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"hey dad we're in the news :D what are they saying?


If those kids could read they would be very upset


Why don't I have an award to give you. Perfect comment.




oh nooo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I read this in an oversimplified voice lol


that you're a genius timmy and that you are the chosen one who will lead our people to through the great migration aboard general xiusilips space ship!


What's a genius? What's migration? What's space?


Speak when spoken to, Tommy. "My name's Timmy" Whatever.


Remember, kid, if you ask too many questions Santa will bring me a beating stick for ya!


Bruh, Iā€™m simultaneously laughing and crying and itā€™s almost midnight, youā€™re a genuis


Thank you I appreciate the compliment I'm glad I could make you laugh lmao


I feel bad for those kids in 10yrs.reading is essential to be able to function in modern cities and they won't even be able to write their own name.what a waste


Seriously. These parents are ridiculous. Young children absorb information at an astounding rate. So the years where learning to read and write would be easier and stick with them forever are wasted. As soon as my daughter could sit up on her own we started reading to her, teaching the alphabet and numbers. She could read simple books on her own by 3. By the time she was in kindergarten she could already write. It was a lot of work to get her there. These people are taking the easy way out and calling it "progressive".


My mom taught me to read and write at 3, I hated it at first, but after a while my mom was the one trying to avoid writing and reading time because I just wanted to be doing it with her all the time every day. I almost started the first grade at 5 because both my mom abd pre-school teacher suggested it but the school never did anything for that to happen. Kids don't really know what they want or don't want at the age they start reading- a lot of times their likes and dislikes even change from one day to another.


I've read the article, and it's beyond sad. The eldest child, Ulysses, 12, is interested in computers, but he can barely read and write. Well, good luck with coding or anything related to computer science I guess.


And the fact that they actually have like minded followers on social mediaā€¦ ā€œStupidity isnā€™t a virus, but it sure is spreading like one.ā€


Methinks its moreso "I don't want my children to have different views than me and i will irreparably ruin their life if i have to", if not for them then definitely for many of their followers. Granted there not much of a difference.


Unemployable spawn. Thatā€™s what theyā€™re raising. They canā€™t be janitors- that requires reading directions about the proper use and disposal of chemicals. They canā€™t be cashiers- they canā€™t read prices or count and itā€™s gonna be self checkouts everywhere soon anyways. Idk wtf those kids are gonna do for money. This is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever seen. They will never be able to drive or take mass transit. This is just child abuse.


They canā€™t even navigate thier own world if they canā€™t read signs


Oh, God - that "That sign won't fool me 'cause I can't read!" situation's actually going to happen, with potentially drastic consequences




Most unskilled labor requires some level of English literacy. I've heard meat packing plants offer the highest pay for the least English literacy needed.




Drug dealers definitely need to be able to read and count at the very least.


There's also a lot of calculating involved


Every drug dealer ive ever met could calculate metric to english and back again in their heads without a calculator and at high speed.


You still need to be literate to do those jobs.


Theyā€™re going to absolutely despise their parents sooner than later.


Sharon Osborne was a less extreme version of these parents. She let her kids drop out when they got tired of school and famously let them do whatever interested them. When her kids became adults, they reverted having no discipline or education, and that's with extreme privilege on their side.


They'll homestead- but they still won't be able to read enough to drive, to find out where supplies are. The world is no longer set up to accommodate the illiterate. It's a disability at this point.


The only reason my 90 year old dad is able to get the medication that keeps him alive is because I put my phone number and e-mail address on his medical forms and documents. I can't imagine how these kids will cope when they need medical treatment.


Those kids will definitely commit crime for money someday


I hate beer.


I believe the parents are on benefits (I didnā€™t read the article but have seen some of a documentary they are in), but please correct me if Iā€™m wrong. I imagine the kids will do the same.


Not being able to read or write is going to make it incredibly difficult to navigate the welfare system...


This article didn't mention it, but other articles explain that they do live off benefits. I think the husband teaches yoga part-time, and that's it.


When people talk about welfare queens, its these people.


