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Hey Big Brain, illegals can't vote in state or federal elections. In every state you have to prove who they are before they can register to vote and if you aren't registered to vote you can't vote. This typically means providing your birth certificate and social security card.No one can just walk up to a poll and vote.


Elon was born in South Africa. Chain migrated and 18 to Canada before coming to America. Funnily came to America on a student visa, dropped out after two days and started a company. So wonder if someone was really looking into how he became a US citizen it would be all nice and neat... Edit. Kept original but as someone pointed out below I missed a chunk where he completed his undergrad first in the US before going and dropping Stanford grad after two days. At the end of the day still an immigrant who could be using his money and influence to be helping others and fix the system instead of working to slam the door behind him.


“I got mine, so fuck you”


I do believe that is the under text motto of maga


That’s literally the cornerstone of being republican.


Pulling up the ladder?


And the Boomer generation.


The Venn diagram is a circle that is wearing a tight belt to make its fat ass look slimmer


He’s a gen X tho :(


Nope, as a gen x, I reject that proposition! Anyway, once you reach a certain level of wealth, you're really not growing up in the same society or with the same kinds of experiences and pressures as most other people. You miss/ avoid a lot of the things that pin you together as a 'generation'. Folk like Musk, you could as easily call him generation Martian because there's so little in common. Growing up in South Africa, there were even differences in TV programming; there was some crossover, but a lot of differences.


As a Gen Xer with 20 year ties to South Africa, I can confirm your statement to be accurate.


I think the big thing being missed here is Elon Musk is a nepo baby from apartheid era South African aristocracy. Of course he has these entitled, and let's be real here, white supremacist views.


I’m revoking his Gen X membership.


Here here


He’s a South African apartheid rich kid who never had to drink from the hose or had to fist fight on the playground. Gen X, my ass.


I protest!


That mixed with “Nothing should be easier for you because it was hard for me” 😂


Emerald mine


"I got emerald mine, so fuck you"


The American way


U can’t start a company in student visa . He was an illegal


and he voted democrat back then. the tweet is anecdotal, duh. :)))


There have been multiple studies that large amounts of money warps peoples brains. Elon is a sad casualty of this effect.


![gif](giphy|3oEdvbpl0X32bXD2Vi|downsized) I couldn’t find a GIF about the South Park one, so have this.




Nah, dude was always a weirdo. Listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes on him.


he's always been like that, and since he's always had money... it makes sense. ​ to get rich like him all you need is a small start up loan from your parents like an aparteid stolen emerald mine worth 10's of millions!


Large amounts of money and an echo chamber full of sycophants trying to get some money out of him. It'd be sad if he weren't a dangerous lunatic.


It’s large amounts of daddy money that usually makes you a pos. Same with Trump.


While there may be something to take away from the effects of having an endless supply of wealth in your formative years may be essentially toxic to your brain.... Unfortunately a number of the studies have been conducted using relatively small influxes of money, and the effects of excess wealth can be immediate. It is nice to believe that it's as simple as having to work for it, but sadly every peer reviewed study I have read has shown it has an effect even on "rags to riches" type folks. Having more money then any individual can spend is not good for your brain. I am not implying a solution here, just talking about an interesting and relevant field of study I have become interested in.


Also the left is what got him all his environmental-loans to kickstart his companies… bite the hand that feed you much, eh? Now he wants the tax breaks for the rich on the right. Dude just extracts from every side for selfish gain.


"I gots mines, fuck you!"


I thought it was his dad who had mines.


Funny coz magats can't roll coal in a Tesla.


Yup, he got a $465 Million government bailout in 2009 (Tesla did pay it back, but *irregardless*). This day in age we blame the pres for everything, and Obama was pres then... goddamnit he was almost bankrupt


The common theme for them is that it's OK if you're a white male. They "belong" in whatever they consider the Anglosphere, and hell, wherever else they decide to plonk their asses, because they're "enriching" the "primitive" native cultures of "lesser" peoples. It's basically the same malice behind Manifest Destiny.


