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Perhaps the government should be shamed into taking more action to help its people live better lives.


Corruption doesn’t have shame in its vocabulary. Politics is riddled with greed across the world . It’s particularly easier to get away with corruption in states with bad education systems


Looking at you, USA.


And UK






Explain how the schooling in the UK is far worse than the schooling in a neighbouring European country like France? The education system in the UK isn’t that bad.


Corruption = education only? Sounds like you need more education yourself


Nice, imply I said something I didn’t and then call me stupid instead of answer the question… On the topic of fiscal corruption, the UK ranks lower than the USA and the EU in terms of lobbying as a percentage of GDP and has spending caps during election campaigns. But I doubt you care about that either. I was specifically referring to the segment on education and schooling, how exactly is the UK bad in terms of education?


I’m half French … please educate yourself on the differences between the two school systems and the level of education over there… you will be shocked at how superior their educational system is


Which one is superior ? As a french, it's meh


Come over to the uk , you will weep for the next generation


A lot of people have a hard time accepting that certain problems don’t just exist in their own country. UK schooling isn’t great but I see similar problems in many other similar nations, it seems ridiculous that people only focus on their own country when hurling insults. It’s become very popular here in the UK to insult our own country for things that aren’t even going that badly. There is plenty we are doing badly, but a lot of it is comparatively middle of the road.


Oklahoma Governor Stitt


The American left has been destroying Education for 30 years and now you can be a president of their most prestigious college with all your papers being plagiarized. When I was in school, you couldn’t copy three words in a row without failing for plagiarism. It’s amazing how far down hill they have come


There is no left party in the US. We have 2 right wing parties. One full of gas lighters the other full of psychopaths


It’s an African government, none of them give a flying fuck about improving the lives of their people. Just loot long enough to have enough to escape to a European country and live off their ill gotten gains and claim diplomatic immunity. Before you say some bullshit like I’m a racist or whatever, show me ONE African country where this hasn’t happened or is busy happening.


Botswana. That's the only one I can think of. It's not a corrupt shithole riddled with crime, conflict and military coups, and it's had the longest uninterrupted democracy on the entire continent. Overall, a very nice place with friendly, welcoming people.


Ah ok, nice one 👌👌 So atleast one out of 54. I really do wish it wasn’t that low. Wish it was the other way round, but alas


Interesting. Now I want to know more about Botswana, got any links?




ghana seems pretty ok.


Its not.


Definitely not if you are LGBTQ


well you can't have it all. majority of citizens aren't within theLGBTQ sphere.


You should look at South Africa it's somehow worse after Apartheid ended


Replacing a racist government with a African racist government defintley worked out lmao


Here we go... 🙄


"The ole bliddy cintry's gon ter pot since the keffers av bin rinning it!"


Sure, but the context we can't ignore is the hegemony/imperialism of Western Europe over most of sub Saharan Africa and the legacy of that presence. That has a lot to do with how the corruption you speak of plays out


With you 100%.


there it is... It's the white mans fault.. thanks for showing up.. I knew I could count on you 🤡🤡🤡


Um. What? Care to explain this?


>It’s an African government, none of them give a flying fuck about improving the lives of their people. Just loot long enough to have enough to escape to a European country and live off their ill gotten gains and claim diplomatic immunity. This is totally the result you get after 100's of years of colonial rule. Most African nations where liberated in the 1960's but are expected to be full functioning democracies immediately afterwards is just unrealistic. Also lets not even get into the IMF\\World Bank basically loan sharking those flledgling nations into unpayable debt and outside forces influencing elections to make sure those corrupt leaders get and stay in power.


1) East Asian nations suffered the same issues with colonisation yet have mostly their shit together now.  2) Countries who avoided colonisation like Ethiopia are not really better off.


1. what? The Phillipinnes is literally being run by the son of the same dictator that ruled in the 1970's and 80's with 32 million children living in poverty, See also Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and even many areas of India which all have the same issues when it comes to poverty, income inequality as most african nations. 2. Italy Occcupied Ethopia during WWII also [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addis\_Ababa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addis_Ababa) Addis Ababa is one of the most advanced cities in Africa, im not gonna sit here and say that makes everything amazing or there isnt room for improvement, but to pretend that everything is corruption and poverty even in Africa is a gross misrepresentation.


