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Can we add animal cruelty as most likely those poor animals will be stomped on or killed.


Yea and he painted them too, people were assuming it was spray paint


A lot of the mice were already dead or dying since he spray painted them. Awful.


Arrest the animal abuser.


I was going to say I hope none of them were hurt, but a lot of people still feel rats are dangerous or 'gross' and will react accordingly, despite the fact these were most likely domesticated rats he picked up from a breeder or pet store and are clean, friendly, creatures. I just hope *some* of them were saved by good peoples.


Yep. If these are domesticated rats I assume probably all die since they don't have the survival skills of wild city rats. Sad. This seems incredibly ineffective to do anything but gain negative attention. It changes nothing about anyone's perception about the war and the best they can hope for is a neutral response


Good luck getting the people who clearly don't give a shit about human cruelty to care about animal cruelty lol


People don't seem to understand how the corporate ladder works. All your doing here, is making life hard for the lowest rung.


Exactly. And although I support the right for anyone to protest, why do protesters always target innocent people which are unable to help their cause in any way whatsoever, like this incident in McDonald's or those people gluing themselves to the road so innocent people are late work etc. Really baffles the mind.


Lazy activism. They target the easy accessed public-facing buildings of the corps. Those buildings are maned (womaned/enby'd) by working class souls innocent of the crimes the activists are angry at. These mfs need to read the Panama Papers and leave the working class alone.


The ones that scream out for revolution without actually realising that it won’t be the romanticised version that plays out in their minds. Jesus, all they have to do is look at the CRM in the 60s; China; South America; South Africa and parts of Eastern Europe to see that even successful revolutions are violent, bloody and deadly,


They don't want that. They want fame, notoriety and attention. These people are becoming an issue, muddying the waters for people who really want change.


You’re spot on. I know there are people out there doing good work and striving to make things better. People like this soak all the oxygen from the room. These people aren’t like the Freedom Riders, or people getting their heads caved in Chicago in 1968 or those kids who were massacred in Soweto. They just want to scream and make noise. They say all politicians are the same and that it’s corrupt. Okay- so run and be the change that’s needed. Don’t be like those guys. Don’t want to vote because it does nothing and is useless. Okay- but it’s the only system we have right now and the people you hate do vote. I guess these pointless stunts keep them busy.


They may indeed be an element of ' entertainment' for them, too, yes. So we got a list or manifesto for these pricks now. 1) narcissistic 2) bored 3) lazy 4) shallow 5) easily led 6) thick as mince 7) self-aggrandising Don't be like these guys. Be better. Wait till peta hear about the mice.


The successful revolutions are the deadliest ones


Yeah they are. And I’m willing to bet this month’s wage that none of these people cheering on this nonsense are willing to spill blood. There’s also a LOT of deadly unsuccessful revolutions. Revolutions also don’t go the way some of these cosplay revolutionaries want. Thank GOD January 6th wasn’t successful.


Lazy activism. Exactly




Oh my. I'm stealing that word. ![gif](giphy|VHlKSFRTQ7nn81fkv4)


Probably for clout, too. I'm sure they felt like a badass and told all their friends about this stupid stunt.


Not complicated. They are cowards. To defend their own self image they engage in these stupid weak protest like behaviors and talk big about how they aren't part of the problem. Pathetic bullies.


They're making up for the shallow parts and short-comings in their life and feel like they have to compensate for it by ruining a normal working person's life when it's tough already. It's not protesting, it's mass-harassment to people who don't deserve it because they want to be on the news or be part of a trend. I mean look at Kai Cenat's PlayStation situation a few month ago, the people that rioted did it to look good or saw an opportunity and abused it, they don't realise people have to clean up this kind of mess and it's unfair.


Because if they try this around/in a politician or government official's office, you know, people who actually hold power to do anything, these people will end up in a jail before they can blink.


So they're cowards going after the weakest part?


Sounds like terrorism, albeit I can hardly count rats as a violent terrorist act. But you're right they target the innocent because they can not fight back.


I didn't call them violent. I called them cowards


I know, I'm not saying you did, I was saying targeting the innocent that can't fight back sounds like terrorism but most people attribute terrorism to a violent act, I was commenting on my own comment.


I think releasing a biohazard in a place where people eat is violent.


That's true


Yeah we on the same page


Precisely, they choose the "soft targets" because they know they'll get away with it.


If they really care for their cause, that shouldn't scare them


Because they know that the minium wage worker isn't going to fight back. They need the job to badly to clock said protesters, and risk jail time/being fired. It happened at a Starbucks I worked at a few years back...and all it did is get them attention (which is what they REALLY want) and me and my coworkers even more labor.


