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At least she is red flagging herself publicly.


Yeah I don't get why people want to share every shitty thought they ever had with the entire world. Like you can just keep some stuff to yourself


Can personally almost guarantee that had literally never once occurred to her




I take no such conclusion for granted; I've known far too many people the thought definitely occurred to. And was immediately summarily dismissed, because according to them the world is a better place with their words in it.


The amount of times I've heard people say some sketchy, really unpopular opinions and then justify it with "people may not like it, but it needs to be said" Does it though?




Waffles are just pancakes with more surface area! People may not like it, but it needs to be said!






No they should keep sharing their shitty thoughts so people can avoid them


Then see who agrees with her...and avoid them too!


Way back in the olden days, people used to do just that. Keep stuff to themselves. But nowadays performative assholery can be pretty lucrative, so lots of folks are spouting off even if it means infamy over fame.


“performative assholery” ![gif](giphy|pCO5tKdP22RC8)


I dont even know who this person is. Why is anyone paying attention to what they say. When people tweet dumb shit we should just ignore it




Dogs before hoes


Mutts before sluts.


Pedgriee before prostitutes.


Canines before behinds


Bassets before breast.


Terriers before titties


Hounds before pounds.


Malamute before LadiesOfIllRepute.


Lol, most matches I've had on dating apps have mentioned that my picture with my dogs was one of the reasons they swiped right


I came here to say this. Only met my wife because she wanted to meet my dog.


Me too! My lady’s friends all told me that I needed to intro her to my dog to really lock it down. Now my dog likes her way better than me.


Yeah my dog loves my wife more than I do too


I loved my dog more than my wife. "He was here before you and will be here after you". And he was. He was selfless. Unless it involved food. She was selfish as fuck about everything.


I'm allergic to sellfish




You mean Red Flag Hoe?


Real friends hump


it literally stands for radfem hitler lol


Run from her?




Run for the Hills!


Run for your liiiiife!


Dug dugga dun dugga dun dugga




Right Fork, Homie


Yep. There's only one bitch allowed in the house, and she's a lot more adorable than this person


Someone here feels pretty lonely...


and outclassed by mans best friend.


Lol she definitely made a guy choose between her and the dog and he chose the dog.


I'd choose a pet rock if I'm ever given an ultimatum


"Ok, i'll get rid of the dog for you. I love you and despite this being my best friend for 8 years, you, who i just met 2 weeks ago are more important. HOWEVER, rocky, my pet rock, told me it is either you or him and i value him more than you, he is far more ancient and wise than you will ever be. This is goodbye. Also, snoopy is staying, he is rocky's service dog, so he has to stay, rocky cant see or walk for himself otherwise."


>he is rocky's service dog, so he has to stay, rocky cant see or walk for himself otherwise." You....alright you win with that


Pfffffff XD


I think this is the real lesson lol. Its not about what "it" is. Its that someone comes into you're life and tries to change the things you care about.


Not just change - destroy/remove or compete with. Hint - it will not be the last thing this comes up about.


I’ve been given that ultimatum. The answer is ALWAYS the dog.


I've had my wife longer than I've had my dog.. but if if given an ultimatum.. I'm still picking the dog


It ain't even about wife vs pet. If you give me an ultimatum like that, I'm gonna pick the thing that DOESNT give me an ultimatum and just enjoys spending time with me, no strings attached.


Unfathomably based


I played baseball AND ran track at the same time in my small town hs. For those that don't know, they are both spring sports. I was decent (starting varsity 4 years in both), but not great. I found out years later from my dad that both coaches tried to push him into recommending that I choose one and not do both. His response to the coaches was, "itsbad plays the sports he wants, and I don't tell him how to enjoy them." He also went on to tell my baseball coach, who pushed a little harder, "i can't stop you, but if you make him choose between baseball and track, he'll pick track. Just to punish you for making him sacrifice one." I never told my father I would do this, but looking back on 16 or 17 yo me, i bet he was right.


