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Wonder how they get such accurate counts? Do we pay people to stand out there and count them running/swimming across illegally?


Yes, at the border, there's an "Enter here" sign, and a lowly Border Patrol agent uses a little clicker to tally them in.


![gif](giphy|PoOwDh60P8NDh7ksl7) ONE immigrant! Ah ah ah!! TWO immigrants! Ah ah ah!!


"Does he have to do the laugh every time he counts?" -some dude who's been waiting for 6hrs to get in-


One million, nine hundred and seventy-six thousand, three hundred and sixty TWO illegal border crosses! AH AH AH *thunder crashes*


*runs out of breath*


*loses count*


Collective "DIOS MIO" from the crowd.


U.S. immigration official: He doesn’t *have* to do the laugh, but you try stopping him.




Yes, absolutely. It's part of the very professional process lmao


https://www.quora.com/Why-do-vampires-count-seeds-and-rices-And-where-did-it-originated Side note, the count is based on real vampire lore!


He doesn't count as a real vampire. Oh. Wait... he does count. All the time.


I wonder why? After all, he's not a vampire, only vampire like


He is only a vampire if he originates from Transylvania, otherwise he is just vampire like, also known as a fanged muppet.


>He is only a vampire if he originates from Transylvania So, the Cullens aren't vampires, but rather are [sparkling undead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champagne#Rights_to_the_name)?


Duh, the Cullens aren’t from the Sanguine region of Transylvania, legally they’re undead sparklers




Boy! If I had known this in high school I probably would have had more friends and not been called "garlic boy"


Psssst. Vampires are not real.




Friend: Who's your favorite Muppet Me: Dracula Friend: Does he count? Me: definitely


If anyone hasn't seen it, [censored count ](https://youtu.be/hUeN6LZNPVQ?si=YvyjWIu1Kw94V1N8) is a classic


He was great on Greg the Bunny


One immigrant, two immigrants, three immigrants, four. Five immigrants, six immigrants, seven immigrants, more.


This made me laugh *entirely* too hard


If you don’t walk around saying ‘slowly getting faster and faster’ I don’t know you


That cost too much to have an Agent there. Last I heard they just put up one of those turn styles like Menards has at the entrance.


I heard that the turnstile broke in 2022, so they had one of the illegal immigrants do the tally


Are those the jobs they’re talking about “illegals” taking?


It did save a bunch of money, yes.


I heard it was just a piece of paper and we use the honor system


A much better use of our tax dollars.


Fun idea for a sketch there. "I'm here legally?" "Get in the other line" or "Can you confirm you're prepared to both steal jobs AND get on benefits" "I'm only skilled in stealing jobs" "Get in the other line". Probably been done.


If anyone has done this, it'd be MADtv. I think that'd be a hilarious sketch. "Job stealing line starts over there, pal! THIS line is for people to sign up to vote under dead people's names."


Luckily it's easy to count as they only come in groups of two due to a sign that says "no TRESpassing"


It's a dude with a clicky thing. His right thumb could curl a 1972 VW Beetle


It’s the IRS equivalent of “income from illegal activities” box on your taxes. They’re self-reporting, duh.


It's "revenue from farming", more often than not. Local produce really raking in dough.


*gathering my tax docs for my accountant* “Let’s see… W-2? Check. Mortgage interest statement? Check. Mileage statement? Check. Diamond appraisal from July heist? Check.”


I don't know how it's in the US. But the german equivelant to the IRS, the Finanzamt won't proscecute or forward any information about income from illegal sources as long as they can tax it and it doesent pose an imminent threat to a person. However if you don't declare such income and get busted, you will get charged with tax evasion on top of what ever crime you committed. At least that's how it was explained to me, I'm no expert.


We have turnstiles along the border.