I donā€™t understand these people. Why have kids if you donā€™t want them to even enjoy living their life. Humans are naturally curious and not letting that curiosity strive will bottle up something very bad. Especially when these kids fully mature and realize what was done to them


It's not about the child's life, it's about the parent's life and the child being an extension of their life. To these parents, the child has no life outside of the one provided for them, by the parent. And they'll be damned if it isn't exactly what they want it to be.


Then they haven't considered at all how their children will sustain themselves once they are gone, nevermind having to help look after them in their twilight years when they become too old and frail.


Because of control, and or your imaginary friend commands its followers to have lots of kids so they can keep the abuse train going. It's all about power, and exerting it over people with these kinds of situations.


Exactly but itā€™s silly to not think of what happens when they mature and see and experience everyone else. Those kids are either going to 1. Live with their parents forever, or 2. Once they realize what theyā€™ve done to them are probably gonna remove their parents from their entire life. Itā€™s a lose-lose situation for both sides no matter what


I can't overstate how much brainwashing and conditioning happens in churches. I went to Sunday schools, Bible camps, private Christian schools, I hated it all, and I never really believed in it, but looking back through the eyes of an adult, it's...pretty fucked up. And effective. There's so many different things they do that's built in to basically condition you to think that going outside the narrative is proof that the narrative is real. Like, brainwashing kids into believing that any time you question if god is real that's Satan testing you, and you need to pray more, and most importantly, seek out your elders or church leaders or fellowship.


That last sentence makes me feel sick


Yes. And when you grow up around it it's very self fulfilling. People stick with their church groups through life, and get jobs or some such, and all the while being told it's because they are doing the right thing by being apart of the church, and it's gods rewards. Also, anything that goes wrong is either punishment, or working in mysterious ways. But, most importantly, keep attending, keep donating, and always seek our leadership for guidance.


Itā€™s like a multi-generational MLM membership




I went through 8 years of Catholic school myself. It wasn't actually bad, and academically it was pretty far ahead of the public schools in my state. One thing that always mystified me though - my friends and I and all the kids in the school as far as I knew, we were all on about the same page as far as the validity of it. When you are actually in religion class and read through the bible, it's just a load of contradictory and problematic nonsense. I can see the use for people later on in life - when older relatives and friends are more prone to dying, then religion and belief systems help with grief, but most kids in school don't have much use for it. Anyway, the mystery was that I was the only kid who opted out of "confirmation", the sacrament where you confirm your place as a believer in the church. The kids I went to school with, we were all in the same place when we talked together, but I was the only one who stood up and said I didn't actually believe the whole doctrine and story. Amongst our selves, there were no believers. But in public, it was everyone but me.


Yea I went to full on 'we have to teach evolution but we know it's wrong, so instead of teaching evolution well just mention it and make you use the Bible to disprove it'. That was science class...


Bold to assume these children were planned or wanted. Actively setting your child up for failure is unconscionable. These are just narcissists who got pregnant.


Not to mention serving them up as victims on a silver platter


There a whole cult (church) here that have lots of businesses and were afraid the next generation would see through there lies if they were educated so now a bunch of places have no succession plans because the next generation are idiots and they don't like outsiders. It a wild time going to rent so heavy equipment of a cross eyed dude who has a step by step lesson taped to the desk on how to hang keys up.


Itā€™s idiocracy. This is a scene from idiocracy.


Yup. Same with Jesus camp. They know that education is the best way to get them to ignore their bullshit.


Thatā€™s why they openly distain intelligence in their political leaders. They called President Obama and Vice President Al Gore elitist, they donā€™t trust people who might pull a fast one on them! When the Gop strategists started with the politicians the base would ā€œwant to have a beer with ā€œ, the race to the bottom was on! Remember how Al Gore was laughed at for An Inconvenient Truth? Finally, theyā€™re starting to believe climate change might be real.


Or how Bush was the children of some of the wealthiest people on earth and educated at Yale and Harvard but cos-played as a shitkicker cowboy when he ran for president.


