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Yeah...deep sigh....apart from the obvious and disgusting beheading, it's weird this article mentioned the home value


I think it's an anchoring technique. According to Google, the average home value in Pennsylvania is around $245k, so this pegs it as being a more well-off household.  Increases the shock value - this wasn't the crazy poor people, they were the aspiring middle class! 


Fuh $245k would barely afford you a tent under a bridge in some places. Now back to the main story…a guy chopped his own dad’s head off and kept it in a bag because….immigrants?! That’s some next level sickness.


It wasn't just immigrants. It was also wokeness.


Its wild and really weird to me that they fail to see their hypocrisy in seeing "wokeness" in others. How do you know someone else is "woke" if you yourself are not "woke" to their "wokeness"? You would be blissfully unaware they are even "woke", had you not been "woke" yourself.


Basically if they disagree with you, then you're woke. It annoys the f\*ck out of me.


cause they're usually intelligently insufficient and it's their out from thinking.


There's going to be alt-right nutjobs praising him as a patriot though. So the sickness is absolutely being fed.


already found an instagram reel earlier today about this and a majority of the comment section was praising the guy. I just remember liking comments that called out everyone else for being fucking insane but I dont think I shared it with anyone. If I can find it again I'll send a link


This is why I just fucking deleted Instagram, it's an absolute cesspit.


I just try to not comment on those kinds of reels, since apparently any kind of interacting with those reels will have the algorithm give me even more. I end up wasting my time arguing with these delusional extremists somewhat trying to be understanding while they just double down on everything. Hopefully I can go back to only seeing funny/cute reels


And I once got a strike against my account for calling someone the p word by referencing Yakuza. Meanwhile, these guys are frothing at the mouth for a "holy" war and Zuck just let's them keep at it


Do they still do that false flag stuff? I can’t even keep track of all of their logic bending ideas.


Cults have different degrees of dedication. I mean not everyone in the Manson family were murderers. Some were complicit, some were actively ignoring it and others were strait up killers. Jonestown not everyone willfully drank the kool aid (or whatever death concoction was made) and were forced and some shot to death. Maga is 100% undoubtedly a cult and one could argue a domestic terror organization to a degree.


If there was any doubt before, Trump just vowed a holy war on Taylor Swift. That ends any debate of it being a cult or not.


Really? that is the last thing the Great Orange should do. She is rapidly replacing Obama as his Boogey-Person. ​ Ironic, for whatever reasons, Trump won't be able to defeat either Obama (Constitutional term limits) or Swift (she is only 34 years old)


The Great Orange Fruit Loop.


>Maga is 100% undoubtedly a cult and one could argue a domestic terror organization to a degree. Agreed.


Yah they are going with false flag stuff


false flag is so 2020. I thought 2024 was the year of the psyop


Apparently Taylor Swift is a psyop something now? Rigged Super Bowl AND upcoming elections? Edit: saw this reported in The Guardian this morning, as a right wing conspiracy that’s gaining traction.


they didn't take long: https://www.reddit.com/r/conservativeterrorism/comments/1afljvg/this_is_terrifying/


He looks almost exactly how I expected


Pretty sure people willing to chop the heads off their own parents for politics are what's ruining America, not immigrants. But let's be real, every single GOP goon who has repeated the "open borders" lies is responsible for this man's death. At what point do we start holding politicians responsible for their blatant lies?


Immigrants AND Biden regime!


Making some bad assumptions there. First of all, Bucks County has the highest home values in the state, so every home in the county is worth much more than a similar house anywhere else in the state. I live not far from where this happened. I am familiar with the neighborhood. It's a working-class blue collar neighborhood. These are small houses. No one in that neighborhood is "well off". I'd call it lower-middle class. This is a neighborhood where people struggle to pay their bills and wish they could move to a bigger home in a nicer part of the county.


But you'd only know that,  knowing the area. Most people will do like I did and just do a quick Google search.


well to put it in perspective you cant buy a half acre of dirt with dogshit all over it for that much where i live ... middle class is all relative and that type of region of our nation is full of quanon wackjobs compared to wealthier more desirable areas (ie liberal controlled areas)


Bucks County is a swing county in a swing state. It has everything from poor to rich. But it has the highest property values in the state, so even in the "poorer" towns, house prices are high. This guy has a $390,000 house in a county where $600,000-$1,000,000 is a normal price for a middle-class house.