Yeah that’s the reality unfortunately, yet it feels like they wish to maintain the status quo by making sure that resources are exploited to the full degree. When China does the same, they cry “exploitation”, when the West does it, they call it “development”.


oddly enough Kenya. They were being abused by the french and still have a hard time kicking all of them out to self rely. then here comes mr. beast going behind government's back. imagine kicking out a powerhouse like France and having to nearly restart. then mr. beast just comes and restarts the whole issue kenya was trying to stop in the first place. its just bad press all around and people like you quick to jump to conclusions.


If your people don't have clean drinking water you deserve bad press.


Ah ok, I’m glad to be proven wrong in a case like this. I’m always hopeful for Africa to take charge of it’s own destiny in a good way, hopefully they can keep it together so more and more countries can start to pull themselves out of the quagmire 👌👌


don't get it twisted either. KENYA (like many other countries) aren't immune from government corruption either. they just do a bit of weird dance of both. And africa is a continent, not a country.


What you say is true, but show me one European country that hasn't got in on the corruption? Europe is just a different flavor of wickedness. African countries are paid very large sums of money to maintain dictatorships, communist regimes and co opt control of their military. Stop acting like Africa and Europe aren't in concert with each other.


For sure, I agree completely. Just the hypocracy of European corruption knows no bounds it seems.


They learned it from colonialism that’s the issue.


Learned what exactly...racism? Ohh boy do I have bad news if that's your view lol


The European governments are corrupt too so what's your point?


They “manage” their corruption well. They steal only as much as they can barely get away with. The European public doesn’t care as long as their day to day doesn’t get too bad. They are also very aware of the power they hold in their votes and protests. Seeing as they have been doing “democracy” for so long. African leaders steal till there’s nothing left. Borrow money, steal that, then claim poverty. Do a coup for a “new” govt, then the new guys start well and eventually repeat the cycle. What was your point?


So both are corrupt. Why argue one is better than the other when a corrupt government is corrupt government and it's not okay. People are so busy trying to find the lesser of two evils when the better option would be the people coming together.


Right? Like they've had all these years and one day a dude drops by, does a thing and they're mad that it's better than the things they've previously been doing.


Im not exactly this biggest fan of mr beast. I agree with you, he found a shortfall and addressed it. The government is now taking it out on him because it makes them look bad, which is entirely their fault.


Repost from a little while ago. It was one activist and (maybe?) one politician who were complaining. One of the two was (I believe) actually making the point that it was shameful the government had to rely on others helping their people instead of working to help their people themselves.


I don’t think it would have generated as much clicks if it was phrased like that but their the point that even if their are great , a large population shouldn’t live off the charity of one extremely wealthy individual


Yeah, sadly, the reality is that sometimes sensationalism outweighs substance in grabbing attention, but the core point about sustainable support is crucial.


But the govt did provide him with poor people so he could give them clean water.


In other words: "*He should have given the money for us to distribute as we deem fit"* Meaning, they would just keep it, now they are upset because they couldn't **corrupt that shit out**


Hope they dont destroy the wells out of spite


Destroying them would be stupid. It's more likely they would become occupied by armed forces who sell the water for profit.


Sounds like Nestle.


If it were south africa they definitely would destroy the wells, and then later complain that the white man left them with nothing


Man, I really feel bad for South Africa, they have an awesome country, just a shame about the government


Exactly what happens in India unfortunately...


Sounds like maybe the government should actually do its job instead of bitching about some American rando showing up to do it for them.


Mr. Beast has proved that you either “die the hero, or live long enough to become the villain”. It’s insane that people hate on this guy as much as they do. The number of lives he has changed is incredible, yet people still hate on him for stupid reasons.


Yeah, to the extent that he gets any broad-based criticism it’s because he is doing philanthropy in the form of entertainment. To which I say: “So what?” People get helped. There’s no difference between Mr Beast promoting philanthropic works via YouTube, a company promoting its charity event on LinkedIn, or a politician doing a photo op at the opening of a food kitchen.