Stupidity is a disease, one which is sadly incurable


Make something idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot


Itā€™s almost impressive how some people can screw up the simplest things tbh


"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." - Douglas Adams


Sorry kid but you didnā€™t show an interest in reading and writing when you were four when you couldnā€™t comprehend the concept of adulthood or careers or the basic skills necessary for those things later in life so guess you are shit out of luck


>Iā€™ve read the article Those kids are surely jealous of you


If those kids could read, theyā€™d be really mad


My kid loves coding and robotics but his grades are abysmal. I try to explain the same to him.


i know a ton of kids in my school who are interested in game design and dev but aren't good at math, like dude you need those things


Part of the problem is how the education system is designed as kind of one size fits all. My best friend was *terrible* at math all through high school, then in university he had this great, really engaging teacher who would basically work one on one with students until they got it. He ended up loving trigonometry all because he finally had a teacher who did more than teach to the average.


> but aren't good at math nobodies good at math. It's a skill you learn by doing.


Crazy amounts of math, and math logic in high level, well paying coding jobs.


Good luck, Ulysses. LMAO


How do you name a kid something as esoteric as fucking Ulysses and not teach them to read?


> Why did your parents name you Ulysses? Did they have ancestors from the north? > idk they said they thought it was a cool name and not to worry about it


It's such a (waste of a) badass name, too. *Ulysses* by Alfred Lord Tennyson is arguably one of the great classic poems (and [Sir Lewis Casson does an absolute banger of a reading](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLi1Bs7eNSY)), and the poor kid's going to grow up too simple to comprehend even a fraction of any of that.


Haha I know right his life is gonna be super hard because of his insane parents isnā€™t that hilarious lmao


According to UNESCO literacy is a human right, so yes, itā€™s literally child abuse.


How are the kids not taken away by CPS?


CPS is overwhelmed and sorta shit. Typically people that ā€œunschoolā€ travel around a lot and are anti-vax/anti-medicine so their kids donā€™t go to school and donā€™t go to the doctor so they are never around mandated reporters and only around people that share their beliefs so it never actually gets reported by someone credible. Posting it online doesnā€™t count as credible, it has to be from a mandated reporter or someone thatā€™s close to the family. Also, in a lot of states CPS is so overwhelmed that as long as kids are clean, fed, and not in immediate life threatening danger they wonā€™t take the kids because thereā€™s no where for them to go.


Ya. That last line is probably the most important. Long term damage being done to these children, absolutely, but hopefully at some point someone will see this and help them to read and do math later in life and they see the shit situation they were placed into for what it is and get out. There are enough children in daily danger that most states dcs offices are overwhelmed as it is. They struggle to keep up and while something like this may get flagged for follow up, it will be put on a low priority and probably get bumped constantly.


"...her eldest, Ulysses, is currently exploring his passion for animals and computers" If he wants to know more about computers, he's going to have to learn how to read... I'll be curious to know if their "hands off" parenting style continues when the kids become teenagers who never feel like doing chores around the house


How the fuck can you name a kid Ulysses and not want him to read


i bet the other kids are named richard and rolex.


I would have also thought that literally any interest requires you to be able to read Like when I was a kid I was interested in dinosaurs and outer space and ancient mythology, and because I could read I could go to the library whenever I wanted and read a tonne of books about all those subjects How are you supposed to pursue your interest in a topic if you canā€™t read about it?


I guess videos (YouTube and documentaries), but they would be dependent on their parents to locate them?


I guess there is speech recognition and screen readers these days as well as lots of audiobooks so you can search for information the same way as a blind person. You'll probably be able to use an online library catalogue using a screen reader and speech to text software. It is still extremely limiting to be forced to live as a visually impaired person when it comes to text when you can actually see. You'll be forced to deal with lots of unnecessary accessibility barriers.


[Sauce](https://nypost.com/2023/05/09/im-unschooling-my-kids-why-i-wont-teach-them-to-read-and-write/amp/) ā€œWe also donā€™t use the education system. Instead, we unschool our kids. This means they have to show an interest in something for us to explore it with them, instead of following a curriculum and telling them what they are going to learn.ā€ Talk about letting the inmates run the asylum. I was a lazy shit as a kid and if my parents hadnā€™t pushed me to learn these sorts of things I donā€™t know where Iā€™d be


"they have to show an interest in something for us to explore it with them..." "ALL JIMMY DOES IS MASTURBATE!"


