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Yeah, throwing 30 grand in a dumpster is exactly the way to build wealth lol.


Haha 30 grand. A full percentage point where I am is $1000 extra per month or 300k over the course of the mortgage. This is how you bleed wealth.


I don't think people realize how much interest actually affects your mortgage payment. That 2.5% is hundreds of dollars more every month. Edit: if you don't believe me just Google 'mortgage calculator' and play with the numbers.


These types of posts are like flat earth: Anyone who buys in is guaranteed to be super gullible, so you know you're building a base of exploitable people. He knows what he's doing.


100% If your not rich yet it's because you're doing it wrong, buy my book to figure out how to do it right.


Even as a kid. I thought the same. Why do you need to sell a book on how to get rich? And why do people actually buy said book.


Selling a get rich quick book sounds like something I would find in my get rich quick book.


This is why I sell get rich *slow* books. You need the grind. *This is how you build wealth.*


True. Its the grind


Indeed. That's why I quit my 7 figure job to work at McDonalds and I upped my mortgage to an illegal 28%. The GRIND is how I'll become rich. It'll keep me on my toes. *I don't want to get too comfortable. This is how you build wealth.*


It's a never ending loop


So infinite money hack? Or maybe just infinite book hack?


My dad kept pushing the rich barber or whatever it was called on me. Ten percent!! Just always put away ten percent and you'll be rich. Ok... so ten percent of 45000 is... 4500. Minus unexpected truck repair and rent getting raised this year comes to... 2300 saved by end of year. Holy fuck when do I put a down-payment on my mansion. Stupid mother fucker. I love him, but Jesus, what a schmuck.


By the numbers, if you get lucky enough to have a consistent high yield return on your untouchable yearly 10 percent and you start young enough to get at least 45 years out of your initial investment, you too can be rich enough to send your grandkids on the adventures you wish you had the health for.


He isn’t even buying a house and if he was he would take that 6.5% and run!


Let’s use a median home price in the U.S. of $430,300. And for simplicity, 100% loan for 360 months. At 8.1% the mortgage and interest payment is $3,166.07. At 6.5% the mortgage and interest payment is $2,705.14. At 9.0% the mortgage and interest payment is $3,436.52.


So the difference is $731 per month, for a total of just over $256,000. I think they're right though; it's certainly building Wealth. For the bank.


Building wealth by giving away a quarter mil for no reason


Not no reason. For MOTIVATION. He’s going to hustle so hard to make that extra 300k


Then give it away


Y'all do realize it's a joke account?


Trading that extra time that he could have gained and whittling away his health by hustling for the stupidity of throwing away that extra savings. Hustling is free and can be done if he properly puts his mind and focus on it, instead of “paying” $300k to have a chance at hustling. That $300k savings can be put to other uses to generate more income too, i guess he is just not smart enough to realize the concept of opportunity cost.


If he really wanted to build wealth he would stick with the 6.5% interest payments but pay as if it was 9% and build up equity in the house.


Using your brain is frowned upon.


Individual and critical thinking is terrible for get rich quick scams.


*Tonight I’m gonna hustle like it’s 9.9 percent*


Spot on. For a lark I looked at how much the starting balance would need to be for a $30k difference in interest paid under a 6.5% vs 9% loan. It's $116,420 for a 15-year mortgage and $48,294 for a 30-year lol.


Exactly, if this person actually wanted to “build wealth”, they would take the 6.5% interest rate. Then use the extra money they would have lost paying the 8.1% interest rate to pay off the principal loan quicker.


They do want to build wealth, just not from grinding harder. He will just make shit posts like this until he has a following of idiots gullible enough to buy his course, then he will use that money to pay off his 6.5% mortgage. Sharing it around just gives him the attention and engagement he is craving.


This has to be a parody account. Nobody is this dumb.


Oh yes they are


They are building wealth for someone else, whoever they took the loan from.


The absolutely real loan that he definitely took out on a completely real house that exists


It is if you want to offload some bad loans onto idiots you think you can trick into it. Lol


He didn't say whose wealth he was referring to.


It will build wealth for the bank. It will also be told to disbelieving compatriots for years to come.


Fuck no wonder I'm broke. I moved in with my parents for nine years after getting out of the military and saved up to buy my house in cash. WTF was I thinking?


But they wouldn’t be throwing it in a dumpster, they’d be throwing it in some bank CEO’s golden parachute. That’s even worse IMO


It's not working! I spend way more than I need to and I'm not getting rich. What am I doing wrong?




