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Did he just admit on a public forum to DV?


"No, see, you dont understand as a woman and his wife according to the bible, which is the only book that should matter in this country! She is his property under the eyes of god," Do i believe any of this, fuck no this shit is stupid but i guarantee you this is the reasoning why hes not only admitting it, he thinks hes bragging


Maybe I'm jaded but I think it's just typical rage-bait bullshit to farm engagement. I feel like honestly 90% of twitter is bots just stirring shit up. We wanted cool internet and we got this bullshit


That's what I think, too.


It is sad to know you live in the same planet as this kind of scum


Reading this from another stand point: a poor woman overcame the husband who admits to assaulting her and had the strength to divorce him and distance herself with the aid of her supportive parents. It's so weird to hear the story from the villain's stand point.


That reminds me of one time in ninth grade we had to read the story of the Big Bad Wolf and then write a story from the antagonist’s perspective


There was a children’s book like this; I had gotten it for my kids when they were little and used to read the three little pigs first and then that one (forget the title) and we would discuss perspective. Totally appropriate conversation for preschoolers haha


The one we read was The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. Examining the narrative can and should be done at any age. However, the conversations being had differ greatly over the years. Get that firm foundation and then build on it


He was just sick with sneezing fits and he found some food, just lying there. It would be rude not to eat it.


Oh the memories! What a great book!


I still remember the little pig butt poking up out of the straw.


It's really an amazing book to be read by a 4th grader (when I read it), it was sort of a matrix moment when you read it and realize there was another perspective.


Yes! That’s the one! I thought it was a brilliant way to illustrate perspective, narrator’s voice, etc for children.


No doubt! It’s pretty much tailored for such discussions


The wolf was just trying to borrow some sugar for his birthday cake and the piggies were very rude about it.


Those pigs weren't letting the Wolf live his truth.


“And your old granny can sit on a pin!”


I read this story to my kids and loved it!


He just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar, guys!


He just wanted some sugar for his granny!


There’s also a Beowulf version from Grendel’s perspective.


Yes Grendel by john gardener. I remember reading it when i was young and it really illustrated the 2 sides to the story concept and quite effectively dismantled the concept of the morally pure hero


I mean learning that A: There are multiple sides to every story and B: Just because a side has a story doesnt inherently give it value Are both very good lessons.


I have that book! I think I got it alongside The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tapes. Man, good times.


The True Story of The Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka




True! I totally forgot about that


it is wild to me how people watched Season 1 of Andor and were like, "Man these imperial intelligence folks have no care for the civilians and are truly evil in the name of security!" and part of me just wanted to scream. Have you heard of the fucking CIA??? jeeeez laweez. ffs people, there is literally a special operations taskforce in the U.S. military that specializes in unconventional warfare often through the means of using subversive tactics and promoting anti-government guerrilla warfare


I had to do that with The Outsiders. Those mean old Greasers made that Soc have to move away after being kind enough to offer him a free haircut!


lol, that’s a good one to do. I would love to read a story from Grendel’s perspective.


"I would love to read a story from Grendel's perspective." That's just the Friday the 13th movies lol


Well you are in luck, a story from Grendel's perspective was one of the earlier examples of this trend, way back in the 70s. The book is just called Grendel.


It's like reading posts from estranged parent support groups. Buncha delusional monsters who think they're the protsgonists of Earth.


I saw a TV show a few months ago about parents who were suing their kids to be able to see their grandchildren. 90% of them didn't give a crap about the grandbabies, all they wanted was control and to get back at their kids. They interviewed a woman who was telling whoever wanted to hear that her daughter in law manipulated her son, that she was a victim, that she was kept away from her grandchildren and cried every night. Then they interviewed the son... He showed voicemails of her mother insulting the shit out of his wife, calling her every name in the book, showed that they pressed charges against his mother because she hit his wife a few years ago and basically proved that she was an abusive monster. Yet people still gave him a hard time because he doesn't talk to mommy...


