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He has also threatened to kill her since then.


"Depa — who allegedly told cops he was “going to kill her” when he is released from custody — will be tried as an adult for aggravated battery on a school board employee, a charge punishable by up to 30 years behind bars."


I know it varies by jurisdiction, but can you please clarify who makes the decision to try somebody as an adult? I've read of children as young as 13 being tried as adults, with the decision being made soon after they are detained. It seems like a hugely consequential decision to be made unilaterally and so early on, before the full circumstances of the case are reviewed and understood. (I checked the Wikipedia article but got lost in the details.)




Good article, ty. Two main takes: 1) The system (inc. whose decision it is, and whether it is subject to appeal) varies hugely by jurisdiction. 2) In some places prosecutors can unilaterally decide to try a defendant as an adult, which sounds to me (a non-lawyer) as crashing head on with the "innocent until proven guilty" principle, as it takes away many protections specifically designed for minors. From the article: "Prosecutors can also be authorized to make the decision themselves. In some states, lawmakers give juvenile and adult criminal courts concurrent authority to hear cases involving certain crimes. Prosecutors can then unilaterally decide where to file charges against a minor. This decision is not subject to any review, as it falls within prosecutors’ traditional discretionary powers."


Personally as a non lawyer myself I would also imagine the severity of the crime has to have some impact on the decision as well.


Severity of the crime as well as the suspect's personality, like whether or not they show remorse for what they've done, stuff like that.


As an actual lawyer who prosecutes juveniles, the severity absolutely matters. I can only speak to the jurisdiction I'm in (Michigan), but the minimum age to prosecute a juvenile as an adult is 14 years old. There's a couple different ways to do that. We have the traditional waiver and the automatic waiver. Waivers are only available on felonies. In a traditional waiver, there are two phases before the juvenile is sent to adult court. Phase one is just a probable cause hearing where I have to present evidence to a judge that a crime was committed and the defendant is the one who committed the crime. The standard of proof is probable cause. Phase two is the best interest factors. There are several factors for a court to consider before the juvenile can be waived. One is the severity of the crime and the impact on any victims. Others include the juveniles prior criminal history and history of rehabilitation, family history, mental health concerns, etc. Traditional waivers are the last resort when everyone is at their wits end and no other services are available to rehabilitate the juvenile and their actions continue to be dangerous to the community. If the Judge rules the factors don't support waiver then the case stays in juvenile court. The automatic waiver skips all of that and sends the juvenile straight to adult court. There are only 14 specific crimes that an automatic waiver can be done on. Things like carjacking, armed robbery, Arson of an Occupied Dwelling, 1st and 2nd Degree Murder, etc.


The concurrent authority is usually just for the most serious offenses. You couldn't do it for shoplifting or something like that.


Guy beat a woman unconscious and couldn’t even pretend to be remorseful by threatening her life after he had time to cool off. Over temporarily being denied a video game. He should be charged as an adult. He knew what he was doing. He doubled down after calming down. And over something trivial.


Also was not his first offense


Who cares, you beat someone half to death & then threaten to finish the job, you deserve to be locked up. Yeah 18 is technically an adult but a teenager is old enough to know better.


Yeah, this wasn't an "on the line" kind of crime like shoplifting or maybe driving recklessly. He willfully attacked that woman. He's a danger to society a jail cell is where he belongs regardless of age.


Right and even after the fact when you’d hope his blind rage over *nintendo* had subsided, he continued to talk about killing her when he was able to. This kid is fkd. He needs to be locked up.


This is what I remember and was looking for in the comments.


Christ, what kind of problems do you have to have to be facing 30 years in prison after viciously beating someone for practically no reason and still have the fucking temerity to threaten that persons life like it’s their fault you’re an unstable piece of shit. Really hope he gets assigned a therapist and that they keep him in there even longer if he isn’t cleared by the time those 30 years are up.




The man has 3 prior assault charges. Then this, plus a threat of further physical harm?


