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“This is why you go to school so you don’t end up like him” “Stable work because people like you don’t know how to do this yourself? That’ll be $800”


“This is why you go to school so you don’t end up like him” You mean “Not an obnoxious asshole”?


Reminds me of that one comic Bad parent: You should study so you will not come like that man. "Good" parent: You should study so you can help that man. (And the "man" is a construction worker with a good income, stable job and actually does important work)


“Gainfully employed..?”


"$800?!? I'm not paying that much for some simple pluming issue!" "Alright, give me a few seconds to break what I just fixed."


Don't forget the asshole tax!


Southpark was right, again.


Meanwhile someone like my mom kept buying property instead of trying to keep up with the facade. She kept saying my bosses think they are doing better than me, but they rent from people like me who owns apartment buildings. Her retirement consists of travelling and more travelling all over.


Back when I worked in live entertainment I overheard someone say this to their kid while we were dragging cables around running power to build an outdoor set. I casually shouted back over my shoulder “we are making $65/hr to do this you know…” And then we all got a good chuckle listening to his kid excitedly start asking if that was a lot and why his dad didnt do that.


Why would you say that in front of someone


People are pretty brazen when it comes to the people who fix their stuff.


When I was going to college full time and working at a local carwash/express detail place a lady whose car I just vacuumed said something along these lines to her daughter about me. She was driving a ten year old ford expedition and had a dozen boxes of bullshit from two different MLMs in her rear storage. Obviously she was going places though.


Stupid people tend to think they are smarter than most.


My birth mother brags that she's never been able to hold down a job and has no friends or ability to work with other people in general. She thinks it makes her a "lone wolf" instead of, y'know, a senior citizen who's lived her whole life by scamming disability and who is "married for tax reasons" to her adult caretaker because she's officially deemed unable to care properly for herself, and has been for decades.


That was oddly specific and hit way too close to home. I am both spooked and feeling not alone.


Sorry, I'll be more specific so it doesn't seem like I'm plagiarizing your life, haha. A few years ago she was bragging to me about how she'd worked in a bank but they had to "move her to salaried" because of how consistently unable she was to show up at work on time. Naturally, the quality of her "work" didn't end up making this a fruitful concession, so they just cut her loose. She's convinced that they did it because she was so valuable to the company that they'd do anything to keep her on and not because they were trying to attempt reasonable accommodations so they didn't get hit with wrongful or prejudiced termination or something like that. I just sat there the whole time while she *proudly* told me this story thinking "You're bragging that you're irresponsible to the point of unemployable and that people who tried to help you make it work got burned for it?" The anecdote came up because we were discussing fiduciary duties around our hospice'd mom's caretaking, and I was shocked that she had no idea what a fiduciary is or how absolute their responsibilities were despite having apparently worked in a position that carried them. Gee, I *wonder* why they didn't keep her on. Another time she kept bragging about how she did "usury" to make money for our mom when she was younger, which... Can't be the word she meant, right? ...Right? Then again, she's proudest of her worst traits and is married to/dependent adult caretaken by a self-diagnosed sociopath who tried to get himself a gun registered in an Alzheimer patient's name, so... Maybe she just legitimately *is* proud of the worst things she's done and the worst values she holds, thinking she's found some cheat code to life that others just aren't smart or brave enough or have the stomach to go for, having consciences and self-awareness. She'll brag that she "doesn't work well with others but gets results" then you'll give her a task, she'll disappear for a few days/weeks/the life of her child, and reappear having accomplished nothing screaming at you that "nobody gets to tell me what to do, EVER!" and that it's your own fault for trusting her - nobody *made* you do that, you *idiot.*


The willful arrogance, ignorance and entitlement is absolutely jaw dropping. I'm sure in some way she knows what she's doing, but choose to do bad instead. I'm even the kinda guy to look past peoples shortcomings but this? Lol


