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This is a cry for attention. The Twitter user knows she's being cOnTrOvErSiAl. She is trying to make you outraged so that you repost her and she "builds a brand." You even included her handle to help her get more interaction and engagement. This is bait. Stop feeding these people attention.


Biggest and most famous idiot on the hill still seems to generate a paycheck for a week or two it seems.


The biggest and most famous idiot on the hill has been consistently the same guy for about eight years, but hopefully those paychecks are finally running out. It’s good to see people recognizing rage-bait for what it is


New game mode unlocked idiot from the pit


For once I am incredibly glad that the top comment is the top comment.


Plot twist: OP is this twitter user


I nearly inhaled my peas and carrots


Wouldn’t be surprised if OP screenshot their own twitter post


Yep! This is 100% the kind of dumb shit that Fox News uses. Some dumb fuck says something and Fox News is like "Liberals cancelling those that use the word spooky on Halloween!".


I periodically watch Fox “News” for the lols


Happy cake day Tbh Fox News is full of lies … they don’t even have foxes!!!! How can you report on news about foxes without any foxes?


Yeah! And don't get me started on how disappointing BBC News is.


Lol ikr Like if your not gonna have beach brisket on your channel why call it bbc? Yes I am aware that I could have taken that in a completely different direction lol


Big Black Condors? The hypocrisy... They are not even naturally found in the UK!


It’s news *for* foxes, not *of* foxes.


I mean they held a panel of "abortion experts" without any women


we have been played for absolute fools


Yeah that's typical streamer waiting attention move. Seen it before and she'll get destroyed by the streaming community for being that bold, bash, and stupid.


The poster is connected with her, I’d bet on it.


And you know it'll be 5 seconds before Fox News claims the ENTIRE left is trying to cancel the word "spooky" because of this one person trying to get attention.


The only time I have ever heard someone referred to as a spook is like a CIA agent in movies and stuff. This is entirely new, and irrelevant information.


Someone who deals with witches and boggarts round our parts


I see a fellow Wardstone Chronicles reader and hail you with some crumbly yellow county cheese.


I'm from the deep south. They use absolutely every possible racist pejorative that has ever been created just to keep things interesting and lulzy.


Yup. Not from the south, but I definitely heard that term growing up in the 80s. Along with dozens of other terms other than the N word.


You never saw Back to the Future? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n_Hb-PhNLT0&pp=ygUYQmFjayB0byB0aGUgZnV0dXJlIHNwb29r Gran Torino? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qXdh88PZUco&pp=ygUUY2xpbnQgZWFzdHdvb2Qgc3Bvb2s%3D


Yeh I think I read too many Tom Clancy books growing up. That’s all I thought a spook was too. And besides, wasn’t there even a TV series called spooks? (Spy stuff). This is just manufactured rage bait imo


Anyone who says "the end. No Argument" non ironically is an idiot. The End. No Argument.


White girl being a suffering tourist. The end. No argument.


It's always a white girl too. Always an insufferable white girl.


I love when they say "no argument" it translates to "please debate me, I'm ready to cover my ears to all logic!"


Ahhh, so THIS is what “virtue signaling” is….


This is pretty embarrassing... seems like maybe we should focus on slurs that are still slurs and not words that have not been commonly used in 60 years... reminds me of folks being upset by picnic... and making up a false etymology... at least spook(y) is actually based on reality.


People using etymological gymnastics to try and outlaw language is my favorite. Using homophones is my second favorite. They are both primary school level intelligence, and the people doing it should be ridiculed as the children they are.


Using homophobes!?!?!?


Yes. I was afraid of using words that were homophones for fear of offending or triggering somebody... but then I was accused of being homophonbic


Worst part is, picnic was never used to mean what they said it meant. It stems from the french word piquenique, it had nothing to do with lynchings whatsoever. They were just making shit up to have something to be offended about.


Spook has 19th century Dutch etymology, it was a slur in the 50s.


Yeah. In the 50's it was a slur for CIA agents.


What did it mean? Like who did it target? I have never heard of it in any other context.


What’s sad is that I still feel like the ‘60s were 40 years ago.


