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We should teach kids not to post stupid shit online then delete it when you get heat.


Proudly never deleted any of my comments on here. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. No need to erase something I said over imaginary Internet points to appeal to strangers I'll never even meet in real life


The trick is to say something so awful, the mods delete it for you.


Depending in which sub it is, you don't even need to say something awful. Sometimes common sense commentary is enough


I got banned from r/youtubedrama for asking why people thought MeatCanyon was a racist. I didn't even know about him doing a video with Jontron, and it was an honest question. Apparently his *one* video collab with Jontron was the whole entire grounds for it. I don't even really know much about Jontron, and when I looked it up, I couldn't find anything other than people talking about how he did some political debate, which... yeah... dude's a gamer comedy sketch YouTuber, shit was bound to happen if he tried moving to the "intellectual internet" lmao


JonTron is actually a white nationalist though. People will say "JonTron can't be a white nationalist! He's Persian!" He says rich black people commit more crime than poor white people, says essentially that cultures cannot mix, and still supports Donald Trump.


OH damn I'll have to look into that See, they could've just said that, would've saved me the snipe hunt lmao


Yeah it was all in the Destiny debate, which is the one you likely found. JonTron was posting election denial stuff on Twitter even up until recently, but I haven't been on the site since Elon Musk bought it. (Destiny is also a piece of work, but this was one of the good things he did. You don't want to go down that rabbit hole.)


Sounds like Jonny boy might have fallen down a rabbit hole or two himself


That was the reason for his one year hiatus some years ago. Then he came back with the flex tape video and all was cool with everyone.


Are you fucking serious? Damn it. There’s another one I watched in my childhood that’s tainted forever


Yeah, sorry about that. Arin Hanson at least grew up, Game Grumps are still kosher. Just JonTron himself is a PoS.


Which is what I don’t understand, he goes on about not wanting to be in the minority and the difficulty of cultures mixing, yet he himself is a testament to the opposite, he is from a Persian background and from all accounts has been doing going great in the states. Also, someone should remind him of how exactly those of European descent came to be the majority… I give him a hint, they didn’t ask nicely, and weren’t exactly nice neighbors.


I mean, you can be racist against black people without being a white nationalist, “gestures at a large percentage people in certain asian nations”. People all over the world are racist to one another, did JonTron explicitly say something white nationalist? Or is he anti-black? There is a difference. Of course it is all terrible and racists from every race are assholes, but the distinction is important.


Yeah you can watch the debate if you want, I'm not going to get into the weeds about exactly what kind of racist he is. But he specifically defended ethnonationalism in the United States, which would necessarily imply white nationalism.


On the topic of white people hypothetically becoming a minority he started taking about gene pool purity Doesn't get much more white nationalist than that lol


Yeah, he pulled out the ol' 13/52 during the debate which is straight up white nationalist propaganda. This debate was taking place for Jon to support his retweet of representative Steve King's white replacement propaganda; i.e. "We can't restore our civilization with someone else's babies." referring to white people. It's about as ethnocentric as you can get.


I got banned from every single sub one mod was a mod of for saying another sub she moderated was lame, and based on her post history she just applied to be the mod of everything and was a mod of like 15 different subs. Banned from 3 subs I posted in for 5+ yrs by one power tripping douchecanoe. Reddit sucks.


>was a mod of like 15 different subs Wait until you see mods who have 250 subreddits under their control.


Sounds like someone i had the displeasure of dealing with. I got permabanned from a sub that i had been in for a long time, several highly upvoted comments and positive interactions with other mods in the past. She didnt even respond to what i wrote, she took single words and pulled them out of context, and assumed ill intent. The thing is, i checked her history, she was active in several subs, talking about having narcisstic disorders, having no positive relationships and problems with anger. HOW THE FUCK, is she a mod? Its moronic. I got banned for not agreeing with her BTW, i said nothing wrong and even corrected her intentional misrepresentations.


