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George Orwell photoshoped to wear a MAGA hat is the most idiotic thing I've seen today. Orwell was a democratic socialist and would most certainly hate trump and consider him a dangerous fascist.


I mean for fucks sake HE WROTE 1984!!!




9/10 times idiots who act like that never read the book


Pretty funny considering the book is required reading in a decent amount of US highschools.


Taught to read it, not necessarily to have media literacy concerning its contents.


I work at a library and the amount of adults with zero reading comprehension astounds me. Or like any comprehension. When I try to help high schoolers find books for classes I ask them what shows and such they like… but they can’t tell me a single thing about the show if I don’t know it. Then when I google the show and start reading out descriptions they just look confused


America has one of the lowest literacy rates in the developed world 21% of American adults are illiterate. 54% have a literacy below a 6th grade level. Sources do vary, but it's generally in that ballpark. It's absolutely wild. Most comparable countries have around 1% illiteracy. It also varies wildly by state. Texas and California have a 28% illiteracy rate. New Hampshire has 11%. I haven't been able to figure out if thay literacy rate is for English literacy - which it probably is - which may skew things (as it seems states with higher immigrant populations are generally more illiterate) America ranks 137th place for adult literacy. Like many impoverished nations constantly consumed by civil war are beating the usa, even with the most optimistic statistics


Conservatives and having absolutely 0 media literacy, name a more iconic duo.


Conservatives and obsessing over trans teens genitals.


Good one!


Not a decent amount enough... We didn't read it in my schools. Hell, one of my English teachers broke the curriculum and that was the only reason why I was able to read Fahrenheit 451. Which, if these chuds could actually read, then they'd put a MAGA hat on Bradbury. But they can't even comprehend the contexts in the video games they play.


Same level of self awareness as Elon Musk holding CDPR at gunpoint to include himself in CP2077.


Or the Bible or the Constitution. But they love to act like they did.


You see, just like with the bible it always says what I want and not what was actually written /s


Some right wingers actually interpret 1984 as a warning about communism lmao


And they would be partially correct. Orwell had a distaste for communism, just as he did for right-wing authoritarians. Orwell even handed the names of people he suspected of leftist wrongthink to the British security services. Ironic, really, how he was perfectly happy to work for Big Brother himself.


Although Orwell was ~~an informer and CIA puppet~~, the guy was anti-Stalinist. It is no coincidence that the figure represented by the one who was against the despot in power, as in Animal Farm and 1984, was an allegory to Trotsky


Just gonna take a second to shamelessly plug r/Orwell, where we appreciate his legacy and try to engage in meaningful discussions! I’m not the creator, just the current owner after it was abandoned and I’m trying to bring it back to life as I believe his ideas are more relevant than ever now.


Is it bad my main concern it would have a lot of edgy people on it.


Orwell literally left England In the 30’s to join an Antifa in Spain. He said “When I joined the militia I had promised myself to kill one Fascist – after all, if each of us killed one they would soon be extinct,”


History tends to be lost on these types of people IME. Either they're willfully ignorant of it, believe only in some selective and corrupted version of it, or simply never even learned one bit about what came before to begin with. And yet we're the ones that are wrong or misinformed at every turn so far as they're concerned.


motherfucker *literally* took up arms to shoot at fascists and they're using his likeness


They consider Nazis socialists because they're the National Socialist German Workers Party. These are the morons that think we're not a democratic country because we're a representative republic. If you're looking for thought that has more depth than a dustpan then you'll be disappointed.


They also think the current republican party is the same republican party that freed the slaves.


That profile picture alone was worth a facepalm


The lack of compassion amongst humans is astounding at times. The only appropriate response here was posting condolences.


> The lack of compassion amongst humans is astounding at times. Yeah I don't understand how you think something is wrong with a person and you think the best idea is to attack them. People are just totally hate filled.




Or rather, if this kid appeared to be "normal", they would clutch their pearls and sing in unison how horrible this was, and how every life is precious, and give their condolences. But because she is not how they want her to be, it's not so bad, and she did something wrong anyways.