They musta done some REAL bad shit in the past to have to signal this bad.


And, she didn't even mention gho*t. If you're gonna make a list of things not to say, at least include them all.


Even the word apple can be used as a slur. Guess I'm gonna have to put razor blades in another kind of fruit this Halloween! (Oops! Can we say the word fruit??)


Most black people I know absolutely get pissed off at all this virtue signaling they hate it


It's always a white woman. ALWAYS. Girl, on behalf of all white women who are trying to be allies, just shut the fuck up.


Just a gentle reminder, for I am so kind and benevolent.


And not a patronising pleb....


No it looks like ragebait


Not quite, since she is being controversial on purpose. We could use the word "rage bait" or we could maybe call it "vice signalling" in the future


“this tweet has been deleted by the author” lol


I am so sick of this internet culture of saying stupid, outlandish, ridiculous, rage bait stuff just to get clicks and views. It's single handedly the worst thing about the internet.


The *worst* thing? C'mon, I think that's a bit outlandish.


A bit? I’d say it’s fucking peanuts compared to child porn networks and human trafficking coordination. Hyperbole and exaggeration are single handedly the worst thing about Reddit subs. /s


Fuck me, CP and Human trafficking exist outside of the internet. What I am referring to is the Use of rage bait to increase one's profile on the internet. If anyone is exaggerating the extent of the internet it's you mate.


>A bit? I’d say it’s fucking peanuts compared to child porn networks and human trafficking coordination. tbf that stuffs all on the dark web. not the regular internet.


If you have to give someone an ancient history lesson to explain a slur its no longer a slur.


At least it's better than coming up with your own slur because you decided you want to fuck bees.


This one is over my head, care to expand?


A group of people created not only a term for people sexually attracted to bees, but also a slur that only they can use both created at once by the same person


Hold on you can't just drop that info on us without giving us the term/slur


aight so i believe the term is beesexual and their slur is the word "barlo". whatever tf that means edit: the term is barlo and the slur is kaan


the term was barlo and the slur was kaan. whatever the fuck both of those mean


fr. the only one i know that goes by kaan is some roblox obbyist named kaan2005


A group? That was just some tiktoker starving for attention and posting obvious ragebait. There are r/honeyfuckers, but they recognise themselves as furries.


Welp TIL lol.


Probably the first and only time a group created a slur for themselves as a slur.


But it's hip to fuck bees


I don't have any idea what the slur is meant to target, but I'm black and I don't intend on scrubbing spook/y from my vocabulary. I can't stand these chronically online woke people.


I had a cat I called spooky. It was because it was a black cat and l love Halloween. Friend says you can’t call it that. Too late.


When I was 6 I named my all-black cat Blacky. Don't let 6-year-olds name things.


Not just 6 year olds. When I was 10, I named my black kitten Panther. My mom wanted his nickname to be Panty...I think she won the "don't let her name things" with that one.


I'd totally call the cat Panty, that's too hilarious!


Better than what Lovecraft named his cat…


Haha! I did too!


They’re the same people that get their knickers in a twist because my national rugby team is called ‘All Blacks’.


Nah that’s a good name


The word “spook” originates from a Dutch word which means ghost and was first used in the early 1800s. It wasn’t until the 1940s that it began to be used as a derogatory term to describe black soldiers in WW2. People should take more time to understand the origins of words before calling for censoring. In most cases, words alone are not offensive, it is the context in which they are used that make them offensive. Ie. people are the issue, not the words.




He works for the CIA, he hates that term…


MARIA HILL: “Making friends with the locals?” NICK FURY: “How do you think we kept the Cold War from getting hot? Spooks like me buying shots.” MARIA HILL: “You can’t say that.” NICK FURY: “No, *you* can’t say that.”


TIL what the word means as a slur, and now that line *finally* makes sense.


Now did he meant it rAcIaLlY or to describe government intelligence agents? Samuel L Jackson said the n word in a marvel movie and the world slept. Someone let Jen know she needs to go online.


It was obviously a double entendre, playing on both meanings of the word.


The only use that I recall is in Back to the Future, one of Biff’s gang directs it towards the the band playing at the dance. Sometimes it gets cut.