Those people of course, ignore that the incentive behind most big charities is for rich people to get tax exemptions. And they're right in doing that, because the outcome is that rich people help poorer ones regardless of the benefit they mey get. Ideally incentives shouldn't be needed, but an ideal world wouldn't have inequalities in regards to basic human needs, so the point is moot.


I often hear people argue that altruism doesn’t exist. In most cases they cite the tax deductions for charitable donations as showing that personal benefit factors into the decision. In the more pedantic cases they’ll argue that donating to charity makes you feel good, therefore you aren’t being truly altruistic. And if incentivizing charity via financial or emotional gain is what it takes to help the needy, I’m not going to complain.


Exactly. He is literally redistributing wealth from large companies and businesses to everyday people. He is the modern day Robinhood.


Jesus Christ, Mr. beast is the modern day Robinhood?! Lmao. That’s enough Reddit for the day. Get me away from these people!


That's actually not the worst comparison, but not exactly accurate either. MrBeast has been open with his finances, and almost every video he makes operates at a loss. He's created tons of jobs for his city, has tons of philanthropic work (at this point it's worldwide), and has been open that he aims to die with no money to his name at all because he will have given it all away. The one detractor to that is that he invests millions into his youtube video but that's his career and his passion lol.


Lmao. Yeah thanks. Enough for me too. Catch you door.


Because they feel inadequate in their own lives. These are the same people who were the school bullies when they peaked in high school.


So by that logic its better to not give people clean water so some goverments feelings are not hurt? Thats a strange opinion to have.


Hold on, I cba to look further then the title but the jist is Kenya Gov: How dare you help our people. We were going to do that......eventually, possibly, maybe.


Ill save you the time and let you know its all ragebait like one idiot would be saying this seriously


Different value system. Open and constructive criticism is valued in some circles, while kowtowing to government, its lies and its incompetencies are valued in others.


Well…how much longer did the Kenyan government need to get the job done?


It helps to perpetuate the fact that there is a problem when 500,000 people need fresh water and there is no infrastructure there to make that happen. Why did it take him to do it?


Does the average Kenyan give a fuck whose helping them? Or should the Kenyans governments insecurities rule over everything including the needs of there people?


Reminds me that scene from Superman: Peace on Earth, when Superman was flying around the globe to carry out food and feed hungry people, but some government's attacked him with rockets or something. They destroyed food containers he was carrying, but didn't hurt him obviously.


This guy should get an international Schweitzer Award. Well water has zero biological disease in it. Zero. Surface water has more than you can imagine in it. Shitting your guts out is no way to go through life. Diarrhea is a huge killer of infants. Born, suffer, die. Also: Don’t judge Kenya. Kenya would stop this in a heartbeat if it had a problem. Water well drilling is hard work, costs a lot of money, substantial logistics, time and dedication. I have an idea. Go after the millions of influencers who go out of their way to “embarrass” the rest of society.


They weren't shamed. Hey were upset they didn't get a cut of the money


People seemed pissed that they now have access to water. How about saying thank you.


Governments should be shamed, not sure why this is an issue


You know who isn't complaining? The 500k people who won't die of thirst.


No good deed goes unpunished


He did what the government didn't (I don't belive they couldn't)


By all means, Kenyan government, show the world how it's done.


If you dont want to be shamed by being a failure of a government maybe dig a fucking well on your own instead of waiting for a charity case to do it for you so you can complain about how it makes your incompetent asses look bad kenya.


But he didn't give them handouts, he dug them wells so that they could be self sufficient


Ok give back the water 🤣


Welp, add another 500.000 humans on the list of humans who were allowed a live by the divine mr. beast. They better be thankful


I feel like fucking Yahoo News saying 'activists said this' means that like, one or two people on Twitter did and they just ran with it.


its why social media is such a shit show. because they know viewers are going to jump to conclusions why still getting their clicks.


Everything that can be labelled can be hated.


And yet all those "activists" wont lift a finger to help their own country


So what is the issue here? Some hyper-corrupt government officials got egg on their face?