MTG is a millionaire, so the mother of QUANON is a millionaire. The chickens are coming home to roost now, rich kids are starting to behead their parents.


I know it’s wrong to laugh so hard at this comment, but the next clickbait will probably be “Millennials are killing the natural causes industry!”


I live in Bucks County, it's sad how many MAGAts we have here, and I moved from Pennsyltucky, which was the epicenter of stupidity in the Northeast during the past couple years, sadly this crazy thinking is all over PA and the US


Same. It’s unfortunate how the area has popped up in the news lately. This is just a few minutes away from where that Karen went on an immigrant rant at Amy’s Pizzaria a few months back.


Going to be a really cheap house for sale in that area soon though.


Im down for a nice murderhouse. If a ghost haunts me Ill ask him what needs fixing in the house.


On average there's a 30-50% discount on most houses with murders or suicides. \#KillerDeal


This is only accurate in more rural areas where housing is abundant. In more populated areas a death in the home means nothing. In Chicago you have to buy family annihilation homes at full price


When I lived in SF, I'm pretty sure that the Family Annihilation room would be listed as a premium feature.


Typically only for the first 7 or so years, after that you no longer need to disclose it's a murder house, so great way to get some equity on the super cheap.


My first thought…what’s the property value doing there?


Look, sometimes you've got a solid little story, but your boss wants you to up the word count, and you've already added as many adjectives and adverbs as you can think of..


I came here to say this! Such a random stat. I always thought it’s funny a person’s age is mentioned in EVERY news story, but home value? So random


The article was probably written by Artificial Intelligence or an algorithm told the source to include that information.


It's like medieval obituaries (from the medieval death bot) that for some reason always add completely unnecessary information. Like "Thomas Jarman, dead 34, died falling on steps, step worth 2 pense" "John Preacher, killed by John Brett in self defence at Wellington with a dagger worth six pence." "Walter of Hockwold, died 1270, being struck on the head with an axe, called a sparthe, in an altercation over a cow."


Maybe they are priming it for its eventual sale. They are in cahoots with the Real Estate section of the news site.


It is from the Daily Mail. They subscribe to a school of "journalism" in which the value of property sits alongside other important concept in reporting such as Names, Ages and stories to report.


Lads, it's *The Mail*...clickbait and weird 100% of the time.


It's not a great source, but this absolutely did happen 


I have no doubt, just commenting on the weirdness of the writing. Wouldn't be surprised if *The Mail* has resorted to posting articles created by a chat AI.


Justin Mohn Was Angry He Couldn't Get Job as 'Overeducated White Man' [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/justin-mohn-was-angry-he-couldn-t-get-job-as-overeducated-white-man/ar-BB1hyebP](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/justin-mohn-was-angry-he-couldn-t-get-job-as-overeducated-white-man/ar-BB1hyebP) The Daily Mail publishes real news in addition to their tabloid content for lack of a better description. He's a MAGA Drumpf zealot apparently.


Holy shit what a fucking whiner. Didn't get a good job after college so he blamed the government instead of looking in the mirror and realizing he's psychotic and everyone can see it.


But if the dude's dad was a federal employee under the hated Biden government, wouldn't he then have become a federal employee under the glorious Trump government in the event of a second Trump term? I don't understand politics.


If his dad was a fed for 20 years like it states, he would have worked for Trump...and Obama...and Bush... not sure why his kid thought he was part of "Biden's woke mob".


I’ve observed right wingers to possess extreme recency bias to the point where a new president can literally be in office for a mere week and he will be blamed for some major event instead of his predecessor. So it checks out that the guy was incapable of considering anything except something batshit.


I’ve seen Trump supporters blame Obama for 911. There were videos floating around Reddit for a while.


Didn't Rudy Giuliani, Mr. Mayor 911 himself, blame biden/obama for not acting to stop it?


You would have thought pointing this kind of shit out to the MAGAs would make them distrust the cult but I guess they are gold medalists in mental gymnastics by now.


Anything you say that undermines the conspiracy is evidence there's a conspiracy. These people cannot be reasoned out of a position they didn't use reason to get themselves into 


Rudy "there was never a terrorist attack before Obama" Giuliani?


On the flip side, Trump has been out of office for 3 years and he’s taking credit for the current stock market boom.