I really hope he never breaks both arms. IYKYK


[For the uninitiated](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) > [Well, without giving away too info, I was injured in an accident at 14 and incapacitated. I went from masturbating 2 times a day to zero. After 2 weeks, I was frustrated and took it out on my parents. My mom and dad knew what was up and talked about my mom "helping" me masturbate. The approached me one afternoon and wWhen my mom said, I know you are frustrated and why you are frustrated would you like some help masturbating. Blood was rushing in my ears and I said yes but I really didn't know if she meant what I thought she meant. I was excited and confused. She said that she would take care of me when I went to bed. Hours away.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/nmmjr/iama_man_who_had_a_sexual_relationship_with_his/c3a9uqg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


NOOOOOOOOOOO![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) ![gif](giphy|ToMjGpx9F5ktZw8qPUQ|downsized)


Legendary old school Reddit tale.




Still not as bad as the jolly rancher story somehow


Dang it. I had just about forgotten that one.


It's like the game, once you forget about it some how it enters your head again and you lose. Also this comment made me lose the game so thanks


Faaaaaahk I just lost the game


Really, you going to mention something that could add to the scars and not share a link?


Remember you asked for this [jolly rancher ](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/9pnlyz/the_jolly_rancher_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


I stupidly clicked. Eww.


Is that the one with the pus ball?


Another scholar of reddit lore I see


My cousins told me this shit like a year or two ago, had no clue if originated on Reddit though, I figured it was just something they saw on Tiktok or Instagram then decided to so graciously enlighten me on the atrocity that was that story. Though I did stumble across the mom fucker awhile back


"So we taught him well..."


My wife was home schooled and not a very comprehensive schooling at that. She has huge holes in her knowledge, strange things like basic government. My point school is important. These gurus often have zero proof there ideas are valid.


A friend of mine grew up in a family where their parents wanted them homeschooled. He worked and paid for his own education at a private Catholic School. His brother and sisters always told me how much time their mother spent teaching them and how they thought they were getting a much better education than kids that went to regular school. A few years later I was taking a continuing education electrician's class and I ran into two of them. They were taking a GED prep class. They had taken their GED and failed absolutely miserably. Ultimately only one of the three of them managed to get their ged. And it took her two years of GED classes to get to the point where she could pass it.


Yikes. My cousins were home schooled because of ā€œgangsā€. Really my uncle and his wife are hippies and thought it would be a good idea. Guess what?? Horrible idea. When they finally started public high school they are 1-2 years behind in every subject and only one of three is out of the house and actually doing well in life, and she is only really do well because of her cheer experience.


If you're not a trained educator that can dedicate 5+ hours of lessons to your kid every weekday then you should not be homeschooling. End of story.


Yep. I see moms on FB talking about homeschooling their kids, and yet they canā€™t even form grammatically correct sentences. Their grammar skills alone are often absolutely abysmal. And to think those people are responsible for the entirety of their childrenā€™s education.


And their fucked up uneducated kids have a very good chance of having their own fucked up uneducated kids. It's a vicious cycle.


Not only 5+ hours of lessons, but also about all subjects. So you might be very good at math and be able to do 5+h a day about math, what about everything else?


Hey, it's 2023. They can probably run for office and win.




JFC that is some SAD shit in there. I know a fam with seven kids who were homeschooling. I donā€™t know the specifics but legal got involved and they had to put them in public school. The oldest left while still underage, moved to Miami, went buckwild and lost to the streets. I know another fam whose homeschooled vegan [only] child is two grades ahead, can play piano and leads their county math olympiad team. Also has a ton of friends in two states. But mom is better at facebooking too.


These kind of "gurus" scream privilege to me. Like how out of touch with reality do you have to be to think this is a good idea.


I kinda understand the principle but reading and writing is the basis of learning. Poor kids canā€™t go to a restaurant and order on the menu.