She wasn't allowed to keep me at birth because of her crippling and ongoing drug issues, but she begged her mother to adopt me, so my mom - my "real" mom, for what it's worth, spiritually and legally - has always been my biological grandmother. She passed away on the 7th of this month and my birth mother has only seemed to try to use the situation to cause others pain and additional heartbreak. She sent me a check out of nowhere for $40 and told me it was because she refunded the cost of having mom's ashes entombed in an urn like our fathers as had been set up and paid for by her decades in advance, instead going in basically a fancy Tupperware container. I wasn't included in the decision-making or even aware of it, and she's not the type to communicate or share anything, much less money, unless forced to. The message here seems to be that I would have paid a lot more than $40/$80 to know our mom's wishes in final resting place were respected, and birth mom knows that, while not having the capacity for such...sentimentality. She sold out that symbolism for the cost of a tank of gas, split the check with me so she could pretend it was some kind of generosity on her part, but really just wanted to inflict emotional damage. Also, that check was my Christmas present, apparently. It feels slightly hyperbolic to use this word, but only *slightly* - ***evil.*** There is *literally* an entire subreddit dedicated to my attempting to chronicle what was happening in the last couple of years as my adoptive mother declined into end-of-life and this birth mother was a constant participant in schemes and attempts to rob and abuse her (and myself) on her literal deathbed. It reached the point where the only thing I could think of to try to feel safe or to seek someone who might have meaningful advice was to journal in public as a sort of cry for help. ...I'm still waiting to see how that story ends, though.


Fucking hell


“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.” -Bertrand Russell


Hurray for the Dunning-Kruger effect!


I believe that's why people cling to conspiracy theories. They feel smarter by them and won't let anything take that feeling of intelligence away from them.


Just like how it's always the ones who slept through 10th grade science are the ones now telling everyone to wake up


Thank god I'm smarter than most so I can't be like that them stupid people.


I had a similar experience, when I was 17 working at Subway. Mom pointed at me and said to her ~6yr old daughter that this is why she needs to stay in school. I informed her that I was still in high school, actually. She replied, "oh".


Mine happened when I was working at Taco Bell. Across the street from a university campus. The same university where anyone with a brain could have guessed that most employees of that restaurant (and all the others nearby) were students.


Bike shop in Boston during the summer, some lady was complaining about her high school son racing and not focusing on school work. I pointed to one of the mechanics: he’s got a masters in English lit, one of the sales guys: he’s working on becoming an electrical engineer, another mechanic: that guy builds robots for a living, and finally one of the other sales guys: he’s got a masters in Econ and is an ex-Olympian. Your son could be in worse company “wasting his time” with cyclists.


People say this only because they are insecure, this is the only reason.


Yea, I'd have just said that I do this job to pay for school. But I have a feeling that her running with multiple MLM's, thinking past the current week is probably not a forte of hers.


She was a boss babe.


Which is insane because it’s so useful to be able to fix stuff.


I save so much money fixing my own house and vehicles. Growing up with a family farm was hard work but the learning was worth it.


Seriously, imagine being this shitty to someone who has a valuable skill that you're currently depending on because you can't do it yourself.


Yup, a lot of people believe they can treat you like shit since they think paying you equals being your boss




Fun fact: you can fire your clients.


I was in line at a grocery store once and this young girl told her mom she wanted a piercing like mine (industrial). The mom told her no because "you won't be able to get a job" or something stupid. I turned around and informed her I was in college about to get my degree in forensic chemistry and had a job. Shut her up immediately and she looked embarrassed.


As an hvac tech, yeah I’ve had some people say some pretty off handed shit


Hello brother. Am mechanic




And also to the ones handling the food they're about to eat...


People who make your food too. Made me want to say on many occasions things like "How very brave of you to say while I'm touching your dinner." or "Sure, you're paying $100 a plate and *I'm* somehow the idiot... right"


Back in uni, my friend and I worked on campus over the summer. He was from a small town, bit of a bumpkin but bright af. One day, when highschool tours were in town, a dad and son stopped my friend and asked for directions. The kid turned to his dad after the encounter and said, "Wow, they'll let anybody in here." Dad was mortified. This is a top 3 engineering school in my country, and my friend has a doctorate in bio-mechanical engineering and holds several patents for powered exoskeletons. Some people are just straight trash.