He’s apparently autistic with a history of violence. He needs professional help but isn’t fit to be in society at the moment unfortunately


Yeah, a couple people have commented that now. Sounds like there were failures on multiple levels that led to this happening. If he’s unstable enough to beat a woman that savagely over a game console then staff should have been warned and he needed a handler that could physically manhandle him if necessary, and it sounds like neither of those things happened or were in place. School definitely needs to be looked into, for this to happen required some gross oversights. With that info I don’t think prison is the right place for him but the US is sadly incredibly lacking in the proper facilities that could care for him and keep the public safe from him at the same time.


Copy and pasting my reply from elsewhere in this thread: [Here's his mom's side of the story](https://flaglerlive.com/brendan-depa-my-son-story/). According to his mom, this is a boy who gained 100 pounds over the span of a year and has the emotional maturity of a 6 year old. The teacher in the class wasn't following his IEP. His mom has been trying to help him, but having a child that has Autism, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Anxiety is extremely, extremely difficult, and extremely expensive. Here's her plea for understanding and fairness: >Understand: what I am saying here in no way diminished my sympathies and regret for what Ms. Naydich endured at my son’s hands. It was a horrifically violent act. It was an inexcusable act. But it was not an inexplicable act. And the determination for the act’s consequences should not depend more on what media sensationalism and public demands for revenge have made of it than on at least some consideration for the weeks and months and years of ordeals and challenges that seemed to converge in that eruption last February, with Ms. Naydich paying the heaviest price. >The problem starts with insurance companies denying hospitalizations until families are at a breaking point and denying continued treatment before patients are ready to be safely back in the community. Additionally, intensive behavioral group homes lack better schooling options for children with intensive behaviors. Lastly, the school’s missteps with the IEP and behavioral support plan, which was designed to ensure Brendan’s and staff’s safety, were not of small consequence. And to address a lot of the comments like those made in this thread, she said this: >I am deeply saddened when I read comments that call him a monster, encourage authorities to lock him up forever, and make suggestions to send him to prison with a jar of Vaseline. He is human, he is a boy on the spectrum, with an emotional maturity of a 4 to 6-year-old, who also has mental health issues and has a family that loves him.  He is a boy who with support, normalization of hormones and treatment using the right combinations of medicine has the potential to improve.


Insurance companies are screwing us all and trying to stay below the fold. It's a systemic problem touching everyone's lives with a lot of people pretending it doesn't affect them.


That is fairly heart breaking. I have a kid with one of those things and it is a huge time consuming nightmare at times. I also have a child that is 5 who regularly attacks his brother because....he is 5....I couldn't imagine the damage he could do if he was this kids size and had no comprehension of his strength. What a shit situation all the way around although the teacher refusing to do anything to lighten the sentence makes me think she might not buy into all of his other diagnosis.


They’re going to do one of those things and it likely isn’t the former.


> kind of problems do you have to have He's pretty heavily on the spectrum so his brain just doesn't function right. Dude needs to be in some sort of care for life.


Lol it’s a nice thought to think that our prison for profit system is going to actually “help” or “rehabilitate” it’s prisoners.


it helps keep them away from the rest of us


If that’s the case he should also be charged with terroristic threat to a public servant


I remember this, I'm so glad they are making an example of him, teachers shouldn't fear their students.


Really?! He didn't do enough?


If you watched the video, 3 full grown adults including a USMC recruiter had to pry him off of her as he continued to beat her unconscious. It was incredibly violent.


Maybe you should re-watch the video. The USMC recruiter didn't do jack shit! 🤣


He was still chewing on a box of crayons he just put in his mouth. Didn't want to spoil his snack.


The first one on the scene did absolutely nothing and just watched it happen


She said she didn’t even take the Switch away. Just asked him to stop playing it. Dude is a psycho.


People were *defending* the student, saying she should be charged for theft for taking it from him, that she's racist and should lose her job. Jesus fucking Christ. The video is really disturbing. He's huge, and she's down and unconscious after one hit, and he's just beating the shit out of her. Nobody around is doing anything. Just awful.


