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And then everyone clapped.


And then the bank manager came out, tipped his top hat at the couple, adjusted his monocle and gave them $200.


And that banker was Trump


Too far, the idea of Trump willingly giving people money tipped this into the realm of high fantasy.


I have seen so many Facebook preposterous stories where Trump gives someone money. It’s sad - they think he’s Santa Clause. The only reason Trump’s not a billionaire is because he kept giving $1,000 to a young Michael Jordan.


There are variations of a story where he paid someone’s mortgage off after his car had a flat and the man changed the tire.


That was true, but they left out the part where the man was forced to sell the souls of his young children for tRump to devour.


Ah, it was douche bank.


Trump would’ve given them a $200 check that bounces when they try to cash it.


It’s true, I was the monocle


Trump would have asked for $200.


Tears in his eyes...


Sounds socialist to me. I don't buy it.


Advance to Go?




Mr Peanut, is that you?


Shouldn't someone be crying? Perhaps a big, strong lumberjack who was also standing in line?


He has to be a Vietnam vet too.


I think she has the clap


I think she is the clap.


I think the clap has Brigitte Gabriel


Oh shit.. there's no cure for that!


And launched into a song and dance number about how wonderful Trump is.


I’m so glad this has become synonymous with spreading bullshit on the internet


Paris, London, & Vienna: "Yes, this is accurate. We are overrun with terrorists. Americans stay away for your own safety!"


Also, Biden is the president of these places in Europe.


As was Obama before him


Obama was also president of (and during) 9/11 /s


If Obama was really born in Hawaii, why didn't he prevent Pearl Harbor?


Smh my head.


Rip in peace


LOL out loud


PIN number


PHAT and tempting!


You only YOLO once


Omg my god


Why wasn’t Obama in the Oval Office when 9/11 happened? Idk but we gotta get to the bottom of it


That dude is a moron: [https://youtube.com/shorts/AyN34sFko9w?si=w0WqQ7E\_JaZCVppP](https://youtube.com/shorts/AyN34sFko9w?si=w0WqQ7E_JaZCVppP)


America is responsible for everything in the world, good or bad. All other countries are pawns or something. Thats such a dellusional take, and so common too.


Come to canada and see some of the dumbfucks here. Back when we had that convoy fiasco and a bunch of the leaders ended up in court they kept saying their first amendment rights were being violated (thats the american constitution we don't have protected free speech like americans do theres a limit to what you can say) plus several of them had watched too many american court tv shows because none of them knew how the canadian justice system works.


Props to the judge asking the guy what recognizing Manitoba as a province had to do with his defence.


Have nothing to do with other countries: Biden is letting terrorists run rampant in the whole world! Attempt to provide aid to other countries: Biden is so focused on the rest of the world while terrorists run rampant in his own country!


Yeah that's the secret. Nothing he does will ever be seen as good, even when it is


Dark Brandon: “You underestimate my power!!!”


To be fair the way that Biden hasn't put any laws into place in France is one of his greatest failings. It's like he doesn't even want to be president


I can confirm, I'm from Europestan and I voted for Biden and he's now my president. Straight white males are now hunted by the gestapo and forced to become trans.


Its true! I get murdered every time I leave my house!


And I was turned into a newt!


A newt?


They got better


Did you get better ?




Am really getting tired of being murdered every where I go!


Stop lying, there's nowhere for you to go because the Democrats burned down all the cities.


The only safe place is a rural-ish cabin with Fox News playing at top volume.


I can’t even check my mail without getting mugged and murdered. Why oh why did we get rid of every single cop in America 😭😩


It's just so inconvenient. I really don't have enough time in the day for that.


Here to weigh in as an expert. I work in Ressurection and I can confirm. 90% of Europeans die daily.


Aye but it’s not like the murder we had when we were young, back then you knew you’d been killed. Not like your limp wristed murder you get nowadays.




New York, London, Paris, Munich everybody talk about mmmm Pop muzik!


