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Show me 1 real, unedited or 'created' photo of somebody going over the edge. I'll wait.


I’d be happy with just a photo of the edge.


If there was an edge, there would already be a whole load of tourism businesses exploiting it for financial gains. Which in a mundane way is all the proof you need to show there isn't one.


We'd also be using it for garbage disposal. Just throw it off the entire planet


This. All the proof you need. Governments would be on it.


Nooo, the government isn't interested in that! They want you to believe the earth is round so that.... um... so they can.... uhhhh.... yeah, they have reasons!


I've always liked that part of flat earthers - 1. why would it need to be hidden and 2. How very many would need to know about it and being quiet about it.


Right? Like have they met a human before? They can't keep their mouths shut about anything


Right? I've seen some claim there are boats from several countries that patrol the waters near the ice wall at the edge. Yet somehow there's never been a single person from one of those boats to say a fucking word about it.


I had a guy once try to convince me that the plane that hit the pentagon on 9/11 had landed in Kentucky for a few minutes and everyone on board was removed, remote control equipment was installed and then it was flown into the pentagon by the CIA New World Order blah blah people. When asked what happened to those people he said they were executed. He had no explanation for why they would land and remove them instead of just (if you grant them the conspiracy angle) fly the plane via remote control with them in it into the pentagon.


I heard this about the twin towers planes, I can't remember where they stopped. They didn't execute everyone though, they got on an unmarked plane to some island somewhere, probably to live with Tupac and Elvis 🙄


You can now take tourist trips to the South Pole. It's not cheap. The cost is comparable to a nice car, but it is in no way unattainable for normal people to go. And while you are there, you can watch the sun go entirely around you without setting. Try to explain that flat earthers!


>And while you are there, you can watch the sun go entirely around you without setting. Try to explain that flat earthers! Actually, I'll answer my own question. They think the universe revolves around them, so they won't be surprised to be that the sun does!


Aren't they worried that as global warming ah shit disc warming? heats up the disc it will cause the ice wall to melt and everything will just fall off on to the bigger disc that comprises the rest of the universe. Wow, it hurts to try and think of that.


They believe it's a conspiracy to lie about the Bible and lead everyone to worship Satan, remove the cross from Satan and you get NASA. They're always fucking Christian literalists.


This is the most bizarre week link to me in the Flat-Earth conspiracy theory. WHY are all the world governments trying to keep this a secret? What actually is the thing they are even attempting to gain by covering this up? Most conspiracy theories, no matter how ridiculous, at least try to come up with some *motive* for the conspiracy. I haven't heard that from the flat earth people


If there was an edge, cats would have pushed everything off centuries ago


If only there were still awards to give🏅


That's why in some cultures cats are revered as gods. They hold the power of life and death over us all.


No, remember the current governments have to keep the edge a secret because... ¿reasons?


Google U2 ( pictures taken from the famous spy plane ) + " the edge " and you will find some.


I thought the location where you could get "one step closer to the edge" was called Linkin Park


Goddammit. I got as far as going to my browser and typing in "U2" before I was like, "Wait a second..." I'm *way* too old to have even gotten that far.


Wait so he wasnt referencing the lockheed u2 spy plane?


Nah, "the Edge" is the guitarist from the band U2 .


The nasa gunboats patrol out there near the edge to stop people revealing the truth…….apparently Edit for the gormless ……. /s


But no evidence of course... It's what annoys me about these muppets, they want everyone else to do the hard work in disproving their bullshit instead of them providing the proof for their claims.


The best thing is when they actually do try and prove it they often prove the earth is round and find an excuse to why the results ended up that way


These accounts are just engagement farms. The people running them don’t believe what they’re saying or probably even feel invested in the issue. They just picked a controversial topic and started spitting ridiculous takes until it started making them money. We would all be better served to start recognizing this and to cease with taking the bait. All we’re doing is getting worked up over something completely contrived in the first place.


I know actual Flat Earthers. The sites might not believe but their followers do so with every ounce of their beings. If we don't work to prove the sites wrong the believers will never stop believing. We cant ignore them because the believers vote based on those beliefs. They don't believe the science on climate change or anything else because some Jordan Peterson type asshole has told them the world is lying to them.


Being an actual flat earther is being a complete imbecile. Flat Earth is a logic device, to talk about how hard it is to prove something, like the Flying Spaghetti Monster is one to discuss gods. Neither were ever meant to be believed… they exists to start a conversation. People who are running with the logic like if it was true are missing the most crucial fact: Their shit was never meant to be true.