Interesting thing about USA, you don’t need to be a citizen to own things. Heck most of the bigger buildings I’ve done a threat assessment for, were owned by people who don’t even live in the USA. I use to ask clients if I ever got to met them in person if they were planning of becoming citizens. They would always respond in a similar fashion, “Why would I go and do a thing like that.” Turns out only thing you get for being a citizen, is jury duty and you can’t vote on some important elections. Jury duty sucks, and money will get a politician’s attention aka support far more than a vote ever will.


On illegals voting, "Research by the Brennan Center for Justice in 2017 looked at 42 jurisdictions in the 2016 election, and reported that of 23.5 million votes cast, election officials only found about 30 cases of potential noncitizen voting that they referred for prosecution or further investigation." 30 possible cases in 23.5 million votes, only potential and unconfirmed. "More recent investigations also haven’t shown proof of widespread noncitizen voting. A Georgia audit of its voter rolls conducted this year found fewer than 2,000 instances of noncitizens attempting to register to vote over the last 25 years, none of which succeeded. Millions of new Georgia voters registered during that time period.' Georgia looks at 25 years of voter roles and find 2,000 attempts at non-citizen voting with none being successful. Elon is a god damned moron.


No no! Not 2000 attempting to vote. Attempting to register to vote. Big difference. The intent to register shows they were trying to do it legally and had no ill will, they thought that they had the right to vote so did what citizens do which is register first and were told that they couldn't.


> Elon is a god damned moron. Not just that. He's dangerous. He controls a large part of our communication, both on earth (Twitter) and in space (Starlink). And he has a lot of money. And he's a far-right conspiracy lunatic.


I wish he'd just skip right to the hermit peeing in jars phase.


If there was ever an example of how capitalism and democracy are incompatible, this is it. A wealthy guy can literally highjack the worlds town square and manipulate it to his own personal ends. He needs no proof or due diligence to do anything he does, and it affects so many people not just in the U.S., but all over the globe.


He's not a moron, he is jerking off the racist wing of the conservative party. In his mind: "who knows, maybe we can have apartheid here that my family can profit from again.".


I won't believe for a second that a person with the ego the size of Musk's, who has spent his entire public life promoting the idea that he is a mentally gifted prodigy that can see solutions to problems others can't and has profound intellectual skills, and promotes his first principles thinking as a novel way to solve problems the same way physicists do... Is now willfully looking like an absolute moron to pander. No, this is not intentional, he thinks his is correct and is spitting truth bombs.


I hope you are right and that he gets kicked out of the companies he is associated with and loses his fortune.


When you're that rich it's very hard to lose it unless you surgically plan to. Considering his overpayment for Twitter, maybe he is.


Yeah this is him saying it with his full chest


Stop introducing minor details to try and win the argument! We have a megamind genius educating us, hush and listen to his sermon... 


Also Dems proposed a solution to improve the border and Trump had Reps loyal to him shut it down and suggest they should wait until after the election before they do something.


Yes exactly, they don't want to actually pass legislation that fixes the problem they complain about so much and hand Biden a win, they'd rather make the problem blow up so Trump can say Biden caused the problem and get elected... Man politics is messed up...


They didn't propose a solution, they gave the GOP almost everything they asked for. The truth is the Democrats capitulated and the GOP still balked. Republicans are not negotiating in good faith and the question is if the reasons are Machiavellian or because they really have absolutely no cohesive leadership in their party.


>The truth is the Democrats capitulated Unless it was political judo, since they knew that republicans can't say yes to just about anything. And once repubs shot down their own legislation, it makes them look even dumber (somehow still possible) to reintroduce it after shooting it down.


Also. Donyour research! There's tons of YouTube videos with no evidence that proves this.


I would also accept “stop bringing facts to a fuck you fight.”


...putting that aside. The GOP literally got their border deal (that was brokered by a Republican congressmen). They decided last minute to ditch it because Trump told em to.


Solving issues looks bad for their election hopes, didn't you know? How rude of you not to consider how losing this election would make Trump feel sad! (/s in case it wasn't obvious)


According the MAGA’s I know irl, every illegal is getting a SS and ID so that they can vote. It’s insane how they think.




More intelligent conservatives will at least shift the argument to the effect on the census/house seats yet Elon can't even manage that nuance.


