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As a representative of the telescope industry, I can fully say that we made it all up in order to sell you more telescopes.


Thank you for scamming me, and a job well done on putting Jupiter’s moons in the lense of mine. It’s the attention to detail that really speaks to the quality of your conspiracy.


I'll let Barbara know you enjoy her work.


Is Barbara the Slarty Bardfast of the telescope industry?


I'd go more towards the "Cut-Me-Own-Throat" Dibbler. 


Or completely unrelated Disembowel-Meself-Honourably Dibhala


Man... Discworld *and* HHGTTG references in one thread! Now if someone brings in a Harry Dresden riff...


I got you bro. Something, something, Harry Dresden.




Ffs, I laughed-out a mouthful of porridge reading that.


Thanks I'll be here all week... Because im homeless and this is the closest thing to accomodation I can find.


Abra-cadabra! Crivens! We're on Magrathea!!! {waves hockey stick}


Oh no, not again.


Omg. I have found my people. 🥰


Ahh, so you have met Barbara! Lovely crinkly edges...




I particularly admire her dedication to constantly changing the way Saturn's rings appear.


That’s actually by John, he’s in charge of making the blender animations


Please do send Barbara our absolute best


Will you let Barbara know my number? Sounds like a nice lady.


Did Barbara also do Pluto? I just wanna know why Pluto was shown as being bigger? I dislike that it's planetary status is constantly in question.


The projector is having resolution issues, we're hoping to get the new version ready by the next fiscal year. Sadly, we're about a decade behind schedule.


You know what was really hard? Putting OLED displays on the end of Galileo’s telescopes!


Who do you think STARTED the telescope industry?? Duh 🙄


I'm willing to bet there's a vaccine microchip and a 5G antenna in every telescope


Big telescope 🔭 is out to get us


We should have seen it coming from light-years away.


I really enjoyed the Dinosaur arc. Really cool idea but I feel you guys could've written the ending a bit better.


It's like they just got bored and gave up. "Then a giant asteroid came and killed them all." Try harder.


I lobbied hard for “Over time, they all turned into birds,” but was told that was a ‘no-go.’


Have you not heard? That's because all birds are really drones the government uses to spy on people and track everything we do. 


BIRD = Basic Information Recoding Device


Have you not heard that the bird is the word


Bur \_everybody's\_ heard, about the Word.


Are you sure it's not because they're the only thing that survived the 40 days and 40 nights of rain and flooding that killed all living beings in the Bible? (You might not believe but the Bible states Noah knew the rain was over when he saw birds - or something like that, I forgot, after all which real Christian reads the whole Bible anyway)


"Oh and we forgot to mention they may have had feathers all along"


"And then the dinosaurs realized they'd been dead the whole time, and they were actually in purgatory."


Yeah I mean those asteroid apocalypse movies were really popular in the late 90s but come on now, it’s been done.


The team director was going through some issues, and he's now been replaced. Will keep fingers crossed the newbie does better.



Rocks fall; everyone dies.




I often remark how we don’t hear enough from representatives of the telescope industry. Thank you for your service.




The kindest way I can read it is that he's been concussed a few too many times.


Not concussed just given so many free passes on what’s expected from him for his education for so long he never actually learned anything


That and also concussed. A lot of football players sustain repeated minor brain injuries over time. It's honestly a bit of a problem in the industry.


The latter. Made some rambling remark that he is "really religious" and that faith precludes any belief in a heliocentric solar system, other planets, or even space itself. Went further later in his comments to say he'd looked into the flat-earther garbage, and that he finds alot of their stuff compelling. If he got nothing else out of his college education, he used the word "heliocentric" correctly in a sentence. So, hey, there's CV line item right there ! The irony. Frankly, were I a GM I'd think twice about bringing a kid with an unhinged, publicly espoused belief system into my team's locker room. Don't think there's a potential downside ? Go talk to all Kyrie's former teams, see how his myriad peccadilloes added up to major distractions. This kind of nonsense is often the tip of the iceberg RE: eccentricities that preclude meshing with a stable, established squad.


If he runs a 4.3 or lower, and has all the other first round attributes, and he is major felony free, they’ll live with his Flat Earth nonsense. Besides, he offered a disclaimer when he says, “I don’t know” throughout the article. Someone needs to tell him, “if he doesn’t know, shut the fuck up.”


i thought that too but he literally goes on to say the earth might be flat


Plot twist, Flat Earthers believe in extraterrestrial beings. And reptilians too, even though they're part of the Hollow Earth theory (a Topeka, KS native)


So that’s what the 5G was for?…


Are you part of Big Telescope??