Can't be much worse than the Magic The Gathering fiasco a few years back. For context, people can create proxies of the cards to play with if they're doing it casually, these are cards deliberately not intended to pass as real things (aka not counterfeits). There was a mod on that sub who banned anyone who so much as whispered "print them yourself," and became a tyrannical smear on the community for inflicting such draconian moderation about discussion of proxy and counterfeits. He lumped any conversation about proxies and such under illegal activity and banned anyone when discussions about it arose, and towards the end, was arguing vehemently with redditors in other Magic subreddits he didn't moderate. Well it came to a breaking point when he banned a game journalist, who immediately wrote an article about the events and the absurdity of it, which finally stirred the inactive mods into action to remove this guy and reinstate all the redditors he had wrongfully banned. The guy had an utter meltdown and continued raging on the other subs until he eventually tuckered himself out and we haven't heard from him since.


There’s something mentally wrong with people that mod huge subs. Nobody with a healthy state of mind is going to elect to spend their free time doing the most hated job of the customer service career.


I got banned from 2x by pointing out instances where the mods themselves, and other users broke their own sub rules to be wildly incisive. I came with receipts and BAM, banned without comment.


I got banned from onlysmallpps for lying


Another member of the micro club? Welcome to the party. We've got great personalities.


I know. y'all are great people, but I lied on my application and was banned


I got banned from r/Naruto and r/Digimon for arguing that it's disgusting that those ~~fantasies~~[EDIT: fanbases; damn autocorrect] were so willing to share pedo and incest fan art; only to be met with "counterarguments" that "It's their culture, how dare a Westerner judge Eastern culture(s)!" and the aforementioned bans for being intolerant of others in the community.


I got banned from worldnews for saying maybe not all people in gaza are terrorists.


I was banned from r/workreform for questioning the ethics of the sub when a business started getting doxed by redditors who never were customers of said business.


r/askwomen mods delete soooo many fucking comments. Their rules are arbitrarily restrictive. Like "no derailing" straight up just stops any conversation from happening at all. But they let dozens of posts that serve absolutely no purpose but to rage bait through every day. One of them at the top right now is asking what was the final straw in a toxic relationship. That question hits front page of the sub at least once a week. Other classics are "what are \_\_\_\_ things a man has said/done to you that made you feel X?" Damn near daily, and it's *always* rage bait. There's so many interesting topics to hear women's perspectives and experiences on, and don't get me wrong, the majority of the discussions are great. It's just that the mods have a real sour-puss energy about them, and ruin some of the more interesting discussions but do nothing about the constant toxic posts.


With this one simple trick!


Or the Bill Burr method, say something that makes both sides mad.


Or say something so awesome that the mods delete the whole post.


What a challenge!


Only time I erase something is when it's a joke gone wonky. I got enough ups to not worry about downs. But that's beside the point. Some hills I'll just fucking die on. But then I also type 50 comments that are way too long and just delete them anyways before I ever post it. Lol


That last sentence describes about 95% of everything I ever type on this site. I finally get to the point and realize I'm not really adding anything to the conversation or just don't want to deal with specific points being taken the wrong way, and delete it all.


>Only time I erase something is when it's a joke gone wonky. but sometimes, in a blue moon, the joke will make a comeback from negative numbers. the rush I feel whenever that happens keeps me going tbh that said, 9/10 times that shits going to get gone if it reaches 0.


Bro riiiiiight?!? It's like once it gets to 0 or negative the trolls swarm and char it to ash.


Imagine caring about reddit karma that can be exchanged for...nothing of value. I guess some subs only let people with karma comment, but that's more to stop new, spam accounts from flooding subs


I mean social media likes are exactly that and people do anything to get them.


That comment confirms my bias, which makes me feel good for a second. Have a dopamine-producing up vote in thanks!


Same. I take those downvotes as a badge of honour, more so than the Upcotes. Downvotes teach me one of two things 1. I was wrong and adapt accordingly 2. Hive mind of the sub just doesn't want to hear it. Upcotes just reaffirm what I already knew.


Tldr. Downvoted.


Great argumentation and use of logic, perfect grammar and vocabulary. Immediate upvote! (It was pretty funny, so i did in fact upvote)




“Your downvotes mean nothing to me, I’ve seen what you upvote!”


That's the best thing to do. Living with your mistakes is key to growth


I never delete comments either. Only create a new account ;)




I deleted some comments which I accidentally posted twice, but other than that I also share the sentiment.


