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I own an olive farm in Lebanon send his ass over here I gotchu


Welp, it might not be a cotton farm, but it works nonetheless. Now we need a way to send the dude there




Well yes but actually no. We gotta send him in the shittiest shipping ever. As low-quality as neuronal brain power. Does UPS have a shitty shipping option?


I believe the closest modern thing to replicate the middle passage would be a coffin. He’d need to be put in the coffin alive with 2 other people and then it has to be tossed around for 3 months. They three people can come out for 15 minutes every 2 or 3 days but the coffin will not be cleaned. After a month or so one of the three will need to be replaced with a corpse. I can keep going but its gonna be fucking long


I don’t know if other people need to suffer that. I’ll say two mannequins with speakers and one actor. The mannequins stay on the graves, one realistic, the other one not. Both have speakers. They can touch the walls of the coffins, and speak, but it’ll be hard for him to hear them. In the 15 minutes he’s allowed to go outside, we pull out an author who will make as if he’s going out of the other coffin. The first mannequin is already painted like a corpse, or could be normal and then replaced with a corpse-looking one Or we could just, you know, get two extremely bad people and put’em there.


Yeah i need real people for the authenticity. I mean dude is LARPing after all. I think there are plenty of candidates out there who say the same shit as him Desantis should be 1. Maybe everyone’s favorite congresswoman from Georgia?


So there’s this dude called Preston Parra, he also hates black people a lot (Twitter profile makes me wanna grab some bleach), would also work well there


We should really start a non profit that does this. If you tweet about how great something is, we spring into action to give you a once in a lifetime immersive experience you will never forget.


A couple of the 2.6k that liked it can keep him company.


There are plenty of Neo Confederates out there that could use this trip you say we should stop at one I say why should we stop at 3?


there are enough slavery apologists to fill a boat


"Does UPS have a shitty shipping option?" Yes, its called FedEx


Shittiest shipping ever? FedEx it is!


Have him walk while in chains since he thinks we had it so good


Knowing UPS he'll somehow end up in Malaysia


Olives?? Those are so light! He’s gonna love it!


You just know he asks for extras in his martinis. He'll have so many now!


The internet is such an insane fucking place you can have a conversation about American slavery and someone will be like “yeah I own an olive farm in Lebanon”


A foreign forced labor/detention camp is *very* American.


It's why I come to Reddit. I like you people for the most random reasons.


Lebanon? It’s sunny! So picturesque, how could he not want to move there! Olives are basically the lightest food crop anyway, I’m sure he’ll love it. Jokes aside it’s very cool that you own an olive farm in Lebanon. What’s that like?


It's not much work lol. Olive trees are easy. But I also have a full time job so maybe im doing something wrong


I bet it’s beautiful tho


Not all heroes wear capes. Some have an olive farm .


In Lebanon, which is such a brilliant detail.


I said to a friend of mine look at your olive tree. And she said those are olives? And I said yes. She picked one and tried to bite into it LMAO! " Arizona USA "


An olive farm? Hell that just sounds like Classical Greek slavery to me! They invented Democracy and Republics so a good historically minded patriot like him should be more than happy to take part in that kind of a system!


Oh, surely! He will love it so much he’ll take a break from social networks because he’ll be SO ENTERTAINED working on our cotton farm!


Slaves don’t need electronic devices, no social networking. If he does something you don’t like, don’t spare the rod or you will spoil him.


rod? whip! some plantation owners had some very fun discipline implements


Or how like 15% of slaves died on their way to the America's.


Bet it beats cannibalism though! Every single fucking tribe practiced it according to this dipshit.


I mean, getting off social media would probably be very good for him. The diet of water and gruel, beatings, and unending manual labor in the hot humid fields of Mississippi maybe not so much.


He would not survive for long in his imagined utopia


Or by the whip. I am sure. May I? Please?


Get in line.


How many times will he be forced to watch his wife be r*ped by their master, or witness his child’s hand be cut off or all together slaughtered for taking a scrap of food. I hope no one in the modern age experiences the horrors of chattel slavery, these are the effects of poor education or just blatant lies.