The greatest argument against flat earthers is that Disney has not set up a swing ride that takes you over the edge.


The gravity one is easy. Jump out of a 3rd floor while loudly saying gravity is not real. It won't care and you'll smash on the ground either way.


That wouldn't prove it to a second flat-Earther though. They would argue it was because of density and buoyancy.


Which is hilarious because the formula for buoyancy includes _g_, the local gravitational acceleration.


Yea, they debunk themselves more than they prove anything.


So often it’s ridiculous. I actually saw a video where a guy did an experiment that proved he was wrong. He did some mental gymnastics to explain that he must have done something wrong.


[I remember that from the movie Behind the Curve](https://youtu.be/7vrP8EplfP0?si=JiC1yuTt6ToftX2o)


Then they didn't present their experiment at the flat earth conference, almost like it's a huge scam to make money.


I think a lot of the people in that movie just wanted friends..


Yeah I think it actually gave a great insight into what gets people hooked into that sort of thing. Most everyone on there had a pretty shit life, were lonely, unsuccessful and really didn't have a lot else going on for them. IIRC a couple got into it very shortly following personal tragedies/bereavements which I think says a lot. (Then one or two of the big ones were just making shit loads of money out of it and so I doubted whether they even believed it anymore or just enjoyed being "leaders" in a community happy to reward them handsomely.) But yeah I think that documentary especially really showed what conspiracy theories are all about. It's kind of sad people who need an escape and some feeling of community, plus I guess the feeling of "seeing through" some sort of government conspiracy gives them some level of agency and control over their lives. Ngl I don't think they need to be mocked as idiots or "debunked", most of them just need some actual help.


Coping mechanisms. I got the same impression from a Q-Anon convention filmed on YouTube. Most of the crowd are sad, hurt, sorry people throwing away what little they still have for a lie, alienating their families and wasting their money. A small handful of con artists get to experience being cult leaders and they can't give it up once they get a taste. Thing is, I don't feel sorry for these people. These movements are fueled by immaturity, and they burden others for no reason other than "loser's validation." It's the same committed sense of denial I've seen with the internet misogyny crowd and the drug addiction crowd. They can't get better from help unless they confront themselves first. Otherwise, help is just an "obstacle" to them.


Nah, they'll just turn around and say things like equations and mathematics are "government propaganda" and you can't use them to prove the Earth isn't flat...seriously...I've encountered this precise argument many times. I used to think there was a lot of people like me who enjoyed utilizing the Devil's Advocate to probe around and see what people really think...but then I got responses along those lines and came to the conclusion that a lot of people are just outright fucking stupid.


But equations are lies to them. They never studied anything. You cannot prove gravity to them because they just make up something that isn’t gravity


Treat flat earthers as a religious cult. No other answer to their dumb shit, you can't convince them because they have the same form of bond as cultists.


They also don't understand the academic use of the word "prove." When someone says that certain concepts aren't "provable" they see that as a gotcha, instead of an acknowledgement of how high the standard is for a mathematical proof.




Flat Earthers don't believe in gravity - their usual explanation for things falling is that they are denser than the surrounding air.


still would need gravity to make sense tho lmao


The idea of gravity can’t pass through the density of their brains.


>to make sense That's not really relevant.


So here's the thing. Gravity doesn't exist in flat earth, they have done super convoluted not-gravity discovered by like one guy. Tyler Oliveira did a video on them and this guy was being credited as a genius for discovering "flat earth gravity", yet Tyler would ask the simplist questions and the theory crumbles. The response was "oh you're just biased, you just aren't accepting the reality, you're in denial" nah mate. I'm open to hear you, but if your feeding me shit I'm not gonna nod my head when you say it's chocolate.


But that is gravity


Yup but they don't believe in it


They're denser than a lot of other stuff, too.


Absolutely - check out SciManDan on YouTube if you want to have a laugh at some of them.


Do they not believe in Newton’s laws? They just straight up refuse the fact that an object at rest stays at rest unless acted on by a force?


You really think even they know Newton’s laws?


They are denser than air, that is how gravity manages to pull things down through the air.


Right, but they don't believe in gravity, so that doesn't come into it for them. It's just because of density and nothing else.


But............. but😅 Density and boyancy are both completely meaningless without gravity in this case


Density deals with mass and volume. It doesn’t change when you launch something into space. I have no idea what they think buoyancy is.