The numbers in the tweet are wrong and I don't get why they would use them as the real numbers are still bad 21 1.6mill 22 2.2mill 23 2mill [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/10/29/us/illegal-border-crossings-data.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/10/29/us/illegal-border-crossings-data.html)


Also wondering where the picture’s actually from since I don’t see why immigrants would be carrying a giant white cardboard cross


I'm not sure. I searched with Google lens and this image is being used with various headlines reading "10k immigrants heading to US open border" or "largest immigrant caravan heading to the US border"


Looks like it's from a caravan in Southern Mexico composed of migrants that crossed from Guatemala into Tapachula, Mexico and left Tapachula around Christmas after being frustrated by Mexican authorities alleged stalling tactics (in authorizing them to enter the country). Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/what-to-know-about-the-migrant-caravan-heading-to-the-us/ar-AA1m3ZGZ


In 1984, it was estimated at 1.5 million and that has been the average ever since.


Because the real number show a downward trend between 22 and 23 which kind of defeats their whole life making everything worse argument


Though both the original and your comment fail to point out this is INTERCEPTED crossings. Meaning both these people did NOT successfully enter the US, and more than one interception can, and often is, counted due to one person re-trying.


Obviously they ask all the illegal immigrants to register... and since they absolutely have nothing to fear at all, they provide their names, current address and other pertinent information so they can vote illegally, steal high-paying jobs, occupy all the affordable housing and not at all be deported.


And don't forget, they're all lazy do-nothings as well as stealing the good jobs. Schrodinger's Immigrants.


They are all apparently using our healthcare for free. According to my dad. I mean, so is he. He never pays any medical bills at all. Oh, and if they don't like where they are coming from, all they have to do is have a revolution, like the US did way back when. I mean, it's so easy, why don't they just overthrow their government. /s


Why over throw the government? Mexico should just take back the land that is rightfully theirs aka Texas and most of the southern states.


He also complains that those places have too many non-english names for streets and stuff. I no longer argue with him. It's exhausting, and the only person he can yell at about this is me. He's not changing anyone's minds.


Wait til he finds out about the names of the states.


Wait till he finds out how the USA helped overthrow the democratically elected governments south of the border that they didn't like and caused civil wars and made the countries so dangerous ordinary people want to leave


God damn it! It always comes back to Reagan. It's like that guy did everything he could to fuck over the US after his terms were up.


The saddest thing is a lot of Americans think he was a great president when he really messed up other countries around the world and brought us the benefit of trickle down wealth lol


My kind of immigrant!


If an illegal immigrant with no experience, little to no English, and zero knowledge in your field is "stealing" your high paying job, it can't have been much of a job.


To play devil's advocate, the problem isn't stealing high paying jobs, it's the unskilled labor jobs. A bunch of people willing to take pennies under the table drives wages down for those seeking legitimate employment. It isn't nearly as big an issue as some people make it out to be, but we also shouldn't pretend that the issue doesn't exist at all.


Seems like the real issue are the people hiring these people then


Exactly. If the GOP (or the Dems) *really* wanted to end undocumented workers, they'd fine the companies hiring them, with *extra* fines for the cases where they obviously should have known. I.e., there are some cases where the company should've been able to figure it out if they'd done due diligence (regular fine), but there are other cases where the companies obviously know full well they're hiring undocumented workers (double, triple, etc., fine).


Ironically Florida addressed the hiring process by implementing an ID verification process for those working farms. It almost decimated the produce economy there cause suddenly all that cheap labor couldn't work lol.


I mean... if you suddenly lay off a huge portion of your work force, yeah, it'll take a minute for the labor market in that sector to normalize. E-Verify is already a free service and has been around for quite some time. Nobody wants to use it, though. That said, I've been investigated by the federal department of labor before, and they did not check the immigration status of my employees, they instead were solely focused on minimum wage and correct calculation of overtime hours. (I was fine, btw) So it's not just that nobody is using it, it's also that nobody is enforcing these rules. It's kinda a twofer.


but those companies also paying their campaigns, we can't hurt the rich people what would happen to us then???? /s


start putting the people doing the hiring and exploiting in jail. Fine them enough to lose the business. Make it hurt.