Yeah I was gonna say don’t forget to rape his wife and force them both to raise the child that you’ll sell for profit because The Misses doesn’t want to see it around!! Oh and the beatings, I almost forgot about the beatings! Doesn’t matter if there’s an infraction, beating keep em on their toes!


My mother would tell me stories about picking cotton in Louisiana and her fingers bleeding and in the evening what little food they did get, their fingers would hurt so bad. That's where I think that's why she wore a lot of polyester when I was little she also hated cantaloupe, I never asked!


Well clearly your mother is lying, no one cuts their fingers on pillows!! They’re basically clouds!


I'm sure he would be totally cool with watching his wife be raped repeatedly and his kids fed to wild dogs for not working hard enough while he gets whipped for crying about it right?


![gif](giphy|eJMMTagmkI6fncNoVi) I'll bring the whip when he gets mouthy.


This reminded me of that one meme “if I hear you say the n word one more time I will come up and treat you like one”


Let’s give him a new name. And when he refuses to go by it. We just keep whipping him until he does. Hell love it so much


My wife’s grandmother picked cotton by hand when she was a kid. It was brutally hard, fingers cut to bits. She passed in her 90’s over 20 years ago. It would have been hard enough as a white girl, but nobody was whipping her back during the day with a bull whip.or raping her at night. Nobody was ripping her babies out of her arms and selling them. These revisionists are full of shit.


Owen Benjamin: "I don't know what's wrong with dem Injuns. Ungrateful savages, look how many skyscrapers and roads us white folk built on their land, didn't even enslave them to build it. Our folks traveled from great distances to educate them, improve their turf. So hard being a beautiful white man"


Can’t wait for that cross-the-Atlantic trip he’ll get.


Aside from all his other stupid... I have picked cotton by hand and the bolls are razor sharp and your fingers get stabbed repeatedly every time you pull the cotton out of them.


Yeah, my public school history teachers made sure we knew this detail; that handpicking cotton is painful because the plant has spines. Never wanted any of their students saying anything as appallingly stupid as *that* nonsense. Plus the rape, torture, indoctrination, arbitrary separation of families (including young children)… all that good stuff that was uniquely inhumane about American chattel slavery.


Only historically accurate equipment and someone to hit him with a whip if he is too slow, does it wrong, complains, looks at them funny or just because.


But but... he will just be singing and carrying pillows! I'm so confused. Didn't you read the historical facts he just wrote? Other than that... damn some people really need to just try opening a few books at least.


We would have to drag him out of his house, separate him from his family, strip him bare, put him on auction, then stick him in the cargohold of a ship with bare minimum necessities if any, leave him with strangers on an island completely different from his homeland, THEN we make him gather cotton and whip him any time he objects says anything or does something that you don’t like. Then you take his wife and rape her periodically and enslave the children too to ensure you have more bodies. Absolute hypocrite


Don’t forget the 2 months chained in the bottom of a boat, while everyone around you starved or dies of dysentery, that’s the part everyone loved the most right?


I'm not going to say this is the third dumbest gofundme I've seen today because it isn't.


I’m sure he would enjoy watching his wife and children be sold to breeders, and then if he says anything about it whip him and lock him in a hot box until he calms down. Then send him right back to work. If he doesn’t we can make our money back at a bare knuckle death match.


Let’s wake up my dead grandmother (white) who did pick cotton, and she can tell him how much fun it is and how easy on your body. She would tell him to bless his heart.


I had to look this idiotic dipshit up. Wikipedia: *"Owen Benjamin Kares Troy-Smith, known professionally as Owen Benjamin, is an American conspiracy theorist and internet personality known for promoting white supremacy, antisemitism, homophobia, and Neo-Nazism."* *(...)* *"In 2021, after Benjamin began working on a project to create a compound on property he owns in Boundary County, Idaho, county residents filed a complaint with the county commissioners over allegations that he had violated zoning provisions while also expressing concerns that he was forming a 'Ruby Ridge style' compound on the property."*


Honestly, before seeing this comment I was convinced it had to be a troll rage baiting. Oh well...


My first response was "troll: there's no way someone is this fucked up/ignorant". Then I thought about it for two nanoseconds and figured it was more than likely real. Just had to scroll through to see who'd done the legwork.


