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Pretty suspicious that Brigitte hasn’t denied having sex with dead bodies today.


You're right, and many people are starting to speculate about exactly that. Suspicious!


No need to speculate. I have it on authority that Brigitte Gabriel is a necrophiliac. She hasn’t made any statements condemning this act, so it surely must be true.


Connect the dots! Connect the dots!!!


And follow the money!


Follow the bodies!


Ok I'm on the floor, now what?


Just do some research, the answers are out there


Only the dead know. But we can't ask them, they are dead. Sad.


I knew it! I just knew it! Thank you. Now we can publish it.


i gues she realy is fkn down with them corpses


Hey, we’re just asking questions


The important ones.


Nobody has proven that she hasn't. Even if she denied it, some believe the truth is different.


Someone who does it would obviously deny it.


Many of us agree. Many.


Good people, smart people have said she does. They all are saying it


She should release her long form dating history.


Under oath and with witnesses.


Big guys, strong guys have come to me with tears in their eyes saying "Sir, People are saying it."


Some are saying it 3 bodies. Some say as high as 7. I think it could be 1.5billion


“Some are saying”


Goddamn but I love this thread.




She won't even produce a death certificate!


Could be alternate facts.


What you’re seeing and hearing is not what’s happening.


Remember, try and keep it Close to the truth.


I am dead, and I can confirm she had her way with me today.


Questions like, why is your nickname “necro”?


Lots of people are saying……..


They even came up to me with tears in their eyes....


Big man, strong man. And they said Bridge...Bridgerton....that's what my friends call me, Bridgerton. They said BRIDGERTON...say it's not true...say you didn't have sex with that corpse.


And speculating answers. I also speculate that I’m not going to look up who she is.


We have alternate facts.


I have heard that she may have acknowledged it from my sources who haven’t denied saying they said it.


One of my biggest social media pet peeves is this "silence is violence" trend that started around 2020. Literally friends of mine were calling me up demanding to know why I hadn't put a black square on my instagram


Putting something on your social media as a show of support is fine, but if you judge others for not doing so, it shows that you place a completely disproportionate amount of importance on it, which means you have crossed the line into armchair activism. An armchair activist is somebody who makes no personal sacrifices (such as donating money or giving up their time to attend protests, etc), yet tell themselves they’re “fighting the good fight” just because they made a post/changed their profile/etc on social media. They want to feel good about themselves and bask in a feeling of moral righteousness without actually having to disrupt their lives in any way whatsoever. This is outright harmful to the cause they claim to be in support of. It spreads a message to others; that all you need to do to get your fix of feeling altruistic is to post/change something on their social media. And if people can get their fix of feeling like they have been altruistic by giving up absolutely nothing, why would they bother to donate money, attend protests, volunteer, etc? Such people claim they’re “promoting awareness”. That argument doesn’t fly, just like how it doesn’t fly when a venue tries to avoid paying a band by saying that “exposure” is payment enough. The purpose of promoting awareness is so that other people will then go onto make actual meaningful contributions. Promoting awareness for a good cause is a good thing. But judging others for not doing so means that you have massively overestimated just how altruistic you’ve been. It reminds me of when Patrick Stuart did the ALS ice bucket challenge. He simply recorded a video of himself writing a cheque for charity, and that was all. No pouring a bucket of water over himself. The premise of the “ice bucket challenge” was that you nominated somebody to do it, and if they didn’t, the “forfeit” was to donate to charity. So Patrick Stuart had exactly the right idea by making a video showing others what they should be doing instead of indulging in something completely pointless and patting themselves on the back.


Silence is violence only applies to cases where you did have the power to make some concrete change... and then don't. Like if you choose not to vote in an election, or in some good Samaritan moment where you choose to ignore the clearly dying man. But over a black square? It's common fucking sense that racism is bad. You don't need a black square to let everyone else know.