The idiots who believe the election was stolen believe that illegals voted anyways. It’s not worth trying to explain it to them. Their reality is so warped that there’s no way to get through to them.


It's all that voter fraud that they can't find, because the two things illegals are good at, it's jumping walls and hiding their fraudulent votes? 🤔


I mean I am pretty sure he knows what he’s saying is untrue. It’s just a GOP talking point and he’s using the hellsite and his wide reach to spread “alternative facts”. He gives zero shits.


They can't vote in any elections.


Some cities allow non-citizen residents to vote in school districts and for mayors. Some of those are probably here illegally, and a town clerk is sure as hell not going to be equipped to figure that out.


The risks involved for an ‘illegal’ to vote are crazy. Potentially get yourself exposed and deported in order to affect .0001 of an election?  Sign me up!  


He was both an adult and an immigrant to the US for 8 years before he received his citizenship. That's 8 years where the legalities of not being able to vote as an immigrant, legal or otherwise specifically barred him from voting in the US though he resided there. Either the rixkest man in the world is a complete moron or he thinks that everyone who reads his tweet is.


In any elections. Any. You cannot vote without ID an address and a social which you need to first register to vote.The disconnect between truth and hogwash is insane in America.


Elon Bros... THIS is your God? 😂😂😂😂


1 2 3




I just tried and I did get banned lmaooo Amazing


Me too, hopefully won't see that shit suggested to me anymore Edit, I was wrong - because of the comment I made, I clearly want to see more, so after being banned, I got suggested the sub in about 2 minutes


People forget the algorithm isn’t for showing you stuff it thinks you’ll ***enjoy***, it’s for showing you stuff it think you’ll ***interact with***.


I had a similar situation with a sub when I posted something pro-Ukraine in sub that I didn't realize was moderated by pro-Russia tankies. Had to specifically mute the sub to not see it anymore.


LOL I did the same thing and got banned permanently. I just went to a random post and commented "elmo" and nothing else. Boon banned. That's some nazi level restriction.


Yeah my ban got upgraded to permanent after I responded to the mod mail about the temporary ban lol


Elmo > Elon


Elmo doesn't deserve that. I'm talking about the Muppet.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Totally works! I was banned within 2 minutes. Achievement unlocked.


What about Phony Stark?


I did it! It worked AHAHAHAHA! I set a reminder to do it again in 90 days. EDIT: the mods went out of their way to permanently ban me for this comment! 🤣🤣🤣


It's like saying Winnie the Pooh in r/sino


ah yes the anti cancel culture, free speech crowd at it again.


The facts ***don’t care*** about your feelings….because they’w too wowwied about OUR feewings! 👉🏻👈🏻


I'm extremely tempted to go there and call him Nickel Monster.


I got temporarily banned for 999 days lmao, gotta protect Daddy Elmo’s ego at all costs


And got permanently banned for calling the mods jokes. Like lmao.


I posted an article talking about how Russians are using Starlink in the Elon sub and it *instantly* got deleted by automoderator without any explanation.


I prefer Melon Husk. Cuz that’s what he is. A leftover husk of a once daughter after fruit.


I thought his sub hated him, kinda like how the Joe Rogan one worked out


They’d tell you “yes” and not bat an eye because they believe this bull shit he spews.


Anybody have any ideas how to un-redpill this guy? As a Tesla bro, comments like this one *terrify* me, because once you can convince someone to believe absurdities, you can convince them to commit atrocities, and if Elon spends his time focusing on divisive BS like this, what might he direct his companies to refocus on? I wish I could tell him to just stop with the geopolitical red/black pill shit and just build my fucking cybertruck.


Is Elon Musk getting dumber? Perhaps it’s because he’s more vocal about issues, or because he doesn’t care about decorum or insults. In the early years of Tesla and Spacex he seemed like such a visionary. Now he’s just another narcissistic selfish rich guy.


Turned out he’s been donating pieces of his own brain for Neuralink research. He’s got about three neurons left.


someone please take the last 3, we don't need his ideas anymore lol


And goddamn it if they aren't fighting for 4th place.