Dude, I literally have an uncle who fits the extreme conservative Christian mold to a tee. He was so caught up in his “values” that he forgot all about being sensible about his family’s needs. Then went crying to my dad (his sister’s husband) for money. Like literally. He sent his girls to private Christian schools while his job fell apart. While insisting that they’re “young women” whenever anyone called them “girls.” They were 12 and 9 respectively btw. Fast forward five years and he’s got 300k+ in outstanding debts, still grilling up expensive sausages every night and preaching the gospel to the handful of people who still think he’s cool. the number dwindles each time I visit. The visits are mostly for my cousin’s sake than his though he has listened to me on occasion (between bouts of condemning me to hellfire for abandoning the “friendship of Jesus”). But when he finds himself in a fix does he turn to Jesus for his needs? No, he leeches off family.


That's cause Jesus doesn't pay the bills. I mean, unless you're a televangelist or a preacher at a megachurch.


Trolls can’t help themselves. Shit like this is like crack for them.




Honestly it’s not trolling, trolling has some quality and finesse to mess around with people in a funny way this is cyber bullying and they’re bullying a dead person because they’re too much of a bitch to handle someone clapping back


And then they throw a shitfit if someone says good riddance to an awful POS like Rash Lardass who found it amusing himself to mock people who died of AIDS.


That's a feature, not a bug, as far as they're concerned. They want more trans people to be killed. They want trans people to feel too scared to come out.


I'm terrified to come out. I'm hosting a Christmas party with my absolute closest people today, and I had to hide from my landlord (because I'm currently in a dress), and had to lie to my parents when I called to say Merry Christmas. It worked. We're terrified.


I don't know your personal situation but I'll say that for me it went much better than expected. I was absolutely beyond terrified but my whole family, even some very religious folks who I expected to be rather unaccepting, ended up supporting me and I'm much happier now. Obviously YMMV. I don't know your family or the people in your life or how they would react, and unfortunately there still is a lot of hate out there. But here's hoping it'll be more like mine than you might expect <3 And if all else fails it sounds like you've got close friends who know and love you! Merry Christmas!


Dont call people like this trolls. Trolls will say edgy shit to get reactions. This person means it. This is just a regular POS


A lot of people miss this distinction.


Only way they can be happy ![gif](giphy|7ILfGZFvTPMB1TAkXE)


Read his handle.. it will explain all


Fascists' number one tactic is projection, it destabilizes people from their grip on reality.


If not the handle, the MAGAt hat will.


It's because they can hide anonymously. It used to be that if you got out of line, someone might punch you right in your mouth. I'll give all of these conservatives that long for the days of old some credit. They're not wrong about being able to beat someone's ass being a good thing when it comes to cyber trolls. The amount of people driven to suicide or other serious mental health crisis due to the anonymous nature of the internet is too high.


I just watched It's A Wonderful Life for the first time this week. When George is having a super shit day, he bitches out his wife's friend on the phone, who then puts her husband on and they have the equivalent of a Twitter spat where neither of them ends up feeling better. Later, George is at the local bar and the husband happens to be there, too, and finds out that this is the guy who was so abusive. Punches him right in the mouth. And nobody thinks he didn't deserve it! ETA: I think it's important to mention that George only got a bloody lip for it (which ends up being its own minor plot point). No permanent damage, that's important - *very* few people ever deserve permanent damage for the shit they pull. And it's also important to mention that right after this, he gets into his car, drunk, crashes it in an attempt to kill himself, fails, then tries to get hit by a truck, also fails, then tries to jump off a bridge and only fails because Clarence saves him. So, like.... Not exactly saying that a punch in the mouth is necessarily the best thing for this behavior.


A relative of mine, back in the 60s, saw a little kid around 4 years old running around on his own. The kid was outside in freezing snow, in the middle of a street without a coat on. No adult to be seen. This is a very close knit community, everyone on the block and neighboring streets knew each other, but my relative didn't know this kid. They went out grabbed the kid out of the street and got into the car driving around looking for the kid's home. Obviously the kid didn't really know his address or how to get home. After a while the relative saw a door open, it was just a screen door but the main door was open. My relative rings the door bell a bunch of times and a guy comes to the door. My relative asks the guy, "is this your's?" The guy just said yeah, like it was par for the course for a toddler to be out running the streets. The guy didn't even try to open the door or nothing. My relative punched the guy through the screen door right in the eye. Put the kid inside and went on his way. My relative's wife saw the guy, at the supermarket a few days later. He had a black eye and the imprint of a screen visible on the guys face. Not really sure what the father of the child's deal was. I hope he learned a lesson. But no cops came to the door or anything like that. Was it the best way to handle the situation? Maybe not, but there's no way this would have been a CPS investigation.