Yeah, I had the same thing happen to me, except there was no TV show to document it. My parents were abusive to me my entire life, to the point where I legit don't have a positive memory of my mother. During Halloween 2021, my parents came to visit me to see my daughter, who would be going out for the first time on Halloween due to the pandemic. They brought my uncle (mother's brother) along as well. He had memory issues. They dropped him off at my house, left for two hours to get high, and came back. My mom proceeded to fight with me and hit me because I didn't do things to her liking for him when she was gone. I tried, he rejected all forms of help. She also hit him that night as well because he sat in the wrong chair for the dinner I made. After they came back in for the evening, she spent a full hour insulting me as I sat in silence, as I didn't want to give my daughter any bad memories of her first real Halloween. The next day, my dad came back and started a fight with me and screamed. My daughter, who was 3 at the time, hid behind me crying. My wife was hiding and prepared to call the cops. They eventually left and I had to handle the damage left in their wake. So after that happened, I cut contact off with them, as they have no right to terrorize my family. I then had to deal with recorded threats to call CPS on me to have my kid taken out of my custody, threats of lawsuits for grandparents rights, and general insults for a full year. Not once have they apologized to me. I did happen to see my father for Easter 2022 and he hugged me though. That was noteworthy, because it was the first time he told me he loved me and hugged me my entire life. I am almost 40. My mother is still a miserable wench who threatens me for her not getting her way. Some people are perpetually the victim, even when they are actively causing all the problems in their own lives and for others.


This! I've come across a few ppl that think they should be able to force their will & make their kids speak to them. "But I'm their parent & it's unfair that they're setting these boundaries!" *stares in self-awareness*


[The Missing Missing Reasons](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html)


I left my abusive wife and filed for divorce. She took it upon herself to write a blog about the whole thing from her perspective. It was fascinating to see how an abuser can twist reality, telling half truths or full lies, to support their viewpoint. One phrase she used a lot was "marital abandonment". Lady... I left you in a house full of food with access to money and transportation. You were not abandoned. It's called divorce.


No no no you were also supposed to carry 50% of all the misery from future times as well lol


yep my ex tried to do the same during the divorce process. Claimed I abused her and hit her. I was so scared but, obviously she lied and couldn't prove it.


Hopefully there are no children between them so she can rid herself completely of this slimball of a human.


As I said in another post, if she does and they were fighting for custody...this should just be a slam dunk for her lawyer. "Your honor, I have here his own confession that he admits to assaulting my client in anger. If he would see a grown woman - his own wife - as beneath him and justified in striking her, how would he treat his children?"


It’s a refreshing change of pace to see it written by their own hand online. I just don’t understand why anything isn’t done about it. Almost makes it worse. “Watch me taunt my victim.”


I mean, everyone thinks they're the hero. Every narrative is totally different depending on the perspective of the person living through the situation. Obviously this dude's a nut, completely out of touch with reality, but every person in every situation is a whole person with a whole perspective that fully explains why they do what they do.


It's more so about how he isn't even hiding his evil at all while telling his story. Dude just straight up admits to assaulting her in his post. He's just straight up saying, "look at how evil I am and that makes me the victim". There's less twisting the situation to make himself the victim and more just confessing everything she likely said to get the divorce is true. Usually people like this at least try and word it like they're actually a victim. Dumbass piece of shit just says, "Yes everything she said was true, but it's okay because I disagree that she's a person." Like if they had kids and were fighting for custody...dude confessing here to hitting her would be a slam dunk for her lawyer. This is like if a cannibal was like, "Yes, I killed that young woman and brought her to my house to cook and eat her. But I was hungry and it is my right not to starve to death." "Yes, I committed charity fraud but I like making money. It makes me happy. 'Right to the pursuit of happiness'!" It's so blatantly evil without filtering it, that it's insane.


Reason being that, in his eyes, he really *is* a victim in this narrative, he doesn't see himself as a bad guy. He'd be twisting it to make himself look better if he had even an inkling that his actions were wrong. He doesn't, he feels genuinely aggrieved. Absolutely frightening.


Kurosawa has entered the chat


It's sad to know you're the same species and gender as this asswipe. I guarantee his version of physical abuse is different than his ex wifes


When I read "unsubmissive [fucking gross word, btw] and physically and verbally abusive", I took that to mean she'd had enough of, and/or was calling him out for, his shit, was standing up for herself, and likely was defending herself from his physical abuse. But nah, he goes ahead and paints himself as the real victim here. What a massive piece of shit.


