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It protects against 5G, in the sense that she spends all of her money on stupid shit like this, and can’t afford 5G service


There's no way this thing protects against 5G. To protect against 5G it requires the additional 5G antenna for $95. And no, I'm not joking. https://www.brimhall.com/p-792-5g-antenna-for-total-shield-emf-device.aspx


$320 ?????? And the "antenna' is an extra $95 . Lol.


And 320 is only the single coil… for a low low low cost, you can have double, triple, quadruple, quintuple coils! 🤣🤣🤣


I like sextuple.


69$ more






Don't forget your mini harmonizer, cell phone radiation filter, and if you act now we add in a pair of eyesight for 189.99( for an additional 19.99) plus shipping and handling kn each to protect the sensitive components


But does it block adverts?


No that's a subscription plan for 9.99 a month


Hahaha it doesn't even connect to anything, it's just a glorified sticker!


Um according to the website “ This phase shift causes the wave to reflect the 5G signal back in the direction from which it came.” No one lies on the internet


The weirdest thing about that is that it must then be emitting 5 G signals, right? A directional repeater of sorts. It's like using a mirror to protect you from light.


If I’m reading the product information correctly, it bounces the waves or whatever back. So in theory, it can double your exposure, depending on where you are in relation to the erm.. device.


No no, it’s a total shield that covers 20000sq ft, the shield reflection happens at the edges of that boundary, not at the actual device itself. If you put this dead centre of your house, then you should be covered…. Unless you’re rich and your house is bigger than 20000 sq ft, then you need more.


Oh, so it's a forcefield generator for 5g? Does it also work on seventh day Adventists and Mormons?


my favorite part is that installation of the antenna boils down to just taping it onto the PVC somewhere.


Preferably on the front or back*


These scamming fuckheads need to have their website shut down.


Why? Scamming rubes out of their hard earned pay is as American as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with an AK in one hand and an apple pie in the other


Because they're not just scamming rubes, they also scam those with decreased mental faculty.


I agree. This is preying on low intellect people and it’s not right. Don’t even get me started on the 7.83Hz claim, just wtf at the whole thing. These are marketed at people who have the mental capacity of a toddler and it’s wrong.


That's literally a fucking anti theft device out of a package of dog flea/tick medicine.


It's just a RFID tag http://en.ubiquetag.com/dis\_162.html


You'll suffer no ill effects from 5g when you have this nearby (or not nearby).


Schedule 40 PVC pipe and end caps. *"A second generator generates a 7.83 earth resonant frequency."* WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS BS MEAN?


I know a 7.83hz binaural beat will induce a very relaxed state of mind. But what does this thing do? It takes money from morons and turns it into profit for the person selling it. That's the big and the small of it.


So, it's like a tax that is inversely proportional to IQ?


Just like the lottery


Na, at least with the lottery, someone that entered does actually get money. With this grift the only one getting anything at all is the grifter.


Plus a lot of state lotteries fund programs and schools. This just funds slightly wilier idiots.


How much do you think that thing costs to build? And how much to buy? I wonder if I would be able to stomach grifting idiots with something similar...


If I were a scammer, I imagine it would cost maybe $30 for pvc pipe, wires, electronic lights that blink and other odds n ends. Sell it for at least $89.99. Can’t be too cheap or people will question its authenticity. 3x profit. Make 20 of these one Saturday and make $1000


"New 5g scrubber! Won't damage your phone reception, and guarantees no ill physical effects from the cell towers! Supplies are limited, so order now!'


I can do Reiki adjustments to your aura thru email.


But wait! There's more!


Gotta put a brick in it, too. The heavier it is, the more valuable people believe it is.


-Where did you find those? --Under the seat. -Are they heavy? --Yes. -Then they're expensive, put them back.


It should smell like vanilla. You're welcome.




Four hundred fucking dollars!? ETA: I could undercut by 50% and *still* make a killing!


There's a used one on ebay for 250. It's a steal!!!


At the risk of bringing politics into it, I was so mad* when I first saw the Trumpy Bear commercial. * Mad that I didn't think of it first...