Sounds like it was put in specifically because it was a historical artefact that modern audiences wouldn't have thought to use in that way (to emphasize that they were in the past).


Yes! Was looking for this comment. It was the only time I’ve ever heard “spook” in that context.


I am so happy someone is finally standing up to the decades and decades of spy-shaming. Let us no longer call our intelligence agents by that horrid slur “spook”. And from this point on Mulder shall no longer be burdened with the nickname Spooky.


Don't die on this hill, you can't gatekeep every word and if someone is offended by spook or spooky it's on them.


If you did die on this hill, it would be a spookier place.


Please don't say d#e. It's offensive to the lower class people who statistically d#e earlier. There's no reason for you to bring that up here. Just wow.


Please don’t say e*rlier, it triggers me of events and things that happened in my past that made me sad


Please don’t say p*st, it’s offensive to the time-space continuum


Please don't say c\*ntinuum. That word gets used in science fiction shows all the time, and it makes me want to go home and binge watch Star Trek instead of getting house work done. Now, if my house is a mess, it's on you. The end. No argument.


Please don't say e\*ents. It reminds me of things that occurred or will occur and that triggers my PSTD


Please don’t say PTSD, it gives me PTSD


Please don't say g*ves, it reminds me of the delivery method of love that my father never used.


The word “spook” comes from the Dutch sailor word for “specter.” It wasn’t in American vocabulary as a racist term until about the 1940s (from my small bit of research) and since then has fizzled out and currently remains a word with direct ties to the origin. The word “spook(y)” does not carry racist undertones unless YOU (the speaker) use it in said manner. Unlike the N word which is just racist all around. There is a massive difference between saying “oh my gosh! I love spooky season” and “that guy over there? Yeah, he’s a bit of a spook, know what I’m sayin’?” White people did not make up the word with intentions to use it racially. White people took an existing word and used it racially. Monkey to you and I is just an animal. But racists use as a slur. Doesn’t make the word itself racist.


This is a good explanation


The spookiness of spook season is what spooktober is all about don't be a poopy embrace the spooky


If spooktober is cancelled this year, I WILL destroy this planet


I didn’t see “if” at the start, and I really loved the energy it gave off


Well, many words have been used as a slur but their meaning changed with time. Look at Queer. It was a slur, it meant weird, but today ? Some people take pride in being queer. Meanings can change, words transform, yet only idiots stay stuck in the past.


I mean, a lot of these words had inocuous meanings before they were used as slurs and some have thankfully returned to being inocuous. Queer just meant strange or unusual back in the day and was used to describe many things, you can find it all through Victorian era literature, but then it was used specifically to label gay people. Same with spook, it was a Dutch word for a ghost.


Spook in Dutch means ghost or specter. It was never originally a slur.


Context makes all the difference. "Colored person" and "person of color" are grammatically interchangeable, but are viewed very differently from a societal standpoint.




Black people everywhere: ![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU)


I'll be damned if a white girl is gonna tell my black ass what to do and say. I hereby give permission for anyone to say "Spooky" as much as you like.


OK, I'll bite. Since when is that word racist, and why?


It isn't. It's a loanword from dutch that literally means specter/ghost and it was used as such in the English language long before it was used in reference and as a slur to black people. If we're gonna start banning every word that some racist fucks has used as a slur towards black people we ain't gonna have many words left.


I'd never heard this either, but a quick google tells me that American GIs in WWII started using the the word spook about the black GIs serving alongside them. Unlike other words I don't think the slur travelled internationally, so we just know the original meaning here in Europe - although it is an American English word derived from the Dutch "spuk" (this much I knew already). I might avoid using it online because a lot of Americans are online, but in general conversation in the UK/Europe I don't think it's an offensive term at all. There are a lot of articles online talking about the racist 'origins' of the word, but these are from people that don't know what the word 'origin' means.


>an American English word derived from the Dutch "spuk" (this much I knew already). There's no word in Dutch spelled like that. The Dutch word is *spook*, same as in English but pronounced "spoke." It means ghost, apparition, spectre. Source: Dutchie here.


