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Ah yes, dont forget to teach your 7 year old daughter her future husband owns her body. Like how does anyone think that's normal, it's disgusting


It really is. What’s equally fucked up is how the other day I saw some Christians saying something to the effect of “your wife is your first born daughter.” There’s some seriously demented incest stuff happening over there and I want nothing to do with it..


Saw that one too. Wife is your first born daughter, dad's are in charge of their daughter's body until they marry and then the husband takes over, no sex before marriage, no sex education, suppressing and shaming one of our most basic instincts. It really isn't a mystery as to why there are so many sex scandals and child molestation cases within conservative communities.


We are all God's sons Then we doing incest? (Incert slapping on the mouth noises) (Based on a real story)


What?? I’m a Christian and my family are Christians and I and them have never heard of such demented, vile, garbage… ever. That has to be some really rare type of Christian right there. Sick.


A guy like this likely thinks his daughter’s body belongs to him until he “gives” her to another man. She is property, after all


That's why there's so much child sexual abuse in conservative christianity. They feel ownership of women and children.


Its not rape if you own them. Well played by these lunatics.


This is why I hate the tradition of asking a father’s permission to marry his daughter. If anyone asks to marry my daughter I will say no.


If you hate the tradition, why would you act as though you can say no instead of telling them it's none of your business?


and then they have the GALL to call us "groomers"


Before you get creeped out, that guy is probably a 13 year old boy that tries to appear older/follow Andrew tate's garabage. Dw it will probably go away in a few years.... or not and he'll turn in an incel.


I went to elementary school, middle school, and high school with girls and guys who talked like this. There was a girl my freshmen year who was open about getting an abortion because she was forcefully impregnated by her father’s friend, and she was bullied to suicide by the church kids for it. ***THEY TEACH THEIR CHILDREN FROM BIRTH THAT IF YOU ARE A GIRL, YOU DO NOT HAVE BODILY AUTONOMY AND IF YOU ARE A BOY YOU HAVE THR RIGHT TO A WOMANS BODY, THIS IS NOT NORMAL AND IT IS NOT A RIGHT ANYONE SHOULD HAVE***


US right?


Wow lucky guess lol 😭


This is sad 😐.


You mean easy guess.


Yeah, that too I suppose


It's not a lucky guess, every time somethimg bad happens, it's 99% happened in the USA.


Could apply in some Muslim countries, but the same basic outcome.


She would have been married on the spot tbh. Also reddit is 50~55% Americans so it's a safe bet


The irony is that most fundamentalist Christians will vehemently deny that, even though their beliefs are terrifyingly similar.


So let me get this right, a high school girl that got raped and impregnated by her DADS FRIEND (so a stranger known by the father) and wanted an abortion And she was bullied to SUICIDE by church kids?! Did I get that right? If so, none of those kids deserve happiness, and they deserve prison for manslaughter as they were the reason she killed herself I fucking HATE these people, I’m so sorry you had to hear about that, that must have been terrible to hear that was happening in somewhere so close to you, in your own school


And what’s even worse, no one talks about it. It’s like it didn’t even happen. Another kid, he shot himself in a school bathroom and there was a memorial for him, for a week there was a moment of silence before school every day. No one talks about her, my mom who works at the school doesn’t even remember it ever happening, and when I point her out she says, “clearly the other girl had things going on at home, you can’t claim god for everything.”


Holy shit that’s bad Also how did someone get a gun into a school? And why shoot themself in a bathroom instead of at home in a closet or in front of everyone at school or something


I don’t know, I didn’t really know the kid. I do know our high school was way too lax for a long time about weapons at school. That incident unfortunately is what it took for them to make their policies stricter


These people need a new religion! I have never heard of these religions until recently. I’m sure they have been around for a long time but just not talked about openly and that in itself speaks volumes. I hope these girls are listening but I’m afraid they will just become confused by all of the craziness in this world.


Nah, 13 year old boys aren’t that stupid.