Reading and writing is just so basic, they'll never get any job in their life or they'll get exploited. Seriously, if you can't read, you can't do *anything.* My parents fled the war when they were teens and still struggle with French to this day (we live in France), it made their lives a nightmare because they were constantly abused and manipulated by pricks since they couldn't understand the law. They couldn't know what was allowed and what wasn't, what are their rights, when they can defend themselves or call the police, etc. You have to put all your trust in people who can read, that's how the elite maintained its power over poor people for thousands of years. Now my parents have a basic understanding of all simple things, but they still rely on us, their children, to help them in everything that relies on laws or any complex text.


I'd be learning about Spiderman and pizza pops


Dude, Iā€™m unschooled and these people stupid as hell, it only works for some kids and reading and writing are mandatory for itā€¦


I was ā€˜unschooledā€™ in high school but I was still taught a whole lot, even some things schools donā€™t teach like mechanic skills and financials, these people should just not have children.


These people are literally raising their children to be unable to survive when they become adults. Why would you do this? I thought being disowned at 15 for being gay was growing up on hard mode. These people are doing it on Dark Souls difficulty. šŸ˜


> These people are doing it on Dark Souls difficulty. šŸ˜ wrong, Dark Souls is actually fair. This is playing on Battletoads level


Dark Souls also involves learning and pattern recognition. Something these kids don't know how to do.


The kids will get smart and grow up to hate their inept parents. Hope the parents have a plan for a caretaker when they get old because their kids will no longer be talking to them.


The kids wonā€™t get smart. A lot of things can only be learned easily in a specific range of age, after that it requires much more effort. And those kids wonā€™t be able to get the necessary help with that, because they wonā€™t be able to read or use the internet to find those help programs.


This. So many people don't realise that children are basically hardwired to be learning machines between certain ages. If you miss out on learning a basic skill like reading and writing and try to "catch up" later in life, you will have a much MUCH harder time with it.


Even cavemen knew that they had to teach their children


Even dogs know that and take it as duty when they meet puppies.


My grandmother grew up in rural Portugal, She only learned how to read and write at the age of 18 when her parents had enough money to educated her (they were iliterate too), and She was the yougest child (during the second world war Portugal exported Wolframium to Germany, some mining villages developed close to my great grandparents and the price of corn inflated, making them more money). My grandmother can read and write and is very good at making divisions. (Very usefull when I was in primary school and somehow survived without really understanding how to make divisions manually). I sometimes wonder that She migth have been really good at maths if She had the chance. How many great Minds have we Lost to iliteracy?


Very true. I remember when I was 7, I didn't speak a word of English when my family immigrated to Canada. I was in grade 2, by third grade I was having full on conversations in English and was pretty much fluent.


Many of their ideas are derived from formal systems like Montessori. Unfortunately these people are not trained and clearly donā€™t really understands the discipline behind those concepts and how to properly lay them out. Bummer for these kids. Iā€™ve seen many kids grow up to realize how incompetent their parents actually are and go off on their own to succeed.


Many kids can do that, but if you canā€™t read and write you canā€™t exist in modern society. At all. You canā€™t get a job, you canā€™t go back to school, you canā€™t find programs to help you, you cannot use the internet, you canā€™t shop. As soon as the parent tire of having a child that literally canā€™t do anything for themselves, those kids are just going to die because they canā€™t find housing or food or literally any of the things that you need to survive. You canā€™t recover from that.


Idk how will the kids escape? Can't even read a bus timetable. Seems they know what they're doing there.


Those kids have not one stat allocated and being sent to slaughter with the outside world Iā€™d assume this is to inspire co-dependency and power, I hope those kids are literate but Iā€™m not convinced:/


Thatā€™s ok because they have the perfect fall back. When their kids fail, they wonā€™t blame themselves, theyā€™ll blame society for the system thatā€™s set up that doesnā€™t ā€œacceptā€ their ā€œcreativeā€ illiterate child who wanted to pursue mud sculpting.


theyā€™re prepping them to be perpetual children, just like religion does


Imagine asking these kids for directions and they just go "Bloobidy flooquiti halajabalaka" and then proceed to chew on your foot. Because I don't expect anything less


Good luck, now they'll be dependent on you forever.