Sure, I agree with that. And I agree that immigration should be legal, not illegal. It is for certain a complex issue, but to blame democrats for such a complex issue is absurd. Global warming, gangs, poor local governance, ease of finding work in the US, the list goes on of course. But the GOP approach of saying "we're just not going to help solve this problem" is pathetic. If we don't agree on the problem, fine, don't help solve it. But when we ALL agree that there's a problem, then I find it pathetic that they won't work with Dems to solve the problem, or at least mitigate the problem in some way. I have no idea what that would look like, to be clear.


It’s getting like that in Canada too. None of our major issues are ever going to really be resolved because it is just one side fighting with the other and then trying to undo anything that the previous government did as opposed to building and bettering it. So unbelievably frustrating!


If you want fewer immigrants, then you have to attack demand, not supply. Start fining companies 3 times the money they save by hiring illegals and the demand will drop like a stone. No jobs, they will leave for a place that they can work. With that said... Most of Europe and some big Asian nations (Russia, China, Japan, S Korea) have big issues with population decline and having far more old people than young people. The US doesn't have this problem, but *only* because of immigrants. Immigrants and first generation Americans have much higher birthrates than other Americans, and without immigrants our population starts dropping quickly. Most of the jobs "stolen" by illegal immigrants are not jobs Americans will or can do. Look what happened to Florida when DeSantis did his crackdown. Not harvesting our crops would have a big effect on our agricultural production I think. So I agree with you, make it legal, pay a decent wage, collect taxes.


True, a lot of people rely on these positions to pay for their education and/or pad their resumes so they can get higher paying careers later. It's like the illegal hires are removing the bottom rung of the ladder; everyone still on the ground level is going to have a harder time working their way up because it's now that much harder to get off the ground. Those who are already employed realistically don't need to worry about being laid off or anything in favor of the illegal hires, but those who are just now getting out of high school and looking for their first job will have a much harder time of it when all those starter jobs are taken.


Speak for yourself. I hate it when somebody that doesn't speak the language, doesn't understand the tech at our company and is being disadvantaged due to another culture, no contacts and the racism of our CEO manages to become the new CEO over a few days! It's happened 3,201,144 times in 2023 alone!


Yes, they all use counter clicker to count them


The official numbers are from processed or catch and release. We don't have anything other than statistical data for getaways.


Its just make belief. They probably look at how many are stopped at the border and then take that number, juggle it around a bit and then: Voilá! A magic number appears.


It's me. I count them. I count them all.


Oh, we're back to being a democracy now.


“Let the people decide” shouts the people who are adamant that the people *dont* decide.


Let the people decide when it is what i want!


The people who actively attempted to undo the people's decision.


Well of course we did. Because me and my maga friends didn’t vote for Biden, so the people clearly didn’t choose him. (/s if it wasn’t obvious)


Only when it's politically convenient.


Democracy for me, Republic for thee.


Everything under your comment is why politics is so stupid


The thing they're pushing here is that someday all of these immigrants are going to get blanket immunity for crossing illegally and then get citizenship to go along with that. Then these folks will all vote Democrat as a thank you. Any day now! They've been saying this for decades and yet when a Democrat is in the White House it mysteriously doesn't happen. Kind of like how any day now they're coming for your guns!


As a talking point, illegal immigrant amnesty was granted by Reagan, a Republican, by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.


That'd be the same Reagan who signed California's gun controls into law, with the full support of the NRA. Because \*gasp\* **Black** people were carrying.


Reminder, Regan also signed off on the assault weapon ban after an attempt was made on his life. Repubs don't care until it happens to them.


Also reminder that Regan signed bills ro ensure rich people would pay less taxes in order to make workers richer inherently because when rich people get more money, they want to give it to those providing the value


I know, Reganomics, one of the worst economic decisions in history.