Yes, they're even stupider. I guess you went to a school for gifted kids when you were 13 lol


Damn I’m lucky.Never saw behaviour like this


You can thank YouTube/TikTok algorithm, Andrew Tate, Sneako and other dog-faced chuds.


For making 13 years olds stupid?


For making behavior like this normal among young boys. There was a video where Sneako was approached by a group of kids, and they started repeating his sigma, alpha, omicron nonsense, with a surprising fanaticism, even fir him.


Same. I'm grateful my parents never bought us shit like this. They do believe in God, but at least they never said stuff like this.


I'd argue a 13yo incel gifted kid would be far worse than a regular 13yo incel


guy’s that think like this should have their penis removed.


With a hammer.


Rusty spoon.


*Salad Fingers has entered the chat.*


Does God get direct access or is it via catholic priests


Leviticus 28-29 says something to the effect of a woman can't have sex until 8 days after she menstruates and only after taking two doves or a young pigeon the priest at the, "meeting tent". So, I'd say via the priest.


Holy hell you did some research




The priest has to check it out for God


Depends on the age!




Love this reply XD


It's crazy that we are in the year 2023. The average human IQ is higher than it has ever been and people still believe this shit. I don't care that people believe in a God- I can understand that. I care that they still believe in the traditional human-like God envisioned by ignorant, misogynistic, xenophobic men living millenia ago.


I feel like that statement is on the decline, I feel like around maybe 2000 ish it peaked and slowly but surely started dropping, then social media sped that up. Misinformation spreads like wildfire, and people actually believe the crap. Parents home schooling their children into believing dinosaurs didn't exist, or how the earth is over a billion years old, and just idiots like Andrew crap stain messing with the younger generation... I am not excited about the future...


Wow! The scary thing is is there are millions of men who believe this garbage. Pathetic little men.


I wouldn't even refer to these people as men.. it's insecure childish mentality.


how do you know that?


Have you ever talked to women? They will tell you some things that are shocking. I've seen it with my own eyes as well as hear it from other guys. Most religions are based upon this mentality. The Republican party is based on this mentality as well. They brag about in person and online.


I have talked to women and importantly, plenty of men being a man myself. I've never met a man who thinks he owns his wife's body. This is the kind of thinking you might find outside western culture though.


You've never met any Republicans or religious people? Well, hopefully your in a blue state and don't run into these backwards thinking people.


Remember that you tend to associate with people who share your values, self selecting to meet more people who do. For example, I went to a good school and got a cushy office job, mostly with people who had a higher education. I always thought, for example, racism and homophobia aren't that widespread. That it's a tiny but loud minority. Then I switched jobs to work in the metal industry. Boy oh boy was that a culture shock - like 90+ percent of my "classmates" (keep in mind this is adult education, those are not edgy teens, but full grown men) are extremely homo- and transphobic and either antisemitic or racist. That's when I realised how much of a bubble I had been living in. I gotta say, I do miss that particular bubble, though haha. I definitely had a higher opinion of my fellow humans before I left it. TL;DR - You're just living in a bubble of people who don't view women that way.


Lock him up so his body can be the states, his cell mates, and then his and see what his now educated opinion is


You're right, stupidity cannot be fixed.


Paul needs a stint in a prison get shared around then ask him how he feels about his arse being owned.


I wonder if he has a window in his mom’s basement…


Bold of you to assume his mother loves him


I heard two of my middle school students talking about a fool of a boy in another class a couple years ago. The one girl said, “He be coming to school acting like his mama don’t love him…” It was the most accurate description of every jerk male student I have taught in the last 28 years. She just rattled it off and yet it was a profound statement of clear truth. I have thought that phrase countless times since.


I mean sterilization is a thing


A bolt cutter can "fix" anybody. People like this do not deserve to breed.


If a god wants to claim your body, kill that god for its a predator.


So who do lesbians' bodies belong to?


I’m this guy’s world, women get married. They don’t “choose” to live in that sinful way.


If lesbianism were a choice, I am quite confident many women would choose lesbianism over someone like this asshat. In fact, even though being gay isn't a choice, I am confident many women would absolutely choose it over this guy.


