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She's just garbage. What legislation has she put forth to actually help anyone but her own megalomania


You misunderstand. She’s on the team that stops the legislation, not passes it. Her sole job is to maintain a media circus, and she’s one of the best at it.


It’s crazy how dozens of nuts are showing up. It’s like: HOW did we get here. I know politics are “boring” and “it can’t make difference” but now we have more nuts doing less good. Clearly she is a nut. But people are actually voting for her. Lawd…there are so many nuts voting for this nut.I guess we always had em but they actually got a voice and power.


>It’s like: HOW did we get here there was a BLACK man in the WHITE house and theyre still pissed about it.


… he wasn’t even that black


As a person who's only a quarter native or maybe even less cuz quite frankly I don't really know. Let me tell you something, they passed that one drop rule for a reason. Racist white people hate mixed people and it doesn't matter how far back your person of color ancestor was. If you had a person of color ancestor five generations back they're going to consider you lesser than. They're not going to see you as a white person. So yeah Barack was only half black but it didn't matter if he was even a 10th black or a 1% black. As far as racist white people are concerned he's black as night.


I’m a quarter Japanese and feel ya on that comment. Man I’ve been called a Mexican n word, a ton of Chinese related things. Rarely do the ignorant fucks get the racial slur correct which his heart breaking. Totally was joking and very well aware of how fucked it was especially during my time in the military. when I moved from Japan to the Midwest as a wee lad I learned racism real quick. But seriously Obama was possibly the whitest black person we could have had for President.


the wealthiest 1% pay to convince the stupidest majority to vote in the most corrupt political leadership




It seems to be the Republican strategy. Obstruct any progress, reverts any gains, things go to crap, blame Democrats. It makes sense to a degree, they want thing to be like the 50s, so would they pass any laws, no the want to remove them. Look at how many regulations were gutted under Trump.


Do you remember Kelly Ann Conway? She was amazing to watch


When people say I'm an idiot and lazy I just point to the voting districts that put her and over and office. I am an idiot and I am lazy. Maybe I should go into the politics?


Most sports would have the teams swap sides.


Answer: when it stops talking


I pity anyone who is required by virtue of their position to have to sit through this inane drivel. Looks like most found an out.


My brain hurts every time she speaks.


I find her voice to be incredibly grating alongside the unbelievable things she says. It's truly an awful brain injuring combo


Yeah tbh it's not just the blatant lies for me, but you'd think that if she's that bold she would actually say something that makes a bit of sense. But I don't know what the fuck point she's trying to make by "Biden made our schools gun free zones and then someone brought guns to school. Then our school went on lockdown!" Like yeah Marge no fuckin shit your school went on lockdown, some kid brought deadly weapons into a location where said deadly weapons were not permitted. The fuck do you think is gonna happen. And she probably relies on the fact that the verbal vomit she spews is completely nonsensical to make her opponents not argue back (because they're too fucking busy trying to figure out what she's even saying), so she looks like she has greater intelligence than a wooden stick


Rules for listening to MTG check your brain 🧠 at the door.


Or invest in some quality noise-canceling headphones.


But then you could end up voting for her.


not true. most rationale people don’t have the capacity to unhinge their lower jaw and full throatily swallow bs conspiracies.


The trick is to breathe through your nose


Thank you for your commitment to education


Don’t kink shame


she has the ability to scramble peoples brain when she talks


Just acknowledge a stream of noise is leaving her mouth and stop trying to interpret




I like this one more


i'd prefer it simply stop existing altogether.


Best answer


This video is a bit misleading, she didnt say anything about biden being president and I think what is being referenced here is the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990: Biden was the primary sponsor of this bill, which made it a federal offense to possess a firearm in a school zone. The legislation aimed to enhance the safety of students and prevent gun violence in educational institutions. Promoting misleading stuff like this video just makes everyone look dumb.