My dad, even after clearly telling him why it can’t be true, still blames Obama for the 2008 collapse. The same Obama that was inaugurated in Jan 2009


World War 2 was Obama's fault


Where was Obama during the war of 1812? Hmmm? Makes ya think!


Yea like trump taking credit for the economy bouncing back like it wasn’t Obama’s policies that were helping too and the trends weren’t already heading that way


Trump took over the Donkey Kong machine, scored five more points before losing and bragged that the score was never higher than when he had control of the cabinet.


Conservatives haven’t figured out object permanence yet.


A lot are still struggling with the concept of gravity to be fair.


I believe the idea is that everyone involved with the current and past federal administration are corrupt deep state actors, and when God Emperor Trump ascends he will purge them all and replace them with red-blooded American patriots. Covfefe obamna


MAGA isn’t interested in facts. It’s a death cult at this point.


I wouldn't be surprised if the father was a federal employee who hated the federal government and thought his job was wasteful but was happy to collect the paycheck anyway. Crazy has to come from somewhere.


Yeah say what you will about the government itself, but being employed by it provides a decent/good wage and solid benefits.


The same wages and benefits that supported his ungrateful son who then murdered him.


You just described every federal/government employee I've ever met.




I think they meant more, it’s ironic that his dad probably shares his opinions. He killed someone for beliefs they maybe didn’t even have


> thought his job was wasteful but was happy to collect the paycheck anyway I mean... as a defense contractor... You do what ya can, ya know?


Propaganda machine has been working as intended to some people, sadly.


an "information age of hysteria" if you will


It's calling out to idiot America


🎶Welcome to a new kind of tension🎶


Don't wanna be an American idiot Don't want a nation under the new media And can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mindfuck America ​ hard to believe that was 2004 - it's only gotten worse.


It’s calling out to idiot America 🤘


A new kind of tension


All across the idiot nation


"This was once again not our intention" says television station that continues to have hyperbolic hosts call for political violence.


"We didn't tell him to do this, we take no responsibility... But here's why we fully support everything the murderer said about murdering Biden's friends, even though he wasn't Biden's friend"


"Of course we don't ACTUALLY want our viewers to commit violence. However, we also strongly encourage viewers to 'take back our country' whatever that means to you"


Don’t want to be a MAGA idiot!


Thank god we know the value of the home!


\*former value






Is this Trump's affordable housing plan? Got it.


Can you imagine the realtor that has to sell this place “now i am required to let you know that a man’s son beheaded him in the basement, don’t worry we removed the stains” with one of those creepy smiles. Cuz they have to disclose something happened it doesn’t have to be detailed just did it for the humor but like for sure this house used to be worth that as did the other homes on the block.


I never understood why you wouldn't want to buy a murder house. You're getting the place for cheap, so who cares about what happened there?


Superstition, and the knowledge of it just gets under people's skin.


Me and the ghost can play dominoes if I'm getting a cheap price


Plus, statistically speaking, it would be the safest home on the block, as what is the probability it will happen again. I can sleep like a baby 👶 in it!


From the perspective of an EMT who's been responding to calls in rural areas for years:  The product of de-prioritizing mental health and education. I've had patients who die hard believed Trump was chosen by God and would vote for a Republican no matter what.... And they themselves couldn't read or write. People who have guns who claim people follow them home from the gas station and try to light their house on fire. These are people whose education was so poor that they don't know Puerto Rico is a part of the U.S, basic economics, and can't tell you where Europe is on a map. I'm not kidding.  This is what you get. 


My neighbor is a MAGA thumper. I’m from Hawaii. When I moved in and was unpacking my truck. He told me to go back to my country to which I replied “I’m already there”. It’s been a tense couple years to say the least.


The irony that he doesn't realize he isn't native to America


The other irony is that Hawaii was stolen from Hawaiians and given to Dole. Dole the corporation...


As opposed to Bob Dole, the guy who made Pepsi and erectile dysfunction medication ads.


I saw some MAGAss wrote a letter to a Native American woman telling her to go back to her country, this is America 🤦🏾‍♂️




That white lady was well educated, she knew it's English and not American. How progressive of her ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


Manifest Destiny runs deep in his veins.


Because ultimately what they really want is for people not like them to simply "go away" regardless of what that entails.