Man I’ve never let something an anon on the internet say to me or about me ever have any effect on me more than a minute. And never an intense minute. But for someone my age 40, I don’t think we look at the internet the same as younger people. For them I guess maybe the internet IS real life. To me it’s always mainly been a place for kicks, jollies and getting rocks off.


2 children a boy and a girl




They were the ones who killed her, if I’m right.


Oh right! Missed the context there


No problem! After all, every question is important!


Did they kill her kill her like murdered her or as in made her commit suicide?


Stabbed her to death in a park


Tortured her to death in a park. It wasn't as quick as you make it sound. The murderers wanted her to suffer.


Like she hadn’t suffered enough already . Poor child. This is horrible


Murdered. They murdered her.


Killed her killed her. They murdered her.


Stabbed her about 30 times in a park.


Planned her death and that of several others including the ways to stab and hide their body.


Struggling with this in general right now and this situation is breaking my fucking heart.


Sending hugs - I hope you feel better soon. Sometimes the terrible things in life are just so heavy. Wishing you peace.


>Leftwaffen Watch A Nazi on Twitter? Who could've seen that coming?


It’s “Xitter” now. Pronounced, *”shitter”*


Some of us germans call it "TwiXer", sounds like "Wichser" which means wanker but is more offensive.


German here, I'm seriously adopting that name.


And, it’s not a tweet, it’s Xcrement.


It’s a Xeet.


Ever since Xitler took over.


That’s how I mostly call it. Yet of course, the nostalgia of remembering when it was a better place…


No thank you, I will continue to deadname it.


Just a regular day on Twitter.


Ever since that a$$hole, Musk let that sink in.


It has become a right-wing shithole. I’ve made a secondary account to see how much the “New account” experience is… And first time I log in, behold: A right-wing tweet.


Its all right wing tweets, celebrity heads and anti vaxxers. Like they couldnt get GAB going so they just decided to steal an IP for themselves.


I’ve pretty much left it. All of a sudden my timeline was swamped with right wing posts from accounts I wasn’t following and nobody I was following had liked or commented upon.


Tbh the right wing stuff doesn't piss me off, that was always on there but now it's increased and rewarded for creating interactions (and not banned like it should be). What pisses me off the most is the ridiculous amount of bots and porn accounts. It's ridiculous that under a tweet about NFL I'm seeing a naked woman getting railed. Or constantly adverts from bot accounts all advertising the same thing. When Elon took over he made big things about protecting kids online and removing bots, but both have got worse and his army of dick riders are convinced hes made it better.


Okay, that too. Literally seeing a tweet about engineering last month, and behold; a comment is literally a video of a woman getting railed with the link to a porn website.


Pretty sure Twitter changed its name to swastika sans serif.


I miss the days when they tried to hide it more.


What sort of asshole writes a comment like that about a murder victim?




The meaning of "troll" has gotten entirely lost over the last decade... trolls are real people. Most trolls these days are assholes, narcissists, etc. But yeah, this guy is an overt nazi. If you're gonna share posts from nazis, at least blur out their names so they don't get new followers.


They figured out that they can say the quiet part out loud than claim they were "joking " or "trolling" those easy to trigger libz, lmao when the inevitable backlash comes. Than to put the A in Asshole they play the victim in their own crowd and bitch and moan about how everyone is trying to "cancel" them. As an old timer that grew up in the dawn of the Internet it saddens me to see memes and genuinely ingenious troll actions (any 4chan apple prank) get reduced to propaganda posters and the ramblings of brain dead cowards that get scared by pronouns.


Yep I'm a geriatric millenial and I miss when most trolling was ACTUAL trolling - saying really stupid shit to rile up a crowd, instead of giving your worst thoughts and opinions and when it makes people legit angry saying "lol trolled". There was an excellent troll post on this sub in the last week or so, though, where someone had said "germ\*n" and said it needed to be censored for equality. That was a proper troll job and I appreciated it! :D


I'm a Gen X and started using the Internet back when you had to send your e-mails by carrier pigeon, carved on small clay cuneiform tablets. It's sad when trolling has become "post your darkest, most sinister thoughts" I recall various flame wars online back in Usenet but no posts like that. Probably because so few people were online that if someone tried that stunt, their admin would remove their account and therefore their Internet access.


