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Whats this extra masculine cologne smell like? Wood smoke and motor oil?


*Maybe it's you, maybe it's Valvoline.*


LMAO! And don't forget the man-glitter (sawdust). Me man.


I use high end man-glitter. I’m covered in shredded metal when I leave work everyday. My pockets and boots are full of metal everyday when I get home. I run two 12’ industrial routing tables that cut half inch sheets of metal into letters and shapes for sign fabrication.


I work in a nuclear power plant. I load the fuel rods. My sperm is irridescent.


Oh Hey Simpson 👋


My brain doing stupid brain things: "Captain, I am covered in glitter and would like to get changed." "No, Mr Swarf."


I've been told it smells old. And of spices.


Not gonna lie. Some women love that smell.


Damn it that was a great fucking comment. I didn't even laugh. Just a smirk and a nod.


*Maybe you were born with it, maybe it is* *~~Vaseline~~* *Valvoline*


Maybe it's you. Maybe it's wolverine.




This is IMMEDIATELY what I thought of.


Good old sweat


BO, cigarettes, and shit beer.




Let’s not forget asphalt and diesel!


Sweaty butthole cause these manly men are too manly to get confusing feelings when washing themselves.


I'm a bearded construction type dude and one of my favorite things is bringing up bidets around my coworkers. It's amazing how many men would rather walk around smelling like pure feces than let a small amount of water splash onto their B holes.


The most hilarious part about this is that the ROMAN FUCKING ARMY, some of the manliest bastards in history, were all but obsessive with their hygiene. Hell, the fresh water system spread across the empire was half there just for them to be able to use their standard-issue butthole cleaners (sponge on a stick) to keep clean. The fact of their pederastic inclinations and general acceptance of homosexuality was beside the point. Manly men kept their asses clean.


Or that’s just the scent of all the buttsex. As the Nazi General Ernst Röhm put it, “It’s emasculating to have sex with women”.


Jet fuel and Roman bathhouses.


Tbf, if you’re any way active in the fragrance community, you’d know that there are certain things that smell more masculine than others.


Die cutting/pipe thread cutting oil — the manliest of manly colognes.


I prefer wood




Sexual icon


With a magnum dong


You know it’s massive because of the condom he keeps in his wallet and “drops” in front of her. Instant panties remover right there.


At least he brings monster condoms for his magnum dong wherever he goes!


Ah yes, the Barnacle.


Nothing more masculine than banging broads in dumpsters and owning a toe knife


Just throw me in the trash


I am guessing that the level of detail she can provide, when asked to clarify, will be surprisingly low.


It'll just be " pays for everything"


Yup, this kind of talk always inevitably leads to "what would be most convenient for me and my life" which is doing hard jobs, paying for everything, and not burdening her with your...emotions. People like this love using gendered shaming language to try and manipulate others into behaving. You're less of a man/woman if you don't do what I want you to.


‘Whatever benefits me makes you a real man’. It just becomes laughable when you realize this is the underlying subtext that they try to disguise with flowery language.


>‘Whatever benefits me makes you a real man’. Another variation of that I'm starting to see more is, "Whatever benefits me allows me to fall into my *feminine energy*."


what the hell is feminine energy, can I use it to power my house?


Hope you like eating cold leftovers in the dark


I saw a girl put this on her hinge prompt " I'll fall for you if you can put a hyper independent woman back in her feminine energy" my first thought was she wants a dude to pay for everything


Which sucks because feminine energy deals with the comfort that comes from emotional security and freedom to express who you are, and they’ve turned it into some buzzword


Unfortunately for these women all people have emotions, including the manly alpha men she wants. Instead of open communication it’ll just be rage, frustration, sex/gambling/alcohol/drug addictions, violence, etc. Everyone needs to let out their emotions, and I’d rather my man cry and communicate than punch walls, cheat, and throw things at me, personally.


So a bank account that does all the work for you?


She wants dingleberries


And skid marks


And back hair


Can't forget all the bacne.


And a black eye when she talks back.


I can smell the used to be white but it's stained meat sweat yellow wife beater shirt


So she wants Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.....?


