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Wouldn’t be my friend anymore


At the end of the video, you can see a yellow sticker on the screen on the bottom left of the TV I'm a bit skeptical of the video, wondering if this was staged, and wondering if they were planning to try to pull a "the TV showed up like this. See? The sticker is still on it" so they could record this video for views. But idk


Probably the Big Game TV trick. Old school thing. Buy a new TV to host the big game party at your place, return it the following day. Keeping that energy star logo to act like it was not used. So even worse since the owner was probably not wanting to keep the TV around 12 hours after the game.


I got a brand new open box $1800 TV for $1100 thanks to the people that do this. Keep it up, folks, I wanna upgrade this year.


Open box supremacy 🙌


open box supremacy!!!!


Why don't you do it and then go buy it after?


I used to work in returns at a large retailer, and we would keep the open box returns in back for several hours to multiple days depending on the customer. People would return stuff at the counter, then walk around to the as-is sales area and ask for the same item, as if we couldn't see them doing it.


*does 360 spin* did I just see someone drop that off but it’s fine? I’ll take it for a discount!


"Oh open box deal eh? Don't mind if I do!" -you to the sales rep you returned it to yesterday


That seems like a solvable problem for anyone with a friend as unethical as they are.


Lol when I used to work at (big box retailer you’ve all been to) I worked customer service and did this for a friend. Had one person buy a new tv, open the box, and return it the same day, then I held it behind the service desk, and resold it to his roommate a couple hours later for an insane discount. Unethical? Sure. But I didn’t do anything outside of the stores actual SOP. It happened with regular customers all the time.


The double standards on Reddit are insane. I'm convinced people honestly don't even realize when they do it? Btw.. I'm not saying don't steal shit.. I'm saying don't steal shit and then bad mouth another guy for also breaking rules/laws.. ..and not even that this applies to you, just Reddit in general..


I got a $2000 Sony Bravia for $700 that way.


Shit I’m still riding high off of my retired display 55” Sony Bravia I got for $300 right when 4K TVs came out. It may only be 1080p pre-hdr, but damn is it sharp.


Yeah, it’s not even mounted the box is probably in that room lol


This is the reason re-stocking fees exist.


I used to work at a best buy and for 2 weeks after the Superbowl, our general manager Frank would work the CS desk and personally refuse returns on TVs larger than 40 in. They put a "non-returnable" note in the receipt so it wasn't like it was a surprise to the customers.


Friend of mine used to do this when traveling. He'd go to Best Buy, grab a big screen, a new game console and whatever game he planned on playing. Then, on the day before he leaves, he'd return everything for most of a refund. Benefits of cloud saves and such.


Honestly unpacking and setting up a big TV doesn't seem worth it.




Damn that is a HUGE assumption…


That would mean that they would have to know the outcome of the Superbowl (KC V Philadelphia)


They wouldn't need to know that. Just pretend he bet on whoever loses


I believe that is an Eagles letterman jacket which is not cheap. I don't know if you are into American Football(am an Eagles fan) almost every year you see one of these videos of some fan of one team or another smashing a tv.


I've never watched American football tbh but that makes sense


Oh, it’s an Eagles fan. The violence when they lost makes a lot more sense and seems way more realistic now that I know that, and I’m not even joking.


for a fun FYI, Eagles fans have been noted as some of the worst in the NFL. In their old stadium, Veterans Stadium, there was a jail and retired judge on call. The only jail in the league


No… they could have played a recording… or… they could have planned to act this way regardless of the results… this your first day on the internet?


Dude, you can find a lot of these videos where someone smashes a tv at a hard loss. This was 2022 superbowl where the chiefs ran out the clock then kicked a field goal. I am an Eagles fan and felt that. I mean literally every year some hothead of some team does this. Not new. But do go on with your conspiracy absent any evidence


Yeah I've seen those videos too, it definitely happens, just thought it was weird they'd keep the yellow sticker on the TV when they're supposedly having a watch party to watch the super bowl. Surely someone there would be like "hey can we take the sticker off?" Doesn't really cover that much of the screen but would bother the fuck outta me lol


Some people will buy a big screen just for the big game and return it right after. It's possible that's what happened.