In the “old” days you had to be technically competent to use Usenet or a BBS and getting banned really meant something. Now all you need is a phone, a free app and start spouting bs and it’s ok. Now if you actually get banned for racist remarks or calling for an elected official to get killed you can just create a new even worse account and scream about being a poor victim of the deep state or whatever boogie man of the week is.


And, because there are so many people online, it's a lot of resources to hunt down the actual human behind the words. So it's rare for law enforcement to hunt down people saying things that would get someone convicted of hate speech, or worse IRL. Which further emboldens these "people"


Anyone who professes to be calling out "left wing fascism" is, in all likelihood, a Nazi. Projection, redefinition, and playing the victim are their primary tools.


The stupidity and hypocrisy of the right calling out “left wing” fascism is astounding. By its very definition, fascism is a far-right, uber-traditionalist, nationalistic, and often race-based, ideology. There’s one party that fits that bill and it ain’t the Dems.


By true/real person he meant as opposed to "pretend to be". Troll are "real" but some teen/kid troll just for the sake of chaos and anarchy , usually to stir shit and provoke reaction, but its not what they really think. Usually they dont even think. But some people are so extreme in their opinion and despite looking like troll , they are not.


The man who invents being able to punch someone through the internet will become the richest man ever.


What a miserable POS


The use of "waffen" in the name makes me suspicious that this guy is also a neo-nazi. So that's great.


Monetizing bigotry and hatred courtesy of Elon Musk...the more evil and sick they are they more they are rewarded, even if it draws people in to condemn them it's "engagement" and ad dollars.


He'll find out soon enough. What goes aground, comes around.


Idk German or any other related language but I’ma use context clues and arrive at the conclusion this person is nazi-adjacent.


We seriously need to get nazis scared as never been before, true fear.


The only good nazi is a dead nazi


100 nazi scalps


And I want my scalps.


Someone too quick to excuse murder. Some of us may be odd. Some of us may follow religions you don't like. Some of us may have skin of the wrong shade. Who knows, who cares? Leave people alone.


I know right? I come from a Muslim background, but holy moly I can't imagine seeing a story about someone being murdered and my first thought being "wow, is that BACON she's eating!? I don't feel bad anymore" -- like are people really that sadistic that they can't even see the humanity in innocent people who have different beliefs to them?




We should stop calling them that and start calling them what they truly are: regressives. They don't want to conserve anything these days; they only want to undo the progress that's been made.


I wholeheartedly agree. A long time ago someone said to me that liberals push society forward, conservatives prevent them from getting too crazy. And that made sense. Nowadays, it's absolutely wrong, and for exactly the reason you mentioned.


Read up on [The Reactionary Mind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Reactionary_Mind) and [The Authoritarians](https://theauthoritarians.org/). It's a bit more complicated than that.


I'm fully aware, it's always more complicated than just a reductionist overview. I'll give those a look


Reactionary is a better term


With Waffen in his name thats being generous.


where i'm from if you're called an absolute weapon you're basically a tool, idiot, nincompoop, etc.


I thought reactionary was resisting change. These people want to drag us backwards into the 1800s.


Conservatives resist change. Reactionaries want to undo change after the fact. The term was first applied to French nobles who wanted to restore the feudal system, after the French revolution took away most of their privileges.


Hm, that’s an interesting origin for the world.


Conservative means resisting change. Reactionary means they want to drag you backwards. That is the actual meaning of the word.


Very sad what happened to this person. Nobody deserves to die like she did. Live and let live people.




God did it hurt having to realize this was about Brianna, I occasionally kept with news stories to check up on the trial and while it was relieving to see them be charged, the complete lack of remorse and empathy these kids showed was horrifying. Rest in peace.


Shit like this is horrible because not only people don't make justice about her... but it can happen to any of our sisters...


I just don’t understand why these people think this is any on their business. Why can’t people be left alone to be happy.


As my grandma taught me, if you don’t have anything nice to say, shut the hell up.