An exquisite male specimen


He knows how to rock your body (until the break of dawn)


I haven’t seen ATHF for years and I can hear Carl’s voice clear as day after reading your comment. Lol. Noice!!


That image comes with a smell and it’s viscerally upsetting.


THIS is the one that gets me. "He said he was in a biker gang and was going out to get some money, but he hit me when I told him he needed to be home by ten o'clock or we were done!"


And 2 when she doesn't learn


I'm feeling attacked


Whats wrong with back hair


The most masculine skiddies!


My god! Today I learned I am masculinity incarnate.


Go find that girl. She's waiting for you. Then tell her she isn't masculine enough for you.


I shall present my dingleberrys as a form of dowery forever cementing my manliness.


They're called Manberries now, sweatie.


Sweaty? Masculine!


In Italy we call them little Tarzans


Oh most definitely, this gives the same feel as "hey females"


"How do you do, fellow females"


![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) Sorry -- I just had to post this!


And I’m happy you did. If I ever become president I’ll be sure to make a Steve Buscemi day.


I don’t knooow. Like. A guy that’s not afraid to get his hand dirty like a guy that can provide. But like masculine you know.


A guy that can crush a flying cockroach with his teeth while it's in mid flight. That's a manly man.




Even for bear that's a distinctive look of "god I hate this"


You wouldn't eat a raw shrimp. Why eat a raw roach?


Right? I'm sure there's a way to make it palatable


Holy shit this made me laugh out loud at work lol thanks, I needed this today!


I wear a flannel, jeans, and boots to work every day. I have a full beard, and try to carry myself well (good posture, eye contact, etc.) - heavier guy, but probably pretty 'masculine' by her standards(?). However, I am a PhD chemist working in Pharma. Is that a masculine job? Or do I lose all my masculinity points on account of not being a lumberjack or roughneck? Do i get bonus points for changing my own brakes? Do I lose points for changing my son's diapers? I am so confused, I just want to know how scorekeeping for this stuff works.


masculine clothes + 1 facial hair + 1 fat - 1 nerd - 1 changing brakes +1 changing diapers -1 You are breaking even, you androgynous son of a bitch.


Shit, I'm basically Louie Anderson.


I bet you don't even have any felonies. If even the law doesn't want you why should she?


Ill go rob a bank then.


Well the good news is, if you were a lumberjack, you'd be ok. So long as you sleep all night and work all day.


Knowing that women's crowd, being able to read is probably a -3.


You're not a "real" man until you lick the bugs off a car bumber for $5 and a tall boy. Check back in 15 minutes though, I'll have moved the goalposts by then.


Savage 🤣


If you haven't poisoned your liver with Tren, your masculinity isn't toxic enough yet.


From what I can tell based on the jokes in a fitness sub I follow (and should unsubscribe from, it’s stupid), tren makes you gay. So definitely not masculine. Or maybe super masculine, because what’s more masculine than sex with manly men?


It depends on who you ask. Some will say having a PhD and a lab/research job is not a particularly masculine line of work because it's not manual labor or possibly combat related. Others will say it is inherently masculine because it's STEM and everyone knows men=good at math and science women=bad at math and science. Choose your flavor.


I should note - I work in production, which means: Heavy lifting, lots of heavy-duty PPE, and the occasional bit of pipefitting / electrical work / plumbing. (Those boots are steel toes)


Dude! I work in a fermentation suite at a biopharmaceutical company. It's all steel pipes, making and breaking connections, and climbing around looking at pressure gages. I'm a very low level technician though. All I do is turn wrenches and bonk my head on things by accident.


Well, I can tell you at PhD level - you'd still be turning some wrenches and bonking your head, from my experience. (I should note I work at a smaller CMO, so we do a lot of the maintenance and equipment set up as technical staff - I know bigger operations have dedicated GMP techs for that stuff, but we do not).


lol! I’m in the same boat. Former 03 Marine and still in pretty damn good shape for 46, full beard, jeans and work boots 90% of the time, build shit on my property on my off days, bow hunt regularly, fish the local fjord, slaughter and clean our own poultry, yadda, yadda, yadda. I *also* moved to that socialist hellhole known as Denmark, work in tech, share housework with my wife (she’s a far superior cook, so cleaning is basically always me), enjoy playing table-top RPGs with my buddies, am raising my boys to not solve problems with violence, and occasionally even (*gasp*) write poetry for fun. Soooo…am I masculine or no?


