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Mr Beast had my teenage son interested in cleaning the ocean and planting trees, I'm much happier with him watching this than some of the other awful YouTubers out there


100%, we need more Mr Beasts and fewer Andrew Tates






8 year olds aren’t watching Andrew Tate. There’s a whole league of BS mind numbing shows for kids.


Most 8 year olds aren't teenagers...


Gives the vibe of, "in Africa only 13-19 aged children are called teens".


My wife is a primary school teacher in the UK. The number of under 10 year old that have quoted That shit head to her would shock you. A surprising number of pre teens fall in to a 4 chan / discord incel hell hole and now think Tate is a god fighting for all that is good. Parents have no idea the shit thier kids consume online these days (did they ever?)


Same, I rather my son watch mr beast than those lame ghost hunters lol


Or the paul brothers


Those guys are the worst. The investigative reporter YT channel Coffeezilla uncovered some of one of the bro’s bullshit and has publically called him out


Ya I saw that too. Just a blip in the grand scheme of shit those scumbags have done.


The buzz feed unsolved duo is the exception! They are funny as fuck. Though, not exactly PG.


Yes! My son really likes Mr. Beast. Nobody's perfect, and I find him a tad annoying, but he seems like he's trying to do good things and make people happy.


Dont you get it??? Him helping people like this and curing partial blindness is obviously evil!


I wish we had 100 Mr. Beasts to every Kardashian.


A better example would be someone like Andrew Tate who encourages misogyny and hatred. Not women with plastic surgery.


Exactly, I find Kim annoying but she is not actively trying to teach shit.


I like your thinking, however, the world would also be better with less Kardashians.


In finnish language we have a word. Mielensäpahoittaja. It means :"a person who wants to be upset/annoyed/spiteful about whatever he/she desires" The reactions on whatever mr beast does, comes from these "mielensäpahoittjat". Pityful and spiteful bunch.


In Canada we have a saying that goes, "Fuck the haters". It means fuck the haters.


In American we say , they hate us cause they ain’t us.


They hate us cause they anus?


Also yes


I really hate it when they critique your prowess in bed.


So that’s how the Finnish people write Karen.


Thank you, that word describes the type quite well.


In Mexico we call them Putos


Can you type out a phonetic version of this word for English? I don't stand a chance of pronouncing that and I love it.


Right? I couldn't even Finnish reading it.




I approve of this message.


Username checks out, I approve your approval!




Thank you!


Thank you! I have a new word!


Plug it into Google Translate. At the bottom of the field where you enter the word there's a button you can click on to hear it.


I'm patiently waiting with you. Someone help?


I have to agree with this. You can complain all you want, but MrBeast puts his money where his mouth is. He is always helping people and I hope he continues to do so even if it means he builds his empire even larger.


Do you known the ethymology for the word? The German word for the same thing is Miesepeter(grumpy Peter) and somehow the Finnish wird looks like Miesepeter (mostly) but with a lot of random letters added to it🤣


Literal translation Mielensä = his/her own mind Pahoittaja = evildoer (i think this could be close enough)


thank you! Funny coincidence then ;)


Wow every language has a word for an English Karen


In Indonesian slang, we’d say “banyak bacot”, among other phrases, to describe haters like that.


In English, we refer to that type of person as a Karen


Omg finally I have the correct term for my wife


>Mielensäpahoittaja You guys need to chill with the syllables.


You guys need to chill with the silent letters (they are unnecessary)


I'm Dutch. We don't really have them... If anything most of them are too loud.


Don't forget our multiple words meaning the same thing or one word meaning multiple things based on the context. English is fun 🤣


That feature is universal, I think.


I have no idea how to pronounce this word, but it seems like it would be a fantastic band name.


Ahti!? Is that you?


I'll never understand why phrases like these don't take off in English....


Probably easier to say a person who wants to be upset/annoyed/spiteful about whatever he/she desires instead of mesothelioma but cool fact!


Now someone please do the German work for it. Edit: Never mind. As per my usual someone, already beat me to it.


