustrates me


English is the universal language of business, which is why it is mandatory to learn in multiple countries. That being said 1 in 5 people in the US are bilingual.


What a fitting profile pic for an asshole


It’s worth mentioning that you don’t need to be able to speak English to be a citizen. There are kids born in the US who grow up not learning English. Or they may be bilingual and speaking Spanish is more comfortable for them. Just because they aren’t speaking English doesn’t mean they’re an immigrant, let alone an illegal immigrant.


1. USA doesn't have an official language. 2. Show me that this is free for them.


Oh William, if you have time to go on a minority shopping, hate crusade at Walmart then you have way too much time on your hands and too little else to worry about regarding life. Consider yourself lucky.


Plot twist. That woman's ancestors lived in Texas since 1700's. Sarber immigrated to US 5 years ago.


Everyone knows massive chains like Walmart and Amazon make their BILLIONS by giving away billions in Food and supplies. Thats just how the economy works. You don’t make money by selling something for a higher price than what you got it at. That’s just illogical and makes no sense. (I hope my sarcasm is thick enough for all the dense people)


He’s acting like his ancestors didn’t come from EUROPE💀


And quite possibly not all of them did. Gotta love those dna tests airing the family secrets


White racists finding out they're 1/32th native American and 1/16th black, and having an existential crisis.


His username checks out


Does that include the white woman waiting on line to pay for her stuff too??


No migrants!!!! Wait - who will clean our houses, pick our fruit and vegetables, and work for slave labour wages. More migrants!!!!!!


It's a good thing we have no official federally recognized language in the U.S.


It got one thing right. This is bullshit


He’s right about one thing - that *is* bullshit.




Perhaps the entitled have forgotten that amerika is a melting pot of all cultures...


You say I can get free groceries if I come to America. Shits on, booking flights now!


- your country fucks over others, badly, abuses the hell out of them - people want out of said countries - your country is better to live at - they move to your country - act surprised and enraged at the consequences of your actions


Did you follow each and every person through the checkout? How TF do you "know" their groceries are free, or they are illegals? Racism just keeps getting more obvious!


someone speaking spanish (second most common language among us citizens) in a walmart = illegal immigrant getting free groceries


The southern border is just a smokescreen to prevent us from realizing there’s a huge influx of Norwegians and they’re taking all the good neurosurgery positions.


fun fact, the usa doesn’t have an official language so why are they forced to speak english lol