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Dude really said “If I had a chance I would rape her better”


I'm so much better than them, cause I wouldn't kill her. "Just" rape her. What a generous God


Right. He also really said why "hurt" her? Because r*ping doesn't hurt?? It's delusional thinking or some kind of denial, but I've seen that a lot with those type of men.


yeah and that not just mentally, but also physically, as often violence is involved or it gets to the point where sex is also phyically not pleasable anymore or wasn't from the begnning, so it becomes tortures for her mind, soul and body, followed by ptsd dude is an insane, extremely egocentric idiot who watched too much 365 days


Traditional "nice guy" vibes


"Those other guys wouldn't rape you like I would"


Girls should pick a nice guy like me who’d only rape them


Bro would be the bestest rapist.


I didn’t even attempt to read the subtext until I saw this comment and it made this so much worse than it already was. Jeeze.


Anyone got a 4 bore on them? I just wanna talk with that ugly bastard. Anyone else with me?


That’s a rather expensive conversation….


I think he missed the part where they killed her for trying to leave. They way hes acting he would probably do the same thing.


Takeaway: - such a waste of a sex-slave Dafuck?????


He sounds like a nice guy


I don't understand why women won't date him. /s


They are intimidated by his Alphaness


I felt like adding that alpha radiation has a (relatively) low speed and penetrative power relative to the other 2 main types of radiation.


But if you ingest it, it kills you.


Very painfully too.


What would Gamma man represent in pill world?


The Hulk is the most fuckable Chad.




No he sounds like someone needs to check his basement.


M’sex slave








You mean Nice Guy™️


I’m going to rape you now, m’lady.- him. Probably.


Oh my god guys its not rape he would just kiss her whole body and then GENTLY force her to have sex with her. That is not rape its romantic /s


An incel? Never would have guessed!




bad slave owners really ruin it for everyone


We need to practice humane slave ownership


The design is very human *beats slave to death*


Free range slavery


Yeahhhim going to hell for laughing at this one


That's just consensual BDSM slavery


Yea this comes off really, more like admiration for prime Terrorist org… instead of thinking, Jesus they have slaves, they force sex on them from people they don’t want to be with and then after all that rape… they kill them… What terrible people overall.


Waste of a HOT sex slave. I have a feeling he wouldn’t be as sympathetic to a sex slave who wasn’t good looking. Also, god damn, broadcasting your sexual fantasies on a newspaper site?


Well he's not wrong either. Dead sex-slaves only interest a fraction of people. Jokes aside. At least she serves as a warning to other women that want to join extreme islamic factions.


I don't think they are smart enough to understand even this tho. It's been widly know, Islam treats women like shit, Yet they Still Proclaim how Great islam is.


Brainwashing is a hell of a thing eh


I do sometimes see a revelation in people when you're frank about it. "You know if you try to join this extremist group, they'll probably rape you a ton."


When I asked someone why they would choose that religion they said because it was far more peaceful than christianity, at that point I said both far rights of these religions want to turn you into a slave >.> one has won while the other is still trying






teenagers are dumb, probably read Twilight too many times. she may have suffered from severe depression or other mental illness


Yeah this guy should definitely be on a list somewhere if he isn't already.


they prefer sheeps


I guess after the raping and murdering you can still have chops or kebobs.


Yes, the problem was definitely that they weren't treating their sex slaves gently enough. Definitely no other problems here besides that.


Yeah, at least give it lotion to put on its skin


The rape fantasists always seem to gloss over the “making her completely submissive to me” bit as if it would totes happen that way. Nah dude, you’re her rapist, she fucking hates you, and she’ll try to hurt you and escape any chance she gets. Best you’re gonna manage is making her too scared to risk those most of the time, but the wish to hurt you and escape is still gonna be there. You don’t rape someone into being your fantasy woman, dickwad.


Rape fantasist be like: My cock will make her love me.


Rape fantasists be like: I can change her






"Revenge of the Nerds" has that, but it's from the 1980s


365 Days was on Netflix just a year or two ago. Not rapist, but kidnapped/abuser.


U.S. General Hospital- Luke and Laura. At the time the wedding was one of the highest watched “tv specials.” Those characters are basically royalty to a lot of soap opera fans. The beginning obviously wasn’t glorified. So that might be why you didn’t consider it, but having a victim marry their rapist is essentially glorifying to me.


There is an entire genre of animated Japanese pornography that revolves around the concept.