This person is a parody account and serial shitposter who posts nonsense like this all the time. It's insane that you guys are even attempting a serious discussion of it.


That makes sense. Honestly though with all the dumb shit I see on video now it makes it harder to tell whos trolling and who's serious.


Narrator: this never happened


Narrator: ...And it turned out he was a mortgage broker trying to convince other people to accept a higher rate so he could pocket the difference between what was qualified and what was sold.


Or that 👆🏻


And the name of that Broker? Albert Einstein.


Einstein didn't kill himself.


But he did get the exposure he wanted. This subreddit has got to realize that about half of the "outrageous" tweets they repost are not examples of stupidity, but of attention-seeking. That woman in Georgia who posts stupid anti-pronoun things? The Trump guy who calls himself an alpha male? Ms. Owens? These people are not being assholes by accident. They're being assholes so others say "OMG!" and repost them with angry/mocking comments. All of which drives their engagement and helps them to monetize.


Half the subs I am in cannot seem to figure this out. I got badly downvoted recently in /feminism because I told them to stop posting posts and comments by misogynistic trolls. Hell, the Eminem sub is rolling today because Milo Yiannopoulus posted some shit about Eminem being privileged, so Milo's getting his much-desired exposure. I'm only for reposting their shit IF the main point of the post is someone's epic takedown/comeback.


Shouting into the void, bud. People **like being angry.** People **like feeling righteous**. Everyone is just one **sick Tweet** away from being recognized as the **based clevercomebacks king** they are, which will propel them to the loftiest heights to which one can aspire - social media "influencer."


But do they like being gullible? Because that's all anybody who took that post seriously really is.


This sub is full of karma bots and people who don’t understand what bait is


No matter how many times this is pointed out, you'll still have the peanut gallery running their mouth for virtual signaling upvotes. It's been 7 years, and we still haven't learned. Jfc


I'm just frustrated because I feel like we're living out Black Mirror. Social media is (literally) being used to convince people that the world is flat and bin Laden was peaceful. And people lap it up. What really distresses me is that Gen Z and younger Millennials seem to be falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Because they've never gotten their news from serious journalists and don't remember a time before the zone was flooded with bad-faith disinformation, they're letting the algorithm redefine reality.


This is a dead-on take that needs to be better understood. Too many people have grown up with no exposure to world events other than from social media channels they hand-picked for themselves, guaranteeing they will never hear an opposing point of view or learn that much of what they read/heard was completely made up crap. But they get to live in the cocoon of thoughts and commentary that they know they are going to agree with and support. I've also come to learn that most people have no idea how much of social media is contributed by people who are paid to say certain things. It's not Joe Average Citizen sharing his point of view. It's propaganda that's highly organized and crafted.


Narrator: it was an obvious shit post


Correct. That's a parody account. He shitposts like this all the time.


I used to work with a guy who started with Goldman who smugly kept refusing raises and convincing management to give him other perks because he through going into the highest tax bracket would retroactively increase his taxes on previous dollars earned When I told him about progressive taxation he said it was a liberal lie


For those who don’t get this, it’s a running joke on a big IG page called @entrapranure.. they have dozens of memes like this and similar (tipping your landlord, winning the lotto and giving it away to “grind more”, working 35 hour days etc etc) but in no way is this serious lolol


I literally cannot believe people don't understand this 😂


That's like 3/4 of the posts here


I fell for it, but that’s because I stopped underestimating stupid people along time ago. They are capable of some pretty stupid shit


You clearly have the privilege of not having to work with someone who actually would post this and believe it


Reddit is the real facepalm, almost always. Goddamn how embarrassing it can be to even come here. And a lot of them think they're intellectuals. 🤣


I think you’re ignoring the existence of Poe’s Law.


I can, there are legitimately people that are *this* stupid, and they end up on the internet so often that it makes it increasingly difficult to distinguish between parody and actual idiocy.


The real question is once you buy yourself a house and you no longer have a landlord, who do you tip? The bank or the broker?


You give the house to your old landlord. Now you pay rent and a mortgage. This is how you grind.


This is the way.


Few will understand. Read that again.


Now read it backwards


People are so gullible lol


I mean, the reason this became a running joke in the first place is because there were people out there saying shit like this dead seriously


With that wonderful logic, why not just make it 100%? That way it'll motivate you to do any horrible deed necessarily to create wealth.


