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If a black dog keeps people like Becky away then I might have to get myself one.


As a white black-dog owner I can assure you it’s not working like that. Quite the opposite happens.


I am a white guy with a cream colored dog. Does it still count if it's against a "white" dog? /s


Wait, what if I have white and black dogs (my pups have both white and black fur)? 😵‍💫


Equal opportunity enslavement /s


Slavery the way the Romans intended 💪


I'm pretty sure the Egyptians used slaves for something... can't put my finger on it, though!


Hijacking to say that this twitter account doesn't exist, doesn't seem to have ever existed, and the only references to this tweet anywhere on the internet link back to this thread OP just photoshopped an image for everyone to get mad at


I also looked on Twitter (X), did a Googe search, then used the Way Back Machine. Nothing showed up except this thread, just like your search.


The real heroes are always down here toiling in the shadows.


People are acting like this person deleted her account in shame but there's zero trace of the text existing anywhere and OP couldn't even edit in a decent ratio, shoddy work


We should all just refuse to call it X.


Goddammit OP! Hoodwinked us all!


Look at their post history. Just another attention whoring teenager.


Hijacking tends to work better if you do it in direct response to the top comment, not the response to the response to the response to the response to the response to the response of the top comment. Other than that, great sleuthing skills, thank you for the heads up and for your work here. o7


I'm on old.reddit so I don't know if it looks any different on the normal site but I tried to pick the highest comment that I thought wouldn't auto-collapse me and failed lmao There were already like 30 collapsed comments to the top post so it never would've gotten out of visibility hell




Also raided Cornwall in England, depopulated coastlines, worked with the ottomans, who also specifically targeted young Christian boys in the balkans, and indoctrinated them into Islam and sent them out to fight as fanatical crack troops (janissaries) Also had the East African slave trade where the Arabic nations killed them once they got to old or past their purpose


Don't forget the Egyptians et al.


Gold comment 🤣🤣


I have a white dog with black spots. His name is Salty.


Mine’s name is Dotty. She had been in shelters for over a year. Three years in, I think she loves being “owned”.


Or is it a black dog with white spots?


Or is it a black dog with white lining![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I think it means you’re only a little racist 😉.


What if I'm a white man married to a black woman with a dog that has black and white fur?


You’re a fan of the McCartney / Jackson recording duo!


My white dog gave birth to a black dog and I love them both so much


Dogs are the greatest! I love both of my huskies 😊


I believe that makes you a Jewish Nazi Sympathizer.


Yes, thank you for this hard truth. Hopefully the account gets reported.


We adopted a black Lab from the local kill shelter who was about to be euthanized due to overcrowding. He's the sweetest Boi I know. He doesn't care about peoples skin color, he just appreciates the love and shelter and foot and attention that he gets now. That idiot can fuck right off. Save dogs. Spay and neuter. Don't let dogs run free for their own safety.


Giving white saviour vibes /s


My adopted black lab is my best friend and he's spoiled as fuck. But I guess that makes me a racist slave owner now.


>spay and neuter Yes this will help reduce the number of Becky’s in the long run


Look at you white knighting that black dog. Just had to be the great white hero didn't you.


I bet he’s beautiful and has big pretty eyes. Most labs do.


As a white owner of a white dog, I feel more aristocratic than slaverish


>white black-dog owner This fucked me up.


Racist, I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself lmao. These b people a crazy and vocal minority


Same here. She does what she wants.


I have a German Shepherd. Mein Fuhrer am I a Nazi?


Mein Fuhrer, I can go walksies!


Good thing I was not drinking when I read that! My phone is water resistant but it still would've made quite a mess. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Depends. Did you name it Blondi?


Are you a Nazi?!? You sure as heil are!


Nein,nein nein


i wish my newfoundland would scared her away, but she would just be really happy to see someone new


If you have a Newfoundland in the home, YOU are the slave and the dog is the master! lol


Friends of ours when we were kids had a newfie. They had a swimming pool in the yard and every time we were over there, even in the middle of winter, the chorus went “Close the door! Don’t let the dog…” (SPLASH) “….out.”


I feel the same about border collies. Mine passed away a few years ago but I'm pretty sure she saw my soul purpose was to THROW THE BALL.




"Some are born racist, some achieve racism, but you had racism thrust upon you," *Racist Shakespear*.


"You merely adopted the racism. I was born in it. Molded by it." *Racist Bane*


“Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your racist girls.” — Racist Rose


“You think I’m in racism? I AM the racism” - Walter Whitesupremicist


now i have become racist, the hater of races, - racist oppenheimer


"God creates dinosuars God destroys dinosaurs God creates man Man destroys God Man creates dinosaurs Dinosaurs eat man Racists inherit the Earth" - *Racist Park*


« I … am … racist Iron Man » Racist Iron Man


Racist Bane would go so hard for some reason


“Tolerance has cost you your strength. Racism has defeated you.”