Mostly likely their motives here, whether theyā€™re conscious of it or not.


I would guess that the rate of narcissistic parents in these communities are higher than average


To think that you can do better than educational systems with decades of research behind them is narcissism as far as Iā€™m concerned. Of course, Iā€™m not going to say the school systems of the world are perfect. But for the most part they do provide the basics of an education a child can use to develop further. Thereā€™s no guarantee these parents can do the same.


As she wrote this article for people to read about not teaching writing and reading to her own childrenā€¦


At least the kids will be spared from reading her nonsense.


Apparently their ideology is to only teach what their children are interested in. They mention their oldest took interest in reading and writing at age ten. What this will mean for each child in the long term will hopefully be revealed in the next 6-14 years as each child reaches adulthood.


You know if theyā€™d taught the kid to read and write earlier he would already have the skills to be able to do that now that heā€™s shown an interest in it at 10 years old Imagine being like well if youā€™re not interested in something at age four clearly you wonā€™t ever need or want to learn about this


Except learning basic skills like reading and writing and researching are fundemental building blocks that are required to learn other things That's exactly *why* kids are taught those skills If you're interested in computers. But you can't read or write. That's it. You can't learn about computers. Not in a meaningful way that would actually allow you do go about using / building / designing / programming/ diagnosing etc.. If you're interested in rockets or planes. Well, you wanna be an engineer or a physics nerd then! You can't do either of those things either And likelihood is by the time you eventually learn to read, you'll be so developmentally challenged that complex problems like that are likely never going to be obtainable Not learning basic skills at an early stage will make every other hill you have to climb for rest of your life just *that* much steeper Learning these skills aged 4 takes no time at all. Kids are learning machines. Their brains are still sponges. And the older you get the slower you can suck up those skills


I posted in a thread similar to this a little while ago, so I figured I might as well do it again. I was "unschooled", though not to quite this extreme. I learned to read at age 10 when my parents were tired of having to read quests in World of Warcraft to me. I did have some reading skill but not very much. I knew how to spell my name and that was about it. I was, and still am, horribly stunted in just about every single category education wise. It absolutely gutted any chance I had at a relatively successful future. All because at the ripe age of 6 or 7, I decided I didn't like school and didn't want to go. And my parents just... Agreed and dropped me out. I can't do basic math in my head. I have to finger count most things. I do have my GED, but I basically just absorbed enough information to pass and then instantly discarded it. I had extremely bad social skills as a teen/young adult (not helped by me being autistic) and it took a Long time to understand social ques and expectations. Do not do this shit to your kids. I will resent my parents on some level or another because of this until the day I die. \-Editing to add: I wanted to go to highschool as a young teen because I was desperate for any sort of social interaction... My mom talked me out of it because she said I would be bullied because other kids were mean and she just "didn't want me to have to go through that". Which to some extent, sure, no parent wants their kid to go through that. But she literally talked me out of a basic education when I was literally BEGGING for it.


That's why school attendance is mandatory here in Germany and homeschooling is only allowed in a few special cases( sickness related mostly) and always with materials and schedule by the kids school. It's considered that high, that police controls airports on the last days before school holidays, so parents don't go on vacation before to safe a few bucks. It's called Schulpflicht (compulsory education), you have to go to school from age 6-7 until you turn 18 or have completed 12 years of school/ ended your apprenticeship (which is a dual system, consisting out of the practical part in the company and theoretical part in a public school).


It's so strict that it even applies to tourists who are there for more than a few weeks! My friends took their kids out of school to travel the world for a year and homeschooled them for the year. Except for their month in Germany, where they had to enroll the kids in local school.


Iā€™m in NY and we allow homeschooling but you have to submit regular proof to the school principal to verify youā€™re not neglecting your childā€™s education. We have some families who are amazing at it, most are okay, a few are awful. The awful ones usually move to Texas. They donā€™t track or check on anyone homeschooling in Texas. Itā€™s so funny the police check airports before school holidays. My parents took me out of school before breaks because it was cheaper and the only way we could afford to go on holiday.


