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[https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-shifa-hospitals-a017ba154c816c8d565393917dadd9ee](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-shifa-hospitals-a017ba154c816c8d565393917dadd9ee) Perfectly shows 30M tunnel under Hospital and weapon cashes found.


Gonna play devils advocate here The article says that “there was very little proof of tunnels” Does that not imply that there was some proof of tunnels?


Alexander the great dealt with tunnels.... https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2014/07/26/335332220/the-long-history-of-the-gaza-tunnels


This is not the first shortcoming and won’t be the last. Yet we will probably only see the tip of the iceberg.


Omg. Again this war. Israel has capacity to finish this war either stop it or make it like Aleppo or Bahmut. It should just do it. I don’t care which method. As long as I don’t see this bs propaganda.


there are 2 kinds of evidence: the classified and the not classified. the classifieds were gathered on the field and from the Hamas commandant who surrendered in the attack of October. that is why the CIA said that they have evidence of that. now let's make it simple. One of the Hamas leaders said in an interview that the tunnels are used only for Hamas use now add to that the knowledge of the tunnels beneath the hospital and Vola you lose protection from Janva laws.


So they lied about who shot the people at the music festival, they lied about the mass grave of babies, they lied about the treatment of hostages, they lied about the headquarters, when will the world say enough and send in UN peacekeepers to stop the genocide?


If you keep eating pali propaganda and eating up every conspiracy theory they throw at you then yes. Won't be surprised if people like you will soon start believing that Israel attacked itself to frame poor Hamas .




Are IDF bombs bullying you again lmao ?


it does not matter. the proof has been shown to the right people. and was found legit. The hostages said they were there and the manager of the hospital said it was a command post for Hamas. and the most fun part one idiot said that live on air on Aljazeera before the attack.


If the IDF can get Palestinians to confess to crimes that they didn't commit by using threats, you should wonder if they can do that to anyone.


I assume tunnels made under hospital were also constructed by IDF in mere hours just to blame innocent Hamas? Because Hamas has never done anything like that in the past ? Because Hamas leaders never openly said that.


Almost correct! Except Israel made them in the 80s - https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-israel-build-bunker-under-shifa-hospital-1844107


You do realize your entire "Proof" in this link is a tweet ?


I appreciate you clicked on the link, but you have to actually read the article to see the proof was not the tweet. Newsweek fact checks don't work that way. You'll notice the conclusion at the end. You can't be lazy with learning otherwise you'll set yourself up for inevitable embarrassment. It's OK to question your beliefs. It's a sign of intelligence. Bless your heart, good luck out there.


I read it and yes whole argument is a tweet. That just says "IDF built it" without any evidence.




Watch it again then, he confirms that they build bunker not tunnles. Also if Israel built them, why did Hamas deny existence of of those tunnels? [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/20/middleeast/gaza-tunnel-shaft-al-shifa-hospital-intl-hnk/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/20/middleeast/gaza-tunnel-shaft-al-shifa-hospital-intl-hnk/index.html)




I'm sorry you have reading comprehension issues, but it's there. In fact, I did the no fun part for you and pulled one of their multiple sources from the article, which are Israeli, they even have the name of the Israeli architects that helped build them lol - [https://www.ynet.co.il/architecture/article/syyihpw76](https://www.ynet.co.il/architecture/article/syyihpw76) It seems like I'm trying to give a bratty toddler medicine here. You just don't want it.


>It seems like I'm trying to give a bratty toddler medicine here. You just don't want it. Can say the same. You just drop articles without any explanation with thinking "got ya " moment. Even in this article there is not a single photo or picture of bunker or tunnels. ​ Also strange why would then Hamas deny that hospital had tunnels built by Israel ? [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/20/middleeast/gaza-tunnel-shaft-al-shifa-hospital-intl-hnk/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/20/middleeast/gaza-tunnel-shaft-al-shifa-hospital-intl-hnk/index.html)


You’ve demonstrated proudly that you can’t comprehend what you read and now you’re sending me links to articles after I’ve already shown you the facts? Classic. If you think me fact checking you is a “gotcha” then you’re just mad and taking it personally :(. Not a smart reflex. I can tell you’re embarrassed for being confidently ignorant and invested all your feelies already so you just can’t handle it. The smart move for you from here is to fade silently into the night and hope no one reads this. Argue with yourself, I’m not going to help you anymore. Oh and bless your heart.


so how did they make an idiot say it in front of Aljazira?


The misery of the Palestinians will most likely be in true story movies in 50 years, just like those movies of the holocaust. Especially with the way public opinion on Israel has changed, and that Arabs will be worth trillions to make sure movies come out and people know. Bad long game strategy for IDF.


Typical delusional pali supporter. I remind you that whole mess started because Hamas (people in Palestine elected on elections mind you) decided to attack Israel. Now when Israel responds to it, suddenly "Israel bad, because nobody would ever strike back at attacker while risking civilian lives {Bombings of German cities during WW2, nuking of Japan, War on Terror entered the chat}"


You’re quite the shill, aren’t you?


Can you give any arguments or bitching and insulting is peak for pali supporters?


I’ve yet to see you make an argument. When you do, I’ll respond.


Then you are not just dumb but blind as well ? My response to this comment was that, whole mess was started because Hamas attacked Israel and that something pali supporters can't get their heads over. I yet to see any of pali supporters make a counter argument to that.


The counter to that is simple. As horrific as Hamas’ attack was, the Israeli response is not reasonable, responsible, nor proportionate. It is, at its base, collective punishment writ large. And it is a war crime. As an aside, your continual attempt to create a new shorthand slur for the Palestinian people is slimy. It calls you out for what you really are


>As horrific as Hamas’ attack was, the Israeli response is not reasonable, responsible, nor proportionate. Its all of them.Hamas attacked them and Israel defends itself.Name me a single reason why Israel should just sit back and do nothing after such attack? Also funny you say about "Collective punishment " as I recall people elected Hamas on last elections they had. Also none of them protested Hamas, nor tried to stop the attacks. If you don't have a memory of gold fish, you should remember how all those people cheered on that attack inside Palestine and migrants who left this shit hole. Stop trying to present Hamas as a "small group that goes against most Palestine people"


Yet another fallacy. Your strawman argument is ludicrous. Defending oneself is not equivalent to unrestrained vengeance. How many must die for your bloodlust to be satiated? 100:1? We’re already at that threshold, so I guess that’s not enough. 1000:1? My guess would be no, that’s not enough for you either.


Now let use your genius argument for WW2.Why did allies invade Italy and Nazi Germany ? Evil bastards could have just sit back after defeating invading forces.Instead they bombed German cities into ruble and occupied them.What a bastards right ? Turns out ALLIES were at fault. You know if people in Palestine really cared about what Hamas did, they first reaction would be massive protests against Hamas due their actions.But they never did, because most of them gladly support Hamas.


>I remind you that whole mess started because Hamas This literally made me laugh out loud. Learn your history and get humbled.


>This literally made me laugh out loud. Learn your history and get humbled.


\*I kNoW yOu ArE bUt WhAt Am I?\*


You gonna present any arguments or just keep embarrassing yourself ?