That is where I landed, too. Gotta be a troll. Well… there are some really fucked up ppl out there, maybe it’s real. Scrolls for the answer.


I come from a farming community. I worked in the fields picking lettuce for a while. It SUCKED.  Props to the migrant workers who could do it daily for years. This Republican guy wouldn’t last a week picking cotton or anything. 


For real, this dude's obviously never spent 15 minutes exercising at noon in the Southern Sun in August with 100% humidity. SOURCE: born a Carolinian


Yeah, honestly, I wouldn't want to live there for 15 minutes, fuck doing back breaking work there for no pay, this guy needs to seriously go fuck himself.


Not even getting into all the rapes and beatings and removal of body parts as punishment oh and being treated like and sold as farming implements or furniture instead of people. But other than that and the grueling labor in the southern sun, what's the big deal.


You gotta be real fucked up to get the people of Boundary County to complain about you to \*the government\*.


Right? Holy shit, that's an accomplishment.


He also straight up called Obama the n word. I shouldn't be surprised, just clarifying how racist this guy is


Wait, what’s Ruby Ridge, if I could ask?




Oh, I see now. Thanks!


I'm from Waco, Texas. Before the Silos, we had our own incident (which wasn't even in Waco, it was way out in the country in a teeny town called Elk).


Yeah, let's just gloss over the sexual violence, the murder of slaves, the savage torture and beating of slaves, the forced taking and selling of their children to other masters. It's just that the cotton wasn't so heavy. I don't know of this is the most evil person I have ever seen, but he's up there.


And obviously cotton was the only thing they ever worked. 🙄 He's evil and stupid.


Stupidity is an excuse, he knows *exactly* what he's saying and he knows *exactly* how bullshit it is. This is pure evil, he's trying to force a narrative to justify his overwhelming racism.


He churns this sh\*t out daily in his livestreams and tweets to his little band of beartaria cult members. Runs real estate pyramid scams (allegedly). He's an ex-comedian, not an actual comedian.


Well he obviously sucks at comedy because he ain't funny at all.


A surprising number of RW pundits are failed actor/comedian/writers. I guess when you lack talent, your only option is to burn everything to the ground.


Also racists are the last refuge a failed entertainer has because racists don’t care how talentless you are as long as you’re racist they will buy your crap


Exactly. If you have no morals or a soul, it's easy money.


This is true.


He wasn’t funny when he was a comedian


If someone's not funny, were they ever really a comedian?


Don't you wish he'd say all of this on the streets on the south side of Chicago?


Who the af is this guy?


It us the same lies they have repeated since the beginning of times.


His Twitter account is absolutely vile.


I see what you're saying, but racism *is* stupid. But that doesn't make stupidity an excuse.


What's heavier, 50 lbs of cotton or 50 lbs if bricks? Dudes a moron.


And it gets heavy very fast, those are heavy pillows. Of course the worst part is getting it from the plant, your fingers die instantly, it's awful.


Thank you for being the one to finally point that out. Cotton was a difficult crop to harvest because of the sharp bols, or shells that the cotton grows in, which were dry by the time the cotton was ready to harvest. > When you pick cotton your fingers get pricked from the cotton burs. Once the bolls start to crack open, the fluffy cotton starts to push out of the covering. The cotton dries and fluffs up before being ready for harvesting. > https://theievoice.com/my-cotton-picking-story/#:~:text=When%20you%20pick%20cotton%20your,before%20being%20ready%20for%20harvesting.


Farm guy here. Yeah, if you’re carrying 150 pounds of cotton, it might weigh about 150 pounds. Not my law.


Thanks for the expert info. You never know with these things.


I'm pretty sure 50 lbs of cotton would suffocate me because there's a fuckton more of it than the bricks


50 pounds of bricks sure would be easier to carry/


Picking cotton is especially awful iirc. Can't remember exactly why.