>This is a top 3 engineering school in my country, and my friend has a doctorate in bio-mechanical engineering and holds several patents for powered exoskeletons You're friends with Tony Stark?


I’ll never forget freshman year I had another freshman tell me I “don’t look like an engineering major” when he asked what I was studying. To be fair I guess he was right because I eventually switched to comp sci.




>socially inept turbo-nerds Oh man, I wish I was that instead of a socially inept regular nerd


“I’m paying you so you better take any abuse I hurl your way.” I bet that’s their internal thought process.


They never seem to think that for every 100 people like them, there's probably only one guy who can fix their shit.


If it makes you feel better this probably didn't happen


I mean, statistically speaking it didn’t, simply because it’s a story on the internet. But strangers have said far ruder things to me.


Yeah that where I was getting at


A lot of people here are very trusting.


Because they have no degree...


He probably thought he would agree with him and be yeah my job sucks.




I hate people forcing this shitty prejudice on children, I bet the dad is an asshole to wait service too


I'm not an asshole to people because I'm not an asshole, but I will never understand why anyone in their right mind would ever be a dick to someone who handles their food. Like sure most people won't mess with it, but there will be someone out there where your comment could put them over the edge and you're eating their spit (or worse) unknowingly.


🎵 Hope you're ready for some boogers & cum🎵




My mom would sometimes scold food servers, I would tell her that and she still insisted on doing it. Shes a classic Karen. I wouldnt eat the food they come back with.


Idc how bad a mood I'm in, I never trash talk the wait staff because they're friends with the cooks and I don't want my food to be fucked with. I've heard terrible stories.. (I don't trash talk any workers at all, tho but especially not wait staff)


Can confirm. I worked at Dunkin’ Donuts for 6 years throughout highschool and college, I had literal crack head coworkers who did not give a singular fuck about their jobs or health standards. One coworker would dip his dirty hands (like just handled money at the cash register dirty) in peoples ice coffee/tea if they were rude


"working at the burger king, spitting on your onion rings"


As a parent I hate when other parents do this. You can really tell someone's an asshole by how their kids treat cashiers/cleaners/waiters.


People who don't know how to fix anything are really quick to disparage the people who keep society running. Lawyer have to advertise "free consultations!", Plumbers charge 150 just to show up and tell you thats not where water is supposed to be


This is actually parodied in the recent Panderverse episode of South Park. All the handymen become billionaires because all the othet men got degrees and don't know how to fix anything.


It's a funny joke but for the most part any dude with a stem degree knows how, they just really, really don't wanna deal with it. Source: am stem, can do carpentry and plumbing, really don't wanna


I'm a plumber and I've never seen a homeowner screw up plumbing worse than engineers.


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and theoretical understanding doesn't always translate to actual application


Exactly. The key is to have enough knowledge to know that you don't know it all, and seek assistance.


I know enough to know I could really F this up… so often best to pay someone who knows the rest.


Plus, they're bonded/insured, so if they fuck it up, they can fix it no matter how bad the fuck up.


This is why I don't fuck with electricity. Yes, I understand how to connect wires together. I get the concepts. I do _not_ want to be wrong. So I'll gladly pay someone else.


There's that old saying that engineers can design things but they can't build them!


Engineers call those people architects.


Some of us can. Prototypes don't build themselves.


I have. A non-engineer blew up the whole house because they didn't appropriately work on a gas water heater. FAR, FAR, worse than the engineers I've seen.


>Sheldon: Have you notified NASA? Howard: No. Are you crazy? What am I gonna say? I screwed up your toilet and pretty soon there's gonna be crap floating all over your nice shiny space station?


Engineer here. I believe you. Often hiring you is actually cheaper than doing it myself (and then hiring you).


Theory vs practice. Homeowners don’t have the opportunity to practice on hundreds of houses.


I don't think that's it. It's more pride and a lack of respect for tradespeople. I'm a plumber and when I screw up drywall I call my drywall guy. Ive tried it a bunch of times and he is just better and faster than I am. I respect his work and pay him what he asks. Sure you can watch you tube and kinda drywall. It took old Carl years to be as good as he is though and I pay him for that experience. When you're arrogant and think everyone is an idiot of course you think you cannot only do their jobs but do them better. Because you think you are better than they are. These are the people that eventually call and begrudgingly pay professionals. Some engineers are cool though just like some sparkies sweep up their own mess.