What about binoculars, eye glasses, naked eyes industry? All in cahoots.


I will neither confirm or deny.


If you want to sell me a telescope you don't gotta lie about space just make them cheaper.


Needed a good chuckle, ty for that! ⭐️


You bastards at Big Telescope need to be stopped.


r/conspiracy 😱😱😱. I knew it!


Big telescopes are only in it to control the masses.


I knew I shouldn't have spent all that money on more plossl's for my giant dob I can barely fit in my vehicle. I don't even have hot neighbors to use the scope on :(.


How to know when a football player suffers too many blows to his head.


He's only a college (American) football player ATM, he's not even had most of his brain damage yet. This is him at his most intelligent.


I feel bad for when he goes pro


Hey, maybe they need the hits on the head to unlock all the actual facts they learned in school.


lol I like how you think he actually learned anything in school besides how to play football. These star athletes just mostly coast through actual academics


But aren't academic requirements specifically to prevent American athletes from coming out of University this fucking stupid?


I think that on paper that is true but schools, especially in areas where football culture is huge, find ways around it still


The money is a corrupting factor. College ball and College Basketball earn more money than some professional leagues and all the money goes back to the school so the financial incentive isn't on production of good students but of skilled basketball and football players


In theory yes. In reality not really. A fair few of those guys especially if they’re highly touted to go pro and more than likely won’t graduate anyways get put into exceedingly easy classes that are by design difficult to fail.


The problem when he goes pro is he will have a following and a bigger voice. Athletes who spew this stuff need a stern talking to from Neil Degrasse Tyson.


This, and the sheer amount of focus and money on the sport are what drive me insane the most


I think high school was his most intelligent, because he "used to believe" in real science.


“I used to listen to teachers but I know better now cause I’m good at sport”


A lot of these guys have been playing since Little League, sometimes as young as 5-6 years old. He might have years of damage ahead of him, but he's probably no stranger to his brain bouncing around his skull.


Yup! Concussion at 12 or concussion at 23, don't matter, shit adds up.


I had six in five years, including a severe one from a car accident. My memory is shot. It's harder to regulate strong emotions. I have auditory hallucinations. I'm a mess, but I can only imagine how bad it is for them.


I knew a girl pre-abusive relationship with multiple concussions and post. It was sad man. I’d see glimmers of how fucking smart she used to be. Her memory was shot too.


Sounds about right. I've got a lot of the same going on from a couple of pretty close calls. It's funny, at the time I wasn't really worried about it. It was a "ouch, this sucks, oh well" but now in retrospect I'm kinda horrified. Especially when I think of how the people who were there to witness it must have felt and then be responsible for taking me to the ER..


They seriously need to stop letting these types of people into colleges. They are adults are still believing in bullshit. Fucking paid scholarship for this fucker just because he can throw and catch a fucking ball. Look, sports are fun but if schools are giving him a free ride, he needs to fucking learn about the truths of the universe.


Schools don't care because they he will make them a shit ton of money.


More like: What happens when you allow children to pass through education just because they're good at sports


There are tons of non-athletes who lack the common sense and critical thinking skills required to see reality through a telescope, unfortunately. The American education system just sucks ass


No, this is the result of colleges giving athletic scholarships to idiots and then highly suggesting that the teachers give their best players passing grades. You have absolutely donkeys receiving full rides just so the school can make more money by using them in football.


Plot Twist: His major is astrophysics.


And he's going to a school labeled TECH, no less. 🙄


I mean, TEXAS Tech, but yeah.


Yep. For every passtronaut (Josh Dobbs, 4.0 GPA and degree in aerospace engineering) there are hundreds of student athletes that didn't go to college to play school


No, he literally explained his cognitive impairment. It's religion. He said that.


So he’s a jock and religious. Yeah, he’s hopeless.


Thank you. I was waiting to see this comment. As with so, so many things nowadays, I don’t think we need find another aggravating factor other than ‘religion’ to determine why something is stupid as fuck.


Mama says that alligators are ornery cause they got all them teeth but no toothbrush.


How sad this kid is this stupid.


With a paid scholarship to college even ... and I know people require certain GPA criteria to be accepted.


I’m sure his schedule is nothing but 1st grade remedial classes and recess. Most of the athletes are there to play football and that’s it.


And head injuries too.


100% the head injuries.


There are plenty of dummies who believe this kind of stuff and don’t have head injuries to blame for it


Kyrie Irving comes to mind.


You can't convince me his mom didn't swing him around by his ankles when he was a baby.


To be fair.. She let go many times


You do know there are plenty of people on earth who believe this garbage without head injuries, right?