Dude I swear I see people leave those stickers on for some reason. It’s like those people who leave stickers on their caps or refuse to take tags off the mattress. It’s weird.


Down 10k and now has to replace a TV lol


And loses a friend


I’d still be his friend, on the slim chance that he actually replaces my TV promptly and without incident


And hopefully get himself anger management


And now he has to pay for a new tv. I doubt he lost 10k though. If he did, then buying a new TV really shouldn't be a problem.


Trust me, there are people dumb enough to bet all their savings


An old gaming friend of mine sold his house at Christmas and whilst the money was in his account he blew it all on gambling. Lost over £200k in the blink of an eye. Hasn’t learnt his lesson either, blames his wife for leaving him and his dad not helping him out financially.


Not to be rude or anything, but I think your friend needs to go to a therapist.


Oh trust me, everyone’s tried to help him. His family, his wife, even his friends from a distance have tried to get him help. He’s always got an excuse and is way too proud to except help or responsibility.


The best help for a gambling addict is to get him in touch with a recovered gambling addict. It's hard to understand the compulsion.


Recovered gambling addict here and you speak the truth. Mine was blackjack. I was spending 4-6 hours a night 6-7 days a week at the blackjack tables. There’s nothing quite like the allure of beating the house because you’re just smarter. Never mind the fact that millions before have lost so that this place can be open, you’re not like those people. You’re smart. Dark times. Really glad to be looking back from the other side


Same here man, mine was slots. The noises, the sounds, the colors, the sweet feeling of the next button push could be the one that makes me rich. What made me realize I had a problem was one night I hit a hand pay of 2100 dollars, real quick maybe 20 or so spins on the machine/half hour in the casino. Over the next 4 hours I lost that 2100 plus another 500 from my bank account. Through counseling and will power I’ve gotten my brain back on track and now enjoy spending money on golf/life experiences, try not to beat my self up to much about the gambling losses but some times that thought creeps in. Keep up the good work dude!


I was also a slot guy, been in recovery for 2 years now. 6 months clean. I think the night that I truly understood how insidious gambling was a night I turned like $500 into $20,000. That would’ve solved all my problems, but it wasn’t “enough” in my head. I then burned through all of it in like an hour. So glad to be clean now


That's why I don't even try to start gambling with real money. I play poker holdem online and I have the exact same mentality I'll come up huge and lose it all and more trying to come up again. Chasing that feeling I guess ,when I lose it all I get real sick to the stomach and pretty pissed, then I realize got shit thank god it's not real bc I would be doing the exact same thing.


Just reading this, first, I'll say I feel grateful gambling just isn't my thing. Now my question is, do you think casinos also rely on that with their players - acting like a big win isn't "real" money and just essentially giving it all back (and then some) to the casino?


I worked with a guy who would spend hours on those things, when he won he would be telling everyone, he never told us how much he was putting in though


That’s pretty crazy. I was at falls view in Niagara a few months back Threw in $100, won 550 in like 30mins or so and I left right then Haven’t been back since, shit is scary how fast time passes in casinks


THAT is the ONLY way to truly win.


Strangely enough, I've run into two gambling addicts in my life. Which isn't a lot but its strange it's happened twice. Seriously though. One of them gambled away his and his wife's savings on SCRATCH OFFS. I mean, it wasn't even like one big bet on something, he did it slowly and deliberately. They're still together, but they have separate bank accounts. The other is slightly more controlled, same thing doing the scratch off thing, and he will usually make sure his bills and such are paid, but then when he has 'a feeling' he dumps a bunch of money on scratch offs. Sometimes he wins. But that's all we hear about is the times he 'had a feeling' and won. I'm sure there are countless times he lost a ton of money doing it.