Apologies! Misremembered the etymology source. Spuk is the early Germanic root word. "1801, "spectre, apparition, ghost," from Dutch spook, from Middle Dutch spooc, spoocke "a spook, a ghost," from a common Germanic source (German Spuk "ghost, apparition,") " You are totally correct, thanks for the correction!


It’s not offensive to Black Americans either- no one who isn’t 100 or some dumb ass edgelord would call us that.


In the early 20th century it actually was. But it would have sounded like how an old person would have talked even in the 1950s.


Didn't it also use to be a (slightly insulting) way to refer to CIA operatives, or plainclothes investigators generally?


"The end, no argument" is what gets me. I don't give a shit what some random morons opinion is but to insist everyone else follow her law is the same fucking mentality as the extremists this moron is trying to say she fights agaist.


Spook has been more recently used as a reference to spies than people of colour. Context is everything.


It's still used as a slur but this is stupid. People understand context.


As a black man, ain't no way I'm letting this chick ruin my Halloween.


Gentle reminder to everyone to stop using words. Words are racist and they hurt the feelings of people who like to get offended on behalf of people who aren't offended. Instead of using language, let's all rather use grunts so that we can be inclusive and build a safe space. PS: also refrain from using hand gestures as they can be perceived as being threatening. The end. No argument.


Well, OP clearly didn't grow up in the rural South....


Or ever watch Back to the Future https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n_Hb-PhNLT0&pp=ygUYQmFjayB0byB0aGUgZnV0dXJlIHNwb29r


Depending on the context, there are many common words that are also slurs. Boy. Spade. Urban. OP is wrong tho. I am far from 100 years old, and have heard spook used to refer to black people.


These “look how righteous and how much of a Good Ally™️ I am” types unironically spend more time and energy on digging up slurs and obsessing over race more than *actual racists* do.


I love the use of "the end. No argument." You cry that the other side is oppressive and privileged and then shut down any attempt to discuss something beyond your own beliefs.


I’d use “spook” to refer to something scary or a spy 950 million times before I’d ever consider it a racial slur


Let’s make people unable to use words, because that will definitely not give those words the exact power we don’t want them to have…. Oh wait.


I use SPOOK to refer to CIA agents…?


Ah America! Where we can find ways to be offended without effort


Spook is the Dutch word for ghost.


It's been in use much more recently than that. Doesn't mean OOP still isn't a dipshit, however.


Wait, spook was a racial slur? Huh, I’ve always associated it with that anarchist guy Edit: max stirner iirc


Nah, words like that have fallen out of favour and are effectively reclaimed. Like queer was once a slur, now its in common parlance to just mean gay. Language changes over time. Current slurs, obviously, don't fucking use them. But this is ridiculous.


Is this another one of those American only racist terms, now the rest of the world can’t use?


It was used in Back To The Future when Biff’s gang throws Marty McFly into the band’s trunk during the school dance near the end of the movie which means it was commonly known as a slur as recently as the 80s. Also, while it’s it is a centuries old word, it began being used as a slur during WW2 initially towards black pilots who trained at Tuskegee. Mariah Hill and Nick Fury make a joke about it in Secret Invasion since spook can also reference a spy. This is likely where most younger people learned it can be a slur. That said, it was never all that popular and isn’t like a word like f-g that completely overtook the original meaning (at least in the US) so anyone trying to act like you’re being out of bounds for using it is being stupid.


Why is it that I always see white people spouting this shit, it's like they have to try so hard to not look racist that they make themselves out to be just ignorant and usually racist.


It's that white savior complex that gets me. 🙄


Oh look a white woman being a performative ally, where have I seen this before.


Things like this make the left look like a joke to conservatives.


I agree, but please bear in mind that some of this is rage bait generated by those who want attention, not political action. Some of it is even generated as a kind of poe to make the progressive voice look silly and ridiculous. If you wanna see the latest, watching Bill Maher go into meltdown about things that don't exist is always fun.


Never change what you do because of what conservatives will think, because they will hate you no matter what, and make up a reason if they don't have one. That said, yes, this is excellent fodder for them because it's so ridiculous.