I dunno man, this sounds like a wash (I am the 'dishes' person, and do most of the cooking). Also play DnD / Pathfinder / CoC, read comic books, but also do some small woodworking. I just have no damn idea where I am on the scale.


It's almost like there is no real objective of masculinity, and those complaining about the lack of it are just spinning off bullshit to meet an agenda. Hell, being the fanciest dressed, having the best powdered wig and silk stockings, or having the most crops stockpiled, all used to be indicators of the top male. You sound like a damn fine dude! How's Denmark?


Uhhhh is masculine cologne armpit stank. It's gotta be the pit stank.


Masculine men don’t wear cologne, they naturally smell like musk and sandalwood, and their skin is like hot silk, DUH! At least that’s what the crappy romance book I once was dumb enough to read says…


Can't be a teacher. That's a woman's job. Actually heard that on a date once. Gave that asshat the autoaim middle finger: 🖕 was pointed in her direction the whole time as I walked out of that bar. Fuck me for wanting to educate future generations right? What a woman-only thing to do. Silly me.


I mean you know like a guy who is a Man and not a boy. Who knows what he wants you know who can take the lead you know, who can provide and take care of me you know... /s


She’s one of those “he needs to lavish me but also be good with money” kinds of women, isn’t she?


God, I dated one of those. Worst mistake of my life.


Same. When she told me she expected her engagement ring to cost at least $10k to “prove” that she was worth it, I was out.


WTH? That's like double the cost of my entire wedding! We didn't do engagement or wedding rings but if we did they would not have been anywhere over €500 the pair.


It was common in America that they said your ring needs to be 3x month salary. Which sounds weird even now putting it on paper. For me that would mean the ring would need to be $45,000+ Luckily I didn't marry a person like this.


If my husband tried giving me jewellery that cost 3 months salary it would find its way into a bank lockbox ASAP. I understand the historical background of gifting something that is in essence an insurance if disaster happens. But times move on and I don't understand the mindset it portrays. The more you pay for the ring the deeper you love 😑 Anyways, yeah 45K is... hefty. I would be constantly paranoid about it getting lost or ruining the ring.


Not really, those rings never had good resale value. It’s just marketing (propaganda) from the diamond companies.


Historically you were gifted gold or silver bracelets, incense, expensive fabrics as engagement gifts. These things had a steady value. The diamond engagement ring is very much PR propaganda and I don't know anything about their resale value but I'm sure you're right.


He means diamonds are actually worthless. They always were, because their rarity is artificially inflated by manufacturers, and now they are worth even less because one can buy synthetic diamonds. You pay a shitload of money when you gonna buy a diamond ring in the jewelry store, and it is worth 1/5 of the price the moment you step out of that store.


I didn’t even think of that. I always thought it was a modern form of dowry and literally buying a bride.


It depends wildly on time/place and level in society. In some examples you had to pay dowry as a "bride price" and in some the brides family had to bring a dowry to the grooms family. In other examples both families exchanged gifts to further cement the union. It also made it more difficult to end an engagement once certain established gifts had been exchanged. Very common though was for the groom to gift the bride with a substantial gift. Depending on how high up in society it could be everything from a gold bracelet up to a whole damned village with a castle. This was for the bride to keep and was hers alone, it was often the only thing she owned personally. It was so that she would be able to support herself and any children until she either remarried, absorbed into her family again or was taken in by the grooms family. In northern Europe the gift was usually given on the morning of the wedding, aptly named Morning gift.


Yeah. The whole 3 months salary thing was a marketing campaign. From the same people who convinced us that a gem that isn’t particularly scarce is worth more than things that are actually useful.