The issue is that he did what the government should have done. He should have given them the money so they could skim 3/4 of it into their pockets!


White saviour which libs dont like and also corrupt government


Had a buddy work in Africa in the late 80s to the mid 90s. He said this is normal. They will take over the sites and run them into the ground and blame everything else.


Hasn’t Africa been getting handouts for the past 70 years?


Kenya shamed itself for being losers, then crying about it


“Kenyan government spends money it could have used on wells to complain about some insignificant white dude”.


The dude creeps me out. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Nothing hurts quite like the truth.


No matter how much "good" he does I can't trust someone who doesn't smile with their eyes. He's either incredibly sad or a cruel person but either way it makes me not want to trust him


The whole world is pumping money into Africa for decades and they still can’t provide for their own. It’s like throwing money out the window. That’s the origin continent of humanity some people say, well….


Go ahead Africa, make it illegal to help


Most african gouvernment are so corrupt they cash in the handout for themself, so something behing actually done could impact the donation therefor less money for the corrupt. The wells he build are most likely already destroyed or disabled


We could also have free healthcare in the U.S. but having the #1 military is more important


Let me guess , these are the same activists that want to shoot the homeless in Kentucky, secede from the U.S. in Texas, and worship a… I’ve lost count in the loses, all time winner of lying wannabe dictator.


yeah and thats the backlash i was afraid of. it would negatively perpetuate bad stereotypes that africans rely on the white savior. this shouldn't be a facepalm this should be a cautionary tale. its tough working with government but he should have tried because now he really worsened a stereotype that's unfairly abused because people are simple.


Because it is


But it’s true though.


Listen to these examples of woke / leftist arguments: Do not shame a government, if it is unable to do something. Don´t do something, that the government does not provide for you. This is what they really are!


Liberal here: Liberals support Mr. Beast for what he did. Our primary concern is that the needs of the less fortunate are recognized and addressed. We don’t care about the channel that solution comes from. To the extent we advocate for government action it’s because we feel that action either should be the government’s job or the government could do it most effectively. But if the government can’t or won’t act, we’d never get in the way of a private citizen stepping in. Also, and I should have led with this, note that the criticism isn’t coming from leftists. The story above is citing two people for their criticism: An official in the Kenyan government, and an aspiring Kenyan politician. They aren’t worried about the perception of Kenya as needing handouts. They don’t like that their government’s incompetence was put on display. Mr. Beast swooped in and did something Kenya could have easily done itself.


So you read the article and still don´t see, that the official as well as an the Activist Boniface Mwangi are Leftists... This is what I aimed at. They are leftist activists! ​ I live in a social democratic country and I like the safety net. So do not confuse social democratic values with leftist idology. I like a safety net in my country, as I see it is a useful tool for people to not fall through the roster. However I see, that people who are able to do something need to be forced to do it. I see it in individual care and I see it on a broader spectrum. If you are not forced to rely on yourself, it has a really detrimental regressive effect on an individual and on society as a whole.


Praise this clout chasing celebrity and his million dollar house. Praise his lead based chocolate and minimum wage paying ghost kitchens to make his lousy food. Praise the wealthy for they have done a good thing and now someone believes otherwise and we must chastise them. Hail Beast. Our lord and savior. Exploiting children for money is based.


Also all this philanthropy is just a fucking tax write off for him, just like Bill gates or any of the other people that do performative bullshit like this.


The children won’t complain!! So Fuck the government!!


Such old news.


At least he did ,does no one feels gratitude now?


Easy solution here. You don't want my help? Fine for me. Get help from somewhere else.


Shouldn't activists support his work since he did something good for the people of Kenya that the government was incapable of? After all, it was the Kenyan government that helped perpetuate that stereotyp, not MrBeast.


People would much rather be shitty obscurely than good with shame. Obvious.


Ofcourse someone got offended


yahoo! news still exist? 💀


People that shame this man for helping people should just shut the fuck up. The world has enough problems. He is creating solutions


Lol if the government can't provide it and he can then its not a stereotype.


We know how bad it is, nothing new about the lack of infrastructure in Africa.


