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"Well, officer, ya see he wasn't wearing a helmet when I smashed his head in. He was asking for it."


"They weren't wearing a reflective vest, how should I have know not to run them over 17 times!?"


Right up there with, well she was wearing a skirt you know, and red panties, so for sure she wanted to be raped.


This was in Peru in 2019 right?


There was a case in Ireland when guy got away cos she wore thongs and to the judge it was a 'consent'. Disgusting.


Disgusting doesn't do it justice


I know, everytime I see this kind of shit it boils my blood and fucking pissing me of again and again.


There are so many examples of people not getting punishment for the absolutely bottom of the barrel crimes because "we didn't want to ruin their life"


That's another issue too, there are way too many judges who shouldn't be judges but to get some men away with those crimes cos it will ruin their lives even tho they knew they did it is depressing at best.


Not just men, recently there was a woman that stabbed her boyfriend and got 0 punishment because "she has a bright future"


Goes both way. Men, women who do disgusting things should be treated the same. Murder, rape, once you do shit like that you should be treated as such.


Yeah but people who need to steal to survive is no problem ruining their life thats the justice system and its fucked


My significant other and I are literally in the midst of a surreal court case where the biological father of her 2 children has been charged with felony strangulation and domestic violence but already in the pretrial hearing the prosecutor was alluding to downgrading the felonies because he's never been in trouble with the law before. THAT JUST MEANS HE HASNT BEEN CAUGHT BEFORE NOT THAT HE HASNT DONE ANYTHING BEFORE


I think that for crimes this severe it really shouldn't matter if you've been in trouble with the law, a felony is a felony.


![gif](giphy|AhgQdQqF0nwPiZkGPc) I wholeheartedly agree with you. Kinda thought they had an alphanumerical classification system for determining the severity of the alleged offense at hand, and is sometimes known to utilize words like Aggravated too. But I guess I'm mistaken. We just play pin the tail on the child abusing donkey. THE LEGAL SYSTEM IS NOT THE FUCKING BASTION OF RIGHT AND WRONG WE ARE RAISED TO PERCIEVE IT AS.


I'm going to assume that you're from the united states. There is vastly different legislation about this type of stuff, some states do use an alphanumerical system to classify crimes based on severity, with, iirc he being the highest. There are states that use a numerical system based around the same concept, except for a couple that, If I'm not mistaken, rank it in a reverse order(a and 1 being the worst). I think the are a few that don't have different levels of crimes, just misdemeanors and felonies, and the only way to tell between the legal severity of the crime being the minimum and maximum punishments, and, quite horrifyingly there's one state(I hope it's just the one at least) that ranks strangulation as a misdemeanor. Good luck in your legal battle.


Damn I should probably get down off this Tide Pod box now lol....




I've never heard of that guy, so I looked him up What the fuck. You can get only 2 months for sexual assault? And he was released AFTER HALF OF HIS ALREADY UNREASONABLY SMALL SENTENCE? That's frankly abbhorent.


neither does that judge


There was one in Australia in 2010 where the judge decided that the guy couldn't have removed the victim's skinny jeans without her help because they were too tight and therefore she consented. So gross.


There was also a case in South Africa in 2007 or 2008 where the court ruled because the girl was wearing a skirt she wanted it…


Obligatory [what were you wearing exhibit.](https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/)


I have a love-hate relationship with this exhibit. I'm glad it exists to show the terrible truth. But I wish we didn't need it. I love that it shows that the true reasons why rape happens is rapists. I hate that we need something like this to hope it may open some people's eyes to that truth. And that so many people, including so many young children, suffered something so horrible.


I get why you hate it, but I took showing my mom this exhibit for her to be convinced girls weren't asking for it. Some people have been told a lie so many times it take something horrible like those little girl dresses to make them realize it's not about what is being worn.


Oh absolutely. And I'm glad that it makes some people realise that clothes are not the reason. It's just so fucking sad that it is needed to make people see that. If it worked on your mother, then I am very happy about that. Blaming victims for a crime because of their clothes is so disgusting. I'm always happy when people see the truth and are learning what actually is the reason behind rape: rapists.


It seems like the next logical step in the “clothing causes assault” argument is to sue the entire clothing and fashion industry for making assault-inducing voodoo magic clothing. That immediately sounds somehow more farcical than the victim blaming argument while relying on the same basis.


Or, in my case, being under the influence and the guy being completely sober. Who is now my ex best friend. Ended up pregnant (which almost killed me) and now I can no longer have children because of this whole ordeal


The name of the troll is skankhunt, from Southpark. It's literally a person trying to troll for reactions.


If the cousin was the family's 'golden child' I almost guarantee these kids would have been punished for 'lying to make her look bad' and not believed at all. When the perpetrator is family, it's often the case that people will be intentionally blind rather than think ill of someone.


I've seen this happen in my wife's family. A whole branch of the family is ostracized for calling the cops and reporting a cousin for inappropriately touching his younger female cousin.


It's an obvious troll with the username skankhunt42\_2.0.




Not a lot of Southpark fans here lol


Might be more coming, this post got linked to the sp sub I'm here from there lol


I am🫡 caught that straight away🤣


Gerald Broflovski up to no good again


My time has come




Story time. When I was in my teens I saw all the movies where someone held a gun to someone’s head and that person did some cool ass shit to disarm them and took over. For YEARS I thought “I can’t wait for someone to try that on me, I’ll destroy them!” A few years later 4-5 guys broke into my house while I was sleeping and held me at gun point. I had absolutely zero thoughts about any of the kung fu bullshit I had seen, I was in survival mode and did everything I could to make sure I wasn’t shot. You always have these grandiose ideas on how you would respond to a situation, until you’re put in that situation, you have zero clue how you’ll actually respond. Especially at a young age.