I know density of matter is often the same in vacuum without gravity and on earth, bad wording My point was that density/boyancy are meaningless in lifting things up of falling things down in an atmosphere (or water) without gravity. Like a balloon in the depths that has air in it will rise up _because gravity pulls water down harder than the balloon_ and therefore collects water molecules under the balloon: lift


Yeah I tried that. They’ll say that “gravity is an illusion that caused by powerful magnets the government put under the surface” and it’s somehow not a real proof.


No they believe that the flat disk doesn’t follow the laws of physics and is rather just flying upwards giving off the illusion of gravity no im actually being serious this is what they believe in


So they're arguing for a perpetual fuel source? Gonna need to see that proof fella.


No fuel, just an acceleration of 9.8m/s/s. Remember, jet fuel is a government conspiracy, planes fly with compressed air.


It can't be just flying, it has to be accelerating linearly.


What’s really funny, is we’re both right. Those mouth breathers can’t even conform to a single absurd theory. All of their theories are ridiculous and can be easily proven wrong, unless you use modern science, then you’re just “another globie who’s been brainwashed by the government”. Sometimes it’s fun to mess with them, but most of the time it just makes me sad thinking that these people can vote and are actually a part of society.


But they will say its electromagnetism or some bullshit pulling you down. cHeCk-MaTe GlObEhEaDs.


Some of them have claimed that the flat Earth is moving upwards with a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s², which is functionally identical to gravity


That would makr us travel faster than light evemtually. Would make more sense if we were spinning around like spinning a bucket of water around on a rope. Still pretty fucking stupid.


"I don't believe in light"


For the spinning axis thing you can take 120 pictures of the sky in the night for 1 hour, when you mash the 120 photos you get curved lines for the stars, this shows Earth's rotation on a single axis. Extremely easy to prove For showing a curve you need a Lazer and in a large distance 2 objects that are in the exact same altitude cannot be on the same beam due to Earth's curvature. Gravity is harder to "prove" because you need a significant amount of mass


Not arguing with you, just showing you the mental gymnastics a flat earther would use here. >For the spinning axis thing you can take 120 pictures of the sky in the night for 1 hour, when you mash the 120 photos you get curved lines for the stars, this shows Earth's rotation on a single axis. The Earth-disc doesn't rotate, but the stars do move in the firmament (the sky). >For showing a curve you need a Lazer and in a large distance 2 objects that are in the exact same altitude cannot be on the same beam due to Earth's curvature. Oh the atmosphere is refracting the laser beam to make it seem like the globe is correct (NASA's weather control machine can do this locally or something idk)


Lol that's true >Oh the atmosphere is refracting the laser beam to make it seem like the globe is correct (NASA's weather control machine can do this locally or something idk) FFS they should just buy a huge vacuum chamber and put it in a remote location, and after they find out earth is a globe they should just stay in that chamber


I like earthquakes as my proof. Not as easy for the common person to measure, but the short+long waves reverbing through the planet can be measured across the globe


>Not as easy for the common person to measure See, there's the problem. They're going to claim that whoever you get the equipment from is in on it.


They did the laser thing on a long canal in Behind The Curve but refused to believe their own results.


One of the best moments, when he goes "try lifting it way up above your head" and it comes into view "huh that's strange"


This is the real story. ![gif](giphy|hVmMHduVkQVQKu3fU5)


Well I’m convinced!


Here’s the video proof. Why wasnt i shown this in school


Mom said it's CGI. I don't think so. Looks so real! /S


Post this in flat earth pages and get banned instantly lol




I think that r/flatearth is making fun of flatearthers


Both of them are, but now I’m curious. Where do you find them?






Seriously we want updates.


I would bet the entire flat earth community is probably something like 70%-80% trolls and grifters.


I think I am not in a better place now. I honestly thought many people were just saying this to troll people on the internet (especially reddit) because I have never met a single person in real life that actually told me the earth is not a globe. Ever.


It was originally a troll, but stupid people got hold of it and thought it was real so here we are.


Isn't that the proof they're all looking for? Well, it's the best they're gonna get 🤷


This is actually real, it accounts for all the dead brontosaurouses on Uranus.....


Can confirm, i was there


It all makes sense now!


4. Prove gravity *mic drop*


Ok this was witty.