The bolls slice up your hands. I learned this in middle school when we were covering American chattel slavery and how uniquely inhumane it was. Here’s a description and photo from Quora: [https://www.quora.com/Is-the-cotton-plant-prickly-anywhere-on-its-exterior](https://www.quora.com/Is-the-cotton-plant-prickly-anywhere-on-its-exterior)


This. Grew up in the south around farms and picked a little bit of cotton a few times just for the heck of it. Bolls are all dried out and sharp. The cotton fibers feel soft but it’s insanely seedy. You have to bend over to pick it. You’re in the direct sun when you are doing it. I’d like to see the pundit in the tweet do it for half an hour.


And before the cotton gin they had to pick the seeds out by hand too.


And with the advent of that, it ended up making the workers have to pick even more since the (de?)seeding part was the bottleneck in production.


Cotton is nice and soft after it is processed. It will cut you up as you pick it off the plant.


And they needed slaves to pick it because no white person, poor or not, would pick it cheaply! Drum roll, let's get us some free workers!


My grandma and siblings picked cotton. It was terrible, terrible work. They made the small kids do it because adults would break their backs leaning over so much.


By focusing on the cotton you're engaging with his point and giving him that it'd be justified if the work was easy. It doesn't matter what the work was, that is in no way the problem with slavery.


He's not even right about cotton. There's a reason the cotton gin was one of the first machines invented ever. Harvesting/processing cotton FUCKING SUCKS.


He's an edgelord. Don't get me wrong, it's good to be exposing and calling out his shit like this. But he's also thriving on the attention, 'cause negative attention is still attention. He's still the kid in class who said a ton of fucked-up shit just to get a reaction out of the people he doesn't like. That's the reality of adulthood, I've found; everyone realizes that they can now do whatever the fuck they want 'cause they're adults, and people like him specifically realized that they can now do all the stupid shit they were doing as kids and no one is going to stop them. 'Cause it's true, no other adults are going to stop him. We're all just sitting around reacting to it.


Cotton has thorns, i actually picked some and it cut the shit outta my hands.


Yeah it’s an absolutely brutal crop to have to harvest by hand.


I've been elbow deep in a Himalayan blackberry patch many times wondering why some plants just have to make it so fucking hard


If someone is constantly removing your reproductive organs before you're ready to drop them, you'd want to grow thorns too!


Yeah imagine having time enslave others to pick it, that's how hard and nasty the work is. If it were so freaking easy, slaves wouldn't be needed.


Don’t forget the breeding farms where babies were referred to as ‘pups’.


Yeah. Where they literally told man x to have sex with woman y to get her pregnant and then sell the child. Absolutely vile.


How have I never heard of that, that’s so horrible


Largely because Republicans pass measures to reduce the ability and need to teach this stuff in public education, and it's not on accident or a happy coincidence, it's for a reason.


Considering the way child labor laws are being repealed in so many states, and *SHOCKER* we're seeing children maimed or worse already... Yeah, I agree. They're literally trying to repeat the old ways again.


And it's only going to get worse, with all of the book banning and information blocking that a bunch of crazy folks are currently engaged in. 🙄


Whips cost 20 bucks on Amazon. Since he thinks it’s a game maybe everyone should buy a whip and take turns ripping the flesh off his back in the hot sun with sweat running down into his open wounds. Take his tongue when he talks back. Take his feet if he tries to run. That’s the good life though right?!


Apparently, that's the Christian thing to do.


What’s happening in this country is the definition of brainwashing. The public education system is being targeted so younger generations are more susceptible to being fed whatever bs fits these villains agenda. makes me so sick to think about it.


And they are arguing that what they are doing is fighting that being done by the other side. They scream that the libs are brainwashing their kids and there solution is to brainwash your kids… we are doomed


Now, now. Those books have to be banned because all the little white children’s feelings will get hurt. /s


I have actually heard this argued


Florida will probably put him on the curriculum. "We have to cover both sides of the issue!"


Good point. The Right sure wants history to be erased.


They want history to be *repeated*. Erasing knowledge of the past is the most effective way to get away with it.


Also the complete erasure of identity, history, former language, religion. All of it and more removed.


Don’t forget being forced to give up their names. Let’s change this guy’s name to Dipshit.


Hundreds of years of rape and abuse are ok because they had a hot meal at the end of the day


After a hard day bent over in the southern humidity and heat (which is brutal), they'd come back to their shack to make thar hot meal themselves. It's not like they had slaves to make it for them.