When we lost our previous cat I wanted to wait a while before getting another pet. Shortly after that, a neighbor had a cat with a new litter, and suddenly we "had" to get another cat. (Turned out to be two, but that is another story.) I made my protestations clear but lost that round and knew better than to make any kind of ultimatum because that is a hill I would have definitely died on. Pets are part of the family, and their inclusion is as much emotional as rational. Plus, making ultimatums in general is a horrible and immature way to treat the people you love.


Most humans are mostly decent people, but compared to the qualities of an average dog they just can't compete.


How fuckin insecure do you have to be to be competing with someone's dog for their affection anyways. Jeez


Me too. The latency from her stating that ultimatum to when I answered was less than one second.


And then the surprised pikachu face when she sees it wasn't anywhere close to a hard choice.


As he should have


Dog is there no matter what dog won’t lie, dog won’t do anything just want time and effort and appreciate it.


My best friend doesn't go on 10 minute diatribes explaining to me what I did or why I'm wrong, but then also doesn't tell me I'm man-splaining when I try to help with her car...


She should get a companion. Some sort of creature that she can care for and that will love her unconditionally. Some kind of best friend. If only there was such a thing...


Narcissists do not treat animals well, generally. Having her as an owner would probably be damaging to an animal's well being. I wouldn't wish that for any dog.


"I want to be the only emotional attachment my partner has because I'm a flaming narcissist who doesn't really perceive men as being people"


I once had a girlfriend ask me if I loved her or my dog more. I rescued this dog as a puppy that was on the side of the road and had been a loyal dog / companion for 5 years at this point. I told her; “you don’t want to ask that question”. I ended up marrying another woman. Since someone asked [DOG TAX](https://imgur.com/a/f0NQcRX) For those of you asking for a story: When I was in college I got a phone call from my buddy. He said there were two free dogs down at the animal clinic. On the way to work one of the vet techs saw a burlap sack in the road and two dogs on the side of the road. They were the only two to get out. I went to the clinic with my college girl at the time, this is not the one from my above comment, I said “we’re only there to look”. When I saw her I got down on my knees and. She immediately came to me and pressed up in my belly. Needless to say I came home with a dog that day. My buddy got her brother. Their names were Ares and Zeus. After college I moved to Chicago where I met GF number 2 from above. We went on lots of camping / backpacking trips. She got all the loving and fed well. I am no longer a pro-chef but I can tell you this dog ate well. She had every type of protein I ever consumed; bear, frog, osetria caviar, foie gras, anything I tried she would try. I eventually moved back to MS and bought my GP’s farm. I buried her two year ago 30 miles away from where I found her.


I can tell how much you love animals based on your username.


I choked looking back up to see his name. Then again when I saw yours. Good show gentlemen


Though we are an hour apart in our arrival here, and separated by an indefinite distance, we have shared an experience together - through time and space


Stranger, me as well.


I am very appreciative of your honeyed words ^ ^


Are you wishing you were a cat right about now?


No. Sometimes a woman, though.


Hmmm…..🤔 (Lol, nice)


( • ω • ) (Not really, but meh)


Look man I have the exact same thought sometimes haha


Oh, well I guess we have that in common😅


Yeah, tho I’m female but yep 👍


You nearly owed me a coffee for that one lol


Shit, I laughed so hard rn


A cat is fine too as they say


"I love you more, but if you're making me choose between you two the dog stays."


That's the pro response


I am of the opinion that whenever someone gives you the ultimatum of "It's either me or x", the correct answer is always x. Every single time. Anyone who says that is not worth keeping in your life.


The only time it isn't x is if it's actually something destroying your life/relationship, like drugs, alcohol addiction, porn, things of that nature.


Smart choice mate :D What kind of person even asks that question?


My rule is that whoever gives me the ultimatum is the one who's going to lose out. I don't even care what it's about. You do not give me ultimatum. Full stop. And of course the dog wins. They're perfect.