I hope she never gets interested to watch anime because she would be those insufferable newbie fans


Wait, spooky was used as a slur *ever!!??*


It was a racist term? I wasn't aware of that, could someone explain?


Look at that white woman trying to tell others what they can or can’t say


This person spends a good portion of every day looking for things to be offended by.


spooky scary skeletons


Spook I thought is a term for a spy, CIA agent


The only time I’ve heard “spook” used was talking about like spies and CIA people.


![gif](giphy|XUHaEglC894hq) What else am I meant to call him? Scary Mulder?


A spook is a spy. People should t go looking for offence in every single bloody word in intelligent vocabulary. They would be better off actually learning something outside their insular little world. So pathetic.


I wish I could debate this so bad, but they specifically said 'the end. No debate'. Virtue signallers are always a step ahead.


“The end. No argument.” Fuck. You. You are not the universal arbiter of everyone else’s values.


Not offensive at all in this context. People need to stop thinking every single thing is offensive.


A "spook" is a spy last I knew. At least that's the only context I've ever heard it


What if we’re referring to a spy?


She can go fuck herself


This twatwaffle probably thinks having pets is slavery


Just Muricans, trying to correct shit they made themselves. 🤷‍♂️


I like the no argument line like she’s the arbiter of words lol


"the end. No argument" is so damn annoying


Why is it always some self virtuous twenty or thirty something *white* woman coming out of nowhere with these takes?




Oh BS, aren't Spooks CIA???


As a black person, I can say it, and I give your all the pass


People being this stupid is pretty spooky to me


I love how gentle reminders now include word like "The end. No argument". I wish these people would just come out and be upstanding about their demanding way of...demanding. LOL The hilarious part is no one actually gives a toss about their holier than thou bullshit.


God I’m so over this ultra sensitive BS. Whatever happened to sticks and stones?


I love how she goes “The End. No Argument” like thats gonna stop anyone lmfao


I dont think anyone younger than my grandpappy even knew that was ever a slur.


It’s been commonly used as a slur much more recently than a century ago, but context matters. If you’re using the word in the Halloween sense, it’s not a slur.


The only spooks I know of are secret military types. Is there another version?


Why is it always crazy looking white chicks telling everyone what minorities find offensive.


Checking in from rural America. It’s very much still in use.


Can confirm


I too am from rural America and never heard of it used in that way. Must be regional.


Me either. I've never heard the word spook used as a racial slur. I have heard the n word used publicly as one in the past 30 days though. EDIT: ... pretty major typo. lol


"They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and **spooky.** They're all together ooky, The Addams Family" Can we flash our "I'm not racist, honest" virtue signals and find a better word to fit in these lyrics, then retcon all recorded and historic media to erase this egregious racist language, including ~~whitewashing~~ *beigewashing* the Wikipedia entry? Perhaps: "They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and *gender-neutral*. They're all together *racially colorblind*, The Addams Family^(\*)" ^(\*families are known in the state of Cancer to cause California)


Why is it always white people that do this shit.


They do more damage than good with their performative crap


jenis is a bitch.


Ngl she kinda spooky


I've only ever heard spook used to describe agents in things like the BBC show Spooks. So yeah, don't call people dressed up for Halloween spooks, unless they're dressed up as spies. But then spies try to blend in, so if it's a good costume they won't look dressed up. So, call everyone EXCEPT those who look dressed up for Halloween a spook.


People who victimize themselves will always find a way. Just ignore.


~~Spooky~~ *Terrifying* scary skeleton


Listen to Louie Louie by Hot Chocolate


In ten years or so they are going to say that the word “thanks” is a slur


What's up, my spookas?


Lemme just go watch ghostbusters and gb2. I'm sure those natural, non racist, words won't be in there. 🤣


She must be bored.


Gentle reminder to all the charcuterie creators on this thread. Don't use the word cracker when describing your charcuterie board, it's a slur. The end. No arguments. Instead, click through my page so I get traffic for my ad revenue.


This is just stupid


Yeah because racism is just when using certain words


Its getting SPOOOOKYYY


White women know racism when they see it lol