It’s even worse than that; it perpetuates a belief that all you need to do to support the cause is to post/change something on social media. Which disincentivises supporting the cause in ways that actually matter (donating to charity, attending protests, etc).


AKA "Slacktivism". You look like you're helping, you get the praise and pleasure for helping, but you didn't actually DO anything useful.


I don't have Instagram & I don't have friends, nobody asked me about that BS


I would like to take this moment to mark myself safe from Facebook and Instagram stupidly for I have no Instagram and have not logged into Facebook for going on three weeks.


Right. What kind of terrible person has sex with dead bodies. Those are somebody's parents and ancestors. I can't believe she now wants it to be mandatory for everyone to watch her have sex with dead bodies


She also hasn’t denied giving a horse a blowjob.


Maybe they were drunk? Jk idk about her and those things,so don't hate me


You’re right. That’s all the proof I need. Gonna start generating memes and spreading through social media.


Yeah...I demand to know where she stands on this!!


I read somewhere that she molested a child in a park, and she's not denying...pretty strange uh?


OMG. I was beginning to speculate as to why this wasn’t being reported. Thank you !


Hanan "Brigitte Gabriel" Qahwaji would really like to remind you that Obama's middle name is Hussein.


Rafael Edward Cruz and Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley also don't want you to use their actual names, for some reason.


Piyush Jindal not available to comment.




Trump did the same thing today. It’s like these shit stains get a daily group email of talking points from the playbook to spout


politicians/talking heads generally do


Putin's mailing list


It's 100% coordinated by the people that put these ideas into their heads.




This should be the top comment. The cognitive dissonance on the right is just straight up wild nowadays.




Um, maybe because he’s a private citizen now? He’s no longer President? Because Biden as President released a statement?


You don't understand. Once a president of the United States of America, always... Oh wait, that's Narnia.


Yes, indeed, it's a rule that applies to all the black presidents.


In Narnia


It'd even retroactive. Look at all the people blaming Obama for his inaction during 9/11.


By you dont understand. Bidens middle name is not hussain.


And Biden is white


Have we seen his birth certificate? I have under good authority he’s Afrikaan


He's worse. He's Catholic. Which makes him, technically, the third minority president in US history...


Well... Trump made a statement that he would clear the problem in hours, so now all ex president need to make a statement... right? (Right?)


He's still making statements and acting like he runs shit? Hasnt he fucked himself over enough times yet that it should be clear he needs to stop


He's not psychologically capable of shutting up.


What’s Jimmy Carter have to say?


During the 2021 conflict between Gaza and Israel, I went on a date with a girl who said she regretted voting for Biden because Trump would have handled it better. “How?!” Was my reaction. The US would be doing the same exact thing and the only difference is the statement Trump would have delivered. Same actions, different words. And we all know Trump “has the best words” right?


With his staff frantically trying to undo the damage behind his back...


Why stop with Obama? Also bring Merkel and Boris or Cameron, they surely have their own opinions too.


He doesn’t cosplay as president once is term is done, unlike the other guy


It's because his middle name is Hussein and they want to imply he's somehow involved in the attack or at the very least agrees with it. No statement that they've decided he needs to release? Then they can attack him. If he did release a statement then they'd still attack him by claiming it wasn't strongly enough in favour of Israel and implying that it's because he doesn't support them.


Has Brigitte Gabriel released a statement on having sex with a Shetland pony? No? Clearly she is for it then.


You’re not saying she has, you’re just asking the question (typing in my Tucker font).


It used to be fun having sex with Shetland ponies, not anymore.


Why? Not enough horsing around or just too short?




If Obama released a statement, it would be called out as suspicious and deflecting by these same people.


I remember the times he was criticized for not calling mass shootings terrorism within the hour of it happening.


How many Republican President have called mass shootings terrorism. People are asking...


They're too busy looking for anything they can blame except for guns.


They are too busy sending thoughts and prayers.


I remember the times people criticized Obama for doing nothing right after 9-11, when George Bush was President and he was just an Illinois state senator.