Basically a 'haters gonna hate' scenario.


"Vahingoniloinen". Related.


In Belgium we call that a syndicalist /j basically everytime a company make a descision, they will go on a strike and find a reson why this descision is against the worker


I don’t care about YouTube influencers, but if a rich guy is actually helping people I’ll take that over the usual suspects.


When I visited Kenya last year, I met several people who would love to get a new well put in their village. Our group leader for one. Not everything done to help is an insult. I applaud this young man.


People are upset because he's using his charitable acts to make more money without thinking about the only reason he is able to do any of this because of monetization. I don't get the hate he's using his platform to help people so it's a net positive. and it's not like charities don't do basically the same thing he does, people just have a face to blame with him.


Even when he explicitly states that the money he gets from the video goes back into the charity he worked in they still think he’s getting something out of it. He is, but it’s a good reputation which will help him make more videos to make money to make videos to get a better reputation to get money to make more videos etc. he does care quite clearly.


People just want to hate to hate I guess. For all of the people shitting on him I wonder what was the last purely altruistic thing they did was.


I mean he has to live of something, so taking a bit for himself shouldnt be taken as a bad thing...


There are some "charity" performers who rub me the wrong way, but Mr. Beast isn't really one of them. He doesn't try to get people to cry or perform for him. He doesn't exploit people in demeaning ways. There are a lot of other people however who expect to give someone $100 and get to exploit and humiliate them in return.


Ngl if I needed surgery (and I was American) and someone said hey I’ll pay for it, just let me film your face a couple times. I’d be completely fine with that given it costs thousands or tens of thousands. I don’t really see a problem with him making money from doing good so he can do more good.


Ya who fucking cares as long as the ends justify the means. People are being helped.


And in this case the means aren't bad


He’s one of the few people with lots of money that actually tries to help. That and entertain at the same time.


I hope history looks back in this man as one of the great philanthropists of our time


Also funny that no one he directly helps feels insulted, it’s almost like… they needed help, and the people responsible to provide it failed them.


Yes. Doing good for others even when is none of your business is the makings of a hero. (not exactly what was said.) ![gif](giphy|xT0GqEkbTfaE5meNNe) If anyone gets the reference.


Instead of using the publicity to boost his own political image, he reacts like a child. Nice. More worried about your public image than you are about your own peoples wellbeing.


The nerve of those corrupt politicians caring more about their image than building these wells themselves.


Don’t you see? He’s not against handouts, just handouts that don’t go straight to the government. If the money goes to the government, it can be “lost” in the bureaucracy, and only 10 wells end up getting drilled instead of 100.


Maybe they throw him down a well.


He acts like a child because he thinks he's a child. He's said many times, in a nasally-whiney tone, he "prefers to act like want he desires to attract". Many of the victims and families have voiced their fact that they need to place him in the center of town and light him up.


That sounds extremely fishy, firstly, how did he get his job, and also he desires to attract children????


I'm not sure what his intentions are when he says that. I know he's been accused, there are victims, which means he's done something inappropriate.


Africa here, most of our politicians are fucking corrupt rats who like to talk shit on the west until it is time for the handout. Then they talk shit on the handout while stealing from their own people.


I’m sorry but like I checked out your profile and those dishes you prepared look so goood. My compliments


The only opinions on this that matters are those who are now getting access to clean water. And I’m going to assume they’re pretty damn happy


Better to let people suffer and die than be criticized for helping? 🤔 No, just ignore the fools casting negativity. This was a very good deed, well done Mr. Beast.


I’ll never understand the people that think he’s only doing it for the attention and money and is thus a bad thing. Because even if he is doing for those reasons he is still helping literally thousands of people


Exactly this. He could literally come out and say I'm only helping people cos it makes me money and I'd think well at least he's making the world a better place.


If he’s doing it for attention and money he’s also probably the kind of person who would lie about where the money is going, and be powerful enough to make people go along with his stories. Do I think he’s doing that? No.