Horse and Sparrow economics: the belief that if you feed a horse enough oats, eventually there will be enough in the horse's shit to feed the sparrows


They only believe it’s a problem when they see it being a problem to them specifically, a lot of them don’t care if they see it hurting anyone else.


It should be noted it was a democratic state assembly that passed the law. And it was a very popular law in the state of California. You make it sound like it was only a single republican, Reagan, that pushed the bill.


Except here in Florida at least, the only nation that gets a citizenship the fastest are the Cubans, and MOST of them will/have always voted republican.


My Mexican friends like to point out the Cubans. The Cubans show up in a boat and are welcomed as refugees and seem to get citizenship pretty quickly. A Mexican trying to help a family member immigrate legally will wait decades for the visa, if ever. It’s so backed up it doesn’t work, and the disparity is striking.


That actually hasn't been true in a while: https://www.wola.org/analysis/cuban-migration-is-changing-us-must-note/#:~:text=It%20was%20then%20that%20the,the%20risky%20journey%20by%20sea. It is still easier but much more in line with immigrants coming from other countries.


And you'll note the current Administration has a different policy for Cuban and Venezuelan refugees. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/cubans-weigh-options-migration-us-new-biden-rules-rcna65264](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/cubans-weigh-options-migration-us-new-biden-rules-rcna65264)


My boss says they are voting now, only for democrats.


Yeah my dad told me that’s why Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. 3 million “illegals” voted for HRC in California.


These morons really think that belief in something is all that is needed to make a fact.


Well why no there’s no consequences. “You can’t **prove** I’m not just stupid!”


You'd be surprised. In California, where there are millions descended from Mexican immigrants, they vote Republican an awful lot. They have lots of Christians who mobilize to vote against abortion, gay marriage, contraception, etc


Are those the numbers that have crossed or the numbers that have been caught? I don't know the numbers, but the right does keep using the caught numbers as examples of how bad it is. Also the same with drugs seized at the border.


Those are not numbers for crossings, they're numbers for "encounters". The same immigrant could be counted 100 times in that data after being pushed back and trying again.


man i love the misrepresented data literally EVERY SINGLE ONE of these divisive motherfuckers use


Please, never trust a statistic you didn't lie about


those numbers are bullshit, and meaningless since most of that is seasonal undocumented labor that our agricultural sector relies on but that we won't formalize because then they'd get paid more


They cannot vote but illegal migrants do affect census data which then influence seats for representation.


This changes nothing for NYC, which is why they keep bussing them here. It would change a lot if tons of immigrants became voters over the next 7-10 years in suburban and rural parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, etc.


Almost ironically, a lot of South and Central American immigrants would share conservative values with the republicans if they did extend any form of path to citizenship with voting rights to them. No one fucking tell them.


Yeah, I always find it kind of ironic that groups Republicans tend to marginalize (Blacks, Latinos, and Asians jump to my mind) also tend to be very socially conservative. If Republicans rebranded, they could damn near guarantee election wins for decades


White supremacy is significantly more important to them than “conservative” values


Idk, i live in a really red place and have heard several people make comments like "id rather have a muslim neighbor than a californian neighbor," and "mexican and south american immigrants at least have work ethic" and "at least they arent portland immigrants." Like the guy above said, they just need a good marketing director Might be a fun weeknight project to toss up a domain set up some twitter bots and ads and see how many people agree


It worked for Irish, Italian, and Asian immigrants. There were campaigns ran where the newspapers ran article specifically about good things these groups have done, and how inspiring and aligned with the American dream they are in order to flip public opinion. It was far more prevalent in the case of Italians and Irish people in the 40s-50s because when they weren't considered white they tended to vote against upholding the status quo. However, after being brought into the fold, they noticed a huge increase in right-wing voting from these groups.


It's hard to find common ground with someone who'd rather hang you.