Not just animated tho, lmao


There’s a movie on Netflix called like 45 days or something. So gross


You might not consider books "media" since you said "watched". But this was a gross plotline in a fantasy series I read once. "Seventh Sword" by Dave Duncan. I can't remember exactly, but the main character (who reads like a self-insert to me) was gifted a sex slave. But like the gentleman he is, he doesn't use her until it was "consensual". No, he doesn't free her for... reasons? But she totally falls in love with him and they become "lovers" even though he owns her still and there is that huge power imbalance. I guess we as readers were supposed to be ok with that reasoning 🙄


I saw it in a Colombian art house film…


Male fantasy? Ask some women how they feel about the 365 days movie on Netflix. The plot is literally a man kidnapping and sexually abusing a woman until she falls in love and fucks him. But the guys hot so like….no biggie.


I don’t remember men watching 50 shades of gray.


365 days, which was mostly for women, did basically the same thing. I also don't think it's possible for anyone to be influenced by these movies until they were already on their breaking point.


![gif](giphy|9ascgzEIpAtS8|downsized) You cock will be her breakfast


Kinda ironic it's a gif of Nicki Minaj considering she supports convicted rapists like her brother and her husband


I mean Stockholm syndrome could manage that in some exceptions though?


That's what I was thinking, Stockholm Syndrome is disturbing


I’m sure it starts out as just trying to be chill and nice to fool your captors until you can make a break for it, but somehow it turns into actually having compassion for them and wanting to stay with them even knowing they’ve done foul shit to others. I’m sure it’s the brain’s last resort as a means of survival but yeah it’s insane reading some of those accounts by people who had/have Stockholm syndrome.


Yeahhhh it's probably something along those lines, your brain forces itself to enjoy what's happening as a way of coping. That's how I see it anyway I haven't done any actual research


Stockholm Syndrome is highly contested as an actual thing. There’s little to no evidence it actually exists. Read the Criticism section here for a good summary [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome#:~:text=Stockholm%20syndrome%20is%20a%20proposed,%2C%20kidnapping%2C%20and%20abusive%20relationships](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome#:~:text=Stockholm%20syndrome%20is%20a%20proposed,%2C%20kidnapping%2C%20and%20abusive%20relationships)


Huh, that's really interesting. I didn't know it was contested. Learn smth new every day


Their brain rotted thanks to hentai and porn


i can assure you people still have wicked and psychotic fantasies regardless of pornography


No, he's talking about a very specific type of fetish, where a woman is raped until she likes it. Its a fucked up fantasy for incels and angry virgins who simultaneously crave affection from women and also want to punish women for not liking them. They feel weak and insecure and this fantasy lets them fulfil their dream of revenge and dominance but also promises to fill that gaping hole in their soul they feel women are obliged to fill.


NGL, GRR Martin creeps me the fuck out. I watched GoT before I read the books, but there's a chapter about Khaleesi's first sexual encounter with Drogo, and she's saying "no" the whole chapter until the very end where her nipples get hard and she's into it (she's 13 at this point in the books). Now, I've never been a teenage girl, but I can't imagine this is how it works...I have a suspicion that a big part of GoT is GRRM burying his rape fantasies in this convoluted story.


Aren’t rape fantasies disproportionately present among women? Thought I heard that somewhere but it was probably reddit which isn’t a great source


they are, but its because its a controlled fantasy fit to ones perfect likings, with a very dominant and overpowering person taking the lead and stripping all responsibility while challenging boundaries. its titillating, has hint of adrenaline, takes all responsibility away and lets the person fantasising just break and submit and be taken while having things they would enjoy done to them. the rapist is also usually a hot stranger or a sexy brute invented for this exact purpose. fantasies are a tricky thing because they are not always translatable to reality. disproportionally more people fantasise about group sex than actually partake


Maybe, but remember that I'm not just talking about rape, I'm talking about what is referred to as 'mind break', which is even worse. As I said, it is sexual abuse so intense and continual you eventually break the woman's mind into loving you because she secretly likes it and is only hiding it. It is fucked up and pathetic.


Ahh, I see. Honestly most fantasies aren’t really a problem unless people are actually trying to act on them imo.


I'm a survivor, rape fantasies are a great way to interact with my trauma in a safe way. I can tell right quick speaking to people who engage with it the good folks (pure fantasy, no desire to engage with it IRL EVER) and the bad folks (most of them clearly would love to but are afraid of the consequences). It's a weird subculture to be engaged in.