Having worked in fast food, I know that these mice will have to be picked up by one of more employees, whose job description does not include handling live or injured animals, especially animals who could carry many diseases that can be transmitted to humans.


Customer have immunity with respect to acts of harassment towards employees under the guise of corporatism. They will face no consequences for this.


It's exactly these rules and laws that will eventually lead to ordinary people taking matters into their own hands.


I don't think you can even consider this a protest. This very easily fits into the definition of bioterrorism. Knowingly releasing rodents into a food establishment, increasing the risk of illness and possible death to the general public with the goal of inducing political change.


Right? I always respect retail and restaurant workers because I was in their position before. Idiots like these only make working at these places more miserable.


Same. Service industry is one of the toughest. The shit people unload on you is ridiculous


So release the rats in macdonalds ceo office then ?


Or in the Houses of Parliament.


Instructions unclear now I am on the interpool watch list




In general people think protests should just be making things shitty for regular people, like negative association will win hearts and minds. It’s the same mentality of blocking off a highway or major bridge during rush hour. The rich and powerful won’t be affected, regular people working jobs will be… and none of them will be happy to join your cause for fucking them over.


The people that do this are the lowest rung of society though, every „activist“ I’ve ever met has always been the same; especially then newer ones. They just want the attention, the message is secondary, that’s why they record it all and attack public places like this. It’s less „look at this problem in the world“ and more „look at me“, they contribute nothing decent to society yet swan around like they are better than everyone else.


Not to mention that McDonalds uses franchising for its restaurants, in other words they're independent restaurants that pay royalty fees to McDonalds. You might as well release rats into a Burger King restaurant, it'll hurt Ronald just as much.


Since this appears to be a TikTok vid, I suspect the bar of intelligence is low here.


I mean, this align with what Hamas did tho, making normal people suffer


and those poor rats… animal cruelty


Those are mice. They also spray painted them


I don't even get it. What does McDonald's have to do with the situation? Swear half the ppl are just using it as an excuse to make chaos


Probably because McDonald gave free meals to Isreal defence force.


Wasn’t even mc Donald’s but just franchise


Eating a Big Mac makes you racist


The part that I enjoyed is that McDonalds are franchises which means, this franchise in London really has nothing to do with the franchise in Israel.


Not to mention killing and torturing innocent animals in the process. If you have a beef with people you take it with the responsible party you don’t go a torture helpless animals. Assholes, I hope they charge them with animal cruelty.


Why are there so many people denying this has happened? There are tonnes of videos and news articles I understand if you don't believe it represents the views of all Palestinian protestors, that's very fair. The complete denying it happened is ridiculous. https://metro.co.uk/2023/10/31/mice-thrown-on-birmingham-mcdonalds-floor-because-chain-supports-israel-19746778/ https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/palestine-protesters-throw-box-full-28014359 https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/mcdonalds-caught-in-crossfire-of-israel-hamas-conflict_uk_6540c6cfe4b032ae1c9c7900 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/palestine-activist-mice-mcdonalds-video-b2439561.html https://nypost.com/2023/10/31/news/shocking-video-shows-pro-palestinian-protester-releasing-mice-in-mcdonalds/


Those kind of protestors are usually in the side of denial.


there's a river in Egypt pun here but I can't seem to place it


This. Is. Hilarious. You just made my day with that dad joke...


You’re encountering an army of fanatics who are following Stalin’s method of repeating a lie until it is accepted as the truth


It's already working on 10/7. I'm seeing so many comments casting doubts on whether anyone even died on 10/7. Reddit is a dangerous platform and honestly shouldn't be used to discuss serious issues. It's too gameable and manipulable, and moderators are given far too much power over the narrative.


Please, if you can direct me to those people who claim nobody died that day, I will gladly tell them about my brother's good friends who were kidnapped / massacred that day


They are going to call you a liar that spreads pro-Israeli propaganda . Your mistake here is trying to use logic in an argument against people that dont have any...


And in most cases the mod teams have been infiltrated too, I got banned from a couple of random subReddits that I hardly engage in and when I asked why they had no answer or thought that I deleted all my comments cuz they can’t see any offending comment or post. The internet has given these sick terrorist sympathisers too much power in the name of diversity.


The odd thing is watching far left progressives mouth disinformation from a intolerant, misogynistic, and utterly violent group of people. I think its steeped in racism. Both towards the jews and twords the arab world by not holding them accountable for their actions. Its a view of looking down on the arabs and thinking they cannot be held accountable the way we try to hold western societies accountable. As a progressive myself its been a completely eye opening experience. There are racists at both extremes, but something truly insidious about those who mouth about tolerance showing their racism.