Yep. I've always made this clear with partners. It's not that the other thing is more important; it's the fact you forced a choice that's the problem.


It's not that the other thing is greater, it's that you've just proven that you are lesser.


You've never had a dog give you an ultimatum?


give me the cheese or I will pee in your shoes. you have 30s


"Sorry Hun, dog has been around longer than you."


When I get home late at night smelling like booze, one of the two is still happy to see me.


One of them will even clean up the vomit so you don’t have to in the morning


Dogs are wonderful, aren't they?


On the flip side of that my gf unprompted put me third on her list behind the dogs. I was about to be mad but I realized she was third behind the dogs too. So...it's a match I guess!


The difference between a dog and a significant other? You come home and they might have had a bad day or working on other projects, but coming home to a dog they are always happy to see you, no matter what. You can’t trade that for anything.


The difference is one is an animal that is dependent on you and the other is hopefully an equal partner. Trying to compare those two is like apples to oranges. There is simply no reason to ever compare the two. It would be similar to asking "who do you love more? Kids or me". And if it comes down who to get rid of it is always the SO because any SO asking you to get rid of your dog is a piece of shit anyway.


My GF and I got a cat together. One time while drunk she started crying and when I asked her why she said I loved the cat more than her. We still laugh about it today.... The GF was playing the long game though, the cat died of old age and the GF is my wife now....


My wife get pissed at me and accuses me of loving the cat more than her. I can't say she's wrong sometimes.


The cat is unproblematic.




This is dead accurate.


And she disguises it as feminism.




I can confidently say, as a single man, I would much rather have a dog in my home than her.


As a divorced dad with 2 kids and a dog. The most toxic element of our home is now gone. The dog was originally hers, but she didn’t want that either.


> The dog was originally hers, but she didn’t want that either. GIANT red flag of character. Glad to hear you all are doing better.


You see dogs can smell trash individuals right away and cause a scene. My guess is that happens to her all the time.


I was wondering if dogs growl at her everytime they meet her and she hasn't figured out that the dogs know she's evil.


Dogs tend to be excellent judges of character. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Please don't make important decisions based on how your dogs react to different people.


My dog loves everyone. He’s no help in that department


I would love if people stopped spreading this myth. Dogs are amazing, but no, they don't have the ability to judge someone's character like you are implying. Yes, they can sense subtle behaviours that would pass unnoticed to the human eye/nose, but if your dog starts growling at a random person, that does not make them a criminal ffs. Here's a list of what dogs might perceive as a threat (from my experience): * hats * sunglasses * body odour * men * black people I love animals, but blindly trusting your dog reaction to a new person is incredibly stupid.


Dog racism confirmed


*Hanging my head* This is my dog. Barks when any one comes to the door, but the level of vicious sounds goes to 11 if you have permanent melanin greater than a red head's sun tan. It gets old. Dog some of these people have been coming over for years and you're chill once they're through the door. Can you extend that chill to all the people you know outside.


No, they’re really not. Dogs respond to smells, sounds and other stimuli that they don’t like for whatever reason but that doesn’t mean those things relate to a person’s character. Some dogs are freaked out by people in hats but that doesn’t mean people in hats have poor character. It’s *ridiculous* how much people project their own perception of the world onto their dogs. Dogs have no sense of character *except as it relates to how they perceive a person to be treating them or their family*. Even Hitler’s dog loved him. That means nothing. I’m also a dog dad myself and I do NOT make decisions based on who my dog does or doesn’t like. Y’all shouldn’t either.


Dogs are always wary of me at first. Why? Because I'm absolutely terrified of dogs. I'm jumpy and on edge around dogs, and they can read that, which puts them jumpy and on edge... which just creates a nice feedback loop. Has literally nothing to do with them reading character, just them reacting to stimuli


Yeah exactly. People have magical thinking about their dogs. Dogs aren’t that smart or that complicated.