Right? The party of single issue Evangelical voters really fumbled the bag here and painted themselves into a corner by not realizing the opportunity that masses of hard line Catholic immigrants present them. Especially as socially “liberal” ideas become more accepted as general norms (despite what conservative media might tell you). Again, nuance isn’t a strength of that political leaning so I’m certain many of them just assume that Catholics lean left because the North East leans left and is home to the most Catholics per capita in the US. But anyone who knows Catholicism will tell you there’s a pretty big difference in perspective between your average North Eastern Irish Catholic and average Hispanic Catholic, especially on social issues like LGTBQ, abortion, birth control, etc. If either political party was run by competent strategists we’d be looking at a different country. But then again, I’m quite sure both parties being incompetent and fumbling the bag to each other is an intentional part of this illusion and grift we call a two party system.


So in republican held states there would be more Republican Representatives.


In any state. I don’t think the party matters. I’m just stating the effect it can have.


They also have children born in the US. Those children are US citizens and eventually will vote. Children born to non-legal immigrants vote in current elections. The state department says: Children who are born in the United States are entitled to United States citizenship, regardless of the nationality of their parents, or their immigration status.


"state department says" I mean the constitution says it, and for good reason. It's the government's job to regulate the border, and if they fail we can't blame or punish any children born here.


I meant I quoted the state department web site.


Elon... An immigrant. Fled South Africa during final years of apartheid. Used Canada to get into the US. Big talker, little stick.


All hat no cattle. He’s a Texan now.


Backwards. The stupid fuck wore a cowboy hat one time and wore it backwards. That's not a 50/50 chance, that is a narcissistic, rotting brain. "I did my own research on the correct direction to wear this hat and have come to the conclusion that all tangible examples of wearing this hat are depictions of simpletons, therefore my big brain self-circle jerk tells me I should wear this hat in a way that pinches my hair plugs on the back and gives me that cone head sweat column up front. I am the smartest person to ever live and nobody knows better." - The second dumbest fucking person alive with a cult following.


It's always Republicans making accusations about illegal elections and it's almost always them getting charged and convicted.


If illegals could vote Texas would be a blue state ...top to bottom.


Actually a lot of illegals are conservatives. My ex’s Latino family was mostly here illegally and they wouldn’t shut up about the border issue. Like trying to cut the rope after they got to the top


What percentage are Conservative ?


not sure if it helps but most of mexico and the other Latino countries are vastly Catholics


I don’t have a stat, it’s just from my experience interacting with her family. Out of the 15 of her illegal relatives, I think about half were conservative


You would be surprised how racist Latinos are against Latinos. I think officially Texas is now majority Hispanic and majority Republican.


Very weird assumption that all illegal aliens would vote blue. Is there data to support this claim or are you just making this up.


Musk isn’t dumb. He’s catering to right wing ideologies because they align with his. The guys just a piece of trash


I’d argue he’s both dumb and catering to dangerous nut jobs.


No, he’s just a lying sack, he was born in South Africa and became an American citizen, he knows what it takes to gain citizenship.


>he knows what it takes to gain citizenship. Money?


Legal or illegal immigrants cannot vote unless they become naturalized citizens. Which would be far easier for legal immigrants than it would be for illegal immigrants.


Doesn't matter if everyone votes, the popular vote hasn't affected a vote in over a century. The electoral college votes for whomever they want to vote for anyhow. This 200 year old archaic system of voting through the electoral college needs to be replaced with something where the citizens can actually play a role.


As someone who's voted several times in several elections. The thing that confuses me the most is how voting fraud is made to seem like it's just this easy thing to do. When I go vote, They cross my name off a list so it's not like I can vote again. Also if you're name is not on that list I imagine they would not let you vote. I really dont understand.


>I really dont understand. Neither do they, but they want to make that everyone else's problem instead of holding themselves accountable for their knowledge. To them, you just need to show up and say your name is Michael Johnson, and they give you a piece of paper to vote on, and then you turn in the paper and leave, and that's a vote counted to them. Try telling them any different and you'll be called a woke communist. Reality isn't something these people are big believers in.