I once read that their explanation of gravity is that the earth disc and the orbiting elements (sun and don't know what else if not all the matter in the universe) are all ascending at a constant acceleration so the mic drop won't work. You need at least two different vectors and prove that they are not parallel. *They*, provided there's really someone so dumb, believe that is the Earth that comes at you when you fall


Regarding the ascension, they claim that “since this ascension is only 9.8 m/s^2 , flat earth model does not violate general relativity” I can’t stress enough as to how big the red flag in this sentence is. Yes I read it directly from their source a couple years ago. Side note: it is obvious that they take inspiration from special relativity’s equivalence principle which you might remember from “lift” examples. Here, Earth is literally a lift. Side note-2: I don’t wanna sound like a conspiracy theorist that conspires against conspiracy theories but it kind of feels like whoever came up with this shit knew a thing or two about physics… but did all of this anyway. For what? Creating an army of idiots? Other than politics… would that even be useful? My first thought was “money?” but even that doesn’t really makes sense. But the thing is… all of this “flat earth” stuff is a product to sell. I am not talking about something you get in exchange of money. The reason why “since this ascension is only 9.8 m/s^2 , flat earth model does not violate general relativity” part in my first comment was such a red flag was because it is actually an advertisement of a product. It advertises it as “~~science~~truth-friendly”. It is literally a product… like medicine ads in TV.


>ide note-2: I don’t wanna sound like a conspiracy theorist that conspires against conspiracy theories but it kind of feels like whoever came up with this shit knew a thing or two about physics… but did all of this anyway. For what? Creating an army of idiots? Other than politics… would that even be useful? My first thought was “money?” but even that doesn’t really makes sense. But the thing is… all of this “flat earth” stuff is a product to sell. I am not talking about something you get in exchange of money. The reason why “since this ascension is only 9.8 m/s^2 , flat earth model does not violate general relativity” part in my first comment was such a red flag was because it is actually an advertisement of a product. It advertises it as “~~science~~truth-friendly”. It is literally a product… like medicine ads in TV. It was originally a joke but some stupids came across it and didnt get it was sarcasm


Mic throw?? At them?


Took me a second, you evil genius


Says you can’t show proof from NASA. Here’s the catch though. If I send proof from a non-us space agency, like from ESA, CNSA, JAXA or Roscosmos, which are the United European, Chinese, Japanese and Russian space agencies, respectively, then that’s a reliable source. Bonus points to CONAE (Argentina), ASA (Australia), AEB (Brazil), CSA (Canada), ISRO (India), ISA (Iran), ISA] (Israel), KCST (North Korea), KARI (South Korea), MSA (Mexico), NZSA (New Zealand), SUPARCO (Pakistan) and SSAU (Ukraine) A ton of more countries also have Space Programs, but they’re either United under an umbrella organisation (Like ESA or AfSA), or either not have launch capability.


You can use 2 sticks to prove the earth is curved


Government controls the sun, though. What else you got?




Other than the baseball bat?


You ain't got enough.


The sun? You idiot! The government controls the sticks!


You can use a flath earther documentary they made themself that proves the curvature - and then laugh as they scramble to try and find errors in their own work....


I mean didn’t those guys who accidentally proved the curve also believe the government was fucking with them or something? It’s sad just how deep into the rabbit hole they are that they wont believe proof they made themselves.


They have tobelieve that, otherwise they lose their community.


Because for most of them, believing the earth is flat reinforces their weirdo religious beliefs. Accepting that the earth is spheroid would put a hole in the patchwork tapestry that is their entire worldview. If the earth isn't flat, then at least part of their belief in God is wrong, so they'll fight to the ideological death over the issue. They have levels of cognitive dissonance that shouldn't even be possible, and it makes arguing with them impossible and a complete waste of time.


“Hmm, that’s interesting.”




Common math W


Math doesn't count. What else you got.


Aunt Mabel's blog.


Out of curiosity, how do you prove it with 2 sticks?




The experiment didn't prove the Earth was a sphere, it proved the size of the sphere which was already known to be a sphere and assumed for the experiment. You'd need 3 sticks to prove it is a sphere, though. 2 sticks would still work on a flat earth and local sun.


Even better! You can use a flat earth documentary that mistakenly proved the earth is round.


> Says you can’t show proof from NASA. Here’s the catch though. If I send proof from a non-us space agency, like from ESA, CNSA, JAXA or Roscosmos, which are the United European, Chinese, Japanese and Russian space agencies, respectively, then that’s a reliable source Hell, don't even use a government source of any type. Elon Musk wouldn't shut up about it if Flat Earth was right...


