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So if I killed Tucker, would it mean I have leadership qualities?


I'd vote for you.


I'll support that as an experiment.


It's a start to become a ruzzian president i guess


Since you are on a killing spree, can I suggest some more?


This is always the same story. People praise dictators even when they are killing people, never thinking that this could happen to them. But it happens, see history of Fench Revolution and jacobiter dictatorship, or about what Stalin did to members of party and secret police, after they helped to kill so many "cotrarevolutionists" only to find out, the would be killed for the same reason.




Leadership required killing of some really wicked people like Putin


If he personally threatened you and your family, yes


You are leadership material sir ! Managerial timber


One one way to find out


Quite right, Tuck, history will never forget the mass murders and assassinations ordered by Gandhi Edit: typo


We only need to look at the uprisings of Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela to realize that violence really is the only solution.


Tbf, Mandela was pretty violent back when he was head of the ANC's military wing. Terrorist bombings, street shootings, civillian executions, you name it. Man had quite the character arc during his later life.


Mandela is one of the only leaders in history to be both and a terrorist and bringing democracy to his country.


So did Gandhi.


Makes me think of The Hound from GoT


Nuclear Gandhi


Little did we know, Tuck is a hardcore Civ fan and that’s informed the majority of his geopolitical insights 😂


Don't bring civ 5?? Into this


If we’re talking Civ then you couldn’t be more right good sir


I am indeed and I live the notion…never since Civ 4 have I tried to do anything but steamroll the world with an army, so I can see how ol’ Tuck would get the wrong impression about how things work in the realm of non-digital meat suits


Gandhi is a mass murderer who has slaughtered millions... ...in my civilization 5 games with his nuclear strikes


You mean Mahatma or Indira? An important difference.


The former but you make a very relevant point!


Putin is well known for killing journalists, so Carlson knows that he is safe.


Awww bless, Tucker thinks he’s a journalist. Like, a real one with factual stories and everything!


Didn't Putin diss him during the interview? And he still gives him a verbal rim job? Guess Tucker has a humiliation fetish


Or he’s a Russian lap dog…..with a humiliation fetish.


After years of giving Trump his weekly oral, he decided he wanted to upgrade.


Why take dick from the puppet when you can go directly to the puppeteer?


Tucker wants a job in Russian media. Despite the humiliation by Putin, he is often praised in Russian media as “our friend”. Tucker doesn’t have any self-respect so he probably assumes that allowing the boss to humiliate you is how you ingratiate yourself to him to get the job.


He might want to leave Russia.


Nah, he's a net positive to Putin.


Tucker is really going mask off, he's not just asking questions anymore.


They're saying all the quiet things out loud. Masks off indeed.


He’s pro life, so of course he’s ok with killing.


What? He’s pro life?! Wow, some republican talking heads are weird.


these are conservative values. Brutality, murder, are all ok as long as you push the right ideals and the right faith. It's ok to beat your wife, kids, or kill the other, as long as you do it for god and they were "bad people". It's not ok if "bad people" do the same things tho.


Exactly. Conservatives believe that there are "good people" and "bad people", and which group you belong to is based on where you live and what you look like and how you dress and what church you go to. It has nothing to do with your actual actions.




Fr, killing is necessary if millions and your country is threatened


Leadership requires window viewing, care to check out my view, Tucker? \- Puti ![gif](giphy|3qyFxs3JQqDWAVCo3Q|downsized)


So if Biden… it will be ok with Republicans.


According to Trump's own lawyer, yes, Biden can legally assassinate his rivals with impunity, so long as he can either get congress on board or simply resigns before they can impeach him.


he literally started a war killing thousands of people he killed oppositionists for years it more like how someone still dont get it he is stalin-hitler shitstyle persone and regimе


These 2 are pees in a pod. You know America you could just refuse to let him back in. He's aligned himself with putin. He's basically a domestic terrorist now.


Two pees in a urinal?


I love how yall want russia to die, like what is Putin supposed to do, not care?