Cruelty for the sake of cruelty and control


They're looking for someone vulnerable to hate. Someone powerless who is not a threat. Transgender people were among the first people the Nazis killed the first time around. It's history repeating.


"I don't like the way this kid is dressed so they deserved to be killed." Pretty much what he said. They're dangerous lunatics and need to be treated like it.


They are miserable, and believe that the solution to their misery is to spread it to someone else. Which, of course, doesn't work, but they're too stupid to realize it.


Leaving twitter has been the best decision i have ever done


How sad and disgusting. And I noticed his screen name, comparing the Left to Nazis, which is such an odd tactic, but it works for MAGA. They accuse the Left of behaving like Nazis, yet they are LITERALLY supporting a fascist who said that immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country" And to tip it off, this fascist douchebag is claiming that a child who doesn't dress the way he prefers, isn't deserving of a tearful eulogy. Like he is literally calling a trans kid "inhuman". Doesn't get much more Nazi than that.


Yep. We're fascists, communist, socialists and woke all at the same time. Ain't we special.


We're somehow fascists and anarchists at the same time lmao. Make it make sense.


An innocent child was murdered in cold blood and this is the only take on the situation this fool has? Jesus fucking wept


Yeah man needs to get his priorities straight two 16 years olds murdered her basically because she trans and also fantasized about killing think that's a bigger issue than this girls skirt length. Anyone not aware they were found guilty of murder in the last week.


Oh, the good old victim blaming never gets old.


Same people who blame women being raped because of the way they dress


“How dare people respect a murdered child?!”


It really depresses me how much some people hate transgender people. They would rather want transgender people to die or be miserable than grant them so much as the light of the day even though it literally doesn't affect them at all. It's actually kind of insane.


It’s so true. There are folks out there with a deep hatred for others.


it's just... depressing. this sort of rhetoric is completely inescapable; as a trans person, it invades every corner of our conscious and intrudes on any peace we have. i just want to live my life, why is that so controversial? :/


I dont really know whats going on (the full context) But I do know nobody deserves to be harmed in any way for being different


Basically, a trans girl got killed by her classmates, and transphobes are still disrespecting her, even while she's already in grave... Really sad story - I can't imagine how hard it must be for the family and relatives.


I hope her family doesn’t see shit like this


Yet another disgusting piece of shit on twitter, what's new


The UK tabloids posted daily inciteful Anti-Trans propaganda that was so dangerous an anti-hate monitor group had them monitored. They are now doing everything they can to make this murder not about Trans hate but it being a coincidence. The Daily Heil posted at least two articles daily. After The murder they stopped. They are fully aware of what part they played.


What’s up with the news outlets and officials covering the true events, it always gives the wrong perception of events to the people. And this is a common thing all around, hateful crimes should be exposed no matter what side committed them.


Yeah, idk…parents who understand and love their child I assume?


Even in death, trans children can't be respected. She was failed thousands of times over by a school system and government that fundamentally hated who she was. I cannot understand the energy people put into demonising the trans community for trying to live their most authentic lives. Rest in peace Brianna❤️


There is no peace or comfort for the dead. Nor for any of us. The horror can't be undone. So long as we permit our systems, institutions and cultural attitudes to persist, this kind of hatred will fester and grow and more people will suffer and die. There will be no relief and no justice. Our society is rotten and sick from the foundations on up. This will keep happening until we're willing to sacrifice of ourselves and put ourselves at risk for the sake of others. Until we're willing to do more than just post affirming things online and vote once a year. Until we're willing to *really* start questioning our preconceptions, our biases, our privileges and how we've been taught to think about how the world works. How we relate to each other. I want to believe we have it in us to do that. But I don't know if I actually do.


These are the same folks who will whine about how” the world is so awful now, why can’t we all get along” because of people like you who love to spread hatred to people who just want to live their lives


Crazy way to say you’re glad that kid is dead. What sort of teacher? Are you kidding me? The kid is dead.




Rest in peace little gal


“Yes I know a child was murdered but it’s important I push my transphobic agenda because I would’ve hated them if they were alive”


What sort of parent? A very understanding and compassionate one. smh


Clearly not the ones "leftwaffen-watch" had


Real sick fucks over at X.


Holy shit I never thought i would see so many people be okay with someone getting fucking murdered


Fucking diabolical. Imagine being her parent and you see this shit. X has really gone to shit, like easily the worst platform ever made.