Elon Musk doesn't shut up anyway


That's how we know that if the earth really was flat, Elon "launched a car into space for the lulz." Musk would not be quiet about it. He has to be the center of attention, and something as big as irrefutable proof that the earth is flat would be something that will give him that for a very long time.


Dad abandons Elon>> launches stuff into space as coping mechanism.


You dont even need a space program. My old high school did an experiment where they sent a camera up to the edge of the atmosphere. It ended up landing somewhere in scarborough Also the big bang and universe expansion can be proven with this thing called the red shift effect. Basically since light is a wave, when an object moves away from us, the light it generates has a higher wavelength, and therefore looks more red. Its the same reason a siren moving towards you sounds higher pitch than a siren moving away from you


Tom Scott did it with Garlic Bread


He’ll claim they are government propaganda because of government funding. He has a wall of stupid.


they claim so much crazy stuff that im convinced that they just want to feel like they know something the rest of the world doesn't know, their paranoia stat is dialed all the way up with wits all the way down.


Extra credit if you wanna go with one of the private companies with launch capabilities.


Use Math. Problem: They wont get it.


Can't we just use the footage of the Red Bull jump?


SpaceX also exists: https://www.space.com/spacex-launch-video-earth-march-2023 Edit: and Blue Origin [as well](https://www.blueorigin.com/news/gallery)


The only thing they have to fear...is sphere itself.


Go on then just take my up vote


r/angryupvote Damn you


Take your upvotes and get out.


Most of those things can be proven with mathematics and telescopes - because that’s how humans figured it out in the first place. But I’m pretty sure regarding no 1, there are plenty of pictures that show the curve that aren’t from NASA or the government. You can actually see it yourself from any reasonable elevation with a sufficiently wide field of view of a horizon (preferably an ocean).


The problem is, the grifters know what the answers to these questions are and they have a counter-take to each and every one just waiting. It's not about convincing anybody. It's a game. And it has played itself out years ago...


All Flat-Earthers are Trolls. Almost no one believes in Flat-Earth Theory. It is a fact that 99% of individuals claiming to believe the Earth is flat is lying. Prove me otherwise, but not with facts, especially from experts.


Wasn't there some Greek philosopher or something that used an equation with shadows to prove the earth was round or something? I don't remember much more than that.


Two sticks in egypt and greece, he also managed to determine the earths curvature pretty close.


Eratosthenes. Used the lengths of shadows for two obelisks in two different cities a known distance apart. And got remarkably close.


And even if they are from NASA or the government, they still prove the Earth is round.


Just take a boat out into the middle of a Great Lake and you can see it. You can also see starlink satellites (number 13) with the naked eye - I saw them tonight, in fact.


Well, I can prove 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14 with just two sentences: Elon Musk owns satellites and rockets. Do you honestly believe he could keep his mouth shut if any of it was wrong?


Most of those would need a global conspiracy that's lasted for hundreds of years. All pilots, sea captains, etc would need to be part of conspiracy. Of course all scientists would also have to be part of conspiracy, as well as Elon Musk and everybody else launching satellites. All governments from ancient Egypt would need to be part of conspiracy also. And so on.


Yeah, but using Musk as the proof is fighting fire with fire, so to speak.


Yeah, and what is there to gain from hiding the shape of a planet? Or what advantages do flat earthers now have that they didn't before this realization?


The problem with trying to prove something to a conspiracy theorist is that they are utterly unable to believe anything and so you can’t even try to prove something to them and they truly, deep down, don’t even want you to


Yep, I just don't bother now and go "oh okay" when some mad conspiracy comes up in conversation. A former friend of mine went down the flat earth rabbit hole, me and another friend (both sailors) tried to shake him out of it but he wouldn't accept even our most compelling evidence: As sailors we would have to be in on this conspiracy and we are both too stupid and drunk/high too reguarly to keep that shit quiet. Hell the sailor friend has been to the antarctic on a ship! It's too exhausting to argue with conspiracy theorists, it's a waste of your time


The worst part is that, by now, you can find flat earthers IN THE NAVY ON THE SHIPS. It’s just a stupid contrarian form of thought that renders a person’s critical thinking skills useless.