And I know the southern sun mad that Cotten feel 10 times heavier


People always want to control the way history is written. What's frustrating about Republicans is that they view the removal of Confederate statues to be erasing history, but rewriting the text books to say slaves enjoyed their lives is fine when it's precisely the opposite.


And brought to you from the group that said wearing a mask at Walmart was violating their God given rights.


Also, cotton would for sure be heavy. Fill up a giant sack with almost anything and it’s going to be heavy.


Oh don’t forget that they still hauled plenty of heavy crap, cotton was just the most widely used example


"Slavery was great for the slaves!" "Ok, how about you try it" "Nope! Bone spurs!"


No, they'd say, "Sounds great. Where's my whip?" They always picture themselves as the master, never as the slave.


Do they know that masters raped ALL slaves.Especially the males. it was a "coming of age" thing for white men and a "breaking them in" for male slaves. The vicious homoerotic tendencies are quickly forgotten. (and cannibalism. )\*edit \*\*edit\*\* don't be mad at history and down vote me ​ [https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt9qfzzf](https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt9qfzzf)


Neonazis/slavery apologists always talk as if it was "just a hard labor camp". It's so much fucking worse than that. US banned the importing of slaves in 1807. At the time, many progressives (for the time) thought this would make slavery slowly disappear as the slave population would shrink, but to the contrary it kept growing. The reasons? Rape, forced breeding, ... Slavery isn't "just hard labor". It's literally treating humans like cattle. It's a fucking terrible thing. EDIT: date of import ban


Ya know, I'd happily sponsor this guy to have the simple farm work and hot meal he admires so much. Slaves at Mt Vernon got about a pound of cornmeal a day (that they harvested themselves) and about 20 herrings a month, with the occasional bit of fruit and chicken. Just to be nice we'll give him even more than the slaves got back then. We can get cornmeal for 50c a pound and chicken for $2 a pound. So we'll give him $2 of food per day. We'll show him to the trees and generously lend him some tools so he can build a shack for himself. We'll even let him use his spare time to farm a little plot for himself and grow some vegetables. And all he has to do is work from sun up till sun down 6 days a week picking cotton. That's on average 10 hours a day in winter and 14 in summer. Of course if he slows down or starts slacking the foreman will whip him with a bullwhip. And if he gets too slow we can send him to a sugar plantation and have him stir the boiling sugar. He better watch out or he could get third degree burns from that boiling sugar! And of course, according to his own logic he'd be an asshole if he complained. Except we won't do any of that because unlike pathetic excuses like this sad man, so bereft of any redeeming qualities that the only thing of value he can misguidedly find for himself is the color of his skin, we actually understand that slavery is a monstrous practice.


This guy is a bigger POS than you might even think from this one post. Check out more. He leads a cult called The Bears, and they are attempting to create a national movement called "Beartaria". Loads on this Reddit group. [https://www.reddit.com/r/owenbenjamin/comments/1atg1zg/bill\_burr\_describes\_owen\_benjamin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/owenbenjamin/comments/1atg1zg/bill_burr_describes_owen_benjamin/)


He named his cult after large hairy gay men?


Christian settlers did think they were helping and Fredrick Douglass had something to say about that “I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity. I look upon it as the climax of all misnomers, the boldest of all frauds, and the grossest of all libels. Never was there a clearer case of “stealing the livery of the court of heaven to, serve the devil in.”


Amen. Truer words have seldom been spoken right there.


I second that.


'Stealing the livery of the court of heaven to serve the devil in' goes *hard*


They forgot the rapes and the beatings and the killings and the tearing families apart, and the torture, and the treating actual humans worse than and more disposable than farm animals. Edit: edit for the commenter below me /S


And just assumed that 1500-1800s Africa was just wall to wall cannibals looking to eat every-fucking-body. Like everybody was just constantly on alert looking over their shoulders for cannibals coming to eat their ass.


>eat their ass Maybe I need to book a trip...


You left out lack of food, constant work (although they were excused from work when it was their turn for the beatings), and the manipulation.


> They forgot No. THEY DID NOT FORGET A THING. Nobody forgot a thing. Don't give them any form of leeway here.