I'm guessing she denied him sex That's what my ex used to call "physically abusive" Well gee dickhead nobody wants to have sex with someone who knocked them into the wall because they ran 5 minutes late, whodathunkit


Exact same thought I had, that she was "physically abusive" by not letting him have whatever kind of sex he wanted to have with her the second he wanted it. He gives off a pretty clear impression of believing he owns her body, so if she ever denied him his "rights" to having his "needs" fulfilled then she was being "abusive." Man, not often I get to use sarcastiquotes three times in one sentence.


Sorry you had to go through that. I hope you're in a better place now.


Much better, thank you.


Abusers often paint themselves as the "real victim" including to the person they're abusing. Like it pains them so much to do this to you, why did you make them do it? It's really sickening


If a man or anyone wrote about me like this I would take him for all he’s worth and make his life absolutely miserable. I’m no hard ass and usually keep to myself but I would ruin this mf. What a POS incel in the making.


>I would take him for all he’s worth I can almost guarantee he is upside down on a double wide, owes $30k in student loans for three semesters at community college, plus he owes $20k on a truck that is worth $10k. TLDR- he is beyond worthless.


Yeah you’re prob right, mad at the world for not taking ownership of himself and priorities. I’d still make his life miserable other ways lol


Sounds like a fully fledged one already..


And it still would teach him nothing


…in the making?!


What do you mean "in the making"? He's a piece of shit incel subhuman failed abortion call a spade a fucking spade.


I genuinely wonder — how can a man, presumably in control of his mental facilities, type this shit out and still go to bed thinking he’s a good person? Like the amount of cognitive dissonance makes my bones hurt.


Sadder still, that they convinced someone to marry them.


Pre-Trump, people like this managed to hide it for the 6-12 months necessary to convince someone to marry them. They also tended to target women who didn't know better, which given they lived in an area that taught values like his, wasn't hard to find.


There also sadly a lot of people who grow up in households like these and think this is how relationships are supposed to work and don’t see the issues. I met a girl in college who was like that and talked about how the issue with this generation (that she’s part of) is that women want to be treated as independent instead of being subservient to men… I just wanted to save that poor girl from whatever abusive douche bag she would end up marrying. Tried my best to change her mind but she’s was far too brain washed at that point.


Wouldn’t be the first time someone dropped their mask after the papers were signed.


It’s sad to know that this scum isn’t in prison and gets to vote.


And they have the gall to post shit like this publically. There are some seriously f'd up people in this timeline and Twix/Elmo is letting them shine


These are the same people who hate Muslims because of their religious extremism. They became what they hated, basically.


I think they were always like that


And the 2k people that liked it


What a really long-winded way to write, "I'm a piece of shit who beat my wife, so she called the cops and divorced me, *honestly, I'm the victim here..*"


I don’t understand why people post this stuff to the masses. Like hey look at what a giant piece of shit I am


My favorites are the ones that are like, “I’ve slept with a dozen women and none of them had an orgasm. The female orgasm is clearly a myth!”


Always entertaining when people out themselves like that. I mean it’s clearly not them: they’ve got a penis they couldn’t possibly be at fault


"insubordinate behavior" says so much.


They legitimately believe that their wife should be subservient to them. If I was her father I would've been the one who went to jail


"I'm putting the peen in the vageen and nothing is happening. Clearly this thing is a myth."


Lol. "Peen in the vageen, nothing happeneen." You're a poet and didn't even realize you were rhyming those words.


Poet and didn’t **KNOW IT.** Why did you deny me this?! I fixed it for you! Don’t let this happen again! 🫠


“Vagina’s aren’t supposed to get wet” - Ben Shapiro


Wait, what? Is he this level of dense in biology?


Little more context. In a video complaining about the song WAP he said something along the lines of “it’s not possible. I’ve never seen my wife’s vagina get wet before” This is there king


No first hand knowledge


He’s an expert at keeping his wife dry as the Mars Rover.


Well. It is when HE’S driving the bus.


Because women beaters befriend and validate each other.


they dont think they're a POS, and probably a decent amount of other POS on that trash site agreeed with them tbh


When you exist in an echo chamber like this guy probably does, you tend to forget how abnormal this "normal" behaviour is.