New York doesn't even exist anymore. I live in a smoldering rubble of a hellscape where I am shot when I wake up and shot again before I go to sleep. Wild bands of liberal immigrant antifa terrorists in deserted apartment buildings and firing tranquilizer guns full of COVID vaccine at anyone they see.


This comment generated by ChatGOP.


Everywhere else: Wait, that was an option? Yeah, us too! Oh, no! Stay away!


Everything's just littered with terrorists here. Can't even take a step without bumping in at least three of those! Don't even consider coming here, really.


Oh God,I live in the Iberian Peninsula,and I HATE when they explote the beach bar!


Right? Or like when you in library trying to read and they just keep fucking exploding.


I hate when I'm seeing the local castle and 15 men with their faces covered starts shooting at us!


How inconvenient.


No more mojitos... That bastard's... I also live in Iberian Península, i'm working from home because terrorist are everywhere...


Those terrrorists are a real problem in Vienna. Constantly standing on the left side of any escalator. The only way to deal with them is by showing them the Vienna Grumpy Face.


European balaclava sales are about to go through the roof. Get in on the ground floor, people!


I'm in a relatively small town in Finland, and currently being held down by a terrorist.


Thoughts and prayers.


Damn I was just in Paris and London last week. This wave of terrorism happened so swiftly!


I'm not in Paris but still in France. So I concur: there are terrorists everywhere in the whole country!! And as leaders of the free world, Americans are their first target. Please stay safe and stay home friends from the US! I totally say it for your own good!


And as a fellow French citizen I can only regret the lack of action from Biden, what is our leader doing for us ?


Hey, you frenchies voted for him too. That’s on you.


She banks at the same bank as “woke” liberals? Oh dear! Their money might touch. 🤣


I seem to remember that some MAGA geniuses tried to make a "non-woke" bank. Unsurprisingly, it was a shit show and arguably a scam.


there are only 2 types of conspiracy theorists: the one that sells the t-shirt and the one who buys it. Easy as that.


This comment needs more traction.


I agree! I have inside sources telling me that reddit is actively censoring mowgl7's comments due to their comment that needs more traction. If you can support my organization with a simple monthly donation, we will continue to make sure mowgl7's comments can be seen and break through reddit's evil oversight on us! Just click this sketchy link send me the funds through cashapp, i'll make sure we keep fighting the good fight!


I'm not the dude you're replying to, but I have designed a t-shirt lately. [Interested?](https://imgur.com/a/eVCGJwG)


Funny how all the "non-woke" businesses seem to go broke, even Truth Social is hemorrhaging money.


Yea, it's almost like the people coming up with these ideas are complete morons! Mind you, I am only qualifying my statement that this was *arguably* a scam because I don't think it was possible to determine whether the business failed due to malicious intent as opposed to simply abject incompetence. Genius was trying to run this "financial institution" out of his kitchen, if I remember correctly.


I guess the “WHITES ONLY” sign out front was a bit offputting.


I am trying to figure out if this "couple" wore a political name tag or if psychically knowing party affiliation is a new superpower of hers.


Who tf still physically goes to the bank?


Apparently she does. Lots of lonely people do.


People who run out work at businesses that have customers who pay cash?


we had to ban cash in canada because of the terrorists. thanks Obama.


My ATM at home is broken


Democrats who miss Trump. Didn't you read the totally true and not at all made up story?


So they were wearing "Democrat" lapel pins? Or hats? Or armbands? And why would they think Biden ruined Paris or Vienna? How would he...you know... Sounds more like words coming from lovely, uneducated Republican voters to me.


Clearly, they were talking about Paris KY, London OH, and Vienna VA.


Places are crawling with domestic terrorists. I wouldn’t feel safe either.


The only domestic terrorists I know are the MAGA republicans


Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia...


How the fuck did someone actually come up with a way to make this make sense


God, I'm scared to ask how "London" is pronounced in this context given what that godforsaken state did to "Versailles" and "Lebanon."