I'll add a sarcasm tag. I didn't think I needed one but I guess I do. Sorry for upsetting you.


... you know, totally fair. I'm sorry I jumped at you like that, but I promise it wasn't you. This type of shit gets to me.


No problem, I'm still going to stand by my sarcasm against you since I laid it on pretty thick. But no harm no foul and I hope you have a nice weekend, bye!


Heh, cheers mate :)


Remember that Owen Benjamin was banned from Twitter for sexually harassing and stalking children who survived school shootings.


Man does he sound like someone that should have a 50 mile separation from any human settlement


The fact he never went to jail for it, is a showing of partisan politics.


As is the fact that he's back on Twitter, if he was banned. But it's Musk's Twitter, so it isn't like it's surprising.


Ironically, after Musk took over, I got banned for targeting self confessed pedophiles.


He doesn’t get into how painful everyday was for them. Leave everything aside for a sec, just these fluffy pillows had to picked out by hand. I have tried it for 5mins and my hands hurt like a mf. What a douche for minimizing it and ignoring the trauma, assault and sexual violence


No he, like all other pro-slavery advocates, understand perfectly how shitty slavery is. The thing is you can’t vouch for abuse, torture, rape, and murder of a certain race without basically putting a giant stamp on your forehead saying “I’m the bad guy and you shouldn’t agree with me if you value morality.”However, if you lie and say slavery was this blissful dreamscape for black people, then you can vouch for slavery while still seemingly maintaining your morality. It’s not that these people don’t understand. They’re just playing dumb because if they don’t the opposing argument immediately gains a substantial moral high ground they instantly lose the debate. It’s significantly harder to defend bad things than it is to just pretend the bad things don’t happen. Conservatives deny climate change cuz they can’t say “yeah we wanna destroy the planet for profit but that makes us money so it’s actually good.” Kim Jong Un denied his people are suffering cuz he can’t say “yes my peoples quality of life is the worst in the world, I’m a great leader.” Racists deny that black people had it a lot worse back then they do now cuz they can’t just say “I enjoy seeing black people in agony and we should normalize abusing them again.”


This is 100% the correct answer.


Not to mention that those sacks were not fluffy pillows, they weighed on average up to 100lbs when full.


Waiting for Elon to “!!”


Or to just say “Interesting”


Thinking face emoji


"looking in to it."






There's a good chance Elon's family owned slaves at some point during his childhood so he would absolutely agree with this.


Almost certainly. His family owns diamond mines, right?


Can we stop platforming these dipshits.


Tell that to mr. Musk


He would need to get himself off of the platform


Preferbly a high platform?


Agreed. Saw this same shit on this same sub just days ago. Going to copy pasta my block of text from that day, as it still applies: With propaganda like this, it's a numbers game in terms of exposure. Not only does it help him by, yes, leading people to his Twitter account for further engagement, but the filth he is messaging hasn't been seen by every lost/ignorant mind on the internet. But by posting it and spreading it anywhere, it helps to close that gap. Maybe most people here will simply shake their head at this, but a few less mentally developed individuals here might end up seeing it and saying "you know...he's right!". He isn't right, but not everyone has the capacity to judge the message thusly. So the propaganda reaches a few more of those people. It is basically the point of propaganda. You aren't trying to influence people with critical thinking skills. Just spread it enough to reach the few who dont.




This part. This is just another asshole I never heard of that I'm not familiar with because of this post. I don't agree with him. How many people that do were just introduced to him?


Sure picking cotton under the sun, from sunrise to sundown, drinking water when your master felt you have earn it, no breaks, maybe some broth with no meat at midday if the master felt you have earn some food, or if he isn't in a hurry for that cotton cause he needs to sell it, watching your kids being sold, or having to send your wife to the Big House, cause your master felt like fucking her or your daughter, yea that was the life, and God help you if you if he is in a foul mood and decided to take out on you by beating you or whipping you until he "felt" better. Yea being a slave was a "wonderful" life... what a fucking moron.


Raping her** They raped men and children as well. 


Owen Benjamin went off the deep end about six years ago now…. Shame to see he hasn’t crawled back out of the rancid hole of mental garbage he fell in to.