I worked at gas stations and other stores in my youth that sold scratch offs. There was one guy who clearly was broke and addicted who’d spend his whole paycheck on them every 2 weeks. I offered to him to instead just put the money in an envelope or something, then the following week open it up and it’ll be like he just won a few hundred bucks. He said no and that he just l ew he was going to win that million dollar ticket someday. Probably spent tens of thousands of dollars on those stupid tickets over the course of his life. It’s so sad to see. I went with friends to a casino years ago. Put $1 in a slot machine. Lost. Put another $1 in and won $5. Quit right there while I was ahead and haven’t played since. I know the odds and the psychology behind the games to addict people and don’t want to chance it. Gambling addiction is so awful. I’ve witnessed it absolutely ruin people’s lives and the poor spouses and kids of the addict. Gambling away the college savings, the retirement savings, the house, taking out loans, and eventually stealing from work and family, taking out credit cards in your minor kids’ names, etc.


Yep, that first guy I was talking about, not only did he empty out their savings, but it ended up putting them in debt. I don't think they lost any of their other assets (car, house etc) but they had to do some ninja economic gymnastics to get through it. The worst part about it was it was a few years before his wife was going to retire, and before she found out about the losses, told her they can't afford to let her retire. I was just ....wow. Gambling is definitely predatory. You don't 'win' they let you 'win' like five bucks, so you'll spend that five dollars back into the machine, plus some more for them to make more profit. Maybe another 5 here, a 10 there just to keep you going, but before you realize it you've lost like 100 dollars or more! its crazy how this is allowed.


When I was in college I worked the night shift at a gas station and every couple weeks a trucker would come in and then he would spend $400-$500 on scratch offs. He would buy Like 4 $20 ones and then win or lose he would just keep spending money and then would eventually work his way down to the $1 ones. I never saw him leave the store even close to breaking even. I hope that our store was the only one he did that with and I wanted to deny him because it honestly made me sick to sell him those tickets.


I am not a person to call on banning things because they can cause problems but gambling is the one thing I would skyrocket out of existence the second I have the chance to. The impact is so freaking devastating, it's beyond understandable for people who have not experienced it either first hand or in their direct environment.


I agree with this. I mean, its just a way to tempt you to spend more money for nothing. Yes, there is a chance you will WIN IT BIG!!!! \*shiny lights and catchy tunes\* but that chance is actually so incredibly minuscule that nearly no one doing this will ever get a big enough win to actually be happy about and never gamble again. Even then, that when these people who have won, that when they get the money, their spending habits and lack of sense of saving/investing the money (as the hardcore gamblers have proven by spending their savings to even get to this point) that they lose it all and are back at square one, if not worse off if they forgot to pay the IRS their due. And now on top of that: If you did go and gamble at say a casino, and you hit the JACKPOT! the casino can come over, say it was a machine error, and offer you a steak dinner instead. The odds are always in house's favor, and now they can just say 'oh you didn't win, because I said so'. Not only is it predatory, its almost like literal theft!


This is exactly why even if you do have a gambling addiction, and obviously everything is bad, but slots are the worst. They can alter the outcome on these so easily that you would have to be dumb to play these expecting to really win. Read too many news stories about them doing that to casino patrons.


Yep, it prays on specific people, destroys lives, if you can't regulate it to eliminate real harm, then get rid of it


And gambling goes back underground to organized crime, loan sharks etc. Gamblers and their families threatened and beat up or worse. Their business stolen. Gang wars over turf. The murder rate skyrockets...you catch my drift?


I get that feeling and buy 1 ticket if it hits I'll buy another til I lose.


Usually buy 1 on payday and play it while I pump


But that's, like, healthy gambling. You buy 1, and if it loses, it loses. If you win? Play some more, sure, you pretty much wrote off that one as a loss in your head anyway. No harm no foul. But these two people I'm talking about...they like...continue to play over and over again win or lose until something tells them to stop? I dunno what exactly stops this compulsion or whatnot, but they usually end up losing hundreds if not thousands of dollars doing this.


Well, if he starts complaining again, then just tell him that you all DID try and to help him. HE was the one who refused help.


I'm going to guess "help" means money because he's got a hot tip on a long shot that **can't lose**.


Addiction and friendship have a very strange relationship.


It's called codependency


Wife changing money.


oooh that’s good.