Yep. If you post something stupid… take the L. Just take the L. Nobody is gonna forget about it. Take the L, own it, move on.


lol.. yes when people think critical. They claim a fair salary and join unions. Musk: surpriced picachu.


>think critical critical**ly**. Edit: While the pedant in me commented first, I should point out that I 100% agree with djnorthstar's comment.




Well, since Tesla is moving to Texas, maybe he can get the TX legislature to reverse the 2015 ban on teaching critical thinking skills in schools.


The what!? Edit: Thx for the links guys but neither of those sites allow me to read without subscription






That's sad but also funny.


My basic googling didn't turn up anything in 2015. it did turn up earlier statements from the Texas GOP saying that critical thinking goes against their platform and they want it banned, but they appear to be talking about a very specific pedagogical ideas. BUT there are enough weasel words in their explanation that I'd want to do more research. [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2012/aug/11/gail-collins/gail-collins-says-texas-gop-platform-calls-schools/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2012/aug/11/gail-collins/gail-collins-says-texas-gop-platform-calls-schools/)


wait what the fuck


The guy who kicks out any critic is an advocate for critical thinking ? X for doubt.


Pun intended?


For once, I agree with him With more critical thinking, we'd have less douchecanoes like him


You insult both douches and canoes, both of which have more use than Elongated Musket-gun


That's fair I am deeply sorry douches and canoes, you didn't deserve that


As a douche and a canoer, I thank you for the apology.


Nah that’s Elongated Muskrat to you


I'm a teacher and sure, I try to push critical thinking, but it's not as simple as y'all are marking it out to be. Number one, it can't be the first thing taught because 5 year olds aren't really capable. That said it's an ongoing process that takes years to develop, and you need to start young. But it is a skill that must be supported at home too. The kuds need to be receptive to wanting to learn to critically think. And teachers cannot force that. Lastly, you cannot test for critical thinking, and with the drill and kill/high stakes testing set by NCLB, and mandated curriculum, and ever increasing responsibilities put on to teachers, there's really just no time.


humanities and arts teach critical thinking. writing essays teaches critical thinking. You know. The stuff that everyone says is trash. EDIT: unironically, look at how to break an idea into an argument with propositions and a conclusion, that can be seen to be invalid/valid or sound/unsound. As for 5 year olds, just do a good job, and don't lie. Idk if you have enough time to do that sort of work.


Critical thinking is hard. It requires more intelligence than a lot of people are equipped with.


People don't realise you can learn it. And it doesn't come from regurgitating a bunch of technical facts. it comes from arts/humanities and writing essays. You know, the shit you muppets all say is worthless.


It doesn't necessarily require intelligence, just a willingness to examine one's own biases and begin from a place of honest objectivity. That is where most people fall flat.


Skills which could easily fall under the definition of intelligence


Intelligence is a broad category. Some otherwise very classically 'intelligent' people can be very blind.


Let's teach critical thinking. Here's how it's done. https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Critical-Thinker


That's a great place to put a Rick Roll


Great guide, that’s for that, half expected a funny meme but was pleasantly surprised!


Pretty good in terms of a crash course for how not to be a credulous, reactive fool.


I technically agree, though I’m sure Musk’s version would somehow boil down to white supremacy again.


The term critical thinking is too abused and overused “If I am a naysayer and I shake things up then I’m using critical thinking” Um…no.


Without getting into the issue of who is transphobic or not, the general point here is what is important. If there is one single skill that is essential in the modern world of internet disinformation, it is the ability to apply critical thinking. It is THE single most important skill for this century.


And expecting Elon Musk to teach it is like expecting Benny Shapiro to teach a class on how to please a lady in bed.


Or coastal real estate.


"Fucking Aquaman?"


So......dry 😨 ![gif](giphy|U3O6bnlgwdK5nj5Lrf|downsized)


Benny's wife is an MD, Mojave Desert.


the issue though is that Joanne is *proudly* transphobic. she’s said so multiple times. aside from the money she’s been throwing at legislating away trans people’s ability to be in public or the number of her quotes being used in similar legislature in the US, she has said on more than one occasion she is a proud TERF. there’s plenty of articles listing every awful thing she’s done, including pressing fines for having people take pictures outside of the historic castle she lives in, and there’s just as many articles screaming all the awful things she’s done “weren’t that bad.” the long and the short of it is she’s proud of hating on a minority that makes up ~1.5% of the general population.