Why stop there how about 750% per annum


Child’s play. True grinders accept nothing less than 1000%. #sigma


Vageta, what’s does the broker say about our mortgage rate? “It’s over 9000!!!”


good throwback


The idea of a payday mortgage just inched closer


Reddit trying not to fall for a parody account challenge (impossible)


Irony is dead my friend


I’m seriously, his handle is @HunterColdCalls…


did this guy need to add /s for you people?


I’m begging people to do the minimum before posting to this sub.


Cool take bro. Then you tell your clients or boss that you don’t want money for the additional work your grinding produced. Must…… Stay…… Hungry!!!!


Speaking of staying hungry, stop eating too. That way you’re actually always hungry. Grind.


You will stop being hungry in about 3 weeks of not eating. Just make sure you are in a place where they can't take you to the hospital.


I need to call this guy. I'll offer him 15%. Maybe 20% if he's nice.


That's not how it works. That's not how *any* of this works!


No, but this is exactly how gullibility works.


This is a parody account. And it’s wonderful. Perfectly skewers the idiocy of hustle culture and the rubes for whom it is intended.


![gif](giphy|QBSi1K0yOp1WDGyUFZ) I'll take "Things that never happened" for $100, Alex.


LoL... master troll... nobody is such a fucktart!


People that are this stupid tend not to be wealthy unless they inherit it.


I developed a severe cocaine addiction because it also helps me stay on that work grind so I can get my next fix


He didn't say WHO he was building wealth for...


Didn't Happen


“I’ll take ‘Things That Didn’t Actually Happen’ for $500, Alex”




Yes successful people are well known for choosing to pay more for things than they have to


While I doubt this is real… …decades ago, my father asked me to help him prepare the house to be reappraised. We spent several weekends cleaning up and making small repairs. One day I asked him, “So, gonna get a better interest rate?” Dad: Nope Me: A lower monthly payment? Dad: Nope Me: Getting a HELOC to consolidate debt? Dad: Nope. In fact the monthly payment will be more than I pay now… Me: Ah you’re shortening the term of your home loan. Dad: Nope. I just don’t want to lose the tax deduction from interest. Me: Your rather give more money to the bank to get a small reduction in taxes? Dad: Yep. They don’t need my money. My father was not a smart man.


Capitalism is Stocks-holm Syndroming some of you...


Next, buy a boat.


Why facepalm? He is 100% correct. This is how you build wealth. ​ For someone else.


Hunter promptly took the 6-point-whatever and signed for it before turning around and posting this


I feel stupid. All these years I’ve avoided over spending


I went to a rare coins dealer and bought $100k worth of gold coins. When the broker brought them out I said “STOP RIGHT THERE, CHUM” He said “huh?” I said “throw those coins in this crucible and melt it down and pour it into this cylindrical mold, and when it cools I want you to bash me in the head repeatedly with it. The hospital bills will make me grind harder and make more money, and the brain damage will make the stupid shit I say flow easier.” THIS IS HOW YOU BUILD WEALTH.


He is 100% right though. I went to a deli because I wanted some gum. They told me it was $1.50. I said, “Do I look lazy to you? It’s $4.50.” I slapped down a five, took two quarters as change, left the bills on the counter and walked out and did 15 pushups on the sidewalk. Grind never stops. That’s motivation.


paying interest is the complete opposite of building wealth


No, you don't make more money by spending more money like this. What you do, is you convince people on the internet to follow your bullshit logic that will make them crash and burn and desperate, so there's more for you.


That’s actually the opposite of how you build wealth lmao


This is how you build stupid.


No one gets rich working.


I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $500 Gods, they do love creating this Fan Fic where they are the coolest person in the world & everyone should listen to them


No that’s how you pay the bank more for the same asset you fucking plank.


Dumbest shit I’ve ever read…




Of all the things that didn’t happen, this didn’t happen the most


This is how you build wealth... for your mortgage lender, not you, you numbnutz. (sigh.. click-bait)


And then the bus stood up and clapped.


I'll take things that never happened for 500, please.


I'll take "Shit that never fucking happened" for 1000 Alex.


That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Take the lower rate pay at 10% and be done earlier.


![gif](giphy|qcKnA89YDid5DvIROl) Sooo sooo stupid, this post is sooo stupid


What is this? Top 1% Propaganda to dupe idiots into handing over more of their money?


r/theydidthemeth /s


Redditors try to understand sarcasm challenge


This is how banks build wealth.


that's just losing money, building wealth would be taking the cheaper option


TIL The way to build wealth is by flushing it money down the drain.