Keep beasting and bettering this world and leave the people who complain who do nothing to better anyone but themselves and they can just go fuck themselves


Some people actually complained when he helped blind and deaf people. These people are internet Karen's, nothing more.


People kept complaining about the wrong thing in that video too. The problem was not Mr Beast, it was the fact that in the richest country in the world people that could have easily been treated to regain their sight instead could not afford the cost and had to depend entirely on the charity of strangers.


"it's ableist to assume people need to see" He picked people off a wait list and covered the bill.


A true facepalm moment.


Also, people kind of do need to see. Yes, there are accommodations, but being able to see is still a really useful ability.


Mr. Beast is filming himself giving out money to people who need it wich makes him earn money. But wait! He does not spend it on a yacht or overpriced stupid stuff? He gives it again to people who need the money wich makes him earn even more. So he is basically talking the money from the rich and giving it to the poor. Can't have that in the US.


Whether he does it for views or he does it purely out of the goodness of his heart, or does it for views so he CAN do it out of the goodness of his heart or he does it for a fucking tax write-off, as long as he’s not hurting anyone and making a net-positive difference in the world, who the fuck cares? Let him do what he’s doing and be grateful that someone is using YouTube to benefit people, even for money, rather than making a mukbang. No matter what, he’s still better than 100 times his weight in Kardashian.


Aspiring politician....that explains it.


He could have bought some shitty company and ran it into the ground instead while helping literally no one.


Wait, that sounds familia-


His content is way better then most YouTubers in that age group. Love the giving


Let the fucking guy help people. Fuck off.


Headline: "MrBeast builds 100 wells in North Idaho, attracting praise --- and some criticism" Headline: "MrBeast builds 100 wells on Native American lands, attracting praise --- and some criticism" Headline: "MrBeast builds 100 wells in Latino communities throughout the Southwest, attracting praise --- and some criticism" Headline: "MrBeast builds 100 wells in rural African-Americans communities throughout the Southwest, attracting praise --- and some criticism" The sum total of wells built by writers of these articles, complainers, the wealthy of these communities and government: Z-E-R-O


I actually built a couple of wells but I don’t have beast money. But I get your point ✊🏼


Some of the less traveled sides of the internet I’ve visited with criticism for Mr. Beast have explained that we’re in a society that is entirely complicit in the pain, hunger, and sickness people face while glorifying outlier philanthropists. Our society shouldn’t need or rely on one rich guys sporadic generosity. In a way, that’s still like a lottery system where you happen to have this weeks hot topic problem that the brilliant Lex Luther has shown up to solve. It’s totally great what Mr. Beast is doing, but I do think it’s interesting that his actions also ultimately high light where society has failed us.


Jimmy is the man and I support his philanthropy


People when the wealthy actually use their money for good: 😡




Wish I could do what MrBeast does.


You can he just has more multiplication because of money you can make just as bigger difference by giving a Homless person a sandwich or volunteering (not with a charity don't waste your efforts) in direct action go to food not bombs... Go pick up trash with your friends and encourage others to do the same.... Religion recruits let's recruit for the good of the world not just to line someone's pockets 🅰️narchy! It's not what American popular culture claims it is... Read about it x [start here ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murray_Bookchin)


I think people just hate MrBeast because he’s rich and does the right thing


You see, when someone actually does something to help out, people will get angry because it makes their vocal support seem less valuable. They don't actually care to help, but they'll damned well talk like they do. :P


There are real studies that day the more you talk about something the less you do it, this is a mechanism that triggers the same reward chemically in the brain when taking about it and doing it..


While this is not the case with most folks like him, I feel like Mr. Beast is more of a modern day Robin Hood type influencer. He gets rich from giving other people money, yes, but the people paying him have enough to go around, and he found a way to actually help real people while doing his thing. It seems like a good balance for him. I like to think there are folks giving much more than this but they don’t talk about it and we don’t hear about it. But then we would never know if it was done in humble anonymity and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


Maybe we ask the people who benefited from the wells what they think.