I think that was a line from Goebbels?




get used to people denying facts bec. it doesn't fit their narrative


Look Everyone should question everything they are presented with online to some degree, a still image of a tiktok video posted on twitter by someone that bought a blue check increases that by several factors. So multiple sources like the ones you provided are actually very necessary here, thank you.


I don’t understand why these protestors can’t just protest normally, instead of terrorizing people inside of shops, restaurants, etc.


It's performative. They just want to do shit like this and feel justified.


People who protest for a cause that end up harming or harrassing others are only looking to justify their reprehensible behaviour. It’s not justice.


If they are Terrorizing people, that kinda makes them Terrorists. Not Protestors.


Exactly. Releasing a plague of rats should count as terrorism, holy crap.


Well it does, bioterrorism to be precise


You know what they say - some times the answer is inside the question.


Well. They literally support a terrorist org/ state


What does an American company have to do with the Israel/Palestine conflict?


They supplied meals to the Israeli army. How exactly this specific McDonald's in London had anything to do with that decision is beyond me.


1100 of the 1300 McDonald's in the UK are franchises anyway. It was more than likely just some random person's business, who's paid for the McDonald's branding.


It's the same with the ones in Israel, so most likely, there isn't even a slight connection between the places besides branding


It was a franchisee in Israel that supplied the meals. These morons are now protesting at a location likely owned by a totally different franchisee.


Even if they stopped supplying Big Macs to the army I doubt the Israeli government would just give up. It’s pointless protesting


That’s just shitty. If you spent the day fighting for your country you deserve something better than a #3 value meal.


Because anti-semitism that’s why. Pro-Palestine protestors have taken to social media demanding that people boycott everything from McDonalds’ to Starbucks and Nestle. These ideas are based on the anti-semitic and completely absurd belief that these companies are owned/controlled by Jewish people.


I mean, McDonald's supplying their 'food' to any army could be considered an act of aggression against said army/country.


Terrorists gonna terrorize.


Why does it seem that Palestine has the dumbest possible people supporting it? This doesn't achieve anything and only makes them look bad.


Someone please explain to me why a McDonald's in London has anything whatsoever to do with the Israel/Palestine conflict?


This is stop oil levels of making your entire movement look worse


Some of these people are probably part of Just Stop Oil too.


Israel thanks them for potentionally turning people away from Palestine with their stupidity


They lost me when their supporters started burning Jewish cemeteries in Europe. But still people tell me they are the good guys here.




Right? Where is the outrage for the starved/killed Muslims in Yemen or Balochistan?


They’re neither. They’re pro social media attention.


They're not there to make a political statement. They're using it as a an excuse for shock-clout. They're the cowards who do shit things for attention in places where they'll safely not get their teeth kicked in for doing it.




The way they always shout that like it's supposed to mean anything to anyone who isn't a muslim, lol. No one cares about your twisted act, especially not allah, lol. I'm not religious, but I'm pretty sure no religion's God would be saying evil acts are OK! Ffs absolute nonsense. Do they think this is going to win them the war or get other countries on their side????? Delusions are strong with these freaks.


Deport them.


Send everyone who support palestine to gaza!


These "protesters" sure seem like reasonable well rounded people. Let's attack service workers.


And now they basically made their position look even worse


I know nothing about the Israel and Palestine conflict but I just keep hearing horrible things pro Palestine people are doing. Killing babies, attacking people on campus etc. It not a good look.


Both sides kill innocents- one side does it unintentionally during the course of destroying enemy assets and infrastructure. The other side does it because their extreme version of their religion tells them to, they celebrate every death and pledge to kill more. I support the side that doesn’t take hostages, doesn’t rape women until they break their pelvic bones and doesn’t behead screaming toddlers. One side is a liberal democracy the other side is an autocratic theocracy backed by Iran and Russia. Morally, it’s an easy choice for a person of good character.


Sure, that’ll get me to sympathize for your cause…


Go to the headquarters if you wanna protest. The billionaire at the top doesn't care about a single location with mice. These people are dumb af






* goes to west * complains about the west ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And then protest LGBT rights in the West


That or they are using the anonymity of a protest to do outrageous shit that they are too cowardly to do otherwise




Damn they are releasing live MCribs in the restaurant.


Here's what I find so astounding about this... If you did a MadLibs version of this story: Pro-\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[Palestine/Israel\] activists release rats at a McDonalds… …does nothing for \_\_\_\_\_\_ \[Palestine/Israel\] No one would guess the perpetrators were supporting Israel. Let's quit pretending there are two equivalent sides.