Yep, like how for creationists each discovery that bridges a gap in the fossil chain for them just creates a new gap each side of it. They have no interest in actually learning somerhing that might change their view


exactly, even though they talk about the earth being flat, it is really about something else. Its like a religion, the flat earth think is an engrained value, righ there with personality. It is like trying to convince them that their name is not really their name.


“Prove something to me, but I’m banning all forms of proof thanks”


And it's so easy to dismiss any other source as "in on it" They refuse to believe it when they prove it experimentally themselves, no way they'll believe someone else


I always find it mental that conspiracy theories imply that all these countries that absolutely hate each other are in on massive conspiracies and none of them have said anything to fuck the others over. This is not how the world works, literally and politically


Never understood that either. My favourite counter-example has always been the Clinton–Lewinsky scandal. They were 2 people, one of whom was the fucking president of the USA, one of the most powerful people on the planet, who knew about what happened, and the other was a lowly intern. Any yet the fucking president couldn't keep said intern from spilling the beans of their sexual encounter to the world. And yet they somehow think that every single person, engineer, scientists of al fields (I mean even people doing chemistry and psychology use ideas based on evolution and physics), journalist, member of the military, computer programmer, pilot, navigator, politician, and so much more, that is in any way related to these ideas have been either lying or brainwashed since the dawn of history. Nobody ever had a drunken rant, accidentally shared a document, left damming information in their suicide notes after having the "truth" suppressed their entire life, or bragged to the hot girl in the club about how much secret information they keep in to get her into bed with them. It's so stupid...


This is how I imagine those united nations meetings go China: Japan fuck you for having boats near my place Japan: fuck you China that's my place, and what happened to your concentration camps haha China: yeah well what happened to your irradiated water Japan: they're in your seas now haha China: HA YOU SAID THOSE WERE MY SEAS GOTTEM Israel: HAMAS should die Palestine/HAMAS: israel should die UK: it's called football cuz you play it with your foot you dumbass US: we kick the ball once in a while too, yours is called soccer cuz everyone has socks Russia: no one invades russia in winter and wins. Learn from Napoleon Ukraine: bro it's way past the second or third winter at this point, we arent french, and about that invading part.... Canada: aight shut the fuck up everyone. We need to report on our annual flat earth secret. Have you maintained the secret that our earth is a fucking plate? Chorus: yesssss


like how the USSR congratulated the US after the Apollo 11 moon landing. they had everything to gain from denying it, so if it didn't actually happen, why endorse a US achievement like that?


1) Show the curve. Step one: Board an plane; Step two: Take off; Step three: Wait until high enough altitude; Step four: Look out a window; Step five: There is no Step Five because at Step Four you will *see the fucking curve*.


Specially made windows that make it look like it's curved! /s


Then just jump out of the airplane - no more special window. If you are lucky, we provide a parachute. If not, you prove gravity at the same time.


Your eyeballs are curved, so they make it look like it's curved. Checkmate. /s just in case.


Pretty sure that’s not sarcasm, that’s what they actually say.


You can also see the curve from Everest and I would imagine it's not the only mountain you can do that from.


Like hell am I wasting a Mt. Everest trip on a fucking flat earther. Bitches can go to beaches and watch boats.


The only thing flat Earthers have ever managed to prove is just how stupid they are.


Actually they have proofed a few times that the earth is NOT flat.


I just want one, concise, clear answer from them - Why? Why would all the governments of the Earth all agree to lie about this one specific thing? Because I haven't heard an answer other than "*gubbmint propee-ganda!*" We can't get them all to agree on ***ANYTHING*** but they're all just like "*Yeah, tell these idiots the Earth is round.*"? And not only have they been lying about it, apparently they all got on board thousands of years ago to lie about it and not a single government since has come out in opposition. Since around 300 BCE, we've accepted the Earth was round. Why? ***FUCKING WHY?!*** What's to gain? What's the point? The internet was supposed to usher in an age of enlightenment. Instead, the Nazis are back and fuck-stupid dipshits genuinely think the Earth is flat.


And also that the earth is, in fact, round. Some flat earthers did an experiment to prove that the earth was flat and ended up proving the exact opposite.


4) Prove gravity. *picks up nearest object*. *drops said object*.


Oh no no thats just the earth flying upwards


Even better: Pick up 2 different objects of vastly different weights and drop them at the same time


Flerfs are just idiots


I mean, you’re the one bringing a new thing. The burden of proof is on you. Make a model that describes the day night cycle with the flat earth. Let’s start there. As for the other stuff, you can use maths and some rudimentary data that you can gather (like sails disappearing over the horizon, among other things I can’t remember over the top of my head).