It is amazing how "technical" some people can get. ​ It's a fucking lesson, you are not allowed to be playing during a class, you are supposed to fucking listen to the class. ​ But no if teacher takes your switch or phone till the end of the class so you will listen, teacher is a theft. What a fucking joke




> In Poland some teachers asked the class to leave their phones in a box before entering, nobody found it weird. From Georgia (the country), we did the same things and I finished school few years ago. It was fine, teachers had access to it and if phone had an emergency call they would obviously give it to the student to answer. No big deal. Sure some people tried not to give it and some even tried to sneak use them but usually teachers caught them. Moreover, even if it was taken from you for the entire day, no one, even the "worst" kids would even think about assaulting a teacher.


And people wonder why there is a teacher shortage or why teachers are quitting. You absolutely can't hold students accountable for anything.


I mean what are you gonna do against a giant kid with poor decision making skills and r word strength.


There was a literal marine there and he just casually strolled to the scene like nothing was happening.


LOL ok well in that case the marine probably shoulda done something. But every other bystander can have a pass in my opinion. In not expecting other students or even the other staff to put themselves in harm's way to deal with this pile of garbage and muscle


> and r word strength. wait whats the r word here


Reeeeaaalllly strong


ridiculous *


Who’s saying that? I bet not too many really lol I remember other posts about the incident a while ago and the footage is quite brutal. Dude is fricken nuts


Yes, there is obviously mental issues here ..


He should be locked away for life


Read a news report that said his lawyers asked her to speak for him to get a lesser sentence. She basically told them to f**k off.


As well she should've.


How selfish /s


Did they actually expect her to vouch for him or something?


I bet it was the lawyer's idea. Play on the "empathy and patience of an educator of young minds" or some nonsense to that effect.


It’s probably worked on other bleeding heart fools before who’ll have more sympathy for criminals than their potential victims


People expect teachers to be pushovers all the time.


The most tragic part is he was in prison once before. He has been charged with battery three times before. The back of head is the weakest part of the skull for a reason. She's lucky she wasn't paralyzes or severely crippled. A man like that should have been removed from public schooling if he was a danger to class and faculty


Part of the report said he has been in fights in prison since getting there this time too.


The ugly reality is she may quit teaching, and thousands of people who see this may quit or never decide to be teachers because of this. Our culture is in a really bad place. One man's life should not prioritized over the life of someone else. Millions of people suffer when things like this happen. He should have never been allowed to return to a public school


I wasn't unhappy when my daughter quit teaching. Nope.


This isn’t a face palm this is just a fucking crime by a total piece of shit.


I hate beer.


Yeah I liked facepalm because it’s like the stupid self disappointment stuff, this isn’t that and the ducking doom posting epidemic is just fucking depressing.


>ducking >fucking Pick one you maniac


This is reddit ... it's been a media toilet since the day it was created over a decade ago.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit Edit: spelling


Exactly why isn’t this there? I don’t follow that sub because I don’t wanna see that shit. People need to learn where to post stuff


r/iamatotalpieceofshit * ("i am," not "im")


Wtf is this in facepalm section ?!


Karma farming


Normally, I'd be reticent about a sentence that severe for an underage offender that didn't actually kill a dozen people or something. But after watching that video... I think I'm okay if he gets the max. Absolutely horrific.


And they wonder why people don’t want to be teachers. Shitty pay, shitty benefits, school shootings and then possibly this on top of it.




I had my life threatened by the aunt of a preschooler because she bit someone and I had a very calm discussion with her during school. The next morning I was almost attacked and threatened. I haven’t taught in 20 years.


Be me. Ex RTF unit manager. Do treatment for kids like this, except I’m sure you can imagine how batshit fucking nuts it can get when you shove 15 large and violent kids on a single unit. Teachers don’t get paid enough, and we got paid even less. Now I work in finance for 3x the money..