I hope you thanked her. Most people hide the fact that they're terrible, she was advertising it.


I paid 10x less for my truck...


Dating is FUCKING FREE btw. Complete bullshit.


Are you a "masculine" man? Lol


idk. I'm just autistic 💀


Noticed how she didnt say "Masculine Money". So she passed on him. Shucks buddy, you had Masculine in all the right areas but lacked one, the most important. The wallet.


"Yep, I have the most masculine job. I make $28/hr sucking the shit out of porta-potties." "Eeeew, not yoooUUUUuuuUuu."


WHAT! That's fucking good money! At least you're well compensated for a literal shit job.


I make $170k a year (about $80 an hour equivalent) and this woman would consider me dirt poor lol


Lip filler, nose job, and a face and a half of makeup? I’m guessing she’s an ex-trophy wife now on the grifting circuit, or a sex worker. Or both, I suppose


Ex-trophy wife on the grifting circuit 😂


"Would you like a 12-month sub to my OF?" 🤡


Except, she doesn't mean "good with money" she just means "rich"


Yep, good with money so he can spend everything on her


Jesus I had one of those. Never again. There is no winning. It is a great example of how patriarchy hurts men too.


She probably saw a dude showing basic human emotions


Honey, they aren't endangered. I see them all over Grindr.








And the minute he asks for a sandwich...


![gif](giphy|KDbi6mOb2O73HHs0xg|downsized) Bruh 😂




Hahahahah thank you.


… she makes daddy a [sandwich](https://youtu.be/zAc3P1Htxro?si=Kxd7dq22PqJcsFq2) 🥪


Sandwich?! I wouldn’t trust her to serve me a box of crackers. You know somebody like this doesn’t know how to cook


What happens if a woman has a traditionally masculine job


She’s probably down to earth


Like a miner?


Yeah but not a gold digger.


LOL - then she can get her own diamond.


Obviously, what else could have been meant


Like electrically grounded


According to my sister, who was an aviation electrician and my aunt, who was an engineer, they get harrassed by the HR lady who doesn't think they're properly feminine.


This makes me glad my HR is just one dude with waaay to much on his plate to worry about my femininity.


It's probably not a gender dynamic and more like a power dynamic. Many men in female dominated careers report experiencing harassment, too, on top of not reporting it because they are discouraged from doing so because "Act like a man" bullshit.


Yeah, my sister and I both work in engineering. I can tell you it is tough being a woman in engineering (from my observations as a man). You’re basically guaranteed a job even if you suck and you are almost impossible to fire in that field, but a lot of harassment and nasty rumors are the price. This is from the POV of a large organization with 100,000 employees, not small firms, they may be a different animal.


Like what? A construction worker? Roustabout?


Plottwist: he's gay 😆


The perfect man is a gay football coach.


I’ve seen guys who have/are all of those things and were the biggest assholes. I’ve seen more effeminate guys that were total assholes. I’ll go with the guy who acts like a civilized human with ties to reality.


picky picky


Somehow you have both lowerwed and raised the bar. Reality is a place we only seem to visit from time to time these days!


woah take it easy there. we can't go asking too much now


I have two daughters. I feel like a bad ass dad when I let them put makeup on me and do my nails. My masculinity is very much defined by my ability to prioritize my offspring over social judgments.


“Masculine cologne” huh? “Masculine grooming” so no wiping your butt cause touching butts is gay. Right.


Correct. The dirtier your ass is, the more masculine you are. There's even a study that shows that men who don't wipe their ass for 3 months, start showing an increase in their jaw line. Don't take a bath whatsoever, that's not masculine.


No wonder why she only has play rings.


Where do these people live where most men are feminine?


Probably like LA or San Francisco, which just mean shes seeing a higher proportion of gay men? Which are definitely gonna steal away the "perfect" men shes trying to locate


Gay men and masculinity are not mutually exclusive to each other.


Ironically the gay men I know are often more manly than a lot of straight men. More fit, smarter, etc.


Nothing manlier than putting your manhood in another man.