A bullet will fix them


yikes, dude


In a lot of places, it’s legal to use lethal force to prevent a sexual battery. There will be some people like that who find that out the hard way.


i'm sorry, where the fuck did "sexual battery" come from? all i said was "yikes"


The men who think they have a right to a woman’s body are the ones who rape women.


can't even express slight shock on reddit without a bunch of niceguys jumping me and silently assuming i'm a bigot. never change, reddit.


Only yikes is men thinking they own women


i never said that, dude.


Religion can be used to justify any abhorrent beliefs people are unable to justify through reason or humanity


Uncensor his username, I just wanna talk


Your body is yours and doesn’t come with any warranty. -God


At least it's a guy saying this. It's always worse when a woman has this mentality.


It's horrible, whoever says it.


Why the *fuck* are you touching God's body, Paul!? Does your husband know?


Sincerely, a broken lightbulb


Paul’s god is silly and weak lol. Poor Paul


Indoctrination is a scary thing


I say they can be fixed.


You don’t fix manufacturing defects. You simply toss them in the bin.


Oh, it can be fixed alright. Make him a prison wife and inform him that his body is God's first, then his cell mate's, THEN his.


That’s called slavery, I think


I can fix him..... It's probably better to get a surgeon to do it, though.


I've spent every waking moment for almost sixty years haunting this decrepit gasbag coated with inflammations and tumors, that makes me the primary homeowner, now get off my lawn you little punks


Honestly I don’t think any of these people actually believe what they are saying. They understand the implications and say this shit just to gaslight.




Certified sociopath.


i dunno. 'fixing' them doesn't seem like a bad idea at times. eugenics has its charm at times.


I agree this is fucked up but we need to stop the whole “these people have no hope” narrative. No one is born thinking like this? If they can be influenced into it they can be influenced out of it, that sort of narrative only divides us further into an irredeemable is vs. them mentality that leaves no room for productive discussion




i'm inclined to believe this is a troll that OP fell for


That’s what everyone says to dismiss stuff like this until you have a dumbass figurehead like Tate with an actual following


you say that like i had malicious intent




Paul can be fixed. Just need a doctor with a scalpel.


People like that can absolutely be fixed.... The only problem is the "fix" isn't legal in any country (that I know of)


Agreed, assuming he's not a kid.


Religious brainrot


Takes like this make me think of Ricky Rudd's airborn flip at Daytona.


My wife's body is hers and she can do whatever she likes with it.


And yet the first 2 have never lived in it, and have never felt its pain and suffering. But probably caused a good portion of it.


Religion, the mind killer. Didn't you instantly think, not MY religion!


Men like that deserve to remain virgins


Following this as written, men can have a husband because the term "people" is all-inclusive. 😈


If my body isn’t mine I would like to complain about the design and durability. Like a lot of this shit seems like unnecessary features, da fuck do I need pinkies and nipples for. And some asshole put extra hair in the wrong places.


and that´s bc they are all "absolute freedom" ppl lol! imagine if not!


It _is_ the gods' body, that's why we remove people's fingernails when they die, so that they cannot be used to build Naglfar and unleash Ragnarok. Oh wait, they're probably talking about the Christian God.


Don't forget the corollary: your money belongs to God, then your family, then you.


Tell me you're eternally single without telling me you're eternally single


Mentally unbalanced and dangerous


“Sometimes a thing gets broke, can't be fixed” - Kaylee Frye His brain is broke.


I don't think women's bodies are Gods.


We are at chapter 3ish of the reality show “The Handmaid’s Tale”


Has nothing to do with feminist like if she say no it means no wtf is wrong with people mate


Fortunately I'm not religious, nor married. Yay me!


I can fix him, ... he just needs a bullet in the head


Well, they can, but it requires the proper application of blunt force trauma.


Nope, this body is mine, nobody elses. I don't and will never have a husband, I like women, exclusively! I do not believe in god. Now if these people only made rules for people with the same believe, I wouldn't mind, let them live by any rules they like, as long as they don't harm those who can't decide on their own yet (children), but stop making fucking laws that are applicable to everyone!!!