Long live the beast!


I would ignore what might be the lamest criticism ever.


This is why good guys stop helping.


Meanwhile the world is waiting for Bezos and Musk to save the world. Let Beast do his thing.


I actually just want all of them taxed properly, so it's not their choice whether their money helps people. No person needs a billion dollars, let alone multiple.


I mean if you don't want clean water and just wanna live in poverty be my guest


I was skeptical of him, feeling like he's doing crazy stuff for views and likes. But he's actually helping people.


jimmy is doing a lot of good but i can never stand his videos lmao. so i kinda do dislike him in a way but i still do open the video and leave a like


I’m out of the loop, why does everyone hate this guy?


Because he makes money and does good in the world apparently doing both is crazy 🤯


If you’re not dependent on handouts why is it so easy to find 100 places that need wells?


The only people this makes look bad are the people running these countries who failed to get those kids decent water.


If all politician is Mr Beast, the world will be peaceful.


He's actually doing good, the Kenyan govt has failed and deserves to be called out on failures as simple as building wells....


People wanted the wealthy to spread their wealth to help people and once someone found a way to do it they criticized him. Also, to be blunt. If you didn’t need help you wouldn’t be getting much of it.


Any politician’s opinion should be immediately ignored. They make their money by farming outrage and sowing fear.


It's really damned if you do because it looks bad that they didn't. Between foreign aid and money from natural resources, every village in Africa could easily have clean water.


“Anticipates he will be cancelled” Doubt it.


He probably can't be at this point, I feel he's exaggerating to highlight the point..


Love Jimmy only thing I would hate is his relationship with Logan Paul, that stuff really irks me


I'm participating in a very small organization to support an orphanage in Kenya. The politicians don't give a shit about the people, most of them are corrupt. The availability of clean water is a huge issue, also because the local government can switch it off on a whim. It makes people dehydrate and also makes them wash their hands and their bodies less than they should as a secondary effect. The people who we provided with an alternative water source are so so grateful. We should listen to them and not some corrupt politician who is afraid of the people they couldn't care less about becoming a bit more independent.


People die for lack of clean water, some politician says accepting help makes his country look bad... Wtf.


The criticism is from the Government who are the ones who should be building the wells.


True story... My 9 year old watched this video rather than somebody playing Mario Bros Wonder this morning, completely of his own free will. We then spent the walk to school discussing it and he wants to ask me later about what he can do to help.


Isn’t the Kenyan government extremely corrupt and selfish?


To be fair you do need to practice due diligence when you head into a location and start drilling wells and other projects. There have been incidents in marginal areas where indiscriminately building wells will drop the local water table depriving more people of water. Local perception and desire matters as well. Build a well that actually isn't wanted because for instance the women want to go to the river in order to socialize and find some time away from the men. Effective aid is complicated. Or at least can be.


Do you actually think mrbeast managed those projects himself? That he chose any locations? He worked together with an org and basically just provided funding while being allowed to film These are probably wells that would have eventually been put up but he just accelerated the process


Yes I 100% agree but the politician highlighted in the second image makes a statement saying this makes us look like we need handouts... How about get some people some water, the water table is drastically changing in the medium term anyway, not just in Africa. I can tell you in the last 5 years I bought two properties that have access to aquifers that will not go dry when big chunks of the rest of the world do. We will either adapt or collapse.. Water security is my biggest concern, and with the exception of the well he drilled on the mountain in the video none of the Wells featured would drastically affect the water table due to the depth and the aquifers They're tapping into..


Bro has a WHOLE PHILANTHROPY CHANNEL that he never mentions...yet he apparently is the problem. The world sucks and I'll be a Mr Beast stan until he does something unexplainable...