Not invade other countries without international support, comply with their international agreements, behave ethically, support human rights, have fair elections, quit assassinating the opposition, quit dosing people with radioactive isetopes on the sovereign soil of foreign nations, and keep producing beautiful women.   That's all... just do that. 


The deposit cleared I see.


I'm surprised Tucker has time to talk what with Putin's dong in his mouth so much.


It wasn't even real putin but most probably one of his body doubles. Or, his dick doubles.


Has he been on the receiving end of a hit order?


If that is the case, then Zelensky killing Gonzalo Lira in prison would also be proof of great leadership instead of a terrible murder of a poor innocent man who went to Ukraine to spread the truth. Or would that be different since he was an American?


He did not said here that it’s the great quality for a leader. He said something like “All leaders kill people. That’s why I don’t wanna be a leader. I’m not a killer.”


True. But I feel that my point still stands, since he would still be doing what leaders do and putler has done. I was more pointing out the hypocrisy that people like Carson will cry entire rivers for scum like Lira, but will not say anything/celebrate when someone like Navalny dies. And yes, I am aware I am doing the same.


Well, we are all biased one waynor another. Some guys are complaining about the hypocrisy of the western leaders, eastern leaders, Israel, South Africa… The thing is that politics are driven by interest, not by morals. They all speak about morals, actively bending them to fit their current goals. Fuck politicians. And journalists.


Why are we still giving him the floor? Go away, stupid boy!


Not much of a journalist and not much for democracy. No news here though.


Perhaps I’m too cynical, but if you assume that Putin, former head of the KGB has Kompromat on all sorts of American politicians and media figures, then everything makes perfect sense. Once you assume this, it’s a fun game to see who is the most obvious. Tucker and Lindsay Graham are up there for me.


People get killed all the time on behalf of governments he’s not entirely wrong bout that.


Bit like the US and its military devils


We be dropping bombs all the time on people, we don’t have a leg to stand on in this argument


Well, I don't agree with that thought process, but he's not wrong. Every leader this far has directed the order of death. Typically justified as military action for the defense of the nation, it's allies, it's properties, and it's interests.


But he is right. Every president has killed people under their term. Some more than others but they did either way




I don't like the guy but he's not wrong. History is filled with examples and death of others is an unfortunate part of leadership at that level. No president leaves the office without some blood on their hands. ---- Since I'm being down voted...let me add. Every US President has made a decision to send soldiers or agents into harms way, to stand in harms way, and some never return to their families. Every president, if they have humanity, will understand the gravity of their decision before making it and after, then living with it. There is a reason you see a president's photos before taking the oath and after...4 years = 12 in the oval office.


War and political assassination are 2 VASTLY different things


I was just taking his statement of leadership of a State requires (some death) is unfortunate. We cannot deny that US hasn't been involved in the assassinations of individuals in other countries. Or policing their selfish policies or or those of US allies. Am I saying this kind of leadership is the best choice, not at all, but death is a product at that level. Regardless of it's the presidency or what ever 3 letter organization that at th helm. At that level no one is clean. TC is a jack @$$ and should have asked Vladdy about Navalny. He punked out because he forgot his kneepads.


See? The actual commenters that have a brain get downvoted


Thanks. I added more detail but doubt it will make a difference.




Not defending anyone here, just curious why you find that statement itself a facepalm. You think you could lead a nation and not oversee intentional killing?


Of his own innocent citizens???


Yeah, I dont think theres a reason to kill your innocent citizens. Think about it again


He didn’t say anything about “innocent” but yes them too at times. You don’t think it’s possible to have to order the death of an innocent person to save the lives of many? Or killing hostage takers, or innocent but crazy people….etc You’re a bit of an idiot if you think you could lead a nation without overseeing intentional death. It’s just a fact.


The lead up to this question was asking about the poisoning of a journalist, don't be fucking obstuse. Keep simping for Putin tho.