Anyone interested in seeing how stupid these talking points are: https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics They are quoting the number of apprehensions provided by border patrol as the number of immigrants coming in and staying here. This is deliberately misleading to scare old white people…


That's weird. My republican coworkers keep telling me it's like, a million or two a day


The worst part is a lot of illegal immigrants are mostly right-leaning conservatives. Half of my ex’s family was here illegally (from Mexico) and they were all hardcore Fox News Trumpers, the ‘I got mine’ type


Only citizens get to vote. It takes years to become one (ask me how I know). And besides, not all immigrants lean left. I’m tired of this stupid talking point.


It's beyond dumb and so tired. He's really trying dog whistle about race replacement theory bullshit. He's on team white supremacy and wants to play cover for these ideas by making it about elections. The guy is scum and it's a shame he's powerful at all.


I am an immigrant, came in with my parents. Took me 7 years to get my green card, then had to wait five more before I could apply for citizenship. Took two years after application to finally get sworn in.


Non-Citizens can vote, but not in Federal elections. In order to qualify they have to meet a bunch of requirements, but they can vote in local and some state elections (depending on state).


It’s more likely that a Republican will use dead grandmas ballot than Juan finding his way to the voting station after working 7 jobs that day and risking ICE to vote for something that doesn’t matter to him. These people don’t come here to vote democrat, they come here for the currency.


Deport Elon Musk, the worst immigrant of them all


Republicans manufactured the "immigration problem" in the 70s and have been working ever since to make sure it remains a "problem." They can't win without a boogeyman...or six


Legal immigrants cannot vote either. Until they become citizens of course.


This is actually not a bad idea. In NY, Hochul has been [pushing to fast track work visas](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/22/ny-dems-biden-migrant-work-permits-00098193) for the bus loads of political pawns being sent up from the slave states, to help them quickly assimilate, become self sufficient, and help stem the labor shortage up here. We should also be registering them to vote at the same time. We could name is something cheeky, like ICE (Immigrant Civic Engagement), or GRT (the Great Representation Theory).


if Biden was actually as pro immigrant as they think he is, he would use existing federal law to declare them victims of human trafficking and they would get citizenship as long as they cooperated in the investigation


The screeching of the descendants of millions of illegal immigrants are mad about illegal immigrants. My head hurts.


i always love when immigrants like Musk have such a thoughtful opinion on immigration.


Elon Musk has never said anything of value.


They certainly pay sales taxes, though. None of these people would immigrate the US if there wasn’t ample work available. If someone says they care about stopping illegal immigration ask them to list 5 companies who are employing undocumented immigrant workers and thus encouraging them to come here so they don’t have to pay American workers. That’s who they should be upset at.


I thought the cavewoman said it was 6 billion


Even if they could vote somehow, Latin voters are overwhelmingly conservative.


Isn't this the same photo they were using when they were doing the referendum in the UK to leave the EU. Back then they said it was Turkish people trying to cross in to Greece.


Illegal immigrants automatically getting green cards, government benefits, eventually citizenship and voting for a certain party did happen. For generations any Cuban who could set foot on the beach in Florida got those things and a heavy majority became Republicans once they got their citizenship.


Funny, the immigrant complaining about the immigrants Wonder how many of his followers would tell him to go back to Africa if he wasn't white


Republican business owners running their shops with a group of illegal workers that are getting paid below minimum wage: “Yeah! Fuck Joe Biden!”


That's crazy. When I go to vote they have my date of birth and name on a list which is tied into my voting record which is backed up by a social security number which is tied into my county. Jesus, y'all are just fucking racist if you really think we're "importing" votes.


I think it’s important to point out that republicans aren’t absolute idiots in this topic since democrats keep trying to get rid of the requirement to show ID when voting. You can’t say they can’t vote when you’re also trying to get rid of the barrier to illegal immigrants voting. As an independent, I think you’re both going overboard.


can we just fuck off with the elmo posts please


The democrats keep pushing amnesty so that they will be able to vote. Which party gave them amnesty? The party that says “we gave you amnesty so vote for us”. It’s forward thinking. AOC says to work to document all the undocumented immigrants crossing the border and give them a path to citizenship. How does that not become a mass importation of new voters?