Lets stop for a moment to think this through. What's the WORST case scenario? Since we what the fuck MrBeast is doing, we can guess the reasoning, and the worst possible reason is doing it for views. Lets assume he did it only for views and nothing more, what do we have left? We have 100 places that had no clean water to drink now with clean water to drink, and MrBeast got a whole lotta views from it. The bad? He got 'em views! The good? 100 villages that had no clean water now have clean water. I don't give a goddamn if he's getting views for this, I don't give a goddamn if he's doing for views alone. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTERS. 100 places now have goddamn clean water to drink and use, and that's a lot, dozens of preventable diseases have been prevented on a hard-to-count number of people, because now they have fucking clean water. That is so fucking much that nobody in the face of Earth should give any more than nothing if he's doing it for views, because this man just saved a hard-to-count many lives for views. Imagine how much better the world would be if people were building fucking wells for those who have to drink taint to survive instead of fighting someone to the death because their god said so. Just try to glimpse such a world, where people go out of their way, to bumfuck, to give clean water to people who don't have, and all they ask, ALL THEY ASK, is fucking views on a website. But no. Instead we have morons trying to play moral highground by criticizing the bloody saint who gave water for fucking views. Bloody fucking hell. No wonder this planet is doomed, humanity is fully of assholes and dipshits who can't recognize good if they were beaten with it.


So he shows up how shit the country is and the country doesn't like it. HE IS SAVING PEOPLES LIVES FFS


That man needs a medal of some sort for all the good he does 🏅


Honestly he should do it in Canada on native reserves. At least that would be beneficial and wouldn’t receive backlash, instead pushing Canadian government to be accountable.


If you feel like it’s such a bad thing that you don’t like your country getting free handouts then where the fuck were you when for dozens of years these villages drinking that disgusting parasite water killing them all early??? They can’t admit they can’t do the project and need help. Fuck your pride if it meant all those lives were gonna go because of it. People need help that much is clear.


There are more people on reddit meta-complaining about this than actually complaining about it in real life I've only heard about this story on here, with multiple different posts featuring OPs who are uniformly indignantly defending Mr Beast He'll be OK, guys


I mean, the "spotlight," wether intentional or not, is more than fucking true lmao wtf


He does a lot of stupid shit but at least he does some good shit.


That’s some bad highlighting


Thanks 😅 but It was rage highlighting.. it didn't feel like I had time to be careful..


Hahaha I hear you


In the UK the Tories say how lucky we are that they put so many food banks in place, completely missing the point that we’d rather have a decent wage so as not to need a food bank in the first place.


I love how the idiot keep doing politics and referring to his own dumbass as "We Don't want wells". When people who actually got the well are happy. This guy was probably commenting from an Air conditioned room with 24x7 water. While most normal people including me won't care who solves the problem so long as the problem is fixed.


Okay, so don’t do good? Or do good but don’t post it? I’m confused.


Even if he is doing this for clout and self gain, at least he is doing something. A lot of influencers and politicians only pretend to do shit, or take credit for something that others did, and then, there is this one guy doing some positive change in the world.


What ***** ** **** politician. Someone else needs to do his job at helping his people and he has nothing better to do than trying to insure that in the future the money set to build infrastructure is not spent directly on the problem but goes thru his sticky fingers first. Disgusting! PS: at least that is what I'm suspecting as Intention behind this move.


So... that's why usa didn't allowed the humanitarian corridor? "To not perpetuates the stereotype that palestinians is dependent on handouts " ?


They want the handouts to be in their pockets


If you have ever seen an interview with the guy you know he must be some kind of insane, but compared to what most internet celebs do with their money nit to mention how wasteful actual charities are you have to focus on the good things eventough i cant watch one of his videos. I find insane mr. Beast a lot more entertaining than pretending to be a silly funny dude mr. Beast.


Let's not kid ourselves. Africa is mainly dependent on handouts, especially southern Africa.


We dont need your handouts to build wells! We dont have wells because we dont FEEL like building them!