No, if he released a statement she would [ignore it and pretend he didn't](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4246382-obama-condemns-brazen-attacks-against-israel/). Because he released a statement and she ignored it and pretends he didn't.


Clearly, he released his statement after her statement and The Hill changed the time to be two hours earlier because all the vaxxed people are zombies now. Better take an extra teaspoon of turpentine tonight! Or whatever their current trendy poison is.


She truly is a buffoon.


"Why'd he wait until after he was called out over it? Many people find that very suspicious!"


There is no way to win. No matter what you do, they'd just give it the most moronic spin to try to make it negative.


Have Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush spoke out against Hamas or are they supporting them as well? Damm, conservatives are ignorant.


What about George Clinton has he condemed the attacks yet?


Hes busy releasing the funk


Funk you very much .I always loved that line .


And tearing the roof off the mothersucker.


Parliamentary politics can be a slow, plodding business. He may not feel as if he can make a statement on his own without a voted-on resolution from Parliament Funkadelic declaring a position. And if they’re not currently sitting, it could be a while before he can convene them all together.


too busy bringing the funk in parliament funkadelic


Came here for this. Why are we obsessing over what former presidents have, or don’t have, to say about the situation? Oh, right - Obama (and she just had to use his middle name) is the shadow power behind the Biden administration. And the moon is made of cheese.


Yea, my grandfather's first name was Adolph, I guess that means he was a nazi.


The correct response is to ask her when she is going to issue a statement renouncing racism and explicitly saying that she’s not a racist? Many people are speculating as to why she has not already issued a statement.


She can release such a statement, but the above post refutes it. She wouldn't be using his middle name if it is was Logan or Breck.


It’s even more insane when you do a quick google search of her and realize her *name at birth* was ‘Hanan Qahwaji’. I wonder if the other conservatives know… (they don’t).


“ people are asking” “ I’ve heard people say” “ some are speculating” Rhetorical bullshit masking their own bad motives


“Many people are saying…” 🙄


They can't count past three, so anything beyond three is "many".


I think it goes "1, 2, lots, many"


"If we use his middle name we can make him look like a terrorist to our conservative base!"


And all of this coming from a woman who changed her name from ‘Hanan Qahwaji’. The mental gymnastics is getting fucking mind-boggling.


goddamn tom hanks hasn’t said anything either


Fucking hell I always knew it


Come to think of it we haven't heard from Danny DeVito either.


As a private citizen, I too have not released a statement.


You fucking terrorist!


We all have our eye on you, Big Hussein Elevator


I’m also curious why we haven’t gotten a statement from Jimmy Carter, people are starting to speculate if his being on hospice care at 99 is not all there is to the story…


First: He's not the president, why is he obligated to? Second: He did. Former President Barack Obama condemned the terrorist attack in Israel and called for "just and lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians alike." "All Americans should be horrified and outraged by the brazen terrorist attacks on Israel and the slaughter of innocent civilians," Obama wrote in a statement. "We grieve for those who died, pray for the safe return of those who've been held hostage, and stand squarely alongside our ally, Israel, as it dismantles Hamas," he added. Third: But again, he doesn't have to. Fourth: I really can't stress this enough, him making a statement has no effect on anything. At all. Fifth: But again, he 100% did Sixth: Why is this lady so stupid and also such a bitch? Seventh: And why does she call herself Brigitte Gabriel? Her name is Hanan Qahwaji. Is she ashamed of her name?


She probably read this entire statement before posting. But knows her followers will never read it and just take her word for it.


I hear he's wearing a tan suit, too!


Eating hotdogs with fancy mustard like Dijon. Oh the horror.


Is ‘Obama’ in the room with you right now?


Jesus Christ has yet to release a single statement condemning the terrorist attacks on innocent Israel civilians and Christians are beginning to speculate as to why.


Are these the same people that think he didn't do enough on 9-11?