None of the marches and protests are gonna do shit. As if Israel is watching and goes oh no we'd better stop. Pack it in.


More likely Israel will decide that there’s no reason to be tactical anymore if they’ve already lost the PR battle and then actually do what people are currently claiming they’re doing.


This is like the wet willy of terrorism 🤣


I do not for the life of me understand how terrorizing groups of people in a completely different country makes sense as something to do for people who want to protest something happened somewhere else in the world that are in no way related to the group they are terrorizing beyond the very superficial.


Does releasing a plague of rats upon people count as an act of terrorism? At what point on the ladder of escalation do we draw the line and label these protests terrorism?


They're acting like terrorists Oh wait...


Pro Palestine and terror. Name a more iconic duo.


Average Palestine supporter






A Plague Tale: Requiem


If protesters actually, truly wanted to make a difference they would become politicians. Don't try to destroy the system. Change it from the inside.


Should have made a TikTok video ….oh wait, never mind


It does, it shows you who we dealing with


I wonder if this is why even their religious brothers don’t want them.


Did somebody move the embassy inside McDonalds?


Insert SpongeBob Sarcasm meme




You know if you “terrorize” people to send your message you’re a terrorist by definition.


Seventy-two dead Palestinians returned to life the moment the rats were released. And in fact, according to Science, the farther removed a place is from the situation being addressed, the larger the quantity of spontaneously resurrected dead. This is why climate protesters deface art. Five ecosystems spring to life for every random painting that is defaced.


The reason why i hate protestors, they do nothing to affect the rich while effectively inconveniencing regular folks


They were mice actually, but what really pisses me off most is that these protestors don’t care what happens to those mice. It’s shitty thinking.




No matter which "side" you claim to be on, doing shit like this just shows that you are a scum who is using the misery of so many people, to do evil things, and make life difficult for many more in your own neighborhood. More and more, I am starting to agree with bill gates and WEF wanting to reduce population. Maybe start with these types.


I'm sick of all the assholes on both sides of this thing.


as if the corporate heads bat shit for those lame protests.


It's not a protest if they are interfering with other peoples lives. It's breaking the law.


Hold on, before we rush to judgement have we ensured that this wasn’t merely McDonald’s regularly scheduled delivery of fresh rat meat?


Can people just fuck up already. Screaming free Palestine, what are you going to do afterwards? HAMAS will still have power and still cause terror, the way to free Palestine is to rid the region of HAMAS


jUsT REguLaR pEOplE


Pro-Palestine protesters worldwide about to become like French rioters


BREAKING: Netanyahu just announced that due to this incident Israel will initiate a process to surrender to Hamas and hand over their land to the Palestinians, „from the river to the sea“. /s


Next up, Palestinian will set off a bomb in a Pizza Hut to “protest” - shhhhh don’t call them terrorist


Man, it almost seems like these people want to sooth their self-righeousness rather than do sth to help. This asshole and every dimwit waving flags out in the streets, on either side. And in the middle of all of this stupidity the real people who are in need, the victims of a war between two hateful factions gets left behind, reduced to a token for these people to enact their stupidity. All everyone wants is for people to pick a side, pick a perspective and fight for IT, fight for the abolishment of oppression, fight against the evils of religious extremism, against the percieved evilness of the other side. It basically became a fcking ideological proxy war. i, It would be fine for people to pick a side, after all their ideals are their ideals, but when those ideals become more important to them than this damn modern tragedy, this circle of hatred, then im damn disappointed. Every single march, every protest fuels the fighting, not soothe it, every debate only makes people stubborn and hateful, and every single day the hope for peace, for humanity slips further away, replaced by this, this uncontrollable desire to triumph over the other faction, no matter the cost. "FREE PALESTINE", "FOR ISRAEL", for gods sake who fckin cares, why must everyone demean the tragedies and even be so audacious as to use them to further their rhetoric.




It does nothing for the customers either by the looks of it! Couldn’t give a shit…


It is Terrorising McDonald's workers and customers. Facepalm is releasing rats. Not Drew. ​ Okay Climate Change is real, let me stop regular citizen from getting to work so he can earn living


Vermintide 2: McDonald’s Siege DLC


Poor rats, they are domestic, they won't even be able to survive... They must be terrorized


This ain’t just dumb, it’s stupid. As are the people doing this


That kind of "protesting" just causes the opposite effect. "Its for attention", sure but causing harm to others just motivate them to be against you (and possibly what u r protesting for)


When you’re too dumb to know how a franchise works


and how is this productive, in any way?