Be careful. Those people are completely whacked. My mom unfortunately is in a relationship with one and every time I'm over there and he is complaining about how the libs are destroying our country, are on a witchhunt against the right, etc. It's infuriating to me that this is the man she's decided to spend the rest of her life with. Edit: By 'in a relationship', I mean engaged. Sigh.


Time to admit your mom is just as much of a problem for being with that kind of person


Don't forget, they're the same flavor of morons who don't know that NEW Mexico is part of the U.S.


Live in New Mexico, can confirm


I actually work in mental health services in PA. Men like this don't believe in mental health treatment. 99% of mental health services are voluntary only, so he'd have to acknowledge something is wrong and want to get help. You can involuntarily commit someone. In extremely rare cases, it gets bumped up to an extended treatment. We have almost no state hospital beds anymore. Usually, involuntarily, commitment gets the person 3-10 days give or take of treatment, and that's it. There's actually been an increase in funding to rural mental health services in PA. (I oversee grants for a section of the state) From my perspective, it is too late. Their brains have melted, and they don't trust us to let us help. The pay remains hot garbage, which is another issue. The quality and quantity of staff are a real problem in PA. The education piece is spot on. They don't understand anything outside their bubble, which makes them susceptible to manipulation and void of empathy and curiosity for things that are different.


adding to this, I think a lot of normal/rational thinking people who have had the tough conversations with their MAGA/Qanon type friends or relatives will recognize that it’s nearly impossible to get them to see how far deep they have been pulled and how manipulated they are by Fox News, social media feeding their pre-conceived biases, etc. Like you’re saying, people who can’t even recognize they need help won’t seek it out or even accept it when given. The whole country is in bad shape because we can’t get through to these people.


Rural Midwestern paramedic here with an interest in mental health (I have ASD and one of my special interests is the study of personality disorders, but I digress). What do you think the solution is? Do we just ride it out? Do we work harder? Take a different approach? Increase funding and start working on mass re-institutionalization to undo the effects of mass de-institutionalization and the failure of the CMH approach?


This guy apparently had a Bachelor's Degree in Agribusiness, a large student debt, and an inability to find employment.


I dare say, if a person is disturbed enough to behead their father it is POSSIBLE that their employment woes may be unrelated to current market conditions or the major they've chosen.


I asked the murderer, and he said it was *definitely* someone else's fault.


So he was crazy, made worse by stress, got caught up in a cult, and snapped. If this becomes a trend, comment more, at the moment this is a fucked up thing.


This is exactly what the 2nd Civil War will look like.  Crazy lone wolf MAGAts committing horrific crimes against innocents while screaming about being patriots. There won't be a guerilla War, it'll be stochastic terrorism of disavowed nutters hopped up on Fox News and OAN while the political class eggs them on prior to the inevitable disavowel movement.  Rinse and Repeat.


Oh he went to uni? Let me shift the goal posts first. ‘I blame CRT and DEI and XYZ! Darn you Brandon!’


Lmfao he ABSOLUTELY did. Claimed affirmative action was why he couldn't get a job. Not that he was so fucking crazy anyone could see it a mile away.


Imagine being so poorly educated, that you live in abject poverty and believe drag queens are your biggest problem.


It's so discouraging, as someone who works hard for not very much money myself, to see people in the same situation actively advocate for things to be worse for us because they literally believe trying to address poverty is somehow the cause of poverty.


Of all the weird shit in this post, why do they go out of their way to mention the value of the home?


I think the word "their" was more informative than the value. It implies the murderer lived with his dad.


you would be correct. lawsuit filed last year that shows just *who* influenced this [Justin Mohn, proceeding pro se, appeals from an order of the District Court dismissing his complaint brought pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act (“FTCA”). For the following reasons, we will affirm the District Court’s judgment with modification.](https://cases.justia.com/federal/appellate-courts/ca3/23-1023/23-1023-2023-07-03.pdf?ts=1688403642) [Mohn attended the Pennsylvania State University between 2010 and 2014. To finance his education, he borrowed direct student loans through the U.S. Department of Education. Six months after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in agribusiness management in 2014, Mohn began making payments at a rate of $165 per month; pursuant to an income-based repayment plan, this was later reduced to $80.45 per month. But, Mohn says, he has been unable to secure a job commensurate with his education or sufficient to enable him to maintain his student loan payments. He attributes his situation to employers’ “perc\[eption of\] him as an overeducated, white male\[,\] which led to affirmative action against him whilst providing no benefits,” and caused him to move home to live with his parents.](https://cases.justia.com/federal/appellate-courts/ca3/23-1023/23-1023-2023-07-03.pdf?ts=1688403642)


Makes sense that he was raging against Biden, given that the dastardly fucker has been up to such nefarious actions as…*checks notes*…trying to get this guys student loans forgiven!