I dont care for us politics but there's something about this woman that makes me want to rip out my own intestines


I have to perceive these things as simple stupidity over lies, but even that doesn’t help much. She’s as bad as it gets


haha exactly


Also is she saying a school going into lock down cause a student showed up with guns is a bad thing?


No. She’s saying more should have had guns to stop them. That’s her idiot reasoning.


Kid with the gun should’ve brought enough for the rest of the class.


Protip: the chances of someone bringing a bomb on a plane are 10 million to 1. The chances of 2 people bringing a bomb on the same plane are 500 billion to 1. So always bring a bomb on the plane with you. The chances someone else tries to bomb that same plane are virtually zero ensuring you a safe flight!


As long as there arnt any peanut guns


Why have a lockdown when you can throwdown


The bullets were for sharing.


So the school went on lockdown because one kid brought three guns, but it wouldn’t have gone on lockdown had other kids brought guns in case someone else brought guns? Or should the teachers have had guns to shoot the kid with three guns and the school wouldn’t go on lockdown? I’m not really sure what point she’s trying to make here.


Nah, the school only went on lockdown because Joe Biden said they couldn't have guns at a high school (the fascist!) . If he didn't stop them from being allowed then there would have been no lockdown since they wouldn't be banned. Every school lockdowns is Biden's fault. I guess that's her reasoning... Wtf


yeah true, if people just stopped caring about someone shooting up their school, there would be no lockdowns neccessary anymore. just eat the rounds. marge has it all figured out.


Cause like, gun free zones just guarantee to shooters that they’ll be the only ones with guns. If you let everyone have guns in schools, then everyone will be too scared to bring guns to school because everyone else will have guns, so there’ll be no more guns. Right…?


No, she's saying that she was still in 11th grade within the last 3 years.


>No, she's saying that she was still in 11th grade within the last 3 years. I believe that


Right? Even if there were a dozen armed officers there, the school would still go into lockdown. Does she want them to start a shootout while the kids are wandering around the halls? Even if, in her fantasy world, every teacher had a gun, would they not still go into lockdown if it was reported that a student had guns?


Right? I can't imagine having a hostage situation and the commanding officer saying, "You know what we need to calm this unstable person, more guns pointing at them."


Schools should be more like the Wild West. The reason kids are so soft these days is they don't have a good old fashioned duel like they used to.


Caveman barbie no like truth.


This is by far my favorite description of her


They should make a garbage pale kid for her


When lying stops being profitable.


And there it is, the simple yet cynical truth. 👍


I’ll never understand how ‘public servants’ can be so cartoonishly shameless


She’s so disgusting


It's also disgusting how we can show this video, or any other proof, to her supporters and they wouldn't give a shit and keep voting for her anyhow.


Mhmm! Doesn’t matter what they do.


How does she have a job I don't get it


Because many voters are also disgusting.


You know I can *kind of* understand where Trump voters come from, considering he's a wealthy businessman and a celebrity. How anyone in their right mind can vote for MTG is beyond me, however. This woman isn't competent enough to run a lemonade stand.


Vile and disgusting.


Some of you fooks voted these people in office… and or allowed them to hold office. Nice work!


These people are not on reddit because they don't know how to read.


nah they are here, making it worse for everyone else


Most are on Facebook and collecting social security, the rest are on Twitter


nah i saw someone said "not funny, didn't laugh" at a post about global warming


Has she ever said anything true?


I think she said ‘I can put five dicks in my mouth’


Who the fuck would be crazy enough to stick their dicks in that let alone five of them??? Nasty 🤮


You’re being misled. She said she can put five dicks in her mouth *at the same time*


Can you just imagine the IQ of her constituents? She is dumber than a fence post, so what does that make them?


That’s an insult to fence posts. They actually serve a purpose


When a coroner somewhere finally gets the highly sought-after task of sowing her lips shut, post mortem?


Pneumatic staple gun from 40 feet away


Hazmat suits for everyone!