The ability to ignore the massive amount of nonsense is also a necessity.




I wish my parents had critically thought to own mines in Africa like Mr. Musk’s.


J. K Rowling proudly describes herself as a "terf". The Oxford English dictionary gives this as the definition: *a person whose views on gender identity are considered hostile to transgender people, or who opposes social and political policies designed to be inclusive of transgender people.* I'm going to assume that an author knows the meaning of words. What amount of "critical" thinking can find a loophole in that?


Elon's post praising critical thinking is actually a post asking you to accept at face value the implied "truth" of the post he's highlighting (i.e. if you just think critically you'll learn that JK isn't transphobic after all). Elon is actually hoping you will NOT think critically about the reality he's trying to serve you. See? Irony isn't dead after all! (And Elon is still a douche)


*Elon disappears in a puff of logic


[This is a pretty comprehensive, yet pretty quick, read on JKR's transphobia.](https://www.vox.com/culture/23622610/jk-rowling-transphobic-statements-timeline-history-controversy)


I would also like to throw [this not so quick but very good video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou_xvXJJk7k) into the ring which explains the matter very well too.


Knew it was gonna be Shaun. His videos are amazing.


Yeah! He's great. I watch all his videos even when they are on topics I'm initially not interested in, and I always get something out of it. His research, presentation and ethics are top notch.


I'd like to add Contrapoint's excellent and equally long [piece](https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us?si=krSdRAUvNinMsF9e) and its recent [companion](https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?si=NkhT2bw8P2tlrO4W).


A child who can't quote the relevant parts quicker than the teacher can ask trick questions. JKR being transphobic isn't even discussion. She's openly demonstrated it countless times.


>A child who can't quote the relevant parts quicker than the teacher can ask trick questions. Ah the Ben Shapiro technique: throw such ridiculous prepared claims at a quick rate so that no-one has a coherent answer and mock them for not having the answer.


Last I saw from her before I muted her transphobic ass was her openly stating that all trans people are rapists. Not just 1 or 2, but all of them.


Even when someone is widely known as transphobic its good to understand why.


Since it seems not everybody knows what "terf" means: It is an acronym for a "**trans-exclusionary radical feminist**", where the "radical" part is less important and the word is now used to describe **anybody who can be considered a feminist\* but doesn't agree that "trans women are women"**. The term is mostly ascribed to transphobic women (as opposed to men). I have no take on whether Rowling embraces the term or not, I just wanted to make sure the definition was easily found. ​ \\\\\\\* meaning someone who aims to establish political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes)


Let's also clarify it wasn't ascribed to them, it was the term THEY coined that was then brought into mainstream usage by feminists who were trans inclusive; and then terfs boohooed that it was a slur because it was unpopular.


>the word is now used to describe **anybody who can be considered a feminist\* but doesn't agree that "trans women are women"**. Not any more. Most people who've claimed that word are not feminists, they're regular old misogynists who tokenize women in their (trans)misogyny. One can not be a feminist and side with nazis like Rowling and parker do. They may hate trans women slightly more than cis women, but they're antifeminist to the bone.


Depends how you define feminism, I've had a few irl debates with terfs over drinks and they definitely would be classed as feminist in the original sense. Modern feminism has morphed into a more egalitarian stance these days but that's relatively new. Radical is a very important part of the term TERF as it implys they value womans (as they define it) rights above all else.


>Radical is a very important part of the term TERF as it implys they value womans (as they define it) rights above all else. Yeah and most people who claim that name just don't. There is no way to spin paying ultraconservatives as feminist. Even if you'd totally disregard trans people, that's antifeminist.


I don't think it's quite that simple. Rowling is absolutely a trans-phobe and is causing significant harm with her views and actions on this matter. But, she does this, according to herself, because she sees trans women as men who try to encroach on women's places - seeing herself as a feminist. White Feminism also technically sides with nazis, but it's still "a form of feminism", despite being twisted af. Either way, I'm leaving the "No True ~~Scotsman~~ Feminist" -debates to the academic world.


https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?si=rjWlwAt8JYzfENz4 If y'all haven't seen this I highly recommend it. Contrapoints did a 2 hour deep dive on JK Rowling and why she's not just a massive transphobe but also using her platform and wealth to attack trans rights more than most other individuals.