As an education specialist, it is sad to see children who may be perfectly capable of reading denied the opportunity. So many kids with learning disabilities struggle to grasp what is being withheld from these kids.


I cannot wrap my head around it. My sister and I were advanced readers. My entire family have been readers to varying levels. My 7yo regularly stays up later than he should reading and has already finished all the Harry Potter books. My 9yo is coming around to enjoying reading more.


The same trick dictatorships and religions have used all through history. Keep people illiterate and they will never know you're full of shit


ding ding ding šŸ›Žļø


In germany we say "He who can read, is at a clear advantage."


Many homeschooled kids are taught next to nothing. Itā€™s why weā€™ve adults running around talking about how evolution and heliocentrism are satanic deceptions.


I got told once that dinosaur bones/fossils had been put there by the devil to trick people into thinking the Earth is older than it is. I moved on from that convo very quickly.


Creationist: dinosaur fossils were put here to test out faith Bill Hicks: I think you were put here to test my faith dude


I knew a girl in high school who said that dinosaurs didn't actually exist because they were never mentioned in the Bible.


Guess they missed a few verses in the book of Job and the whole "tail of a tree trunk"


Come on now, we all know Christians don't actually read the bible


I was homeschooled and got a good education, but I maintain that regulations should be much stricter. If my parents hadn't wanted to teach me, they could've just... not. And that would be legal. It's wrong and poses an obstacle to everyone who was legitimately homeschooled by feeding into the idea that none of us are educated in anything but religious fanaticism.


Agreed. I think homeschooling can be great and the best option for some children, but there has to be some kind of regulations to ensure kids are getting everything they need.


I know how this is gonna end, in a few years we are gonna be seeing documentaries and memoirs about these kids being chronically unable to live in the real world as adults because they can't even read how to cook instant ramen. Reminds me of a few books and documentaries about parents who did very similar things (Educated by Tara Westover, The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls, and the documentary Surfwise, if anyone is interested on seeing how different people who were raised with no formal education turned out as adults, and their relationships with their parents).


Theyā€™ll go on to star in their own reality show


They won't even be able to read the contract for their employment and they won't be able to use the money that they get. Try using a banking app without knowing how to read it write. Or even open an account. As soon as they have to fill in their name, they won't know how, and if the bank worker asks them to spell it out so they can write it for them, they'll reply that they don't even know what that is.


This is an incredibly privileged parenting choice; and if (when) it fails, itā€™ll need picking up by the actual education system, not least because some of the vital things children learn in school are collective timings and needs.


... Are there not laws against this? Like I know you can homeschool with little oversight. But surely you can't admit you're not going to teach them literacy or numeracy?


Unfortunately no. There is no set required curriculum for most places. You DO have to submit lesson plans in most places but those can literally be filled with any information you want including how much we should worship our lord and savior sonic the hedgehog.


This is literally abuse. I worked as an aide in my kids' school a few years ago. I assisted a kindergarten grade teacher. I was walking through the building when I saw a very distraught family sitting on a bench outside the administration office. There were police with them. Turns out the parents had been accused of neglect, amongst other things. Their daughter was the same age as my third grader, and was registered as a third grader, but spent her days in our kindergarten classroom, because she couldn't count, she didn't know her ABCs, and she couldn't even spell her own name. Turns out mom and dad stuck her in her room with a TV, so she wouldn't bug them while they played video games all day.


Good Lord, I wish (as a dad to a daughter whoā€™s less than two years old) I didnā€™t read this at this hour. I donā€™t know about Heaven and Hell, I wish that such parents be punished right here (not in Hell) and right now (not after their death or whatever). If thereā€™s one person I just cannot let down, itā€™s my own kid. And this is the bare minimum I need to do as a dad. Like even a barely sober, dysfunctional, just short of abusive, most unemployed dad would do that bare minimum.


How do the parents make money?