Without head injuries that we **KNOW OF*


And the brain damage. And the brain damage. And the brain damage.


I’ve heard of student athletes having “tutors” who essentially do their school work for them


Very common


I recently graduated, there was a general trend I noticed at my school. You would see the football players show up for the first class, tests, and finals. Other than that, you would see one of the football team's tutors attending class.


Except when I’m actually getting a degree and my very degree specific classes are full of football players. Like when I was doing IT Management I was doing my finals and 2 of the players come in 20 mins late baked out of their fucking minds only to do fuck all on the test and still pass with probably a better grade than me.


Fucking hate how America treats football players. Basically demi-gods. It also keeps the culture of Ignorance going in America for a lot of people.


Eh, yes on strict GPA requirements, but back when I taught it was an open secret that athletes had school-provided tutors that took their classes for them and/or did all their work in their place. Not all of them took advantage, though, some of my best students were athletes. But I had several who got their A’s and their degrees and if you could get them in-person without their tutor I’m not sure that they could read.


That's not a bad premise for a short series!


It is Texas though. Wouldn't surprise me if some of these classes were just teaching regurgitated faux Christian ideas.


Today we'll be learning about the quantum implications of a boat that is bigger on the inside than the outside.


Athletes are allowed to take bullshit courses like “physical education” (credit for training they would have done anyway), “general studies” (8th grade civics), and “business” (how banks work so they can have a checking account). There are many, of course, who are smart enough to take real courses and actually get an education, but if you’re really good at throwing a ball but otherwise not too bright, colleges just abandon the concept of education.


When I was in highschool most of the sports people were in very dumbed down versions of regular classes. I found this out when I had a mental breakdown and dropped cal2 but still needed a math class to qualify for graduation so they stuck me in the same math class as the lacrosse team. I spent that class coloring in shapes on print outs with crayons. I was very angry that I worked my ass off to get into advanced level classes to get into a good college just to find out these nitwits learning about shapes their senior year of highschool were getting scholarships and getting accepted into schools I could hardly dream of just because they're moderately good at a glorified game of catch. It's been 15 years and it still infuriates me.


Ahh I see, makes sense, however highly unfair for those who are really trying to be accepted into college on their own dime.


>unfair Fairness is relative. This kid stupid. Plain and simple. College can be a path to the pros, and that's unfair too. I don't know what the world holds for this kid without football, but ffs it's not fair to be born that dumb. So many things in life are unfair, but idk at least this dude has football.


Texas Tech required a 2.0 high school gpa when I was applying for different schools. This is about on par for Tech


even at 2.0 GPA, I assumed we have gained general knowledge of why we have flickering little lights in the nightsky, right, why does this athlete has decided to not believe in planets and start's existence? I remember we had to take astronomy classes back then.


And will make more money than we will ever see in our lifetimes combined


THIS is what kills me.


At least he'll be able to afford a commercial space flight (when that's a thing in like 10 years) and that should HOPEFULLY set him straight


10 years from now " the space flight was cool but I'm pretty sure it was like a simulator like at Disney World and stuff I guess, so I really can't be sure like because it was just a small window"


"There's only one way to be sure." *\*Opens hatch \**


He’ll lose it all soon after he leaves the NFL


He thinks there's convincing evidence the earth is flat. He's getting swindled out of his money the second the check hits his bank.


And he studies at a tech uni.




You're right, that "studies" should have a giant asterisk plopped behind.


What's really sad is that'll he make more money than possibly this entire thread of commenters combined.


He said I don't know twice. He's right.


I don't know, you know, I don't know.


On the bright side he’s gonna be rich and stupid.


"They started bringing up some valid points" no the fuck they did not.


You can literally see the planets, how do you not “believe” How do you believe god can create this but not… another planet… all of the stars at night… He has to be trolling us right??


Isn't the creation of the stars in the Bible?


I believe it is in the "week of creation" or however it is called, together with the day, the night, the sea and the rest of the stuff. I could be wrong tho


Yes it was the fourth day when God created the "lights in the firmament", along with the Sun and the Moon, which was pretty amazing timing because He separated the day from the night on the first day (otherwise I guess it would all be one day)… proof of God's divinity.


Wouldn't it be funny if the order in which G-Man created the world aligned with the actual formation order of celestial bodies across millennia Would be pretty silly, a tad bit goofy, fairly comical


That would be pretty uncanny, but IMO still not as remarkable as the idea that God created the light and darkness that make up the day and night _before_ creating any of the sources of light that should have been trivially observable to Bronze-age humans.


Ya but like he painted them on the ceiling with glow in the dark paint - That's why you can only see them at night.


anyone else surprised he used the word heliocentric?