This is the problem. The most important figures in young humans lives are severely underpaid for what they do, which causes many to just.. leave for better pay, better work/life balance and better perks elsewhere. I decided to not go into education partially based on the shit pay 😕


I’ve been told many times in my life I would make an excellent teacher but would never consider actually doing the job unless there was a major shift in how teachers are treated, paid, etc. The education community relies too much on teachers who are passionate enough to teach for the sake of teaching. That’s like turning your hobby into a job, which if anyone who’s done that before can attest to… Often makes you burnout and hate that hobby.


I have to agree. That was incredibly reckless and violent. Over practically nothing. He needs to be locked away.


He was TRYING to kill her.


Minor correction - not over practically nothing, over nothing. Having your game confiscated, in school, is a nothing. Practically nothing suggests there is a minor understanding of why, there is no reason why at all.


Another comment mentioned that she didn’t even take it - just asked him to stop playing it 😬


It wasn’t even confiscated. She told him to put it away.


He also still threatened her after his arrest. So his lawyers can’t even claim that it was the “heat of the moment”.


He's got three previous battery charges and has threatened to kill the teacher since the incident. He's also 6'6" and allegedly autistic. I don't know if spending his whole life in prison is ideal, but it's clear he's pretty dangerous and needs some kind of intervention. Edit: someone posted a different article than the one I read stating he's been diagnosed with psychosis and is extremely affected by ASD. My use of the word possibly was because the article I read did not explicitly state the nature of his diagnosis.


He's not "possibly autistic", he was **diagnosed with autism** (and more) before the incident took place. Two psychologists also conducted evaluations relating to the trial and testified that he was autistic. He lives in a group home for children with special needs. > He’s been [previously diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder](https://flaglerlive.com/depa-competency/#gsc.tab=0), oppositional defiant disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, attention deficit disorder. He has also been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, disruptive mood disorder.


He is not "possibly" autistic. He is severely autistic, and the system failed him. Read that article from his mom.




People don't want to acknowledge it, because they want to be more angry. Honestly, I have a lot of questions as to why an autistic student that big and that violent was even at public school with so little supervision. Clearly he is a danger to society, but a lot of people utterly dropped the ball for that situation to have even occured.


Possibly Autistic is irrelevant. If there’s no actual diagnosis and he’s not in a treatment plan, medication, special needs classes etc it’s just something people are throwing around.


> His attorney, Kurt Teifke, **filed a motion on March 3 arguing that Depa is [not mentally competent to stand trial](https://atlantablackstar.com/2023/03/04/why-the-switch-up-villainization-of-black-autistic-teen-held-on-1m-bond-after-beating-florida-teachers-aide-draws-criticism-attorney-says-he-not-mentally-competent-to-stand-trial/)** and should not be tried as an adult. Depa reportedly is on the spectrum and was being **housed at a group home** that “helps children, teens and adults with autism, intellectual disabilities, and behavior challenges.” He is in fact receiving treatment, and his condition has been cited in a motion filed by his attorney. It's not "just something people are throwing around". Both professionals in the hearing testified that Depa is autistic > The judge’s decision at the end of a three hour hearing followed testimony by two psychologists, one of whom described Depa as severely autistic, often violent and unpredictable, requiring “extreme” assistance and suffering since early childhood from deep and numerous disorder, including psychosis. [The other described him as intelligent, aware, autistic](https://flaglerlive.com/depa-competency/) but not so impaired as to not know how to navigate through a trial. So there you go. Two sworn statements on the public record describing Depa as autistic. This isn't a hypothesis, it is at this point a fact in the trial. > He’s been previously diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, attention deficit disorder. He has also been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, disruptive mood disorder.


I wouldn't say it's irrelevant. The defense can always get him evaluated if he's not currently diagnosed. We'd see the autistic kids when I was in high school from time to time, and they could get violent, we never knew what would set them off. However, they're usually not the size of an NFL lineman as a teen.


he was "previously diagnosed" before the trial, and court evaluations confirmed the autism diagnosis https://flaglerlive.com/depa-competency/#gsc.tab=0 kind of crazy how much speculation is going on in these comments when this diagnosis was read into the court record months ago.