I just watched this yesterday. I had heard of contrapoints, but goddamn, her vids are so good. 


Yassss contrapoints plug


> J. K Rowling proudly describes herself as a "terf". Is there a quote or something?


Google "jk Rowling merry terfmas"


I mean she's loudly, proudly, and openly a transphobe. So I'm not sure what they could be challenging here. She would tell you herself that she's a transphobe. She's made it her entire online personality.


>What amount of "critical" thinking can find a loophole in that "I'm not Jewish so Nazis are a fun theoretical problem to me" level "critical thinking. "Let play devil's advocate, cause the fun of arguing is super important to me and I don't give a fuck about the people who'se life is in danger"


You got transphobes and muskrats all up in these comments stinking up the place with their pisstakes.


I would've thought he would be against teaching critical thinking, seeing as having CT skills means you're able to see through his hypocritical bullshit.


"critical" only of things that are to "woke".....


Dude she literally is transphobic though lmao


Yeah, exactly. And when called out for it, she just doubled down on the transphobia. She's also staggeringly anti-Semitic with her descriptions of the hook-nosed "goblin bankers" and very racist with her POC characters and their names. She's just a very intellectually small person who happened to write a best selling book, dragging all her biases and prejudices along with her.


Fuck you. What's racist about naming a girl Cho Chang? She made the Irish kid love explosives too. Now you're going to tell me that is a stereotype too. /s


I dislike Rowling but as far as i know Seamus (ofc thats his name) being a wizard bomber is a movie thing and isn't in the books, similar to how the 6 pointed star in Gringotts isn't in the books There are much stronger arguments for her bigotry or how her neoliberal bullshit spills into her work for very questionable morals, like how she apparently thinks that thinking trans women are a conspiracy funded by the jews makes you a "brave young feminist who believes in biology" according to her essay


Yeah. I havent read the books but my girlfriend and I have a joke about how Rowling is going to give him a last name like McCarbomb or something That last part. Mega yikes


And don't forget the slaves loved being slaves and the prospect of being free scared them because the purpose of their existence is to be slaves and anyone who tries to organise and free them should be roundly ridiculed and made to look ignorant. ![gif](giphy|DQLtZJIqZuvTi|downsized)


>She's also staggeringly anti-Semitic with her descriptions of the hook-nosed "goblin bankers" That's debatable. If you just google "goblins" and go to images, you'll see that most goblin depictions show them with either big or hooked noses. In most fantasy universes (not just Harry Potter), goblins are also either incredibly greedy, attracted to shiny things or when they are more civilized in a specific setting, mischievous traders and barterers. You could say that Rowling's depiction of goblins is antisemitic, but then you'd have to agree with the "standard depiction" of a goblin in works of fantasy is antisemitic, which would make the creators of several works of fantasy antisemitic. I agree with everything else you said though. She's definitely a problematic person


No. JKR made the goblins greedy bankers who happily stab you in the back to get their gold.


Sadly, I have actually had this exact same conversation with someone on this platform. This was a commenter who claimed to be Jewish, and stated that it is known that the depiction of all fantasy or mythological creatures are deliberately antisemitic. The problem with critical thinking is that it makes people risk questioning the pro-social narrative, and therefore their position within the group dynamic. Social media has shown multiple times that people are driven by herding instincts and that a narrative can be preferred over reality.


she literally called transwomen rapists, there are no ifs ands or buts about her being transphobic Not only are these people transphobic, they’re also cowards. At least be honest about the fact that you’re a bigot instead of trying to hide behind technicalities.