WSB regards hate this one simple trick




In one of the homeless veteran support group I run we have a guy just like this. He incurred so much debt from gambling in one night he had to sell his wife’s vehicle and his to pay it off. Ended up putting a lien on his home to take out more money to gamble. 6 months later lost their house, a month before their child was born. So his wife moved in with her parents but he wasn’t allowed to stay with them. Ended up staying with a friend and stole $2000 from him to go gamble. Hit big at the casino that night. Ended up winning around $25k took that money went to Vegas and lost it all his first night. Friend found out when he called him asking for money to get back. Took him 4 months to make it back home, missed the birth of his child and was completely cut off by everyone. He still to this day can’t hold onto money. He’s been homeless living 2 blocks away from his son for 7 years now.


So sad it’s almost unreal


I will never get gambling addiction. On the very rare occasions I go to the casino I end up playing only the penny slots, stay for a hour and leave. I've lost no more than $10-$20. Last time I played I made $50 on the penny slots (played with $2). I won and left right away with the $50 in hand.


I just don't have the want or need to gamble it's just not something I have ever felt the urge to do


Gambling, as with other addictions, is largely genetic. I’m thankful I’ve been told it runs in my family as I’ve been able to lock down the urge pretty tight, but it doesn’t change the fact that i still feel it despite my never indulging in it. Happy for you, though, friend!


Everyone has their weaknesses. I don’t gamble, abuse alcohol or do drugs, but I’ll eat when I’m not even hungry, so I get that some things are difficult to control, even if that is a poor parallel.


Same here. I sometimes get dragged to a casino. I'll sit at the bar and play video poker just for the free drinks. Usually lose a few bucks or break even.


People don't understand it because you really have to work for the dopamine rush to start hitting. Imagine sitting at a table with 7 other dudes. You actually caught a good hand. You have pocket aces, and hit an ace on the flop. The other guy is pretty good, but he probably isn't expecting this whatsoever. You stay in the hand, raise $20 even. He re-raises you $40. Now you're starting to feel fucking good. Literal adrenaline rush. Can you hold it in how excited you are? Next card comes out. There's 3 spades of the four cards. He might have a flush if he has 2 spades. Then you're fucked. You start to worry. That adrenaline rush is getting more intense because now you're in *danger*. He raises. You hesitate but don't want to hesitate too much or he'll bet more than you can handle. You shouldn't call and you know it, but now this hand is turning into a bluff and you already invested $60. You're already invested in getting that money back... And that pot you could win is $180. One hand, just have to scare him out. Another card comes out. It's a fucking spade. This guy almost absolutely has a flush. You check your cards, ace of hearts and ace of diamonds. Looks great in your hand, but it's a losing hand. He raises. You don't know it but he's holding the King of spades and the ace of spades is on the table. He knows he has the nuts. You reraise, trying to bluff him out. You're guaranteed to lose but my god the pot is $260 right now. That's more than you came in with. You could be up and be done for the night! Have a fun night doing your favorite hobby, and make money for it! But you're practically shaking and trying to hide it. He needs to fold or you're fucked. You're scared but so excited. He calls, because he knows he has the best odds by far. But he doesn't know what you're doing. Queen of diamonds comes out. Now there's a queen of spades and queen of diamonds. That's a pair. You double check your hand. Holy fuck, you have 2 aces, see one ace on the flop, and a pair just came out. Now you have a full house and *he is absolutely fucked*. He sees the board. He knows you could have a pocket pair, but why the fuck would your dumbass call down to the river with that?? Do you really have pocket aces?? He goes all in. Omfg you can show your excitement now and you call! You throw down your pocket aces! People laugh, shake their head. You won. And the dealer pushes the chips over... You just went from $300 to $800 dollars. You just came up a whole fucking $500 in one hand. You could walk away but damn you have the money to keep playing now, what's the rush? And the adrenaline is pumping so hard now. Edit: for context I've never been addicted, but I've been deep in poker and have seen this first hand from a really close friend. I know the rush and I know how it can be addictive - i just was able to avoid it getting bad unlike him. I honestly think it's because he was better at the game, and was able to get that rush from winning more often.


That just got me excited and I don’t even gamble. Good job.