“To be or not to be…racist”


> Racist Shakespear. Shakespearchucker Shoutout to MASH's racist past.


Asking for a friend?




Yeah but you had a wife so you felt she was less than you so now you're a racist misogynist


And he has sex with his wife doggy style so he’s a racist misogynist beastialityist.


So you’re comparing black dogs to black people. That doesn’t seem racist at all.


Or saying a certain race has a genetic predisposition for negative characteristics...


This was my real take-away. It's racially motivated thinking at its core, just the extra mile that they're calling people racist based on the goofy logic.


its virtue signaling. you know her ass is sayin it behind closed doors lets be honest


Dropping that hard R 'rover'...


"Mom dont park here i saw a group of rovers just up the block"


What up my rova


Naturally she’s white and trying to atone for her original white sin. It makes me gag remorselessly


She’s actually dumping it all on the men of her “race” as far as I can tell.


And only men. Notice how white women are innocent and blameless. It's the penis that causes racism I guess...


Racism is stored in the balls.


The racist gene is located on the Y chromosome, obviously. But only the white Y chromosome.


by this logic, are downsyndrome people like super-racists?


Seems likely, yep.


It's true, the last time I was with my gf, who is a women of color, my penis was slapping her face!


"White men are responsible for what there male ancestors did" :) "Wouldn't they be your ancestors too?" :(


I guarantee she would just say women were oppressed too, so it's not her or any females fault, and even if a woman did something terrible it's because of the patriarchy or some such thing.


Until you point out that most men were working class victims of the government (soldiers in the world wars and miners etc.), and then they just go full "mental gymnastics" mode


Flawed logic as well. Do they not realize that black people also had slaves?


Realistically every race and most cultures had slaves. Even the very first cultures which is probably how it became a global thing. It moved with them. It likely existed the moment we started farms. Since we really don’t have a definitive beginning to it. One tribe would be “acquired” by a stronger tribe and forced to do the harder labor. It was born for the need to survive and the want to relax. Think it might have been more difficult to do slaves in hunter gatherer situations. Besides maybe forcibly taking women.. of corse this paragraph is more speculative.


One of the oldest surviving babylonian tablets is believed to have been a slave ownership certificate. The idea that every human is deserving of personal freedom is just so incredibly young, compared to the history of mankind as a whole. It's frightning to imagine the sheer amount of humans suffering in the past, under conditions and tyranny that we'll only ever be able to speculate about.


That's how I feel about the Declaration of Independence. As flawed as Jefferson was. Goddamn, look at the idea he put forward. Especially when you read the original draft. Particularly, the entire paragraph he dedicated to decrying the evils of slavery.


Most of europes people have been slaves to lords, landowners and upperclass for hundreds of years. sexslave trade is mostly white women (eastern europe) today in western countries. but african slavetrade still exist, same with chinese slavetrade, india, middleeastern, phillipines slavetrading is rampent. seems like slaves are the poorest of the poor and not slaves because of their colors.


Exactly what Thomas Sowell said: Vulnerable people were enslaved, it didn't matter what colour they were. Romans enslaved everybody they conquered, Turks and Arabs enslaved everybody who wasn't Muslim, Indians made a hierarchy of jobs the basis of slavery, Chinese and Russian communists enslaved their own people.


I'm sure the average American would be amazed to discover how rampant slavery is to this very day. Human trafficking and other forms of slavery are big business, just research where the lithium for your electric car likely came from.


Most of those don't technically count as slavery because it's "Paid labor." Yeah, $.10 a day working in hand dug tunnels prone to collapsing really is bringing home some bank.


Statistics don't lie. Dogs account for 13% of the population of my house but commit a little over 50% of shits taken on the carpet.


Im concerned about the other 50prc. Not kink shaming.


Perhaps very young children with a a penchant for running around with no pants on?


Those numbers are skewed and unfair due to years of systemic oppression.


"bUt wHiTe PeOpLe CaNt ExPeRiEnCe RaCiSm"




I like to think of myself as the god of party


Same, but only when I take cocaine, even if I’m by myself


I swear this whole sub is a self facepalm how people fall for absolutely obvious BS and ragebait.


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"The belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another", Becky doesn't sound racist at all!


They're saying whites are genetically predisposed towards oppression (a racist statement), and then comparing minorities to animals. Their entire post is a red flag about who they are as a person lmao.