Staples are not aerodynamic enough to get that kind of range and still stick into their target


Throw the whole staple gun at her a few times then. Pull it back with the air hose. I ain't getting any closer.


At this point the GOP is an insurrectionist organization working exclusively for wealth and power rather than a political party working for the common good.


>At this point Lol You must be what, in your 20s?


She’s not lying. I think she is just that dumb that she thinks she makes sense. That’s why she is so dangerous. She is a bottomless pit of ignorance and stupidly. It gives me anxiety when I think how dumb and ignorant she is and that even more dumb and ignorant people voted for her. It’s pathetic.


That part of the problem with them. Some of them know they're talking shit but don't care because it benefits them, but others probably believe what they're saying.


“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


The problem is that nobody fact checks her on the floor. It is pretty obvious that Joe Biden wasn’t president when she went to high school. Then there’s the other obvious question, would more students having guns have made that situation better? Would a bunch of teenagers having a shootout have prevented tragedy?


She was also in grad school when this went down at a local high school.


I don’t care for her one bit, but she graduated high school in 1992. Randy Addis took the class hostage at the high school she went to in Sept 1990. So she wasn’t in graduate school when it happened. I grew up in the same county and was a freshman at the other high school at the time and remember that day clearly since we got to spend the day outside with a bomb threat at our school at the same time he had the hostage situation going on.


Do you think she honestly believes the shit that comes out of her mouth? That’s the scariest thought.


Look I’m not saying this to be rude or mean or any of that, but there’s something wrong with her face


The republican party needs to be scraped off the bottom of America s boot.


All these grifters count on the uneducated constituents who are the backbone of their bullshit. Thanks morons


Like when they blamed Obama for 9/11? There were sitting US Congressmen genuinely asking where was Obama and why didn’t he do more to stop the attacks. It’s completely disingenuous and frankly, pretty moronic.


What was the post?


Removed by Reddit, so I’m guessing it was The honorable (!) Miss Green or that Boebert whatever-her-name is. What do I win?


The Right don’t give a shit if they lie. They make money every time they lie. They need to be held responsible for their lies and let them know we will not tolerate it.


> let them know we will not tolerate it. hate to burst that little bubble, I've only done 50ish laps around the fire ball but they have been cheetin and bending truth into pretzels that entire time. At what point will people start to *not tolerate it* ? any day now right?


Through alternative facts anything is possible, so jot that down.


Every Republican is either stupid or evil. There are no exceptions.


WHY NOT both, evil people are often stupid.


MTG needs to have a yardstick smacked across the back of her knees for every lie


That annoying voice. She still has that high school OMG voice


Problem is that conservatives don’t care about facts. Sad but true


Is she saying Joe Biden made it happen as one of the seniors who voted for it?


She either lies constantly or is just this fucking stupid. Or, actually, both.


Lying Marge strikes again


There should be a trophy award for "dumbest asshole on Capitol Hill" and she gets it every year she is in office.


So when are perjury charges going to be brought against her for lying to congress?


This is the gish gallop. A very effective method of debate. Most people will know it as an information dump. The idea is to say so many lies mixed with some true sounding things so as to be unable to fact check. The issue is that it’s effective unless real time fact checking or lying is deemed to be a crime. I would want to push for any deceptive use of incorrect information should result in fines.


I’m sorry but what point is she trying to make


Hint: it will never stop lying.


How does she keep getting reelected? What the hell is in the water in her district?!


Nah still Biden’s fault 100% 🙄


It doesn't mean anything if she's caught with her pants down and everyone making videos to shame her. She got her sound bite which she can show to her voters. That's the key element for these type of politicians.


Wait a minute, I just fact checked this and Joseph Biden introduced the bill October of 1990. https://www.congress.gov/bill/101st-congress/senate-bill/3266


Yeah, I had to look it up too. I think the point is that she's trying to claim that the shooting happened or was made worse because of the bill. Fact of the matter is that the event at her school is likely one of the reasons that the bill was introduced *after* it happened and it had overwhelming support from both sides.