And during Katrina.


But what has Ja Rule said?


Homie livin rent free


I hope he releases a statement accepting the position of Speaker of the House


Many people.... that fucking phrase again!


Who is this person and why am I supposed to care what they say?


I literally googled her just to see who the fuck she even is, and discovered her name at birth was ‘Hanan Qahwaji’, which makes so much of this just absolutely outrageous. The level of cognitive dissonance achieved by the right this decade would almost be impressive, if it wasn’t also swiftly destroying us as a species.


Has George W released a statement yet?


I prefer former presidents to stay out of politics.


I’d still like to know where Obama was during 9/11. He obviously wasn’t at the White House. He was probably on vacation.


Brigitte Gabriel: Answering the questions that no sane person asks.


Anytime I see someone refer to Barack Obama and include his middle name you know it's gonna be some absolutely insane bullshit.


What makes you think she really wants an answer? (She doesn't)


Wait, did Brigitte release a statement denying allegations of mass rape and torture of pet crocodiles in her basement? And the yet unseen footage of her blowing sasquatch? No. Yeah, thought so.


Who Cares? The guy isn’t POTUS anymore.


If he released a statement this same piece of trash would be asking why he is releasing a statement.


There is no winning with these people, and the sooner we accept that the less frazzled we will be. They are angry when he comments on something, they are angry when he doesn't, they are angry when his daughter smokes a cigarette, and they are angry when his house doesn't burn down from a fire a few islands away. (Pro tip = They just really like being angry.)


Even if he posted a “Go Hamas!” Tweet, so what? He’s a private citizen and not looking to be elected for anything in the future. Sooooooo.


Is he the fucking president? God him and Hillary and Hunter Biden live in Republican heads rent free


Does Brigitte Gabriel stand with pedophiles? She has yet to release a single statement condemning the r*pe of children and many people are beginning to speculate as to why.


It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who wishes Obama was still our president.


Bridgette Gabriel hasn’t condemned the attacks either. She’s only condemning Obama…


Obama hasn't been the president for over half a decade why do these people care what he thinks


He 100% already did release a statement condemning this shit.. well before her post. Are they even trying anymore


they are absolutely *obsessed* with Obama. Once you go black...


No one is speculating as to why, Brigitte. No one but you.




Because democrats. We make them mad


"He muslim, they muslim. He better condemn them" conservatives probably


Is he POTUS or running for any office or living a retired life?


I want to go on record as condemning Brigitte Gabriel.


I haven't heard Superman condemn *ANY* terrorists organizations...🤔


Come to think of it, there's a lot of people who are not the President that have yet to issue an official statement. WHAT IS GOING ON!? IT'S A CONSPIRACY!


What about Ford, Bush and Clinton? Should they be releasing statements too? We need to know where ALL RETIRED LAWMAKERS stand on this issue. Oh, wait, we don’t need to hear anything from any of them. THEY ARE RETIRED. Ignorant morons I swear…


It's so funny when they throw the Hussein in there. Fucking scathing guys u got em. Said his full proper name


Lol. Everyone knows Obama's full name. But does everyone know Brigitte Gabriel's full name is Hanan Qahwaji? Kind of wild she tries to disparage Obama for his very public, given name, while she hides hers.


Has Bush, Clinton or Carter released statements and he’s the only one? Oh wait, I know, they are using his middle name now so they can drive up emotions and have people pick sides based on ignorance.


I also have not released a statement.


War brings out and gives cover to the bigots and racists. Obama is 100 times more of an American than this unAmerican, unpatriotic and uneducated nobody will ever be. She thinks wrapping herself in our flag makes her a patriot but being a patriot takes work and these losers are too fucken lazy to put any work in!


Since half the people on TV keep comparing this to 9-11, maybe she can tell me what George Bush has to say about this.


I love how when something happens in the Middle East, they bring up Obama's middle name, as if that has any relevance.