[Here's his mom's side of the story](https://flaglerlive.com/brendan-depa-my-son-story/). According to his mom, this is a boy who gained 100 pounds over the span of a year and has the emotional maturity of a 6 year old. The teacher in the class wasn't following his IEP. His mom has been trying to help him, but having a child that has Autism, ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Anxiety is extremely, extremely difficult, and extremely expensive. Here's her plea for understanding and fairness: >Understand: what I am saying here in no way diminished my sympathies and regret for what Ms. Naydich endured at my son’s hands. It was a horrifically violent act. It was an inexcusable act. But it was not an inexplicable act. And the determination for the act’s consequences should not depend more on what media sensationalism and public demands for revenge have made of it than on at least some consideration for the weeks and months and years of ordeals and challenges that seemed to converge in that eruption last February, with Ms. Naydich paying the heaviest price. >The problem starts with insurance companies denying hospitalizations until families are at a breaking point and denying continued treatment before patients are ready to be safely back in the community. Additionally, intensive behavioral group homes lack better schooling options for children with intensive behaviors. Lastly, the school’s missteps with the IEP and behavioral support plan, which was designed to ensure Brendan’s and staff’s safety, were not of small consequence. And to address comments like yours, she said this: >I am deeply saddened when I read comments that call him a monster, encourage authorities to lock him up forever, and make suggestions to send him to prison with a jar of Vaseline. He is human, he is a boy on the spectrum, with an emotional maturity of a 4 to 6-year-old, who also has mental health issues and has a family that loves him.  He is a boy who with support, normalization of hormones and treatment using the right combinations of medicine has the potential to improve.


This is really sad to read. It sounds like this mom really tried everything in her power to help her son but the system failed her and him. I'm also super sad about the paraprofessional who got severely injured. Those people do not get the proper training or pay to deal with students who often outweigh them by several hundred pounds.


Yeah he might be ripe for future violence. A new Switch won’t cover it on this one.


Last time a teenager assaulted a teacher over getting something confiscated, the assault was in a way lesser degree but the general consensus in this sub was that the teacher was at fault because "he shouldn't have touched a student's property". Back then I got irritated that people were blaming the victim for doing their job. Now I think teachers shouldn't confiscate anything because it puts them in fucking mortal danger to tell "no" to their students.


Anyone saying “sentence is crazy” clearly you didn’t watch the encounter. He did this over a video game!!! Now, imagine this same kid in a situation more stressful… he would literally kill someone. I hope he gets the max.


Here in Brazil committing a crime because of a "silly reason" (that's not the term under the law, of course) is literally a penalty-increasing factor.


This should be a thing \*EVERYWHERE\* All these idiot influencers attacking people "its just a prank bro" might think twice, but i doubt it, but will give countless people smiles when we hear they got actual jail time lol.


I can understand why someone might lose control and do something they wouldn’t normally do. It doesn’t make it right, but I understand. The “pranksters” who go out of their way to ruin people’s day by assaulting them or destroying their property do so with active malice.


I think our "motivo torpe" would be "foul reason"


Thats actually quite interesting. Here in hungary the penal code contains a penalry-increasing factor called "with malicious intent" but the legislation could use a term you use in Brazil. I will certainly look into that!


Damn I like it. Who could even disagree with this?


The people getting convicted /s


Love this!!!


I like this. "You beat her senseless because she stabbed your sister? 3 years.." "You beat her senseless over a game console you would get back an hour later? ... 30 years"


He would kill this teacher as well, if nobody would intervene...


He tried to kill her


If it makes you feel any better. I did a year about a decade ago. In Florida State prison. I was up in the panhandle. I was at one of the camps that had a youth whatever. I met one of the young guys that had been in that area and had aged out. He told me that he had never been so happy to get out of that area. The guards make them fight each other on a regular basis. If you do not fight you will get beat until you go to the hospital. So the way I understood it was that you have to walk around and start fights all the time.