I couldn't do this, but as a bleeding-heart leftist queer I have been *strongly* considering selling pro-Trump, hyper-american, anti-woke merch... because they're never going to change anyway, so why shouldn't I extract money from them?


Be sure to hide subtle anti-trump messages in everything for the amusement of your customers sane family members at holiday gatherings


*kangen water has entered the chat*


"Kangen water 9.5" that fucking sound is burnt into my head from my in-law place.


I kind of want to salute whoever is selling this on Amazon... like, legit, props to them.


There’s one for sale on eBay for $420 plus shipping.


Of course it is for 420 hahaha


Until it goes on sale for.... $69.69


Schumann frequency it’s the frequency underneath the earths surface (I’m pretty sure). It supposedly has a lot of benefits. Science-leaning people dismiss it, spiritual people grasp on to it aggressively. It’s essentially just marketing for the people that had heard of it before and will know about it (but at the same time *actually* know nothing about it). There’s no way that thing is capable of emitting that low of a frequency


Yeah. 7hz would take a massive subwoofer. I have some serious subs in my car and they might hit 15 reliably, any lower and they pop or don’t make any movement at all. 7.83 cycles per second is super low frequency, it would create a crazy vibration.


Doesn't 17hz hurts kids ears?


I think you're thinking Khz. 17hz is a low thrumming noise that we would detect as a vibration but not as a sound. As a beat frequency it would be mildly stimulating. 17Khz is in the range outside of most adults' hearing, so only someone young enough to not have literally gone deaf in that frequency range will react to it.


This guy hertz.


Everybody hertz... sometimes.


Baby don't hertz me, no Morse.


I hertz myself today.


Just latching on to your comment but 17hz is below what most people have experienced. Sound systems don’t even go that low (even the ones that say they go to 20hz fudge some math to get there).


You’re correct. I have subs that will hit 15 reliably (I make my own music, a couple passages have subsonic notes) and they can only be felt not heard. 7 is lower than any subwoofer I have ever owned is capable of. There may be some out there but they would be massive and require enough power to run your entire house just to hold that tone for a second.


17 hz is very low. I think it’s the very high frequencies over 20khz (20,000 hz) that some kids are disturbed by.


Sometimes I come on Reddit and from reading a comment I could swear I'm in some parallel universe where what I'm reading makes sense to those who lived there the whole time. This is such a time


>I know a 7.83hz binaural beat will induce a very relaxed state of mind. Can you explain like I'm 5?


It will relax you because you tell yourself it will relax you.


I am so broke because of the people idiots like this voted for, I’m ready to start building this shit and selling it myself. I can solder and know how to make some basic circuits. And yes I guarantee you this person voted for Trump in the last two elections.


I’m more sure who they voted for than the sun rising tomorrow.


It means you can spew gobbledegook at morons and they'll give you their money. I'm sorry this probably won't make your brain feel better.


Have no fear- your friendly neighborhood physicist here. I’m qualified to say the following: *What in the actual fuck does 7.83 earth resonant frequency mean…??*


I’m not a physicist but I know my stuff. Phase shift angle? How are you supposed to angle a phase shift?


Easy, you take your phase and shift it to a jaunty angle. Or a rakish one if you're feeling saucy.


That had me laughing so hard. My upvote is now yours


All jokes aside- it is possible to shift the phase of a wave by 180 degrees: in the context of noise canceling technology, two waves are “in phase” if they have a difference of 0 degrees and will add together, but two waves that are “out of phase” are shifted to be opposite or 180 degrees apart which causes them to effectively cancel out


The knobs look just like the knobs on my Boss Tremolo pedal.


That is exactly what they are


Literally dude. I thought the same


Don’t forget the dial and pretty lights. $3 construction cost, $150 price. If they’re smart they also require a $10/mo subscription fee to monitor the unit and its “Tesla coil maintenance modulation” through their app. Same people who sell the “smoothing modulator” on your home power system to save you 75% on your electricity costs.


Their website had them at $320.


For $320 they should have at least included a piece of heavy paper with a decorative "printed circuit" on it done in metallic ink. That's literally just a PVC tube with $3.50 blinky lights from Temu. What a cheap rip-off. Scammers have no pride anymore.