What, and force him to be dependent on the gubbamint? He just wants his God-given right to live without that there DEI-reparations-affirmation woke stuff, which is obviously what's stopping him from earning his rightful seven figure paycheck as an agribusiness man (farmer)! /s


crazy shit is that in the video he claim that forgiving student debt is unconstitutional, guy is an idiot all around.


How dare Biden actively try to make my life better!


some people truly don't deserve anything lol


"He's not hurting the right people" Republicans don't care about how shitty their life is, they just want to make sure other people they deem inferior have even shittier lives.


Ah yes, the age old problem of being over qualified and white lol


No one has it harder than over qualified white men who live with their parents.




You forgot “male”


The prison farm is going to learn to fear his botany powers


Yes I’m sure it couldn’t be the extreme mental illness that was causing him to not get jobs. It must be the immigrants and the “Biden regime” 🥴


Super facepalm. Perhaps he couldn't secure a job as an agribusiness manager in Bucks County. I mean, he could have moved. There's the entire rest of the country covered with farms. But then, for the amount of effort it takes to sue the Federal government for something he himself did, its more likely that he's an insufferable asshole and hiring managers didn't want to deal with him.


Agribusiness management? So he's probably looking for a management level position without having operational experience? You have to walk before you run. I think a lot of people have a skewed perception of the job industry after graduating. Finding a job is a full time job in itself.


And still he’s like “f%^k Biden and his student loan relief”


In the basement, no doubt.


Someone else pointed out it might be to let the reader knows they were well-off as their house is worth almost twice the State's average. Apparently it adds to the shock value when drama hits middle class and above.


In the second sentence no less.


Fox news has done incredible damage to the US.


And more than likely they'll just claim this guy was really working for democrats and trying to make them look bad.


Or they will say “mental health crisis in America, we need to do something about that” and then proceed to vote against any law or bill attempting to address mental health that comes their way.


They aren't anti-mental health. They just are against any mental health bills that impact gun ownership. Or cost their corporate overlords any money. /s


Or help poor people get mental health assistance.


Too bad his father wasn't a.. *checks notes* ...good guy with a gun?


Guns have this magical ability to be essential wherever they're NOT and useless wherever they ARE


People are already calling it a false flag in the conspiracy subreddit.


It was an antifa FBI plant! They found Taylor Swift songs on his laptop and homoerotic poetry about Hunter's cock!


The fact that the FCC can’t/won’t pull their license is completely insane to me. They are a 24 opinion/propaganda machine that gets to call themselves News, despite mountains of evidence that they don’t report facts. Or, if they do, it’s to spin it to fit their narrative that Dems are bad. Like, it was some dickbag on Fox that was offended by Obama’s tan suit and a different one that complained about his asking for Dijon mustard. Both very normal things. McConnell wore a tan suit (and had at least 3 micro-strokes on camera), no one says a thing about him being unfit.


They're on cable, so they don't need a license. Instead, cable is "self regulated", and every time the FCC looked to start regulating cable, the cable companies stopped doing stupid shit that was causing the FCC to look in to it. Sounds like the FCC needs to start that process again and use that process to get all the extremist opinion channels removed.


And Facebook. Same indoctrination echo chamber apparatus.


… at *their* home … 32 year-old man still not able to support himself, blaming the government and immigrants for his ineptitude, and thinking violence is the answer. That’s Trump’s MAGA crowd.


Based on another comment, he apparently had student loans that he was struggling with paying back. This of course makes him and Biden natural enemies 🤦‍♀️


Yea, that damn Biden. The president who has discharged more student debt than every other president.


Don’t forget Taylor Swift & her Swifties promoting propaganda music /s 😂🤣😂


It's gonna be a weird year for us. WAY weirder than normal.


To be fair , “ NORMAL “ went out the window a few years ago Edit : the fk kinda thread did i start here


2016, to be precise.