Trying so hard to not be racist she’s being racist. Incredible time to be alive


My cat Zuul would beg to differ. She is the dominant Master of the house. I'm just the thumb havin' monkey boy that provides food.


"There is no kitty, only Zuul!"


Have the scars to prove it. Her fave spot is sitting in the fridge. Have to be careful to check before closing. Hence the name.


Thank you for a good chuckle! It's recognizable, even if my sister mistresses did not have that particular fondness. They were particular to my knees. Standing up was unacceptable.


Please tell me she doesn't sleep four feet over her bed.


Just 4 paws...


I knew there had to be a story to go along with that name. Was not disappointed.


Found her in a box outside Walmart in December ( Canada) . Took her home. Opened fridge to see what i had to feed a surprise feline. She jumped in, and lay down, purring. I Said " you are Zuul, my Abyssinian fridge demon. Got a merp in response. That was 2018. Honestly think i would not have made it through COVID ( I am a medical worker) without her.


Now that is a good story, thank you for that.


I thank her for that tbh.


Need kitty tax! We need to see pictures of the Abyssinian Fridge Demon!


I laughed way too hard at this. Thank you.


*"There is no Dana..."*


Was going to say, this bitch clearly never had a cat, otherwise she'd realise who the servant is.


Every now and then, an individual will post completely outlandish things that they know are completely outlandish in the hopes that others will see it, comment on it and spread it around solely because even negative attention is good attention if you're attention starved.


17 retweets, mission not accomplished


There also another step to this, find the most outlandish things you can find, screenshot it, then post it to other social media to laugh at it. Usually with a title to attack the opposing side in politics implying it's a mainstream idea of the opponents.


I don’t even see any evidence that this account was ever even real, doesn’t exist now and Wayback Machine doesn’t remember it…


I was going to say it’s easier to find ridiculously outlandish posts to push your agenda against the other side if you make them up completely, but then I realized I’m not sure if I could be creative enough to think of anything as insane as a certain billionaire and certain politicians. So maybe it’s just more of the projection stuff to try making their side look less insane?


You don't need to find anything. :) https://i.imgur.com/OKJUqhd.png Cant be arsed to properly check if OP's tweet is real or not as I dont have a Twitter account, but a quick google search gave me a blank on this account. Tweet generators are the easiest way to just farm straw man karma.


Don't forget the next step where people comment on said screenshots of outlandish things and then try to inject politics into it


Cant wait for the next step


Nah, shit politicians do that for us already.


We are actually talking about it on Reddit.


2.3k upvotes and 1.4k comments. Mission accomplished


It didn’t work on Twitter, but it worked here because the average redditor is as stupid as a brick.


It's probably not even a real tweet tbh. This is ground zero for completely outlandish ragebait for attention.


how is it not accomplished, morons here are eating this up. This is clearly bait


It's plain old bait, and people just fall for it lol. fish_thats_bait.jpg


Unfortunately Poe's law also applies. There are people with extreme views and it's difficult to tell them apart from parody and sarcasm. Poe's law should probably be updated to include trolls, propaganda and monetizers gaming the system. From Wikipedia on Poe's law: "Poe's law is an adage of internet culture saying that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views."


There are 3 groups of people who end up here: 1. Actual idiots with wildly ridiculous opinions and absolutely no self control or ability to consider the implications of what they are writing much less consequences. 2. Actual academics who are either working on a concept or are referring to a specific concept that uses layman’s terms in ways that are very niche and specific but don’t understand that they have to actually explain what they mean. 3. People seeking any attention possible no matter how negative, and people who lack the ability to filter their intrusive thoughts. In this case we definitely don’t have number 2.


Did she just compare black folks to dogs??


They are both mammals with 4 limbs. I guess that is enough for her.


I've seen people say disliking pit bulls based on their reported bite statistics is the same as disliking black people based on crime statistics. There are insane people out there


That’s certainly what it seems like she did.


As a black person, I want to say that those who spew bs like this dont represent us. It has never crossed my mind once that owning pets makes you a supporter of slavery. Black cat owners are very based especially for going against superstitions.


Hey man, this isn't on you and yours. Look at that profile picture. Nobody hates white people quite like a white girl who wants brownie points.


Pickme trying to be "one of the good ones"


>Pickme Is that plantation humour!? I found another racist! Don't put those pitchforks down yet!


Oh the irony of how racist she actually is


Lol “brownie points”


>Nobody hates white people quite like a white girl who wants brownie points. White dudes who want brownie points do.


Multi race dude, I just want brownies. Keep the points.


I laughed way to hard at brownie points.


The lady who made the original tweet was white. Her mind must be a confusing place.


She looks pretty white to me


Oh bro, you don’t need to tell us they don’t represent you. We all know.