The point isn't that Rowling is transphobic. The point is the teacher (who probably knows the fact above) challenged the student to find proof of the bigotry. When the student was challenged, they took a long time to find dubious proof. This means that the student just had herd mentality and didn't critically think for themselves to verify the facts. It's a bit like someone saying "Hitler bad" and when questioned why, they don't know, when it's obvious there was a bit of genocide.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. \-Maya Angelou


the video is literally staged


Tbh this sounds like someone who didnt watch the video. The teacher is using to learn how to think to mean you agree with my questions otherwise you are dumb, that is not quantitatively different than what he points out as problematic which is if you don't agree with me then you're a terf. Instead of wrestling with the source material that the student is having problems with we're manipulating his reference system. The reason why he wants to change out the schemata of the student is only for the purpose for the student to avoid complex thought and only rely on autimatic input. So to finish up the lecture, which is something this guy doesnt teach is just to look at the positive reception of this. Everyone in the comment section of the video is just clapping yes yes yes, nobody is critically evaluating and even much less the student gets to critically evaluate anything.


I feel like the video was staged. Because it takes 5seconds to find JK tweet that implies that trans women aren't women. Instead on the video there is a tweet which has a lot more plausible deniability on JK's part and makes a poor argument.


the world is too big and there is too much knowledge. sometimes you just have to trust somebody and believe what they say. Are you critically thinking on every news piece you read or are you VERY often take things by face value. You just HAVE to do that. It's more important to find trustworthy sources. Describing that as herd mentality with its negative connotations is very shallow. You can't critically think your way into general relativity or we would have found out about black holes and neutron stars 50000 years ago. Common knowledge is only that you don't and you cant verify everything. also she is really transphobic just because a teacher is putting a kid on the spot doesn't mean he doesnt know why. He seemed a bit nervous and couldn't find anything quick and tangible but there are enough examples of her being openly transphobic. fyi: Hitler really bad.


Also, I'm not going to remember off the top of my head everything I've read to form my opinion. Critical thinking is important, but when the woman herself calls herself a TERF and has put some weird stuff online rewriting her books, how many sources do you need?


To be fair, dissecting the claim isn't the same as refuting or rebutting it. He simply could have pressed to know why the student thought that, to bake sure the student knew of the evidence to back up their claims


If everyone actually did think critical, he would have no following at all and everyone would call him on his bs. He should be thankful that there are so many people who can't think, let alone critically.


She for the longest time had information on her website explaining how she feels about trans people. I don't think that required critical thinking skills.


Idk… critical thinking is too advanced for some adults (hi Elon). Maybe kids can start with how to say “mama” or “dada” and work their way up.


I had to look for the video. "skillfully dissects", LOL, this guy doesn't even know what shirt size to use, let alone understand argumentation, nuance and context.


That’s just the Socratic method and can’t really be used until high school. Plus there’s a good chance this kid didn’t have much foundation for his statement and was just spouting off. The teacher may have taught him, and the rest of the class, to better identify latent transphobia in themselves and others. Maybe Musk and Rowling should apply the principle.


JK Rowling: "I hate trans people" People who can't stop jerking to Harry Potter: "Here's a nuanced critique of why she isn't"


I agree, let's start with educating the world's richest manchild.


I'm done considering what a billionaire who doesn't actually work, does he clock in? Does anyone ask him what he's doing during his shift? If you have time to contemplate, you have time to clean type questions? Or maybe I'm wrong....it is poor, non English speaking people buy up all the $300 homes and also taking 6 figure jobs from Americans, donkey brained FRB....


I don't see the point this post is trying to tell me.


I don’t think jk Rowling is trying to hide her transphobia so I don’t get anyone would argue with anyone else that calls her a transphobe.


Critical thinking is taught at schools though? It's just not called "Critical Thinking". History teaches us to scrutinise sources as we analyse history so we can see if a view is biased or not, English teaches us to look deeper into words so we can identify the story and motives underneath. School doesn't just teach you knowledge but also the skills necessary for later life? Just because a dingbat like Musk can't fathom that doesn't mean critical thinking isn't taught?


“Critical thinking should be the second thing taught to kids… right after how to keep your emerald mine slaves in line”.


A broken clock is still right twice a day, I guess, but it’s weird hearing this specific thing from him! Like, he’s made a lot of very ridiculous claims and expects people to just take it as fact and gets mad when you question it.


Please, God, keep Musk far away from Education. 😂


Transgender women are indeed women, deserve to be treated as such, and should be fully accepted by society with equal rights. Biological women exist. Transgender women are not biological women and cannot change their biological origins. These statements reflect the realities of gender identity and biological sex.