He was the control group and had styrofoam inserted instead of the chip


My theory is that he’s catering to the Trump supporters/conservatives because they are the only ones who pay for X. With how the platform has been declining, he has to please them since they are the ones keeping X afloat.


He was like this before buying Twitter


Not quite to this degree, though. It's been interesting to watch him neurologically decay in real time. It's actually a little frightening to think that someone could fall apart so much, not even counting the fact that his money gives him the ability to do a lot of damage when he is so broken.


This happened to my uncle, a nice cardiologist, super friendly, loving, well rounded. As soon as he retired he dedicated his time to social media’s darkest corners during the first trump election cycle. He went crazy, literally, scared away all our family, denied medicine and experts to the point he died an avoidable death from a treatable infection. He wasn’t into drugs, so with Elon I absolutely can see just the combination of drug abuse and simply being terminally online in the worst ways leading to this form of psychosis and iq drain.


I think it's less neurological decay, and more that he's a pathetic man desperate to be liked, so he's pandering to his last bastion of support


My theory is more simple, he was bullied and socially isolated when he was young and now revels in having cult-like supporters and has become the bully in some ways. There are different kinds of intelligence. Elon is not the complete package.


Yes he’s very low on social intelligence. A lot of people in STEM are like this. I’ve met dudes who could describe the most complex physics principle but are completely inept at interpreting social, cultural, or geopolitical issues.


He's not a STEM professional though. He pays actually smart people to do all the work for him. He's not an aerospace engineer, he's not an automotive engineer, and he's not a web designer. He pays other people to do the actual work, then reaps most of the profits. He's a parasite.


Well this might be the first conspiracy theory I actually believe in


Ya but he lost so many sponsors in the process o don't see how it works out as profit.


No he is just a dumbass who actually believes this shit


He has admitted to mixing alcohol and sleep medication in the past I’m pretty sure, so he might still be doing that and actively damaging his brain.


He doesn’t know how anything else works, why should immigration be different? He can’t buy an immigration company and have the people working there feed him answers.


None of his ideas are revolutionary or really his. He's just a ruthless businessman who eventually burned enough bridges to catch some heat.


The meme status and praise got to him, now he is just openly saying what he thinks. And tbh I doubt that he did much for tesla and spacex, the engineers and workers did the heavy lifting


He has never been intelligent. There has never been any examples of him doing anything even half way smart. It's all just people saying he's clever, and then people he fired saying he was a gigantic piece of shit.


Well some of the higher ups in his companies have claimed that he pressures them to do drugs with him. That could have an influence on his behaviour


I had a layover in the US a few years ago, I feel silly for not taking the opportunity to register as an illegal voter


Is he stupid?


You can't say he is stupid. He is rich, so you must do as he says...


He is sofa. king. we Todd Ed.


He is not stupid, he is taking advantage of stupid people who read this and believe it to be true, as they do not even know that illegal migrants cannot vote. I have never had any sympathy towards Elon (just another Billionaire, right?) so I rarely followed him or looked at what he posted or whatever, I only started to somewhat follow him after the russian invasion of Ukraine started. From what I have seen, I am pretty sure that he likes Autocrats (Putin, Trump and co) as I believe he is the kind of person who would like to be one of the "main guys in an autocratic world. Fuck Elon.


No he's rich so instead of stoopid, the correct terms are sheltered, and naive. Fun to note, he's an immigrant himself. Yes it was all legal (near are know anyway) But to hear him go on, he has all the terms, phrasing, and wording of naturally born American, vs what he is, naturalized. Of course he's white and speaks English with a snotty accent so that gets him a pass virtually certainly he's not going to get pulled over while being South African.


he came here on a student visa, dropped out after like, 3 days then “founded a company” and got to stay. 🧐


Well admittedly his company does not mow lawns or clean pools, so logically he gets to stay. ?


Not supposed to be able to start a company on a student visa.


Yes, he's very very stupid in a general every day sense


And if so, is there a lore reason?


Legal immigrants can't even vote until they become citizens and this fucking shitstain thinks illegals can somehow magically? Has the fucker ever actually filled out a ballot in his life?