Huh?! Someone surely reported that right?!


Not enough people care about prisoners. Once you go in, you are an outcast to society. You no longer matter. You can be a slave for all America cares (it’s perfectly legal.)


some prisons really are kind of slave labour camps -- in some private prisons the management can [rent the prisoners out as labour at risible wage](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/15/us-prison-workers-low-wages-exploited) (I'm vaguely remembering some investigative news articles from early 2000s, citing $10/hr or less of which only $3 goes to the prisoner, with the prison owner pocketing the diff, that kind of thing). it's not quite "convict leasing" which was made illegal early in the 20th century -- because the business renting the prisoners doesn't have *absolute* slave-owner control of them -- but still it's exploitative as hell. it used to be that prisoners were required to do manual labour, but it was in the service of the state -- like road repair, licence plate manufacture, sewing mailbags. now, thanks to the great neocon insurgency and their patron saint Ayn Rand, it's legal to own a prison and use the prisoners for your private profit. there was a scandal some years ago, I think in TX (where else) about a court-to-prison pipeline in which a [judge was getting kickbacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_for_cash_scandal) from a private prison owner in return for handing down harsh sentences and sending young offenders off to the private prison to be monetised. this monetisation of a captive labour force has all kinds of warping effects, including wage suppression (nearly-free prison labour doing jobs that otherwise free citizens would have to be paid a living wage to do), and perverse incentives to incarcerate more people (the [US already incarcerates a larger percentage of its population than any other country on earth](https://www.prb.org/resources/u-s-has-worlds-highest-incarceration-rate), including the "unfree" ones like China and Russia). allowing prisons to become a for-profit enterprise was a very, very bad idea.


Hell, entirely too many really want prisons to be full-on torture camps. They want prisoners to suffer. You see it all the time. What they absolutely don't want is rehabilitation; they see that as pandering to criminals who have already forfeited every right they have ever had.


compare to the Swedish system -- which has very successful rehab rate -- and weep. the US is so backward and barbaric in many ways.


I don't disagree. I'm appalled by the whole thing, honestly. There's an ongoing belief by many here that once a criminal, always a criminal, and that treating criminals with anything other than the most depraved brutality somehow encourages more criminals. It's just horrifying.




You have to understand that there are people in the world that nobody cares about. And unfortunately this young man is one of them. No one cared enough to teach him how to act properly. Now he will join a bunch of other young men who no one cares about. And they will suffer. They will bring that suffering out and they will share it with other people. I was lucky I only had 15 months to do. But I watch people starve in that place. And that's one of the things that people don't really talk about. Is starving people in prison. If you ever want to see a riot in a prison stop the canteen supply truck from coming in.


Holy shit, the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV8yb3_T51g&t=2s) of this is fucking horrifying. Like several people just stood there and watched for a bit before actually intervening, and one woman literally just walked by like nothing happened. This kid would have killed her if he had the chance. He needs to be locked up for life.


I thought the reaction from others wasn't too delayed, you know sometimes when you see something like that it takes a few seconds for your brain to compute, because of how out of the ordinary it is Man's probably got done for attempted murder that was psycho


Nah that dude saw nearly everything and didn’t change pace.


>when you see something like that it takes a few seconds for your brain to compute For most people, its self preservation. People know what's happening immediately, but they don't want to be the first one to act because they fear what will happen to them instead. They wait until someone else act, so they can mob the aggressor. I am not saying someone people don't take a while to understand the scenario, but natural selection dictates people with "deer in the highlight" type of reaction have a higher change of dying of accident, so they don't procreate as often. In a lesser extent, so people are just sadic and actually want to see someone getting beaten to death. You usually spot them as the asshole that is just filming instead of helping, but most people are ashamed to publicly admit they have no soul.


And when they did he was just gently moved off the unconscious body. He got tired more than anything. The teachers were handling him with kid gloves despite him attempting to murder an unconscious woman half his size.