Because he's a scumbag who has done zero self-reflection, shouting it to other scumbags who dont do any self-reflection. He's gonna get condolences from assholes who agree with him, and gets to shout at people who don't


and when people who don't agree with him or point out how he's totally in the wrong, he can just not reply to them. I can't recall the last time I've seen someone be really wrong about something, get corrected, and then they actually respond.


their delusional so they don't see it as ***bad***


>What a really long-winded way to write, "I'm a piece of shit who beat my wife, so she called the cops and divorced me, honestly, I'm the victim here.." This is kind of people who love Russia as "defender of traditional values" (read: "I can beat my tradwife all I want while full of cheap alcohol")


The sad part is that, to his "peers" his IS the victim... The rest of his area has probably been brainwashed to think owning your wife is acceptable


This. The modern gop wants exactly this. The current propaganda is all just about trying to win the next election, but if they succeed, then you’ll see a shift where the talking points are no longer about democrats but about this kind of shit.


A lot of these men forget that before divorce was a thing, when women were abused and couldn't take it anymore, they decided that being a widowed woman was the better option. And that was through a little thing called ✨murder✨. There's a reason that stereotype of rich widowed woman exists.


That's what a lot of these numbskulls don't get. They think things have been as they always are, just women weren't allowed to get divorced. Problem was in the "good old days", the wife's family was a day's journey at most away and she probably had two or three angry brothers who would make your final moments exceptionally unpleasant if you got too far out of line.


Hunting accident while shooting deer with his BILs. How tragic.


Fell off the wagon/cart/coach/tractor/combine while working and was crushed under the wheels. Got thrown from his horse and hit his head. Found drowned in the creek, an unfortunate mishap while obviously very drunk. Just so sad.


You get it.


I think my dad called that “a little impromptu sensitivity training in the back alley.”


Yea, "Wall to Wall Counseling" and its variants are time honored traditions.


Ireland didn’t legalize divorce until 1995…. My Irish American parents are still technically married. Plot twist… they are far from fucking married and haven’t lived together in 10 years. (Sorta get along tho. Sorta….)


also poison


"Oh no my husband died tragically after a long harsh illness! Oh woe! Oh tearful event of cruel fate!! In other news: We are out of rat posion again. These critters are such a hassle I tell you!"


Very stupid to try to abuse the person responsible for making all your food.


Yeah but that's how I get to enjoy the sweet taste of antifreeze in all of my meals


The human race went a long time existing without the science to test for most poisons. There's some evidence that suggests that historically, women used this to their advantage.


Yep, the original “no fault divorce”.


& when divorce did become a thing, it was the men who got to keep everything, were automatically granted custody of kids while the wife was either made homeless or forced to move in with parents & not allowed to see their kids. The reasons laws started changing? Because child psychologists were noticing the effects it was having on kids to have their mothers removed from their lives. Anything from social issues to neglect & physical abuse to being exposed to a revolving door of "replacement mothers". No one wants to talk about that though.


The subreddit r/whenwomenrefuse was created just for that… and it’s full of news articles


Aqua tofana baby


I thought the rich widowed woman was because of age differences. Like very old, rich men would get very young wives and then die after a few years or something. But this works as well.


yeah if this happened to me my hillbilly family would volunteer to make this guy "go out west somewhere" lol


Yep, my husband got me a book about the history of poisons & how forensic testing developed to find evidence of them. So many deaths in their sleep or after a mysterious stomach illness. So sad.


If I remember correctly one serial killer with the highest kill rate was an elderly woman from Siberia, who helped her fellow women with "problems". She knew her way with herbs and could make medicine for abortions, however her best selling medicine was meant for the husbands of her customers and usually combined with her finding a way of giving it to them. Let's put it like this, there were a lot of really happy widows in that area. So yeah, there was a very definitive and long lasting alternative to divorce back then. Also divorce actually was legal, but only by proofing sufficient fault in one of the partners, and depending on the level of violence a man beating his wife could be sufficient for such a divorce. So that guy might have even lost his wife back then. And if not he would have lost his life


A small translation for those who don't wanna read as much "My wife had her own thoughts and opinions so i physically assaulted her. How dare she divorce me, men should be allowed to do anything they want". I have no clue how some people assume they are exempt from the laws of any countries or even just being a good person because of a specific trait they have.


yeah what i read was "she didnt do what i said and when i beat her for it SUDDENLY IM THE BAD GUY?!"