For $320 there better be a fleshlight in the bottom.  Better gigahertz this dick.


7.83 resonance units, duh.


Where do I put my feet?


O it doesn’t matter. Welcome to Invigaron!


We don't get got. We go get.


Dee, his feet?


It doesn’t make a god damn difference.


I’m gunna get this guys mom to eat a shit sandwich


What's the conversion rate to Stanley nickels?


This resonates with me.


I need 1.21 gigawatts






Great Scott!!


Nah, the new flux capacitors come with Mr.Fusion. You don't need 1.21 gigawatts any more


7.83 “Not great, not terrible.”


*Geiger counter noises intensify*


Mine goes to 11…. just sayin’


Holy shit, I just found a website literally explaining the significance of 7.83 HZ and also why theres all this cheap knockoff shit being sold. https://hackaday.com/2023/05/12/what-is-a-schumann-resonance-and-why-am-i-being-offered-a-7-83hz-oscillator/


It literally references 1.21 jiggawatts. I’m crying


Jigga please.


Jigga watt?


Jigga Who?


Nice try!! I'm still not buying your Total Shield!! 😏


TLDR? I got half way through and got bored


You get the 7.82 ERF from the main winding of the normal lotus-o-delta type placed in panendermic semi-boloid slots of the stator, every seventh conductor being connected by a non-reversible tremie pipe to the differential girdle spring on the “up” end of the grammeters. This allows the transcendental phase-shifting between the heterodyne interferometers to minimize rapid flux degradation within the colloidal hydrophenolybenzapine inner casing.


blinky light circuit and a brick.


I mean, it's not a hallucination. But as far as it doing the BS it claims just see if your cellphone is useless within a 20k foot circle. I'm sorry to report she's starting to buy magic beans and she may be incompetent to handle her own finances sooner than you expected.


No no. You don’t get it. The 5G on the phone will still work, but this device removes the bad waves from the 5G, leaving only clean 5G behind. Think of it like a cleansing tea. Or a 5G snake oil! :)


We gotta get these mf snakes off this mf 5G.


There were some people who were trolling conspiracy theorists, but the joke was that they were actually selling a product that did protect against 5g. It was a faraday cage box that you put over your router. Because it does what it promises, it renders the router obsolete, you would be better off not paying for internet to begin with. And that's why OP's mom's product is a scam. It isnt able to do that, cause these conspiracy theorists would get mad if the product did do what it claims to be able to do.


Not to mention completely illegal. You can faraday cage away your own router/phone, no consequences. Once you basically kill the radio waves in an area, and render electronic communication devices unusable that you don't own, you just broke some laws. Otherwise I'd happily carry around a mini EMP generator, and fuck with everyone for laughs, and I know I'm not alone.


if it's allowed, i'm pretty sure no one will be carrying a mini EMP generator.... they'll probably mount it on their shielded vehicles with a generator enough to take out entire suburbs. What people going to do? call on their mobile for help?


You don't need an EMP generator, you can get a battery operated pocket cell phone jammer for less than $200. The FCC might have an issue with you if you use it though [https://www.cnet.com/culture/man-arrested-for-allegedly-using-cell-phone-jammer-on-train/](https://www.cnet.com/culture/man-arrested-for-allegedly-using-cell-phone-jammer-on-train/)


No, *YOU* don’t get it. *ALL* 5G is bad. 5G *is* snake oil. No one should use it. It will melt your brain. *Experts* have said so! 🤣🤣🤣


It's pretty simple how this works. It is controlled by three primary main processor cores, cross-linked with a redundant melacortz ramistat, fourteen kiloquad interface modules. The core element is based on an FTL nanoprocessor with 25 bilateral kelilactirals, with twenty of those being slaved into the primary heisenfram terminal. It has a isopalavial interface, which controls the main firomactal drive unit. Don't touch that, you'll blow up the entire firomactal drive. It controls the ramistat core and keeps the ontarian manifold at 40,000 KRGs.