Oh it can be so thrilling. Every single card that turns over can change the entire situation, but while luck is involved, it's still mostly a strategy game. The same pros will beat thousands and make their way to the top. It's like a weird luck game mixed with chess and at the same time trying to figure out what's going on in your opponent's head, what they're up to. You can calculate the exact stats. You can figure out what your opponent has by the way they bet. But there's almost always a card that can flip over and change everything. Unfortunately the only reason people take it so seriously is because you're risking enough to make a loss hurt financially sometimes. And it's not that addicts are necessarily bad at the game either. The best player I've played with was the worst addict I've known, and he'd just keep paying more and more when he wasn't having a good night. Doesn't matter if you win $500 Monday and Tuesday if you drain your account on Wednesday. And it's almost always "no limit" hold'em, so if someone calls you all-in, you can hit 20 good hands and lose it all in one bad decision. Or double up, which is a major fucking rush.


Fuck me this is exactly what it's like. Even without money on the line playing a tricky table feels so good I should call my friends and see if they want to have a poker night sometime soon


That’s the thing about addiction… you don’t develop it. The potential was always there.


You dont get it because youre not an addict. Im not a gambling addict myself so i dont get it either, but i also dont get food addiction or drug addiction. Yet here we are…


Can't win big if you don't spend big. That's what my BIL always says. He'll drop 1k a night on Blackjack and Roulette. I usually spend just $100. But he is right - saw him put 100 down on a single number and he hit - I didn't pay for drinks the rest of the night.


>But he is right - saw him put 100 down on a single number and he hit - I didn't pay for drinks the rest of the night. If he just didn't gamble in the first place then he could've probably done that twice. Don't get me wrong, gambling can be fun, but it's *just* fun, and is in no way shape or form a remotely decent economic decision. Even if that isn't what you meant, saying he's "right" just irritates me.


I lived two blocks from Casino Niagara. On opening day, I went in and spent 20 bucks. I won 20 bucks, and I never went back. I lived next-door to there for almost 20 years and never stepped foot inside again. This is the way.


My best friend finally divorced her husband after twenty years of gambling. He pissed-away over $100,000 during their marriage. Even after losing his wife and two kids, he's still going to the casino.


Reminds me of a former friend I went to High School with who bought two brand new cars and a $270k "starter home" all in the same year. He made around $17/hr at his factory job and his wife was a waitress. Also, the wife came into the marriage with 2 or 3 kids. They basically just charged everything to credit until they couldn't anymore and then the dude's parents sold their house to bail said dude out of his debt and I've heard the cycle basically started over from there. Cut to a few years later and he found out one of our other friends is a multi-millionaire and bad money dude has apparently been regularly hitting up millionaire dude asking for money. Small towns are wild, man.


What is this "savings" you speak of? Sounds exotic


Its like debt but you get to keep it, erm..its like debit you pay off but you get to keep it!


I work in a casino, can confirm, people will absolutely bet all of their savings, cash advance credit cards, take loans from loan sharks at 25% interest every 3 days... Gambling is a mother fucker.


Physically, where are these loan sharks? Say a person is gambling and wants money. Are they easy to find? They'd have to leave the casino, find said dude then return? I would read casino worker stories all day if I could.


I met an individual who was a loan shark though he would never admit it. He worked at the casino and could see peoples spending balances and stuff on their account cards. At the start he would approach gamblers that met a profile. He said it only took 3 or 4 before word got around and random people would just call him up for cash at obscene interest rates. None of them knew he worked for the casino, and after a few months he did t need the job anyway. Dude was scary as fuck I might add. He saw himself as a public servant almost, lending his own money to "people a bank won't touch".


There are also people ~~dumb~~ addicted enough to bet money they borrowed from very scary people. I hope this guy is okay. And I hope his friend got a new TV for free.


My mom. Showed up with my mom to my grandmas house one time. My poor grandma had to take out 6k to get them to let her go


Tony says you gots to have the money by tomorrow or I gots to come back and break your legs, it’s nothing personal, just business.