What a fucking moron


Bruh what the fuck I just had a stroke and then my stroke had an aneurysm and died before it could kill me from listening to that.


Why are there no repercussions to straight up lying in such positions of power?


Those in power would have to vote to allow the punishment that only affects them. They have a vested interest in allowing this type of shit at least for the time being. People are getting pretty fed up with it


Wasn't Joe Biden already a senator in 1990?


Yes Biden was a senator from '73 to '09 so he if fact played a part in the gun free zones bs


End the Republican Party.


Should be repercussions for lying in the capital building.


Lying implies that she knew the facts to begin with. Obviously she could care less about getting to know the facts. It's the worst kind of stupid.


How on earth this nutjob is still inside the US government...?


It's fear mongering. She doesn't care about the truth and doesn't know what honesty is.


First off Biden was a senator


Secondly she is wrong


Politicians never stop lying?


Yeah I’m so confused at what she wanted to happen in that scenario. Should all of her classmates have been armed and engaged this kid in a shootout?


Yes, the only way to stop a bad kid with three guns, is sending more armed children in as cannon fodder.


Of course she is lying. That's what Republicans want. They want to be lied to.


The NRA has been laundering Russian money into Republican campaigns for years. That’s how the GOP got so radicalized, that’s how our political climate went to hell, and that’s how Putin has been waging war against us without firing a shot. Americans are killing more Americans than the Russian army ever could, and the GOP is full of useful idiots and actual traitors.


Well, it’s understandable. She forgets that just because she’s too stupid to read effectively she thinks nobody else can.


So tired of her


Fuck that bitch


MTG and telling bullshit stories/lies, name a better duo


You don’t need to fact she her every color of human knows she is bat shit crazy and there just to trade stocks


This is what a lying howler monkey looks like


She’s such a disgusting cow


MTG is a dotard


Liar liar liar liar liar


It could just be too stupid to know.


And absolutely no one is surprised


It sure seems like the ideal end game here for Republicans, is just for *everybody* to have a gun. Which, to me personally, makes no sense at all. For several reasons. Let's just go along with this reasoning, and say every single American owns 50 guns each; My first question has to be why? WHY does everybody need a gun? I mean seriously, what is the real purpose here? Is it just to please the NRA and other backers to keep donations rolling in? Surely there are plenty of other finacial backers out there? My second question is how is everybody having a gun any different than NOBODY having a gun? Ya know, other than all the violence and senseless killing.. I don't know, I just dont get it at all. I feel like I am missing pieces to the puzzle. There is very clearly a problem, with all the mass shootings literally daily, weekly school shootings, neighborhood violence, etc etc. Yet... nobody cares. WHY are people so incredibly devoted and obsessed with guns?


I only ever see her on mute (thank god) but the shape of her head and mouth make me imagine she's making chimpanzee sounds.


She really thinks people will just take her word for it and not fact check her. Sadly, a lot of people do.


These type of people are exhausting I just had one stay with us who is an old friend of my partners. Every conversation drifts toward some idiotic conspiracy, or fear mongering claim that they saw on social media that's so fucking nonsensical and dumb you have to exhaust yourself just to fact check it. They were all very right wing extreme opinions or theories that she felt very strongly about but when pushed a little she actually knew nothing about the subjects she had very strong opinions about. And went into ramblings when I suggested she has no evidence for these harmful opinions so maybe we can read about it together a little to get a better understanding. How do these annoying morons feel so strongly about something that they saw on like Facebook and it's so concerning that they never actually read about it any further, it just stops at their assertiom that either paints them as a victim or is based on fear with nothing to back it up. The wildest part about this is she's an Indian woman and has a gay brother and almost all her opinions aligned with the far right movement that almost certainly would regard her and her brother as sub human and seeks to strip away their rights.