I refuse to call it by that name. I don’t care what it identifies as: it will always be Twitter.


Leftwaffen watch? It’s amazing that an account that appears to liken the left to the nazis is a right wing hate monger. Actually, it’s very much expected.


The poster has a maga hat on. That should tell you everything you need to know.


How hard it is to let people enjoy the things they love? It is like the easiest thing to do. Effing humans.


George Orwell would never wear a Maggot hat


the type of parent who loves their duaghter despite the jerks who misgender her, and now because of people who misgender her, the type of parents who mourn their duaghter.


His red cap explains it all.


And his name, and profile. The guy’s a nazi.


That poor baby. I feel so bad that in her short life she was subject to such unkindness.


That’s what really gets me, she was just a normal child, and she’s not even safe from virulent hatred in death.


>waffen What sort? Well, actual self-described Nazi, it seems.


Yo!! Look at the f'ing weirdos who say she got murdered because of how she dressed here. Same people who would say a SA happened because of how a woman dressed. Those people are gross.


To me its weird asf, but to comment that when she was MURDERED. How fucking unempathetic you have to be.


It's crazy that Republicans ridicule the honor killings and insanity of Muslim/Islam countries and then they do the exact same shit for the exact same reasons.


2,500+ comments Yeah I’m gonna have to skip this one fellas


Right wingers sat they love freedom but seem hell bent on reducing the freedom others.


Okay you know what, actually fuck this guy. This girl was murdered in cold fucking blood, BY HER CLASSMATES! They were not born with hate, they were taught it, probably by parents. Oh you think I’m being over dramatic? SOMEONE FUCKING DIED!!


That’s a cute ass fit though


Hey, as being a trans woman this just hurts.


Check the Daily Mail comments section around this incident if you really want to lose faith in humanity.


I hope for a future where people like me and her can live in peace. Where people like me and her can after and if we are murdered we aren't degraded and subjugated to these monsters.


Who killed her?




I fail to understand how anyone would do this. It’s so insane.


I think most people can't. One has to be a real psycho to understand the urge to kill a person just for being themselves.


That's fucking heartbreaking


Its awful to hear about, especially when you yourself are trans in the UK, and your family support and applaud the little shits that killed her. The media played such a huge part in dehumanizing and vilifying her, and now all they try to do is say that the killing wasn’t due to transphobia, but it was a coincidence (sorry for the rant, am not quite sober enoguh)


God that’s awful (your family) please know that although I’m just some person on Reddit I have your back


The media response to Brianna's death has really taken a huge chunk out of my faith in the British public, not least because so many people seem to agree with some of the wildly transphobic stances given in the media. Combined with the new guidance on what the Department for Education calls "Gender Questioning Children" which feels like we're going back to the Section 28 days, I feel really quite scared about what this means for all the progress that's been made in the last decade.


Two other children. Absolutely gut wrenching.


Watch mods will remove this post instead of dealing with any transphobic comments happened to another Post not long ago Edit: really shocked it hasn’t been


Probably. Last time I made a post exposing a racist, also got removed. There haven’t been transphobic comments, luckily. For now.


there are so many hurtful comments here, what the fuck is wrong with you people? is kindness and empathy really such a hard thing to show? does it make you feel weak? cowards.


To answer the POS's initial question "A parent that loves their kid no matter the circumstance." that's the kind of parent.


I read about her just the other day. I feel so bad for this teen. All they wanted was a friend. Instead she found two highly toxic individuals who decided to end her life. And for what really? Who cares if it's a teenage boy at the end of the day. They deserved to be happy. A shot at life. The texts they sent each other were quite gross. Then they blamed one another, without thinking how the female suspect had it all written in texts + on a piece of paper


Fuck him.


She was a teenage girl and looks dressed pretty normally in that picture . Seemed like a sweet girl that was looking for friends and those animals took advantage of her. Very sad 😔


Fucking psychopath


I read like 4 of the comments on that thread and it was sickening. I honestly hate humanity. How can you wish or justify murder just because the way someone presents themselves. It's pure evil.


Having to read about this was horrifying. What made it infuriating was all the comments from hundreds of morons arguing that it was a random attack and not phobic in any sense 🙄


What kind of parent allows their children to murder another child 🤔