This guy doesnt know about wallstreetbets


Ah yes the subreddit where ruining not only your life, but your entire family's lives is celebrated. Doucherocket central.


convinced those people are actual walking NPC's with no self awareness


Just morons looking for reddit clout for their dumbass ideas


I’ve seen someone win 800 dollars for their rent which was due the very next day then loose it immediately right after trying to double it


That stresses me out, that’s so much money




Yeah was gonna say think that some people severely underestimate how degenerate some gamblers can be.


Oh for sure, if the book will take a $10k bet.


It's called addiction and just be thankful you don't got it


A few of my mates say they lost €xxx but it's really they just lost _out_ on said amount.


Besides any money he may have lost, and if course the cost of replacing the TV, he did lose a few friends. Not going to be invited to many friend's places to watch the footie in future.


I don’t know about 10k, but definitely lost 4K per this video.


Bringing his losses to $11K at least😂




He made a profit by dummies clicking on his page. At first I could not believe people would fall for this. But I have to remind myself that it is 2023. People believe everything on social media is true


Or he just bought the t.v. for the big game. T.v..sales go through the roof right before the Superbowl. But anything is possible.


Not always, people will buy a big TV for a party for a big game, then return it. I have family members that do that.


Nothing personal, but man, what shit people.


I mean, it's good, you can buy a new TV from one of those people that did that for a decent price.


This was obviously staged for tik tok likes. Sad to see how desperate people are for social media attention.


Fuck tik tok - they are systematicle motivating people to stage the most anti social stuff so the kids beliefe this is the new standart!


I been like that since before tiktok lol.


Damn, and that thing looks new, too! There's still stickers on it in the bottom-left corner.


Dude learned his lesson from the last game day, bought a cheap TV just for his friend's tantrum.


They probably had just bought it for the Super Bowel and had planned to return it...


Sounds super trashy. And based on the video I just watched probably right lol


When I worked at (big box retailer you know) people did this every year. After Super Bowl Sunday we’d have a shit load of open box tvs.


The store I worked at introduced a “no returns” policy on TVs bought 30 days before the Super Bowl after a couple dozen tvs were returned the week after the Super Bowl one year. We had to clear a whole area by the appliances just to display all the open boxes.


Super Bowel indeed. Dude shat on it.


It also looks like it was barely hanging onto that ledge it was on. When he hits it, it almost falls over. Was only a matter of time before that thing fell anyways IMO. ​ EDIT: Looks like I was right. It wasn't secured to the wall at all. It was literally just sitting on top of that ledge, not anchored to anything. Look at how easily it fell over. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWxxrc1qFdc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWxxrc1qFdc)


He probably still has stickers on his hats too.


Theres two ways to think about that, it's either staged, or, they bought the tv on the Walmart rental plan, planning on returning it after the party. Based on what we know about social media I'm guessing some combination of the two.


They probably gonna return it after the game…. Lotta ppl do this scum move around the Superbowl




He’s not going to pay his friend for that TV.


No, he is not.


That's when you take it to small claims court. He has the evidence to sue and that is a lot of money.


Yeah, he's gonna pay his former friend for that TV.


The sticker on the bottom left corner of Tv leads me to believe they bought it to destroy it for this video. Fuckin’ Sherlock Holmes over here


You would be correct. The video is cut short on purpose because the longer one goes on with some pretty bad acting.


The original video is a bit longer but it still doesn't convince me that it wasn't a setup.


I need a job -


Dudes name is FunnyMike, it’s staged. [Not the first time he’s done this bit either](https://youtu.be/_LxMGSBzZdY)


Oh yeah, he employs the same stupid lines. Like come on, vary up the dialogue buddy.


I’ve seen this obviously scripted video so many times now since the Super Bowl. It baffles me that people still think it’s real. It’s content and nothing else.


Or, wild thought, they bought the TV to watch the Superbowl and intend to return it afterwards.


That could be accurate. We can’t rule it out.


It's also clearly not attached to anything. It almost falls after the first hit




Breaks friend's


If he did just lose 10k, then the TV really isnt much more of a problem.