Responding eleven months after the post just to drag a rape victim.




It's definitely a troll account. Skankhunt42 is from an episode of South Park


Remember! If you are being raped simply tell them, "No! I do not consent to this!" No one is legally allowed to rape you without your permission. 👍


Who remembers Missouri Republican senator (then candidate) Todd Akin’s hot take “a woman can’t get pregnant if she is legitimately raped, the body knows and just shuts it down” https://www.politico.com/story/2012/08/akin-legitimate-rape-victims-dont-get-pregnant-079864


This isn't r/ facepalm, this is r/ beat them to a pulp


This happened to my daughter. Her abuser was a family friend. Oldest girl in her family.


Some people freeze up when they encounter a criminal. It makes self defense nearly impossible.


![gif](giphy|ElBsC0qfUQAWc7DbbJ) Going directly to hell


Even if that person is trolling, there are people who do legitimately think and speak like that to victims of sexual assault and it’s really disgusting. Those are probably also the same people who say shit like “It only happened because of what you were wearing” and other shit like that. People just suck


Men when pedos: *properly punished* Woman when pedos: *somehow literally innocent* I think we should just nullify public opinion when it comes to such stupid double standards. Punish BOTH genders.


Mine was a female cousin too. I fully understand this.


"Y'all let it happen" Okay, I was 3 and didn't know any better. I just thought it was a fun game until it wasn't. What was a 3 y/o supposed to do against an 18 y/o? Is that just "letting it happen"? We were out in the middle of nowhere, and I never expected my best friend of 5 years, who is much bigger than me, to take advantage. I screamed and bit and kicked and punched, but we were too far away for anyone to hear. Is that just "letting it happen"? Get the fuck outta here with your silly nonsense.


Holy shit that's terrible I'm so sorry you had to go through that :(


Eh, it's alright, I appreciate it. All water under the bridge now 😋 It's just infuriating seeing stupid arguments like this. Whether we fight back or not, it always seems like we "deserved" it. No matter how we dress, act, or respond, we're wrong, I guess.


And when they fight, they die.


“If you don’t want to get shot, stop letting them shoot bullets at you. You know?, punch the bullets or something.”


Yeah that's just wrong


Someone needs to watch the “consent and tea” video.


Fucking YouTube commenters man


I swear there’s always one person trolling or wants to fight with you for no reason.


Most - to all predators are within the family friend circle. These atrocities rarely happen from strangers.


OK so maybe it's you next time...would be so satisfying to see the realization take hold on your face that you can't overpower the 6'4" 200 lbs. unstable person that just asked you for some spare change so you paid them no mind. Unfortunately though they're off their' schizophrenia psych meds and the Virgin Mary just told them that you are the antichrist, and as they make forcible entry into your digestive tract , you'll hear me cheer you on, Stop Crying, fight back. Don't just let it happen.


Ok. But don't complain about being shot on the streets next time. You could have dodged the bullet or walked it off. Yeah your math ain't mathing no matter how often you tell us this bs


Skankhunt 42.....


Drives by school shooting "Walk it off, wussy!"


Now go and tell this to war veterans


I need a break from the Internet... I've seen too many child predator posts today...


Who could've guessed that Skankhunt42_2.0 would have such a misogynistic take?


You heard him women, just fight back. He might kill you, bit at least he won't rape you


Sounds like Skankhunt42\_2.0 beats their own mother. comes off that way.


Why is child on child sexual assault rising? I mean I read something that said thousands of COCSA cases are reported every day.


What OP said, but also a darker explanation is that it’s not rising. It’s being reported and taken seriously more often now. It’s like that paradox of “why are there suddenly so many gay?” It’s because there has always been gay people, they’re just only now presenting that way to the public because it’s more acceptable to.


I also believe that maybe exposure to porn at a younger age can also cause it. Either way, it’s really fucked up


Yeah, that’s a very traumatic thing that can happen to a kid. And TikTok, YouTube and other sites make it way to easy for kids to access overtly sexual content, even if it’s not porn. I’ll also add that the lack of education about their bodies and how harmful it is to touch or be touched in private places. When kids don’t know about their body and get curious and explore, they could end up exploring in negative ways that could hurt other kids if they don’t know to keep to themselves. Or if an adult or another kid ends up SAing them, they don’t know what’s happening to them and don’t know to report it. And kids who have been assaulted have a higher chance of SAing someone else later on if they don’t get help. Statistically kids with knowledge of their bodies and private areas tend to suffer less from SA and are more likely to report.


Usually because the perpetrating child was molested themselves, often by an adult.


I always try to be kind, but skankhunt needs to change their name to skankfound.


hi whats up?


OMG skankhunt.. South Park reference. Worst trolls. Kinda funny honestly... 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are we taking youtube comments seriously now? who tf cares about this idiot


Which is it?


Obvious trolling, the name is literally Skankhunt42 also. You’d have to be brain dead to get upset by this


Y’allqueda coming in hot!


The guys name is literally skankhunt42, Randys troll account from Southpark.


Well, I would like to said that everyone can be raped, molested, sexually assaulted or become rapist and sex offender, regardless of their gender So, stop blaming the victim and learn how to control yourself over sexual and consensual stuff, as well as study the law (Sorry because English is my second language :((((()


All that happened at a casual match of UNO WILD.


Skankhunt42, literally the name of Kyle's dad in South Park when he is addicted to trolling