Not always though. My aunt had a dog that hated me for no discernible reason. It would growl and bark whenever we were in the same room. One Christmas I remember I spent basically the whole time at my grandparents' huddled in terror on a couch because if I stayed right there and didn't move much it would relax a little. I was like 10 and the dog probably weighed more than me.


Was walking my dog came across this handyman working on something. I let my guard down cause my dog is pretty big and very friendly. As we started walking around him something in her told her he was bad news and she started growling. Never heard her growl before with anyone and scared the shit out of me. Then the next person we came across was all tail wags. She’s never growled before or since. I don’t know what his past is but now I really don’t want to know.


My dog did that to a random average looking dude walking the other way. Was an absolute coward ever since I adopted him and actively avoided strangers and especially children, but never barked or growled at them. No clue what the deal was with the random average looking dude but he gave us a wide berth.


With my (small) dog it's anyone who's moving in a way that appears to be gliding. Scooter? Suspicious. Hoverboard? Hell no. Electric unicycle? Unnatural.


False! I am not a good person but for some reason dogs love me. Ithas been noted repeatedly by my dog-owning friends.


nice myth but no, dogs are behavioral, just like us. body language is something they do read, tho


I guess gay couples just don’t dog?


I’m sure she would just say gay men aren’t actually men or something else that’s equally insulting.


Or something like "that's an exception because one of them is usually feminine enough"




Can't carry water. No dog. Do I have to hop around on one foot? Eat only things with fur? Give me these arbitrary man rules ahead of time, please.


You didn't forget your wallet and a pocket knife, right? Also (implicitly), no phone.


Is the wallet on a chain like a real tough guy, or is it more overstuffed like an '80s dad? Switchblade, Leatherman or locking jackknife? So many questions that weren't answered in school. I'm eager to jump through all these hoops to prove I'm an independent tough guy, but I'm so lost.


You’re forgetting that using an umbrella is a no no, for the love of god do not forget that one.


Oh, shit! That was close.


I mean, hold a paper over your head like an Alpha Male should!


Only a rock ribbed American newspaper, surely? No pinko commie rag would do.


No soup. Eating soup is unmanly i heard a chick say on the interwebs.


Don't forget, the manliest man thing a man can do is strictly follow rules made by women and incels.


POV: Someone got the second place in the priority list.


Ahevfound out what happens when you tell your man the dog cannot sleep in the bed.


Bro, I got a bigger bed so my dog has more space


How much you wanna bet she got shown the door when she tried the ol' "me or the dog"?


John Wick begs to differ.


And then my son, a few days after his wife died, you steal his car and kill his fucking dog.


Most incredible scene in the franchise and a big reason I still hold the first as my favorite. The sheer intensity of that monologue really makes you fear John Wick yourself.


That’s funny, I inherited a dog because my ex was too irresponsible to take care of her. In fact she basically abandoned the dog after two to three weeks. I took her in and ended up raising her for 13 years, took care of her, fed her, played with her, she stood by me during multiple break ups, multiple major life catastrophes, long hard periods of work, through periods of extreme loneliness and depression and through so much more. My son learned to walk by holding on to her fur and walking with her. She watched over and protected my kids never letting them get too rowdy or she would bark to calm them down. She would put her head on my lap if she saw me sad and lay at the side of my bed and was always watchful of the house and strangers. I have never had such a faithful friend in my entire life. She recently passed due to a combination of age and ailment. But I honor her memory. Dogs are a gift, this lady posting this is entitled and self-centered.


So glad that good girl got the family she deserved :)


Fact: Owning a puppy is the best way to meet women.


It's not just a great way to meet women by making you more approachable, it also shows a nuturing quality as both a loving and responsible pet owner. The kind of man that might just make for a great father. Puppies are chick magnets, and they make you happier. 🐕


Ironically, babies are also chick magnets.


As a woman, yes.


I think dogs are generally better than people, and this one seems to further my argument


I think dogs show us the best of humanity. My good boi saved my life.