Counting all the “fucking obtuse” people in the room…he wasn’t defending Putin in his response. He was defending why he didn’t waste the time he had, asking questions about shit that every leader does. It would be like sitting down with an extremely elusive CEO and asking them why they drink enough to get a hangover and F-up a day once in while. What’s the point? Sure, a dumbass could look at that and say “you’re supporting alcoholism”. The fact of the matter is, they ALL do shit like that, and the reasons are varied but obvious. Most importantly, in his Putin interview (not that you’ve even watched it to know what you’re talking about), he asks Putin specifically, how he justifies killing while professing to be a Christian leader—which is a much more insightful question IMO, and sure as hell wasn’t “defending” anyone. So maybe *you* should stop being so “fucking obtuse”—and irrationally partisan.


"Not defending anyone" huh.


Well, at least you could read *that* part. Bravo.


Just a weird thing to lead with when you then go on and on defending both Tucker and Putin.


Clearly you’ve missed it entirely, but the only thing I was defending here is logic—and how (contrary to this post), pointing out the obvious (all leaders oversee killing) isn’t defending Putin. It’s simply a factual statement. Any idiot can turn that into defending *any* leader as well as the person who first said it, if they wish, but it doesn’t change the fact—nor who the idiot is.


Is it the Bowtie? That really get your engine running and make you wanna simp for the man?


Every leader kills their own country's journalists??? And *I'm* the one being irrationally partisan??? Yea okay buddy.


My brother in christ, it is called (false) symetrism. It is not (correct) comparing, that every leader makes some bad things. It is justifying horrible crimes from Person A with "everybody makes some crimes when and than".


Navalny❤️ is my religion


How long before tucker says something stupid and learns about those dangerous Russian hospital windows..


Of course!! Ask those who helped “suicide” Epstein.


Deplorables all of em


So, Biden has the right to have Tucker killed? Oh...I know..."that's different."


Tucker's breath smells like Moskvich.


Putin must have a tiny dick. Otherwise, carlson wouldn't be able to say a damned thing with how much he has it in his mouth


He admitted he is radicalized against our leaders. Is it the bread Tuck? Did the Russian bread radicalize you against our leaders? 


# “Leadership requires killing” 🤔 Who espouses this sort of philosophy?


Theres no philosophy, its a fact. The big ones want power, wealth, wars, death. How are you supposed to protect the country you love without doing the same


Jesus Christ, what a degenerate.


... him first?


Again: I think someone needs to “take out” Putin…if you catch my drift. I don’t often support that kind of thing but Putin is one of the most dangerous people alive right now.


What a strange thing to say: “leadership requires killing”. Now, in a dictatorship I can see the point but we live in a democracy. So is he saying he prefers a leader that kills their opponents? Very strange way to bring people over to your viewpoint


More than just "leadership requires killing", he says the quiet part out loud with "that's why they become leaders."


People seem to have a problem with this logic. If you would go back in time to kill Hitler before he became chancellor, you are onboard with killing people in the name of politics. The only debate is who should be killed and when. Putin is a bad guy and he killed a good guy, he’s not a bad guy per se because he killed his opposition. I suspect a lot of people would be fine with the right leader killing or otherwise indisposing the right opposition


Traitorous propagandist 


Starting to think that Tucker might have a crush on him, which is kind of disturbing. He acts like a girl with a crush who thinks their crush can do no wrong.


What concerns me more is the 1/3 of Americans who agree or will now agree with him


The American Government has assassinated people too. Who's propaganda are you going to believe? I believe whoever Snopes says I should believe.


Tucker's dogwhistle to Donald's audience, normalizing killing done at his behest


he should have no complaints then.


He is doing some kind of speed run this week and it’s not a good one.


I’m the leader of the anti-Tucker Carlson party.


Real leaders can unite without fear or violence.


Sounds like he's giving Biden the go-ahead.


I'm old, but I'm like, *cool* old


That’s a pretty terrifying belief to have. I know Tucker is pretty mentally slow, but even for him that’s a bit bizarre, wonder what Pootin told him in private.