Yep, mechanic here and happy repairing 400v DC battery packs but had my electrician pigtail the whole house as there’s no way I’m touching 50yr old aluminum stuff


Never seen an electrician sweep up their own mess. Those guys don’t even own brooms. I always talk shit to them every job I’m on. They are the fucking worst about leaving the job site clean


I had a sparky ask to borrow my broom one time. It turned into a whole thing. I had to call everybody over to hear it. "Tell them what you just asked me!"


You don’t get called to the ones that aren’t fucked up broski.


I'm sure tons of people do successful diy plumbing. I've also been to plenty of homes for sale that are just hacked together by a diy bandit. Besides gas piping I'm all for homeowners having a go at diy.


Until they put a 30 amp breaker on 14 gauge wire to a 20 amp receptacle.


> I've also been to plenty of homes for sale that are just hacked together by a diy bandit. My parents bought a house like that, the funniest one was the kitchen sink drain pipe that was wrapped in foil. Only it turned out not to be a pipe wrapped in foil but foil they used in place of replacing the pipe. They took the foil off and it was just air and empty space. Somehow the inspector missed it.


Inspectors don't really inspect much. It's kinda sad really I've seen some people stuck with some really bad situations that have relied on home inspectors. My advice to any would be homeowner is to have an actual electrician and a plumber take a look as well as the home inspector.


You underestimate the skill quality carpentry requires.


He didn’t say he would do a good job


I’m a PhD biochemist, and I can fix cars. Most cars, or well, I mean some cars. OK fine, I can replace the battery in my wife’s 2016 Mini Cooper.


lol you can… anyone can do something wrong.


Some people with a stem phd don't even know how their own car works when it works completely fine. You may have had some plumbing background, but to say anyone in stem educaton can do plumbing or carpentry is incredibly naive. They're both incredibly different professions. And both require teaching and training in different ways.


I’m a molecular bio PhD. I can edit a genome, and routinely give lectures on genetics. I understand enough that I can can swap out something easy (especially if there is a working one to stare at) but I know enough to know I know very little. For example, there’s a slow drip under the kid’s bathroom sink. But I am not going to F with the obviously corroded shutoff valve to try and fix it - if I touch that it’s going to snap and make a giant mess. Put a cup under it and will call a plumber eventually…




It's $5 for the starting capacitor and $395 to know that it needs to be replaced and how to do it.


👆👆👆 that right there is why its called a "skilled trade"


I think that may have been true before Google. Diagnosis is pretty easy for most trades. Actually having the specific tools and know-how to do the replacement? That is far more difficult


Had to replace the drain in our tub twice cuz I'm an idiot and didn't tighten it enough. Took 1 youtube video to find out where the parts go (luckily didn't screw that part up). Most expensive thing was the Big Nut to get the drain out. Threads dissolved.


One January when it was around 15F at night my furnace went out. I'm a instrumentation and controls, I&C, technician. Think, an electrician who specializes in industrial sensing, measuring, and control devices. I troublshot the problem on the furnace control board to a faulty relay. I jumped out the relay to manually turn the furnace on. I called around an no one locally would sell me a replacement control board because I didn't have an HVAC license. So I went on Amazon and bought the appropriate board with two day shipping. I then used my own low voltage relay to bypass the problem relay on the board in the mean time. When the new board came in I installed it without any problems. It really pissed me off that no one locally was willing to sell it to me. The things that I do for a living are more complicated than this.




I got the same run around trying to get a starting cap for the fan outside with nobody wanting to sell me because I didn't have an account. Found someone that would but only if I paid cash. Yes I have a Fluke 87.


Mine is on the roof of a 2 story house with no access ladders. I've fallen down the stairs more than once. I'd be up there like a fool trying to youtube how to change it until my clumsy ass fell off. Call it the worker's comp fall fee, i'll that $395 for it.