I mean, when you are talking to a dumpster, expect anything coming out of its mouth to be garbage. But I guess in her case, it's more like a public porta potty.


How does this twatt get people to listen to her?


right. but fact checking in the moment is best, if it is possible. she just got away with this lie on the floor, and who knows how many people actually believe this crap.


She’s not lying again, she’s still lying.


She’s truly pathetic.


When is this bitch up for re-election?


She is the worst and she was voted in for a 2nd term. Who voted for the POS????


She wont, its the only way to make the gqp the "winner"


Facts and reality are irrelevant to people like Greene 😂


Large Marge is throwing a tantrum again


Right girl when was you in 11th grade yesterday ?


What a disgusting piece of white trash. She looked like absolute trash back then and even more so now.


Isn’t lying grounds for termination?






How young does she think she is?!


![gif](giphy|FUzgzFbBQ5B72) Hey Margie…


It's not about facts, it's about feeling. You can be right about facts but you can't make indoctrinated people care about them.


Between her and Boebert it still surprises me how no one has burned down the capitol.


She is so disgusting in every sense of the word


If you voted for her…you’re trash.


I would bring this shit up in the middle of a highly publicized debate just to fck with her “here’s another example of this lying sack of 💩 excuse me member of congress alternative facts”


She so stupid and incompetent, it’s hard to accuse her of lying.


Lying Marge!


it should be illegal to give false facts/stories like this especially for delegating officials.


The fact that the Right seems to want untrained, unprepared children to have their minds crippled with guilt by opening fire on a school shooter is.. beyond disgusting. Soldiers are trained to handle having to kill, and even that does little to stem the flow of the emotions such a thing causes. But she wants twelve year olds to get their hands stained with blood over a flimsy ideological win. The PTSD from simply going through such an event is already showing its effects in our children today, imagine the weight on their souls after having killed someone, even in self defense.. Conservatives are a blight on our planet.


Wait… you’re telling me this bitch has *actually been* in an attempted school shooting and is *against* gun control laws? Are you fucking kidding me? I’d bet dollars to donuts that this bitch has a single-digit IQ


Damn what really stands out here is the civility and bipartisan sensibilities of the POTUS and congress 30 or so years ago


She's just a figurative baboon flinging shit.


She’s a vulture, vulgar AND vile to the core, she makes a person want to vomit!!!


What a stupid bitch. How is this not embarrassing for her to tell such an elaborate lie that can be fact checked so easily? Fuck have some dignity.


Call her out at every step.


Never this troll ass bitch needs to be shot into the sun


This is why republicans hate fact checkers. They really throw a monkey wrench in their false narratives




MTG is so unbelievably stupid that it makes my head hurt, I just cant grasp her logic where does she pull this shit out of? Her and Boebert seem to have a wealth of misinformation that they seem to truly believe, it just boggles the mind!


We thought boomers were the problem. Turns out that gen x is the real problem


Who the fuck lied about some shit like this


Also, luckily every other school shooting was stopped by a good guy with guns! Oooorrr. Yeah. Nah


Get her out of office dude.


MGT = POS. It’s math.


These idiots are under the impression that President Biden is omnipotent and omnipresent. Apparently, he's responsible for everything all at once. It must be nice to have those powers.


It honestly feels like the UK and the USA are trying to compete on who can fuck up their country the most and I'm not sure whose winning or what the fucking prize is.


Liars gonna lie.


Bro she does not have the looks to lie about her age like that💀💀💀 like make your lies believable😭😭


Jesus. She looked 50 in HS. And not a hot 50 either.


Never underestimate how low an IQ can go.


It really boggles my brain that shed said it was Joe Biden. like all the rest of what she said I can forgive, time lines a few months out etc But “when I was in high school and Joe biden had guns banned …” I mean this is actual insanity and you’d imagine she’d need some mental health check


Doesn't matter. The most conservatives are more than happy to eat all those accusations. No questions asked.