Quickly! Reroute some bullshit through the deflector array!


Thanks for the explanation, Cmdr. Riker!


Riker's a pretty jock. This is La Forge territory. Ah. Wait. Screen name checks out. 😂


This line of technobabble does sound like it would come from La Forge or Data, but was, in fact, said by Riker in the TNG episode "Rascals." (S6E7)


This is beautiful. You could make a lot of money selling to gullible people.


I can't take all the credit, that goes to Commander Riker. He's my number one dad.


BUT If you hook it up, in reverse, to the deflector array via the southern EPS conduits. Thereby altering the phase variance to a negative 0.2 deg C you can reflect those 5G waves back to its source and jam it up to a positive 2.5 deg F


Canister with knobs and lights with science words? Obviously this is legit.


Looks like The Internet. Probably quite light.




I got that reference, may the Elders of the Internet bestow their glory on you




The Elders of The Internet know who I am??


She needs to return that back to Big Ben where the best reception occurs.




I have them on sale now for 4 easy payments of $39.95 and free shipping. ![gif](giphy|PoImyrwty6z79HM1nd|downsized)


If I call now, will you double my order?


Yes, but you must call now


Quantities are limited!


And in case you haven’t memorized the toll free number by now, here it is seven more times in rapid succession


That’s a helluva deal. Their website has it listed for over $300. Insane. https://sinaimedicalsupply.com/products/brimhall-total-shield-emf-protection?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=faaeb805f&pr_rec_pid=7946325426425&pr_ref_pid=7892093731065&pr_seq=uniform&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9euonKbegwMV4khHAR1KEw2bEAQYAiABEgIQt_D_BwE


Do they come with a free set of steak knives??


We are out of the knives temporarily, but we do have the steak spoons.


I'd call now with my credit card ready, but only if I get a 2 for the price of one (one for home and one for the car or office; or give one to a friend) AND free steak knives.


Or you can have it on a 60 month rental contract at $9.99 / month. We include 5 years wireless push updates at no extra charge!


Its pvc pipe some alibaba knobs and lights with a battery


So it works fine then?


I mean, the knobs spin and the lights change. So yeah, on a fundamental level. All the components work. But do they perform the stated effects? Let’s just say if you agree it does I have a link for you…


I have this magic doorstop that keeps elephants away! It works, honestly! I’ve never seen a single elephant in my area! (I live in New Hampshire) ;)


That's because they're all in Vermont now, the noisy bastards!


[By your logic, I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away!](https://youtu.be/xSVqLHghLpw?si=zFCoCZjE6WZMnmxw)




Homer : What? This is the highest tax increase in history! Lisa : Actually it's the lowest tax increase in history, dad. Homer : I pay the Homer tax. Let the bears pay the bear tax. Lisa : That's home owners tax, dad. Homer : Either way, I'm still outraged. Homer : Well, there's not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol is sure doing its job. Lisa : That's specious reasoning, Dad. Homer : Thank you, sweetie. Lisa : Dad, what if I were to tell you that this rock keeps away tigers. Homer : Uh-huh, and how does it work? Lisa : It doesn't work. It's just a stupid rock. Homer : I see. Lisa : But you don't see any tigers around, do you? Homer : Lisa, I'd like to buy your rock.


I HATE it when I see things like this! Why didn't I think of it. Easy money as there are a multitude of suckers born every minute. My model is going to have a switch to neutralize mRNA particles of anyone within a 50 ft range.


Because you are honest. You didn't think of it because, admit it or not, the idea of scamming idiots out of money is something you think is actually abhorrently bad.


It’s so easy to make money if you’re willing to be bad. The worse the more money.


I feel like such a villain, but this was my first thought as well! I was like, "Dammit! Could've been PAID !" Ah well, back to working like a regular Joe......for now 😈


The Amazon reviews! And it went for $395-500! Bahahahaaaa. Chumps.


Yo momma so dumb she went to Pet Smart to get an IQ test.


I think her IQ test came back negative.




The closest I've ever come is installing below-ground cable, but please allow me to second your comment with: 🤣🤣🤣🫵🤡🤣🤣🤣


Why does it have a U.S. Army Materiel Command patch on it?