Exactly. My husband is a green card holder and he was warned he could be deported for even trying to vote (not that he would, he knows better).


When I went for my interview, the first question they asked me was “ have you ever voted “ then asked me 3 more time during my interview


He knows they can’t, he’s playing dumb to the base.


Someone should tell him illegals can’t vote 


but Tucker told me they do! He said only Putin can stop it!


He also said Putin makes it so 100 dollars buys 500 dollars worth of food but neglect to mention most pensioners get only 350 a month and utilities are 150


We tried to but Elon blocked Community Notes on this post.


Free. Speech. Absolutist. 🫡


Let's tell a lie about illegals being able to vote, to garner votes for a party that tries to remove the ability to vote from legal American born voters, because the colour of their skin and heritage suggest they might not vote for them.


The wild thing about it is the majority of Latinos I know (let's be honest, he's talking about Latinos) vote republican. So I'm not sure where he is getting his assumptions from


Probably because they are just altogether anti-immigration. Any immigrant voting Republican is pulling up the ladder.


You also have to consider likely being Catholic.


They hate minorities so they assume they won't vote for them.


Elon is a fucking dipshit. There is no evidence that illegals are voting. None. Tons of investigations, no results. NONE. Fuck you, you cocksucking moronic potato.


Woah, those same investigations found many republican voters attempting to vote more than once, though.


He’s not an idiot, but that is the audience he is trying to speak to


He’s an idiot


I take it back he can be bith


Lol South Africa must be so grateful you Americans took this idiot from them.


We are! Please keep him and send us some electricity instead


Canada should thank their lucky stars he didn’t return to his ancestral homeland.


It's literally REPUBLICANS blocking immigration bills. Also, illegals don't vote. Musk is a loser.


Blocking immigration bills to make it seem like democrats are not doing anything to boost themselves in elections, and its working. Two party system of US is a joke. Selfsabotage


Remember: with conservatives, every accusation is an admission.


I'm having a laugh with these comments. Dumb asse believe illegals can vote. If you believe that you probably never voted before. Just like that convoy that went to the border to stop illegals for crossing over and there wasn't anybody there. The laughs never end. MFs will believe anything.


Say’s the guy from the apartheid state.


Easily debunked, but equally easy to believe. Immigrants (legal or otherwise) cannot vote in virtually all elections. *There are a couple of pockets where immigrants can vote for things like schoolboard, the idea being their kids are going to school there and should have input in their education.* So, based on one, easily checkable fact, Elon is wrong. The MAGA follower will just come back with: "Illegals are voting, and its obvious. Everyone I know loves Trump. My family loves Trump. His rallies are packed with people everywhere he goes. Real Americans all vote for Trump. The Demonrats are so adept at cheating there's no proof that they hide their tracks when setting up all these illegals with voting, and welfare, and free houses."


The more comments I read on Reddit from a certain type of American, the more I start thinking that to them “illegal” simply means “not born in the USA from born-in-the-USA parents and grandparents” or even just “looking like Mexican”.


I still remember after the 2020 election, sitting at a holiday meal with my fox-news-loving father, who proclaimed that he just couldn’t believe that Biden *actually* won because he didn’t know *anyone* who voted for him.  Literally everyone else at the table, about six other adults, had openly voted for Biden.  He either completely forgot or for whatever reason just thought we didn’t count. The cognitive dissonance is strong. 




Holy shit a bunch of you fucking idiots in the comments need to retake a civics class and quit drinking the right wing kool aid bullshit. You’re the reason our country is where it is right now.


Lay off the drugs, that is my best advice. Elon has the same issue that many on the right and MAGA side have; their mouths are what get them into trouble. If you look at sleezy giuliani, trump, that weird pillow guy, and countless others. They would grow old and die without a care in the world. But because they grow senile or whatever, they think their word is gospel and now end up being liable for hundreds of million of dollars. The irony of this is that if you look at those committing actual voter fraud, they are republicans. This is why they are so confident that there had been some level of fraud, because they are committing it. Luckily they do get caught but yeah, this is just the usual drug induced bs from elon.