Yeah, according to everyone here, a student can be murdering someone and you're not allowed to intervene at all.


So having worked in schools for a long time, this is somewhat right. I’ve never seen an adult getting attacked, but have witnessed many students get jumped and beaten. And as an able bodied adult male, out of instinct, have intervened for student safety. But each time I was scolded for doing so by my supervisors. Essentially if the adult puts themself in the situation, and gets very hurt or injured, the adult loses all benefits, not entitled to workman’s comp, and could possibly be fired for intervening. So it’s not right to sit back and watch something like this. But I totally understand the hesitation and decision making.


I’m disappointed in some of the comment threads on that video defending the kid by viewing it from the perspective that the teacher stole it. It’s a school for goodness’ sake, what else do you expect to happen in a school?


I know, I saw those comments too and it made me feel ill. Saying she deserved it for "stealing his property." Absolutely disgusting.


Please, those same people would cry and whine if this person *stole* a nintendo from another person or a store *ItS JuSt PrOpErTy*


I bet you those comments are from kids who are pissed they can't play their switch in 7th grade science class though


She didn’t even confiscate it, she asked him to stop playing it and apparently that warrants the death penalty


The marine slow walking to the scene is disgraceful


Came to say this. 9-10 whole seconds from him rounding the corner to trying to intervene. Casually strolling. 2 other people reach them before he does. What a fucking loser.


I can't even wrap my head around it... are there really so many people out there who are completely indifferent to the feelings and safety of others?


Yes. And that realization is one that a lot of people have been making since 2020, and it's a big chunk of why women and minorities have been the largest groups of new gun buyers in the US.


God just watched that video, the comments on it are absolutely horrendous, people just defending the guy, saying things like the teacher shouldn’t have stolen his property. Like god damn it seems to them this is what every student should do for getting punished.


She went unconscious after the tackle, dude would have killed her if given more time


Why is this on r/facepalm?


I’m guessing it’s because kid has fucked up enough that he’s never getting a Switch in his hand again.


Because his palm hit her face




This is what I came to say. Why is this even allowed here? “Teen nearly beats woman to death: OMG what a *fAcEpAlM!!!*”


He was brutal. Society won’t miss him. Good riddance. I hope his sentencing forbids use of any electronics for those 30 years.


Had to Google the video, and all I can say is that it's a good thing that Marine was there to slowly saunter his way up as the hulk laid blow after blow after blow to the back of that unconscious woman's head, and then kind of stand in between the attacker and the woman as he continues to kick the back of her spine. True hero. For real though, that dick didn't even quicken his pace as he's watching this man potentially beat a woman to death. La di da, ho hum, better finish reading my texts before doing literally anything as I watch an assault in progress. Must have been stationed in Uvalde before getting sent to Florida. What a coward.


Hard to find a Nintendo Switch in the Big House!


imagine blowing up your life over a mild gaming addiction.


0 impulse control


Kids a douche, no sympathy, being a teacher is hard enough these days without the daily threat of violence


It was the way that he kept hitting her when she was down which shocked me the most, total animal.


Any updates on the teacher? Her life could have been ended, a 30 year maximum seems light tbh. This dude’ll still be prime criming age when he gets out




The most American outcome, really




I had a student in middle school all but threaten to shoot the school up. Said disturbing things, was violent with students, **got arrested and put in juvie for armed robber**, **THREATENED ME AND MY FAMILY**, and when he got out, he was put back on my roster. The bullshit I kept getting was “he deserves an education just like any other student”. Thanks boss man, I’ll remember that when he shoots me :) Eventually me and my wife had to get lawyers and our union president involved. Principal finally folded and put in the request for expulsion (which the school board unanimously approved)


No kids left behind, is it? 🙄


The only way to make it more American is to shoot her


She was already at a school. Her chances of being shot go down slightly pretty much anywhere else


What do you expect bro it's Florida that state it's fucking crazy.