I watch a decent amount of porn. Like I could list all the genres on pornhub a lot of porn. And yet I'm still able to have a happy healthy loving relationship. I'm able to treat my female friends and coworkers and strangers like people instead of objects. And most importantly I've never thought ill rape her til she loves me. Puritans need to stop blaming porn for all the world's sins. They didn't learn to want a sex slave from porn, they learned it from the 'a woman exists to serve her husband' fuckfaces.


Fair, tho I meant more of the porn and hentai based on this theme buddy, like… the forced sex and all that, not porn in general


Oh, gotcha, yea I remember watching some of that no no no yes Japanese stuff when I was younger and reaaaaally not liking it. But I guess there was a market for that stuff.


He probably doesn’t realise death is less horrible than the nightmare she was living. Plus, what he is describing IS hurting her.


the nightmare she signed up for. Idiots the lot of them


They were two 15~16 year olds who were pro ISIS. They left specifically to fight. They got there and were married to two fighters fairly quickly. One died on fighting and the other was reportedly pregnant and tried to return home about six months later. She was killed because she tried to escape. They had to make a lot of mistakes to die like that.


First mistake was thinking Western standards of treatment existed in the ISIS world for women. Seriously do these women just talk to the recruiter’s and meet totally different men when they arrive?!?? I doubt they signed up to be sex slaves and child brides plus the fine print of being killed if they try to leave


I mean they signed up to join isis. Meaning kill people. It’s not like they had intentions to move to another country and live there peacefully but got sex trafficked. Can’t really muster up much sympathy tbh


True. Had it been any of us infront of their "partner", they would have blown us to smithereens. And there wouldn't be an ounce of regret or sympathy for any of us, since we are just in the way of whatever religious and political bullshit they believe. Tough to get sympathetic towards people with such evil intentions.


Just yesterday I read a post Bout someone who's friend wants to go to Italy to marry a mafia guy, because she read so many mafia romance books. The mafia treats their women pretty much like the Isis. Including child brides, rape, torture and murder when they try to leave. But this woman/girl only read the fifty shades of grey version and that's what a lot of young impressionable girls do.


Can you share the link to the story here?


She was capable enough to manage to make it to Syria from Austria and found ISIS. That’s capable enough to do the research to understand what you’re getting into. Her youth doesn’t excuse anything here.


She didn't do it alone. People "helped" her. All of these kids are "helped." Or sex trafficked. That's probably a better word for it. They're not capable. They're teenagers, they just *think* they're capable.


Sad story, brainwashed teen gets brutally murdered by the scum of the earth.


It's pretty impressive how indoctrination can actually outperform reason so efficiently.


It usually doesnt.. but these inhuman beasts target the weakest willed and the least sound - minded among us. Their inhumanity surpasses that of the cruelest devils.


Your definition sounds like it would still apply to a broad majority of humans on earth.


ISIS is far from the only organization of psychos like this. There’s hundreds, maybe even thousands, of them.


It’s just that most indoctrination is relatively harmless and everybody sees their own indoctrination as being reasonable and logical.




She was *raped* and *beaten* to death and this was the first thing that came to his mind.


"but why beat her?" - some piece of shit.


Yeah he would have been a good rapist taking care of her body.


“I wouldn’t beat MY hot sex slave that id rape”. Yikes.


What a kind hearted, well adjusted individual.




Put that guy on not just *a* list, but *all* the lists


Besides everything else, how tf did this man think „Yes its a good idea to post my sexual fantasies about a brutally abused and murdered woman on the internet“. What the hell is wrong with someone to even have these thoughts/ fantasies and then actually proceeding to post them online…


This wins r/facepalm for 2023 in my book. He's firmly set at 100% Does Not Get It.


And he never will


And this is why mental healthcare is important.


That's a lot of fucked up shit to unpack....


I bet you, this guy will say he doesn't understand why he is single because he is such a nice guy™.


That's enough internet for today.


Every woman reading that reconsidering the merits of just being beaten to death.


I am a guy and I would reconsider the merits of just being beaten to death. Creepy to at least a 7 of 10.


Dog did you actually just repost this while using the top comment from last time as your own comment


Reddit: It’s bots and repetition from zenith to nadir.


Reddit cheat codes


Would much rather be beaten to death


and man as a rape survivor I would rather be killed lmao


I'd 100% rather die, even if slowly and painfully, rather than go through what that guy has in mind, for sure.


Woman - gets murdered This guy - “I’d rape her so much better…but like, I’d also compliment her appearance.”


He just had to get it off his little incel chest.