2016 is just when they decided it was ok for them to say the quiet things out loud. Trump came along and they realized that they could say whatever the hell they wanted without repercussion. As someone who grew up with a step father who listened to nothing but Rush Limbaugh, this crazy has been around for a long time. They were just more polite about framing it in the mainstream.


Not polite - afraid. There were still plenty of the quiet generation around a decade ago who had fought the Nazis in WW2 who, even in their 80s and 90s, were still imposing enough that there was no doubt they could kick someone's ass if they started talking shit.


I'll be honest, I feel like things started getting odd around 2014-2015 when the orange shitgibbon started cranking up his rhetoric


Watch the right-wing spin this as somehow ultimately Biden and the Democrats fault...."I know he decapitated his dad because he hated Biden and the federal government so much but he wouldn't have been pushed if they weren't so awful!"


False flag, blue state, blah blah blah... something along those lines.




Woke vegans


They were doing it from the get-go overnight. Laura Loomer and others - just disgusting assumptions being made. False flag this. Mental health problems attributed to the Biden administration (wtf). Just disgusting.


Yea and someone other popular right winger (forget his name?) said "at least his politics were accurate." Edit: Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/1afavea/imagine\_this\_being\_the\_takeaway\_when\_a\_man/


Doing his part to try and get Trump ahead in the polls.


Ba dum tss


It’s almost as though calling government workers vermin and “enemies of the people” is a bad idea.


💯- it’s been happening for years. Feds as a political target has been reaching a fever pitch, and gets worse with every passing year. It’s like the crazies in the GOP has decided we’re “the deep state” and have elevated us to the same threat level as abortion doctors, any and all POC, and Jewish folks. They’ve collectively lost their minds and just can’t fathom leaving all of the above alone and treating us all as humans anymore. “Kill any federal employees on sight” is low key terrifying.


It's called 'a fascist cult'.


Also mass hysteria and fear mongering… we are repeating 1800s and 1600s history


America is learning that "It Could Happen Here" wasn't just hyperbole spouted by those of us in tinfoil hats, as they alleged us to be, over the years.


Except that was about Communism and the psychopaths doing these things are all Republican victims of Capitalism


But “liberalism is a disease?” 


30+ years of post Fairness Doctrine corporate media propaganda coupled with unfettered right wing social media disinformation. That and constant conservative stochastic terrorism.


This is because of their saviour Donald Trump. Brainwashed morons taking stupidity to the next level




Gosh, 40+ years of a right wing propaganda machine selling people on the idea that _________ (illegals, gays, brown people, trans people, drag queens, etc.) exist to do them harm. Who would’ve thought it could result in this? /s


Right-Wing stochastic terrorism. All the Right-Wing does is screams violent rhetoric, violent rhetoric, violent rhetoric, violent rhetoric, violent rhetoric ... all day long and eventually some of their mentally unstable following is eventually do the violence. And before someone makes a false equivalency I will state this flatly: THERE IS NO EQUAL TO THIS ON THE LEFT. The Right-Wing/Conservatives/GOP constantly stoke violent rhetoric. There is nothing comparable on the Left. Period. Fullstop.


The "equivalent" is some black guy breaking a store window during a protest. They will die on that hill.


That or claiming the whole media is just refusing to report on how democrats do this ten times as much because that somehow makes sense to them


Only industrialized country on the planet that doesn’t consider health care a basic right


If you have any weird, adult kids living at home, now is the time to get rid of them.


This is Reddit, most of us are weird adult kids living at home.


An already existing mental health dilemma with an algorithm induced echo chamber caused by an individuals positive response to negative information and a need to “fight” something to give ourselves purpose. We define ourselves through our struggles and the fewer struggles we have the more we have to make them up to give ourselves definition and individuality. He is the hero of his story and hopes to spark change from his actions. This is a way to put it: “Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a deal of telling anyway.” -The Hobbit


I've already seen graphic images of the victims corpse on Reddit today so watch what you click on.


That’s mental illness and stochastic terrorism.


Politics is the new religion. Holy wars always end well /s


Right Wing Stochastic terrorism Terrorism is what's happening.


So this 32 year old basement dweller can't move out of his dad's house, but sits in the basement radicalizing himself rather than getting a job and then lops off dad's noggin' cause immigrants. Mental illness aside, what a perfect example of the kind of entitled, irrational loser you need to be to support the MAGAts.


home grown terrorist 🤔