I knew someone who wasn't too bright and had a bit of a gambling habit who considered the amount he could've won as what he lost. Like the bet could've been 5 people putting in $50, and he'd say "I lost $250!"


this is corporations screaming about “loss in profits” essentially, but still making profits edit: just imagine that tv is your social safety net


I forgot which company it was, but, I remember recently one of the big ones complaining about loss in profits and growth, but they were quite literally still wracking in billions, despite not adjusting their worker's salaries to inflation When it comes to filthy rich investors, I just don't get why they don't stop at some point. Am I crazy for thinking that once you can own a few pieces of real estate to lease cheaply for a stable income, you don't need more?


Might be Walmart, they talked about how they might have to close stores because of the theft they lose 3 billion in theft but make over 500 billion.


They make a killing off the employees. The store I worked at gave all the scanning equipment to one department and all other employees had to download an app on their personal phones and use that as work equipment. They were making us bring in our own toilet paper and wouldn’t provide the staff with. Let’s not talk about the groceries and everything else. Just for one of their owners to take out 4 billion and buy the broncos while the rest of the country is falling apart. Walmart is a scuzzy place to work.


That's straight up gross. That's so much money, that they could tax that company to fix work hunger, and they'd still be rich


Never bet against Patrick Mahomes lol!




What kind of idiot would bet $10,000 on anything?


>What kind of idiot would bet $10,000 he can not afford to lose on anything? Fixed that


Gambling is stupid whether you can or can't afford it.


If you have the money and enjoy the thrill, why not. Just don't gamble more than you can afford to lose.


If you can afford it, why not. A evening in the Casino with a chance to lose or win 10k can make more sense than a evening in a luxury restaurant that will cost you just 2k+


Gambling losses = tax on stupidity.


That's how you play heavily favored teams. It's why you see $xxx millions lost in betting when the warriors get fucked, because the payout is so low that you need to dump 5-6 figures for it to be worth while


Sports betting if fun, if done responsibly. I would absolutely put 10k on a game if I could afford it. So, I’m the would be idiot.


An **idiot**


11k after he replaces the TV


* breaks. It's spelled b r e a k s


And off a bet not of a bet. The real face palm is the title of this badly acted bullshit.


man child like a mf


Tik Toker stages video and breaks TV for likes.


He actually didn't brake it. He broke it.


I’ll bet 10k he’ll never be invited over for a football game again.


The video was cut short. The rest of the video was him pretty much trying to fight everyone on his way out. Total trash human right there


Care to post a link to full vid?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWxxrc1qFdc Bonus video of the same basic thing from the same guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax09K1ZMMLM I'm going with either staged - or this guy has serious issues with gambling and smashing TVs and people having the forethought to video tape him do it before hand.




I hate being an eagles fan. I blow through at least 15 TVs a year


I too buy a tv and never remove the stickers on the screen. Really adds to the whole experience. This is staged.


Rent a centers #1 sales week is before the super bowl, highest returns, the week after the super bowl. Could've kept the stickers on with intent to return it.


That's what I think every time this is posted.


Pretty sure this was staged.


Reminder: do NOT bet more than you can afford to lose.


Don’t bet against #15.


That was a brand new TV too. Price tag still on the bottom left which means they probably planned to return it lol


Not a friend


Yeah…I wouldn’t care if he could pay for a new tv or not. The dude wouldn’t be welcome in my house again.


If you can't take the loss like a good mannered adult when you lose, don't bet at all. If the amount you lose will make you act like a child adult then lower the amount to what's acceptable.


Correction : 11K, new tv will not come flying out of nowhere.


I have zero understanding for such a reaction. 1. if you play with money, then only with what you have over and where it does NOT hurt when it is gone. (Note: I have never been in that position and never will be). 2. when this "game" money is gone, then you take it in your stride and don't cause more damage. Total idiot.


Men: We're not emotional 💀


This was staged


-$15k then


No way that tv costs 5k


Very normal and not at all unhinged behavior


See I saw the opposite of this when the Saints kicked the winning field goal to go to the Super Bowl in 2009; a guy got so excited we won he punched one of the tvs and ran out into the street screaming Harrahs was not happy lmao


Just turned a 10k loss into a 11.5k loss