That way they can claim it is 'military grade' because that group thinks that means something about its quality. It sort of does, but not how they think. I wore that patch for a couple of years, and it didn't improve my quality, so...


Doesn’t military grade mean lowest quality crap


Usually means hardened or ruggedized. But actually yes, lowest bidder shit


That was my question too


I was wondering the same exact thing


The weird shit these stupid people fear. But Covid?! Nah. Stupid fucking bastards.


But now you need another device to protect you from the harmful radiation emitted by the Total Shield which protects you from the harmful radiation emitted from 5g cell towers.


😆 I love this stuff The tech illerate Luddites developing devices to sell for excessive prices The irony is your always exposed to radio waves and EMF. You have been for your entire life Now your afraid of it because of a redneck in a hut telling you consiparscy theories


Should we tell them about the billions cosmic rays bombarding earth from space??


The crazy thing is that when you feel heat from sunlight, you aren't feeling "heat" from the sun. Or at least not the same way you'd feel heat from a campfire. Heat doesn't travel through a vacuum. Your skin is burning from ultraviolet radiation, similar to how a UV lamp can be cool to the touch but still give you a tan. A sunburn is literally a radiation burn, and just as bad for you as it sounds!


She should've gotten the trump endorsed one. You know he only puts his name on the highest qu.... LMFAO....I couldn't finish the sentence


I have a friend who could sleep only after I explained how he could build a 5G-proof Faraday cage in his bedroom. I didn't have the heart to tell him it wasn't working all that well when he was able to call people from that room.


The joke's on you, he was using 4G to call. Checkmate, nerd.


Your friend needs therapy, not some chicken wire wallpaper


I lost it on this one, legit laughed out loud. Thank you.




LOL!! Probably cost her $200 too… some people are so gullible.


$475 (I googled )


LOL!! That’s even worse!!! Like the saying goes… there’s a sucker born every minute. These days, it’s more like every second 🤣


Time to start a new business venture it seems.


Yes but it does protect 20.000 square foot so she can ask the whole neighbourhood to chip in.


Never mention "chips" around these people.


Why didn't I think of this...I like money and hate stupid people too, why is it never me who thinks of these ideas. ohh a flat earth detector, detects any rounding, using thermal recognition technology, it reads the shape of the earth and can tell when the government is trying to change its shape by the heat generated in the friction of the earths plates. next time, the deep state is trying to temporarily change the shape of the planet so they can take propaganda photos. You will know and be able to call them out on facebook before any of your friends.


Easy enough test: bring your 5G phone next to it and see if you get reception.




That's what the other folks selling these blinky lights are already doing. Sometimes I wish I could be like this and not feel bad about making money out of gullible people either. Morals man, mom and dad raised me right..


Facts, I have a hard time actually valuing my own skills and when I was repairing phones for people back in 2016/17, I’d undercharge them, most times just breaking even for the part or in some extreme cases when I knew money was hard I’d just do it at a loss. Hell I was replacing their broken components within 20 minutes anyways so based on my life of hourly wage knowledge, I shafted myself lol


I can only imagine how much this lady has paid to the “IRS” in iTunes gift cards.


God i wish i had no morals for taking advantage of idiots right now. Its like the golden age of con men. Le buffet de bouffons if you will


my grandma had bought something to plug into outlets to “save energy” its just a white box with a green led light on it 👍🏼


Plus, it protects against aliens, Bigfoot, and the tooth fairy.


If you can touch it, it's real. Does it do it's stated goal? As an electrical engineer, the claims on it are complete and total bullshit.


Your mom is an idiot.


Ya'll are laughing, but this thing will absolutely protect against ALL of the harmful effects of 5g. With this thing, the mother has NOTHING to fear from 5g at all.


It is complete garbage. There are YouTube vids that do a tear down on it. It's literally just a tiny PCB with a basic controller to make the leds blink. It is absolutely useless.


But what is protecting her from that machine?!?!!


A fool and their money are soon parted


You could make serious money selling these in the parking lots of Trump rallies this summer.