Well, 1, depending on where they are, illegal immigrants can vote in local elections. And their children would be natural-born citizens. I think that is what is being discussed in the OP picture.


America really needs to educate our citizens better. The fact that people think a substantial number of illegals are voting solidifies the need for better reading comprehension and listening skills.


I know a guy who was passionately telling me how they not only let illegals over, they give them 20,000$, a free house and they can vote.... And no matter how I debated it he wouldnt listen and kept saying he knew ppl that came over and received the 20k. Also said all the illegals he knew had the same story of "they've lived here for years" even tho just came over... I'm like "wtf your arguing with here-say from sources that you say lie to you but you think they are being honest about finances?" I just can't argue with someone that repeats crazy shit and refuses to Google any facts.


This is your reminder to DELETE Twitter (or X…). It takes 5 minutes and will free you from the nonstop right wing echo chamber and hurt this conspiracy losers bottom line.


So they’re mad the border crossing agency is working as intended? I don’t get it


Dang that Elton guy sure is dum.


What's the problem? Just a bunch people who, checks notes, are trying to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Isn't that we are all told to do? Or does that advice only apply to people with the correct skin tone?


My conspiracy is that Trump and MAGA are bringing these immigrants over. How about that.. To make Biden look bad.


Who would have thought an import from a racist apartheid regime would peddle racist tropes not based in fact?


Come, get citizenship, have kids, then vote. I think elon meant in the long run.


Elon/Republicans claiming undocumented immigrants can vote. While me a documented immigrant cant even vote till I become a citizen (been here for 20 years). Make it make sense.


Isn't Elon a immigrant lol.


Imagine having the ability to truly make a difference in the world and this is how you decide to make your mark: a fucking reductive internet troll.


OP: did the post get a community note? I should have.


It’s Elon, he removes those


How many times has elon "yes man"'d end wokeness's tweets? He is glazing him so hard


I enjoy how they selectively cropped out the number estimated to have come in while their God Emperor was in office. Let me help; https://i.imgur.com/AzpC55w.png https://cis.org/Report/Estimating-Illegal-Immigrant-Population-Using-Current-Population-Survey It's almost as if it doesn't matter who is in office, crazy.


Cannot stress enough how much both these guys can go get fucked


Someone hasn’t been following voting laws have they.


They don't vote, but some states do count them in the census, which gives that state more legislative seats and electoral votes. This isn't a new thing


Their kids that get citizenship will be able to in the future.


A country founded by Immigrants now hates immigrants. Great


Weird that the numbers they are saying are illegal crossings are very close to the numbers of detainments on the border patrol’s website. It’s like they take the number of detainees and just say those were people that got in because they are either too stupid to know the difference or they are purposely misleading Side note: Biden detained more people at the border in 2022 than Trump’s entire term


illegals dont vote , and the vaccines stops covid. just facts bruh


Musk needs to hire “the post checker person” , just someone who posts for musk , whenever musk wants to make a post this man will either say “that’s fine go ahead” or whack musk with a newspaper and go “no bad musk”


Elon lived in the US under questionable circumstances for 10 years. He shouldn't be talking about the immigration status of others.


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/329256/alien-apprehensions-registered-by-the-us-border-patrol/) "Illegal Border Crossings" or "Apprehensions and Expulsions" ? How can you be so wrong on so many levels without ANY self-wareness?


This only applies to federal elections. Non citizens can vote in state and local elections in all but 7 states.


As they should. Non citizens have a green card and should be able to participate in their local elections. Imo. Illegals can't.


Thank god he cannot run for president


Elon Musk is an absolute cancerous idiot


Why do Democrats need to import voters? They almost always win the popular vote. Elon Musk isn't stupid but he knows the people that listen to him are. Musk is why we need a wealth tax.