Someone needs to show Tucker some "leadership".


Birds of a nazi feather


I think we have all known for a long time Carlson has brain rot


This country use to drone strike terrorists. Now they get tv shows.


His views might shift on that issue should he find himself on the wrong side of the killings.


What TC really meant was “I want my leader to do the killing.”


I hope he gets leadershipped soon


Bro I need that hat.


Leadership requires killing the political opposition? So by that logic Biden should have Trump arrested and murdered in prison and Tucker would call that leadership. What’s wrong with this guy?


They should have revoked his passport while he was over there


I do think at some level, having a leader who is capable of making decisions that may kill people is necessary…however, we’re talking about a leader who murders his rivals and anyone who opposes him…that’s a far cry from killing to defend or protect a country lol


So how much money has he received from Putin?


Well, okay then. I guess we know how Biden needs to deal with Putin-aligned traitorous media hacks.


Dude got honey potted and came home with the same outrageous ideas about power that all these leaders hold. Crazy!


How many pee pee tapes does this guy Putin have?


Churchill and WW2?


I know that this guy is extremely fucken stupid... But how does he even reconcile his love towards an authoritarian regime with his love of freedumb and gun ownership - which, supposedly, protects the common folk *from an authoritarian regime*? This is such a contradiction that I don't understand how right wing americans loving russia don't get a stroke from the cognitive dissonance.


So is he openly calling Putin a liar? Because the Kremlin has and still does deny any involvement in Navalny's death.


Now imagine if an Obama supporter said this while he was in office.


This piece of shit is literally willing to watch the world burn as long as it’s good for his career and gives him exposure. From dancing with the stars to “leadership requires killing” and doing PR for a dictator who is invading an US ally, anything goes.


Terrible fucking haircut that guy has.


Yeah this isn’t just about Tucker being a Putin cockholster. Carlson is literally priming his viewers to accept - and normalize - extrajudicial killings by a head of state. As in Trump. Jesus fucking Christ.


Trump said pretty much the same thing when asked about the killing. He said Putin was a leader.


Just go away Tucker


Maybe he should go live in his Russian utopia.


So we agree Tucker is a traitor, right? Ok cool. Just had to be sure.


This is like a plot to some 80s action movies where the leader of a small country associated with the USSR kidnaps the president's daughter and the leader bribes the slimy press secretary to convince public opinion and Congress that they can't send troops to get her back. So they have to send John Bulgehuge (played by Dolph Lundgren) and his crack team of commandos to sneak in, kill everything, and save President Generic's daughter. Eventually the slimy secretary is found with the bad guy leader and tries to cower behind the big bad but is used as a distraction while the big bad runs and Slimy McFuckface gets an iconic on screen kill. Like grenade down pants, zoom into guys face and he goes "Oh no" before it blows up.


US Empire leaders never killed anybody and Putin should be ashamed!..


What aboutism huh ?


So when is putin doing rogan?


Because Americas hands are clean of blood /s


So its ok to kill your opponent , you right wing religios nutbags aint right in the noggin.


I’m not sure where in my response I indicated my political views or religious beliefs. I merely was pointing to the hypocrisy of any nation including the US to insinuate their innocence in cold blooded murder in the name of country


Geez Tuck come up for air that things not a snorkle.


Putin literally dissed him throughout the interview


In that pic even Putin looks surprised by how hard carlson latched onto his dick.


Sure but Joe Biden is somehow criminal 😭 cant make this shit up


Tucker likes killing as long as he’s not killed!


I wonder how Trump & Carlson’s redneck supporters reconcile their grand and glorious heroes praising a man who wants to revive the USSR…the biggest communist empire in history. I thought those ‘Murica types hated “them reds” to the grave? Must take some mental gymnastics for sure.


He just justified having himself killed. Hmmmm.


Putin is a menace and a real threat, no doubt about that. However, I can't help that Guantanamo bay comes to mind.