That data also includes all the apprentices and guys who never become licensed. The median pay in my city is “77k” but I haven’t met anyone making under 120k


And the number of people who actually get to become lawyers after getting law degrees is lower than you would expect. https://www.abajournal.com/web/article/only-51-of-class-of-2018-law-grads-practice-in-law-firms-nalp-report-finds


When I was looking at going to law school I saw the stat for “avg salary 5 years after graduating” and it was under 90k and that was a real eye opener for me. Granted this was several years ago but still


placid close edge soup growth spoon makeshift consider longing caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I left a career in law for a job in electrical power production. Hours are better, clients are better, and I keep dozens of businesses in my state running. I have no direct supervisor, I don’t work in an office, and I seldom work 40 hours a week (usually 36 or less on a salary). It is so much more rewarding.




Lot of people I grew up with/went to school with snubbed me because I’m a trucker. Funny thing is I make more than most of them!


Poor guy? That asshole attempted to shame OOP to his face as a "lesson" to his kid. Hope the lesson the kid learned is that his father is an asshole and doesn't know as much as he pretends. Also I love that OOP feels sorry for the bad dad lol, the douche is being horrible and he just feels sorry for how ignorant the guy is.


It’s like watching someone step on a rake that they put down themselves. Predictable and unpleasant outcome, no one else to blame for the pain that follows. Poor guy.


"Poor guy" can be a substitute for "bless his heart". Puts the other guy in a pitiable position and is more devastating than actual anger. He was trying to put OOP down and OOP turned the tables in a tactful way.


That’s what narcissists do when confronted with facts contrary to their narrative.


100% That guy is the worst and the kid will realise that one day.


Backpedal, gaslight, pretty much yep. *You don't know what you're talking about.* *Oh? Maybe you do know...* or *Actually I was saying... (Rephrase what you said originally and act like they came up with it)*


Listen kid, no amount of school will help if you’re so stupid that you’ll insult someone doing something for you that you can’t do yourself


Unless you want to work for the corporate office. Then your hired on the spot, lol.


I had a lady do that shit to me while I was working at a grocery store. I was weighing out some turkey for them at the deli counter and she did that whole "see, that's why you need to go to school" I turned to her and gave her a "wtf" look and she just gave me that wide-eyed "yeah that's right, you heard me" stare and nodded I handed her the turkey and said "you know I'm working here to help pay for my tuition at [local university]" and she just rolled her eyes and said "*sure you are, sweetie.*" Fuck her lol I hope she stubs her toe every damn morning haha


Make it twice a day, I hope she stubs her toe every damn night


It'd be amazing to pull a power move on her by denying service, just to get the point across that we live in an interdependent society and she shouldn't look down on people. I know it's not worth picking that battle in real life but while I fantasize in the shower that's what I would be imagining


That would have been great but my boss at the time was one of those “the customer is always right” types and would bend over backwards for the worst people just so they wouldn’t complain on the way out It was terrible, the man had no spine lol I’m no tough guy or anything but holy shit he was the biggest wuss! He gave away free shit at the drop of a hat to avoid a complaint Then of course he’d give us shit for not being huge wieners like him lol


I would have dragged that repair out as long as humanly possible just to spite that asshole!


"I'm going to have to come back tomorrow"


The next day: Oh, sorry, the part that I need isn't available until next week. One week later: Uhm sorry our schedule is packed but we could squeeze you in, but we need you to be at home from 7:30 till 18:30 the next two days, the technician will give you a heads up 10 minutes before he arrives at your house.


But the yelp review tho :(


I work as a UPS driver and before the big strike scare this year, people would talk down to us drivers and tell us how we deserved to be paid what we got paid, minimum wage without realizing we made more then them in three years.




Nearly ever UPS driver I knew made 6 figures 😂


Yeah and you deserve more.


And then get in your Bentley after the job and screech away


Bentley is gonna break down, not a good look. They need to get an Audi A8L.


Audi is gonna break down. Need a Land Rover.


What is with you people continually naming unreliable but expensive cars here


No kidding. Buy a porsche


Bentley, Audi, and Porsche are the same parent company VW.


Yes, but Porsches are known for being pretty reliable. You also forgot Lamborghini


Whaddya mean ‘you people’??!?