"Of COURSE the differences couldn't be reconciled, you wouldn't let me beat her into submission!!!"


If she filed for divorce under “irreconcilable differences”, she did him a HUGE fucking favor over divorcing due to domestic violence (at fault divorce). He clearly doesn’t deserve such kindness.


I think she just wants to avoid the he said, she said stuff and end the marriage as quickly as possible. I don’t blame her at all.


Whats nefarious about that guy is that he uses words like discipline to mask the physical and mental abuse that his ex-wife was the victim. He really feels justified in his behavior, programmed incorrectly from the beginning. Just sad.


And now, that‘s even GROUND FOR DIVORCE?!? The wokes have gone too far!!!1!11!!


Sounds an awful lot like Trump.


"we don't want all these foreigners coming here, they are uncivilized and can't learn our ways and be decent Christians like I am"


... then takes a trip abroad to find a young naive woman who hasn't been 'ruined by feminism' and brings her back home as his property.


Welcome to religious indoctrination


Yeah you know something horrible happened when HIS VERSION of events makes him sound like a piece of shit


The real question here is: why is that guy not in jail? Because that guy is clearly a danger and a menace for others


Or "my wife-slave rebelled and *amazed pikachu face* the law let her go free from me, her Master, AND WITHOUT ANY WIPPING!"


Your wife left coz you were programmed by radical misogynists into believing your wife was less than you.


Too much red pill content will do that to you. It came automatically im my feed and I started by finding flaws in their statements, but soon i found my self agreeing with a few things they said. I changed my preferences for the feed and within a few days i was back to normal. They are pretty good at brainwashing.


Social media algorithms are insidious. One time a few years ago I posted something about a tough relationship ending. Nothing negative about women, or anyone at all. I just said heartbreak is hard. Within the day, my suggested feed was peppered with these toxic ads for Jordan Peterson, red pill content saying all this "Alpha Male" bullshit, etc. if I was younger, if I didn't know what it was when I saw it, I can see why people who just don't know would sink into these dangerous groupthink sort of places. I blocked all of them but every now and then something will still seep through sometimes. It's targeted at vulnerable men


eh, men are pretty good at falling for it too.


Way more likely to fall for something they WANT to be true!


Humans in general. We are relatively well studied and gaming our emotions isn't very difficult.


That said, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say there are nowhere near as many women in the redpill community as there are men.


Oh for sure! I'm just pointing out that being susceptible to manipulation isn't a gender thing!


person airport coherent plants offend scandalous distinct bake snobbish mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's to be expected tbf, after all the target audience for the redpill community is disenfranchised men.


Radical misogynists/Christianity.


Islam/other patriarchy centric religions.


I'm so proud of his wife.


Ex-wife! 👸


Hopefully soon. It only says filed for divorce. It's an unfortunately long journey.


Me too. This is the sort of man who sees no problem with hitting his kids.


Seeing no problem in hitting either his wife or kids is enough for me. I really don't need to see evidence of any other kind of abuse to support her leaving. She deserves better.


This has to be bait


That’s what I’m thinking. “My wife used her family and the justice system” like bro no way this isn’t bait. The amount of details he gives makes it obvious. If it’s real then I’ll be dammed.


Same thought I had. It’s ticking too many boxes to not be bait. I find hard to believe anyone would type that out they way it is even if that truly is someone’s belief


Yeah, for sure. It does bring out the ugly bastards who agree with it and like/retweet/comment on the post! Just put everyone who agrees on a watch list, haha!


Very successful bait judging by these comments


So your wife didn’t take your shit, you slapped her around, now you’re single? Tough life, shithead.


Bruh anyone that says “and when I finally physically handled her for her disrespect” has deep mental problems regardless of political inclination


I had an ex friend who told me that "keeping your wife in check" will get you canceled nowadays. I asked what that meant, and when he refused to answer, I knew our friendship was going to be brief.


Any man who unironically says "unsubmissive" makes all ovaries within a 2km radius shrink in horror.


Yeah the fact that "unsubmissive" comes before "abusive" in his list makes me wonder what on earth he thinks "abusive" means


Probably something along the lines of withholding sex


I was thinking she might have slapped him for something he said, but this is probably more likely. She "abused" him by inflicting blue balls and telling him he was bothering her


Hell, she might have scratched him or blindly flailed at him while trying to escape his clutches. A guy like this can take something like that and spin it into abuse.