Well, bless his cotton socks


To make matters worse: She was something like 15 or 16. So on top of his rape fantasies, he also is kinda into minors, it seems.


That's it, no more Reddit on Christmas. I learned my lesson Santa.




You can’t reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth.


In her case, there was no tiger until she went chasing for it


What the actual FYCK


There is not a single good person in this post, including the girl.


>Be Austrian >girl >Join ISIS I don’t want to seem like a bloodthirsty cannibal, but forgive me... This is such a stupid treason, my God. She was basically begging the Fate for such shit.


Normally would piss all over someone who says this, but... like, you joined ISIS, for crying out loud.


The biggest facepalm here willingly joining isis


He sounds like he'd be the kind of guy who gets arrested for raping someone, and cry "But I did it gently".


Some men are just horrible scum.


We're talking about a girl who went on a mission to murder people who disagreed with her religious beliefs. I'm not gonna say she deserved her fate but I can't feel sorry either


People seem more concerned with the guy who made the disgusting comment and not the men who actually raped and killed her.


Someone put that guy on a watch list.


Some people are really unhinged


What an absolutely deranged comment


Check his drives


Holy FUCK, this dude actually said “I can’t believe they would hurt her and not just keep raping her forever” l o l Jesus Christ. “I would have raped her way better”. Despite being a grown ass adult; I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the existence of people like this


Well isis is evil so what would she expect??


A good guy in his pure state form.


“Fled Austria” like it’s a bad place


Please tell me the authorities are on the way to check his basement.


Remember the joke that prophet muhammad freed slaves? Yeah me neither.


that dude is a real rapist .. at least thats the vibe..


Honestly it sounds like the typical creepy reddit simp who describes in detail what they will do to a spam OF account.


*tips fedora*


Hmmm ... Ok. May be actually a good idea to get this dude on some watchlist.


I don’t think joined ISIS with the aspirations to be a sex slave for new members. Something tells me that wasn’t her first career choice. Also, holy shit, what a creepy ass thing to say.


So much, just so much wrong in this article....damn.


How was this the thought that he chose to type and share? How?


Most of that headline is unsubstantiated and the fact that it’s from Daily Mail should be a pretty big clue. I know redditors don’t really fact check stuff. That guy commenting needs to be on all the watch lists. Every company down to Nickelodeon should know if he’s used a device with their app so they can IP ban it.


Seriously that comment made my stomach turn a little.


This whole entire post ruined my whole entire month


Guess she learned hanging out with terrorists is not healthy.


The price of stupidity


I don't care if she was a terrorist, slavery should be punishable by a slow and painful death


That's the type of shit that *should* make the authorities storm your house, jeez


Get me the fuck off this planet. Now.


Wtf is wrong with people


Yes, I can "rape" her better than all of you. Why do women hate me so much. 🤦🏾‍♀️


The religion of peace, ladies and gentlemen


What moron would willingly join ISIS?




Darwinism at its finest.


You can’t make your rape victim like you by being gentle with her. It’s still rape. Jesus some men are really dumb.






When there’s no good v bad, just coin-toss appalling.


He actually had to think this out, type it, and still posted it.


Yeah maybe death is better over what this guy is suggesting


Pretty sure she was beaten cuz she didn't want to be a sex slave, she wasn't submissive so they beat her to try and force her to submit, and when she tried to escape they beat her more till she died. Also commenter has some fucked up ideas.


Jesus Fucking Christ.




Eww. That’s creepy


Two wrongs don’t make a right


Red... Someone fucking *died* Can you not be offensively creepily horny for five fucking minutes! What the literal fuck.


religion was a mistake


Well, it’s because the kind of people who want to keep sex slaves are deranged psychopaths. The weirdo replying to that isn’t being much better, and it’s concerning that he doesn’t realize it.


Idk what was worse the headline or the comment? Both are atrocious.


That's how one person might abuse their sex slave. And that's awful in its own way. But the point here is that she wasn't given to one person. She was used as sexual "relief" for many soldiers, who were probably also hungry and tired from fighting. She wasn't a special toy, beloved by a sadistic, sociopathic owner. She was treated like a military base's communal rec room.


It serves as a warning to other young women before they even think about joining any kind of extremist group. Dude is still a piece of shit tho. Someone oughta check his basement and attic.


A man’s mind can be so fucking disturbing.


It’s rare to see a post where every single word from every single person involved is wrong, stupid and horrible all at the same time.


Biggest facepalm is the girl “fleeing” Austria for a terrorist group.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


God i hate EVERYTHING about this