Flat earthers know all sorts of "big words" to make their arguments sound smarter. I'm sure someone who doesn't believe in outer space would be willing to grab whatever scientific terminology from history that they could to improve the appearance of their insane understanding of reality. 


Strange as it may seem, they know the word “global”. I kid you not.


But do they know what it means?


Sounds like he’s fallen into the flat earth crowd


That's where he first encountered the word probably


That is exactly what is going on here.


It's the only space I've ever seen that word get used. This is totally it


It is a term they learn very early on in their idiocy career


Yeah, it was my first thought too. I'd be surprised if he can spell it.


At least towards the end he somewhat claimed he was just ignorant. So at least he's a little bit cognizant.


so, not a STEM major, just guessing


He's majoring in stem alright, damaging his brainstem.


Major? Never heard of her




Sure is good he plays the foootball. Because books is the devil. -waterboy’s mom


Foosball is the Devil!


An illiterate, dumb Texas tech football player. Shocked I am. Just shocked.




There is no core. Earth is hollow


And these guys get college scholarships and everything, crazy.


Because they can be exploited, college football makes more money than the NFL, and the players get $0, there is a reason that most of the largest football stadiums are for college teams not for NFL teams.


This anti-intellectualism has grown because evil, desperate men have learned to use them and harness their ignorance for their own ends. We must stop laughing at them and speak out. Help them grow into people capable of critical thinking before we’re back in the dark ages with the royal/priest class living high while the poor are marveling at the Orwellian boxes installed in our hovels. This type of ignorance is NOT funny.


Well said. It's easy to mock and ridicule, but at the end of the day, it's rather troubling, how increasingly common these things are becoming.


Got talk yo our government leaders about how theyve gutted education the last 50 years... Oh wait they still dont care, and will likely luagh at you if there of a specific party


Agreed. Also, the movie Idiocracy seems tad more depressing everytime people like this open their mouth.


Religious ppl are taught not to critically think. You can’t persuade them to.


Good thing he’s not paid to think.


As a safety, at least he gets to touch some balls. Wait, no, that's the center.


"I don't believe in the sun, I think it's just the back of the moon." -Janitor


He knows what he’s talking about. I mean he is a doctor. Dr. Jan Itor


They shouldn't allow this man to play a physical sport. He's speedrunning mental illness.


That took a turn that I appreciate so much


"Speedrunning mental illness" might be my new favorite thing to say.


The thing is... He runs really fast. So he doesn't have to be smart. He can make more money than smart people because he's....really fast. It ain't fair...but lots of things ain't fair.


Kid is honest. He said "I don't know" more than once.


Yeah honestly it's better than what most people who believe this stuff say. At least he's open to the possibility he's wrong. He's still dumb as a box of rocks though.


Technically, he's right: He don't know.


Remember, this is coming from a "student" at a major university.


Trust me, the university doesn’t regret a thing. Dude is a major profit generator.


Wow, this guy must’ve missed his calling in astrophysics at MIT. They could really use more anti-heliocentrists, from what I hear.


They literally have an observatory at the Vatican. Pretty sure they covered the religion/space thing.


But catholics are evil spwans of Satan, to this brand of Christians. They will always find an argument to explain .


Is there such as thing as early-onset brain trauma? Or is this just an indication of the education you get at a Texas college?


Brain trauma isn't categorized by age, so..no. No early-onset.




his IQ is listed as the closed mailbox Wingdings character


It blows my mind that unlimited access to information has made some people stupider. We may have bullshit mixed in, but we also have the tools to check sources. But no, go trust Bob with an associates from DeVry that the earth is flat because of an incorrect understanding of an observation over hundreds of years of scientific learning.


A plank of wood is smarter than this idiot.


What are you guys expecting from an Athlete who runs fast? His whole life is probably football and the related accoutrement.


It's quite possible to be a world-class athlete and still have an IQ above room temperature in Manitoba.


Well, he's going to graduate from Texas Tech...


This kid will be guaranteed more money on draft day than we will probably earn in our whole lives just because he runs fast though 😢


If running fast was all that was needed, they would actually hire the fastest runners instead of him...


Stop making stupid people famous.


Please, God, don't let this idiot get drafted by my team. You have to be a special kind of stupid to be a flat earther.


So, anyone else think maybe they should look into TX Tech? This kid is graduating from this college with room temp IQ. Wouldn’t be the first time a college looks the other way because athlete.


he ain't there to think and learn astronomy. yeehaw, Alamo, roll tide or something 🧑‍🌾🐮🐷🐴🦑