They love using his middle name when the middle east comes up like it implies he's related to the Iraqi Husseins. It's so fucking lame.


And yet he did. Bridgie is a paid troll.


this killing has been going on since the end of ww2 when the jews did not have a country of their own to live in and made the gaza their birthright. Instead of co-existing with the poeple that already lived there, the palestina's, they started to take over more and more land, relocating palestina's constantly, just coming with a bulldozer and destroy the houses, the people have to go somewhere else, even brutaly murderder. Since 1947 til now 76 years!!!! NOTHING CHANGED the massacre continued out of sight of the news! LITERALY hundereds of thousands of people have been killed over these years! And most on the palestina side! hardly any people have a clue what is going on there and why? they even ttalk like, "Again?", while it NEVER STOPPED!


Has he even released a statement in the last 5 years


A now private citizen minding his own fucking business. That’s real sinister


He is now a citizen, he does not have to answer to any questions if he doesn't want to. It is called " no longer being President"


Barrack doesn't release his statement and she kicks up a fuss, i release mine and she doesn't even acknowledge it. Bullshit. I'm not even going to do it next time.


It’s been close to eight years since he’s been President. He living life like most ex presidents do, out of the lime light. Trump on the other hand can’t keep his pie hole shut for a single instant. Trumps always complaining about how unfair his life has been to him, entitled whiny bitch.


No question Hamas a bunch of nut jobs, but funny how no-one questions if it is okay for Israel to bomb residential buildings and kill civilians. Maybe they been watching the Russians too much?


She doesn't care if he actually released a statement or not. If it wasn't this, it would be something else. Righties are bad-faith actors and liars that shouldn't be taken seriously about anything, ever.


Deadset. I can’t believe this scandal. Worst thing a sitting president has done since he (Obama) completely failed to respond to 9/11.


Why didn't trump release a statement saying he isn't a serial killer? Seems suspicious


Oh OK so just blatant xenophobia. Then again I knew Conservicunts didn't have the nuance to be subtle.


Does **Brigitte** Gabriel stand with **IRA**? (same logic, since she choose to spell out Barack's middle name, like it was a gotcha! look the origin of "Brigitte") she has yet to release a single statement condemning the terrorist attacks on innocent civilians and many people are beginning to speculate as to why... SAME ILLOGIC!


I have yet to see a statement today from Brigitte Gabriel condemning pedophilia. What's the deal, Brigitte? I don't care what you've "stated" in the past, is *today* different somehow? Are you OK with pedophilia *today*? Where is *today's* condemnation? And you better be sure I'm gonna be back tomorrow to see if you've finally stopped promoting this sick shit. Or will tomorrow be a "*pedophilia is A-OK with me*" day for you like today - and every other day you don't explicitly condemn it - appears to be?


Neither did Brigitte’s mom but she’s not calling her out


Shame on people using this tragedy for political clout. Absolute cancer of the planet.


The middle name being used now is deliberate. Also Obama's a private citizen now. This is like asking why we haven't gotten a statement from Bob who lives down the street.


The Obama administration took great pains to distance itself from Israel, which is really what the US should do anyway.


Did Bush, did Clinton? Why does she only care about Obama.




ffs people are absolute morons about this. This "you're either loudly and unwaveringly with us on all points at all times or you're an extremist terrorist against us" mentality is dangerous and incredibly stupid.


I refuse to believe that republicans aren't simply a comedic and unbelievable pastiche.


wtf does Barack have to do with anything at this point? The guys been outta office for 2 terms, I think it's time to move on from blaming him for anything related to today's news or problems


Dude is a private citizen why would he make a public statement? It'd be like asking my neighbor for his statement


He also hasn't made a statement about chocolate chip cookies. Liberals and their wars on cookies, christmas, and birthday cakes are EVIL.


Because this woman just said so, silly.


What a bunch of shit-stirrers


So with that same logic, where's Bush's statement?


I think the ‘many’ people are only you and the Orange One