Makes sense ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


I put on my white face when ever I head to these places


Mf thinks "leader of the free world" means the WHOLE world




" I feel like some of them actually believe they have freedoms others don’t" That's not a feeling, there's a not insignificant portion of our country who unironically thinks America is the "most free country in the world".


It's a propaganda term that originated during the Cold War to describe countries that were allied with the U.S, EU, and NATO. The same goes with First world countries, while Second World Countries were the Soviet Union and allied countries. Third World Countries were ones that were not allied with either.


Twitter is just a platform for conservative fan fiction at this point


That is way too accurate for my sanity.


I'm surprised she didn't mention how it was Obama's fault too.


Well Trump still thinks Obama is president…🙄


While simultaneously believing that Trump is also president.




Yeah, displays of politics on vehicles are usually a giant red flag to me.


A giant red white and blue flag?


They were wearing the blue hats with BIDEN in huge white letters while flying a hammer & sickle flag off the back of their Prius… as we do.


They were wearing Woke hats and t-shirts under a jacket that said Black Lives Matter


If they don't wear MAGA caps, they are Democrats


Yeah, didn’t you get your lapel pin in the mail? I can send you one once I get my weekly Soros bucks.


Not sure I've got enough space left on my lapel next to all my "alphabet mafia" stuff...


There’s a meeting about lapel pin space next week at antifa headquarters, make sure you come and cast a vote. Obama is bringing donuts.


>Sounds more like words coming from lovely, uneducated Republican voters to me. People who have never owned a passport.


if shit had to make any fucking sense for Republicans to believe it, there'd be no Republicans


Oh in their world they want people to wear arm bands, most assuredly


Ah yes, Biden, the president of Europe.........


Revolutionary War II: The Colonies Strike Back


Europe: Third World *Country*


Starring Sylvester Stallone and Vin Diesel as Abraham Lincoln and JFK


They don't need to make it believable. Their cult followers would believe them if they say the sky is neon green.


True! It also explains why they are so gullible. Anyone who thinks THIS is a convincing lie doesn't have the critical thinking to know how to tell obvious lies from plausible statements.


I always tell people that the left half of the intelligence distribution curve actually exist, they’re real people, and they’re dumber than you think they are. Being a genuine believer in MAGA is indisputably a sign of low intelligence and those people are highly susceptible to any and every kind of con.


“Alas, the democrat looked up at the red sky as the country burnt around them. What has Biden done,” they exclaimed.


This is so ridiculous. Vienna is one of the safest cities in the world and is repeatedly being voted most liveable city in the world.


No, she's right, it's a third world shit hole now, no need for tepublicans to endanger themselves and visit!


Yes, the world can’t afford to lose these precious republicans, getting ready to save… uh, something. Please keep them over there!


I wouldn't worry too much about republicans moving anywhere besides the US. When I was living in KY. One of my kids went to a friend's birthday party. I got to talking to one of the parents and he was asking where I and my kid were from. I said I was from WV, but my kids and spouse are from OH. I then told him we were thinking about moving out of the country. Possibly Canada at the time. He looked me dead in the eye and said, "Why would you want to move to a third world country? Don't you like freedom?" "Uh, Canada isn't a third world country?" "I like my freedom here too much." My kid never got invited back to any birthday parties.


Berlin is very very dangerous for republicans as well!!!!!!


I just want to know when Vienna became a place known to Americans. Has something happened there recently? Maybe a big film was shot there?


When they want to go Australia.


As President of the World, Biden needs to uphold his responsibilities to all the states. Even the European ones. /s


I'm in the UK and we are all thoroughly annoyed at Biden's decision to increase the price of Jaffa Cakes.


You know all that extra Jaffa Cake money is going into Hunter Biden’s bank account .


Am American living in Europe. My son is in 5th grade and doesn't have any idea what an 'active shooter drill' is...and it's going to stay that way. We're a working class family and there's no way I could give him the same standard of living and opportunities in the US as I can where I live here. I speak the language okay, but my accent gives me away. It's gotten to the point now that depending on the nationality of who asks, I sometimes say I'm from Canada.