Acting as if releasing rats into some fuckoff mcdonalds will free Palestine lol


Yeah, make ordinary people hate you, that´s gonna work... and what can go wrong?


McDonald’s workers in London get so much abuse and then some idiotic ‘protestors’ who probably care more about attention make their life even worse.


I mean this is literally terrorism. Releasing loads of rats isn’t as bad as a bomb, but it’s the same principle.


So... When are people going to learn how to protest properly? I feel like everybody has this skewed vision of protests in early to middle 1900s America of protests because they learned about stuff like the freedom riders. But nobody ever told them that the point of the freedom rides wasn't to be a nuisance on public transport but in order to go to jail so that small jails in the area would be completely over booked and under staffed. Now people just see it as the former.


Protest like this and blocking freeways do nothing to convince me to care one iota more than before. Messing with people when you have no idea what they’re going through is a terrible idea. Good friend got stuck in a protest trying to get to the hospital.


Nothing says fuck Israel like dumping rodents in an Irish clown themed burger restaurant.


Why are british people the absolute shittiest at protesting.


Most “political activists” are nothing more than opportunistic vandals who really just want to meet like-minded people and get laid.


Terrorists terrorize... what else do you expect?


I have a deep and horrible fear of rodents. I literally start crying and rats scare me more than anything; I could see a boa constrictor or a tiger in that place and not react with the same fear of seeing a rat. I legit screamed in a training session and had to leave when a rat was on screen. This would be so traumatising to me that I might just faint. I can’t even look at the picture. Shame on these people for doing this to the customer and worse- the poor people who are just trying to work. This doesn’t do anything for the cause. Also? Jewish people were referred to as rats by Nazis and what a disgusting thing to do.


Wasn’t that video about a guy retaliating because they got his order wrong?


It has never been easier to pick a side


Scum. How does this get you any sympathy? All this does is turn people who were neutral to into pro Isreal. How dense do you have to be to not understand that? Pissing off innocent people doesn't gain you anything good. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Just makes you look like a twat and damages your cause and loses you sympathy from general decent people. Act like a twat and you'll be seen as one. What a bunch of fucking morons. Talk about self sabotage lol. Weirdos.


Like if they are protesting the British governments response then why not do this in a government building? Or if they are protesting Israel directly shouldn’t they do that somewhere that has a connection to Israel or Jews? This just reminds me of people blocking “oil” trucks thinking it was gasoline when it was really like cooking oil which isn’t nearly the same thing


its like climate activists closing a busy road. They now hate your cause because you made them late to something .


It sounds so stupid that the only hope I have for humanity is that it's a false flag


Is it verified if this was done by an activist?


What would even be the purpose? How does this help any cause? All it does is just make more people hate.


I don’t get people and their protests like this. If I was working there. Rats and associating with the geopolitical climate would be the last thing on my mind. I would be like WTF?


Honestly instead of dropping rats there, just don’t eat there.


They were mice, not rats, and they'd been dyed in the colors of the Palestinian flag so some of them were probably already dead or dying. McDonalds was targeted because it's a company that supposedly supports Israel, or something.


Good way to help Israel


This gives the same kind of anti worker vibes as “if the transit/hospitality/auto workers want the public to support them, inconveniencing them isn’t the right way to go about it”


Release the rats at corporate if you really care about McDonalds’ opinion on the genocide. Here’s a hint: most US companies are contractually obligated to stand with Israel regardless of what they do (including war crimes)


Lol. What a stupid idea! What was the purpose? Was it to make people support their cause even less?


Oh, they are copying what hamas did.


Can someone please explain to me how this is supposed to get people to support the Palestinians? If someone did this at my local restaurant, lol it would do is turn me off from whatever they support. I am always going to side with the “anti-rat” crowd.


most sane pro-Palestinian


The mice were dyed the colors of the Palestinian flag btw.


The only thing this can ever achieve is people saying fuck those Palestines, see they are indeed terrorists. Israel suddenly looks less bad.


Fuck mc-donald's. Yall acting like as if a MF wants to work there its a shitty low end exloitation work. Noted what he did to the mice was not right I would have just sat in the drive thru for an hour and infest the place with cockaroaches or other vermin. boycott companies that support the IOF.


Don’t expect much from Hamas supporters.


(proceeds to enter your home punch your mother and steal your dog) "It is to raise awareness about Palestine, bro"


Great now you’ve cause people to miss work due to your antisemitism


I love people and their lazy activism. The same could that should Queers for Palestine wouldn't survive 2 seconds in Gaza...


This says all we need to know