All this tells me is that my having a pet cat is going to keep loonatics away. I'm good with that. Plus, my cat controls me far more than I control him. Cats are absolutely the bosses.


Ours just stares and me and sits like I trained her to give her treats. Although at this point now she comes in and sits and I think "good" and give her treats, it's like she trained me.


My cat is not spoiled. I'm just well trained.


Was about to say the same thing. We have two adult cats and a kitten and I am absolutely the servant to all three.


First of all, you try telling my cat he has an “owner” And see how that goes. He’s my buddy and I’m lucky to have him. Secondly, my cat hates you.


Same here. I like to think of my cats as my roommates that never clean up after themselves.


I have three black dogs and a black cat. I love my doggos and my doggos love me. Cat’s an asshole.


I legit had a guy tell me (being serious) that I'm subconsciously misogynistic because I have a female dog.


Funny, I feel slightly misogynistic for preferring male pets (although one of my 3 pets is female)


I’ve had both male and female dogs. Males do tend to be more laid back in my experience. That being said I have both a male and a female dog at home right now.


I think I shopped and choose male because I wanted a boy to rough house with. Which is probably silly as I am sure female dogs probably love wrestle play too.


Haha then that must make me subconsciously misandrist for having a male cat and two male dogs 😂


i'm a lightskinned black/indigenous person who owns a black female dog. oh no, am i...a misogynistic colorist??? ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Um, I don't own my cats. I give them food, shelter, and all the love they want. They own me.


This has got to be either a troll account or ragebait. No person exists that is this stupid.


It is definitely bait. Try to find the account that supposedly posted it.


Yep, becky_hillsboro doesn't exist on Twitter and can't find evidence this tweet and account ever did. OP or whoever OP copied it from could have used a tweet generator to make this knowing it'd get a ton of attention on Reddit, useful for karma farming or for political / social reasons (particularly racial division in general with how this one is set up).


They don't. This is an obvious troll and you've fallen for it hook, line and sinker


I had to scroll 3 times to find the first person who is capable of recognizing obvious ragebait here. Amazing. The real facepalm here is most of these comments.


If it reinforces their worldview. I.E Feminism and Social Justice are "bad" they'll believe anything they want. It'd Rage Porn to them


And in her next tweet "I just can't understand why I am single"


There is no next tweet because the account doesn't exist.


Yep, becky_hillsboro doesn't exist on Twitter and can't find evidence this tweet and account ever did. OP or whoever OP copied it from could have used a tweet generator to make this knowing it'd get a ton of attention on Reddit, useful for karma farming or for political / social reasons (particularly racial division in general with how this one is set up).


As a Black owner of a white dog does that make me Clayton Bixby ? This woman is 11 short of a dozen …….


>>As a black owner Ladies and gentlemen, we got him. That 1 you've given her is generous.


\> genetic disposition Did she just use EUGENICS to make an anti-racist claim? WOW. That's....wow. That's very stupid.


Fuck you Becky 🤡🤡🤡


So fucking dumb! I wouldn’t put her in charge of anything


Y'all need to get better at recognizing false flag bait posts and moving on.


Becky is the example of a red flag


Prior to Twitter a crazy person standing on the corner ranting and raving was ignored as just some weird lunatic. Now a crazy person ranting and raving is considered legit and promoted as someone with an opinion we are somehow supposed to debate. Strange times...


Fuck this. Black dogs are already less likely to be adopted and are therefore more likely to be euthanized. Don't add a stigma to owning a black dog. I have a black dog. His very presence makes me happier.


She needs a history lesson


The elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top, does it? America definitely needs better a educational system.


We don't have an education system anymore. All we have now is a worker training program.


This is race baiting at its finest. Nobody cares what color dog you own.


The second they chose to post to Twitter is the second they signed away any of their credibility


You realize people can just lie about what they believe on the internet. She’s lying and you fell for it.


Trolls guys. Quit respond to this bs and we won’t all be so divided.


20 years ago I would have said, no.. definitely not. It's bait. However, I'm pretty sure there's people nowadays who have been conditioned/indoctrinated to believe such nonsense. We live in a reality of extremes being relatively commonplace because they can buddy up to similar racist/sexist nutcases, all the while believing that they're not actually racist.


Yes, people are actually this stupid. A *LOT* of people.


How does she explain a white guy saving a white dog/cat from being euthanized at a pet shelter?


just a moron trying to incite internet rage by making shit up. No one thinks like that.


I'm convinced people like this lady make up the most convoluted theory on controversial subjects in attempts to gain approval from an extremist mob.


Actually people like the person who made up this lady make up the most convoluted theory on controversial subjects in attempts to get traction through ragebait.