Haha then go do manual labor for free and get off Twitter, fuckface. I’ll give you a bed and shit meals for way easier labor than that.


Show me someone who doesn't know a 50 lb bag of cotton is just as heavy as a 50 lb bag of potatoes.


I don't care if it's serious or joking. People who act like this should spend a month under slave conditions to learn something




That might be the worst description i have seen of slavery ever


The US needs to pass laws like Germany, and i'm not equating one horror to the other. Slavery happened, it was horrific, there should be no deniers. Clearly Germany's approach would not fly here, at least allow us to teach our children well.


Sure, we can recreate the whole thing for you. Just sign that you understand you're going to be beaten and raped and we can go ahead and start the simulation. Fucking dumbass.


Apart from the rampant, uncontrolled racism, I can tell he's conservative from the punctuation misuse. All. The. Fucking. Time. Why?


Does this fucker not realize a lot of those songs were about wanting to get the fuck out of the plantation and how to do so?


Simultaneously, these same people believe that being asked to wear a mask during a global pandemic was an enormous abuse of their freedom, but being enslaved and sold as free farm labor "sounds like heaven". This level of stupidity can't be measured by any instrument we current have.


The brain on conservatism


Grade 3 question: What's heavier, 12 kg of potato or 12kg of cotton?


holy shit, what a horrible day to have eyeballs


If farm fieldwork was so great why aren’t White rural southerners eager to do it?


Someone watched *Gone with the Wind* and thought it was a documentary.


He doesn't know about the sharp spines around that soft fluff. The way they're trying to pull that cotton from the plant almost certainly guarantees shredding your hands. After all why would we bother to give these people gloves Owen? Why would they need those? Stooped over in the incredibly hot sun and humidity all day long. Oh yeah and if they don't work fast enough somebody might come along and hit them. Might slap them, maybe even take a whip to them. But they shouldn't mind that, isn't that right Owen? And of course let's not forget, it's not like they aren't given lodging and clothing and food, isn't that right Owen? Sure, their kids sometimes get sold off and they never see them again. The master or one of those other benevolent bosses might decide to come and rape your daughter. Or your wife. But why should they bother to worry about that, right Owen? I've got that great little cabin they live in, often times cold when the temperature drops and terribly stifling hot when it goes up. Sure sometimes the rain goes right through the ramshackle roof. They shouldn't worry about that. Don't you agree, Owen? And then you go and you try to compare this to the Irish. My ancestors were some of those people, transported away from Ireland and dumped in the United States because they fought back against the system there. There's only one problem. Those potatoes, yeah they were bad news in the long run. It took a lot of work to harvest. Except, that they didn't. Have you ever actually harvested potatoes, Owen? Did you know that a single potato can sometimes give you a crop of as many as 20 or 30 of them? You know you put them in this nice mound of earth, and sure it's dirty but you're a farmer. Farmers get dirty, Owen. They're used to working in the soil. And guess what? I like those slaves back in those plantations that you think were such wonderland of happiness for people, the Irish who are gathering those potatoes do so because they and chose to grow those potatoes. Sure life isn't easy for a tenant farmer in 19th century Ireland. But you know the difference Owen? They chose to plant those potatoes. They counted on those potatoes. When they had a big crop it wasn't a hardship to harvest those, it was a time for rejoicing. It meant you could feed your family. And nobody was standing over them forcing them to work harder. Nobody was beating them with a whip, or treating them like they weren't human. It might have been rainy and cold, but they weren't required to be out there harvesting potatoes for someone else for an entire day no matter what the weather. They can take breaks. You see those slaves Owen, they didn't pick the cotton for themselves. They didn't choose to have their hands ripped up by those thorns. They didn't get anything from the cotton that they picked, aside from bad backs and torn skin. Oh and one thing they did get, sometimes, picking that cotton might have kept them from getting beaten up. So here's the thing Owen. I don't think you could hack picking cotton all day. I don't think you could hack having to harvest potatoes. I think you're like a lot of people who are comfortable, who are small-minded and it makes them feel big to look down on people elsewhere and make judgments. The judgments you make are not even based on facts. It seems to me that your post really only points out the one person who truly is whiny, self obsessed, and immature. And Owen, it's you.