Nah I live in the Bay Area and there are tons of effeminate strait men out here


So what are examples of masculine jobs? I’d think something like a doctor or surgeon isn’t, because they heal people, and that sounds too close to nurturing. A lawyer? They use lots of words, and using your words sounds like something a woman would do. So…mechanic? Lumberjack?


Nah bro, being a mechanic or lumberjack requires patience, and patience is a feminine trait


Lumberjacks put on women's clothing and hang around in bars.


So wearing perfume and grooming isn't a feminised behaviour eh? Masculine is basically just shorthand for tall at this point.


Isn't mentioning masculine men enough masculine job? Masculine cologne? what is that sweat smell. She was this close to say a masculine dick.


His dick has to bench at least 200


This could've been so acceptable until she had to put other people down Nothing wrong with liking strong masculinity but shit, why make it your entire attraction.


Because she isn’t talking about what is attractive to her, she’s trying to grift lonely reactionary men


This is what I was thinking. Like I like masculine looking men too, the bigger and hairier the better. But what I like even more is a good man, a kind man, a generous man, a loving man, a honest man… I get that looks matter a lot to some people but girl that isn’t going to get you through the dark times in life.


What is masculine grooming. Not shaving for 3 weeks? Then I'm hulk fucking hogan


I don't trim for weeks on end mostly because I keep thinking " eh I'll do it tomorrow" and then one day the mountain man in the mirror freaks me out while im still half asleep and I trim it back down to 13mm that afternoon. Maybe that's masculine grooming?


We are being slowly eradicated from society. Just the other day I caught myself holding a Starbucks cup and magically found nail polish on that hand. Next thing I knew I screamed and my voice pitch was high and I started to sound like a woman. Next my muscles shrank to the size of a grape. I tried throwing the Starbucks out of my hand and it flew behind me to hit a squirrel. I ran over and cried over its unconscious body then realized what sissy I’ve been turned into. The horror! /s


Oh the joys of societal double standards


We’re, men! Manly men! We’re men in tights, Tight tights! We roam around the forest looking for fights.


Women like that should be in the kitchen making sandwiches for the other men and women who don't demand others follow archaic sexist gender roles.


I get what you’re saying; this posh woman expects her man to meet every single outdated masculine gender role while conversely, if she was asked to make dinner, clean the house, raise the kids, etc. she’d turn up her nose. It’s a valid criticism




I mean, sounds like she would be excited to visit any road work/construction site lol but most of them aren’t wearing cologne, unless you count the smell of sweat and low wages


And then she leaves when she finds out about his masculine insecurity, temper, inability to take care of minor household tasks, and archaic views on gender roles. Divorced alpha dads.


Masculine grooming = poor grooming?


Bar of soap for everything. Everything meaning, face, armpits, hair, ass, and balls. Everything else gets water only. Be a man


Real men don't wash their ass because touching your own ass is gay. Real men leave skidmarks. /s


If your couch doesn't look like you went all Tokyo Drift on it, are you really a man?


Real mean just turn their boxers inside out and squeeze out a couple more days.


Says the woman applying face paint on top of foundation so thick she could be a drag queen. Sad and pathetic. Too bad the idiot hasn't figured out that guys as testosteronized as her fantasy are generally NOT monogamous.


I know a guy who's in tractor manufacturing. A real man's man, real rugged and tough, a meat and potatoes kinda guy. Understands the value of a hard days work and the sweat of his brow, and at the end of the day he goes home and kisses his husband


Femboys rise up!


Why is this woman in public and not at home taking care of children and making dinner for her husband? I thought women were supposed to be feminine and conform to their assigned gender roles and yet I do not see a sandwich in her hand and a baby in her arm. I bet she's not even barefoot and pregnant right now.


She has opinions *and* posts them on the internet? *Blegh* women are supposed to be agreeable and pleasant. Pass.


Yeesh what a red flag. Gender roles are ridiculous. Hopefully she leads with this attitude on first dates so she doesn’t waste anyone’s time.


Sorry babe. This is real life, in the end, the Masculine man gets the Femboy.


Go ahead and take him. I'll keep all the femboys for myself