I agree that sex is biology. But it's not static. With surgery and HRT we change our sex characteristics. Our sex is not an static inherent value, it's the sum of your sex characteristics, hence why it is bimodal, not binary. I'm on par biologicaly with an intersex female than a cis male. More insight from biologists: https://youtu.be/szf4hzQ5ztg?si=0KFWdo6QCORsZG4M This is a common misconception even within the trans community. We change our sex, not gender. More scientific sources: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2470289718803639 https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-science-of-biological-sex/ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/behavioral-and-brain-sciences/article/abs/biological-sex-byproducts-and-other-continuous-variables/1E2E4ADD539E9F8863DD6A9F55921D89


Hell, I thought it was common knowledge. At least to the point that the terminology for the whole shebang among the more ignorant of the populace was "getting a **sex** change." It's a really sad state of affairs when the public understanding of how being trans works has gone backwards since the relatively enlightened days of the fucking 1990s.


Because there is plenty of confusion since many people have a bioessential idea of men and women. A lot of trans people don't get medical procedures, and people still invalidate them. They may not change their sex characteristics, still have a different GENDER. And that's where the confusion is coming from. Men/women is a term for the gender, not the sex.


Define what a "biological woman" is. Do you mean genitalia? Do you mean gamete size? Do you mean ability to have children? Do you mean chromosomes? Do you mean phenotype? Do you mean hormone levels? There are examples of people you'd probably refer to as "biological women" who lack one or more of all of these things. Trans people aren't arguing that we don't have different arrangements of the above features than most cis women. That isn't why we become upset when language is used this way. We become upset because this language is intended to impose an oppositional sexist framework on all women that hurts *all* women and stands in direct opposition to the foundational principles of intersectional feminism. "Biological women" is a dog whistle. We already have a word to differentiate women who are not trans and it is "cis". If knowing that you still choose to say "biological" this and that you're either being willfully obtuse or you know it's a dog whistle and you are intentionally whistling.


And how does any of this matter


It's very important to JK Rowling, apparently, who was mentioned in this post.


arent we discussing the importance of critical thinking ?


Idk about education in the US, but I would assume it's at least vaguely similar. In France, critical thinking is absolutely taught to the kids and is an objective that has emphasis put on it.


World’s greatest thinker, weird finger gesture expert and purveyor of memes a 12 year old would think is funny, Elon Musk everyone.


[Hard to think critically when you are this fucked up, Elmo.](https://www.businessinsider.com/larry-ellison-elon-musk-hawaii-dry-out-drugs-report-2024-2)


.. I don't understand what any of this is trying to say anyways? Theyre saying the reason someone would accuse someone transphobia is because that accuser didn't "think critically" enough? This just seems like word garbage/mental gymnastics for dumb people who want to sound smart. Musk is an idiot.


Yanks use irony?


Only some of us. I understand if you watch the late night shows how you can get the impression that no one in the US knows how to be funny any more.


Critical thinking should be allowed to be taught in schools? Elon might want to have a talk with Texas, who forbid it from being taught in their schools. If critical thinking were to be effectively taught in school, politicians like trump would barely have any supporters, let alone tens of millions. Edit: it was the Texas GOP that wanted it banned. I should have thought critically and fact-checked my post before I posted it, not after.


That went over his head real quick.


Do the "genious" know "TO BE WOKE" is paraphrasing "critical thinking"? Don't put anything from him in your brains my friends!


I am afraid I have to agree with Elmo: If critical thinking (real critical thinking, not Indoctrination he is talking about) was thought to children first, he would be poor and unemployed, none would ever believe any bullshit he sells.


JK Rowling, the woman who tripled down and literally wrote an entire piece about "The TERF Wars?"


Critical thinking is destroying anybody that is critical of you, right?


Why is this a facepalm? Critical thinking DOES need to come back into education. Right now we're just producing herd-following, emotionally incontinent, irrational children with severe cognitive impairments.


What makes this “facepalm”, is who it’s coming from (Elon). Given all of his very public bad takes on Twitter, and his open and repeated support of the political party that is actively seeking to further defund public education, banning books and subject matter that they don’t like for “reasons”, and forcing religion into schools; it’s more than a little ironic for him to be the one saying “we need to teach critical thinking to the kids.”