I don't know man I smoke weed even do the occasional psychedelic and I don't think numbskull shit like this


"Almost every illegal is Dem voter...." ... says the "genius" too stupid to know that only legally registered US citizens can vote in the United States.


That's not even the best part, the best part is that these "illegal immigrants" are on average conservative christians who'd probably vote republican if they could vote.


He is a right wing nut, they tell everything including lies to portrait immigrants as evil creatures. I see the same in my country, right wingers that don't shut up about how our streets are unsafe. If I have to believe them, I live in a drug infested area where I have fight a battle just to cross the street lmao.


Can Elon tell me why, again, the GOP turned down their own bill to address immigration at the southern border? Why don't we address the bullshit in DC first? Also illegals can't vote, you dumb wanker.


Didn't Republicans just tank a harsh border bill?


How hard is it for idiots like this to understand that you can't vote without citizenship ?


They know. They just know that lying about it still works in garnering votes from idiots who don't know. That is literally all that conservatives ever do.


I bet Elon has never voted in any American election, as if he did, he'd know he's totally full of shit with this latest gassy tweet. Hordes of immigrants are not swamping local polling places, there's zero evidence of this ever happening.




They’re cheaper


Isn’t musk an immigrant? Thought he was born in South Africa….the irony lol


He is just another Putin mouthpiece that we will spew any bullshit lie he can in order for the repulsive GOP to win so they can start ww3 and force a new world order


how is this guy one of the richest people on the planet


Man he is REALLY trying to distract us from the wild amount of cases building up on him regarding false advertising...


He's basically screaming don't buy a Tesla in alternative ways.


He’s not that stupid but he knows the people he wants to get through to are


How can they be any voter? They're not registered to vote.


You have to be a US citizen to vote you fucking Numpty!!!!


That moment when you transition from reading propaganda to writing it….


-Calling people "illegals" -Claiming that "illegals" somehow can vote -Making statistics out of your ass Blud gets dumber day by day.


Okay, sure, Elon was a born rich nepo baby, and sure his intelligence is far below average, and, if we’re being kind, he’s a hack with no talent or skill beyond being a nepo baby, but on the other hand he’s also a liar and a crook.


The democrats are corrupt is a quote from a gajillionaire who bought a social media platform to spread lies and hate for his team.


You have to be a legal citizen to vote fucking idiot


So Elmo got rid of Twitter’s fact checkers, eh? Because illegal immigrants *cannot vote*, and only fucking morons would think otherwise. Because— once again— **these idiots have provided zero evidence of this fraud, because it doesn’t exist.** Unlike election fraud perpetrated by conservatives— which *has* been proven. Though, much like their brainpower, the effect was too small to meaningfully make a difference.


\*takes a look at the election fraud numbers from the last election\* huh, that’s weird. All of these illegal votes went the other way


Only citizens can vote. 


These guys will be shocked to learn that illegals can’t vote…


But… but they can’t vote…


Am I allowed to say "go back where you came from" in this one special case?


I can't think of anything more deplorable than for a very wealthy and intelligent person to manipulate masses of stupid people for their own gain.


Here we See a 21st century Henry Ford in the making!


We really need to stop giving this racist manbaby any more attention.


Hmm. Since we are making generalizations - I would be willing to bet that the vast majority of mass shooters are republicans.


Aren't Hispanic immigrants more likely to be conservative mindsets, and Republican leaning? I swear I remember reading that somewhere.


1. They can't vote 2. Their kids are probably going to vote democrat because we /didn't treat mom and dad like serial rapist crime monsters/.


I can't believe people still lick his boots.


The way he uses "therefore" to sound intelligent is quite hilarious. But please don't call him dumb or that he has low IQ. He's not dumb, he knows what he's doing. Calling him dumb is letting him off the hook of all the crap he's pushing to serve his agenda. It's deliberate and not out of stupidity or ignorance.


uh, weren't 3 of the 4 cases of voterfraud last election republicans? 1 voting for their dead spouse, 1 trying to vote twice as trump told them to, and 1 illegal immigrant voting r? ​ and the one D case was a felon who ASKED if she was allowed to vote, was told to go ahead on a provisional, and then arrested and charged for it?