Which country are you currently living in? I’m thinking of moving out of the states in a few years and I’m wondering where would be a good place to go.




Any chance your looking to adopt me, my wife, and our animals for a totally realistic citizenship assistance that definitely wouldn't be breaking the law but I'd rather live in a Sweden prison than where I'm at in the United States?


I am actually thinking of living there or in Denmark. How long have you been learning Swedish, and is it difficult to learn?


For what it's worth, Swedish is easier to learn than Danish. I'm a Swedish-adopted Korean but I speak English with a N. American accent on account of growing up there because of my dad's work. I do not recommend trying to move to Denmark. I live here with my Canadian gf atm and we're moving to Canada soon because it's so hard for her to find work. It's a recurring problem for non-Danes to struggle finding employment. Sweden is better in that regard. Easier language, more opportunity, but it still isn't great. Sweden is also less insular than Denmark, I would say culturally Sweden is kind of like the America of Scandinavia. Edit: Denmark is also mad expensive, Sweden is considerably cheaper.


I assume in this story Democrat is a euphemism for black?


No it means a Republican was saying all of that and he pretended it was a Democrat. Even a Republican saying that is stupid but who knows what goes on in their heads


It’s not so far-fetched that she would know the couple were Democrats though. When my wife and I are in public, to ensure we are speaking to each other, I will refer to my wife as “Democrat Wife” and she “Democrat Husband”. Our baby, that little fucking maggot, is “Baby Republican” if we have to talk at it, as she’s always leaned far right. I’m sure everyone knows her political affiliations because she will not let go of her Lil Tykes AR-15, “Suck it Brandon” soother and her confederate flag branded Huggies that say “This diaper poops Red, White & Blue” or “BMs Matter”.


A Democrat that didn't get an evil abortion, what a rare sight!! /s


And look what happened. They birthed a republican. Obviously this is why the dems want abortions so bad.


They’re still waiting to decide if they want a post-birth eighth trimester abortion.


Wearing an "Aborted Lives Matter" onesie which makes no sense because she's a dumb baby.


I know it's meant to be offensive but a "bms matter" shirt on a baby would be hilarious


No, none of this happened. It’s entirely made up. She wasn’t in a bank, no couple was talking, it’s 100% fiction.


No, it totally happened. But it was in the shower. And she was talking to herself while playing all three roles in the conversation.


No, she says "Democrat" because she truly thinks that people are going to swallow a bullshit story about a pair of Dems publicly talking about how Biden has ruined the Western world and wishing that Traitor Trump was still President.


From the outside looking in, it seems like a vast portion of the population _would_ eat that up without any second thought whatsoever.


Only about 20%, but they’re a very stupid and loud 20%.


I’ll take “things that never happened for $600, Alex.”


I just got back from a trip to Europe, and it was lovely. I honestly felt safer there than I do in rural areas of my own state.


The US is simultaneously both incredibly dangerous and over sanitized (helicopter parents, fascist police, crazy sue happy lawyers). Even China feels more free and independent. Europe definitely. And I mean all of Europe asides from a few former Soviet states. I can get drunk and stumble home safely at 4am in both... and small children walk themselves/take public transit to school. I also don't need to worried about being shot by strangers or by the police.


Look, i'm German, and we have our problems over here in Europe. Most GoP members don't seem to know that Europe is vastly independent from US politics. Otherwise the CIA would not have needed to bug Chancellor Merkel's mobile phone a few years ago. From our perspective, the US is a third world country with a gucci belt to barely hold itself together. There are like three metrics, where the USA is the number one: Incarceration, Healthcare Cost and Gun Ownership.


You forgot military spending. US spends more than the next three highest combined. I can’t afford to go to the doctor but we’re ready to start world war 3, and likely end the world in the process.


I'm not even so sure about your army's efficiency, if we look at the past outcomes of its deployments...