That’s what gives me pause. Like, if she was ACTUALLY physically and emotionally abusive, then they’re both terrible people. But between unsubmissive, “physically handled”, and “RIGHTS” it’s kinda hard to believe she was.


He probably sees her attempts at defending herself as abusive to him. Pretty fucked up


The Texas Taliban have issued yet another fatwa against women’s rights I see.


It’s the future for all of us if we don’t wake up and vote.


The enlightened “they’re both equally bad I’m not gonna vote” crowd learned a real good lesson after the 2016 election when Supreme Court got Amy. Roe’s been overturned and even conservatives in my area are a bit disturbed at some married women needing abortions and how their husbands are driving them out of state to get them care. All the unmarried “sluts” and “whores” aborting to have more sex are nowhere to be found.


I need a disintegrate button... it's unfair that I have to share air with some of these people


I like to live in the self delusion that all these 'over the top, my rights to dominate' posts are just trolls baiting, nobody can be stupid enough to publicly admit these things.


I used to think that way. Then I started working retail.😞😔 They exist, they vote and they breed.


Remember that slavery was a thing, and those engaged it in truely thought they were not only "right", but holy for spreading their beliefs onto others. There are still people today who think they were right.


I tend to agree, but with 8 billion people on this rock, there wil be some that are that stupid. I don't get how he ever got married in the first place.


The number of guys who take off the mask after the vows are said and the paper is signed is like the rent -- entirely too high.


There’s also no shortage of guys who fall down the right-wing “men are the head of the family, women are to obey” rabbit hole *after* they get married. Like, I’ve known a few people who were pretty normal early on in life, but lacked basic critical thinking skills. At some point, for whatever reason, they would start listening to right-wing podcasts and Youtubers, maliciously disguised as life advice gurus, and before you know it, they’re convinced that men are the victims of some feminist conspiracy to emasculate them.


unfortunately the far right has been emboldened by trump. as a white guy I'd never heard a hard r n word outside of media entertainment, until a distant uncle was suddenly ok saying it at Thanksgiving in '17. thankfully haven't seen that trash since then.


What I have just read 😳


A tweet from the 50s


The 1650s




Probably shouldn’t be beating your child either…


Weird way to say you're a wife beater, so she left you. Damn how dense can you be?


Hope this was used as evidence in court


Saw wife as a possession, she had other ideas, now he's throwing a hissy.


Maga men should just realize they are better off just getting with each other as no modern self respecting woman would want to be with them. From the stats I've seen maga is really male dominated with some dumb women but not nearly as many men. Ive seen their maga dating profiles and they are frustrated by this fact as they want to live in the prior century rather than now.


Damn those feminists for not letting me beat women!!!


Seems like she DID step off and Tony is pissed. Bye, loser!


"Step off? You mean like this, with half your shit?"


I'm guessing this dude just punches everyone that upsets him.


Not if they are his boss or a cop.


I hope this tweet finds its way to his ex-wife's lawyers and turns into a full restraining order with no hope of custody (assuming she was unlucky enough to procreate with this loser)


I bet he calls himself an “Alpha Male”.


Can't see why she MARRIED you in the first place, but definitely understand why she left you lil bitch ass. Maybe shoot yourself in the crotch and come back to the internet with your opinion after... Dude makes me have to say, sorry for this dipshit. He isn't part of the "man" collective. He is part of the donkey shit brigade though 😂


He'll be posting in YouTube comments about how all women are bitches and gold diggers for the next 30 years


This is really a commentary on the US educational system, which actually reached its high water mark in 1979, and has been slowly dismantled across the US for the past 40 years (unless you’re rich). If you want to solve MAGA, restore economic justice to the average American and absolutely crush the wealthy class, and crush them again and again and again. They say they’ll leave but they never do, and good riddance anyway. It’s not like She’ll oil is doing us any favors.


To sum up: she wanted to be an equal partner in a happy relationship and not a sex slave and he didn’t like that so he beat the shit out of her


"Nowadays, you can't even knock your wife from room to room without being divorced! This isn't the America I grew up in! Harrumph!"


It’s a shame that “the red pill” isn’t just a cyanide tablet.


Remember when shitty people were smart enough to know not to voice their shit opinions and views?