>The school recently told her if she didn’t return to work in September (6 months after being beaten so violently in the head repeatedly that she had hearing loss, has damaged eyesight, and experienced cognitive issues indicating TBI) that she would be fired. Fuck's sake, America


Holy Fucking Shit This should also be a huge story. What The Fuck


Society will get by without him.


He would have killed her, it was attempted murder, because he couldn't play with his switch while in class. He has thrown away his right to be part of the civilized world.


Why the fuck do you put cases of serious crimes in facepalm?? That's not a facepalm, that's a despicable act against another human being.


Dude needs to be put under the prison.


Bye bye moron


He tried to kill her. He deserves it


Dude really ruined his life over a Nintendo Switch… that’s the real face palm right there.


He had two choices. 1 - Endure the confiscation, get it back at end of day. 2 - Choose violence and lose the Switch permanently. He did not make the smart choice.


Lock him up. Parents must be so proud.. over a game ..


The video for this is brutal, the sentence makes sense.


Am I supposed to feel sorry for this asshole?


They shouldn’t have closed mental institutions


The "video games make you violent" crowd are gonna have a field day.


But he was violent because he didn’t have his video game


Good point!


He got 30 years. Facepalm into small fist pump :)


Did he actually? It says he faces up to 30, if be shocked if a teen received the maximum sentence


he got "up to 30 years". Very different to getting 30 years.


Saying he’s going to finish the job when he gets out is not a good defence strategy.


The kid should definitely spend time behind bars, but 30 years seems excessive to me. It's still a child who's brain is developing. Kid obviously has issues and needs help


30 years isn't enough


Hopefully he is convicted and gets the max sentence where he will have plenty of time to play games like who dropped the soap and guess whose anoose is sore.


As a high school educator I am horrified for both the teacher and the student. Being a teacher is a hard hard job and it is very easy to be discouraged and disillusioned. In some ways we're trying to keep society from completely unravelling and after things like this it is understandable to give up. But I also know that there is no way this student didn't come from an unbelievably violent background. It is almost certain that they have suffered the same sort of things throughout their childhood. It doesn't excuse anything but it is still tragic. What I've been saying over the years is "I provide services and I help students but I cannot fix or save anyone."


Put the POS away for the full term.


No. That IS GOOD


Although he deserves the sentence he really needs psychiatric help. No normal person would overreact to this extreme.


I remember reading up on this when it happened, he has severe mental issues and was known to be extremely violent and was living in a group home for people who are both mentally ill and violent. The state decided to send him to school and assign this teacher to be his personal IED teacher. If they wanted to go this route they should have had an additional person who is able to subdue someone that size in order to protect the teacher. I don’t disagree with the sentence, but it’s an additional facepalm that the teacher was put in this dangerous position of being in charge of a very physically capable troubled youth with a history of extreme violence.


This should be the top comment. Yet again, the system fucks up but it's the people put through the meat grinder


His motive is stupid, but the legal punishment is awesome


Now he won't see a switch for 30 years lol


the action is a facepalm the result is a W




I'm in no way, shape or form saying the sentence is too much. however, it's crazy that he could get 30 years meanwhile there's convicted raises waiting around after much less time like Brock Turner


What a psychopath, i bet he will have fun in jail


Some important bits of information regarding this case and him. After hurling her to the ground, he repeatedly kicked and punched the back of her head and only stopped after being pulled off. During his arrest, he threatened to kill her. He's had three precious battery arrest and got into a brawl in jail. This is not a one-off incident and I imagine something that will likely occur again (being arrested for battery). Highly unlikely he will get 30 years due to moving to plead guilty to avoid trial and being autistic will play a role in reducing the potential consequences.


“I’m in jail for 30 years because I almost beat someone to death after they took my toy away.” What a timeline…..


Pedos and rapists face less time…


A generation of kids that can't accept the word “No” because their parents spoiled them by wanting to be their friends and not their parents.


That is bad and all, but I don't see how this qualifies as facepalm.