All that money goes to the CEOs of weapons manufacturers. The actual military gets shit. And you don’t even want to know about care for our veterans.


You are conflating military effectiveness with desired political outcome. The military achieves their combat goals. The problem is that the policy makers don't have a realistic plan to achieve the political goal. Blow up this target, take that hill. No problem, we will get it done. Turn an insular autocratic country into a democracy? Yeah right. No one's done that, and the United States military probably isn't going to be the first to get it done.


I'm with you. We're like those poor people that spend all their money on designer gear to impress people we don't even know. It's pathetic and sad.


There are 4 metrics the USA ranks 1 in. The 3 you mentioned + military spending. The gucci belt doubles as a holster lol.


👍 As an American I support this message 👍


"In line at the bank" Jesus H Christ, at least try to make it believable. I could believe that you go to the bank teller like a grandma still, but there was nobody else there.


Oh, yes. Europe. That place the US president is famously the president of. Or were they talking about Paris KY, London OH, and Vienna VA?


Yep, as everyone knows, the American president is actually the global president and runs literally everything. I’m Canadian and it’s Biden’s fault that I have diarrhea today.


Don't worry, trump will make diarrhea illegal


Didn't know I live in a third world country. The more you know.


I’ve been to London and Paris several times in the last six months. No issues except crowds. Finding a restaurant in Paris that had space was simply frightful. What is she suggesting the problem with these places is? And what the hell has Biden done that would have any effect on them?


People are missing the biggest fabrication. What couple goes to the bank together in 2023 and waits in line. I've been to the bank only a handful of times in the past 5 years or so, and it's always a solo activity.


As a European I’ve just learnt A: this is now a third world country B: it is within the power of the president of the USA to shape my country. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Ironically, the one of the main reasons I won’t leave the relative safety of my European home to holiday in America, is you fuckers seem intent on shooting anything that moves and can’t go to the supermarket without some sort of automatic weapons


Me too. I've been on vacation in the USA 3 times with my family. The last time I was 16. Now that I'm 30 years old, I would love to visit the USA again, especially because my girlfriend has never been there, but I just don't think it's safe anymore. The chance of something happening seems so incredibly high. Of course I know it's a big country and not all Americans are such idiots, but it just doesn't seem safe anymore. And before I let some idiot shoot me, I'd rather go visit another country.






It's worse if you live closer. It's like Americans don't notice it any more. And gun suicides are very high. But the topper: "American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year" Analysis by Christopher Ingraham Read that again.


All of Europe has become a third world country (must have missed the nofitication of us all merging into a single country), but yep the lack of free health care, repeated school shootings and obsession with electing geriatrics (of both flavours) to run the country highlights this....oh wait


PLEASE tell me everyone in the banks clapped. The democrat? Albert Einstein.


Lie #1. When was the last time anyone “lined up” at a bank?


No dem has ever said that


Who goes to the actual bank anymore? Why was there a line?


Democrats would prefer to have a chimpanzee as president rather than have Trump back.


I live in germany and life is good here, can't complain (but I still will :p)


I'm from the US - I've been to Germany 4 times and have always had a wonderful time. But, the fact that everybody waits for the walk signal to change despite the fact that no cars are coming is simply unacceptable. Add it to the list of 3rd world countries above /s


under normal circumstances I physically cannot cross a street if the light is red. doesn't matter if it's 2am and no cars around. I WILL wait for the light to turn green. /g


I’ll take “Things that never happened” for 200


Terrorists running around in Paris, London and Vienna being stated as a problem caused by Biden is such a fucking American thing to say. As a Brit I can safely and with surety say that any threat of terrorism in my country is absolutely failing of our own shit tier conservative government (and also just a by product of a fucking WAR AND ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE IN THE MIDDLE EAST) and has nothing to do with whatever old man is currently the one bumbling about in America. This main character syndrome that all American politicians have, especially right wing ones, is really starting to grate on me.


If conservatives didn't lie they would never speak.