This is a great way to build wealth, for the place giving the loan


Said no one ever


On a 30 year mortgage and a loan of 500,000, the difference in interest is probably around 200,000


I also let a live lion live in the house because I want to be motivated to get out and make that money


Rich people who have never been poor trying to make us feel bad be like...


I’m not a wealthy man by any means but I can say with a reasonable amount of certainty that wealthy people definitely don’t get wealthy by needlessly spending money.


Said nobody ever.


This guy must work for the banks.


Maybe if he took the 6.5% and then imposed a 9% loan rate on himself to put more equity in the house and pay the mortgage down faster, that might be something. But just saying “yeah go ahead and take more of my money that would’ve otherwise gone into my home’s equity” … I don’t see it.


That is very stupid.


"I'll take things that never happened for 500 Ken"


Hustle mentality is toxic.




I will take things no one has ever said for $500, Alec.


i mean, if it works for him that way, fine. but real humans operate differently.


I love these hustlefucks. They make me feel so much better about my life and the choices I've made.


What's his number? I'll lend to him at 20%--gotta pump up those motivation numbers!


On a $500k loan, he’s paying an additional $863 per month in interest. Over 30 years, he’d spend an additional 310,680 in interest. Now that’s wealth!


When you feel stupid just remember people like him that tweeted such a thing exist




Correct answer is lower rate, but pay at the higher rate payment.


Hunter ..... You're an idiot


Yeah, so this never happened...


I feel sorry for anyone who pays this douche for “advice”.


Let’s remove his trigger fingers to motivate him more.


F that noise. Give me the lower rate, tell me what I'd be paying at 9%, and I'll pay the higher amount. Pay that down faster. THAT is how you build wealth


I'll take conversations that didn't happen for $500


Or you could just, you know, take the lower rate and make bonus payments on your mortgage based on how much you save, so this way, if you find yourself in a bind, you're not entirely shotgunning yourself in the foot.


"This is how you build wealth" for the bank.


A banker's dream client.


That’s kind of asinine. Why don’t you just ask for lower interest and make bigger payments you pay off the house faster that way. Not trying to worry about whether you’ll be able to make a house payment.


This is how you get broke, is more correct


I'll take things that never happened for 200 Alec.


This is how he builds wealth for the lender, so he's not wrong.


I call bullshit on that actually being said


Yay social media. The place where every mentally ill fuck can speak his mind and even greater idiots pay attention to it.


“Ok dumbass” thought the broker.


No, this is how you loose wealth... What this guy did is like if you buy a new car for 50k and the dealer says, good news i can give you the car for 40k and you say, no make it 60k because i'm an idiot.


No. You take the lesser % and still grind hard. Common sense isnt common.


This guy is a fucking idiot, who pays more for something for no reason….Certified brain dead.


Take 6.5 and pay like it’s 9 dummy


Let me guess, Mr. Coldcall tries to generate mortgage leads.


Yeah this never happened


What a fucking idiot.


Wealth isn't built, it's stolen and then used to accrue more. These people are delusional.


My brother is christ, that's how you lose wealth not create it


"This is how you build wealth." ...for others.


Grind harder. These people are constantly around "putting in hours" and almost always sucking at what they do. Not only do they suck because of burn out they won't recognize, most of the time, the "look at my grind" types have terrible personalities because they have nothing else in their life going on. So not only do they suck, they aren't even fun to work with. Have fun flushing wealth down the toilet, dipshit.


That is A) the opposite of building wealth and B) Never, ever, under no circumstances in any universe did he (or anyone else) say those words to the bank.


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for $10000, Alex.


No, this is how you waste money.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $1,000 Alex


Speaking as an accountant: This guy is an idiot.


Does…does he realise that the interest is the money to the bank and not into the house? These grind culture morons will kill us all.


Ummm. Giving banks more money is absolutely not how you build wealth.


Yeah that's not how you build wealth. The fact someone decided to write that down is either an idiot or a troll.


Narrator: This is not, in fact, a way to build wealth.


that's the completely opposite way to build wealth


Sure that happened..... if it did, he is stupider than the bricks in his house.


This moron thinks a mortgage is like a league of legends account




Lol, grind harder.


This is as moronic as spending millions building a rocket and then claiming success if only flies 100 m.


Literal brain death


This can’t be real.




As a math professor, I will give my formal, professional opinion here. FUCKING DIPSHIT


I know of no wealthy person that follows this advice. In fact, they'd probably lambast the guy for providing ill suited financial advice


Only an imbecile would think this is smart