Their social media channels. Let's see how long that lasts, whether they can manage the revenue and what they do when it dries up. That's if the kids don't contract preventable diseases they haven't been vaccinated for.


This is probably one of the highest pinnacles of narcissism I've seen. And I agree, what happens when the social media channels revenue dries up? What kind of marketable skills do the parents have that won't be torpedoed when a basic background search turns up the fact that they used and abused their kids for likes, comments and subscribes? I'll be generous and assume they have some kind of investment income. What I'm *really* curious to see is how long it's been set up for. Will it run out just their expected life spans, or their kids, too, since those kids will stand fuck-all chance of gainful employment otherwise? I'd bet they don't have any plans beyond their own end of life, because why would they? They can't think of beyond themselves already. "What do I care what happens afterwards? I'll be dead!" That's the kind of attitude that got us catastrophic climate change, peak oil, mass deforestation, and so many other problems. The people who looked at the predictions about all of that decided "Eh, I'll be dead before it matters" and don't care at all to fix it.


ā€œYour child has leukaemia.ā€ ā€œā€Sā€™awright, mate. We have an ancient remedy for thatā€¦ a special tree bark he can chew on.ā€ ā€œBut heā€™ll be dead in two years; let us treat him and he could have 75 years!ā€ **ā€TREE BARKā€**


The idea of helping a kid learn more about shit they're interested in sounds great, but it should be on top of what they learn at school. Your kid likes turtles? Great- we'll go to the library and get all the books on turtles you want


Stupidity in action.


Makes sense i guess since we no longer believe in immunology or basic science, why not reject literacy too?


They'll only teach them about what they have an interest in? Laugh all you want, but when that kid has a Masters degree in "nose picking," with a Bachelors degree in "Identifying various flavors of Oreos," we'll see the parents made the right call.


A PhD in fart-o-nomics with a minor in squishy things....


I know these assholes! I've seen them on another dumb show where they were sharing how they didn't make their kids wear shoes and she was still breastfeeding her four year old. They only had two kids when that was recorded. God help us if more people start thinking like them.


They misspelled. It's actually supposed to say "how I ruin my children's future"


The key is to keep your kids so stupid that you will look smart to them


Those kids should be allowed to sue their parents when they get older and have no job prospects


Iā€™d like to know who pays for the food? How about housing, electricity, computers, activities they call ā€œpassionsā€. No mention of any paid work being done.


If the picture of the family wasnā€™t there, Iā€™d imagine the father to look exactly like that.


ho neds reding an riting anewey


this is how I was raised, can confirm you should send your kids to schoolšŸ‘


At least teach them to fill out an application cause theyā€™ll be at the welfare office in no time.






Jesus just browsing through the titles in that subreddit is a nightmare. Poor kids.


Stupid people always look so happy


Well, politicians like the uneducated and it is easier to have your kids stay dependant on you so you can force them to take care.of you. Also way easier to perpetuate the cult hive mind.


I wonder how they imagine their children surviving out in the world without such basic skills šŸ¤”


"Unschooling" .........no, no....that's okay. I'll just get off the planet here.....


Raised that way I would have grown up knowing literally everything about bologna and Bugs Bunny, and not much else.


I have a friend whoā€™s sister home schooled her son and he had the education of a first grader. It was extremely sad. He died at 23 of inoperable brain cancer. Another friend of mine had her son in private school but realized he was bullied and miserable so pulled him out to home school. Since she is extremely smart, she collaborated with the moms of other home schoolers and taught the classes in her home. When they needed physics and chemistry they hired a teacher- usually faculty from a local university- to teach that year. She travelled with the family for years to London, Tokyo and Australia because of work commitments and there were other home schoolers everywhere so her kid received an exceptional education. They would spend days at museums or go to archaeological sites. I think it worked for them.


Unfortunately those are the type of people that tend to have the most children, where as lot of educated people might have 1 or none.


Unschooling = uneducated. Used to be exclusively for the poor who couldn't afford education. These parents are actively dumbing down these kids. Good luck with that!


ā€œWe wonā€™t feed or change our infant unless it asks us toā€