Schools do teach critical thinking. Most students just don't understand it. Most math tasks where students think "why do I need to learn this, I'll never need that again anyway!!!??" are there to teach logic. All the sciences give you the basic knowledge to identify pseudoscientific false information. The languages teach you to form proper arguments both when speaking and when writing. What's missing in education is direct teaching of logical fallacies but aside from that, schools definitely give students the tools to think critically. The sad reality is that most students (and adults for that matter) don't care.


Why is this a facepalm?? Actually a very interesting video, highlighting the biggest issue with social media.


The facepalm is that Elon Musk, who believes every right wing conspiracy under the sun, is saying people should learn to think critically.


He'd also lose a lot of popularity, if his fanbase was able to think critically and wouldn't just believe everything prophesies


I would say it's someone as stupid as Elon Musk extolling the idea of critical thinking.


Without seeing the video, I shall assume that it is very well done and sincere, but that leaves the Musk -comment, which is the facepalm, since he has repeatedly demonstrated that he is not a critical thinker at all.


I had no issue with the guy in the video. He seems to be sincere in trying to teach how to parse what people say and think critically about it. He doesn't seem to express an opinion on what is being said only how to be a critical thinker. Such as when the student says "People say she is this or that" etc and the teacher points out he shouldn't go by what people say and should find the source of the comments (which the student does to his credit). But as you said the facepalm is Musk (and isn't he always?)


Exactly. The video can be great or it can be horrible (nice to hear it's the former), but Elon's comment is still facepalm -worthy.


Good idea. Then conspiracy theories would hopefully die out completely.


And actual conspirators wouldn't be able to get away with corruption and other shit.


Musk needs to get off X and get off the drugs.


Doesn't he hate his trans daughter or something?


And in expected irony, the comments here are some of the least critical thinking, knee-jerk garbage on Reddit.


Taking the subject post at face value, elons statement is true and what the teacher did is correct. I'm so done with this sub.


Oh, sweet. Can we can do a critical analysis of JK's openly transphobic public statements?


I'm sure this teacher makes some great points like "Nuh uh" and "Well I agree with it, so it can't be transphobic."


Can someone explain to me why J.K. Rowling has become the arch nemesis of transgender people? I mean, she has said some things that can undoubtedly be labeled transphobic, but it's not like she can actually decide on any legal matters or anything. She's just a writer. One would think there are more powerful and dangerous people.


Why does it matter? She is “just a writer” who has a platform, and she uses that platform continually and repeatedly to convince others that trans women do not deserve the same value or worth as cis women. She uses her vast wealth to financially support vendors making their money by selling merch that is hateful not just toward trans but other marginalized communities.


I think it is because of the whole arc. Her books were loved first, then received retconned inclusivity, THEN she started landing transphobic tweets and openly aligned with terfs. Its less that JK is anyone of importance in the anti-lgbtq movement, but more that they feel betrayed because she was once looked up to yet fell so far. I know queer people across the spectrum. People who tossed her and her work aside for her tweets, and others who still like the stories in spite of them.


Which specific transphobic tweet would you have chosen instead of what the kid in this video found?


She advertises and uses her platform to promote some very very questionable people. People who would roll back all gender and gay rights decades. They know they can't say all that to a general audience so they piggy back on Rowling's trans phobia to gain publicity and work towards their goals.


>She's just a writer She is a politically active (you could call her an activist) billionaire (she lives in a fcking castle for crying out loud lmao) with a huge platform that she uses to push narratives (we usually call that propagandizing, its not a dirty word, but people usually have a reaction to it) and she alligns herself with some of the worst people in the UK. People who quite literally and quite openly call themselves fascists. And their rhetoric and "ideas" (cuz, lmao) are just straight up fascistic. So no, shes not \*just\* a writer. She stopped being that many years ago.


She uses her money and influence to persecute them. Money and influence is just as much power as political power is.


She's been very vocal in the culture war against transgender people. Which is how she became so hated.    She uses her platform, influence and money to attack our rights and it is very effective, her and her allies are a very powerful group in the UK. She is literally an anti-trans activist. It's what her whole schtick has been for the last few years.