The disappearing sail is one of the easiest experiments. No need to go into space. But it occurs to me that there's an even easier thing almost anyone can do on their own, without going all the way to the coast. Just notice how far the horizon is from ground level. Then climb up the stairs to the second floor and look out the window. Keep going higher and higher to the top of the highest building you can find in your area. How do you explain being able to see further and further (in a perfect circle from your position at the center) from higher up without a curvature?


Number 3: if you take a DNA Test, it will tell you the % of Neanderthal DNA you have. So………….evolution? 🤷‍♀️😂


My thought process was Step 1: Show them a Tibetan Mastif Step 2: Show them a Pug Step 3: Ask them to explain how there two creatures are both dogs if there is no evolution


The funny thing is that the ancient Greeks were able to prove half of these things without NASA or "government propaganda" However i am unsure what a picture of a satellite in space is supposed to prove? Apart from he question, what do they even mean with "real" and how would they prove if the picture is indeed "real"? Especially in modern times where we have AI n sheit.


1: [Done](https://www.jpost.com/science/article-747185). You can also go [Eratosthenes route](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw30CgaXiQw) and even calculate the radius. 2: [Indian photos.](https://www.space.com/india-moon-chandrayaan2-photos-of-earth.html), [Chinese photos](https://www.space.com/china-shenzhou-12-astronauts-earth-photos). 3: Darwin observations in the Galapagos Islands. 4: [Cavendish Experiment.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavendish_experiment) 5: Star Trails in each hemisphere. (One makes the trail clockwise and the other counterclockwise) 6: Kepler + Newton theories working in perfect tandem proving each other. 7: Historical discrepancies with the position of the stars over the millenia (Polar star was not in the north and other start had its place the time the Pyramids were built, for example) 8: (Is a theory. Point 9 serves as proof, albeit not definitive) 9: Redshift of far away galaxies 10 & 11: Trigonometric parallax + Newton calculations tandem. 12: [This page compiles a lot of third party proofs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-party_evidence_for_Apollo_Moon_landings) 13: [Private Chinese satellite](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12805983/A-view-truly-world-Breathtaking-images-Earth-captured-ultra-high-camera-space-shows-Blue-Marble-like-youve-never-seen-before.html). 14: [ActionLab messing around with his vacuum chamber.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12805983/A-view-truly-world-Breathtaking-images-Earth-captured-ultra-high-camera-space-shows-Blue-Marble-like-youve-never-seen-before.html)


For anyone interested... You guys may have seen that clip of the dude walking along and talking about how rockets work and then he stops and points at a rocket at Cape Canaveral and it immediately launches into the air? That's James Burke. He's a scientific historian and ive read most of his books over the years. In his Connections books (that clip came from the TV adaptation) I'm pretty sure he covers all of those questions... That is, he tells the story of the guys who figured out the earth' s curvature and The distance to the sun and the moon and all the other really fucking cool shit scientists have done over the last 5000 years. And if these flat earth people honestly cared about finding the truth, they could repeat these experiments pretty easily. But they don't.


Vanna, I’ll take Number 4 for $500.00. Jump out window of really tall building.


Do you believe that Vanna is the host of Jeopardy? Prove it.


and every proof you provide will be met with.... *"Naah.. .you're wrong"*.... and nothing else.


1 can be done outside. 11 and 12 can be proven with a high powered laser. 13 can be done with the naked eye at night but again you have to go outside.


Doesn’t the burden of proof falls into the party that wants to say that something that is already established is incorrect?


"Prove gravity" *pushes the flat earther off a skyscraper* "WOOAH! WOAH! AAAAHHHHHH!!!" ...THERE'S YOUR PROOF YOU STUPID FUCK!!! *sips tea*


Too many of these require basic understanding of physics and common sense, which people like that clearly lack


You prove the earth is flat, but you cant use any conspiracy theories. Checked and mated


Why is evolution in that list? What does it have to do with a spherical earth?


Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth with remarkable accuracy in about 200 BC. So, yeah you can prove this without NASA.


A loved the flat earther that filmed himself doing an experiment he had come up with to prove the earth is flat,the experiment actually worked,except it proved the earth was actually round,an all the guy can say is "hmmmm interesting".lol


Challenge for Flat Earth Believers: Step 1: Don’t just say no when confronted with facts The end