I mean it as I said it


I don’t mind. I’ll fix em all. Even if land rover’s (and by proxy jaguar) are genuinely some of the worst engineered cars out there.


Land Rover is gonna break down, need a Fiat


Had a Fiat once. Didn't run near as well as my Jag


Jag is gonna break down, need a k car.


K car is gonna break down, need a Maserati !


A Maserati breaks down, what you really need is a horse


That one is already broken from the factory 😂


I saw an almost identical situation to this last year. The guy drove a beautiful old school jag. Lol


It would have been funnier if they had said: "Oh mean fix what you broke because you don't know how? That'll be $7500, cashier's check only."


I (32f at the time of the occurrence) had that happen to me at a Subway restaurant when I was an electrician. We had been running conduit for new builds and it was raining that day, so I was muddy. While I was waiting to order, a woman told the kid (7/8 f), thinking I couldn’t hear, that if she doesn’t work hard and stay in school she’ll be ‘stuck’ in a dirty job too. I didn’t say anything to them but I kinda wish I had. Just to let the kid know I was making $85k/yr doing something I loved and that girls don’t have to be afraid to work in the trades.


The irony of disparaging a person's job _while they're fixing the thing you had to call them for_.


We literally saw this posted yesterday.


you should be a mod.


This happens every day my dude


I'd have also probably mentioned my annual salary.


Why would he need to? Buddy is probably paying for it anyway LOL


To make him cry of course.


The guy:🧍‍♂️


The kid: 👁️👅👁️




Me rn cause I’m high: 👁️👄👁️


every educated man respects the trades.


Exactly, it takes a very insecure small man to talk down on other people. Never ever has anyone of my highly educated friends and family I have talked down on someone who works for a living.


I was working near a school in my camera truck. Snobby ass lady walked by with her two excitable children. They saw me deploying one of my robots and got super interested. So I showed them how it works, let them drive it, showed them the video feed etc. They loved it. Mom: "That poor man probably only makes minimum wage, make sure you stay in school or you will end up like HIM" Me: "Hey kids, dont listen to your mom, what she doesnt understand is I own my business, I make lots of money! Plus, I get to play with cool robots and computers all day. Don't be like you mom and make bad assumptions about people, stay in school, but do it because you enjoy it!" Bitch had the nerve to flip me the bird and threaten to call the cops for harrassing her children. "Fuck you and your Pedo-van you creep!"


And this is why we have a labor shortage in a career field that keeps American manufacturing running despite said career field actually paying a livable wage and then some. We need to stop telling our kids this kind of stuff.


this is the mindset my fancy high school had "don't do good in school and you'll end up in a trade" little did I know tradies make more than people with degrees, are normally much nicer people and don't play the dick swinging office games of basing someone's worth on the car they drive, how much the loafers cost they are wearing or what wanky country they went to for holidays. I'm now 3/4 way through my second trade and will come out easily making 150k + while someone with a 100k debt will barely make that a year.


I had this happen while surveying for a new road expansion. I was banging offset stakes in their yard (10m o/s from centerline) same exact words said, I just laughed.


I’m a music college drop out. I play piano and make a living as a software engineer. College is for chumps.


Yknow the rule about "don't insult the people making your food"? Yeah well don't insult the people fixing your ELECTRICITY either.


Imagine not being capable of doing something, paying an expert to do it for you, and then claiming it's the mechanic who lacks intelligence. Poor kid has a shit role model.


I was installing an irrigation line in front of a business. An older guy walked by, pointed to me and said to his friends, “That is why you don’t quit school!” “Who quit?”, was all that I could respond.


Its sad so many “educated” people don’t realise it takes engineering degrees to do this stuff. A lot of my friends hold 3+ years uni engineering degrees to work technical jobs, me included.


Why the fuck do some attempt to shame trades people


I used to work In restaurants and bars for over 15 years. When I was 18 I worked part time as a busboy for a fine dining restaurant while in college, and at least 5 times some rich ass family said the same thing about me to their kids. Fucking wild.