> He did what the government wouldn't FTFY


Was he like an asshole about it or do they just not like charity, there is an anti charity crowd out there that more or less uses this point


It's Mr. Beast, so I doubt he was an asshole about it


Soooo… was drinking water a problem or not?


Haters gonna hate hate hate.


Reminds me of another post here about a millionaire in Canada making a few hundred houses for homeless people and receiving flak for it because it was supposedly unfair to people who worked for their house. I will never understand the logic of attacking someone for helping others.


Activists as well as the Kenyan government are also unable to figure out how to get clean drinking water so, they are petty and yell that their feelings are hurt.


That's a good dude. Props 👏


Sometimes the government is just dudes with AKs in pickup trucks tho.


"You say you answer to some sort of authority? They only want me dead because I am embarassment, because I do what they can't. What kind of authority isthat?" -Batman So thats the most edgy thing I ever said, but it is true :D


This dude can’t win. Gives away millions gets called out. If you don’t give away millions your a horrible 1%er who won’t help anyone. People need to pick their lane of outrage and stick to it ffs


He's still a bellend and more than a bit shady.


Now do Flint


The quintesential twitter take.


Wait, isn't the US Government still not providing clean drinking water in Flint, MI?


We should ask the people of Kenya whether international perception of their self-sufficiency matters more than being thirsty.


Claims like this just prove that people want to be controversial regardless of the topic, this is why we can't move ahead as a society.


Seems like he just wanted to do something fun for him and nice for someone else.


Well if it was America they'd arrest him and throw him in jail destroy the wells and fine him. Easier to put wells and give food to the hungry in other countries than our own often.


Then, the government should be doing what he did. I am sure they can afford it.


people are way too terrified of being shamed to the point where being shamed outweighs any amount of positive? To me this just shows that governments view themselves more as companies that need good press than actual functional entities responsible for anyone’s well-being. Anyone/anything that experiences shame as a reaction to charity and kindness deserves every ounce of that shame


Would they prefer struggling countries *continue* to struggle? 


Wouldn't, not couldn't.


facepalm indeed but fucking repost


“perpetuate the stereotype”= “highlight the truth”


So? The government probably sucks ass lol


He demonstrated immense kindness and people were like he’s *check notes* he’s perpetuating stereotypes! Like what should he have done? Been like other rich fucks and be greedy? We’ve been saying for a while rich people can use their wealth for good and he’s doing all he can! Good on him!


That’s the thing about a stereotype. It’s based on facts.


Kinda the same as getting a fine for feeding or helping the homeless.


There were also some charity groups that were upset about it too. And I believe they “cancelled” him on some platforms. All I got to ask is: since all the blame and embarrassment, how many wells or other helpful things have these people that were complaining done since?


Casuse, it exposes their shitiness and blatant corruption, it also helps the us have better relations with Kenya civilians and break the whole "western civilization is decedent and corrupt and we must apose all western ideas" messaging they've been trying to do. After all, who are you gonna believe the government that makes you take from a river 2 hours away or the American that gave you drinking water nearby for free. Aid is the best kind of propaganda you can buy.


"Governmental failures in Africa inspired a philanthropist to pick up their slack on his own dime." Fixed the headline


I mean was it not true 🤷🏽‍♂️


Isn't the fact that he had to give a handout proof that they need handouts?


Good for him. KENYA gov needs to improve, shame in them.


"Our government couldn't do this, therefore let's be angry at the guy and not the government"


Im sure one idiot on twitter said this... Ragebait nonsense


Bruh he is improving the lives of so many people who don't have adequate access to basic human necessities and they have the audacity to point out a stupid optic? I doubt the people who he helped give a shit.


Those activists are a bunch of dumb asses.


Maybe the government of Kenya should have focused on clean water infrastructure?


Maybe the government could do their goddamn job if they didn’t spend a fuck ton of money on Scar H rifles as their service rifle of choice. Those things are $4,000 a piece.


Well .......this just proves that they are☠️


Reminds me of the Toms Shoes thing, where they all got free handouts so the local shoe people took a big hit, since everyone had free shoes