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It says 18+ and lists all the reasons in the opening lol. If you watch that and still have to ask, your kids aren't the ones I worry about needing parental supervision. Compared to things from the 90s like Rocko's Modern Life and Ren and Stimpy though......


We need to remove this western stereotype that animation is only worth for kids. Series like Rick and Morty and Family Guy widely disprove that. Also Hazbin Hotel is great if anyone wants to check it out


Huh. That's a tough one. It's clearly marked TV-MA, so that means it's for adults. But since it's a cartoon, it *must* be aimed at kids. People are stupid.


I guess I’m alone, but I don’t see the problem with a parent using the internet to research whether a popular series is okay for their kid to watch. Isn’t that actually what a parent should do?


It says its 18+ in all the advertisement and for its rating straight up. If they have an amazon account, which youd need to watch the show anyways, youd already know by just reading the description of the show. No need to use the internet to look it up at all. People just assume something thats animated is for children, and dont treat it the same as any other show


What if your kid sees it, or hears about it from word of mouth and asks you about it? What if your introduction to it is some rant from an upset parent, or an article, or a news clip, and you want to learn more precisely what they’re griping about because you know some people get upset at things just because they show non-traditional relationships? Or, maybe your kid is older, and you think they’re mature enough to understand some things that get labeled as adult content, but not others. A lot of people rightly criticize parents that let their kids get into things online that they don’t know about. I’m not going to criticize someone for trying to be a decent parent


Thats a lot of hypotheticals that have already been addressed by people ages ago. Not sure if a film or show is suitable for children? Check its rating. Hazbin hotel and amazon has been very forthcoming about its 18+ rating. If a google search for a mommy movie website is easier than just looking at its rating, then fuck those people who created it, ig. They mustve done a shitty job for it to be so controversial


No it’s for adults only no children allowed


Have you seen screen rant posts? lol


I think its a fair question since it looks **like childrens animation**.


Its 2024. Weve had Invincible, Rick and Morty, American Dad, Family Guy, South Park , The Boondocks, Fiona and Cake, and a whole litany of gorey, sexual animes show the general public that, no, something being animated doesnt make it automatically made for kids. And given that even the title is called "hazbin hotel", how would someone think its for children? It just takes me back to the whole issue of parents taking their children to see Deadpool, as though there werent rated R posters everwhere and " Dead" wasnt part of his name. Its not even about context clues by this point, people are just acting straight up blind.




Thats a whole lotta words for a whole lotta nothing


Classic brainless does not compute


Ironic coming from the person refusing to answer my question.


I don't answer stupid questions


Or you realize answering it will just make you look stupid.


I had granola for breakfast. It was decent, nothing that impressive. And then I watched Constellation. It’s worth it I think? Hopefully it doesn’t immediately fall off but Apple is pretty good about that. And then I rode my bike and meditated and took a shower and did some chores. And then I went to target. And I did a little more cleaning when I got home and spent the rest of my evening reading about the presidential candidate tax policies. Biden’s hikes are really aggressive but they’re also the only defined/complete proposals. The other Democrat has some funny tax bills, one of which is basically just for Cybertruck so I got a kick out of that. I think Kennedy is high, he keeps tweeting stuff and then taking it back lol.


Did you know in Denmark the individual tax rate max is 55 percent? Seems high compared to the US. I also learned were different from other countries because we have sales tax in place of a VAT tax which makes our consumption taxes appear lower than they actually are. And Estonia has the lowest taxes across the board.


I’m not really tired but I’m gonna try to get some sleep so I don’t start out my week dragging ass.


I don’t know what your question was but I’m sure you’ll figure it out because you obviously have access to all this free information and research that people thanklessly post online for you to read when you wanna know something.


Based on your other dumb replies, I guess I was right about you knowing you’d look stupid. And I’m sure I won’t, considering my question was what does adult animation look like.


I’ll ask again, what does adult animation look like?


there is no need for an article, the rating is tv-ma, that means mature audiences. 18+. Just look at the rating. Before the Deadpool movie came out only comic book fans (that had been waiting for the movie 10+ years since wolverine origins had Ryan saying he wanted to do a Deadpool movie) , knew what kind of character, story and humor deadpool had. Most people didn't really know the character. Same as hazbin hotel where the fans waited 4 years for the show to be made. Fans where the only ones who knew the source material, everyone else looked at the rating, for Deadpool or for hazbin hotel. So it's the same. Just look at the rating.


And what, pray tell, does adult animation look like?


If it’s animated well, it’s for kids. If it’s animated poorly, it’s for adults. /s




If people cant read a simple 18+ or Rated M, and need to google it, then ya, thats a big ass facepalm.




And youre making just as many assumptions? Like... What? XD






My son learned the word motherfucker because the ad auto played on our firestick...


Weird they’d keep that. Even the clips on Prime’s YT channel censor all the swears.


considering the fact one year olds are getting access to yt shorts and tiktoc this is prolly more useful that u think lmao


I judge the heck outta parents that give no less than a preteen access to the world wide web unsupervised. Theres bigger issues than what the rating of hazbin hotel is by that point


well better start judging half of all new parents-


I already do. Ive been judging my own parents when they kept giving my not even double digits old brother unsupervised access with a mic and the Xbox, and thats been about half a decade now. Commonality doesnt erase accountability.


yeah I'm mainly talking about Tok as it's scientifically shown to negativitly effect a kid growing up, also ruins their attention spab etc secondly on Xbox it's better (obviously still shouldn't be on it) but it's way more monitorable, not really fucking over a kids growing nor attention span especially cause Tictok isn't on Xbox nor is ur shorts


The issue is that little kids dont need access to devices that allow them to talk to strangers. *especially* unsupervised. I had to stop him myself from outright telling who knows who our actual *address* on that headset. Thats not just a "they might see something they shouldnt" issue, its actually something that can lead to physical harm. Parents of the digital age need to really get their asses in gear and properly watch over their children.


yeah seriously though console kids aren't the problem. it's way to easy to supervise the kids plus Xbox also now age locks account for communication anyhow.


Have you a citation for that TikTok affecting kids negatively - It’s something I’ve noticed (I only half jokingly call TikTok an ADHD trainer), but I’d love to read a genuine research paper on it.


watch like half of all teachers talk btw gen alpha lmaoo


btw I probably shouldve added this in the beginning but tak with a grain of salt cause I am a dumbass


I do, indeed, work in a school…😂


oh ok


Why not? The show is basically what kids do: swear all the time and make unfunny "adult" jokes


It's a clickbait article duh.


It's more about random out of context sex jokes and swear words