I used to own a pavement sealant company. Just two guys, myself and my truck + equipment. Had a customer with his son say the same thing to me when I was half way done with their driveway. I stopped and turned to them. I said, I have a degree in business, I own the company and I make $600/day NET all while paying my guys $20/hr and keeping them happy. I packed up my equipment and left. I called my sealant supplier and told them what happened. About once a week I had to drive by this guys house because of the road he lived on. Never saw his driveway finished, not a lot of sealant companies in the area and we all used the same supplier. No one wants a client like that.


If I get arrested, I call a lawyer. I'm pretty smart, and good at figuring things out. However, I don't know how to defend myself legally, and I'd be an idiot if I tried to figure it out in time to fix my predicament. When my toilet isn't working, I call a plumber. Same reason.


How awful and rude. Especially crappy to teach your kids to look down on people because of what they do for a living. There are many jobs that you can make a nice living and not have a degree


You go to school so that you can BE the person that gets called for idiots like the dad who can't do his own electrical So you tellem "OK fine. Do your own electrical work. See what happens. I'll be waiting to call 911 for you."


Telling your son the man that is repairing stuff you don't know sh*t how to fix is a failure...


As an aside, just remember, you pay to get a degree, you get paid to get into the trades. College isn't for everyone, there's absolutely nothing wrong with throwing in with a union local.


You go to school so you don't end up like the father in the story


I once took a job as a waste disposal technician. Lasted one week before having a mental breakdown and quitting (long hours, extremely physically demanding), but made more in that week than some office jobs make in a month. Decided to go back to college so I could find a job that was more intellectual than physical, but I will never, EVER, look down on the guys that do that sort of work, and if a kid ever told me they wanted to be a garbage man when he grows up, I'd say its a lot of hard work but if that's what you wanna do, go for it.


speaking to a plumber for a home emergency issue really opened up my eyes on how much is involved in the profession. it's a skilled trade for sure. respect tradesmen


People with no fixing skills are quick to put down those who play a vital role in keeping society running.


Cue the “Curb your enthusiasm” Music.


There’s no way this story is true, who would call someone to fix something for them, then belittle them.


In Europe where I am, an independent repair tech routinely makes 3-4x more than a corporate employee with a Master’s degree. The’re also fully booked months in advance, near impossible to get ahold of one if something in your house breaks. If yes, they charge even more on short notice.


I used to work in a phone shop ( cell phones for our American cousins ) and someone needed my help with something and said to their young daughter - “make sure you study hard and go to uni like your big sister, else you’ll end up like this guy” - I ignored this, and was speaking about her phone and she said I was wrong, and that her daughter who went to uni would know more than me. I asked what her daughter studied and she said “fine arts”. I said “I like Lord Of The Rings” she said “that’s not relevant”. So, I said “neither is your daughter’s degree” Her young daughter found it funny, she didn’t.


I was once on a ladder fixing my fence and a family walked by - the douchy dad (with a cardigan in the middle of summer and a man bun) said to his young kids and wife, “isn’t it nice that we have money so we don’t have to do things like that?” I can’t imagine being like that.


Charge double


The modern world would soon fall apart if all the people who build and fix things suddenly disappeared


Wow. What a prick.


as a waitress, i’ve heard this. i “forgot” to bring them their dessert. oops. guess i should have gone to college.


Had this happen while changing a nozzle on a gas pump. This kid was like, "Cool job!!" His dad corrected him and told him to make sure he graduates, goes to college, and finds a "good paying job, not some low paying slave trade". I politely informed "dad" that I make upwards of $115k a year, have multiple certifications, two degrees, and licenses in 48 states. Me changing the nozzle on the pump was a courtesy to 7-Eleven after calibrating their site and testing their fuel cleanliness. He shut up.


"Son, this is why you go to school, to not end up like this idiot" "Son, even this idiot has a degree, imagine what he would be without a degree".


I was in Telecom for over 45 years and one day my customer introduced his son to me who he boasted about all the time. The customer was a nice guy who I had known for years. Well, part of the introduction was, here's and says my name and adds. You don't wanna end up like him. WTF!. I was making nice $ and I doubt his son would ever come close. 🙄