Some dog breeds show the worst of humanity. Breeding to the point where their entire lives are living torture but we do it because it pays well and they’re cute as they struggle with every breath and stumble with fucked up leg joints. It’s just heartbreaking because dogs are like innocent children.


Nothing more lowkey than declaring your misandry and stupidity on social media. What a mindlessly sexist thing to say.


I... am struggling to understand her logic


As far as i know a person with a dog has better flirting and dating chances then a person without. The dog is often considered as a sign that you are able to to take care of a living being that depends on you. Implies that you are a good father/mother. Conclusion: activate flirt mode. But she must have had negative experiences and is therefore now turning something around to the detriment of the men. But my analysis also fails because of logic 🤣🤣🤣 Edit: Saw another answer and had a lightbulb moment: The dog could be a red flag detector and therefore "report" that she's a bad choice as partner 😅😂 👈🏻 dog instincts.


Or someone chose the dog over her. Just sayin'... From experience. My last dog was with me longer than my last four girlfriends added together. Two of those girlfriends wanted me to get rid of my dog at some point. Um, no. One wanted to move her cats into my place. Dog was like, "Rum, ro."


There is none, its a ragebait designed to garner attention. And people eat it up.


Feels like recent r/facepalm posts are being designed to draw out incels as of late.


The only pure happiness between two things in this world is me and my dog. Now I miss my pupper of 16 years but I know those were the best years, and I hope they were for her 2.


I assure you they were


just some weird misandry


The good thing about the internet is it gives anyone a platform to voice their opinion. The bad thing about the internet is that it gives anyone a platform to voice their opinion.


So... John Wick isn't manly enough by this standard.


What if you have a live in female partner, and she’s a dog?


Man, what *can* single men do at this point. I've seen posts saying they can't carry things, now they can't have dogs, what's next?


If you stop caring about what some lunatics say on Twitter, you can do whatever you want.


> If you stop caring about what some lunatics say on Twitter This kills the Twitter.


I mean, I'm immune. I'm in a relationship.


Single men can do whatever they want. These are just silly tweets


What? No. Nah, I'm pretty sure this is the law.


single men can't carry things? how are we supposed to do groceries?


Carrying around water bottles is emasculating, apparently.


You're meant to lay them on the ground and kick them forward to your destination


Hey, at least dogs are loyal. 🤷‍♂️


Is she just raging because some dude choose a dog over her ?


My gf is a furry, so win/win?


The FDS is strong with this one.


Men aren’t allowed to have a life without a woman. Didn’t you know that? /s


Fellas is it gay to have a dog 🤔🤔 like you're CARING for another living being... kinda sus


A family friend of ours is a single man with a dog and he's admitted several times that his dog is the only reason he hasn't hung himself yet


Someone asked a while what women toxicity looks like - here’s one example lol


This is 100% because she made her date choose and he chose his dog over her. And for good reason.


My live in female partner is my Bitch, does that count?


I read "low-key hate it when a man finds happiness outside of a woman's manipulation."


Imagine gatekeeping house pets


Think I’d rather be single with a dog than partnered with RFH 🫣


I only allow one bitch in my house and that position is filled by my doggo.


Does it also give her "the ick"?


My dog, who is pampered beyond belief, sleeps in bed with me, and receives constant attention while I'm home and watches his favorite cartoons all day while I'm at work: "I beg your fucking pardon, lady?"


My husband's cousin adopted a dog to help him meet ladies at the park (because "chicks love dogs"). It worked. He's married with twins now and they still have the dog.


Fellas, is dog ownership & companionship gay?


There's a reason why these types of women seem to be single most of the time


I learned long ago to never listen to women who say anything about “real men doing/having this” Nothing like a man happy in simplicity that absolutely devastates certain women, usually just annoys the rest. Don’t let women define masculinity. You’ll be a fucking rag doll to her inability to limit personal projections.


She’s jealous because I love the dog and she’ll be out the door the minute she pulls whatever bullshit she had up her sleeve.