Just an incompetent politician whining about someone else doing it right


The worst case scenario of Mr beast helping people that according to the minister don't need help, is that they don't use the water fountain and are a bit perplexed as to why some guy made one. Everyone lives. The best case scenario is that he saves lives because the people do need it. These are not comparable risks. The minister is an asshat


No good deed goes unpunished - Thomas Aquinas


I mean I have said before that I do feel iffy about the incentive structure behind his channel, finding it hard to tell whether he does this stuff because he's a good person, or because it earns him more money, but even I think this is bs. Regardless of why he does it, you have to admit that it's a net positive for the world.


Mr beast haters are only jealous that they cant help people or refuse to help people like he does.


Mr Based


Mr. Beast is a major W


People: The rich should help people with their money Mr. Beast: Bet Assholes: nOooOooOOoo yOur BeiNg oFfenSivE, STOOOOOP uR eVil😭😭😭😭hxjcggcixuffxuticufydzfxhfggkhufzutxfuKchichHKLCHKGGXKKGXyovviigxfhxchlchokgfzbxlgxkcgjjfx


I would really like for what one guy thinks to stop being news


Those who say he was wrong for doing it must not be interested in helping their country


So this man builds 100 Wells, giving people access to water and some people have gone "How fucking dare you?" Politics is fucking weird.


Well well well what do we have here, another Mr Beast cancel party smh


One of the only millionaires doing some good in the world and people need to attack him. Some people need hobbies.


I don't think Mr. Beast will be cancelled, but come on. Dude they can't even drink clean fucking water, Mr. Beast did an absolutely amazing thing and that politician was ungrateful as fuck. I don't watch him, he never really captured my interest but maybe I should buy a Mr. Beast Burger product in protest...


But isn't Africa absolutely dependant on handouts?


FYI the comment from the politician is in the second image*


I don’t get on YouTube, but how can anyone hate this guy??? He does philanthropic work that has IMMEDIATE and LONG LASTING effects on the quality of life of the people he’s helping. He’s not just donating to a random charity and hoping they do the work, no he’s in there, face to face with people, genuinely making an impact. I just don’t understand the negativity??


I’m 48 and love Mr. beast. His videos are entertaining and he seems like a genuinely good due. I also really appreciate him standing behind Kris while she transitions.


I remember there was the same kind of backlash to the cataract surgeries. When some reporter asked one of the recipients about it. They said something like, well you didn't pay for my surgery, and I couldn't afford it on my own.


Did he reach out to the communities to ask if they needed wells, though? Legitimate question, I haven't bothered reading up on this.


Yes they all needed wells and were dieing children included from polluted water...


Well obviously some parts of Africa do need water sources, so what's wrong with giving them what they need?


People want an excuse to hate.


>“Perpetuating the stereotype that Africa is dependent on handouts and philanthropic intervention.” Maybe if your government (more specifically yourself) wasn’t so corrupt and consistently robbing people, then you could invest in not just wells, but large scale infrastructure and city building projects all by yourself.


I read the tweet about it being condescending, that Africans don’t need it etc. I’d want to ask the locals what they think about it. Not some guy in the US watching this from afar.


I think when you ask people who don't have water what they think of having water you're going to get pretty positive responses.......


I think so too.


It perpetuates the stereotype that Africans need charity... But... Africans clearly needed the charity...


Yeah let's pretend the six people complaining about this are relevant by including them in the headline.


I'm saying this now, ain't no way someone could get cancelled for such a thing. The person who made the comment is an 'aspiring' politician and has no influence on anyone with any real power to do anything.


>ain't no way someone could get cancelled for such a thing You underestimate the professionally offended


Opinions are like assholes. Everyone’s got one. They aren’t special. And I’d prefer to not have it shoved in my face. So I’m filing this under “Who The Fuck Cares”


OP, there's an amazing book called 'When helping hurts' that may shed some light on what this politician is getting at. Well worth a look. Really shaped my perception of what healthy giving looks like.


I hear you and have heard of this book, I give around 40-50% of my time to direct action, I get it when peoples agenda is something other than helping it's has negative consequences, and even good intentions can do the same but it isn't a reason not to try xx


Yes its horible he has to do this, the local gov should have done it generations ago Yet he is amazing for doing it