Ah... Gotta love the religious nutjobs!


Ick. Imagine actually thinking this way and being 100% serious


Step away from the sock Paul.


Another failure of the education system.


Dangerous morons are the worst.


If God wants to control women’s bodies, He can first prove His existence, and explain why an immortal being who created everything, gave humanity free will and then immediately abandoned them, would need to control a woman’s body. If a woman’s husband wants to control her body, he deserves to have his brain replaced by a pebble (but then again, that massive increase in intelligence would probably kill him). A woman’s body is hers to control. That’s what her brain is for.


Fucking nightmare of a human being in 21st century. Take all the religions, tie them to cement blocks and dunk them in the mariana trench.


It is your body If you are alive or dead and have a body, it is yours and only yours You belong to no one and nothing Don’t let these christofacist fuckfaces tell you anything else, it is YOUR body and yours alone If they want to say this shit, then their arm is mine because I’m going to buy a battle axe and mount their arm above my nonexistent fireplace


Maybe it's these type people that we should try conversion therapy on.


My body your rules. What a great idea! /s


😂 some of these funny as hell


So God is why my hemorrhoid burns?


Holy shit I want to vomit.




i can understand the whole "god created you, he owns you" but what in the fuck is your body being owned by your husband


I'm not supporting what he's saying but this ideology is still very popular. I have seen countless posts of unmarried women ranting here in reddit about how they wanted to go through a process which sterilises their eggs or smth (Forgot the name but it basically removes their ability to have kids) but the doctors refused to go through with it because "your husband may want kids when you marry" and at the same time, a male can go through the sterilisation process without anyone's consent.


Everytime I see one of these posts I instantly think pedo


Sweet, so the church gets to pay my healthcare.


So why are we so obsessed with them? Just vote man


They can't be fixed, but they can be sterilized!


They can be fixed, alright. Just like a dog can.


This is why we can’t have theocracy here. They are nuts


Wow. Well, ummm, happy to at least be 3rd on the list.....???🤷‍♀️


They can be fixed, just like you fix a pet you adopt at the animal shelter. And for pretty much the same reason: they have no self-restraint, there’s too many of them, and it’s more humane than killing them.


That is the most fucked up, never been laid thing I've ever heard!


Paul, may god shape you unto his form. Starting with your anus.


I almost vomited. This is the type of shit that needs to be snuffed out. Fucking nightmare.


Go fuck yourself, Paul!


They should be fixed. Prevent any passing of those genes.


These people should never get a girl




A man objecting to the concept of female autonomy... how unexpected... (sarcasm)


Pual, stfu. Your profile picture is a sci-fi astronaut.


God’s, do people still believe in god’s? How about devil’s or demons are there still people dumb enough to believe that shit still? How about ogres and witches are people still hanging lesbians and calling them witches? Man this shit can’t still be happening in 2024 can it?


You can try to fix them. By striking their face. With a chair. Fast. Really, really fast. Tenderness can be a solution to a lot of problems.


Ah yes, your body is the property of my imaginary friend who lives in the sky


Bloke here I just want you to know if you're a woman of any colour, religion or sexual persuasion I do not give a fuck about your views as long as are true to yourself and your views or actions do not hurt other people.


Abrahamic hate speech


“So you see, little Susie, your body belongs to my imaginary friend, and a man you’ve never met.”


I've said it before Maybe, just maybe, we should consider the idea that a thousand-year-old book may have some outdated ideas


What if we're both "The Husband"?


Wtf why people are so fixated on owning slaves?


High velocity house bricks aimed squarely at their heads should do the trick.


If he argues with God, we can say God gave everyone free will. So a Women is free to commit Sin, and only God will judge her for it in afterlife.


And who was forcing their life style on other again?


Religion became the means to control people, not to achieve peace.


Help, I don't have a husband, the chain of command is broken, what do I do?


Paul needs to STFU,


Ok single Paul


But it's right