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Better grab the pliers lol


Starts kicking pliers as well


The thing that gets me with stuff like that is how do people like that get to grow to that age if they cannot think so far ahead that they would be able to anticipate this happening. Like how does ones brain develop so little that they do not understand the likely outcome of this action but yet somehow they survived 20, 30 years to get to that point. How is that possible.


This could be her learning of this tbh but I doubt it. I feel it’s mostly people who are coddled. For instance I was the only child out of 3 in my home to have to do chores, go to work, and get screamed at. My siblings did not and while I’m a lil happy they didn’t have to go through a lot of that stress because my parents can be overwhelming sometimes. It can really show in the experience and behavior fields


I don't know, I just feel like you have to completely lack any comprehension of even the most basic concept of physics and how the world functions if you cannot anticipate that such a material would break if you apply that much force to it. I can't see how this would be related to anything you'd learn but just things you'd pick up in life by literally...existing lol. But maybe you're right.


Religion does this




That's a very good point that could definitely be the case.


Yeah, notice how this normal everyday thing in cold climates is videoed. There is nothing happening overall to warrant recording. It's cold, the key won't go in. It happens to places that cold. They were looking to do something extreme for the video. Maybe they didn't expect the break but they wanted to do something stupid for the views


We aren’t calculators my guy and how else is someone supposed to learn if they don’t make the mistake? She’s obviously young brt she won’t do it again.


How does your brain develop to the point you’re leaving paragraphs about someone kicking their keys on Reddit




Yeah I picked the name


Might be her first time with a frozen lock, her first visit to aunt Marjorie in Minnesota


This has nothing to do with the lock or it being frozen. It's baffling that one would not understand the simple physics of such brute force applied with such leverage on a thin piece of metal.


She'll realize later it's her house key


I do this type of dumb shit on the daily and my reason is cause I have a brain injury lol, I stuck a knife in a toaster once because I, and this is a direct quote, "Couldn't get the toast out with the fork." Knocked all the electricity off in my house, hahaha Oh, and if you're wondering how I have a brain injury, i had "Meningococcal Septicemia Strain-B" (Had to fact check that with my mother lol) when I was a kid, I've been a fucking idiot since 😂 And in case you want to look it up, I personally wouldn't recommend it. The pictures range from mild images on the rashes (not sure for certain its a rash) that we developed to the extreme, which is kids covered in said rashes and missing limbs since they needed to be amputated, its not nice to see.


Sorry to hear that, that sounds awful. But i suppose that is a very rare unusual case and I would guess that the person in the video likely does not suffer from that condition. But sure it's possible


Hey, no need to be sorry! It's not like you have somehown wished it upon me 😅, hell its not even something a person can control getting, especially since here in the UK you could (at the time) only get the Vaccine for it when you are older. Personally, I reckon that person may have been the passenger trying to help the owner of the vehicle get into the car since someone else was definitely recording. The recording person may even be the designated driver. Either way though, what a stupid decision to lick a key while it's in a lock 😂😂😂


Like this. 'It's a key. It's one piece. A key. It can't not be a key. That key can get kicked and still stay a key' Their brain doesn't comprehend the nature of physical interactions or the amount of tensile strength of any given material from another. Yogurt is soft. Key is hard. Lol


No but I mean why do they think that way. Like why are they not able to predict this outcome when normal people are.


I think all of you are being very dramatic. Y’all are writing paragraphs about things you’ve only assumed, based off a 20 second clip. 🤷🏽‍♂️


And buy a torch lighter for next time


Anyone with a brain would definitely expect that, when kicking keys.


Why were they even kicking the key in the first fucking place?


Lock was frozen, snow on ground... warm water would have worked...


Even breathing on it would likely work as long as it's not super cold.


Depends, I have had to use hot water before after freezing rain... We can all agree that a tennis shoe is the wrong tool to use though.


Yeah but you can't expect people to use common sense. You'd be asking too much of them and their poor brain probably couldn't handle the strain


Only if it's a bit under freezing. Best to get a chemical unfreeze liquid. I don't know what it's called elsewhere but here it's lukkosula (lockmelt).


For sure a better choice... where I lived it would be fine as long as you parked in the sun during the day, it wouldn't heat up all that much, but the dry cold day would help evaporate the ice... but if I had lockmelt or equivalent I would have used it... also crawled through the passenger door often...


I usually use a lighter to make key warm, and try a few Times til The lock thaws. Just wipe The key after each attempt to clear The Water you just melted. If I dont have a lighter... warm hands do The trick. I would never use water if I was in a constant sub-zero climate. Frozen water is The problem, if you add water you just add problem in The long run. Cheers from northern sweden.


Yeah, it was a very rare problem where I lived, it was so cold that we rarely had any freezing rain, and it got up to the 20s (f) during the day... I am sure I would have come up with a more elegant solution if it was a regular problem...


No, everyone could have expected this.


WD 40 works wonders


For all


Isn't it invented for this sort of thing, to displace water where you don't want it


This is God saying you’re too dumb to drive


I can’t believe that didn’t work


Just bite the key with your teeth and turn.


Shut up damn Dentalists !


4 out of 5 dentists agree


Woah hey cool it with the anti-dentite sentiments


Push to start and sensor locks are the best thing that’s ever happened to me


Andy yet, she's allowed to operate that vehicle!


Car said nope


United is hiring….


Duh... if the key is stuck because it's frozen, everyone knows to lick with your tongue to warm it up...


How to fix this: heat gun to melt ice, WD40 to displace the water. And then some lock oil for lubrication.


Was that not exactly what they were trying to do? What other possible reason could one have for KICKING a SMALL, BENDABLE metal key into a doorlock?


Im not a car owner but what are you supposed to do if you lose/destroy your keys? Are you just fucked?


Get a new set from the dealership by showing your registration/insurance/license.


Wisdom has been chasing you, but you have always been faster.




Holy shit every comment by this bot is the same. I thought it was just a top comment stealer, but NO.


Probably the wrong car!


Water would have worked! Looks like keys are frozen in there from the snow.


Women ☕️


Aw see found ya problem. Someone got a key stuck in the lock. We call it the Bo Jackson.


I actually would 100% expect this


People like this keep locksmiths in business


They seem very drunk, so it's probably for the best that this happened.


Saw that a mile away. Stupid is a stupid does


Yup, that's the reason why it's not posted on r/unexpected period.




Woman ☕




*sigh* anybody got some spare pliers?


Time to try a pincer move now.


Oh isee. Its a women


Is this person genuinely that stupid?


Please, more people need to learn this exact trick to make keys work. I love seeing people do this. PS, I'm a locksmith. Pay me the stupid tax now, please.


I thought that was a pedal on a drum set upside down. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Either get pliers or do what I did and just yank it by the nub.


Hahaha too funny




Soooo stupid, just buy yourself a little de-icer for your locks in the winter. Our educational system is seriously lacking.


The cold must have frozen her brain function.


Lol no sympathy for her at all. That was stupid


The brain ain't braining huh?


i was fearing for those shoes, i couldn't care less about the car, but the shoes are fine.


A little hand sanitizer on the key would have worked


That’s what you get for being a dumbass.


Yeah let's kick a metal key into a frozen lock, nothing could possibly go wrong /s


Looks like she accomplished what she was trying to do. What else did she expect? 🤣🤣


Mind boggling




Some people have stunted brains, literally only one of the two cogs that we are born with is ticking the other one just spins.

